The Farmall 400 Goes to the Field | In Memory of "Vern" Osborn

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uh something happened man did you do [Music] it well it's that time the 400 the 1956 Farm all 400 I bought this I was kicking it with Kiko over at the Osborne auction not too far from here and I got a really good deal on this it was a cold cold February day for those that did not see the auction video and I picked this sucker up for 4,200 bucks really new skins on the back um the only thing I've done to it is change the engine oil and put a new sediment bowl assembly on there not bowl and Gasket I change the entire assembly out and I'm glad I did when you pull those off a lot of times they are shot and I know there's going to be Sharpshooters but the reality is is that for what 30 40 bucks just order the assembly that's that's my motto but want to get this out and get it on the disc this is a farm all 400 it's an upgraded smta and really the difference between the 400 and the smta is about 5 horsepower 264 engine 264 engine in the smta but they were able to get about five more ponies out of this tractor So in theory alone it should pull as good if not better than the smte so wide front here I do not have power steering tell you I haven't driven the tractor a whole bunch uh around the farm a little bit after I put the bowl on there and boy it steers nice it really does I do have a new charlin power steering unit that in the event I do decide to keep this tractor and there's a high likelihood I will uh it will go on here I'm getting a little bit long in the tooth and I like my power steering on my vintage tractors especially ones that I'm going to utilize quite often let's go let's show and I still have the rollover plow on here a couple of the zerks actually took grease a couple didn't I'm going to throw heat on those and see if that can change their mind if not I'll just change them out and go For Broke there's really not a lot to these and then put a cylinder on it and turn it now let's talk about the tire placement from my experience these are 14in bottoms from my experience you're going to want to and I have a video on this with my super C you're going to want from I go dead center of the PTO out to the edge of the tire I like 25 1/2 in if you're in that parameter 26 25 you could probably even get away with 26 and2 and still do okay uh with a plow mold board plow type um than you're set these I haven't even measured them yet I will my guess is that we're probably not far off looking uh the front is wide I'll go show you that right now yeah we're wide we're H probably one hole wider than I care for especially if you're going to use this for field work not discing necessarily uh I'm guessing the last Feller that had this probably used it for hanging and wanted to make sure he wasn't running over his Windrose and that does make sense but I think we're golden in the rear but right here well we could plow cuz we're we're about even with the rear on the tires there so but yeah I like to move them in just one hole well I say let's get it fired up see if she sounds field ready trying to figure out the last time I had this thing started probably a solid three weeks ago so I to give you a point of reference we are out of gear but I'm in the seat I think I'm going to go a little choke see what that does she sounds good I do have a little bit of carburetor work I want to do on this and basically that is going to consist of at least cleaning the bowl and I will probably put some Sea Foam in that that tank but first things first I want to add more fuel some people call this Mechanic In A Can I call it it works in a [Music] can right about there I just dumped the whole can in there you go that might help with the sticking of the float now I promise you one thing there are zerks on this tractor that have probably not been greased in maybe 10 years don't know this tractor has not been to the field in a long long time I can tell you that the man is now deceased that was the previous owner so I cannot ask him but when you see stuff like this caked paint over top of the water pump xer they ain't been greased so I'm going to go through this tractor I'm not going to bore you with that and uh just grease it up man that's what you got to do well I got her all hooked up but this is going to be a different episode that cylinder I don't even know if the hoses are any I they're appeeling they're appealing but uh yeah and I'll show you why I'm going to hold off on these well I need a four bottom plow to do what I'm about to do turn field edges in and over the years it's kind of had a bowl effect you will see that but lill 400 h h h fast hitch plow it's that kind of day let's go let's show so we've made the field and what I want to do is I want to come here and turn this in because what's happened over the years is there's a bowl effect because people have plowed out instead of turning the dirt in and over the years I've just slowly been turning it in and it's getting better um I've always said one four bottom up through there and good to go but you can see I have overhangs and I got overhangs down there so they got to be cut and I got to get my pulse on order to do that I will spare you that change let's go we're about ready to tear this field a new one the old four bottom well she's fired up sounding [Music] great we're already dropped down so yeah we'll just swing through here in first gear first [Music] pass well no sense getting too far before you have an issue this prong is bent and I can't get this down no matter what I do um comes in it's just like this and bends it's an easy fix pull this pin pull this pin pull the prong out throw some heat on it and straighten it out and then throw it back on there but I want a plow man so I think I'm going to put the three bottom fast hitch on this that it came with it's the same plow in three bottom uh it they was pulling this like nothing like butter so I know it'll do well with the three bottom that's that's what the guy before me used so let's get that on there yeah and you can see this one's nice and straight and this one's got just a little curve to it and that made a difference about an eighth of an inch difference and these come right out and I'll be able to straighten that out and yeah this I mean what else I could do is just grind about an eighth of an inch off there and it' close down but it still needs straightened out at the end of the day and right now I don't have time to do it so let's go check out the other rig yeah Vern must have been calling down from heaven saying uh no if you're going to plow with my 400 you're going to plow with my three bottom plow that you got for $100 bill I sure did h h h she's a rolling and I will throw grease in that sucker we're going to grease this bad boy up and Y little stiff but nothing some grease can't overcome yeah no I think we're set up rigged up the roll let's go let's plow Regulators Mount up all right now we got the three bom we'll just start off in first oh can't find them grind them high throttle some people are probably like didn't you want to do a burnd down first I don't know does it look like I needed to do a burnd down first well I'm sure you saw what I saw a little high in the front that should bring her up a bit there we go got to watch grabbing this stuff with bare hands every blue moon there's a piece of B to flor Rose in there yeah the cters are set right I didn't really need the cters this is uh previously work ground but so I was telling somebody the other day with saw you got to have them just it lays over so much nicer little coverboards we're really wet right now I I wasn't going to plow till tomorrow and then realized I got a different video planned for tomorrow but shees that is a setup this this is a rig so [Music]
Channel: Farmall Fanatic
Views: 14,429
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Keywords: Farmall 400 plowing a field, Farmall tractor plowing a field, The Farmall 400 Goes to the Field | In Memory of Vern Osborn, antique tractor in operation on the farm, antique tractor videos on youtube, antique tractors working on the farm, check out some great old vintage tractor videos, farmall 400 in operation on the farm, farmall tractor videos on youtube, farmall tractor working on the farm, farmall tractors working on the farm, very old farm tractor in operation on the farm
Id: R9j4FvdvIw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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