THE FANATIC MOVIE REVIEW 2019 - Double Toasted

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now I know that uh you know a whole lot about fred durst martin you you look like a limp Biskit fish i don't even know one of their songs he's wearing when the brits like you have to be careful but i want me to be accused of stalking hey you can't just come to my private residence looking for me now before we start have to let you know that this video has been approved and sponsored by nord VPN never know who's watching you you never know who's following you you never know who's stalking you especially on the internet and that is why it is in your best interest to invest in a service that provides a virtual private network are a VPN now a lot of people agree that one of the best VPNs out there is north VPN and why is that well for one they have military-grade encryption you can also go to the website and see where all their servers are located in the many different types of servers that they are using which will give you security and protection all around the world even in places where 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your ass Martin if you don't like I mean I was like hopefully not he means it okay but now Martin today you've moved on from there he's taking that cookie up there that is your fred durst today Martin you know he wants to be a film on our tour and I tour Martin and you know he kind of wants to be the next Quentin Tarantino you know John Travolta hasn't had the best string of luck these days we'll talk about that in a little bit but you know he's the fred durst says you know what i'm gonna do them on i'm gonna give you another Travolta sons head John Travolta Renaissance lot of people have talked about the movie that we're about to review today and they have talked mad and mash a lot of crazy [ __ ] about it even before the movie got out the gate people said you lose you're not supposed to be here go home you're loser you fail I can tell just trying to help you that's not us though oh I tell you the moment I show him that trailing we both said believe we can't wait to get something this fanatic right here and that is the move we're talking about John Travolta as the fanatic and you can tell from the from the title there he plays a character who all he wanted was an autograph from his favorite action and horror movie star hunter just as he's about to get that that autograph he was next in line something happens he has to leave doesn't get that autograph and it changes the life of these two men forever ooh Martin Athenian drama for you vision course just these the simple action one simple action something that could have been avoided changes the life of these men forever let's go ahead and take a look at this trailer for the fanatic you're mine if you look over all right Tomatoes Oh Martin 18 it's got a poor 18% right there now you look at that you look at something that is a failure I look at this to actually have a look at this as a moment to look at a good thing here I see this as a moment of positivity now if you look on the bright side it actually did a lot better than his last four movies I mean you know at least it didn't at least we don't have 1/5 0% in a row you know we got to look like like he's had a string of 0% movies back to back gaudy God he got a big old split at 0% John's getting too much press that can't go unchecked you know like I said because of this look I saw a guy - god it was terrible I didn't as I mentioned I'd even know these other movies that were in existence right right looking at all those those zero percent on Rotten Tomatoes and looking at how people don't look at John Travolta meanness and that's what's gonna happen because he's had a string of hard flops yeah you know big ass belly flops he's done right here you know they don't look at him they don't and he's gonna catch the brunt of it right and the reason why cuz he is doing something different I mean doesn't help that he's in a performance where you know it's easy to make fun of him because he's being an autistic stalker there's such a jump bar here tonight that's enough I need to get an autograph don't let him do this to me you know it yeah it is easy to make fun of him because the role that he's playing yeah you know it's supposed to be creepy it's supposed to be you know supposed to be something that disturbs you and it's something that's very different for him yeah yeah matter of fact I one thing I read it it was saying how this is him definitively crossing over from being a leading man to a character actor and you know what that's before we say anything about this movie what everybody's trying to go in like I said kick this man while he's down I will defend him with this this is one of the most daring roles to date that he has taken all these movies they're just John Travolta what a different accent and a different costume in a different costume but it's pretty much still John Travolta he's a snake you get involved with the likes of him and I'll guarantee you'll get hurt championship means more than your father that's a movie trade and paint where he races his own kid and NASCAR sir why do I nobody thought it well I gotta be honest not not John Travolta but the minute I see Michael Madsen and something I know like oh well yeah this is skippable yeah yes yeah hey you cannot you know good good for John Travolta it could always be worse you could eat Michael - yeah with this movie not only has he gone from trying to be a leading man in something to a character actor but I would say for the longest time uh you know I would say ever not even the longest time maybe you know maybe it's his pulp fiction but I would say you know this is the first time I'll just send a long time if ever that I've seen him like totally transform and to another person he was completely immersed in this character yeah and I saw all the bad reviews that talk about they talk about the the bad hairstyle and him you know and it's this this wild over-the-top performance I'm watching it and I'm going I'm not sure I was talking about he he's nailing this okay so here's where I all right I said some good things right I was very supportive I would be in positive and listen I know you bought the dog this movie but I really dug it I liked it a lot I was my friend I was I stopped it at one point to go back and read the bad reviews like what is everybody's deal with this it was about minute 42 at the halfway point and it's almost like right after I said those words like I don't get what they're talking about everything took a major downshift and always revealed they just start plummeting I was like I'm looking at you and I was like brother don't do this no don't make us do this no no I thought I thought put us in therapy I sleep kid when they turn that corner or hit that slope it starts speeding down cuz Martin I look at you cuz you said I'm gonna dogs more like you goddamn rant about doctors moving on and I'm doggin it a lot earlier than you did cuz I'm gonna tell you something this this whole thing where everybody's talking about his his uh the way he looks and his autism being so extreme I'm like you got damn right this you know the problem with the character is that I I really appreciate what they did with him playing an autistic character what they what they were trying to do with it but man it's the the problem with the character is that he's just not autistic like this movie goes out of its way to make him a complete idiot they're like you know you just went too far to even make him look physically stupid you know they gave him a mullet in a chili bowl at the same time you know they made him dressed like a head you know like a like an eight year old Hawaiian tourist just you know I was like that that kind of haircut if somebody gets when they're young because they think it's cool at the time and then they get older and he never changed it but he don't even make can you make sense of this it's like I would figure that he at least had sense enough to like it connect the sideburns yeah your father and his mother that he's got back now I'm like what the is going on with this man you know that to me with what they're doing with autism and again it's not me trying to be oversensitive anything but I think they're making a mockery of it they making a mockery of the [ __ ] it's so it was so bad that there were times I felt like I shouldn't be laughing no I did you got that right I did because they you know because mostly I was laughing because they made this man a clown he you when you look at what as the movie goes on it even for what he does for a living is stupid think when he's so they got these people out there on the strip you don't like it and it did the buskers they got him in New York they got in Las Vegas and they got on on the la strip these people who dress up in costume to get money from tourists now there's a lot of things out there that people they give them money because like oh should I recognize that I recognise that ain't nobody giving money to a old-ass British cop yeah Bobby with a bad accent that you're about to hear in the job that gave him it was something to make him look stupid like he's playing a character that no one gives a [ __ ] about how does a man that can barely dress himself barely get by in life how does he make a living doing a bad impression of an old British Bobby cop and still sometimes still somehow has an apartment with all these old movie memorabilia yeah you know he a job ain't nobody giving him money for he's got no kind of disability I help he he's got help from one friend who says I just give you money every now and there but I mean enough to support them I'm like this [ __ ] doesn't make sense at all unless he's on SSI but they don't explain that anything it's full of holes don't get me wrong it's it's so much about what we want to have him do this we want to have him do this and nobody sat there to go hey guys if we do this then this isn't gonna work there's nobody there to say that it just kept going oh no man y'all strapped me in cuz we going downhill quick at this point that's I'm saying we mean we go on full speed and we ain't got no brakes no we got to crash this you know I was I was kind of heartbroken it's like okay so we gonna do that now yeah you got damn right this man's gonna hurt somebody cuz in a movie that's what it is he's not just he's a fanatic the reason why he turns into a stalker is because he just doesn't understand everyday he doesn't understand rules he doesn't hit to understand boundaries you know he's a child it's a big-ass child named moose and you like you got that right he's gonna hurt somebody especially when he doesn't know his own strength if you combined a comic-book guy from The Simpsons would robbed an arrow from the fan and you threw Lenny from a bison because he's gonna hurt somebody he is a violent big-ass autistic guy named moose and people still want to provoke him I know he was he had a whole house full of hard and genre [ __ ] but now they seem nothing to indicate this lame-ass [ __ ] like this is the you know what this is what your mama dressed you in when that's the last thing left on the rack at the Halloween story she's like you better take this [ __ ] of leave it maybe that was the case but don't get me wrong [ __ ] I was like I was having a great time Martin don't get me wrong I'm trying to tell it I'm talking logical [ __ ] but that was so entertaining to me when I came on I was at my cousin's house watching this and it was in the middle of the night when he came up doing this stupid [ __ ] right here and I saw him out there [Music] I love it this is this is this is my [ __ ] bar the reason why I laughed so hard at this it's because they think that they are doing something they think they're making a statement I'm being pro profile and when you get to something like this it's like man they're in quicksand it's like the more that they try to be serious and dramatic and profound the more they sink but the funnier gets you get to moments where this absolutely makes no sense whatsoever no matter how much I try to bend this [ __ ] no matter how I try to put it together this man as I told you is and they've seen him he is a violent strong as autistic man with the mind of a six-year-old named moose that's his real name by the way hey you have a flashback of their mom is like oh that's my little boo seals like that cheap-ass flash a cheap ass flashback I was like there's like that like well this explains why he is like is no it does it so that's the the cheapest Pulis out of the book of cliches you could ever throw it because mom was a whole she's as moose knock out of here with that know do people keep keep provoking him but they try to get him to do things that anybody anybody would have just Twitter with remote common sense wouldn't know that he can't do this they got these probably these terrible bugs in his movie he's street thugs in there bullies bully and a movie with adults we got bullies yeah schoolyard bullies made it acting like kids a mu C mu C are you doing this way yet that Mouse you guys just leave me alone oh come on yeah in in the boys bathroom I like bullies in high school dude will you go with me see but but when they're not make a front well they're not making fun of him one of them is trying to it's trying to initiate him into a life of crime yeah of picking peoples picking people's pockets we offered a knife Shore what we're gonna be making no Joe Donald Trump he wants him to pick pockets as martin said this is something that takes stealth cleverness and skill and skill and finesse so who do you choose you choose the lot as mentally challenged clumsy guy huh bumps into everything when he's walking down the street can't hold it cell phone this is the [ __ ] where when you're writing it when you're writing it before this ever gets to production you stop and you say man this is stupid what am i doing this makes no sense whatsoever none I tried you know come on Fred I trusted you come on you did it for the nookie man just like with this guy like he's not enough that he's a a rival and a criminal but he has to be a straight-up bully and then you got the other lead character devon Sawa you know he like oh he's an actor who was put upon by his fan but that guy's a straight up [ __ ] almost like you like he's got roid rage all the time yeah there was so many people that picked on this guy that even at his most violent I'm talking about moose yeah even when moose was at his most violent I want I seriously I want to feel sorry for him but they gave if there wasn't enough that didn't move it don't make any sense they got some of the worst lines in the film and some of those come from when moose is losing his [ __ ] uh-huh that terrible lines and you want to feel sorry for me but you just can't help but laugh performance except the times like maybe I'm it was the first time when he started get really emotional and lose his [ __ ] and I was like all right this is kind of cartoonish something like like everything I was blowing off that the haters they said I was like oh the world is opening up to me and I see it all clearly and it just keeps getting worse I'm like I'm afraid that's why didn't getting on looky you took that cookie and stuck it right up your own ass and man talk about what you said before it seemed like they kind of had something they wanted to say but by the second half hey you know what they were saying they didn't know what they were doing man I'm gonna tell you something you brought up the uh what was his name devon Sawa Sawa you haven't saw what man you you wouldn't you would think like okay now this is where there's a movie that's gonna do something kind of smart and I ain't like I said man I knew this she wasn't going away I can see somebody who thought it was and yeah cuz you think like all right maybe we're gonna get in this area right now we're moose we've kind of felt sorry for him moose is somebody that we've had sympathy for but it drives us to a point when he starts talking this guy that man as much as I want to care for this guy I can't this guy's a danger but no you want moose to just in his whole world you want him just pernicious because because hunter Dunbar played by devon Sawa as you say he's a complete [ __ ] and almost for the reasons the reason you can't just come to my private residence good for me listen pal I don't know how you found me but I never want to see you in this neighborhood again now you think that that's after this guy's been just stalking him and stalking him and bother him anything and now hunter Dunbar just he just got to tell him straightforward list I tried to be nice that's the beginning of their relationship Hey look pal I'm not gonna tell you again you know just kind of like I know if I see you in this neighborhood you know own this neighborhood huh and Moosa okay remember he don't get it my famous neighborhood again this guy this guy hunter dumper command yeah all the guy had to do instead of dick cuz we'll all you have to do is be like hey listen you know you can't do this man maybe I'm a nice guy maybe your nice guy I don't know but I'll have to do say hey listen to me you can't come around here again but you saw you wanted to autograph we want it man won't take a picture too good now don't come back around here like this because you get in trouble man Amy's gonna be somebody else but nah he's like hey look I'm not giving you an autograph all right out of here meanwhile the artist is kind of like just give him an autograph and yeah you see him there way he's using threatening language sorta he goes on to give him a direct and point-by-point threat of what he physically is gonna do to him yeah that's like bandit I'm sorry writers yeah exactly everybody hates this this character people start to hate all these characters nobody would say that no cut that [ __ ] out I mean man look this is them this is the even if the guy's creepy it's a mentally challenged guy yes this you want about bullies even more than those street thugs this man who's supposed to be the guy with that we are supposed to kind of relate to in a way or maybe that's not the point I don't know that's not the point but I'd collide and I think it wasn't cause if once we do a spoiler talk for this hour you know I won't do a whole spoiler talk but we will tell you what in the movies like for those who want stick around but so they maybe they did try to make this guy like it before reason but man it's a merely challenged guy yeah he talks this guy says and before they look it never had to get to this point he says hey look I see around here again I'm gonna take my rifle stick up your ass you're gonna be [ __ ] blood and bullets for weeks you did me kind of here that's literally what he said I get it this guy's creepy but you ain't got to do this [ __ ] now you're an [ __ ] uh-huh and I and to be honest with you I hope you are yeah you are you want to play because moose is mentally challenged yeah what's your what's your you're just an [ __ ] cuz this times I can't tell if hunter is a parody because right I know what you mean because what the thing with what they do at Hunter is that they show the movies that he's in you know they they show moose watches some of his films and you know you look at those films and they're terrible yeah there's even a point where where a hunter plays our action hero who wears not only his name on his jacket but he's supposed to be a tough action hero and his name is bedazzled yeah oh you know like he'd be like he made this [ __ ] at Holly Hobby Lobby uh-huh Rico you know like it'd look like me if you didn't know any better and I'm not I don't mean this in a bad way derogatory way he looks like he'd be going to an S&M gay club yeah he does and you know maybe that was what he was doing undercover yeah yeah we just hit all movie but the point is is that in any other movie he could give you to be like well there's satirizing action movies and he made it purposely bad but not here because it makes art it's the tone blends with this film it's like all this [ __ ] is bad so I can't tell if this is the parody or not yeah ressies characters I'm not that good you have an ax Gosha plays his friend Leah and now she's been some other things like Degrassi high and stuff like that song again I'm gonna do that thing where I'm not gonna blame her for being a terrible actress based on her talent but she's horrible in this and they give her some amazing lines when I say amazing amazingly bad there was one line I laughed out loud and I believe me I wasn't doing this to be I wasn't doing this to to be sarcastic but there's a line in here where she says most didn't just cross the line he nuked it what does that mean in the movie there is a there is a there's a dead woman laying in somebody's yard broad daylight there for a couple of days next to a window in Hunter Dunbar's yard and he does not see it where there's a gardener who also works out there yeah he don't see it and we don't know nothing about and we don't hear nothing about it for I would say now the movie so crazy I don't know it's hard in no time but it felt like a couple of days and it's not and is there where people can see it's right by the gate nobody saw this in that climax that climax where I mean this is where I you know I just have an appreciation for the movie for not giving up whether it's intentional or not you know I gave up it like I'm a man I clearly see I'm not [Laughter] tied up it turns it turns clumsily clumsily into and to into a horror movie this is where it actually now he turns into Kathy Bates from misery moose does and what becomes a violent to a point like violent and a horror movie type of way where it didn't really need to be it my mouth was on the floor cuz we're going along at this one certain pace and then something happens and I was just like yeah yeah yeah I I can't believe this is where this was your choice oh my god which what movie are we in now it would be is so it's is just so mean-spirited yeah in the end it's like it would be repulsive if there weren't so nuts man right yeah because I remember reading how it was mean-spirited and the whole time I was like really somebody else said that oh yeah yeah I read that in some other reviews at least a couple before it was actually in the original article that even told me this movie existed and they talked about it being mean-spirited hating this audience and hating its characters well I'm glad that somebody said because I thought I was gonna be like it's gonna sound like I'm just kind of being oversensitive no no no cuz I remember reading that and as I was watching the movie I thought they were being oversensitive and it gets that part and I'll say oh yeah all right i you know what i got a reserve judgement about judgment until i see for myself well they're right they they are I mean that I can I can come out and say you know wholeheartedly with confidence yeah this movie just gets it gets kind of nihilistic at the end of an over no reason no reason our again maybe there is but if there is if the ending and what they were trying to do with that violence they trying to make a statement with it it falls flat on his ass because they're trying to do something with irony at this at the end yeah and it has no impact because it's predictable and it's just not as clever as they think they're being yet I really did have a good time with this it's it like I said man maybe I mean spirited but there's nothing funny to me than seeing somebody just up there taking ages being a genius with this [ __ ] being smart and the whole thing just gets dumber and day the smarter they think the other dumb of this [ __ ] gets and that's where the rewards are reaped by us because we get the one of the greatest comedies out there I'm telling you man this is this lacks logic detail and in the dialogue in some of the the the story is so bad that this is one of those films like yes you people ask the question well is a good bed yes it is is brilliantly bad and there's one moment here if you think Fred Durst is not taking this seriously he can't even it he can't even make fun of himself there's a moment in here when Martin is talking about it you know it look I'll give it to you man I told you I that's one of my guilty pleasures is listening to limp Biskit [Music] alright you know I'm not telling nobody listen to it I ain't saying it's good it's good I said great don't even gotta [ __ ] he's like he's good yeah I'm not saying anything I'm just saying he's a guilty pleasure - I'm not hating on the man but goddamn you don't put your own song in a movie be like oh my god in his grace this there's a party here where he's hunted um bars driving and they put on a little biscuit and now the cool thing to do would have been like oh and I'm not saying his musics bad but to make fun of it you know be like what the hell is this these guys are terrible actually the cool thing would be to not even mention it to anybody mention it plays on the radio and maybe you turn to something else or play weekly or it plays softly while two characters are talking but this is to call it out and then say to the kid what you don't like this is great music oh they couldn't even say the kid even asking for the kid said nothing dad put the music on he put some biscuits on on he just he's like oh yeah kid this is my biscuit these guys are great oh this is just the part right here I'm just like did Fred ders have his dick in his hand he's directing this part I mean we were actually ride while God dog is getting off oh yeah this is good right here that's good it's like that's why I said I would like to wear the kiddo even like for the kid to be like Jesus kid Jesus dad you guys listen to this well maybe you got influenced by Once Upon a Time in the in the Hollywood what it kept driving around listening to songs but but it wasn't like those artists would listen to their own songs and I will get the look like I say one good thing about the movie it does make you feel a little bit disturbed at some points because these weird drawings just come up out of nowhere alright yeah these weird drawings and it really does I bet like man you know what if this movie was actually better those would have added so much to the tone I know there's so many different ideas going on in this movie yeah and nobody to corral them to give them unity now you're trying to be all these movies that have done it better first of all you tried to be a movie that wasn't even all that great and you can even achieve that oh you know look I was just there you wouldn't understand how do you think that slum Bob I just stopped caring man you stopped caring to share the spotlight but that movie did a lot better what they did here but I think we already mentioned a lot misery we mentioned a family for our photo but one out photo went out for but what our photo is the one that this is really trying to be like the one that did it the best you might even have a lot of friends amazing performance by Robin Williams and if you take a little bit of all these these things that this movie has dipped his toe in like I said misery one-hour photo the fan brain man you know it's like all these things have done it so much better yeah I mean not only is it not as competent as any of those movies and it's mistake sure try to be all things all of these different things at once but then it just starts to turn cheesy like it needs to be one of those cheesy almost campy thrillers yep and why are you gonna go this route now I'd still stick by John Travolta John Travolta I think did an amazing performance in here I know it's crazy to say with this movie I think it did amazing performance but they gave him nothing to deliver it right right and especially as it goes on the more he has to start losing it then his performance is not as great as it was but you started out as a good character piece in as much as their scenes when he's around people like when he's at the Hollywood party I squirm because I was like damn it this reminds me of times I've brought friends to things like this and it act yeah yeah no well you just feel sorry for the guy because he's out of his element some I need to take care of him he's an element where you know he he doesn't get it I felt I did feel sorry for him there I I feel bad for John Travolta that is an amazing thing that he was doing and he got ruined by just a really bad movie so yeah you know he's really the only great thing besides I mean besides you know watching this for a really good laugh what yeah in this several of those so yeah I give it dad give us some [ __ ] I can't even go out and give it a complete cue because it's not a movie that like it's not so bad that I you know things were making me mad that's not one thing hell made me mad not one I was frustrated but I really was not mad I was frustrated a little mad but John Travolta is enough to keep it from being a yeah some [ __ ] yeah thanks for watching everybody you made it into the video that means you have fun look you ain't going anywhere I know it you know it so hit that subscribe button also get notifications and if you really love what we do and you do go over to double toast it calm over there you'll find the long version of this video along with many others over there uncensored unedited online also remember always stay toasty [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 106,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Fanatic review, The Fanatic movie review, The Fanatic, The Fanatic 2019, The Fanatic movie, The Fanatic trailer, The Fanatic trailer 2019, The Fanatic John Travolta, The Fanatic 2019 review, John Travolta, The Fanatic trailer John Travolta, The Fanatic scene, The Fanatic ending, Movie review, movie review 2019, movie reviews 2019, Bad movies 2019, Worst movie 2019, bad movies, Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit, Funny video, Double Toasted
Id: dOCbI25KwnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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