The Fake Natty INVASION

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imagine my excitement when I was chilling yesterday and I see Vice dropped a new documentary called roid Renaissance the UK's steroid epidemic are you kidding me that's made for me steroids and vice reactions why am I so obsessed with talking about steroids always have been I don't know why is my forehead Tan in my videos these are the questions of the universe unfortunately on social media the steroid it out freaky bodies rise to the top and it's too easy to get a following these days by claiming that you're Natty because there's no repercussions for lying on social media and what happens is we established a culture where steroids are normalized and cool as long as you're honest about it the Overton window of fake nattiness has shifted completely in fact everyone is open about their use these days because that's the cool thing to do and just because people look big and strong on them doesn't negate the fact that those people are using drugs I think strength and physicality are ideals that men should strive for except when you take steroids you're just getting rid of all that there's no glory whatsoever you're not embracing any sort of suffering you're not learning anything about yourself you are doing puss boy activities I can appreciate Vice for making this as part of their High Society series because let's be honest steroids are drugs okay these are people who have an addiction an estimate made half a million young men in the UK are addicted to steroids in fact the class C drug is the second most used drug after cannabis M so when you train I've never done the pump is unreal but steroids come with some pretty alarming side effects look at bro's back it's so overp including liver and kidney failure got a lot of medication for the heart failure and heart attacks as well as mood swings and increased estrogen which results in men needing breast reduction surgery oh dude it doesn't get old I just the thought of medical forceps just extracting my nips are you kidding me bro this should be enough to never do steroids I want to take a look inside the steroid epidemic from the dealer selling it to the young men taking it why is the generation of young men getting hooked on roids I'll tell you why it's rather simple because we live in an instant gratification World okay now now now I want it now I can't work or wait for anything the glory the journey the path these ideals are gone about to see Tom Powell if he sounds familiar it's because he was in season 2 of Love Island he's been openly taking steroid for a number of years now do you still think there's like a bad connotations with steroid us and that whole stigma of your balls will shrink H that's no Stigma that's [ __ ] true it's true yeah my balls are tiny I don't know about you guys but I'm taking that large grandfather clock pendulum swinging nut sack any day over small shriveled nuts back in school I was a chubby little kid uh so for years for years I was till I realize girls don't like fat guys what's funny is a lot of dudes actually start taking steroids to attract more women right get the ladies all riled up when in reality they just attract more attention from other men when did you start taking steroids 5 months after love Island was being on camera did that affect how you saw yourself yeah I felt probably I should have stay in shape more um it wasn't the reason why I jumped on steroids it was a contributing factor obviously I wanted it to look good all the time because you're constantly in the public eye the main reason why I went to L violence because I wanted to become a sponsored athlete I met the guys that I wanted to become you know it's kind of sad that the fitness industry on social media has become a career path for some when they first start out but the barrier to entry that nobody talks about is steroids and I asked them straight away I was like Bo talk to me about steroids are you want them and they said yeah you can't get anywhere in the industry without them you can go into any single gym and buy steroids within 5 minutes of being in there that's nuts man they're very very available so what's the biggest you've ever got 120 kilos lean five six years ago when I first started taking steroids I wanted to be these you know topless influencers that was he doesn't even look good bro oh God why shred and I wanted to be that and now I realized that that was the wrong way to go about it and that's not what the fitness industry should be I take trt now which is called testosterone replacement therapy it's a very low level of testosterone I have a problem with trt because that has become the new golden standard of fake natties right I'm on trt it's a medically prescribed dose from a doctor it's just getting me back to Baseline levels bull [ __ ] [ __ ] okay exogenous testosterone is still anabolic I don't care what your levels are you're still taking steroids let's be real here it's not for muscle gains it's just for replenishment of me I've actually got a job now if you want to see it yeah of course yeah long-term steroid use impairs your testosterone production resulting in symptoms like fatigue anxiety and low libido Tom has to take trt a prescribed light steroid to help balance his hormones where would you inject it today is my bum unfortunately for you yeah I got a pin I got a pin my ass watch me pin my ass there we have it new alcohol wipe wipe all around the area and that is all done and that that didn't hurt at all when you first started taking it what were the side effects this is where I was taking Trend in my third cycle so I had a lot my mood swings were up and down night terrors which is H horrible dreams every single for those of you who don't know trend is a serious serious compound and a lot of people have these crazy Nightmares on them just straight up staring into the eyes of the Devil Himself sweating profusely rage it's crazy I actually used to get nightmares myself that was until I started sleeping on my Helix mattress which is why today's video is sponsored by Helix Helix sleep makes premium mattresses and bedding customized to fit your needs conveniently shipped in a box right to your doorstep you don't even have to leave your house everybody's different and Helix knows that that's why they designed a sleep quiz that helps match your unique body type to your sleeping preferences this way you can find the perfect mattress for you if you sleep with a partner or even a pet you can take the quiz together so that you can find the best compromise for everyone personally I sleep on my side and stomach and I prefer a medium mattress feel which is why I was matched with a midnight Lux I've been sleeping on Helix mattresses for over 2 years now and ever since I moved I had to upgrade from a queen to a king that's how much I love my Helix the days of going to a mattress store are over you no longer have to sit through an annoying sales pitch only to be sold an uncomfortable overpriced mattress in fact your new Helix comes to you I actually had fun setting up my new bed it took me just under 5 minutes to carry it up the stairs and watch my new mattress spring to life you don't even have to take it from me if Sebastian is sleeping on it you know it's quality if it makes you nervous to buy something you haven't tried yet in person Helix offers a 100 night sleep trial this way you get a little bit over 3 months to completely fall in love with your new mattress best of all every Helix comes with a 10-year warranty they offer flexible payment plans and even have financing options available so a great night's sleep is never that far away I love my Helix and I think you would too if you're in the need for a new bed check out Helix go to SL filon to get 20% off your new mattress plus two free pillows and thank you to Helix for sponsoring this video couldn't keep a hard on I looked incredible I looked lean I was full you also get like the Bubonic plague where you just cough your lung out of your own body you know it was great but I felt like death having a surgery and you live streamed it yeah I had gyo surgery gyo a build of estrogen behind the nipple I'm estrogen sensitive the gyo man the gyo that's enough for me to never do steroids I don't get it h so when I was taking steroids my Easter gym built up and stuck behind my nipple basically and it was causing pain agly packing TI Why did you live stream I'm going throw up I'm going to [ __ ] throw up to raise awareness I know it's a bit crazy the more people are sees the more people are reachers the more people are going to see here and and maybe get checked out so I thought yeah why not go live yeah why not I'm trying to Enlighten people about the use of steroids bodybuilding they get so shredded they lose the sex drive and we as a community epitomize these these people with six packs and actually these guys are so not healthy women lose their periods for life sometimes not just a couple of weeks just by doing a couple of bodybuilding shows and people don't realize this yeah a lot of people think that you know those pray mantis looking women on stage right with the stick legs and the 12 packs are not on steroids you bet your ass they're on steroids and they experience virilization AKA turning into a man let's say I'm a young person trying to get into the fitness industry and I want to be the next G influencer would you advise me to take steroids uh find your own path I want to be in the industry so much I listen to what anyone else did do your own Journey Thomas suffered numerous side effects from his years of steroid use including having to do breast reduction surgery as a result of gtia Vice we got to get some new [ __ ] the self-proclaimed king of gyno Dr John warns that tens of thousands of men are now at risk of needing the surgery due to this guy's probably rolling in it are you kidding me if you guys want to become millionaires just become a gynecomastia surgeon in the UK you're big chilling for the rest of your life the St juice how many gyal surgeries would you say you do in a week due to steroids I do about two two to three a day um holy [ __ ] I thought he was going to say week man's is just clipping nips so if we say half of them are due to steroids I mean we're talking about you know 15 in five days so about seven or eight probably from from steroid use wow but I'm the king of guy now I mean Dr John is letting us film his next breast reduction Sur his patient Grant is already in the waiting room yo what's up bro oh I'm all good I'm all good how are you feeling nervous why are you getting this done like everyone I speak to no one notices it I got tits bro I'm sorry but for me it's a self-confidence thing I've always had like a little bit of it when I was younger so as soon as I hit like 16 you get it when like some people hit it through pubity and then I started using steroids and it just kind of never left and just got worse and worse and worse as I got bigger and bigger but as you're a big lump you don't really think about it but if you go to places like a be for and my bear and stuff like that and you're taking your shirt off and you're surrounded by other people that do steroids that haven't got it people notice it talk us through your I hate that so I just came back from Europe about a month ago and it's funny to me that like going on holiday right Marb it's like expected for men to take their shirts off and it's like ingrained in Euro culture it's like you're on holiday you just got to be ripped it's so unhealthy bro steroid juice when was the first time you started taking it 18 18 yes I've been on and off it for 10 years I started going to the gym seeing nothing seeing nothing and I was like you know what I'm just going to jump on a course took some tablets and start getting bigger and kind of never look back is it more for Fitness or is it more like an aesthetic I am so unfit honestly at my biggest as about 17 and a half Stone when we're talking about Fitness we're talking about health and adaptability how well can you adjust to the certain environment or workout or stimulus that you're given these guys are not adaptable they're one-dimensional and they literally just pack on size for no reason whatsoever ever since I started boxing and athletic training I feel so much healthier just because I can move through space more efficiently I feel young I feel spry I feel like an athlete and that is completely lost when you start participating in things like bodybuilding even powerlifting you're not flexible at all walking on an incline on the treadmill and doing the StairMaster isn't enough cardio to stimulate actual cardiovascular endurance and your metabolic conditioning is non-existent how can you be fit when you can't move it it makes no sense to me and it's a hard pill for a lot of Turbo gym goers to swallow I couldn't walk upstairs like generally my breathing was terrible I was just carrying so much excess weight I didn't need that's also important to note because your body can't really tell the difference between excess muscle mass and just being fat right at some point a 250 lb bodybuilder and a 250 lb fat person are carrying around the same mass but the bodybuilder has diluted themselves into thinking that muscle equals Health takes balls to do this but if you see this guy in a shirt he literally looks normal I don't get it I wish I'd never started but now I'm on it it's too late the J's ready for you now from Good Luck my guy got this man oh here we go bro how do you feel nervous currently is it ticklish right now no it's all right the moment this is the stuff that's hanging out and here's the actual glance after applying a local anesthetic the surgeons have filled Grant's breast up with a liquid to help with the procedure holy [ __ ] what are the dangers R it's too early for this bro I would think that the most common risk is getting a hematoma so the body wants to heal it and wants to push blood into your chest other risks nipple inversion nipple necrosis but there's different ways to prevent that nipple inversion and nipple necrosis one of them your titty turns inside out the other one it rots and dies off as much as possible next they're going to extract the fat like they would with lipos Su so what this does is breaking up out of the fat and the pseudo gland inside is partially fat and partially fibrous tissue so we break apart the the part that much F to be I don't think I can do this if I was this documentarian and I was in this room seeing fat piped up through a tube are you kidding me I'm passing out or throwing up look at bro's face it's a girl oh [ __ ] hell mate pulled out a placenta from his chest a literal alien [ __ ] horrible I never knew this is what a gland looks like yeah I genuinely can't believe anybody wants some turkey burgers that doesn't put you off taking cids I genuinely don't know what will since steroids are illegal to sell in the UK yeah to my knowledge steroids are illegal to sell in the UK but not to use undisclosed location and I'm about to meet an international steroid dealer who makes steroids in his kitchen imagine that's your job making steroids in your kitchen Like Walter White and thousands of men probably buy from him that's crazy to me you're not even getting pharmaceutical grade [ __ ] yo all right what's going on right now so basically I'm so basically I solu of nelon or DEA we've got the raw powder here put a couple of chemicals in there and I'm just finishing it off with some seed oil this is the carrier this is the solution there's a growing sentiment within these fears that seed oils are some of the most unhealthy substances you can consume typically in food for your body but the reality is a lot of these people who demonize seed oils shoot up steroids that are suspended in seed oil itself so the irony is just ridiculous and and it's another marketing grift to get people to buy their own shitty supplements usually every time you take this [ __ ] you're risking your [ __ ] life you know it's it's a lottery unless you're making this yourself or getting it from a pharmaceutical company you don't know what the [ __ ] in it you're the most honest drug dealer I've ever heard in my life not everybody who makes and sells drugs is trying to kill people and and rinse them do you know what I mean I mean you know it's it's a great area you know what I mean it's like yeah ethical drug dealer yeah what would you say is like your demographic it breaks my heart to see it but 16 to 24 Y how can you be an ethical drug dealer when your target audience is 16 to 24 year olds you're quite literally ruining these children's lives yeah as they like sort of coming through puberty in this you know young guys want just be B for whatever if you train properly died properly take this [ __ ] you're going to feel indestructible who doesn't want to feel like that all of these ingredients are you like easily sourced yeah easily the chemicals are just household everyday items sourcing the rolls you have to order them from abroad get them shipped in and that's the riskiest part if customer sees it but that's all they'll do the risk reward if you can't it to other drugs I mean it's insane the returns you can get it wouldn't be uncomon for on a bad month to make 50 Grand and a gold month to make 100 Grand if that's true if he's making 50 to 100 Grand I don't get what this janky setup is Bros in his kitchen he's cooking eggs one minute the next he's suspending nandrolone what are we doing here at least get some sort of compound goes on there you go okay this is nuts and if you put a light through you should say it's clean there should be no particles in there that's a that's a good tip actually if you do buy gear get a light on it if there's [ __ ] floating in the gear thanks Mr Anonymous drug man I'll be sure to put a light up to my bottle a test it don't take it cup comes off there you go made him what 30 minutes no time at all a lot of people think steroids are hard to come by he just made them out of Windex and toothpaste in under 30 minutes what would you say to any young person who's thinking about taking steroids don't [ __ ] take it it'll ruin your life no [ __ ] teenage boy anywhere in this [ __ ] world needs to be taken anabolic steroids but he still makes and sells them oh the hypocrisy [ __ ] yourself up you're not going to come back for it you look like [ __ ] and all of you still look like [ __ ] it worries me that even the dealer is warning people not to take steroids but for some athletes competing in the bodybuilding industry they would argue n this is a mental illness full stop that's what this is seek help taking steroids is a necessity okay every single athlete today it will be their first time ever on a body state imagine calling a bodybuilder an athlete so we do need to give them lots and lots of support we have our first athletes ready I believe looking good thick solid and tight what's your stance on some of your athletes maybe taking steroids do you advise it or not it is is a it's a it's a good question um and I feel like it's a it's something that someone needs to come to the bro is waffling yes if you are going to do bodybuilding you need steroids okay bodybuilding does not exist without steroids sorry to break the secret to you boys but the gig is up conclusion thems I'm going to then try best advise you to do it in a safe manner a lot of men definitely have body dysmorphia and they take the steroids to make themselves feel better but it ends up having a negative effect have you or anybody else do you know are they taking steroids for preparation for this I do take steroids oh you do take steroid take steroids yeah but it's all controlled it's not abused I have my Bloods taken the cognitive dissonance it's not abused no I I'm just permanently on steroids for the rest of my life now how did you first get into using steroids I started steroids in 19 I finished stories at 24 at which point I was very large not in bad condition and had the potential to turn pro as a bodybuilder and then I I tore my left pet completely off yeah we didn't even get into the injuries that can happen because you're growing too much muscle and you get this God complex and your tendons humble you real quick that sort of ended that and then I spiraled into depression the renal specialist basically says I outgrew my kidney capability of managing my physique so I'm stage four kidney failure and that'll never get better is that a lot of medication now as like a whole lifestyle Chang no not really not from the kidneys we got a lot of medication for the heart fail you're in heart attacks but not from the kidneys heart attacks plural heart attacks well I had a heart ATT an official heart attack an official mic had infection in end of November last year growing up is realizing that you shouldn't skip Heart Day do you know anybody who's died because of steroid usage it's difficult to say that someone's died because of steroids are there people that have passed that steroids may have played significant role in it yes without doubt so if I drive drunk did the alcohol kill me or did the car kill me it's still your choice the risk is exacerbated by the actions that you are doing can't OD on steroids you know what I mean you can't go and take too many and drop that yeah it's a time thing thing it's a constant abuse dude that's such [ __ ] people's bodies give out that's it because I don't know your frame isn't supposed to be walking around with excess Mass putting all that stress on your heart enlarging your heart making it work overtime just to fuel [ __ ] muscle on you hello kidney failure liver toxicity [ __ ] hormones you're screwed varicose veins thicker than Garden hoses spidering all throughout your body blood pressure through the roof uh-huh yeah no steroids can't kill you steroid use is r in the UK and it's extremely easy to get your hands on them trapping men in a cycle that seems hard to break with social media platforms often perpetuating The Narrative feeding us unrealistic body Images ironically the side effects can sometimes make men even more subconscious and in some cases be fatal that's such a good point I really like that they ending on this note because it describes the psychosis perfectly men who are self-conscious take drugs to no longer be self-conscious but inversely they become more self-conscious because they develop body dysmorphia and a whole host of psychological illnesses I actually really liked that video they didn't hold any punches whatsoever and they showed some really dark side effects of steroids and if some of you are shocked about my Hardline position on steroids these days if I convinced one of you to not do it then I did my job so quite frankly I don't give a [ __ ] if you think I'm crazy or not instead sign up to the third eye Global patreon and I'll convince you myself why you shouldn't do steroids
Channel: Philion
Views: 444,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philionfit, phil rusnack, philion
Id: yyvKQtZXnJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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