The Faithful Prince Story in English | Kids Stories | English Fairy Tales

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the faithful Prince long ago there lived a king who had an only son who was known across the land for his charm and good looks the prince went hunting one day suddenly from a thicket flashed a golden deer the astonished Prince ordered they form a circle but then let me go to their astonishment the creature had a human voice I will give you countless treasures I already have many riches but I do not own a golden deer then I will give you more than treasures and what may that be I will give you a ride on my back like no Bertel van has rode before very well the glittering deer rose up for seven days and seven nights it carried the Prince over all the world on the evening of the seventh day it touched the earth once more and instantly vanished Prince Barham Gor rubbed his eyes in bewilderment but he had never been in such a strange country before come here and what are you looking for my son I rode upon a golden deer he left me here in this strange country and then vanished you are in diamond land I am the demon judged ruler whose life you saved when I was on earth in the form of a golden deer it is you come with me my son the demon jazzed rule took the prince to his house jazzed rule gave him a hundred keys whatever these four these are the keys to my many palaces and Gardens amuse yourself and somewhere you may find a treasure worth keeping so every day Prince Barin Gor opened a new palace and gardens over and over he found riches beyond everything the heart desires when he reached the hundredth palace it was a hovel it looks poisonous snakes and insects but the garden in which it stood it was by far the most magnificent of all the gardens the prince enchanted wandered seven miles this way and seven miles that while he slept the fairy princess shop a son who was taking the shape of the pigeon happened to fly over the garden catching sight of the splendid handsome young prince the ferry sank to her astonishment seeing such a lovely sight no sooner did they see each other did they fall desperately in love and so they agreed to get married without any delay however the Prince thought he should consult his host the demon jazzed rule seeing this was his land I have found a princess to marry one defer to the young man's delight the demon appeared greatly pleased Prince Barin Gor and the fairy princess APIs and were married and lived ever so happily but the thought of the home he had left returned to the prince and he began to think longingly of his father and mother [Music] what ails you my prince he fell - speaking of them - the princess his new wife and then took - sighing and sighing and refusing his dinner until he became quite pale and thin you must eat you are wasting away I don't care I want to go home now the demons astral used to sit every night in a little room below the prince and princess to listen to them to be sure they were happy he asked Prince Barin Gor what was the cause of his growing so pale and sighing so often oh good demon the affable young prince would have rather died of grief then committed the rudeness of telling his host he was longing to get away let me see my father and mother let me and my princess go or I shall assuredly die at first the demon refused but at last he took pity on the Prince weird so however you are soon along to be back here in demons land your world has changed since you left it and you will have trouble take this hair with you when you need my help burn it and I will immediately come to your assistance [Music] I am sorry I have nothing oh my I can't believe it's you oh my prince where have you been I was taken to a strange land where I met this beautiful princess what has happened to my city where his father and mother I am sorry Prince they are gone no that can't be true I am so sorry indeed his father and mother were both dead a usurper had taken over the throne and put a price on Prince Barin Gore's head should he ever return the Huntsman agreed to let the young couple live in the Attic of his house my old mother is blind she will never see you coming and going and you can help me to hunt as I used to help you so they hid in the Huntsman's house now one fine day when the Prince had gone out to hunt princess schiappa son took the opportunity of washing her beautiful golden hair her long hair hung round her neck and down to her ankles like a shower of sunshine and when she had washed and combed it she set the window ajar so that the fresh morning breeze might blow through and dry her hair just at this moment the Chief Constable of the town happened to pass by saw the lovely princess with her glittering golden hair he was so overcome at the sight that he felt rather his voice and into the gutter the chief never seized raving about a beautiful fairy with golden hair in the Huntsman's home this story found its way to the Kings ear so he sent soldiers to the Huntsman's house but she being blind had no inkling of what they were speaking of no one lives here no beautiful lady no ugly one neither only me and my son let go up to the attic and look for yourselves if you must using a knife the princess cut a hole in the wooden roof then taking the form of blew up so that when the soldiers burst in they found no one the princess greatly distressed at having to leave her beautiful young prince as she flew past the blind old crone she whispered in her ear go to my father's house in the Emerald Mountain great was his grief at finding the attic empty and the blind old crone could not tell him much of what had occurred other than the mysterious voice she heard go to my father's house in the Emerald Mountain that is what I heard he was at first somewhat comforted but when he reflected that he had not the faintest idea where the Emerald mountain was he became very sad he refused to eat and would cry for his princess every day at last he remembered the magic hair and threw it into the fire it had scarcely begun to burn when my prince what can I do for you show me the way to the Emerald Mountain you would never reach it alive we guided by me forget all that has passed and begin a new life I have but one life and that is gone if I lose my princess as I must die let me die seeking her touched by the young Prince just roll promised to aid him as far as possible back to demons land he gave him a magic wand and took him to the demon nanak son's house you will meet with many dangers but keep the magic wand in your hand day and night and nothing will harm you that is all I can do for you but Nanna my elder brother can help you farther he held the magic wand in his hand day and night no harm came to him at last he arrived at the demon Nanak Shands house the demon had just awakened from a 12-year sleep so he was desperately hungry and on first sight of the prince his mouth water hello can I help you when the demon nana-chan had heard the whole story he shook his head you will never reach the Emerald Mountain my son be guided by me forget all that has passed and begin a new life I have but one life and that is gone if I lose my dearest princess if I must die let me die seeking her this answer touched Nanak shunned so he gave the faithful Prince a box of powdered antimony and made him travel on through demons land till he came to the house of the great demon Safed that bed is my eldest brother if anybody can do what you want he will if you are in need rub this powder on your eyes and whatever you wish near will be near but whatever you wish far will be far when the prints showed the demon the wand powder and heard the whole story Safed shook his head you will never reach the Emerald Mountain my son he guided by me forget all that has passed and begin a new life I have but one life and that is gone if I lose my dearest princess if I must die let me die seeking her you are a brave I must do my best for you take this yet captain whenever you put it on you will become invisible journey to the north and after a while in the far distance you will see the amount in then put the powder on your eyes and wish the mountain near it is an enchanted hill and the father you climb the higher it goes on the summit lies the Emerald City and her secretly by means of your invisible still he could not find her fact was Prince the shop Hassan's father had locked her up inside seven prisons for fear she would fly away again being her father he was worried she would escape back to earth and to her handsome young prince if your husband comes to you then well and good but you shall never go back to him so the poor princess wept all day long for how could mortal men ever reach the Emerald Mountain at the sight of her he could barely refrain from fooling himself to her but remembering that he was invisible he waited till the servant left locking all seven prisoners one by one she thought she must be dreaming but when the hole had vanished she became convinced someone was in the room with her who eats in the same dish my sweet prince the servant next day was astonished when she found the young prince seated beside his princess the King on hearing the whole story was very pleased at the courage of Prince Barin Gor and ordered the princess to be released her husband has found his way to her the king appointed the Prince to be his heir the faithful Prince Dharampur and his beautiful bride lived happily ever afterwards in the Emerald Kingdom [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 231,862
Rating: 4.5621777 out of 5
Keywords: English Fairy Tales, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids, english tales, story for kids in english, The Faithful Prince Story in English, Kids Stories
Id: cVoOvn1R_SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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