The Eye of Horus | Warhammer 40,000 Symbolism

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in the Warhammer 40 000 Universe a myriad of symbols with intricate meanings weave a deep and profound narrative already together we have traversed the depths of symbolism exploring symbols such as the Aquila the Sagittarius and the puzzling symbols of the mechanicum but now my beautiful viewers I invite you to venture further with me into the Realms of hidden meaning as we uncover the Mysteries surrounding yet another symbol of the Warhammer 40 000 Universe the Eye of Horus ancient symbol born amidst the era of Humanity's great Crusade holds a special place in imperial history the symbol has a duality that intertwines elements of greatness and heresy inviting us to explore its Origins and delve deep into its deep symbolism its earliest Incarnation known as The Eye Of Terror stood as a testament to the Eternal vigilance of the emperor himself embodying the watchful nature of the Imperium during those most tumultuous of times the roots of the Eye of Horus formally the eye of Terror stretched back to the ancient tapestry of myths and legends where Gods clashed with Mortals in battles of epic proportions in the Realms of Egyptian mythology this symbol embodied the Divine vision and omnipotent power of the god Horus serving as a shield of protection and a beacon of insight a parallel emerges in Norse mythology where Odin and an act of sacrifice surrendered his own eye much akin to Magnus the red in his pursuit of wisdom and knowledge such themes of sacrifice and Enlightenment find resonance in the Eye of Horus transcending the bounds of ancient law and manifesting in our modern world as the Eye of Providence this symbol which I believe and please confirm this my American viewers even adorns the one dollar bills of the United States and represents Divine guidance omnipresence in the ever watchful gaze of a higher power thus the convergence of this mythological and historical threads reveals the Timeless and Universal nature of the Eye of Horus encapsulating concepts of protection power sacrifice Divine vision and providential guidance today we embark on a journey into the symbolism of the Eye of Horus negotiating the vast Landscapes of ancient myths and historical Concepts that have shaped our understanding of this symbol as we delve deeper I aim to unravel some of the layers of meaning contained within Illuminating its representation of the indispensable vigilance required for Humanity's survival in the 30th Millennium and its enduring portrayal as a harbinger of fear and Supernatural might in the 41st millennium together let us explore the perplexing nature of the Eye of Horus so that we can work towards understanding its impact within the rich law of the Warhammer 40 000 universe so to start us off I should probably outline the diverse stages of evolution that characterize the heraldry associated with the 16th Legion originally known as the lunar walls the 16th Legion bore a distinct emblem a wolf's head superimposed upon an inverted Crescent Moon as a legion gradually transformed and its Allegiance began to shift so too did its insignia the badge evolved into a striking symbol depicting a stylized eye positioned above an arrow Arrow this emblem originally known as The Eye Of Terror and seen extensively throughout the early Imperium later gained infamy and would receive a new designation within the Imperium the Eye of Horus the transition from the wolf to the eye began to take place when the emperor personally extended this offer to Horus upon his promotion to war Master at Eleanor considering the importance of the eye symbol to the emperor and the early Imperium it is quite significant that the emperor chose to bestow such a potent symbol upon his son the ACT serves to highlight the immense trust that the emperor quite obviously placed in Horus and reflects the extraordinary power and wisdom he recognized within him but accompanying the introduction of the new Legion symbol there also came a renaming of the Legion and a transformative shift in the color scheme of their armor and their broader heraldry the emperor offered Horace the privilege of renaming his Legion to Bear their father's name thereby offering his sons a fraction of their power and Prestige associated with it initially Horus hesitated to embrace this change deeming it overly prideful to rename his Legion after himself it was only upon the Council of sangrinius a newfound understanding of his role as warm master and just a little bit of disillusionment in the greater Imperium that Horus embraced the new Legion name and heraldry with the conclusion of the Horus heresy and the subsequent Reformation of the sons of Horus into the black Legion the iconic Eye of Horus emblem persevered albeit with significant modification now superimposed oh the eight-pointed star of chaos the symbol retained its malevolent power and became a striking representation of the black legion's allegiance to the undivided forces of Chaos the symbolism embedded within the 16th legion's heraldry reflects their Journey from loyalty to betrayal from the noble lunar wolves to the tainted and treacherous black Legion they shift from a wolf's head representing loyalty and strength to the All-Seeing Eye atop an eight-pointed star signifies a real transformation it represents the legion's descent into darkness their allegiance to Horus and their eventual alignment with the malevolent forces of Chaos the Eye of Horus as a symbol came to be known embodies the corrupted ideals and twisted Ambitions of the 16th Legion it serves as a chilling reminder of the tragic Fall From Grace the treachery that unfolded and the far-reaching consequences that followed the black Legion has become a fearsome and formidable Force Under the sway of chaos forever synonymous with the malevolence embodied by the Eye of Horus throughout human history symbols depicting the human eye have held great significance representing Concepts and qualities in diverse cultures and belief systems the stylized eye with its distinctive markings was believed to possess magical powers of protection and healing it adorned amulets in artworks serving as a powerful symbol of mysticism in ancient cultures and across cultures and continents eyes have been revered as gateways to perception knowledge and Enlightenment with the concept of the third eye in Hinduism symbolizing expanded Consciousness and spiritual insight but eyes have also been associated with protection against malevolent forces the notion of the evil eye found in many cultures suggests that certain individuals can cause harm just through their gaze to counteract this amulets shaped like eyes have been worn for centuries as safeguards against such evil in the realm of spirituality eyes also serve as connections to the divine they symbolize the All-Seeing and all-knowing nature of gods and spiritual entities through the metaphorical inner eye or Mind's Eye individuals gain access to wisdom intuition and a deeper understanding of existence eyes also served as powerful methods of conveying emotions they express Joy love sadness and fear transcending language and cultures in this way eyes become a reflection of our individual identity revealing our unique character and our innermost emotions the symbolic power of eyes has inspired artists writers and thinkers throughout history their profound influence can be seen in the masterpieces of renowned painters the verses of poets and the pages of sacred texts I serve as a reminder of the depth and complexity of The Human Experience the origins of the eye of horror specifically can be traced back to the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian mythology in these ancient Tales the Eye of Horus represented the eye of the god Horus symbolizing protection power and a Divine vision in ancient Egyptian culture the Eye of Horus was strongly associated with protective magical properties and found widespread representation in their art this symbol served as a common Motif for amulets retaining its relevance from the Old Kingdom era through to the Roman period its lasting presence underscores the enduring belief in its powers and the importance it held in the lives of the ancient Egyptians in a similar vein the symbolism of the eye in Hinduism is quite significant known as the third eye it carries deep spiritual significance and in some ways is in parallel with the symbolism of the Eye of Horus in Hindu mythology the third eye said to reside on the forehead positioned between the two physical eyes it embodies the subtle Inner Eye of spiritual perception and divine insight The Awakening of the third eye represents the attainment of spiritual enlightenment and a heightened state of awareness the eye holds the representation of divine knowledge and profound insight it signifies the capacity to perceive Beyond ordinary Realms and acquire deeper understanding opening the third eye is believed to Grant access to elevated levels of consciousness and wisdom the i in the Hindu context is regarded as a protective symbol warding off negative energies and malevolent forces it possesses the power to safeguard spiritual Seekers on their journey and symbolizes the Awakening of spiritual consciousness and their transformative Voyage of the Soul it embodies the expansion of awareness self-realization and the pursuit of higher truths in norsmith powerful figures have made great sacrifices in their pursuit of wisdom and power and power one such example is Odin the chief deity of Norse mythology who willingly gave up one of his eyes to attain profound knowledge in the vast Universe of Warhammer 40 000 a similar theme of sacrifice and transformation emerges between Horus and Odin the Striking parallel lies in their shared pursuit of Greater insight and power through sacrifice both Odin and Horus willingly relinquish a part of themselves understanding that true knowledge comes at a cost Odin's sacrifice of his eye granted him unparalleled wisdom while horace's Embrace of the ruinous Powers offered him almost unparalleled power and insight with this understanding we can also ascribe the theme of sacrifice to the Eye of Horus A fitting Association considering horace's choices and the consequences of his actions in the Horus heresy but within the context of the 16th Legion the application of the eye symbol has evolved to reflect its deeper meaning initially it represented the watchful and wise nature of the early Imperium but as the 16th Legion underwent Transformations both in their composition and heraldry the interpretation of the ice symbol expanded to Encompass themes of power Divine protection divine presence Divine incised and sacrifice by the end of the Horus heresy and the siege of Terror we saw large swathes on the 16th Legion wholeheartedly embracing the bestowed gifts and knowledge of the ruler's powers it becomes evident that during this period the legion would have greatly benefited from the potent manifestations associated with the eye this perhaps serves as an explanation for the enduring presence of the symbol throughout such tumultuous times persisting even into the 41st millennium the symbol of the eye played a crucial role in granting the legion significant advantages and exerting influential forces upon their path in fact when looking for some images to use for this video I was actually getting a bit worried that I would summon a bloody demon or put some weird Voodoo curse on myself just by looking at so many weird strange esoteric images of eye symbols and artworks that came up as results therefore it's highly fitting that the black Legion continued to embrace the Eye of Horus as their Legion symbol when we delve into the symbolism of the eye in this context we find a close resonance that aligns well with the nature of the 16th Legend the metamorphosis of the Eye of Horus is truly unique it evolved into a formidable symbol that initially symbolized vigilance and wisdom but later came to represent the eternal struggle between Order and Chaos loyalty and betrayal and the quest for power and Enlightenment through Divine means the symbol serves as a profound representation of the enduring themes and conflicts that weave throughout the warhaman narrative offering us a glimpse into the ongoing struggle for power and the intricate interplay of the cosmic forces involved thanks for watching dystopian chimp out
Channel: dystopianchimp
Views: 782
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Lore, Symbolism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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