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hello welcome we are watching the expanse and this one is called it reaches maybe just maybe we're going to get a lot more information this episode did I did have a thought that potentially the ring it could morph into its own planet and that would be interesting its own alien solar alien planet and we're going to see Julie again we're going to see um everybody we lost they're going to be their Miller everyone's going to be there but they're just it's going to be different I I don't know that would be cool that' be interesting but I'm ready to jump in okay it could make its own planetary system it could make it could just be evolved to say you know what we are going to be the new people that new beings like we're going to copy but make it better like our own Earth that would be interesting his vessel should have pancak with him but it's fully intact so what killed him an energy field some sort of invisible wall or good they fire a human guinea pig into its eye and belters think they're ready to join the family of Nations he wasn't a probe he's a slingshot her out of series he's some kid trying to impress a girl back home well I hope she's impressed understood it maybe this structure isn't an entrance but an exit what do you think Pastor as your God revealed but if we are going to meet God as a bunch of angry fools we should turn these ships around and go hey my nail oh everyone's going to see this then oh God see godamn ring woke up my bad alien ships are going to start pouring through that thing wanting to chat with our leader slingshot [ __ ] to the other side this never ends what do you mean Holden I need coffee is a coffee machine working I mean I just find it hard you know out of all the places in the whole system that we could be and we're here mhm the big fot you wear it well Ash thinks he should have this command what does that mean Fred Johnson get inside your skull K he's right but will take time time a church voted some guns to it and called it a warship to protect the belt no it's because we don't want to be left out to this part the parking what the [Music] heck guys a magic Tri tick tick tick on so this is happening bones like Jun are you trying to talk to me yes what the hell what my investors paid good money for access to the Rossy and its crew okay they're footing the bill for this trip and making sure that your ship is not repossessed we are grateful for that I need your full commitment when there's more to a story I want you to trust me she's a lot won betray that he's a lot like do this from back away just a tiny T yeah okay so this was a this is a unn ship un you can back to thece get you the Jee God I see the rock hopper the rock hopper no the iners would have waited outside that ring for a whole Generations tap tapping lightly waiting for an invite he kicked the door open and threw on the light switch and belus built this whole damn I know I remember you talking so much in the old days it's probably sleeping it off somewhere guy's a freaking genius gets paid to drink on the job gets paid again to sleep off his hangovers shut the [ __ ] up easy kid de don't turn in your cover all to the company you know get I can say for most of the people met up here k47 you are off course the hell are you doing sorry sorry you killed us you're a shitty electrician like Ren you should have told me you're even what with the hat keeps the rain off my head he look kid never turn a clear room I kept telling him I said the stores in Corners kid if you don't clear the room if you don't come in slow that room will eat you oh you have to go into the ring I'm supposed to slowly you're dead I'm just an investigator now okay okay which at least explains the stupid [ __ ] hat at least it was a looked weird hey none of my business are you sick cat no have to I don't care just oh she's there he is good though I mean he's got that thing with the words my are you all right thank you no so no one is ever going to know that this just happened I read his you did it hell yeah I did in the interest of the ship so what say you ran his G on himself for the protto molecule infection holy 35 times it happened at the same time like a glitch what de you need to go what no no no no you why why me why am I special ship see you're a tool of ghost places I'm a tool of s oh okay is it using you to get to me it reaches out builds the investigator and the investigator looks but he does not finds with the kill the investigator kill the investigator wow I'm James hold speaking on behalf of the outer planet's Alliance Earth and Mar and are already plotting ways to control it I'm here to declare for the OPA that belters are the only legitimate benefactors of the Ring oh and to show you that we will not nor back down from this clim we've struck at the inner vessels this is like a us he's trying to start the next War they'll fire on him too or you're assuming he cares about survival that was not Holden kind of trap okay netive but they have Target locked rante we'll be next Captain Kamina if you want to save the Behemoth you have to prove to them that we are not with him someone is trying to play you don't fall into remove her from the commander Dam listen to me you know hen isn't capable of what we just guys oh my god oh Christ now the Behemoth Target locked us the Behemoth an Opa ship they got to fight the [ __ ] am get me a goddamn tan working camera get back into a c we're not going to out run their fire I can get a can you can't somebody crippled this ship it was all a setup you were not the only hope we have God damn it Captain I don't want to scrape you off that wall open up have Alex override a all we've been through how many times have I asked you to trust me one minute alone damn it profess no knowledge we are prepared to fire on the rasante let us take care of our own you have one minute no what what's happening greed overload need to divert more juice to the weapon system oh because there was that's right that's right there was that little piece of of the protomolecule and that's how there's the connection I no longer have a ship going to a room too fast kid the room eats you oh shoot oh please you need to go for the ring slow the rosi down f burner hard as you can without that missile catching us we are dead if I slow down not to stroke us out how do you know all this about three because Miller told me oh my God they're going for the ring wow I literally have two [ __ ] are they doing they're dead no whoa no no don't end no dang it oh man I want I I can't go to the next episode I want to but I can't that was so weird I was just like what's going on yeah doors and Corners I forgot that that um there was that little bit of that protomolecule left from the Proto being that got on board so that is their connection but what's weird and like blowing my mind more is that for some reason Miller is being used because I guess so far of all the the people that are being used they're all tools which was what I was thinking like that they were using each person that they've taken they're they're it's like they're using each of them as like a computer that they're just kind of going you know clicking away and getting every bit of information about them what are they what can they do what can they not do and with Miller he's a he's a detective he's an investigator but what's going on are they it's almost like they're in like a a hell purgatory T where they're just like if if I'm trying to explain express my brain here in my brain what I'm seeing is like every Julie and and Miller and everyone is like they there's they're strapped down in this wherever they are somewhere else and they can be brought back somehow after this Proto molecule has got inside their head knows who they are and then they're being used and every time like they they create them and then they kill them when they're done or they're they're crossing a boundary or whatever he was saying it's like it's almost like their souls are not gone they're still they need to be saved somehow I assume by by The Rosy crew cuz they're going to go in but it he kept saying You' got to go in sleep slow you got to go in slow the belter kid went in really fast and he was destroyed his ship wasn't destroyed but he was destroyed but then the other key the other piece of the puzzle the other clue is this protomolecule that might mean that they're undetectable somehow for because they're they it's all together it's all seen as one so they can sort of go undetected and somehow Miller might be using his like he's connected to the crew he's connected to that ship so he can maybe override what is going on in in some way to because of the protomolecule being in the ship he can go in there but he's also doing it to help his friends and I don't know if that's right but this is what I'm trying to come up with right now and I it's exciting I'm I maybe completely wrong but whatever this is awesome like it's so damn cool it's so good it's so good and I guess it's like I don't know who this mbook girl is I don't know who the blind guy is if they're all working together and they're trying and they're trying to basically do something to to I don't yeah it's like who are they working for what are they doing what's going on it's for the greater good but for who um unless it's like Aaron right somehow or some I don't know but awesome awesome awesome Beyond awesome this was great and then why is it Miller why is he the one that is the only one being is he's the only one who can see so it is this weird thing again with Julie Ma and with with did I say Miller it's this it's like why is it that Holden is the only one that can see this that can see Miller it's like this thing with Julie Ma and Miller like they're they're like they're the they're very important somehow they're they have their own set of Believers their own set of disciples like Julie Mau had Miller Holden has his through and it's just yeah there is something special I mean I guess like could be like there is this religious part of the series that we keep seeing they're even driving a ship the Nauvoo is a church ship now so they're driving that and what is they have all these religious leaders aboard the UN unn and it's like why they think they're going to meet God which I don't think that's what's going to happen it's not not going to be God but it's something it's obviously something else but very awesome so that's where I'm going to end it here I will see you guys next time thank you so much for watching with me and I'll see you soon
Channel: Imon_Snow
Views: 1,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, groupreaction, review, discussion, girlsreact, subtitles, first time, scene, clip, episode, anime, commentary, it reaches out, the expanse, 3x8, miller, doors and corners, the ring, james holden
Id: vF0ENi6mVuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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