The Evils of the Gangster Lifestyle - Sheikh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

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although the lung you mean a shape on your mangy bismillah and more money more here I'm and I'm doing what a salut something along why he why the honey we'll send them as you just heard finding the topic that I've been assigned as the topic of the issue dealing with drugs and drinking alcohol as well as gambling specifically dice and in dealing with this issue the first thing that I want to make clear is that these vices are from the most lethal and the most effective tools of a Shaitaan and as a result of that it was only sensible that the religion of lslam adjust the issue head-on just as we're trying to adjust the issue here in this mess ship a many of the masajid that are traditional and that are cultural you got people who are dealing with drugs and having other kind of problems with all kinds of vices and you don't hear any extraction coming from the member all those issues are not being tackled with dealt with at all it's something that we don't want to be the way of our Masjid here at greenling Masjid because that shouldn't be the case with any Masjid so in dealing with this issue we should bring to your attention that in the deen of allah subhanaw taala there is something that is known as the doriot hamsa the five essential things that al islam came to take care of and it came to protect this lamb came to protect honey the religion of the people and i was lamb king to protect the lives of the people and it came to protect the money in the wealth of the people and it came to protect the lineage of the people and it came to protect the honor of the people those are the five doriot some of the word i might add on to it a sixth one and that that it came to protect the intellect of the people so when we look at the Haram and the halal and lslam all of the hell out and the Haram issues they come to take care of these five or six things drugs and alcohol they pose a threat to all six of them showing the serious seriousness of the issue they pose a threat to all six of them the individual who murders he commits the major crime of murdering someone he may murder an individual but it really doesn't necessarily harm his lineage doesn't harm his lineage at all a person may be a practitioner of magic a major sin but it doesn't necessarily harm his lineage at all may not harm his money at all but the issue of alcohol and drugs it affects every single one of these six issues that el Islam came to deal with became to protect and as such as you're going to see it is a serious issue in the religion and the way that it was dealt with in the Quran and the Sunnah is in a serious manner before going on I just want to try to clear something in terms of trying to explain the Prophet sallallaahu Adi will settle them he prophesized about a phenomenon that was going to happen and this happened now it's been happening for some time concerning alcohol and concerning drugs and there's no way in the world he could have known about these issues over 1400 years ago without allow subhana WA Ta'ala revealing these things to him he said Sal Allahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wasallam yesterday lana toy if attunement mati and hammering some muna ha berated me hon they are going to come a group of people from my Ummah they're not go far they're from my Ummah they would try to make intoxicants halal they're going to call intoxicants by other than the proper name they won't call it hummer they won't call it alcohol and give other names to a thing by changing the name of the thing then it changes the essence of the thing or the ruling of the particular thing because of this hadith we have to deal with identifying what is an alcoholic beverage in this religion and what's the difference between alcohol and narcotics because I remember when I came into the Dean in 1986 there were people who like me reverted to Al Islam converted to Al Islam and they used to smoke marijuana they use to smoke cannabis and they used to try to get us to believe that cannabis was from the earth and is natural and as a result of that it hasn't been made Haram because it's from the earth and we still hear people saying that today the messenger of allah made it clear to us illallah wallahu said of them what is an alcoholic beverage there was a man who came from a lemon and they had a name for alcohol there there was a beverage called and minsu and miserable and misery that was one of the names of the alcoholic beverages and it used to make people intoxicated and drunk the man acts the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam Jaros allah is this miserable is it Haram The Messenger of Allah acts that man said Allah while he was seldom our mosquito Noah does it intoxicating does it make you drunk does it have the ability and the quality of making a person intoxicated the man say yes he told the man Sal Allahu alayhi wa ala a Deva said of them cool Muscat and Haram everything that makes you drunk everything that makes you intoxicated it is Haram everything this hadith first proved something that we always saying we come across hadith like this first it goes to show the Prophet did not have knowledge of everything so Allah what he was in he had to inquire from the man does that thing that in toxicant that beverage does it make you drunk the man said yes if he knew the element of a he would've never asks the question because he knows every word the second thing is that although in the city of an medina with a prophet sallallaahu who sent him and they didn't know what that brotheridge was he didn't know it was the fact that he didn't know the name that specific beverage doesn't mean that it has a name that you don't know so therefore is not Haram in al Islam it is the quality of intoxication that makes the issue Haram no matter what you call it another group of people came to him and they asked him about an intoxicant that was called a little bit oral he asked him the same question does it get you high does it make you drunk they say yes he said then it is something that is Haram and another authentic hadith the messengers of Allah while he was selling made it clear for us in regards to the liquid alcohol the liquid alcohol what it comes from and what does it constitute he says of allah wahda he wanna re he was selling them in the middle ina camera were in the middle temir camera were in them in a nozzle camera were in them in and burry camera were in miniature here camera he said alcohol comes from these five things they come from grapes and they also come from dates and they come from it comes from honey you ferment these things and they produce alcohol alcohol also comes from barley and it comes from wheat he mentioned that because that's what the people know at that time alcohol also comes from corn alcohol also comes from vinegar alcohol is also manufactured doing these days and it's not mentioned in none of these hadith but the people have the ability to manufacture and create alcohol but because the name doesn't come in the Quran and the Sunnah no one can come and say this is not mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah because of that it is not Haram the definitive characteristic that makes it her arm is the fact that it makes you drunk it makes you intoxicated that's as it relates to the liquid alcohol as for drugs it takes the same ruling takes the same ruling as alcoholic beverages because they intoxicate you and mirada al on who gave us a comprehensive prevailing definition of alcohol and drugs he says radiyaallahu anhu el hombro muhammara latin comer intoxicants is that thing which causes the mind to be closed or concealed anything that causes you to lose your faculties it makes you in toxicant whether is liquid whether it's a powder whether it's a pill that thing is considered to be hummer the Prophet said so I said let me that's where her mom got this definition from the authentic hadith he told the people sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wasallam kuru Musker comer were cool uma scare her on everything that gets you drunk is hummer based upon that prophetic definition the drugs that the people use today the narcotics that they use today the word comer can be a check attached to all of them because they make a person in intoxicated next point I want to mention in the way of an introduction is concerning the amount because the scholars of Ellis land in this issue of al Hama a lot of the feet of our ulema of the past slipped we're going to come to a critical point concerning that insha'Allah people were far greater than all of us their feet slipped in regard to this issue of Hummer and India slipping is a lesson for us and hikmah from a number of angles in regards to the amount the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam told us he told his companions and Hakam and Khalil mascara kathira I prohibit our new people a small amount of whatever a large amount of it causes you to be drunk so if there is a large amount of it and you were to drink a gallon of it then drinking just a small portion of it that may not get you drunk I made that small portion Haram if a lot of it consuming a lot of it will get you intoxicated then a small amount of it is Haram so the person who gets a so-called non-alcoholic beer that only has 0.1% alcohol based upon this hadith that is Haram if you're going to drink beer that has barley and wheat or whatever it has to be zero point zero zero percent if it has one percent is Haram based upon that hadith prophet salallahu alayhi wa ana re wa sallim mascara mineral farofa 4 mil cafe Oh milk FD he men who Haram anything that they say is a gallon al far up was a size of a container that the Arabs used to use let's say for the sake of argument is a gallon he said any liquid that has a gallon is filled up and is a gallons in a gallon in weight if that makes you drunk then take in two hands to drink it like that just that small portion and that is also Haram now I want to make a point here about our ulema we have not ceased to hear an amazing statement and an amazing piece of advice from people who are speaking people want to keep the Ummah uneducated and backwards I have nothing against them in a hyper lslam as we mentioned so many times the met HAP's are systematic ways of learning our religion but there are those people who insists and telling us that you have to have a method and if you don't have a method then there's something wrong with your Islam they never present to us any ayat of the Quran to prove that they never present to us any hadith where the Prophet said that so there are two extremes with these met HAP's one extreme is the one who says everyone here if you don't have a map you're practicing Islam incorrectly in your sinning the other extreme other people say the met HAP's are innovations and it's Haram to have a Manhattan there's a great scholar of all Islam who was of that opinion we respect him and we ask a lot to reward him for each D hat now let me show you one of the clear issues that show you don't have to have a meth head and you shouldn't tell people that they have to have a meth head and the issue of drink in the common the meb's made some serious mistakes the meth hat that is prevalent from where we come from the meth hat that started in L Kufa and the main style of this meth hat was in L Kofa they were of the opinion that it is permissible to drink anything made out of hummer except grapes that was the position of the major scholar that met half of a loofah where most of us come from in our country on that matter his opinion was was Haram from Homer is the grapes as for , that comes from barley , that comes from Wanaka comment that comes from dates and other than that then if you can drink it and not get drunk then it's not Haram if you can drink one glass and not become intoxicated it's not Haram but if you drink a second glass in a third glass and then the fourth glass makes you drunk then that fourth glass is what is Haram that is well known in that Manhattan now if someone came in they said you have to have a meth head he's telling the person you have to take this position here you have to take this position of allowing people to drink Hummer he's going to make a drink that's not from grapes which that Imam felt was Haram everything else you could drink a glass of it you just can't drink to the point where you become drunk no I say follow that method if that's what you want to do but when you come to a ruling like this then you have to obey the practice of Allah why he will sell them who said if a gallon of the thing makes you intoxicate intoxicated then a handful like this is Haram what a lot of it makes you intoxicated then a little bit of it is Haram that's for every single meth head and there are serious issues with every meth head I don't want to digress but this is a critical issue an issue that keeps the Muslims preoccupied with those things that are lesser importance to other people they have to have a meth hat then don't blame your daughter if she goes and she gets married without a welly because that was the position of the Medhat so every met happy gets the right every method gets it wrong but in this issue of common there's no room to play around the map allows you to drink and allows you to drink a bottle of beer a regular bottle of Heineken it would allow you to drink that as long as you don't get drunk that's in the method because it's not me from the grapes and Iman Bihari rahim allahu tata brought a number of hadith to refute this position and this position of that particular method we go to the next point in the next point is to show it in honey the seriousness of Hamelin drugs in the religion of lslam business scholar who's a relatively recent scholar he died about 80 years ago or less than that maybe 60 70 years ago his name is Mohammed Rashid Radha rahim allahu taala he has a contemporary tipsy a court of Ceylon manam he brought a bath or some statements about this issue of Hamid when he came to the ayat in Surat al-baqarah and he said if you were to gather up all of the ayat that make comer Haram and all of the hadith that make comer Haram and describe hummer you will find that the way the religion addresses the prohibition of kama is unlike an unparalleled to anything else in the religion that the way the religion addresses hummer is more severe than the way it addressed a shidduch as inna gambling and even murder to the point that some of the companions like abdul IBN abbas ruddy a law and Homa he was of the opinion based upon the statement of the prophets allah salaam and Hamor akbarul kaback the prophecy that hammer is the biggest sin abdullah IBN abbas said after a shift the worst thing that a person can fall into is al hammer drinking intoxicants now look how al islam dealt with this issue to leave no doubt in the mind of the intelligent person about the seriousness of hammer the first thing in showing the seriousness of doing drugs and drinking sin allahu taala in the quran he has put hammer together in the Quran and the Prophet did the same thing in the authentic Sunnah sallallahu wasallam he put it together with and and cofre and made it parallel and equal and described it as even being greater in certain circumstances in the quran allahu taala said yeah i you Lavina Aminu in the muhammad when Mason well unsolvable Aslam resume in a MIDI Shaitaan fetched any boon I'll look him to flee whom oh you who believe verily intoxicants and gambling and slaughtering fool for the idols as well as divination with arrows you want to make a decision instead of making salat Avista Hara the non-muslims of Quraish they used to get arrows and they will pull out arrows to decide what to do if the long arrow came they would do it if the short arrow came they wouldn't do and so forth so on Allah Allah mentioned this practice of the mushrikeen of Quraish and he coupled these two issues were gracious to do they used to slaughter for the idol and and sob and they used to do divination for arrows Eliezer just mentioned coming and gambling and he made them equal to these things they were mentioned zina wasn't mentioned their murder wasn't mentioned there neither one of those two great sins magic wasn't mentioned there the issue of hummer and gambling was mentioned there the Prophet sallallahu wasallam told the people Mamata were fee but me here cameroon Madhumita to jahiliya anyone who dies and intoxicants are in his stomach when he dies he has died the death of jahiliya jahiliyya is the pre-islamic period the period in which the people didn't believe in allah so anyone who dies and he has coming in his stomach he dies like the people of jahiliya the people with Nodine he said in another hadith sallallahu alayhi wa sallam multi-mineral hammer multi-mineral hammer and matter lucky Allah can abbot wasn't the one who is addicted to drinking he's addicted to drugs and he's addicted to drinking if he dies in that state he's going to meet a lot the same way a person who worship idols means Allah I will let up in abuja they didn't believe in Allah they were people from NJIT and they took the religion of the people of AJ Adia they worship idols when they die or they dead when they meet Allah so each other they going to meet him and because of the chicken cover they're going to have to deal with that the one who is addicted to alcohol will meet Allah the same way another hadith said if he died and he was addicted to hammer he's going to meet Allah like the people worship Allah Andalusia two of the main guys of chorus so the point here is no one should be in any doubt when we find the ayat making the Hummer and gambling side by side with these practices that Palacios to do which were from the issues of his shit-canned covertly no one should be in doubt about the seriousness of a common when the Prophet SAW Allah said him describe the person who dies and he was addicted to alcohol or addicted to drugs he's going to stand before Allah and he's going to be like the one who worship the idols but I have to make this point very clear that doesn't mean that the person who drinks Hummer is a catheter it doesn't mean that these a hadith are understood that the person who knows Hummer is Haram but he tries to make it Hollow he makes its tail out and then after making halal with Allah made Haram then this person becomes a non-muslim and he's the one who this these a hadith are referring to and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala knows best that's the first point of how the serious way that Islam looked at drugs and how al Islam looked at the issue of intoxicants another way is that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa ali he was seldom he informed the p and many many a hadith and Allah has mentioned in many many ayat that it is magic upon us when we eat from what he has produced for us in the earth and we drink from what has been provided for us by Allah in the earth we have to eat and drink from those things that are Hollow and those things that are from the piggyback many many ayats say that many many ayat from them a statement of a level Tana ya ayyuha alladhina amanu cool woman lady back tomorrow suck now come oh you will believe eat from the good things that we have provided you with allah mentioned in another ayat yeah are you Olivia a man or Coulomb em fill out of the halal and tight giba oh you believe eat from what is in the earth and it is hollow and it is wholesome is pure it's good and for that reason is Haram and from the major sins for someone to come and to make Haram those things that allow me helau for the people we have to be careful about saying things like Pepsi is haram Coca Cola's Haram Mountain Dew is haram why is it Haram because it's a Jewish company or they support Zionism and therefore is Haram you cannot make Haram upon the people the good things that Eliezer gel has provided them with this is from the big sins in Islam in the torah and the injeel allah described the profit to those people sallallahu are you sellin and he said about him in the Torah and in vigil injeel and it's mentioned in the quran and levena Iturbi owner Rasul and Nabi and on me a levy as you do nama Toobin authority while in jail yeah Morejon be morrow we and how human and monk are when you hello her home at piggyback well you hardly moana him and her back if those people who follow the messenger the prophet who was unleaded the one who they found written and mentioned in the torah and the injeel with these descriptions he's going to enjoin the good upon them and he's going to prevent them from doing the monk of the evil and he makes halal for them the good things and he makes haram for them the by if so the habayit others dirty filthy things like sincere like eating snakes like eating cats like eating defecation the waste that come out of human beings those are from the Hebei if there are haram in this religion any nasty things Kabhi you can think about the prophet said about sallallahu alayhi wa salem al hombro all her baddest men Shari Baha men Shari Baha Tarek Ocelot whoa Walker and only Hara tu are Metis he think of any nasty dirty thing filthy thing that you can think about consuming he said that Hummer is the mother of all dirty filthy things it's the mother of it all if a man drinks it if a person drinks it he is going to abandon the salaat and he's also going to have relations with his mother he'll have relations with his maternal auntie the lab relations with his maternal with his paternal aunt as a result of homer as her mother said may Allah be pleased with him how mad is that thing that will cause the mind to be covered the mag during summer and as a result of consuming drugs narcotics her more as a result of that you'll find him doing things that are atrocities in the religion and outside of the religion of Allah slam the meaning of having relations with his mother and his auntie's does not only have a relations another meaning of that and we've experienced them in this mischief the hadith said what car I don't own me Mahalo tea what Amity he will fall on his mother and his two maternal his maternal and paternal auntie's we know people who do drugs and as a result of doing drugs the man steals from his mother he stole her goal in order to take care of the habit that he has he has a habit of using heroin as a result of that there's no hormone with his mother he goes and he steals his mother's gold his auntie's gold and the day of the Aden you can't allow him in the house because if you have guests in the house who don't know that he has a drug problem he'll take advantage of the fact that the lady she put her bag down the ante the relative they just the neighbor put the bag down he'll come in and he'll steal a she'll steal from their property that's the reality of intoxicants and the reality of the narcotics that people take so the profits on a lot of yourself adjust the issue that people can relate to back then and they can relate to it right now so the comment is the mother of all dirty things filthy things in addition to that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam he explained that the Hummer is the mother of all of the fahisha as well the first hadith said Muhammad is the humble and Hebei if the mother of all filthy things it's the greatest filthiest thing this hadith said al hombro immoral for wash come on is the mother of all fashions the big thing that causes people to fall into L fashion and then he said similar to the previous hadith men surely Baja Walker Allah Umi he were haughty he one mighty anyone who drinks it the person who drinks it he may have relationships with his mother his paternal aunty and his maternal aunty for this reason from the proofs that the ulema used to show that human is haram is the ID in surat al-a'raf called in the Muharram arabiya ashish Muharram in ha umma button because the Prophet says Allah who are you Selim comer is the mother of all of the fahisha if a person drinks come at the doors going to be open for other things that he's going to partake him from the ways that Alyce time adjusts the issue of al humbling the Prophet described the hummus on Allah while he was at him as being the key that opens up all of the doors of evil he told our community that I should have all come Farren aha miffed ah who coalition do not drink Hummer because it is the key of all evils two weeks ago in Hawaii and the TV there's a program called question time it's one of the more intelligent programs that come on TV two weeks ago not last Thursday two weeks ago one of the questions that they put forth towards the panel and the audience was is the UK a broken society is a society broken this society where they encourage young people to indulge in binge drinking drinking is a part of the society so most of the audience said it's a broken society the panel some say yes some said no but I want you to consider this living in this country look what happens in this society and look at the role of Hungary you all heard of the problem that recently happened with the two young kids the two brothers who sodomized and molested another young kid took a picture of it with the ax telephone and they were sentenced recently both of them experienced drink and comer both of them were children who were born to parents who were drinking while they were in the mother's womb the mother drink and the father but both of them were habitual users of drugs and comer look at the result of the kids the kids are victims the kids are tragic like other tragedies that transpire is it a broken society you heard like I heard about baby pee the little baby who his mother's boyfriend broke the baby's back and broke a number of bones inside of the little kid's body not one bone two bones 10 bones 12 bones over 30 bones in the boy's body why the boyfriend of the mother who was with the child used to take comer and used to do drugs you heard like I heard recently the man he was drunk and on drugs he went it and he raped an 80 year old woman raped I'm 80 years old accent why did you do that the man was on drugs and he was drunk a broken society those are the direct results of Hummer in London and London two kids they have vicious dogs attack dogs they live on an estate for those of you who don't know the estate is the place where poor people live you don't pay rent you live there for free on the dole they were protecting their estate with two vicious dogs two strangers young kids 116 117 came on the estate and while they were patrolling they caused their two dogs to go and turmoil mold they mold them down a Tama bit him up after that got the dogs off of him and stabbed both of the boys won nine times one twelve times one of them died the other one didn't die when they looked into the situation they would drink in common and they were getting high during the course of the day and there are so many examples of this issue the profit wasn't lying when he said sallallahu alayhi wasallam coming is the key of all evil is the key to is the key to cover is the key to magic is the key to rape is the key to lyin it's the key to stealing camera is the key of all evil he didn't say that subtle of money on even sell them about other aspects of the religion so when we look in this society and the people who are sociologists and they're trying to deal with the issue all of the strain and the problems that drinking and drugs put on the NHS the penal system the amount of people were imprisoning they were in jail because of drinking and drugs it caused the people a lot of money in our money that we pay for taxes and other than that you have a business now Muslims work for you or a Muslim who Dougs drugs and he drinks how much money do they lose as a result of people going out partying and drinking and not being able to come in the next day we went when those sheíll came to Luton when they were checking in the shapes into the hotel one the ladies she looked like she didn't want to serve us they shake locked on to the situation and he said what's wrong with her doesn't she know that in this country they say that the customer is always right why is she acting so unprofessional I took it as an opportunity to say to the sister to the lady to see what the deal is maybe she's a racist I say you know this man is from out of his country he said that you don't look like you want to sustain a hotel she said no I'm sorry but I've been drinking all night it was New Year's Eve yesterday and this is my situation right now they manager heard that the manager didn't mind because he was so happy she was the only one who came in the other people didn't come in because they lose a lot of money just because people calling and saying we're not coming in because we have hangovers in the religion of lslam from the top to the bottom the Quran the Sunnah deals with the issue of showing us Hamid is from those issues that caused a lot of problems caused a lot of problems from what shows us the seriousness and the severity of honey of intoxicants and drugs simultaneously is that the profit in the a line that ayat that we mentioned he said that Hummer was from the actions of a Shaitaan it's from the actions of a Shaitaan in the next ayah he said in Mayuri do Shaitaan oh and you can I bein a Kumal I Dow at the world above da fellow how many when Mason Shaitaan he wants to create between you people the Muslims he wants to create enmity and hatred between you based upon you use and comer and based upon you gambling now look at what the prophet sallallaahu was Adam showed us and look what our religion says and we can say hamdulillah for the most part you can rest assured and you can safely assume when you're addressing a Muslim community like this even if it wasn't in this Masjid if it wasn't a private local hall you can safely assume that the vast majority of Muslims don't drink in toxicants and they don't get high but it brings me to this other issue and starting off this talk we mentioned to you that Hummer is not only what comes in the liquid form and the hammer is not only from those five things that the Prophet mentions of a lot of asylum but hammer is also marijuana its cocaine as heroin and hammer is also something that's prevalent in our community in Birmingham and that is cut cut is from the home or and our religion that is not permissible because it makes people drunk not drunk like drinking vodka not like that but it impacts on the person look at this issue of this ayat verily shaped on he wants to create between you hatred and enmity and animosity he wants to make you people be at each other's necks and against each other because of Hummer and because of gambling I say to the young brothers right now as we mentioned in the Hopa and the first of this Ligurian calendars new year that it's very difficult with this hip-hop culture that you have to deal with in the hip-hop culture and encourages people to drink and to get high that's part of the culture and also gambling so if anyone has had the opportunity to see any of those videos those videos are always showing Hummer marijuana and gambling throwing dice all the time is part of the culture and look what happens look what happens and look what has happened because these people have desensitized us as Muslims and buying into this culture of the gang life and being people who drink and thugs and on and on to the point that we say things that are not even permissible everyone knows in Ellis land everyone knows that the dog is a nasty character in our religion if a person has a dog he has to have it for religious reason many of our youth who do drugs and they brought into this type of culture the hip-hop culture they have dogs people drink people who smoke not all of them but many of them who buy into that culture they have dogs not only that but they use the word dog as a term of endearment I want to show and signify that this is one of my best friends I'll say yeah I know unless my dog that's my dog and I don't mind saying it and he doesn't mind it being said as an African American one of the worst things you can call me 15 20 years ago was to call me a that was one of the worst things that you can call a black person back then the hip-hop culture has desensitized us to the point where the Pakistani young boy has called another Pakistani this that this net so many of these hip-hop people and something that I saw now witnessed on the YouTube he said that since white people used to use this word as a derogatory term against us to describe us that they decided to take the term and to make it something where it's a term of endearment between them and the Muslim he comes and he says that this is something that's all right as a Muslim it's not something that is acceptable when you buy into that culture it's a problem the culture of gambling the culture of drinking the culture of smoking the culture of trying to be up and hip and slick with the people that's something that is diametrically opposed to the religion of Allah slam slam is going this way and those issues are going the other way they're going the other way the prophets of Allah honey he went on auntie was selling them he made it prohibited for us to use these types of terms and not only in Islam if you were to make a joke from this memoir about the Irish you're going to get in trouble if you were to make a joke about the Chinese you're going to get in trouble even with the Jews if you say that was in the Quran Allah informed us that the year-old they came from our group of them were turned into Apes and they were turned into swine it is politically incorrect to say that today that's in the Quran but it's better for the Imam to avoid that when we wanted to bring those shield over some of the Muslims who want to do the bidding of making things difficult for Islam and the Muslims like some of their old speeches in which they made references to what the Quran said about the yahood being turned some of them being turned into swine's and apes monkeys it's politically incorrect to say that the only people you can talk bad about in public are people you want to call them that's okay you want to talk about people like that that's okay so my point here honey is this iron of the Quran it clearly goes to show that these people may know how to tap into with this hip-hop culture they knew how to tap into these particular issues that people go astray on and some people don't know why is the usage of dice impermissible in lsland one of the wisdoms that dice are Haram and any game with these dice whatever the game is backgammon there's some game with one dice in it you press the button and the dice pops around and you move them in around the table anything with dice is because it's a game of chance and Muslims in this religion we don't believe in chance everything is by the color of Allah and as we said so many times this is one of the reasons why we should not say you're lucky that this happening you're lucky that that happened you're lucky that you didn't come the Prophet told the people so Allah wada he wanna do cellular malaria but been murdered fucus allaha wa rasuluhu anyone who plays backgammon he has disobeyed Allah Nia's disobeyed his messenger in another hadith similar to what he says sallallahu alayhi wa ana re wa sallim ala riba bill been narrowed ish nama-rasa ma ya day he feel at McKenzie what dunya he anyone who plays any game with dice it is as if he is some Merson and submerged in his hand put in his hand in the meat of a pig and the blood of the pig and psyche Muslim inside a Muslim there is a hadith this hadith that I mentioned is a same Muslim but it was translated as anyone who plays chess then he has disobeyed Allah and His Messenger a bad translation is talking about backgammon and games of chance anything dealing with the dice from the problems that we have in the religion is the fact that intoxicants honey as well as drugs they prevent people from the remembrance of Allah and they prevent people from making the salat the general remembrance of Allah and from making the salat as an ayat we mentioned it clearly Illustrated so the Prophet as we mentioned earlier who ever drinks to hummer he abandons the salat now for the person who's getting high we ask Allah Allah to make it easy that we overcome our habits these bad habits and we move on to worshiping him but look at one of the biggest problems of drinking smoking consuming intoxicants even prescription pills someone in your house they take those pills that cause you to calm down caused them to calm down volume hyper so they have to take volume to calm down volume to go to sleep at the end of the day the kid or someone goes into the bathroom he finds that prescription and he starts to take it to get high that's a narcotic that's not allowed because it wasn't for you to take it if it was given to you for a medical reason that's a different issue the Prophet told the people so Allah water he wanna re wa sallam men Shari Bella how Marie Lenya bill allahu taala min ho salat arbequina yeomen anyone who drinks alcohol Allah is not going to accept from him his salat for forty days and this is from the merges act of Rasul Allah he's on Allah why he was sent in the last hope but that we gave here we talked about the ways that the Companions came into his land they embraced Islam after thinking and contemplating and studying they came into Islam after seeing the Prophet and getting to know his high level of character sallallahu alayhi wasallam they came into the religion of Allah slam because like you they were one into the religion they came into the D novella slam based upon the miracles and we told you about the miracle of the Quran and the miracle of the man who was buried this hadith is one of his many miracles how did he know over 1,400 years ago that the effects of humma stays in the body of a person for 40 days how did he know that people study the issue now when they find out humless stays into the body that has a lingering effect inside your veins inside your central nervous system inside your tissues for 40 days as a result of that your salah is not accepted so some of our brothers they decide to stop smoking before ramadan a day before ramadan salat is the greatest pillar of an islam after the Shahada out of the four pillars of actions so that is the greatest one if the person doesn't pray then his zakat is missing it's fast and missing his Hajj is missing even if he performs the Hajj even if he fast if he's not praying he has no fast so if he stops drinking a day before Ramadan his salat is not accepted for 40 days after that point is that saying that he should stop drinking forty days before I my bond that's not to say that it goes to show the seriousness of a person taken in toxicants one intoxicant when it goes inside of the body and lasts for all of that time for those of you who smoke cigarettes cigarettes are just as bad cigarettes they have over 4,000 chemicals in them some of which are toxic others are not toxic the chemical nicotine by itself is in your body for four to seven days not to mention arsenic not to mention all of the other stuff Hama stays in the body for 40 days as a result of that the Prophet SAW said Allah he made it the issue that he brought to the attention of the people in this religion again honey so that I'll save time you don't have to ask this particular question if a person drinks does that mean he should abandon the salaah no he still has to pray but it's a lot is not accepted by allah subhanho wa taala except if allah forgives him so because of this and so many other issues a number of issues these are from the issues that were mentioned by the share hammock ready Mohammed Rashid Radha rahim allahu taala and there are so many other issues about the legislation of the prohibition of alcaman in the religion in the different ways that the ayat and the hadith mentioned these issues because of the severity of an the seriousness of it al Islam has not allowed us to come close to hammer and Islam has not allowed us to deal with hammer in any shape form of fashion he cursed he says Allah loved what he was Allah and Allah I'll come ER may Allah curse the intoxicant may Allah curse a well on Allah shari baja was Sakia and may Allah curse the one who drinks it and the one who pours it you can't work as a bartender can't be in a pub can't pour anyone coming you can't drink it you can't pour it he says so Allah while he was Allah Allah Allah bahaha remove taaha and may Allah curse the one who sells that hammer and he purchases someone asked a sheikh i said land who came here in a book that I found that I had and I didn't know who had this book before he came it's a book in which he answered many of the photos of the Muslims of America someone had said to him and justifying selling Hummer in America they said if we sell this Hummer is going to weaken their society if we sell them the common we don't drink it but if we sell it it's going to create all of these problems in their society enmity it's going to be stress on the NHS stress in the prisons and so forth and so on the infrastructure is going to suffer so based upon that are we justified to sell Hummer there's no justification in southern cover so we know justification in the Dean absolutely none the Prophet cursed in acts Allah and his do eyes mr. John he made to our two lies without to curse the one who sells the common and the one who purchased the Hummer in the same hadith he said so Allah when he was selling well and Allah I'll sit aha well mortiser aha may Allah curse the one who squeezes it or he steps on it all he's doing is helping them to make the come and he doesn't drink it in himself his job said he works in the vine yards of Italy or other than that in France in America and he's just stepping on the grace to make the wine he's cursed as well as the one who is being squeezed for and lastly he said sallallahu alayhi wasallam when Allah homina ha well maleta alayhi wa ocula feminie huh and may Allah curse the one who carries the hammer and the one who was carried to so the Muslim he can't have a job in Hawaii where he works for the heineken company for an example and he transports the Heineken beer from here to there and may Allah curse the one who takes the price of the Hummer which brings me to this issue and that is some of us we work at Tescos and we work at other supermarkets and restaurants where Hummer and issues like this are secondary they're not the primary issue of what that store is selling the shelf as I meant to miss Aadland he was put this question was put forth to him what about the people work in supermarkets that sell cover and conceal but especially common can the person keep that job he said I'm not going to tell anyone to stop his job because those issues are secondary if he can he should try not to sell it himself if it comes to him he should try not to stock it not to carry it not that bag it not to help anyone win it with it if he can do that he should do that you say but I don't see it as being something that's impermissible but if you got another job then this is something that is better for him especially in light of the fact that the prophets of Allah one who said let me do I to Eliezer yellow to curse the people this is the and there's another hadith we said may Allah curse the table that humming is being consumed on so if there is a restaurant that we like like Nando's we worries the Nando's halal is a halal Haram the Nando's is halal they said it's hell out but they sell Hummer Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has prophets on Allah why he would sell them he didn't like for the people to sit at the table where the Hummer was being served or in the place where the moon car or the evil was taking place all of those issues are issues that show us honey the severity and the seriousness of the Hummer in the religion of Islam and it's something that should be avoided if a person has some ongoing struggles and issues with Hummer or drugs there's always hope Allah what Allah forgives all sins even if the person is drinking the common and he makes Toba to Allah with sincerity Allah Allah will forgive him man Shetty will come for dunya lanius Sri Baja fill our hero anyone who drinks too common in this dunya he won't be able to drink it in the hereafter meaning he won't go to Jenna because he won't go to Jannah right away he has to go to the Hellfire because inside of the gender there is hammer but the hammer of the gender is different from the hammer of the dunya it doesn't get you drunk it tastes a certain way has a different texture so the dunya is a prison for the believer and it is the paradise for the kafir because in the dunya it does what he wants to do he drinks what he wants to drink and he wears what he wants to wear gold other than that he does what he wants to do in the dunya but in the Hereafter these things are exclusively and holy for the people who were patient and they abandoned them in the dunya whoever drinks the hammer one of the punishments in the Hellfire is that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that they will be made to drink the sweat that becomes hot from the disbelieve in evil doers of the Hellfire so you can refer back to the major books in el Aslam all of the books of hadith without any exception they to chapter and ash Arriba the chapter of drinks cameras in all of the books of hadith all of the books of fik deal with the issue of Eila comer you can refer back to these issues realizado him the book of prohibitions the book of the seriousness and severity of drinking hammer all of these books we find the scholars well Aslam mentioned them in a way of giving us advice I me a note I'll accept our struggles and our jihad and help us to avoid being the people who fall into the issue of consuming alcohol and narcotics and also may allow some Hana without I hope those people who have this problem and make it easy for them he is Allah and Adam although they learn you mean a shame on you Margie miss million off money more here you
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
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Keywords: conference, death, fawzan, arifi, asrar, rashid, murtaza, khan, alkauthar, mercy, mission, islamic, basyouni, qadhi, hamza, yusuf, khutbah, iera, dawah, nasheed, sunnah, bidah, green, lane, masjid, mosque, salafi, publications, refutation, freemasons, dajjal, abu, khadeejah, salafis, quran, hadeeth, red, brick, media, bakr, umar, sufi, barelwi, zakir, naik, peace, makkah, madinah, live, sudais, huda, emotional, lecture, deobandi, al-maghrib, almaghrib, jihad, dispatches, debate, shia, shiah, sufism, hanafi, saudi, scholars, tawassul, islam, paradise, hell
Id: Fm3c5YZariU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 13sec (3253 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2013
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