2024 Player's Handbook: The Paladin and what they got wrong D&D5e

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hey everyone we're about to watch the new Paladin I've got my coffee here I've got uh my notes that I made uh so I have the players handbook anyone who's not familiar with this channel already knows that but uh I've made notes comparing uh what we're going to have compared to uh the old players handbook as well as to the play test so I've got that there handy um so I can't talk about anything they don't reveal so I will be watching very carefully to see what they reveal and I can talk about it um and so uh buckle up and we're going to talk about the Palin and uh one thing I should mention is the Paladin is generally recognized as one of the more powerful classes in D and D so I would say it got less so if you watched yesterday the fighter was just a big bag of goodies uh from the new features to enhance features to enhance subclasses um the palet is a bit more of a mix bag one of the things you'll notice as a paladin player immediately when you see the new player handbook is that your spellcasting has moved from level two to level one and so you will you will begin being able to cast spells right away and this also has a carry-on effect for multiclassing that if you multiclass now you will get more slots out of the Paladin in part of your multiclass mix than you did before and yeah so this is not new from the play test but it did carry through so paladins are going to get their Spells at level one and if you multiclass out of Paladin you you know you half your level uh to determine spell casting but previously you rounded down and now you'll be rounding up when we talk about the ranger we'll see that a similar thing happened there we did this because we wanted Paladin players to start learning how to use their spells right away because spells are a key part of the Paladin's kit and having it at second level before meant you were waiting MH to learn how to use one of the most important parts of your class so now there's no weight you start right away at first level learning some spells uh which you'll you'll then need to know all about when you get to level two and you start doing Divine Smite yeah uh at level one you don't jump yeah so I guess he just revealed it there um in the play test Divine Smite was a spell um the people had mixed feelings about it I thought they might get rid of it they did not get rid of it Paladin Smite is indeed a spell um which means technically speaking you could cast Divine Smite at level one um but and level two it will be built into the Paladin class just get spellcasting now though you still get lay on hands that iconic ability that paladins have to heal themselves in others and you also get weapon Mastery and so that means that paladins too are going to get to play with all of the fun that weapon Mastery brings to any of our classes focused on weapon use now when you get to then level two there's more new stuff waiting for you and at first you might look at the class feature table for the Paladin and see oh fighting style I had that before but there's actually a lot of change hiding in there good updates for the Paladin because now when you choose your fighting style as a paladin you are no longer restricted to a curated list like the Paladin was in 2014 you now have access to the full fighting style list that Fighters also have access to okay interesting and yeah so the fighting styles are now uh Feats but that's uh neither here nor there makes no mechanical difference uh whether they're Feats or uh class features um but uh yeah the Palin can access all the fighting styles just like the fighter can um so there are some additional options opened up for them and you also have the option to forgo choosing any of those and instead learning some cleric cantrips okay so if you decide that uh you yeah so if you own tash's KRON of everything and you've looked at the optional class features for Paladin uh there was a fighting style a fighting style called uh blessed Warrior essentially that's been worked into the new players handbook rather be more of a spell hurling uh Paladin rather than leaning harder into your weapon use you now have that option in the fighting style feature at level two okay this is a part of uh a theme of us providing more customization options uh where it made sense in each of the classes you also now get a feature called Paladin's Smite this was called Divine Smite in 2014 it's now called Paladin Smite because it actually now gives you two things in 2014 this feature allowed you to use the class's iconic Divine Smite ability where you burn a spell slot and deal a bucket load of extra damage to a Target you just hit Divine Smite still does that Divine Smite though has now been packaged as a spell and then the Paladin Smite feature in addition to giving you that that spell and allowing you to always have it prepared also now lets you cast Divine Smite once per day without burning a spell slot so what that means is paladins now every day get a freebie Divine Smite and so that's going to relieve a little bit some of the pressure on their spell slots we did this so that paladins could certainly just use all their spell slots to cast Divine smite but we also wanted to make it just a smidge easier for paladins to cast some of their other spells if they so choose perfect now yeah so um if if you were following the play tests uh the you might recall that there was a paladin Smite in the final Paladin play test I believe um that uh all the all the Paladin uh Palin Smite as well as all the various Smite spells um were were kind of rebalanced and tweaked and uh then the Paladin uh automatically prepared a big list of them and then they could choose any of the ones that they were appropriate level to cast and do it once for free that isn't the case anymore uh so if you want those other Smite spells you are going to have to prepare them um you're only getting the Divine Smite for free um and you can only cast Divine Smite for free now uh so uh and and smite there is just no question Smite is weaker than it was in 2014 um because uh it is going to use a bonus action to to Smite uh so you can only do it once on your turn and you're for going doing other things with your bonus action um so it is definitely weaker than it was uh which means that in that regard the Paladin has gotten weaker uh so like I said not like the fighter it's not all all goodies some stuff has been scaled back and smite is one of them when we get to level three where it's it's actually the main one uh I'm I'm other other rebalancing is far more minor but the change to Smite is pretty dramatic you pick your subass you also get channel Divinity and here there's a really nice upgrade for paladins in terms of the number of uses of Channel divinity they get it used to be that a paladin got exactly one use of Channel Divinity and then that was restored upon taking a short or a long rest now you get two uses to start and every time you take a short rest you get one use back and then when you take a long rest you get all your uses back but then even better that two turns into a three when you hit Level 11 so you're going to be able to use your channel Divinity far more more often than you could before yeah so in 2014 a 20th level Paladin had one channel Divinity per short rest uh so that has been significantly boosted and and channel Divinity for Palin is only for your subclass features we've also taken the Divine sense feature that paladins used to have and turned it into a channel Divinity option and in the process we've also made it last quite a bit longer so if you do decide to use Divine sense rather than at lasting only one round which was how long it lasted in 2014 it now is going to last 10 minutes and we increased its duration not only because you're Now using your channel Divinity on it but also to make it easier to use particularly in social interaction and exploration scenes you know the the classic circumstance of the Paladin is at the Queen's ball and is trying to figure out which of these partygoers is actually a demon or an undead in disguise right uh this longer duration will allow the Paladin to get a bit more bang for their Buck uh when they decide to use Divine sense we also at okay so I I'm watching what he says very carefully because I I can't talk talk about any specifics that he doesn't reveal um and so he's talking about Divine sense and he brought up two things number one it's going to use a CH Divinity so that's a downgrade uh because uh Divine sense used to have its own pool of uses not that it was very good uh but at least it didn't use up your channel Divinity now it will um he also talked about how the duration is has increased um which it has there is another Improvement Divine Smite or Divine smite Divine sense SC um that he didn't talk about that's pretty important um the Divine sense in 2014 I think is a a crap ability um and uh this new one I I could see using it so uh I can't tell you the specifics but there was something that made the 2014 version not very good that is gone now at level five have made it so that all paladins now get get the find Steed spell for free they always have it prepared uh and they can cast it once per day without expending a spell slot fine Steed is an iconic paladin spell and we decided we did not want to Paladin to have to use up one of their spell preparation slots on that spell right and we also wanted you to be able to use it at least once per day without having to use one of your precious few slots since paladins and Rangers do have fewer spell slots than uh many of our other spellcasters and then on top of that the fine SE Steed spell has been completely redesigned for the Paladin so that the Steed can now get more powerful depending on the level of the spell slot you use to cast the spell and the Steed is now not reliant on particular animal stat blocks but instead has a stat block all its own specially designed for the Paladin so you really feel like you are summoning this otherworldly creature that isn't just a horse or some other creature that you're riding around on but is this otherworldly being that is there to work with you really as a companion uh as this this faithful companion there to assist uh the Paladin and the Paladin's friends that's amazing I am hoping that with this change uh many paladins will feel uh more empowered to have these really cool companions present on their adventures and that's again living out that fantasy and and honing in on that wish fulfillment of wanting to Smite more and also getting that Steed like sooner and and easier absolutely uh we also have okay so in terms of uh it's called faithful Steed is is the name of the feature um as he said you're going to be able to cast uh fine Steed once for free you're going to prepare it for free as well um of course when you cast for free you're casting at always the lowest possible level uh and as he mentioned you have a template and that template improves if you cast it with a higher spell slot so um you may actually want to expand a spell slot to cast fine Steed if you want the enhancements and if you were following the play test then you already saw a redesign fine Steed and I have not yet compared uh the spell in the players handbook to the one in the play test to make sure that they're the same or look for any differences but it looked pretty darn close uh when I read it in the core class given all paladins a new feature called abjure foes and this gives all paladins a a juicy use for their Channel Divinity a number of our Paladin subclasses in the past had a channel Divinity option that was very similar to ajuro but it was sort of slightly changed in a number of the subclasses we decided to take those variants create a universal version that all paladins are happy to have and now built it into the base class okay and obser fo was in the play test um and and it is is pretty much there's some wording changes but it it's very similar to the play test we also did uh some under the hood work on the palad oh and I should mention that is also a channel Divinity use so you're getting additional ways to use Channel divinity's Aura partly by turning it into a single aura that gains additional abilities previously the Paladin and particularly based on whatever subass you ended up picking would end up having multiple different auras some of them with different uh radi yeah and it yeah so what the the example that I immediately think of that I assume he's referring to is the glory Palin so the glory Palin had a 10t or protection uh or of protection for those who don't know is the one that gives the saving throw bonuses to the Paladin and people within 10 ft of them eventually 30 ft of them um and then uh the glory Paladin had this thing where they had a 5 foot Aura where if you started your turn within this 5ft AA you got a speed boost but if you were 10t from them you'd get the saving throw enhancement but not the speed boost and didn't make a lot of sense so those kinds of things uh it basically if the Paladin has anything that would be applied to an aura it's just one aura that gives multiple things could start getting quite confusing keeping track of like all of your different auras and how big is this one versus that one so we sort of cleaned up the whole Aura game for paladins by in the base class and then also in the sub classes that are in this book all of the auras that used to be different auras before are now all one aura that simply gains new functionality so it's going to be far easier for Paladin to keep track of what's going on because the Paladin now has just one aura that just gains cool new features as the Paladin goes up in level the aura also makes use of a new type of area of effect that we've introduced in the new players handbook and uh it is an area of effect that has been in the game for the last 10 years but didn't have a name and we decided to finally give it a name and I'm bringing it up now while talking about the Paladin because it's specifically for things like auras and other effects that emanate outward from a a particular creature or object and so this area of effect is called the emanation yeah so you're going to see the word ination all through the players hook and uh so palora is an emation Spirit Guardians is anination and uh it basically means Aura uh you know which is a terminology thing we've seen it all over the place in fifth edition over the last 10 years basically anytime you read a feature or a monster ability or a spell that talked about creatures within a certain radius being affected by yeah and he's bringing up a point that I think you know as much as it's just a terminology change um the fact that they used the term radius before was not good uh because it it what it would do is um so if you had something that uh was an Ora that 15t radius around you well 15t radius would suggest it's 30 ft across but it wasn't because it's 15 ft from you this much on one side and 15 ft from you this much from the other side but didn't include your space uh so it would be more than 30 ft and that was confusing for a lot of players um because the radius normally means one thing and so uh giving it its own term I think uh Works they I think they could have just gone with aura I don't think they necessarily needed to use emanation but 's fine something that was basically an emanation it just wasn't called that so we have now given that area of effect a name and given it uh its own definition just as the other areas of effect in our system have definitions and you can now find all of those definitions in the players handbooks rules glossery one other thing in the Paladin that I wanted to chat about because this is the first of the spellcasting classes that we have uh talked about is the new approach to spell lists so so each spellcasting class now has its spell list inside the class description so rather than yeah and I I made this prediction actually I did a video a little bit ago I might as well link it up above where I did predictions for for the new players handbook and some of them were right and some of them weren't right um I think I did pretty good but uh one of the things I predicted was that they weren't going to have the class list or the class spell list by spells anymore I figured they' move them into uh the the class section and I suggested that one possibility was they had put them in the class themselves and that is what has happened so if you open up the wizard and you want to know what your uh wizard spell list is you're going to go to the wizard class and that's where you will see it making a paladin or a ranger or a warlock or another way back to the the end of the book instead it's right there in the class description but in addition to that we have worked to make the spell list that's in your class more useful for you and we've done that by not only giving you all the Spells by name but also every Spell's School of magic is listed we also tell you if the spell on your list requires concentration we also tell you if it's a ritual and we also tell you if it has a specific component that you must have to cast the spell so in those cases when a and and that's not like it just in terms of setup the reason I predicted that spell would move to the classes is because it makes more sense just from an organization standpoint and from you know uh your your view as a player reading this book trying to figure out how this game works um and I'm playing this this class called a wizard you know I know get spells but where are they uh so it's there but also from now from uh a more experienced players Viewpoint especially people who like myself who like to do character builds um as a reference guide those class lists are going to be way more useful uh by giving you the pieces of information that he just mentioned component has a specific cost or the spell consumes the component you must have that component to cast that spell and so we now tell you in your class spell list if the spell has a required component uh so that you now have sort of onstop shopping for your spells and you can see at a glance what the spell School of magic is if it requires concentration if it's a ritual and if it has a specific component you must have to cast it this is all meant for if you're a player and you play paladins or warlocks you have less Pages you needed for verse to understand what you have and what you need ex exactly yeah the Paladin sub classes uh have all received some fun updates uh starting with the oath of devotion yeah let's start with the oath of devotion what what I have to say the oath of devotion is my favorite of the updates for the sub classes um there is some quality of life stuff there that is very nice that shouldn't be a big surprise if you read the play test but um you know the I was not well I'll wait for him to what is new here one of the biggies right away is the oath of devotion can Now activate their sacred weapon feature uh as part of the attack action rather than sacking their entire action to do it yeah yeah so that's that's a huge quality of life increase so um the uh 2014 players handbook uh oath of devotion had to use an action to activate that weapon and so that meant on the first round of combat when you wanted to use it you did basically nothing and uh you know the first round is is not the round I want to be giving up um so I never used that feature um and then now I think I think in the play test they might have made it a bonus action uh let me see if I wrote that down I didn't write that down I think it might have used a bonus action in the play t doesn't even use a bonus action anymore so yeah big Improvement and it's it's just as good as it was uh it's just easier to activate in the past it was so punishing to have to use your entire action to activate it that many Paladin players just decided not to use it now as a part of a attacking you can simply decide I'm going to activate this we have also replaced in the oath of devotion the feature that was previously called purity of spirit with a new feature called Smite of protection and what this now does is when you use your Divine Smite because the oath of devotion Paladin is the classic night and shining armor who is there to protect others it now means that when you use Divine Smite you and your allly I in your aura of protection have half cover for a limited time so you have this magical protection that gives you the full benefits of half cover even if you're standing out in the open as long as uh your friends are in that aura of so that's an entirely new feature and like he said it replaced a previous feature called purity of spirit what Pur purity of spirit did is the devotion Paladin was to be considered under the effect of a protection from Good and Evil spell all the time that's gone you don't get that anymore instead you get this which is more about really helping your allies within your aura um and so when you use your Divine but only when you use your Divine Smite you got to use your Divine Smite um and if you use it then they get this half cover benefit in your aura of protection and so this gives a nice uh feeling of being a guardian even when you're blasting your foes with Divine Smite uh We've also made it so that the level 20 ability holy Nimbus is now usable as a bonus action instead of an action because we want yeah so uh it was it was a bon bonus action in the play test as well um and that has carried forward to the players handbook cuz the the old one used an action as well so you had sacred weapon using an action you had holy Nimbus using what if if you were a devotion palad and 20th level you could be spending the first two turns of combat just prepping so uh I am and the duration was very short um so yeah this is just a better ability now uh and uh he isn't going to mention this but I'll mention this is uh wording clarifications on some features as well are very nice on the Paladin including on the old of devotion things that you know had certain interactions and you didn't know for sure how it was supposed to work and uh the the wording is just much more clearly uh set out now want you to be able to activate it and then keep going on your turn yeah uh rather than essentially spending an entire turn getting ready to do something and there are a number of places in the players's handbook where abilities that really are just turning on a state have often now been changed from being an action to a bonus action or in some cases like with sacred weapon in oath of devotion don't require an action or a bonus action at all and instead and and yeah so it should point out too that when we're talking about preparation you only have one bonus action uh so if you are 20th level old the devotion Paladin you can now use your Capstone feature as a bonus action and sacred weapon without using just by taking the attack action and you can act on the first turn of combat with all your stuff activated are absorbed into another action uh because again in many cases we want you to get to the fun faster the oath of devotion is joined by the oath of Glory this for me is often the Paladin who if they were in a movie you know would look at the camera have have impossibly white teeth with a little Spark on them as they smile uh the oath of Glory uh appeared previously in Tasha's cauldron of everything as well as in Mythic Odyssey of Theos yeah that's where it first came from and it has uh evolved a bit on its way to the players handbook and uh one two of the main Evolutions uh that I think are worth talking about here uh one is the Peerless athlete uh feature now lasts uh for an hour rather than 10 minutes oh that's good U this feature is especially useful in Exploration context exactly yeah and so we wanted it to uh be more useful in that pillar of Adventure uh the other big change is to Aura of alacrity uh the new feature here is that it not only benefits your allies Who start their turn in your or of protection but also if they enter that aura okay I'm glad he mentioned that okay so Aura of aity got two improvements because uh as I mentioned earlier it used to be a 5ft range now it's 10 ft and eventually 30 ft uh the old one eventually scaled to 10 ft uh and then the second one is who benefits um because it used to be people who started their turn within 5 ft of you now it's they just need to get within 10 ft of you on their turn um and they will get that speed boost on their turn this is re a really major change because before the aura of alacrity which speeds you and your allies up it's all about you know the Paladin allowing you all to charge forward into battle or some other situation more quickly and of course or actually extremely difficult sometimes for it to even do anything for your friends because they had to time it so that they started their turn in your aura yeah which can actually be more complicated than it sounds when everyone is taking turns in a particular order this change now means that no matter when a person's turn is relative uh to the paladins and no matter where they are on the battlefield as long as they make sure to pass through the aura on their turn they will suddenly get the speed boost that's super helpful otherwise really really weird on the battlefield yes where it's sort of uh you can have a whole lot of hurry up and wait yeah one of thing uh I would love to mention about uh oath of Glory that relates actually to all of the Paladin subclasses is that we have vetted their oath spell lists in each subass and so players are going to see not only in the oath spell list but also when you get to the cleric the do the do main spell list and in the Warlock the patron spell list all of these lists have been vetted and in many cases um updated with different spell options I'm thinking of this now while we're talking about the oath of Glory uh particularly because the oath of Glory list in getting updated even includes a brand new spell appearing in this player's handbook for the first time and it's it's uh one of the higher Paladin level spells so you're not going to get it anytime soon uh but yes there is a brand new spell there is also one other spell that got changed um which is I I mean it was an okay spell for another okay spell so uh when you reach level 17 as a paladin and if you have the oath of Glory subass you get a brand new spell in the game called Yan's Regal presence and this is a spell created by the queen of the elves in the world of greyhawk and it allows the Paladin and anyone else who cast this am I the only one who thinks her hairstyle looks a little weird I I just think it does spell uh to as it as it says in the name have an extraordinarily Regal presence uh that will cause people to like fall down on their knees and also potentially take psychic damage uh I think I think our style makes me think of the 80s where you just have a ton of hair from just how glorious uh you are I wanted to bring that up because uh uh I hope everyone will take time maybe Hair Envy you know when they when they come to their favorite subass if it's a subass that had a little spell list take a look at that list because you're going to find often uh that not only have some of the Spells been swapped you know one spell for another but some sometimes the new spell that's on the list is a brand new spell for the game perfect so we have the O uh so he didn't mention what it was but I will also mention their Capstone got uh an improvement as well uh the glory Paladin of the Ancients Paladin this is one of my favorites it feels like the Green Knight it's a very unique feel from any other class or subass and when we created the oath of the Ancients originally for the 2014 Players h book it really was an answer to the question what would a paladin look like who had been a part of Elven culture or you know another culture that maybe is less sort of night and shining armor but but still you know would have these Noble Oaths and have a lot of the the dedication that we associate with paladins but again more of a nature or you know druidic or Elven aesthetic and so the answer to that was the oath of the Ancients the art for it is wonderful as is the art for uh all of the subclasses in the book and we have uh made some enhancements to the oath uh as it has migrated into uh the new players handbook one of those is that the subclasses aura of warding at level seven now just straight up G people in your aura resistance to necrotic psychic and radiant damage so so yeah so the old version gave everyone in your aura this is I think uh one of the more well-known auras um it gave everyone in your Ora resistance to the damage of spells um things like that where it's like uh not a damage type that you're getting resistance to are are gone I think I I I'm trying to think if there's any cas case where you get resistance to damage without it mentioning the type and nothing comes to mind I think they've just gotten rid of that entirely so instead you're going to get uh resistance to three damage types the ones he just mentioned and uh I I'm sure people will have opinions on that so go ahead and let us know what they are down below because this Paladin is all about protecting people from in some cases foes from Beyond you know uh and so that's why their Aura now will protect you from the magic of you know necro necrosis which we associate with the negative energy plane radiant damage which is from the positive energy plane and then psychic damage which we often associate with the far realm and radiant damage can feel also very creepy it doesn't have to feel like Celestial and happy and good this can also be something this can be feel like radioactive exactly so it's not always a benevolent or natural source exactly just as necrotic damage is not always malevolent right uh because death can be a I mean it is a natural part of the world also in the subclass we have increased the range of the subclasses Nature's wrath ability uh which is their entanglement ability so yeah I'm glad he went back to this cuz he he he started on level seven like he's not going to talk about Nature's wrath Nature's wrath on the 2014 oath of the Ancients Paladin is maybe the worst Channel Divinity of any of the Paladin I'm I'm trying to think if there's any that I considered worse it was basically something you would never ever do um and it has been and in the play test we saw this as well it's been significantly enhanced if you love playing an oath of the Ancients Paladin and tangling people up in Roots well now you can do that even easier because the range of that ability has been extended uh we have also uh in the subclass's undying Sentinel ability made it so that if you pop back from zero you don't pop back with just one hit point and just as we did in the Barbarian you now pop back with a bunch of hit points so that you don't get knocked down immediately after you popped back up perfect those are the yeah so uh um the old version was basically it worked like uh the half orc had the same kind of thing I think it was relentless insurance for them by that 15th level you got a feature where if you were knocked to zero hit points you would go to one hit point instead once prolonged rest and they've enhanced it now that they you get a bunch of hit points back when that happens main changes here and really just uh our effort to make this great subass just even better at the fun stuff it was already doing I love that even the subclasses that are very tried and true are still getting by the way o of the Ancients was another uh Paladin subclass who had a short duration uh 20th level feature that required an action to use um and so I'll I'll let you know that just as we saw with devotion they they have they have changed that so it's not the case anymore you know a facel a facelift an upgrade and G something extra to do and that is true of every subass in the book uh that no matter how solid it was it's getting some new upgrade and so that leaves us then with the oath of Vengeance this was another subass that was super solid but still has uh some fun new toys within it uh one of the biggies because it affects the the subclass most iconic ability its vow of enmity is you no longer have to use your bonus action to activate your vow of enmity this you can now use simply as a part of the attack action so basically it's it's just like sacred weapon for oath of devotion and and same thing right if you get to 20th and I know a lot of you are going to be thinking I'm never going to get to 20th level in any campaign I ever play in and uh you know fair enough but uh I it's part of the rule so I still cover it and some people play 20th level I sometimes play 20th level uh so it matters to me somewhat so same thing if you're 20th level you're going to be able to use all your stuff right away wow and we've also made it so that if the target of your vow of enmity perishes you now have a a window of time where you can transfer it to somebody else because it used to be yeah so uh valve ad before it was a bonus action to use uh you you declared a Target within 10 ft um yeah 10 foot feet uh and then you had advantage on attacks against them for a minute um and it used your channel Divinity you're one and only Channel Divinity um so the new one now uh has a number of enhancements one of the big ones is or probably the biggest one is that you can now transfer it is so if you drop your first Target then you can pick a different Target transfer it and get advantage against them um so you're going to get more use out of your uh Val mity plus of course you have multiple Chan Divinity uses uh now that you didn't have before and there's another enhancement as well that I won't reveal unless he does you would place it on somebody and if they got felled quickly enough right it's like well well I guess that's done or someone else kills them yeah and so now similar to how Hunter Mark functions where you can move that spell around uh you can now also move around your vow of enmity at level 20 with their avenging Angel ability yeah uh We've made two major enhancements one of them is you can now activate it as a bonus action instead of an action thank you and it lasts for an entire hour and we did this because this feature includes flight yeah and we wanted the the oath of Vengeance Paladin to be able to use that flight okay um I am just going to pause for a bit here there's going to be an edit cuz I think he has just said something that's incorrect or I have made a mistake uh which is possible so uh give me a minute and I'll be right back okay so I think he has made a mistake um I have just double checked my notes and I believe he's made a mistake I'm going replay what he said just to make sure I heard what I thought I heard one of them is you can now activate it as a bonus action and okay so this that part is correct instead of an action thank you and it lasts for an entire hour that is not uh what it says in the version of The Players handbook I have uh I can't reveal specifics uh but that is not correct um and uh the thing is is it was an hour in the old players handbook B I'm 99% sure let me verify uh so we're going to go to Paladin o of Vengeance avenging Angel for one hour you gain the following benefit so it was an hour before it is no longer an hour uh so he has made a mistake there and we did this because this feature includes flight yeah and we wanted the the O of Vengeance Paladin to be able to use that flight to pursue somebody and so watch out go right into evil Superman mode yes and hunt them down the new players handbook is all right yeah so unless they have changed the players handbook since they gave it but I only got it a week ago so I can't imagine they've changed it at this point um so yeah I think he just screwed up there uh and uh that said avenging Angels duration is fine but it's not an hour that is that what he said there is inaccurate um so that's the Palin so like I said some things got worse and there are other things that weren't mentioned but there are some features from subclasses that you used to be able to do that you can no longer do um so the Palin bit more of a mixed bag than the fighter and the Barbarian that we're going to see tomorrow which is all goodies this time you know Divine Smite is worse uh you know where there's some features that aren't there um and there is some stuff that's been kind of toned down uh then there are other things that are just new goodies uh so weapon Mastery is newj elements is or Jos is new and then there are enhancements so things like sacred weapon that you can do part of the attack action uh all the capstones being able to do them as bonus actions uh so oh and multiple uses of Channel Divinity uh so um yeah the I think the Paladin is probably a little bit more powerful now than 2014 but it is not cut and dry um and so I do think like when we look at the Palin which was up here versus you know Fighters and barbarians which were a little more lower down we're going to see more of a narrowing on that in the new players handbook um whether you like that or not that's subjective I'm happy about that I I want the difference in power levels between classes to be narrowed uh and um this is one case where you have something on the more powerful end and uh so it didn't get the good ease that the stuff that isn't on the powerful end god um so yeah that's the Paladin tomorrow I will be covering the Barbarian uh when they release that video and I'll get the reaction out as soon as possible I hope you join me talk to you later
Channel: Treantmonk's Temple
Views: 53,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Optimization, Guide, Wizard, Wizards, charop, ultimate, best, most powerful
Id: pJr_GHsW7Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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