The "Eris Loris" Among Us Hack...

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so get those stereotypes out of your head all right ladies and gentlemen because we're going to talk about among us now i love among us i've been playing it with the friends it's good it's really brought a lot of communities together he's [Music] [Music] it's a very simple game and it's a game that i feel you know it definitely has longevity and as long as the developers stick with it it's gonna be just fine now like most popular things it's always attracted by a lot of smooth brain losers out there and we looked at among us hacks that were floating around on youtube but this one is something that's affecting everyone regardless of a hack for those of you who don't know what's going on among us is going through an issue in its public lobbies where they're basically being spammed with users known by aeris loris and and there's a whole bunch of other stuff but let's look at the announcement that among us posted on their own game now when you fire up among us the motd is due to increased hacking among us is undergoing emergency maintenance you may see connection issues as servers are updated i will remove this message when it's done we are also working on an account system with reporting and moderation features to fight toxicity we will launch it as soon as it is done sometime in november finally a reminder that among us two is cancelled because they're putting all their effort into among us one very very admirable very great so they basically announced that yes there is a there is a hacking problem so let's cover what the hacking problem really is okay there was a couple accounts that pretty much talked about aris loras now here let's look at one from uh stinky on twitter good old i hate it here i just want to play a simple game me too buddy me too now in here the chat in the game was filled with your mad i'm back subscribe to eris lawrence vote trump 2020. again don't don't take that as a [ __ ] political uh i have to state that for videos txnt9tc now the thing about it is that discord that's mentioned i believe it's actually removed by discord right now for going against their tos but you should never just click on any links because going to discord inherently isn't unsafe but when you go to somebody's discord and they're spamming you with like other links that they'll tell you you got to go here to register further in our discord those links can be very dangerous but we'll get to that in due time of course even one of the developers of the game fort bass said so yeah i'm rolling out the server update i'm using a faster method than i've done before it'll impact players more so they're really scrambling to get this together again remember among us is not a game run by a massive like corporation it's run by a lot of like smaller indie developers people who didn't anticipate that their game would blow up this fast so understandably you know they're really scrambling for all of this now even over here you can see a much more clear idea where it says go to youtube and subscribe to aris loris or we will kill your device which they can't do from among us by the way uh whether you're on mobile or pc as far as i've seen and they'll give you a twitter handle which we're gonna go to because this twitter handle takes us to add aeris loras yes it's me check pin tweet for correct information uh i can't really see a pin tweet what's fun while it lasted thanks for the fan posted new tick tock uh and then basically this account talks about you know i get it it's it's a troll account okay like look at [ __ ] discord get off my [ __ ] and stop banning my server no not at all now what's interesting is on this account it leads to a youtube channel the youtube channel takes us to aeris loris the youtube channel i'm not saying please don't go here and wraps i have to say that over and over in the video again as per youtube's terms of services uh don't brigade do anything like that but as you can see this account pretty much relies on hacking video games and whatnot so if you go to one of the oldest videos digital delta gaming gets the funny knife if you actually open this up right here you can see that he gets like likes but a disproportionately higher amount of dislikes and he talks about private anti-cheats and all this stuff and if you go into the video it's actually footage of actual exploits being performed so this guy is like full-on exploits that he's bought this isn't like hackerish this is this is like below a script kitty like anybody can buy exploits and pretty much get away with it and get banned in like 48 hours but i assume the sites he leads to which is methamphetamine solutions is a website that again being behind virtual machines right now i'm going to click on them i would never recommend you guys just click on these things but if you go to their websites their their cheats for gary's mod counter strike source and apex legends uh please don't play music on my computer without permission thank you very much but uh yeah this is effectively what you got to deal with now if you go to the recent video stay mad which is blown up 423 000 views there's a lot of people affected i mean you're looking at 2.3 000 likes 27 000 dislikes you're mad i'm bad but i'm back big mad he's mad she's mad big sad i don't care cool if you go look at the actual comments go change stop hacking among us i called the fbi are that's not gonna do anything they ain't caring they don't care but if you see there's always discord links being tossed around you now again being the fact that i'm behind virtual machines sure i can do it i would never recommend you click on these and go to where the rabbit hole they're putting you down so let's talk about why this is happening okay anti-cheat now i don't like anti-cheat i've historically disliked anti-cheat but if i had to give you a pretty like uh you know sellouty analogy real quick think of it like g fuel right g fuel is great i like it code sog by the way if you drink a lot of g fuel like 10 cups of this in a day which they don't recommend i don't recommend that's a lot of g-fuel in your system that's a lot of anti-cheat and it's ultimately detrimental like anti-cheat if you use too much of it and it's too invasive at the end of the day the people who are actually going to hack your game are going to get away with it so what does anti cheat really do at the end of the day it harms the average user like you me people who are playing legitimately it opens our attack surface on our computer relatively high now if you don't use anti-cheat okay if you don't go all the way there then you basically create this laissez-faire community online that anybody can connect to and exploit to their heart's content when we looked at among us hacks those hacks were running with like memory modifications the server wasn't doing anything there was no check and balance to ensure that people couldn't run across the map in a second or always be imposter or kill indiscriminately no matter what people could basically win games as soon as they were loaded with the among us hacks that are still floating around all the way out there now i don't like anti-cheat i dislike it immensely but i understand as a normal person okay as a person that realizes that online gaming has problems you're gonna need a little bit of anti-cheat you're gonna need a little bit of that good old g fuel in your life if you want to stay happy when you have some of the anti-cheat right when you have some of it it has to be a not so invasive but it has to be enough to ruin the experience for hackers or at least make it that difficult enough so that a lot of the hackers just decide to go away because the game is relatively well obfuscated if that makes any sense out there right see the point is with anti cheat is to create this situation where it's not so it's not so bad for the average user but it's bad enough for the hacker out there so you can create this environment where it's relatively safe you can never have a hundred percent safe online gaming experience unless you were like using google stadia or geforce now exclusively where hackers didn't have any access to video game files we would just have video feed sent to our computers that's not practical for competitive gaming yet but that's that's one thing you have to understand with anti-cheat it's a requirement for most of the online experiences we go through among us has none of this and i can tell you why it has none of this on linux i can fire up steam right now and we can fire up among us through proton proton usually has many issues with anti-cheat with something like among us not at all i'll show you right now let's open up among us and i'll show you why it doesn't use anti-g you can just fire it up underneath proton to prove to you i'm on proton it tells you i'm using proton 5.0-19 which also isn't even the most latest version of proton out there by hitting play if you look at it real carefully among us will just fire up right here bam no no [ __ ] given in fact i can even go right to the online go right into a public lobby and i'll show you that it works just fine bam we are oh game's trying to join full god damn all right let's connect to like fafg real quick look at that i can connect online no [ __ ] given okay like bam it works just out of the box now again that's to show you that there's no anti-cheat sort of screwing up with anything that's why it's so [ __ ] hackable now this takes us to the next part okay the idea of how dangerous it is for you right now at the end of the day this hack really can't do anything and it's all up to the among us developers to iron this out it's somebody who's just spamming their link over and over and over again like a total smooth brain now the reason why i keep telling you at the beginning do not click on the link because i'm going to show you why you shouldn't real quick now this is panopticlick which is checking my browser fingerprinting right now if you look at my browser fingerprinting i'm on a vpn my vpn has connected me to sykes network in south korea in seoul right so i'm as far as the world knows my ip is coming out of south korea i am a south korean right i'm a vigil main but if you go to my actual browser fingerprinting they can easily bypass that right there what you may not know is that the browser fingerprinting not only figures out what browser you're using but it also figures out your operating system like i'm using linux x86 64. however it also notices i've got a resolution of 3440x1440 but more importantly it also i identifies my time zone which is america toronto a lot of people don't obfuscate this so even if you are hiding your actual location in like america or something else a browser fingerprint can actually dig up the fact that you do in fact live in a different location from your vpn and that's why you can correlate vpn users relatively easily if they choose to obscure the information of course i could go into this i could have just taken time in settings to let's say time zone let's go to like south korea right and i'll i'll prove to you again so south korea seoul hit apply and we'll change it there we go so now we're now we're apparently a south korean boya we're like it's 10 25 10 25 and the following day whoa what happened oh no no i killed my audio recording didn't i oh no i didn't did i kill the audio recording did i no i didn't it screwed with the timing on it jesus christ yeah so see now it registers me in asia soul again a very basic change but one that if you're gonna be using a vpn you may actually want to consider for that extra premium amount of like computer safety but that being said there's still a million other ways you can identify actual users so let's not let's not pretend otherwise but that being said ladies and gentlemen okay that all being completely tossed out there aris loris is not some crazy big hacker on among us there's somebody that exploited a game that had no anti-cheat to begin with they are less than a script kitty okay they are a script embryo and until among us gets their server stuff together maybe decide to actually implement anti-cheat which isn't as easy as you may expect you know you have to think about things like server client relationships and like how the actual game is programmed down to its core it's not like a one-click solution most of the times but as long as they consider adding actual anti-cheat and and better security and better connection and reliability between the server and the clients i'm sure everything will be fine right but for the people who are worried about getting their personal data hacked listen if you're getting somebody spamming this in your game alt f4 restart and hope to god that you don't get into another thing but the last thing you should do is click on a link that may in fact log your ip address log where you live potentially try to figure out things out of you or maybe send you to a place that has a browser vulnerability nobody has looked at and maybe do something shadier i mean the world is really their oyster when you're clicking around on the internet but again be mindful be careful and that being said ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it this is the among us hack it's it's a wild week for this game tons of awesome stuff tons of weird stuff tons of spooky stuff if you wanted to get at it but all that being said ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 703,917
Rating: 4.9502964 out of 5
Id: Y_DAIjmt8BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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