The Entire Timeline of Harry & Ginny's Relationship (Harry Potter Explained)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

Yeah. YouTube is filled with Harmione shippers. It's kinda rare to see a Hinny video.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Tadano-kunn 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

I just wish there were more edits of them on YT. Tiktok is full of Drarry shippers

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lord-Liberty 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

i love this chanel

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Amazing-Engineer4825 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

I watched the video, You should watch the couples ranking video also by MovieFlame.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DivineKat9 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
harry and ginny they are my favorite couple and my favorite series the sad thing is that those who have only seen the films will question me on this because they are just absolutely awful on screen they have no chemistry their relationship came out of nowhere and they are so awkward the film version of these two was just not the couple i fell in love with so today i'm going to go through their entire timeline from the books and hopefully shed some light on why they're such an amazing pairing i will not be counting the cursed child though because well it's awful it goes against everything established in the original series and most fans just ignore it so that's exactly what i'm gonna do now that i've said that let's get the video started the story of their relationship begins on september 1st 1991 the first day they met harry saw jenny first as she was walking with her mother and genie caught sight of harry for the first time when he approached them in the film ginny says good luck but in the book she did not say this it's sort of an important part of their relationship that she literally did not speak to or in front of harry until a certain moment which i'll get into in a bit harry later saw more of jenny's personality as he looked out the train window and eavesdropped on the weasley family after having met the twins fred and george he saw them go over and tell the rest of the weasley clan that the boy they had helped earlier was none other than the famous harry potter aka the boy who lived when finding this out harry heard jenny ask her mom if she could go on the train to see him but mrs weasley sternly said no moving forward nine months the next time ginny and harry interacted was that king's cross after term ended when ginny saw harry she pointed at him squealing harry potter look mom i can see but her mother cut her off telling her to be quiet and told ginny it was rude the point once harry came over to talk with mrs weasley ginny stayed quiet not saying a word and her not speaking in front of him would be a theme for quite some time after their second meeting ginny developed a huge crush on harry and over the next two and a half months during summer break she did nothing but talk about him at the end of august harry arrived at the borough which jenny did not know and when she came down that morning she saw harry he became scared squealed and ran out of the room ron said to harry julie she's been talking about your summer and fred joked saying that she wanted harry's autograph later that day ron gave harry a tour of the house and when they passed ginny's room her door was open harry made eye contact with her for only a second before she slammed her door shut ron then told harry how weird it was for her to be this shy because normally she never shut up harry spent another week at the borough and during that time ginny never spoke a word in front of him on top of that when they were in the same room she became very prone to knocking things over just one example of this was when harry came down to the kitchen and jenny became so flustered that she knocked her porridge bowl to the floor she dove under the table to clean it up and she emerged with her face glowing bright red harry was nice though when he acted as though he had not seen any of this when it was time to go to diagon alley to get school supplies mrs weasley mentioned ginny getting her things and harry turned to ginny and asked excitedly if she was starting at hogwarts as well she did not reply but her face went bright red and embarrassingly she put her elbow in the butter dish wong and diagon alley harry was pulled in by gilderoy lockhart and afterwards draco came over and said famous harry potter can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page jenny then spoke in front of harry for the first time saying leave him alone he didn't want all that and draco replied saying oh look potter you've got yourself a girlfriend and i mean he's not wrong he's just four and a half years early on that same day jenny acquired a diary courtesy of lucius malfoy which unbeknownst to her contained a part of voldemort's soul once she got to school she began to write in it and to her surprise it wrote back she opened up to voldemort telling him that she liked harry but didn't think he would ever like her back as ginny porter sold out to voldemort though the piece of voldemort in the diary grew stronger and eventually he was able to possess ginny's body to open the chamber of secrets after several months of blackouts that only happened when attacks took place she began to distrust the diary and she tried to get rid of it fast forward to valentine's day gilderoy lockhart arranged for dwarves dressed like cupid to give out valentines for students and ginny decided to send one to harry the dwarf cornered harry and she watched as the dwarf red her valentine in front of everyone his eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad his hair is as dark as a blackboard i wish he was mine he's really divine the hero who conquered the dark lord afterwards draco screamed out the ginny saying that harry did not like her valentine this made jenny cover her face and run into her classroom before running away though ginny realized that harry had the diary she had gotten rid of and she became terrified she was scared the diary would tell harry all of her secrets not just her feelings for him but the fact that she thought she opened the chamber of secrets which she wrote to voldemort several times desperate she raided harry's dorm and stole the diary back tom riddle's diary is gone fast forward another four months jenny was taken down to the chamber while possessed by voldemort who is it that the monster's taken minerva ginny beasley after finding this out harry thought to himself that it was probably the worst day of his life he was determined to save ginny though and he risked his life to do so when he saw her body in the chamber he ran to her begging her to wake up jenny please don't be dead wake up wake up finding out that voldemort was draining the life out of ginny so he could create a new body for himself harry sprang into action defeated a basilisk and destroyed the diary all to ensure that ginny was safe and alive when ginny woke up and saw the dead basilisk the blood all over harry and the diary in harry's hand she burst into tears telling harry everything it was me i swear i didn't mean to riddle made me fox then healed harry's wounds and took all of them out of the chamber when they met up with mr and mrs weasley dumbledore and mcgonagall harry told them the whole story of what happened but he protected ginny by leaving out all of the parts that involved her opening the chamber luckily dumbledore knew she did not open the chamber willingly and he did not punish ginny but actually awarded both harry and ron instead after all of this ginny felt more comfortable around harry as she was now able to talk in front of him telling harry ron hermione and the twins about percy's girlfriend however she still could not talk directly to harry she could only talk to others in front of them ginny did talk to harry directly in the chamber but that was a special situation with a lot of nerves and a lot of fear so i don't really count that fast forward two months jenny and harry stole each other again at the leaky cauldron and ginny seemed even more embarrassed around him than usual which harry believed was because he had saved her life mere months before this jenny was able to say hello to henry this time though which she had never done before but she could only do this when they were surrounded by other people so that's some progress a few days later when they entered platform nine and three quarters percy announced that he saw his girlfriend and jenny and harry had a little moment as they called each other's eyes then both turned away to hide their laughter fast forward two months to november 1993 harry fell off his broom during a quidditch match and while in the hospital jenny showed up blushing furiously and she gave him a get well soon card that she had made herself moving forward nine months we come to the summer of 1994 when harry arrived at the borough when she saw him ginny smiled at harry but when he smiled back ginny's face went bright red ginny made pretty big strides though as she was able to speak a full sentence directly to harry and not just to the entire room telling him about fred and george's joke merchandise and how she had named ron zao pigwijn but when she said this ron and hermione were there as well so ginny had still not talked to harry one on one besides in the chamber but again i don't really count that fast forward another four months to december 1994 the yule ball was just around the corner when harry told ron and ginny that he had just asked cho chang to be his dad the smile jenny had on her face from laughing at ron immediately vanished she was clearly upset and jealous but fortunately for her cho said no as she was already going with cedric diggory ron then desperately came up with a plan so that he and harry wouldn't be dateless and he said that ginny should go to the ball with harry ginny went red though saying she couldn't as she was already going with neville longbottom she looked extremely miserable clearly seeing that she had missed her chance to be harry's date and as she got up to leave her head was bowed not long after that ginny had a heart to heart with hermione about ginny liking harry hermione told her to relax around harry because so far he had not seen the real her he only knew the nervous and shy girl that was ron's little sister on top of that hermione suggested she start seeing other boys and maybe then harry would take an interest in her ginny ran with this and not being harry's date to the yule ball led to jenny meeting michael corner the two really hit it off and moving forward to june 1995 ginny and michael began dating this changed everything for jenny as she was now able to be her true self in front of harry moving forward two months we get to august 1995. harry arrived at grimm on place and genie said oh hello harry i thought i heard your voice which is a big step up from the last greeting we saw her give harry shortly after arriving harry got angry about all of the articles slandering his name and though he said this in front of ron hermione fred and george ginny was the one who stepped up validating his feelings and calming him down when harry told everyone he was cleared of all charges after his hearing ginny along with fred and george started doing a kind of war dance chanting he got off he got off which probably showed harry more of ginny's personality than he had ever seen before fast forward to september 1st harry boarded the hogwarts express with ginny and because ron and hermione were going to the prefix carriage harry and ginny decided to find a seat together however they still have not had that moment alone with just the two of them which crazily has not happened in the series yet besides in the chamber but again i don't really count that instead they ended up sitting with neville longbottom and luna lovegood fast forward to october 1995 ginny showed up to the first ea meeting in the hog's head with her boyfriend michael but at this point harry did not know she was dating anyone it's not until after the meeting that he found this out from hermione ron voiced that he thought she liked harry but hermione replied saying ginny used to fancy harry but she gave up on him months ago she then looked at harry and added not that she doesn't like you of course harry thought to himself that he did not find this conversation very interesting as he was too busy thinking about cho chang however he did put together that that was why ginny could all of a sudden talk to him now that she was dating someone else she wasn't as nervous in front of harry fast forward another month to november 1995 umbridge banned harry from ever playing quidditch again for beating up malfoy and when he found out that ginny was the seeker who replaced him he was in shock this was the first time he realized he and jenny had something in common and according to angelina the captain of the team she was really good following mr weasley being attacked everyone went to st mungo's hospital to visit him and while there the kids overheard moody saying that harry was possessed by voldemort during the attack after hearing this harry distanced himself from everyone but ginny along with ron and hermione planned an intervention when harry tried to shut them down ron and hermione backed off but ginny did quite the opposite she told him he was being stupid for distancing himself and she pointed out that shitsu had been possessed by voldemort so she could tell him how it felt i returned to look at her and said i forgot and ginny replied saying lucky you harry apologized to wear and taking all the information they had ginny told harry it did not sound like he was being possessed which made harry feel so much better fast forward to february 1996 henry watched ginny play quidditch for the first time and he was amazed though they lost ginny beat the other seeker to the snitch with an amazing grab at the after game party in the gryffindor common room harry went up to her and said nice catch ginny said it was lucky and said that once harry was back to playing she would switch to chaser harry said he had a lifelong band though but ginny smirked and said that was only true if umbridge was at the school there was a big difference that night while in bed harry's thoughts drifted eventually landing on how impressed he was with ginny for catching the snitch late one sunday evening harry was sitting alone in the library and to a surprise genie came in and sat down with him for the first time besides the chamber of secrets interaction the two were totally alone no friends no family and no surrounding party like their last interaction it was just the two of them ginny said he seemed down lately and thinking it was about his falling out with joe she said to just talk to her but harry cut it off saying it wasn't about joe which most likely made jenny feel good though she would never voice that harry told her he wanted to talk to sirius but he knew he couldn't ginny replied saying that if that's what he wanted she could try and make that happen for him at this harry immediately felt more hopeful this was a key moment in their relationship because it was not only the first time they were alone together but ginny made harry realize that she cared and she gave him hope and cheered him up when he was down it was the first time he and jenny ever had a moment like this a moment where jenny wasn't just his best friend's sister but an actual friend sure enough ginny talked to fred and george hoping they could help harry talk to sirius and because of ginny harry was able to talk to his godfather using the flu network moving on to may 1996 in the next quidditch match ginny faced off against ravenclaw seeker who happened to be cho chang jinny was able to outdo cho as she flew underneath her and grabbed the snitch before joe could joe was so mad afterwards that she began to cry and when she landed she slammed her broom on the ground in frustration later that day ginny got angry with her boyfriend michael for being a sore loser as he was a ravenclaw the team jenny had just beaten ginny did not put up with this and she dumped him right then in there and funnily enough he went on to date cho chang so genizek started dating harry's ex seems fitting going forward a month to june 1996 ginny overheard harry yelling in a classroom and when she walked in accompanied by luna harry shut her down this made ginny raise her eyebrows and she said she was only wondering if she could help ultimately she did end up helping and moving forward a few hours ginny said she was going to the ministry with the trio but harry said no because she was too young jenny then pointed out that she was three years older than he was when he fought voldemort for the philosopher stone and after some more convincing harry allowed her to come they stood by each other's side during the battle of the department of mysteries and when bellatrix threatened to torture ginny harry stepped in front of her to guard her both made it out alive and their bond was even stronger than before having survived such an ordeal on the train ride home that year ginny told harry and ron that she had broken up with michael and said he was now dating cho and hearing this made harry realize he was totally over his ex ron told ginny she should pick a better boyfriend next time and as he said this he looked at harry however this idea was shot down as ginny told both of them she was now dating their roommate dean thomas so now we get to the half blood prince and i want to make this very clear this video is based on the books not the films there are many differences when it comes to this book and movie especially when talking about harry and jenny's relationship there's a lot that the film added that never happened in the book and on screen there were many things left out so going forward another month we come to july 1996 when harry arrived at the borough the first morning harry was there harry ron hermione and jenny were talking about fleur whom jinny had nicknamed phlegm and when harry defended fleur ginny said i suppose you'd like the way phlegm says arie do you and harry immediately wished he hadn't said anything ginny and harry hung out a lot that summer and during that time they became much closer they became more comfortable around each other and after a month at the borough their bond was stronger than ever moving to september 1st when they boarded the train harry asked jenny if she wanted to find a compartment but she shut him down saying she was going to meet her boyfriend dean as she walked away harry felt a strange twinge of annoyance and watching her leave he noticed her long red hair dancing behind her he had become so used to always being with her over the summer that he had forgotten he didn't hang out with her that much while at school he then realized he was surrounded by mesmerized girls all of whom liked him now that he was branded as the chosen one but he ignored all of them only thinking of jenny at this point harry clearly liked jenny but he himself did not know this yet the annoyance he felt about her being with dean was jealousy and watching her walk away while ignoring all of the other girls shows that he only has eyes for ginny they weren't apart for long though as harry and jenny were reunited on the train when they went to the slug club when slughorn mentioned harry's boy who live story zubini gave a purposeful cough and ginny shot back at him saying that he had no talent other than posing this was a moment that greatly reminisces the first time ginny ever spoke in front of harry that time standing up to malfoy though a little bit into term ginny overheard the trio talking and when she walked over harry recognized her flowery smell a few weeks later harry held quidditch tryouts as he was now the captain and ginny's performance left him in awe one day while talking with ron and hermione in the common room harry got distracted at the sight of jenny playing with her pygmy puff and it was hard for him to look away when it came time for their first hogsmeat trip harry invited ginny to join them but he was let down when she said she was going with dean while in the village harry's mind slipped to jealous thoughts of ginny and dean and maddie puddyfoot's tea shop where all of the hogwarts couples went this was a thought that made him scowl as he bowed his head and trudged on after katie bell's incident harry had to find a new chaser for the gryffindor quidditch team and to his annoyance he had to let dean thomas jenny's boyfriend on the team as he was the best choice one night after practice harry and ron accidentally walked in on jenny and dean making out and harry was flooded with emotions he was mad upset sad and most of all jealous he thought to himself that he wanted to jinx dean and he stood by as ron told them off which pleased harry however when a streak of orange came out of ron's wand and almost had ginny harry defended her slamming run on the wall and telling him not to be stupid that night while lying in bed harry tried to convince himself that these feelings were entirely elder brotherly however an image of him kissing genie came to mind and he realized for the first time that he really did like ginny because of ron though he knew she was out of bounds he did not want to do anything that would jeopardize their friendship over the next few weeks harry kept dreaming about ginny and he thought to himself he was lucky ron could not perform legelamency otherwise known as the act of reading one's mind when it came time for slughorn's christmas party harry wanted to ask ginny to go with him but obviously he could not do this as she was still dating dean and he still feared what ron might think instead he asked luna lovegood to go with him the next time harry saw jenning in the great hall she stopped and told harry she was glad he was taking luna and she then went to sit with dean henry tried to feel pleased that jenny felt that way but he couldn't quite manage it especially while watching her with dean over christmas break at the borough jeannie leaned over to get a maggot out of harry's hair which was courtesy of creature the house elf and as she did harry felt goosebumps or rubbed up his neck which had nothing to do with the maggot when they returned to hogwarts hermione asked jenny if she wanted to join herself and harry at dinner but jenny said she was meeting dean and harry was very shocked and a little glad that she did not seem very enthusiastic about that during the next quidditch match harry was knocked unconscious and while he was in the hospital wing ginny came to visit him upon waking up and being told that ginny had stopped by harry imagined a scene in which ginny cried over his lifeless body confessing her deep affection to him all while ron gave the two of them his blessing when harry left the hospital wing hermione told him that jenny and dean got into a fight which made harry's heart leap when harry asked what they thought about hermione said ginny was angry at dean for laughing about harry getting knocked out hermione then asked him why he was so interested and henry tried to play it off saying he didn't want his quidditch team to get messed up hermione didn't buy it though and she looked at him suspiciously when harry drank his liquid luck it helped him with more than just getting the memory from slughorn as he walked through the portrait hole under his invisibility cloak he passed ginny and dean and accidentally brushed ginny thinking it was dean who touched her ginny yelled at him saying she was capable of walking through on her own this little moment led to a fight and that fight led to them breaking up when hermione told harry the next morning she had a knowing look in her eye almost as though she knew harry was delighted by this news at the next quidditch practice harry noticed that ginny did not seem at all upset about her breakup on the contrary she was the life of the team she and harry joked around and harry loved the excuse to look at ginny moore but he chanced a few more glances than he should have which led to him getting whacked by the bludger a few times after practice harry had a battle inside of his head ron or ginny he remembered ron's expression when he had seen dean kissing ginny and he was scared ron would be furious with him if he asked ginny out even if he didn't ask her out though he still could not help himself from talking to her laughing with her and walking back from practice with her hebrew just wanted to be alone with ginny and he even thought about asking hermione for help to do so but he decided not to he could tell that hermione knew as she would often give him a smug look when she caught him staring at ginny or laughing extra hard at her jokes harry also began to get nervous that ginny would be asked out by someone else as both he and ron agreed that she was too pretty and too popular for her own good in may 1997 harry heard draco with the sektum sempra spell and afterwards hermione began to lecture him about it ginny stood up for harry though brutally telling hermione off saying she did not know what she was talking about this shocked harry because hermione and jenny had always gotten along well but this shows how protective jenny is of harry which we had seen from very early on in their relationship timeline harry could not play in the quidditch final as he had detention with snape for his fight with draco but when he went to the common room after the match jenny celebrated their victory as she ran toward harry and threw her arms around him without thinking harry just leaned in and kissed her in front of everybody including dean who smashed his glass hermione who was beaming and ron who had a look of shock on his face when he and ginny separated harry made eye contact with ron who gave a tiny jerk of his head which harry understood to mean well if you must after the kiss ginny and harry left the common room to go on a long walk through the hogwarts grounds during that walk they put it all out there and the two decided to start dating within a few days everyone was gossiping about the two of them but harry was newly and happily impervious to gossip one day while sitting in the common room jenny was leaning on harry's legs and she told the trio that when ramilda vayne asked if harry had a hippogriff tattoo on his chest she said it was actually a hungarian horntail which made harry laugh moving to june harry and jenny's time together was unfortunately restricted due to jenny studying for her owls on top of that harry still had detention every saturday because of his fight with draco which cut their already limited time down even more one night while she was studying harry sat in the common room missing her but he filled the void by thinking of the wonderful hour-long lunch that you had earlier that day by the lake harry eventually went on a mission with dumbledore but before leaving he took the rest of his liquid luck and ensured that ginny along with ron and hermione drankid as he had a feeling that something bad would happen that night sure enough harry was right the battle of the astronomy tower took place that night at hogwarts when death eater showed up while harry was running through the battle he saw ginny fighting a death eater who harry jinxed backwards to protect ginny jeannie tried to talk to him but he ignored her and ran after snape who he had just watched killed dumbledore the two stole each other after the battle ended though ginny went beside harry took his hand and pulled him away from dumbledore's dead body on their way to the hospital wing ginny told harry what happened to bill who was mauled by the werewolf greyback and he squeezed her hand more tightly as her voice trembled after that night harry and ginny along with ron and hermione spent all of their time together in one of the lighter moments ginny joked saying that she had come to terms with fleur marrying her brother bill and when harry said she wasn't that bad ginny raised her eyebrows at him and harry played it off saying that she was ugly though which made ginny giggle moving forward to dumbledore's funeral when harry looked over at ginny she met his gaze with the same look she had given him right before their first kiss harry pulled ginny aside and said that the last few weeks had been amazing but that they could not be together anymore ginny responded asking if it was for some stupid noble reason and harry confirmed this saying he had some things to do on his own ginny did not cry but just looked at him harry broke the silence saying that voldemort might use her to get to him just as he had done in the chamber of secrets jenny told him that she did not care about the danger though however harry said that he did ginny then looked out over the lake and said she had never given up on harry she always liked him even when dating other guys she explained her heart to heart with hermione saying she learned to relax in front of him and just as hermione had predicted harry took an interest in her when she did after some silence harry said he wished he asked jenny out sooner they could have had much more time together months maybe even years ginny responded saying that harry was too busy saving the wizarding world though she then said i can't say i'm surprised i knew this would happen in the end i knew you wouldn't be happy unless you were hunting voldemort maybe that's why i like you so much harry could not bear to hear this and he knew that if he stayed any longer he would forget about his mission and just stay with ginny however he knew that was not an option he knew that he was the only one who could take voldemort down harry got up and turned his back on ginny never looking back moving forward to the end of july the next time harry and jeanne saw each other was when harry returned from the battle of seven potters hebby asked ginny to come outside with him and as they looked up in the sky waiting for the others to return genie took harry's hand the next day when setting the table together ginny told harry that mrs weasley wanted the trio to leave their mission behind and stay at the borough and harry asked in frustration who she expected to kill voldemort if they didn't do it he regretted saying this immediately though as ginny's face whitened she said so it's true that's what you're trying to do harry tried to say he was joking but she didn't buy it they stared at each other and there was something more than shock and ginny's expression henry then realized that this was the first time they had been alone since those stolen hours and secluded corners of the hogwarts grounds and he was sure she was remembering those same memories too they were snapped out of this however when others walked in that night at dinner harry found himself crammed beside ginny and the unsaid things from their last interaction made him wish there were more people in between them when fleur's family arrived her little sister batted her eyelashes at harry which made ginny loudly clear her throat on harry's birthday jenny asked him to come to her room for a moment ginny looked into his eyes and said happy 17th birthday she then said she didn't know what to get him as there wasn't much he could take with him on his mission instead she leaned in closer and said she was going to give him something to remember her by she then pulled him in and kissed him as she had never kissed him before it was very passionate until ron slammed the door open being interrupted ginny told harry happy birthday one more time and she then turned her back on him and walked out just as he had turned his back on her at the funeral harry thought she might have tears in her eyes but with ron there he could not do anything to comfort her afterwards ron scolded harry for kissing her and sending her mixed signals saying she was really caught up about the breakup but henry said he was too he then said ron knew why he ended it and it wasn't because he wanted to he added to his defense saying that ginny wasn't expecting them to get married or anything but as harry said that last part he stopped he imagined jenny marrying some stranger and it hit him her future was free whereas his he could see nothing but voldemort ahead ginny did not seek him out for another one-on-one meeting and she hardly showed that they had even had a moment on the day of bill and flair's wedding harry was all struck at how beautiful ginny looked later on ginny's aunt muriel said that her dress was too low low-cut and seeing that harry heard this she turned around grinning and winked at him this made harry remember his time alone with her on the school grounds which at this point felt so long ago later on harry was sitting with victor crome though thanks to paulie juice potion he was disguised as a weasley cousin and when crum pointed ginny out saying she was very good looking harry told him she was dating someone he would not want to mess with when death eaters arrived harry had to leave the wedding abruptly and he did not get a chance to say goodbye to ginny over the next few months while on his mission harry found himself taking out the marauders map simply to stare at jenny's name seeing she was asleep one night he wondered whether the intensity with which he gazed at her dot might break into her sleep that she would somehow know he was thinking about her hoping she was alright right before the battle of hogwarts henry's heart leapt when ginny arrived but his stomach also sunk she gave him a radiant smile and he had forgotten how beautiful she was however he had never been less pleased to see her as he knew the danger was on its way when cho chang volunteered to go to the ravenclaw common room with harry ginny stood up and said no instead having luna go with him when it came time for the fight mrs weasley refused to let jenny participate telling her she had to go home genie began to tear up and she made eye contact with harry harry shook his head no though not wanting her to be in danger and she turned away from him bitterly ultimately though she did make her way into the battle [Music] when harry was on his way to the forest to meet voldemort he stole ginny while under his invisibility cloak he wanted ginny to know that he was there to shout out to her he wanted her to stop him to drag him back he walked on though and as he got closer to ginny she turned around somehow sensing his presence harry ignored this though when walked on to his demise right before harry was hit by the killing curse the last thing he thought about was ginny her blazing look and the feel of her lips on his when voldemort came back with harry's supposed dead body genie cried out hysterically once the battle resumed and ginny saw harry reveal himself her heart left and she watched harry defeat voldemort once and for all afterwards she was the first person besides ron and hermione to run to him and hug him following the battle harry and ginny got back together harry now knowing she was no longer in danger the two eventually got married and ginny weasley became ginny potter the two supported each other's careers harry being in order and harry supporting ginny as she pursued a professional quidditch career playing for the holy head harpies once they decided to have kids though ginny retired from quidditch to be a stay-at-home mom they had three children james albus and lily once the kids got a bit older harry again supported ginny's next career as she became a quidditch correspondent for the daily prophet harry brought their kids to the 2014 quidditch world cup which jenny was covering rita skeeter was there as well and after saying that harry was publicity hungry genie took matters into her own hand to protect harry just as she had done so many times before this and not long after that rita was taken unaccountably ill thanks to a jinx from ginny this again shows how protective she is of harry which we've seen from the very start in 2017 harry and jenny took their kids to platform nine and three quarters for what would be their middle child albus's first year when their son james came up to harry ginny ron and hermione he told them that he saw teddy lupin and bill and fleur's daughter victoire weasley kissing and when ginny realized that her son interrupted them she said he was just like ron referring to the time ron burst into her room while she was kissing harry as harry and jenny watched the train start to leave ginny told harry that albus would be alright and harry replied saying i know he will as i said at the beginning of the video harry and ginny are my favorite couple of all time and i hope i was able to shed some light on why myself and so many others love this pairing even if the movies messed them up looking at their timeline jenny started out as just ron's little sister but she went on to be the love of harry's life and as for ginny harry was a crush who she never thought would like him back fast forward a few years and they're one of the strongest couples in the harry potter series harry and ginny are perfect together thank you so much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on instagram to see more of my personal life like my cute dog loki and some behind the scenes movie flame stuff i also do similar content on tick tock and twitter that i do here on this channel so if you like what i do here check them out all the handles are right below me and links 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Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 1,091,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, weasley, ron, hermione, granger, fred, george, molly, percy, albus, dumbledore, fantastic beasts, snape, severus, voldemort, prisoner of azkaban, chamber of secrets, sorcerers stone, goblet of fire, order of the phoenix, half-blood prince, half blood, deathly hallows, hogwarts, wizarding world
Id: yc6r29BW-mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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