Saitama Learns the Dark Secret of the Association... / One Punch Man Chapter 187

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this video is sponsored by War Thunder all right so we got a special chapter here today because we're further exploring the dark side of the hero Association something that's going to be one of the main story lines going forward into this next long Arc that's going to be spanning the next couple years and this chapter focuses on the hero gambling aspect of it so essentially McCoy one of the executives of the hero Association and one of the main antagonists of this Arc who we've seen recurringly in these last couple chapters along with some of the highest investors of the hero Association like these wealthy Elites I guess you could call them have come together and made this as it says hero gambling scheme where they straight up bet on Heroes going against Monsters but of course it's a rigged game because it says that occasionally the matches are carefully rigged to allow only the major sponsors to win and they do this by just straight up lying so in this chapter we see for example one hero taking on one monster and they'll just basically say that the monster and the hero are stronger or weaker than they actually are so in this case we see the Monster shiver huawa being advertised as a demon level but in actuality it's a wolf level or at least to the Assumption of McCoy and the hero Association guys that were wrangling this monster illegally and secretly although there's like a double twist here because it actually is demon level but we'll get into that and as for the hero it's b-class Rank 4 mad devil Yankee but he's being advertised as C-Class rank 333 Papillion 800. this guy's also interesting because of his true ranking you know b-class rank four we haven't seen this ranking before outside of the S-Class a lot of the rankings are really spotty like for example in the b-class we've seen ranks one through three which is occupied by the main portion of the fabuki group and then after that it was like rank six Wild horn and then after that it was was ranked 20 glasses our boy of boys who we haven't seen in many years still but hopefully he'll come back in this Arc fingers crossed so yeah it's kind of interesting to see what rank 4 was and it's this guy mad devil Yankee but they're doing this so that they can create a quote-unquote long shot win you know artificially inflate the betting odds because if this was like real life betting on a fight it would be the equivalent of having like a journeyman or a newcomer taking on one of the I guess top-ranked Global fighters in the world but then just lying about it so you'd have more incentive to bet on the underdog I guess even though the odds would be severely stacked against them such as it is in this chapter but we also find out that McCoy was able to trap Yankee into being a part of this game because his mother is sick and needs treatment and is essentially reliant on the hero association's health insurance but first let's talk about the sponsor of this video or thunder which is like the most 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treatment and essentially will die and to be honest I think this is just an idle threat from McCoy he's just saying this to get what he wants but I don't think that he would have actually went through with it if Yankee didn't comply with him again just my opinion but I've been talking about this a lot with McCoy and I think that he is definitely not a good guy but not necessarily a truly despicable one like he's left of evil if you will somewhat of a gray character and I think that's definitely going to be explored more later on in this chapter but we'll get into that so considering that this fight is rigged there's also an acting element of it where Yankee is going to act like he's having a competitive fight against this monster because in theory a b rank hero should be able to take down a wolf level monster because that's what they think is actually happening here at least behind the scenes the investors think that it's a C-Class low ranked C-Class going against a wolf level which is somewhat of an even battle but so Yankee has to act accordingly and also McCoy is fully under the assumption that this is going to play out legitimately from his perspective but that's not the case as we see because the shiver Wawa monster is extremely powerful like he is legitimately demon level because he just easily destroys Yankee with just one punch right in the beginning and we find this out from the exposition that we get because it says that this monster was monsterized due to Turning distortedly wild from extreme miniaturization it was a lap dog so going outside causes it to Rampage in fear and worry we also get this flashback to the hero Association quote unquote running high intensity tests on it so I guess that in combination with it being outside here and feeling threatened has possibly caused it to undergo this rapid growth in strength and be becoming a legitimate demon level and yeah there's no chance that a b-class hero even Rank 4 has any chance to take on a demon level especially by themselves like the official comparison was that you need at least one S-Class hero to take on a demon level or you would need like a whole group of A-Class Heroes and even then the odds are stacked against them like that's how far the gap between S-Class demon levels and everyone else is at this point like I don't even know if all of the C-Class Heroes teaming up together would be able to take down a demon level I mean it would be extremely high diff if they could so while Yankees getting beaten down we find out that he was inspired to become a hero by movement Rider because when moonrider was taking on Deep Sea King he was actually in that crowd in that shelter this is important because later on in this Arc we're going to see that other Heroes have actually been secretly inspired by movement Rider as well but that's very far from now but just keep that in mind and just like Moon Rider Vs Steve C King this fight goes down this same way with Yankee being extremely outmatched getting beaten down within an inch of his life but still getting up and not backing down and you know trying to do right by his mother but a funny little aspect of this is that McCoy thinks that this is like a performance from Yankee because McCoy legitimately thinks that the shiver hawawa monster is a wolf like he wasn't sending Yankee here to die or get destroyed secretly by this demon level which is going back to what I was saying about McCoy being a gray area character you know left of evil he's not trying to legitimately kill him here he's just mistaken like the rest of them they didn't know that the monster was suddenly going to become demon level I mean they never truly know that he is but before the monster's able to kill Yankee saitama suddenly shows up and one shots it similar to how he showed up to save movement Rider from Deep Sea King Yankee actually recognizes saitama from that moment as well but he passes out and of course naturally saitama destroying this monster ruins the betting for the investors and ruins McCoy's reputation with them of course and afterwards McCoy shows up and scold saitama for defeating the monster which they're confused about because you know they're none the wiser of what's going on here with the betting and also McCoy definitely isn't aware that saitama is powerful because of this because you know goes back to him legitimately thinking that the shiver Wawa was a wolf level and he also says that it was weakened by Yankee so yeah part of the course with characters being oblivious saitama's true strength but of course it's way too soon for characters of this level to know the truth about him anyway then child Emperor suddenly shows up as well and addresses McCoy's rigged game essentially exposing him in front of saitama and genos here but McCoy is able to leave before he gets further questioned then child Emperor show saitama and genos how the rig game works and the website that it's tied to and saitama checks how to his odds and it turns out that he's like a times 20 Underdog which is like really insulting and he's of course upset by this like even butterfly DX who is one of his neighbors who is like an A-Class rank 16 is times 2.1 so yeah another interesting thing here is that besides being a times 20 Underdog we see that saitama's rank is a class 29 which moved him up 10 places from his original 39. now VIP also points out at the end of this chapter that it is odd that that just suddenly happens so it could be a typo from the official or it's just a quiet promotion that happened possibly because I don't know maybe McCoy made it happen so that it would incentivize saitama to not talk about the secret hero gambling stuff maybe but later on saitama and genos are talking about the hero gambling and saitama says you know if we wanted to stop this stupid hero gambling BS I was thinking the best way to do it might be you know make the house lose a ton of money similar to how they just did by taking down the monster when he wasn't supposed to so now that they have the website there's hacking when the odds are published and they're going out to the next game that's happening and we see that it's two Heroes about to take on this huge monster it's like Tom is about to destroy it you know thwarting the odds again but then suddenly this guy in a Formula One car like snatches some lady's purse and now it puts saitama in a conundrum and he's like do I go after the guy who took the purse or do I stop the monster and he winds up choosing to go after the formula one person Archer guy and he gives it back to the lady and we also find out that tatsumaki had conveniently defeated the monster so that I guess ruined the odds for the hero gambling anyway saitama then gets upset because he didn't get in on the money for the gambling I suppose but then the lady is just gonna give him a reward from the purse anyway because it was full of keepsakes from her parents and she gives him like a diamond ring and and he's enticed by it at first but then it says that after a great deal of hesitation he said he wasn't looking for money and returned it and that's where the chapter ends so yeah really interesting one enjoyed it it is a detour from the maiden story I suppose but it is still sticking to the overall linear narrative that this Arc represents kind of reminds me of like the classic bonus chapters that we used to get like in the first 10 volumes or so if you remember at that time but yeah let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments guys and if you liked the video please give it a like Please Subscribe if you haven't already have a great day I'll see in the next one and also guys don't forget to check out our sponsor War Thunder again the link will be in the description and those registering on PC will get a large free Bonus Pack by using that link thanks again
Channel: Zhoniin
Views: 108,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zhoniin, anime, manga, one punch man, Saitama Learns the Dark Secret of the Association... / One Punch Man Chapter 187, one punch man 187, one punch man chapter 187, saitama, mad devil yankee, genos, child emperor, mccoy, disaster level, demon, shiverhuahua, hero, bet
Id: 7BpOLib4pGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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