The Enron Scandal - A Simple Overview

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Most of us are familiar with the infamous Enron scandal and here is what I'm guessing most people know about it. The company cooked the books and pull off some shady accounting tricks They were caught and now cease to exist as a result. But this is a very thin understanding of the subject There was so much stuff that went down I can't even do it justice in a short video like this. If you wanna become an expert on it, theres a movie I can recommend. It's called "Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room". It's nearly two hours about the scandal and honestly I think that's even rushing it. The entire "ordeal" is so complicated that there can easily be an entire college course centered around it and that course would be for the advanced students. Wouldn't it be great If someone created a youtube video that concisely explained it in a way that is both entertaining and easy to understand? Enron formed trough a merger in 1985 between two energy companies. That's what Enron was by the way, an energy company. When I say that it's a huge simplification because Enron was envolved in so many things, in complex ways that the average person didn't even come close to understanding exactly what the company did. It was founded by a man named Ken Lay. You may want to remember that name. Now let's fast forward around to the year 2000. It was a fantastic company and very attractive for investors. At the time they were thought of as being one of the world leader in business. I would say it's like how a few companies like Apple or Google today, but that's not even close to how amazing Enron was. They were making money and growing at a rate that no-one had ever seen before So here, i'll pretend to be a financial advisor helping you decided which stock you may want to buy Here we go Ive looked over all the numbers and I strongly advise you to invest in Enron. The one with the fastest growing and most respected companies around today I'll just show you a few numbers to support my advise As a financial advisor, I look at companies revenue, debts and past stock trends Heres enron's revenue over the past five years just look at that growth its quicker than I'd ever seen I also checked out their debt an its very reasonable Compared to their equity
Channel: Company Man
Views: 1,807,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enron
Id: hwollZoVmUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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