The Ending Of Top Gun: Maverick Explained

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35 years after the original "Top  Gun," Tom Cruise's Maverick has a   lot to teach the next generation of  pilots – but he also still has a lot   to learn. From Goose's legacy to Iceman's  advice to the meaning of that final battle,   this is the ending of "Top Gun: Maverick"  explained. Warning: spoilers ahead. At several points during "Top Gun: Maverick,"  we see Maverick almost lose his wings within the   Navy forever. It happens at the beginning of the  film when he takes an unauthorized test flight,   it happens later when he dares to  challenge the restrictions of training,   and it happens once more when he finally  loses his cover within the Navy with the   death of friend and former rival, Iceman — who  used his status as admiral to protect Maverick. This is, of course, the ultimate threat one  can level at him, as Maverick emphasizes   repeatedly that flying is all he knows how  to really do well. He spends the whole movie   fighting off the idea that he might be out  of the cockpit for good, until he's finally   proven himself enough to fly as team leader  on the mission at the heart of the film. "Good morning aviators – this  is your captain speaking." A few hiccups aside, the mission is successful,  and Maverick returns home a hero. After that,   the film doesn't really tell us exactly what  he's going to do next in terms of his career,   but we do see him back in his hangar, working on  that old P-51 Mustang he's apparently been fixing   up for a long time. It's not definitive proof  that he's moved on, but watching Maverick take   to the skies in the Mustang, rather than an F-18  or another experimental aircraft for the Navy,   suggests that he's begun making peace with  the idea that he doesn't have to be a naval   aviator forever. By finishing the Mustang, he's  seemingly finished that chapter in his story. One of the key tensions in the film is the  relationship between Maverick and Bradley   "Rooster" Bradshaw, the son of Maverick's former  navigator Goose, who was killed in action in the   original "Top Gun" film. In the wake of Goose's  death, Maverick did his best to step in and be   a kind of surrogate father for his best friend's  son, but at some point that instinct went a little   too far. The film reveals that Rooster is still  angry over his father's early death, and also   angry that Maverick pulled his application  paperwork from the Naval Academy, setting   his whole career back by several years because  Maverick himself didn't think Rooster was ready. The film presents a journey for both men  not just as individuals, but as teammates,   as Maverick has to learn to stop handling Rooster  with kid gloves, and Rooster has to learn to stop   holding a grudge. It takes a long time for them  to figure this out, but when they're shot down   together behind enemy lines, they manage to  build what looks like a lasting bond. Rooster's   presence in Maverick's home at the very end of  the film, and his pictures on Maverick's wall,   suggests that he'll be sticking around with  his surrogate dad for quite some time to come. Penny Benjamin is a character referenced in the  original "Top Gun" as one of Maverick's exes,   indicating that these two have a decades-long  history that Penny is eager to put behind her.   Throughout the film, even as Maverick is back  in her life, she repeatedly warns him from   making further advances. Eventually, of course,  it's clear that something else is happening,   and when they get back together, Maverick  makes a promise: He won't leave again. He eventually keeps that promise by returning  from his near-death experience on the mission,   only to find that she's departed on a sailing  trip, presumably because she assumed he wouldn't   be coming back. At the end of the film, it's Penny  who returns to Maverick, not the other way around,   suggesting that they've finally  managed to overcome their hesitancy.   Maverick's willingness to take her up in the  plane he's restored with his own two hands further   cements the bond they've built. They're both ready  to settle down — and settle down with each other. When he's first introduced in "Top Gun: Maverick,"  Rooster is very much a foil for Maverick,   a painful reminder of what he's lost and the ways  in which he's failed in his life. But Rooster   doesn't just exist to serve Maverick's character.  He's got struggles of his own to go through. In the training flights for the mission at hand,  we see Rooster emerge as the most cautious of the   pilots in the field, the one who'd rather  take his time and deal with known issues   than fly into the unknown or rush to action.  This prompts Maverick to constantly tell him   to focus more on doing than on thinking.  It's hard for Rooster to make that shift,   even as he sees his fellow pilots doing it  around him. Only when the mission is on the   line, and it's clear that he has no other  choice but to act quickly and decisively,   does he emerge from his shell to become the  kind of pilot Maverick always knew he could be. By the end of the film, Rooster has emerged  as a more self-assured version of the pilot   he was at the beginning of the film.  He's learned to let go of his fears,   and he's also learned to let go of some  old pain, leaving him better for it. In the beginning of "Top Gun: Maverick,"  Maverick's been working as a test pilot   for the Navy for years, spending his days pushing  the limits of new aircraft as far as they can go.   But as we soon learn, the program where  he's made his home is about to be scrapped   in favor of unmanned aircraft, something  he's determined to prove he can stop. Maverick fails to prove himself  better than an unmanned program,   crashing the experimental jet and  leaving an Admiral very angry with him.   He's shipped off to Top Gun for one last mission,  but he proves himself there, establishing the   ongoing value of pilots in cockpits even in  an age when drones can do a lot of the work. "I have to admit I wasn't expecting an invitation  back." "They're called orders, Maverick." We see Maverick's value to his mission  in the film, but one thing that remains   unaddressed is how the test pilot programs  will be affected by his performance. Will   he be able to advocate to higher-ups in the  Navy for continued use of pilots like him?   Can he save the jobs of the  people he used to work with,   or is his ability to move on from his old gig  a sign that everyone else has to move on too? Though Maverick and Rooster make up the core  emotional narrative in "Top Gun: Maverick,"   they aren't the only pilots in the game. Maverick  works with several of the world's best fighter   pilots throughout the execution of the mission,  and they all seem to have something to contribute. "What do they call you?" "Bob." "No,  your call sign." "Bob." "Literally?" Phoenix and her weapons systems officer Bob bring  a steadfastness and cool-headedness to the team,   while Payback and his own WSO Fanboy  bring a certain swagger to the team.   In the final mission, they each have their role to  play, and by the end, they've all made it through. It's clear based on the stakes of the mission  that each of these pilots will have their   lives forever changed by being part of it.  They'll get promotions and commendations,   they'll take their valuable  experience on to other missions,   and they might even prove to be the next  generation of Top Gun heroes and instructors,   who'll teach the next class of great pilots  how to fly. Maverick's legacy is much more than   his own achievements. He's created a whole  new group of Mavericks to fly behind him. In the original "Top Gun" film, Maverick faced off  against Iceman, a cocky, immensely self-confident   pilot who antagonized his competitors and did his  best to get an edge over everyone, no matter what. "You wanna know who the  best is? That's him, Iceman.   That's the fly he flies, ice cold, no mistakes." In "Top Gun: Maverick," that role falls to  Hangman, a hotshot young pilot who, when the   film begins, is the only active aviator of his  generation to have a confirmed kill in combat.   He brings a tremendous ego to the  training flights for the mission,   often showing an unwillingness to work  as part of a team, and as a result he's   left on the backup crew when the mission  finally flies out near the end of the film. But Hangman is not content to stay on the  sidelines. He still has a part to play,   and he finally shows it at the very end  of the battle, when he saves both Maverick   and Rooster from an enemy jet after their  own hijacked F-14 runs out of ammunition.   He does it with his usual swagger, but also with a  demonstration that he knows when to be a hotshot,   and when to be a teammate. Hangman's got a  long way to go, but by the end of the film,   it's clear that he's willing to change if it means  being a part of something greater than himself. We don't see a lot of Iceman in "Top  Gun: Maverick," but what the film   shows delivers some interesting context  about his place in the film's universe   and in Maverick's story. He went on to become an  admiral and the commander of the Pacific Fleet,   and yet he's still in Maverick's phone simply  as "Ice," implying the closeness they reached   at the end of the original film has continued  in the intervening years. When Maverick visits   him at his home and finds Iceman dying, the two  share an embrace and an intimate conversation,   suggesting that neither has forgotten  all that they've been through together. When Iceman dies later in the film, it's a wake  up call to Maverick that he needs to prove he   still has what it takes to be a leader and a  teacher, but it also feels like something larger.   Iceman and Maverick represent two different  paths taken out of that original film,   one who became a leader and the  other who stayed in the pilot's seat,   determined to control the only thing he was  ever sure he was good at. Iceman's legacy within   the film is a belief in the sustained power of  human pilots, but also a belief in the sustained   power of learning to teach and help others,  something he finally taught Maverick in the end. The mission at the heart of "Top  Gun: Maverick" is a complex,   dangerous combat flight to destroy another  nation's new facility for enriching uranium,   before said uranium can be deposited at the site.   It's a tricky ride full of surface-to-air missiles  and enemy planes, so the Top Gun crew has to do   their best to prepare for every facet of it. The  mission is, of course, ultimately successful,   the facility is destroyed, and several  enemy planes are shot down in the process. This of course raises the question: What are  the geopolitical implications of this operation?   It obviously happened under deep secrecy, to the  point that the enemy had no inkling it was coming   until a series of missile strikes launched to slow  their air response. The film doesn't tell us which   country is responsible for the facility, or how  delicate U.S. relations are with them outside   of this particular issue. It's possible the  pilots at the heart of the mission may have   many more combat flights in their future, or it's  possible it'll all just go away because no one   wants to admit to building the uranium facility.  Either way, it's fascinating to think about. In the original "Top Gun" film, it was understood  that these pilots and the institution which   trained them would go on seemingly forever,  with no challenge to their necessity or their   power within the U.S. military complex. By the  time of "Top Gun: Maverick," that's at least   somewhat in question. Maverick's test pilot  work is being undercut by drone programs,   and while that doesn't necessarily apply to  Top Gun itself, he also spends much of the film   butting heads with Cyclone, Top Gun's apparent  commander, who has little respect for Maverick   himself and believes that his style of flying and  teaching is about to go the way of the dinosaurs. "The end is inevitable, Maverick –  your kind is headed for extinction." By the end of the film, of course,  Cyclone grudgingly grows to respect   Maverick's unorthodox methods  and his abilities as both a pilot   and as an instructor. He teaches by getting up  there and doing things no one else dares to do,   and by ultimately proving that his way of doing  things is still valuable to the Navy. It's hard   to imagine a world in which this doesn't have an  impact on the immediate future of Top Gun, its   students, and its instructors. Given how little  we know about Maverick's own work with the Navy   after the events of the film, though, it's hard  to pin down exactly how that impact will land. In the middle of "Top Gun: Maverick," when  Maverick goes to Iceman's house to talk   through his difficulties with the mission and  with training the pilots he's been assigned,   Maverick tells Iceman that being a pilot is  not "what I am," but "who I am." He emphasizes   that he's not a teacher, that he doesn't  know how to pass along what he's learned,   and that he can't handle the burden of what it  might mean if he fails. Iceman, communicating   mostly through a computer because of his illness,  responds by typing "It's time to let go." This means many things in the wider context of  the film. It means it's time for Maverick to   let go of the guilt he feels for losing Goose and  for what he did to Rooster earlier in his career.   It means it's time for him to let  go of the life he used to have,   and it means it's time for him to let go of  the fear that he's going to inadvertently cause   more loss of both lives and careers. Iceman  re-emphasizes this point more than once in   the conversation, leaving Maverick with the  conclusion that he simply has to learn how. By the end of the film, Maverick  has seemingly let all of it go.   He's no longer afraid of losing who he is, or  what he does, or of letting down the people   around. He's able to take his own advice,  stop thinking about it, and just do it,   and in the end that might be the most important  thematic throughline of "Top Gun: Maverick." 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Channel: Looper
Views: 2,537,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: looper, top gun maverick, tom cruise, air force, movies
Id: 1GuF1VXZR6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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