The End Times: Antichrist, Rapture, Final Battle & Christ's Return - Mark Hitchcock

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the bible talks about this coming world ruler the antichrist it's interesting he's called the little horn so he arises first insignificantly that's why when people always write me today and say well who do you think the antichrist is and you know they're trying to figure out the antichrist we don't know who he is today he's going to rise insignificantly if someone were significant on the scene today that's not him because he's going to rise from insignificance so this could be someone who is a backroom bureaucrat right that's right not a clue that's right and my view is that i think satan always has a man ready in every generation i think there's always an antichrist who's alive somewhere that's an interesting that's an interesting thought that is but one of these days when everything's ready whatever man he has ready in that generation is going to step to the forefront and become this uh world ruler this dominant player on the world scene and i don't think the antichrist will be revealed until after the rapture so all these people who try to figure out who he is i always say if you ever do figure out who he is i've got bad news for you've been left behind don't focus on who antichrist is focus on who christ is that's right until the rapture takes place right that's right but he is going to come someday and be revealed and the bible says a lot about him there are about a hundred passages in the bible that deal with this coming world ruler the antichrist they'll say again how many about a hundred wow yeah and so people will say well why even worry about the antichrist we're not even going to be here well why did god tell us so much about this person yeah i think one of the reasons god tells us a lot about the coming antichrist is because we can already see the spirit of antichrist today in our world yes we can and also another reason i think god shares with us about the antichrist is the antichrist is going to ultimately be defeated by god and if god is going to defeat someday the greatest concentration of evil that's ever existed then that gives us comfort that he can take care of the evil we see in our world today but what are some other clearer definitions of the antichrist well the antichrist i think is going to rise from this reunited roman empire again we don't know what country for sure he's coming from but we know he's going to come out of this reunited roman empire i think he's going to be a gentile you know the early church believed he was going to be a jew many of them did but he rises up in revelation 13 out of the sea which speaks of the sea of nations the only type or foreshadow of the antichrist in the bible is a man named antiochus epiphanes back in the book of of daniel and he was a gentile and also the antichrist is going to lead the final form of gentile world power and he's going to be a great persecutor of the jewish people which seems odd to me if he's a jew for him to be persecuting the jews great point so i think he's going to be a gentile he's going to be someone though who's going to come on the scene as a great peacemaker and you think about what does the world want today more than anything else someone who can bring peace to the world peace and prosperity and that's what that's going to be his platform and his promise and he's going to do that for some period of time but at some point in time the the iron fist inside the velvet glove is going to be going to be unveiled and he will be the most iron fisted uh eagle eagle maniacal leader of the world has ever seen and mark you can see the way the world is today with instantaneous communication how very quickly news can spread and power can be established and influence can be made just because of media platforms that's right the globalism we see today is setting the stage for him to come on the scene and the technology that's available today because the technology available today allows someone to keep track of where people are and know what people are doing so all these things we see coming together really fit uh what the bible says about a coming world ruler who's going to come on the scene distinguish the difference between the rapture which prophetically occurs seven years earlier where we meet the lord in the air and the second coming of christ as it's called at the end of the tribulation yeah i like to call one the rapture and the other the return because at the rapture jesus doesn't really come back to the earth that's good because a lot of people will say well you all believe in two second comings you know you believe in a rapture and then a second coming no there are two phases i take it of the one coming at the rapture he comes for his saints and that's an event of his grace to us at the second coming we he comes with his saints we come back with him and that's an event when he comes back to judge and to take over the earth so we believe in a distinction between those two events and really i i see the rapture as a signless event it's an event that can happen at any moment it can come at any time whereas there'll be a lot of signs and this tribulation period that will proceed the second coming so when we move to this physical second coming of jesus first coming was in bethlehem's birth the physical second coming is now he returns is there something there about on a horse or is that symbolic language what what does that mean yeah it comes back on a white horse the bible tells us he's going to come back to rule and to take over uh yeah the white horse people people take these things differently you know it says he's going to have a sharp sword sticking out of his mouth but that could be truth that he speaks because he's the word of god that's right and i take it that that speaks of yes his word that's coming out but he's riding a white horse he'll say well if that's symbolic and the horse is symbolic but you know it is true in the bible there are there are horses uh the the chariot of horsemen of fire came down and caught elijah at the heavens so maybe some type of heavenly creature that god has created but clearly a white horse though in that day spoke of someone coming and and taking control and speaks of victory let's get now to the battle of armageddon itself jesus christ along with the family of god redeem his redeemed return to this earth and there is conflict right so who's fighting whom well it tells us there in revelation chapter 16 that all the nations are going to be gathered to armageddon in fact there's a fascinating passage there in chapter 16 that says that the euphrates river will be dried up to make way for the kings of the east now we don't know who that is some people have surmised well that's china because you know it's in samaran army of 200 million but all we know they're invaders from the from from the east the way is open for them to be able to come into the land so all the nations of the earth are going to be gathered there together in that place but it says whenever that jesus returns that they're going to see him they're going to turn to fight against him you know it's interesting the rapture is going to be an event that happens in a moment in the twinkling of an eye the second coming of christ it says every eye will see him and my friend dr john walvoord used to teach the second coming might last for 24 hours think about it as the earth rotates everybody will see him now he could reflect it all the way around the earth everyone could see it in a moment but it may be a dramatic an event that takes 24 hours as people begin to see jesus coming and he comes to the earth and these armies are going to turn to fight against him and of course you talk about being futile but it's going to be man's last attempt to rid themselves of god and jesus is going to return and destroy the armies gathered there and uh and reign victorious over that and so there's a period of time and all the world will see and jesus comes and confronts those enemies who have been empowered by the evil one to defame him and his glory what happens then after the very last enemy of christ is destroyed or defeated well like the very end of chapter 19 it says the beast that's the antichrist and the false prophet his henchmen are thrown alive into the lake of fire there's two people in the old testament went to heaven without dying enoch and elijah to go straight to the lake of fire without dying it's it's a powerful picture interesting but god deals with the false prophet there and the beast the antichrist then in chapter 20 he deals with the third member of this unholy trinity he deals with satan and it tells us there when jesus returns that satan is bound in the abyss for a thousand years and jesus sets up his kingdom on this earth the messianic kingdom that's promised throughout the old testament so the antichrist is destroyed false prophet is destroyed they're thrown into the lake of fire eternal damnation or whatever those equivalents would be and then satan is dealt with yes and then at that transitional point this is the establishment of the thousand-year reign of christ on earth right yeah we call it the millennium it's it's the word obviously melee means thousand adam so it's a thousand years when christ is going to rule and reign on this earth and it's the greatest event in human history uh we we can't get our minds what's it going to be like when jesus christ and we're going to be with him if we know him i think we'll be coming and returning to this earth with him and again to to think about that to get our minds around that we need to live today in light of the fact that we're going to come back as a holy army with him well as important as these topics are the most important question and subject is do you know him do you have a personal relationship with jesus christ has there been a time and a place in your life when you've repented of your sins and you've given him your life there's a phone number on the screen that you can call where there are prayer partners that's right we have a prayer and care center here in this facility where thousands of people call every single week would you be one of them and allow us the opportunity to talk to you about how to know jesus savingly he can literally change your life
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 971,391
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Keywords: 100Huntley, Christian, Christians, Christianity, Bible, antichrist, the antichrist, armageddon, end times, jesus christ, bible prophecy, bible study, the bible, prophecy, end times signs, end times prophecy, the rapture, second coming, end of days, revelation, christian encouragement, book of revelation, book of revelations, end of the world, anti christ, bibleproject, plagues, god's judgment, judgment, matthew 24, revelation 4, mark hitchcock, mark of the beast, 666, great tribulation
Id: IrGvTwDP5fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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