Why The Generations Hate Each Other | Doug Wilson & Michael Foster

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fathers in the church will help fathers in the church are not a replacement for natural fathers like God's design cannot be ignored or disregarded without consequence I don't care if you're talking to a purple hair feminist or a guy that could bench press 400 pounds everyone's saying the same thing that our young men in this country they're not doing well now some are comfortable being a feminist but many are looking for diets there's these guys that tell them the truth that there was a world before feminism and this is how women work and some of it's good a lot of it's really not and when they take that red pill and see the world for what it is they get angry they get angry because I won't be able to have my father my grandfather had yeah you had a bad deal and these things aren't all your fault you're still responsible for your response to the time that God has put you so we want to help you to pave A Way Forward we're going where Nehemiah took the people of Israel they didn't rebuild Jerusalem tonight but they were able to rebuild a wall together we're going to fight with God against the sin in our own heart the sin in this world we're going to be The Men Who Made Us the big so let's do it so it's good to have you here Michael uh you're here in Moscow putting the finishing touches on the documentary it's good to be man I understand as as it have you got the final finishing touch your part uh this is it we're we're crossing the finish line right now okay very good so um it's good to be a man that makes me think of it's good to be a boy it's good to be a young man it's good to be a middle-aged man it's good to be an old man but the goods that are represented there can be very very different right vintages of wine Adventures of wine and then vinegar at the end sometimes yeah sometimes so um I thought it would it'd be good for us to talk about uh if men assuming their responsibilities as men called by God is sort of a glue that holds things together that without that kind of leadership and men taking responsibility things tend to fall apart do they just tend to uh disintegrate but when men take responsibility that doesn't make life simple that doesn't make it easy and one of the challenges that we have is in as I see it in our generation is uh the challenge of cross-generational communication absolutely is that is that fair I think that's fair um so uh well first give me some of your observations of um young men staring at Boomers in comprehensive you know without comprehension and then as a boomer I'll uh maybe make some observations the other direction sure well I mean the tension's real and and it's it's intense and it's really across every sort of part of societies you can think I think first off just the Boomers came into a world of of wealth because of what happened after World War II in America and but also a lot of crazy things happen during their lives but they didn't feel the full effect of them at least not in the prime of their life so you had things like the sexual Revolution starting in Bloomington Indiana with Kenzie but working its way out through the 50s and 60s and really blowing up in the 70s where you get contraceptive integrated Workforce no fault divorce and then you get into the 80s and even in the 80s I was born in 1980 and even in the 80s it wasn't that common to have kids with divorced parents you had a couple but by the end of the 80s into the 90s it was it was very common to have a lot of untraditional families right people living together with kids and a lot of mixed families that sort of bready bunch was the more wholesome take on what soon became the norm um then if you wanted to get pornography or you wanted to do illicit sex you you had to take real risk back in the day you had to go to a bad part of town or whatever or you had to take the risk of buying it with your credit card and be mailed to your house and your wife going out and saying what's in this brown paper bag right well you know it was starting in the 2000s you were able to get it much more easy and now you can stumble onto high def free pornography on your phone very easily right and so that generation uh that the boomer generation had some protection still and it was good it was good that they had it their their parents had succeeded in a lot of ways they were proud of the prodigal son who had not yet run out of money that's right they had it yeah and and and then it now we're feeling it we're feeling big and I I noticed something happened it's like late 2000s into 2010s there was an explosion you even saw the university when I went to University I went in 1999 and it was still all about you know challenging you know the status quo and going after truth and all that and then just 10 years later don't say anything that might hurt people's feelings that was not the ethic even among the pagans right um at the University so things really started to change and now people have uh are starting to wake up to how destructive these cultural sins are and they're like how'd this happen well it happened on your watch and they're looking back and pointing at them and they're they're angry that they don't have a world um that their their parents had that their their kind of their parents um bought the food but now they have to pay the bill you know okay so I was born in 50 1953 which makes me right in the middle of the Boomer back right and just to key off a few things you said when I was a kid I didn't know anybody whose parents were divorced I'm sure I'm sure there were some but it was just it was just not a thing uh families were intact I grew up and and we had a grew up in a Christian home and we had Christian values and there there were secular families out there but there was a recognizable Middle America that was intact and Wealthy all right um On The Rise the American dream was not an ironic joke you could buy a house have a car right start a job in your early late teens early 20s and be able to take care of a family more or less and and so what you're describing is um uh very much the case and I remember uh a long time as an adult a married adult uh with no internet didn't exist so when I first started making books I would when uh when I got my first computer it was an IBM XT and it had 10 megabytes of memory hard drive memory which I thought was cavernous yeah yeah absolutely cavernous and uh I if I type some type something up I had to put it on a floppy disk take it down to a shop downtown and they would typeset it for you and then to make a book I would they'd give me a roll of wax paper with the thing on it and I would uh a special kind of paper that I would wax at a waxer wax the back of it I'd cut it up in pieces and later that's how you made books back in the day and it was much closer to Gutenberg than it does sound like like wow I didn't know Doug was but yeah well it's remarkable how fast Everything's changed but the thing that's striking to me about the the tension that that the the phrase okay Boomer represents that tension was Our Generation the boomer generation invented generational Rebellion yeah right so uh Our Generation revolted against the previous generation the World War II greatest Generation yeah right so that rebellion in the 60s was very much um uh our contribution to this and God is Not mocked a man reaps what he sows right so what's happening now is the Boomers saying this is not it's not fair the these young punks uh well they they are punks they are but they think back there there was an ERA when you were the at Peak Punk punkery yeah right you were doing your thing uh if you say well that's not fair what they're doing to us now yeah but was it fair what you were doing yeah back then that's right and this is one of the things that uh speaking Pastor to Pastor here it seems to me that one of the things we have to do is learn how to broker a gospel-centered piece between Generations in the church yes as a as a incubation point for enabling uh the elderly and the Young To Worship together and to be knit together that's part of God's design I love that part and um I guess it's Nehemiah right where they set the Nehemiah Ezra where they set the foundation of the temple and the young people are like excited and the old people who knew what the temple used to look like are kind of crying right and the the internet though now you can kind of look back and see the world that once was this Google you know vintage footage from 1940 and just like hours of it on YouTube but you know that's the highlights that's like that's what social media is a highlights right you know when I put um I put all the pictures on my vacation I didn't put my daughter like you know having a doctor that exploded up her back or something I'm not that's not it's all the good stuff and so they see the good there was bad stuff back then right and and this helping people see like this is uh if you treat your parents this way as your your parents treat their parents what do you think coming to you I mean who's going to break the cycle at some point you have to take responsibility and I think that's what both Generations have to do Boomers need to be willing to say yeah yeah we're we're reaping when we sowed right you know but learn from us yeah so um the first commandment with the promise is honor your father and mother and I would say I would argue that generational respect is in a fallen world has always been difficult there's always been a challenge yes right uh you always have to teach kids how to honor their parents and you have to teach parents how to not suffocate your kids with advice or you know bury them in counsel and that sort of thing so I think in a fallen world that's always been a challenge but it seems in our time it's exacerbated by the idea that the modern idea is that each decade it's like a separate Pond yeah and you live around your pond the pond of the 50s and the pond of the 60s and the pond of the 70s and now we're in a new Pond and it's a new world but it's actually a river right and you can go upstream and you're everybody's going Downstream and we can we're all by the same river and everything each each generation does has an impact on what the next generation is going to have to deal with right yep uh so what the Boomers have done is what we hand on to the subsequent generations and what they are doing is going to be handed on to their kids who will be resentful or not depending on whether they're discipled in how Christ would have us live my dad um my Dad loved me never didn't love me he didn't grow up as a Christian but he's felt you know he's in his 60s now and kind of uh we had my younger brother died of uh more or less a drug overdose this past year and and that hit my parents hard and my dad was very apologetic for the way we grew up and I just told him dad I forgive you a long time ago right right like I don't hold that against you like you you had a bad dad and you gave me what you had and you got you got the ball as far down the field as you could it wasn't that far but you gave me your love and you gave me your approval and I I forgive you for that and I know I'm gonna fail my children and uh so I'm forgiving you it's kind of a selfish forgiveness I had to pay it forward I'm forgiving you because I really do love you and I know you you did what you could and now that I'm older and uh and being a good dad and being a good husband it's hard right and uh but I want my children to see me forgive their grandfather I want them to see me extend that because I'll need I have blind spots right and this generation as is so angry the younger generation you see that like you'll have these guys that will um just go nuts over not having mentors no one wants to Mentor me okay what does Mentor mean so they describe it it sounds like a dad but I can't get together with you a couple hours every week and talk about all your problems all the time like not a bunch of you you know um come to the Lord's Lord stay serviceable we'll talk there um but uh then uh then when you do give him counsel they spurn it and they say oh that's just you're blinded because you're older I'm like I'm only 43 man like like come on it's starting to happen yeah you know okay Gen X I guess right but yeah they they are um they need there's a need for like you said gospel centered um kind of piece to be brokered here and understanding you have to forgive as you're forgiven and that yeah your parents did fail you but are you gonna stay stuck on that you're gonna stay a victim forever is pointing at other people because right now that's all you're doing you're not doing anything you're just complaining you're not building anything you're not trying to fix anything and I I liked the post-exilic books in scripture for right now right you know that's it kind of captures where we're at at least in America where um we have lost the culture War at a national level for a time for a time yeah um and now we're in a kind of a rebuilding phase at the county level at the county yeah we just got to put our County before country um anyway right so uh let's talk for a minute about uh distinguishing between uh what you might call Pure generational perspective and um actual cultural differences so there's the there's the 17 year old who doesn't understand the 37 year old yeah right and that's always the case just because it's experience yeah you've you've not been married you don't don't know what it's like to have little kids and that that experience is going to be constant in every generation but then when it comes to things like music or literature or painting or whatever um you can have you're you've moved from an area where the experience is constant to a situation where one generation's music might be objectively better than another one shared yeah right as much as it pains me to say it Bach is better than Leonard Skynyrd let's say I would agree and Lynyrd Skynyrd is better than what they're doing now so uh how do you uh how do you navigate the the old people older people getting their back up over you know uh dress or and there's some some aspects of it would be oh look people are different Generations that's right why ties skinny ties right who does God really care about wide ties skinny ties but at some point the the rebellion and the father hunger and the you know when you have a tarantula tattooed on your right cheek maybe that says something spiritual right it does um so how do you where do you draw the cultural lines yeah how do you do that well it's it is difficult it is interesting if you are kind of on the social media space you just have to take that for what it is it's a splice of cultures the people that decided to go online and share all their thoughts right that's a that's a certain type of person already not everybody does that and you don't want to treat that as the population but a sample of the population but it is interesting that the younger Generations are rebelling against tattoos and earrings and of like really long hair on men really short hair on women and they're actually starting to hunger for things that's more wholesome because it's kind of intuitive at one level that's all right it doesn't make sense you know it's there's something undignified about it and I think they are their eyes are being open so I think maybe what's happened like take like uh my generation really screwed up with screens and we're the first generation to have like iPads and iPhones while we were parenting and so our generation and like we got the kid in the tub and we're like typing away on our phone right we're just a little just a few years before that you'd watch the kid talk make jokes like have a little duck doing things in the and uh this this generation that's like say you know 25 and down they grew up with parents ignoring them right ignoring them because they're on their phone they kind of have a hatred towards screens or resentment and uh and I've had my my own son tell me hey would you put that down which you know angers me but it's right he's right and so I I think some of the things that we used to have to convince people of being bad is now it's just becoming clear it's bad is it is it the case so I remember when when I was uh when I was a kid learning the etiquette of answering a telephone oh yeah they don't get that okay um you when you call someone you let it ring six times uh when the call comes in you say Wilson's Douglas speaking and all the well it's like a new technology is introduced and then everybody scrambles until the etiquette catches up with it yes right I think that's what's going on right those men and talks about this quite a bit right so then you have with the smartphones and uh email protocols you know emails comes in and it takes a takes a few years before the rules of emailing yes catch up right and I think we're moving perhaps into uh uh and and now you you just figure out email and everybody talks via text yes yes and then they talk via Instagram and then they everything is just moving on and where are the rules what are the rules I mean this is part of the problem that we have everywhere um with the younger generation is that they didn't grow up in a world that was as tactile as ours was right um where you just interact with physical things all the time the physical thing they're interacting with is some sort of device that mediates the relationship to the world and to other people so if you want your kids to go out some go out and play football with the kids the kids aren't out there they're on line playing games together you know um and it's funny when I was a kid because the way video games were designed you just kind of got sick of it and it was like that was good played for a couple my parents didn't have to send uh set time limits on the NES system we we ultimately go out and put a boat out in Ohio which was really dangerous um or go play basketball or whatever pickup game um nowadays the kids aren't out there and uh the the interaction that they have with other humans is mediated so they're not good at reading body language I think this is part of the dating problem they don't know how to read a woman's body language or even a man's right um I uh I I I've hired a lot of people for different companies I worked for and it's getting harder and hard to hire people that are good on the phone they're very scared of talking because they can't edit it they can't sit there and wait and think about it because you can only have so long of a pause because you have to think on the fly yeah they have to yeah and they have had that sort of interaction and and we even see this now with this is a real problem for police officers because as a police officer you have to have one command presence so you carry yourself certain way and two you have to read when you're coming up something doesn't feel right and that guys popped the lock on his on his gun he's got his hand already why he doesn't know he just has his Spidey senses up so we have a whole generation that has no spidey sense yeah right because of screens and I think what older Generations need to understand I was talking to older Boomer pastor of one you would actually know and he was telling me that he took these two young guys to a restaurant to introduce them to this lovely waitress there they thought he should go after this girl so he brings him there they're sitting and he orders and she chats back and forth with him but the guys wouldn't say a thing they just went and when they said it was like awkward and kind of weird and he was like I'm just done with them I'm just done with them like I set them up it's like t-ball they could just hit that and you know she likes me and that's enough for her to at least consider them and and I was like well have patience because I I don't they're not from your world uh they don't they don't know how to have this interaction you can't learn that kind of thing in one lesson or from a book or for a documentary or from a podcast right well they can't learn it from it's good to be a man a doctor but the point is you have to get real men you have to be around like God made us you know like like what John says I got a lot of things to say to you but not with um not with ink right face to face so let's Circle back around to something you said earlier about I'll meet with you at church um what what can we as pastors do to or should we do anything there's a difference between ministering to gen xers and ministering to Zoomers and ministering to Boomers and Catering to yes catering to a certain demographic I think is going to be the death of your church yes right but ministering to a particular group it ought to be the same kind of thing that ministers to everybody so if you're preaching forgiveness of sin the young people need that well so do the old people so so do the kids so everybody you know you're you're preaching a Timeless gospel the holy spirit is faithful to give them what they can take what they take and so what you're doing is ministering to the people of God as the people of God and you're not so blind you you break it out like Paul and Ephesians says he gives all this glorious Truth for everybody but then he says husbands you know yeah servants wives their stations and vocation yeah but what he's doing is he's applying the same truth that's right into every nook and cranny as opposed to having a church with nothing but Surfer jargon you know we're going to be a surfer church that's catering to and you're not going to build anything it's going to be just a five year ten years yeah Kleenex fire yeah it grows and then dies down as opposed to because a church that is going to be here in 150 years has to be a church where you have kids that grow up in it and stay and marry and stay and bring up their kids yeah I think um what we can do is first off understand what they need and what they want is step-by-step instructions they really they're they're kind of risk adverse and they want to do what you're talking about yeah the younger generation uh they're risk adverse they want to do a good job so they're really looking for one one a one B two you know all these little sub points but what they need is folks that say look you just gotta throw yourself into life right here's like let me point you the right direction and what your feelings what everyone felt like everyone feels that way everyone has insecurity everyone's like get scared around a Woman They really like it takes a little while to get that Swagger and don't try too hard or she'll know they know right um they can smell fear they can they see through it um but I think part of it is what we've seen at our church because of my online rep we've drawn some people and the ones that do best are the ones that listen want we have older Elder out of church and uh and he's been very helpful for this and because I'll spend some time with them but I'll kind of hand them off to the to the Elder guy and he'll just he's kind of no-nonsense you know and uh gives like real Punchy simple advice and and they start to get get the sort of we use the bike chain analogy where you put the chain on one gear and you put on the other and buy Forward Motion so what I'm learning is to push these guys into doing something right and this always happens you give someone really good for I'll give you three steps okay here's three steps do you have a book on that you don't need a book like a book it's like people you need a YouTube clip yeah YouTube exactly well and so there's a dopening shot you get from when you announce what you're about to do because your brain tells you you're going to do it so that's why people like to tell everyone I'm going on this 30-day weightlifting plan or whatever you're you're less likely to do it when you announce it than you are if you just keep it to yourself and do it and and I think a lot of times these guys they the more books they read the more they feel like they're ready but I've been bringing up Friedman and everything I've been talking about but Freeman talks about how the generation like our culture now thinks technique and information it's everything right and it's it's actually you know it's more of just going after it so giving these guys really basic you know hey you should dress a little bit better yeah right you know or yeah you should go go run or go to the gym I don't care which one you do but why don't take a lot of stress out of you you won't be as tempted by pornography um it'll it'll make you feel better make you look better you know these are the sort of things pastors have to do so the um the thing you were mentioning earlier about I want a list or a checklist or I want someone to tell me what to do well James says don't be a hearer of the word only but also do the work because if you hear only there's a it says and so deceive yourselves if you hear only you you deceive yourself into thinking that you're doing it because you're hearing it that's right because I'm listening to good sermons on how to be a man masculinity by proxy right so I'm I'm willing to put up with people talking about being a man therefore I'm becoming a man but it's all in the doing it's it's in the action so you have to go whatever it is you have to take a step out with these guys online they're all experts on masculinity you hear them right they have all their pills arranged just right all their categories um Alpha Beta Delta gamma all all these categories they like to use and then I've had the the privilege to meet these men and both the the kind of influencer level that have big YouTube channels and then just the consumers of it and seeing the reality like look what are you doing like like I've had guys tell me I think my wife's a feminist right okay why is your wife FM I mean what woman isn't these days at some level like it's in the water well guys not kind of a feminate what woman doesn't have some feminism that's sanctification we'll work it out but what do you mean well she doesn't want to have kids and I was like okay why well I told her I wanted to have 10 and she was doesn't want to have that many and said well how many do you have he said well we don't have any and I said do would imagine someone telling you to come to the gym and it's like throwing up like 300 pounds for you to rep on the bench for the first time I'm not doing that you know they come one at a time so then we meet this woman and and she's a gem and this guy just doesn't know himself he's not self-aware he needs other men in his life to say yeah you're just kind of you talk a big game but you're not doing anything and you do understand principles but you don't understand the way you should because you have to go do it yeah because biblical knowledge is Incarnate biblical knowledge is embodied yes right it's wisdom which comes from fathers right and so the the problem is we have people that know a whole lot and can spit it out and reform people love this reform people love to memorize catechisms and confessions and I love them right but they do they Master them so they they appear to look a master in in their in a way when they're judged by their ability to articulate knowledge they've consumed but when you look at the quality of their life it's a different person and wisdom is what you see in older men and if you're blessed they share it with you and we don't that's why fathers is such a key part of correcting this like fathers in the church will help fathers in the church are not a replacement for natural fathers like God's design cannot um be ignored or disregarded without consequence right and I realize what I learned in my 30s I should have learned in my 20s well it's going to be a decade behind right you know what let's I am where I'm at I'm going to move forward and I'm growing that's this generation so you're behind don't stay behind why close the distance and and help your help your children yeah my dad was fond of saying God takes you from where you are not from where you should have been and where where are you okay instead of weeping and lamenting okay let's start doing now because if you don't do in the moment you're still deceiving yourself and it's got to be Hands-On embodied actual learning so that my image of this is my dad I must have been well five or six years old my dad teaching me how to tie a necktie and I remember I still remember standing behind me yeah and I'm looking looking down yeah and this is how it this is how it goes halfway and when we were Nancy and I were taking care of my dad um uh the last four years or so and we had caregivers coming in okay you know to help with different parts of it young men and my dad Brett liked to wear a necktie he would he would dress up sit in this chair necktie on but we had to tie a bunch of ties um and have them hanging there so the caregivers could just put it over his head and cinch it up because they didn't know how to wow didn't know how to tie a neckties yeah and and the issue is not oh that's the be-all and end-all skill the issue is how many boys didn't have a dad who them anything didn't teach them how to throw a ball didn't teach him how to change the oil in the car didn't teach him how to didn't weren't there and the elders in the church are not supposed to teach you how to change the oil in the car yeah we're in sacraments guys and we we do what we can because we love them we have Fellowship together like we do with all Christians but it's not uh churches aren't to have a masculinity program outside of what the word of God accomplishes when we preach to everybody and minister to it from house to house and all that but we don't run schools for men like we're trying but it's hard you know it's hard that's our two the things that we're up against is two things angry young men and we're about to have a glut of old Spencer women because Gospel Coalition types preach the lie that you can delay getting married and singling this is awesome and that that that plays well in your 20s and maybe early 30s you get to your 40s and 50s there's no one that wants to marry you or not very many and we're about to have that glut and this is going to face the church it's gonna be a hard hard thing that's coming angry angry young men and angry middle-aged women yes yeah a lot of them it's going to be a huge number it's just it's it's happening and we do have a responsibility we can deduce a principle from First Timothy five right where the church has a if the church is to care for widows that don't have an extended family to care for them financially it would follow to me that we do have to provide some sort of spiritual relational will care to them in to the ability that we can if other people can we just it's a real challenge that we're up to and um so I wrote a piece a few years ago and it was on how unwanted singleness is an Affliction not a gift yes I remember that piece it's a good piece well I it sets some people off and because you're right that there's been sort of a concerted effort from my mainstream big Eva types to say singleness is a gift and you know Let Jesus be your husband and and and it's sort of like self-interested pastors preaching series on tithing yeah all the time that's right well what you're doing is you're having unattached um people who can donate services to the church and help help out but you're you're making a long-range demographic nightmare for them and for you yeah it's like the church is like China when they had the one child policy right like that's about to come home to roost and I got in trouble I get in trouble on occasion for things I say I've learned from the best um but uh I I have talked about singliness and gone after it as you know it's a that's a state a temporary state in everyone's life but it's not the normative state for most people right right and and certainly not the bulk of your life a lot of us start single me in single when we lose a spouse right but it's not a normative State and I went after it I met with a pastor who wanted to talk to me he was very mad about some of my tweets what some women were mad about my tweets and had asked him to talk to me and I was like well someone really Matthew 18 but that's fine we'll roll with this and I said look I'm not sorry I'm not taking them down I actually retweeted them after the meeting and I said here's why you are not going to take responsibility for these women 20 years from now I know you're not right now this is you know when you read first Timothy 5 it's very clear that they're being burdened by the need and that's obviously going back to early acts right that this is really hard to take care of those people and I have had uh I've ministered to older people at a couple churches I kind of ran the the elderly group and the women in particular are lonely and they want to talk and it's like no matter how much time I spend with them it's never enough right and and you and they and they learn they yearn for just for human touch like a hug seriously because their husband's gone a church full of that right so what's the hope well the hope is that we get these young men and we capture them with the truth of the Gospel the truth of scripture scripture here look at all this wisdom you want to know how to be a king read Proverbs you know that's kind of like a meme now they refer to each other as kings right and uh but most of them are poppers but you don't have to stay that way and read this so we get those guys up and then some of these women are are good women that are repentance just like those men are repentant they look they see that their machuism was really the flip side of ephemacy and railing about things online is kind of gay and they're ready to step up and be a man man I think we we can't give up on a whole generation and God can rebuild from ashes the picture that M and I had about this when we're thinking about it my wife Emily is we used to watch this show where they go and reclaim old wood they go to these barns they buy it because the wood is higher quality because it it now be like grow it so quick it's not as good and and they take that old wood and they build beautiful things from it and that's what has to happen now right yeah you guys had more sexual partners than you should have you guys wasted very important years of your life yeah you got fat at a young age and you shouldn't have like I told my son I was getting a little chubby right you do that after you get the woman look I'm not saying I'm the standard here uh but when I was your age like I could have stopped a car you know so you should get there but get these guys to to realize yes all these things have happened to you uh but if you're able to step up now God will you there are women out there you can marry and build a beautiful future with and I'm on top of this the unmarried women who are in their 30s and 40s and don't want to be you know and don't want to be or young men who are want want want to marry and they're of a marriageable age but they don't have the skill set to provide they're not equipped you know they're they've got the need to be married and they're the right age to marry but they've not had a dad that to show them how um one of the things I've uh the the council that comes from our modern Evangelical ethos is that we'll see that we our hearts go out to these people and so we should continue to lie to them right unless the peasants Revolt well um we but that's done in the name of not hurting their feelings and one of the things that when I did the singleness as Affliction post what the response I got from uh different people was gratitude thank you in other words I I have all this loneliness that I go to church with and then they asked me to believe a lie on top of it yeah right they the this loneliness that I feel that there's something wrong with me that I feel this way and if I say no no if you if you were missing a leg if you lost a leg in an auto accident I don't have to pretend that having one leg is uh differently abled you know no it's a handicap and if I stop lying to you then you then you can receive it as in the Providence of God okay this is where I am and then do the best you can with it at least but you're not having the extra burden of believing a lie um right and that's that's that's the ministry to these Generations that we have to have like with the young men like yes there's grounds to be angry by all means and and the sexual immorality that once was more contained in men has spread to both sexes equally and in terms of actual engagement with physical people may even be higher in women now than it is with men men because of men tend to like to do things the easy way when it comes to sex they they are you know porn you have porn with women actually they want relational connection and so it's like a real problem there's all sorts of reasons to be down and angry but but you know God it's not the first time this happened you know there's that great book by Stephen Osment um when fathers ruled yeah and so the opening though the first first opening chapters of that you realize oh wow mgtows happened before man going their own way that happened where people thought and people thought women are all you know basically succubuses they're like these evil women they actually thought that they needed semen uh to keep their wounds from trying out right and they had all this weird mythology around it but men didn't want to get married and they had a very low View and part of the Reformation was recapturing the glory of marriage sex and family and we're there again it's kind of like the Roman uh Holy Roman Empire uh broke up and there was chaos everywhere globalism's failing and there's a lot of chaos and we're watching our country and and the the Catholic Catholic Church was in turbulence and now even the experiment that was evangelicalism of the culture from the 1920s and 30s that's failed it's rotten and now everyone's like what do we do where do we go we're in a very similar moment at some level that we're there because God in his sovereignty practices believes in and practices creative destruction yes yes he he shakes things well it says in Hebrews he shakes things down so that that which cannot be shaken May remain that's right and uh America is going through a Shakedown period right now the clown the clown world of the last two or three years is just one little piece of it it's been a whole generation been going on for a while it had been going on for a while and we are reaping what we have sown but the church is in the privileged position if we follow him of being in the land of Goshen while the plagues ran down on Egypt we can provide a Haven for for people in the and I would say and I wonder if you agree with this when it comes to sexual matters masculinity and femininity matters Family Matters the the essential thing for us to do right now is to bring people into the church and tell them the truth right if we just stop telling lies yes stop telling lies yeah well that's the way the book the name of our book and now this documentary is it's good to be a man it's so funny that people thought that was edgy because what I was going for was positivity I'm like I'm gonna turn over a new Leaf I'm not gonna like anger people anymore I'm going to be a good person yeah like I don't want my wife to have a few friends you know um so it's good to be a man it's just it's just Genesis right God made man uh In His Image male and female he created them and it's good to be the sex that God has assigned you right um that male or female but but that you get kick the extra step here's those masculine urges you have when discipline by the word of God and the Holy Spirit are good feminine all these things and like you said I think what was happening with your your singleness post is women are feeling bad for being lonely and wait I'm thought I thought I'm supposed to feel awesome and happy and I'm living my best life now and all this then I don't right so no it's normal for a woman to want to have a family that's why do people get you know the the cats right you know I always tell young couples always get like a puppy dog or a cat so you could do that or you could you know put a baby in that woman right like have some children you could do that but telling people the truth um hard truth and that's that's the problem with kind of the red pill manuscript World they are speaking truth but truth without Redemption they're and they're just speaking part of to the problem and then a lot of those guys are you know they really are charlatans that when people are hurting and then they're mad they they shake them down for money and you know evangelicalism has been using women single women in a a long a long time just kind of like governments use women because they tend to be more compliant at least at a middle level and corporations do the same thing well evangelicalism's done that well kind of the secular world you know has been doing that with these young men and some of them are much more benevolent I think guys like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson meanwhile and and they're just speaking from their experience I will say Peterson certainly seems to be making a whole lot of money off of it in a in a way that I think I prefer Joe Rogan's way right you just make the content people pay for it but I don't like it when you when they're shaking down young men but those are guys like that and there's other guys that are just seriously uh they're commiserating with them and and using their misery we have to be the people that recognize yes there's a dark Valley do not set Camp up there when you're going through hell keep going right get to the other side and that's that's her our job that's our challenge is our time you know yeah so um it's been great having you here uh look forward to the uh what's the release date first week of April I think okay so uh we're we're looking forward to it's good to be a man the documentary with that includes I understand some footage of you chasing a chicken yes yeah okay it's going to release the first week of April and we look forward to it and it'll be available uh very very soon thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 30,497
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Keywords: canon press
Id: eF0l3NN_zB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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