Mechanical Part Modeling Made Easy: Blender Tutorial

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in this video we're going to be designing a bearing and we're gonna encase it in some sort of a framing let's go look modeling is important I know but so is everything else in the design process in our free hardsurface jumpstart course you will not only feel more comfortable with hard surface modeling but also confident with rendering and excited about your new game changing portfolio link is in video description let's get started alright so we're gonna start with a cylinder shift iron cylinder right and we're gonna go here and increase the number of segments to 80 as Z and scale it down and I think this is good now we're gonna flip this on X so I can work on from the front I like to work like that okay so let's just sharpen this and let's go so first of all we're gonna do is we're going to grab these and delete them and we're gonna solidify this middle part okay so Q and we're gonna go to um modifiers and solidify and this will do and then we also need another one in the middle so select that in queue and shift curve extract and move it inside I'm gonna scale it down so s and shift y so it scales on x and z I go down here like this and that's cool let's make it a bit thicker uh so thicker kind of like that that will do cool so now what we need is some bearings this actually is a bit too fat you know hang on that's better so here we're gonna add squat sphere with uh machine tools and GC move it in here scale it a bit now this Bowl needs to you know you know needs to be touching both sides and we're gonna create some grooves here so you can be a little bit larger than in this casing okay and we're going to um sort of like a casing on top of it so another cylinder and we're gonna change it to maybe 40 and scale it down and bring it up and squash it down and scale this and we need to fit it in here so a bit smaller and we're going to Skillet here like this and then make it a little bit fatter there we go maybe not as tall yeah so Jay-Z and there we go and maybe notice not as low here so Jay-Z I think that we'll do make a little bit bigger there we go and sharper cool we could technically cut it out if you want to so shift the skeleton a little bit and you know difference so you're gonna get this kind of a you know pretty precise sort of card which is fine and I think we're good to go so let's apply scale here apply scale here apply skill here and apply skill here okay and let's just fix this solidification when you apply skill and solidification after resizing you might see some you know size shift so remember to fix it okay now cool so here here we're gonna do is we're gonna select that bearing and we're gonna go to Masters and control click on radial array with heart of his X flip it and I'm gonna create well that many bearings and we're gonna grab the same riddle with this one boom that's done and now we need to create a connection here okay so let's grab a cube and let's go here Jay Z eal it and we're going to rotate it on the cursor so R and just rotate it like this okay here and let's just rotate it on the y-axis there we go okay and I think this will do if you really want to you know you could uh um we could just uh sort of bevel it a little bit like that all right a little bit it's kind of follow this uh curvature here and then let's apply scale and we're going to you know a radius as well and we're gonna add some battle to it a small one and at the middle here also small one remember these are machined parts so the Bell is going to be really small yeah don't make it too big or it's just gonna look weak Okay so small bubble a little bit right cool probably this one is still two large Parts okay awesome so now we can apply that so sharp and we're gonna grab my um edge here let it control B and we're gonna create a Groove so q and RTM macro inside okay select this select the search here and this one and s y I'm gonna scale them out I'm going to do the same thing here so um let's just create the groove and Altium macro Altium marker all we need to apply this sub and then select this and um audio macro down there we go select these two edges and kind of you know kind of scale them like this and I should do this one's a little bit too tall so we're gonna bring it a little bit down so I'll test and you can you know bring this a little bit closer here uh there you go in fact we're going to switch this to individual Origins and then I'll test that's better okay cool so this is our basic bearing and now what we need is um to cover casing here so we're gonna borrow this one and uh control click on curve extract to extract it and we're going to add a certification on top of it maybe a thicker one like this and move it a little bit to the front to the front like that I'm gonna grab this edge here without right I'm gonna extrude it backwards here okay and we're going to scale it like this actually a little bit more and then scale it like that okay cool and this one could be a little bit deeper so gy and move it a little bit deeper okay something like that cruel that's uh that's pretty cool and now we can have some fun so let's grab another cylinder and we're gonna create 60 hertz and are Arts 90. scale it and move it here let's go a little bit more and move it in here it sure doesn't overlap here and we're going to grab that gy move to the back cool this one might be a little bit too uh too wide so we can scale it down a little bit kind of like this okay cool and let's just start sharpen this also we need some Loops because we're gonna be merging these so same here when it loops and we also need Loops here okay cool so there we go and we can mirror this to the other side okay right so now we're ready to well kind of ready to apply this over here I'm gonna multiply this clay called click with mesh machine going to create a chamfer and that was okay because you want to smooth it out the reason why we're going to smooth it out because we're going to be running a um a bevel here so here to a bevel okay like this peachy and now we can actually apply this so click here click here and let's just balloon this together as a union I'm gonna have some artifacts here but that's okay let's just sharpen this and then let's just turn off the bevel for a second oh and let me see that um this one could be going a little bit higher here so we could combine these press three to clean that and remove this one and this one should be a shorter patch what the hell is going on here you know let's combine these and that is some problem in here let me go to occlude let me see that ah there we go press three one more time this should do it okay all the time click on click and select and why and offset cut now we're talking now we need to choose the correct amount of these the factor I think it's okay we could smooth it out so it's going to be a bit better on the curve but actually in our case maybe not we do need some more resolution here so let's just add that here a little bit more rest on this corner nothing gets better and we're gonna run a battle here okay so on the double here and it's that and then we're going to calculate shops and then we need to clean it so uh here we can combine that and we can combine this all right and click alt click and Y and Boolean cleanup scrolling Mouse and connect these and I think it's going to be fine and then I'll text it aside and then it's done now here we can extend it a little bit so GX I mean gy sorry and we're going to chair for this okay and then we're going to insert that and then we're going to extrude it actually let's make it thicker it's gonna be stronger yeah so here we could go across so um shift curve extract and make it longer so scale it in on individual origin so shift s into geometry skeleton move it across and just Little Mix longer and basically difference right so we got that and made it to the other side let's just save it because reasons and knocking at the Battle okay so small one Guys small one this is a machined piece you need a small bottle here we're gonna have the chatter about smaller one okay and we also get another jumper here so sharpen that and click on click and you know small jumper here okay cool I know it actually is sorry that looks really cool uh awesome here till we get some chamfers so click called click and you know with a little bit of a Jeff or don't overdo it because if you do you're gonna have an overshoot here now here on this piece we could have some Cuts so we could grab a cube and scale it and move it up here and move it to the front and just cut it in here but before we do SX and scale it I'm gonna Keystone effect and difference and then we're gonna recover this and Q and control click on radial and let's create maybe five stars it's gonna offset a little bit nicer here topic we have some brackets so maybe not a cube scale it move it to the top switch the cursor rotate it holding control move it forward all right and let's SCC on individual Origins okay moving backwards sync it in here it's gonna look pretty cool actually Maybe not maybe let's do this oh that's interesting and here we could have um you know some Some Cuts Like That okay let's just mirror this to the other side and uh you know this could be actually this could be chamfer to beveled or whatever and we could uh let's apply this so operations multiply shift click here and hold shift and marital sides so you're gonna get this bracket let's run Some Loops here on this cutter so I need some drink my throat is hang up that's better I'm suffering from some serious pollen um allergies it's bloody terrible but what are you gonna do right hang on hang on hang on this is um here and then let's do that and I think it's gonna be fine so now here sharpen there we go and we can run a chair for here on this just don't overdo it there we go and they should Merit to all sides if it doesn't uh simply you know around a mirror with and machine tools and here what we can do is you can slice this like that and the backs is going to be nice and uniform also kind of flush here could have some you know chamber here all tags and you know you're good to go that looks pretty awesome cool cool and that's our final piece so now I'm gonna you know texture this very quickly with our blender Bros mods I'm going to show you some new ones we've created recently they still in development as of recording this video but if you're watching this in June July you know maybe the pack is already out so go ahead and you know check it out on my website or possibly on blender Market we haven't decided yet foreign but so you know or blender Market our store anyway so let's go to [Music] um here to not to Shader to assets and rendered view cool and I'm going to be using uh these mods here so we could grab the machine steel which is really cool now um you're not gonna have to unwrap this once title drops but I mesh here so you and smart TV project and here too am smart ticker project and Smart TV project and here too small one as well and the bearings well we can't see them but you know just for the health tutorial let's do it properly so here we're gonna be applying all these the same mods really here it looks pretty good awesome and the floor we could have on this one dotted steel which is pretty awesome right cool just have to change the scale so let's go to Shader and change the scale to maybe I don't know 10. there we go that looks pretty decent now of course different lighting I mean we could switch the lighting to um something else but I'm not gonna be doing it here I'm just going to rotate it to make it a little bit you know more presentable so the lighting comes from the right hand side and sort of you know highlights this front here up just to 1.8 so it's brighter and there you go one more thing if you wanted to create these threads here just one curve extract here with you know hard Ops move this one backwards a little bit so back here apply that and select that right click and enable thread under machine tools menu in preferences and let's just run some threads here and uh you know there you go there's your thread easy peasy jump and easy all right guys well thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 13,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, learn blender, blender 3D
Id: rutM9e0fg4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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