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one of the most ancient underground temples in Egypt is Osirian of cerium is located in a place of religious significance in Abydos on the western bank of the Nile north of ancient Thebes according to ancient myths Abydos was a place of worship to the god Osiris Lord of the underworld in the writings of the ancient Egyptian priests monetha who was quoted by the ancient historians Josephus Julius africanus and Eusebius of Caesarea it is asserted that gods were the first and foremost rulers of Egypt the Shabak astone tells us that the mythological founder of the divine dynasty was the creator god taw the center of PETA's religion was the city Memphis in the city of Heliopolis the god a tomb was worshipped a tomb was according to the myths a descendant of Fatah gradually a tomb took on the image of the Sun God raah the god raah a tomb became the next divine ruler of ancient Egypt in place of the aged God raah came his children the twins god of the air and wind Shu and the goddess of moisture and rain Death Note Shu ruled in Egypt and married his sister of the lion headed Tefnut the children of the royal couple the sky goddess newt and the earth god GEB formed a union in accordance with divine tradition although they loved each other deeply they quarreled among themselves until their father shoe tore their embrace apart and raised the goddess note to a great height to maintain order after shoe his son the earth god GEB began to rule Egypt the goddess Newt gave birth to the god of Cyrus the goddesses Isis and Nephthys and the gods Seth the cult of Osiris came from the city of bacillus in the Nile River Delta the Greek historian Plutarch described the God's life on earth in the treatise on Isis and Osiris Osiris became the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt after Gabe his sister the goddess Isis became his wife according to divine laws at the start of his reign Osiris persuaded the people to abandon their uncivilized ways including cannibalism he taught them to hunt and fish to plant useful crops and collect the harvests to prepare wine and beer and to dance with his help the people learned to make ceramic and stone dishes you in the northeastern part of the Nile Delta the cult of the god Seth took root Egyptians associated Seth with chaos and he had red hair and red eyes Egyptians treated Seth with fearful reverence Ceti the first a pharaoh of the 19th dynasty was named in honor of the god and along with his son Ramesses the great revered the god Seth as shown in BA relief in the small temple of Abu Simbel these pharaohs were descendants of the military dynasty from the eastern nile delta and were red-haired Seth the younger brother of the god Osiris was married to his sister the goddess necklace but net this gave birth to a son that jackal-headed God Anubis by Osiris Seth was jealous of Osiris and organised the conspiracy to kill him at a festival of the gods Seth brought out a chest made of precious metals and offered to give the chest to whomever was the right height to fit inside it all the gods tried to get inside but only of Cyrus fit the chest perfectly when Osiris lay down inside Seth and his supporters slammed the lid closed and through the chest into the river with Osiris inside according to ancient Egyptian mythology one of the great gods had been killed on earth Isis found the chest with the body of her husband and hid it in the Nile River Delta but Seth discovered the body and in fury cut it into 14 parts scattering them in all the territories of ancient Egypt Isis and Nephthys found the body parts and gave them to Anubis who put the parts together and embalm the body Isis took on the form of the bird Hut and using magical powers conceived with a mummy of Osiris the great divine love between Osiris and Isis was sung off down the centuries and Isis gave birth to the falcon-headed god Horus time passed and the powerful god Horus challenged Seth for his right to the throne of Upper and Lower Egypt after a long battle with Seth Horus was proclaimed ruler of all Egypt by dead Horace resurrected his father Osiris with the help of the Waja I which is depicted in many ancient Egyptian reliefs including those in Assyrian Osiris left the world of the living and became the ruler of the world of the Dead ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife in the underworld where of cyrus reigned from the 4th millennium BC the ancestors of humanity began to govern Egypt ancient Egyptians thought that the head of Osiris was buried in Abydos possibly even his whole body so pilgrims brought offerings to the city in clay pots the sands of Abydos are strewn with shards from those pots Pharaohs from the first dynasty who ruled after the god Horus buried their predecessors in Abydos in the necropolis boom al Cobb the mother of pots here Kings from the pre-dynastic period were buried such as scorpion and Narmer who began the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt king Narmer started to unite Egypt on one side of the Narmer palette he is shown as the ruler of Upper Egypt in a white crown on the other side he is the king of Lower Egypt in a red crown it is possible that narmer's son the legendary Pharaoh meanies whose tomb is also located in Abydos became the next ruler of the two lands of Egypt the Pharaohs Horus named hor-aha is presented on the Sarah of this king it was the theramenes who founded the capital of the unified Kingdom the city of Memphis one of the biggest tombs in Abydos the site of worship for the cult of Osiris is the tomb of the pharaoh jer son of meanies during his rule Egypt expanded its borders and achieved a period of fruitfulness but at this time a period of human sacrifice also existed wives servants and slaves were sent together with a dead Pharaoh in order to help him in the underworld around the tomb of the Pharaoh are an extra three hundred tombs for those accompanying him to the kingdom of Osiris during the rule of the new kingdom ancient Egyptians believed that jairs tomb was the burial site of the Lord of the underworld Osiris they brought clay pots with offerings to Osiris many pot shards cover the surface of the necropolis of M hell calm after Jer Egypt was ruled by his son the pharaoh jet the pharaoh den jairs grandson became the next ruler his grave in contrast to those of his predecessors had a tomb and a staircase leading to it the floor was laid with granite slabs den was the first to use the title of king of the sedge and the bee Upper and Lower Egypt the Pharaohs Horus name means Horus who strikes as during the time of his rule then expanded Egypt's borders to the east and the south the kings of the first dynasty are buried in the ancient necropolis poem el Cobb their names are recorded in seal impressions on the tomb of the Pharaoh car and they include Narmer aha jer jet den an ajeeb summer ket and car the list is headed by the god Ken TIA manatee whose name translates as the foremost of the Westerners the West is the world of the Dead were the sunsets ken TMNT is associated with the Lord of the netherworld Osiris if the living pharaohs were under the protection of the falcon-headed god Horus then the deceased kings of Egypt merged with the image of Osiris and their souls travelled to the underworld through pega the gap in Abydos which led to the underground paths of Rossa Tao the last king of the second dynasty Kazik M we was buried in Abydos Kazakh Emily's grave now inscribed with sand is located in the necropolis of M L cob Kazakh M we once again United a Taz one Empire suppressing the uprising in the Delta evidence can be found on the Pharaohs Zurich where his patrons are the guards Horus and Seth Kazik em we built a fortress in Abydos from adobe bricks this grand structure stood for more than 5,000 years adobe bricks were also used for the construction of above-ground facilities on the graves mastaba the likely successor to kazakh my the Pharos an act is suggested to have been buried in such a mastaba in beit calif pharaohs of the old kingdom were buried in saqqara the local necropolis located close to ancient memphis north of Abydos was under the influence of the falcon-headed God sokar one of the well known pharaohs from the third dynasty Djoser built the first pyramid tomb which is also the first step pyramid the pyramid consists of six most Abbas built one on top of the other they were made from small stone blocks held together with clay the architect of Djoser step pyramid was in motet the high priest of the sun-god rah if the Pharaohs court was buried in the mastaba after death they would travel to the underworld of Osiris after the necessary funeral rites the Pharaoh having a divine nature would ascend to the heavens in the Sun both of the god rah Djoser successors also built step pyramids the Pharaohs SiC MCAT and Kaaba built their step pyramids close to Saqqara south of Saqqara and made them a giant step pyramid with smooth faces was erected nowadays the lower steps are covered with sand and rubble it is believed that the last Pharaoh of the third dynasty cuny started to build the Step Pyramid but didn't complete it Construction was completed on the Maidan pyramid by his son-in-law and founder of the 4th dynasty the Pharaoh Sneferu Sneferu built two pyramids for his tomb and - or north of madame the first was the bent pyramid which had smooth faces but no steps during the construction of this pyramid the incline of the faces had to be reduced because of the risk of its collapse but as well as the bent pyramid the Pharaoh ordered the construction of the first true pyramid with smooth faces the red pyramid the name comes from the limestone blocks used to build it which gave the pyramid a reddish hue sniff Roos descendants the Pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty started to erect their own pyramids on the Giza Plateau not far from Heliopolis the sacred city of the sun god rah which lies on the outskirts of modern day Cairo the Giza Plateau is thought to be the gates of Rossa Tao the beginning of the entrance to the underworld of Osiris ancient Egyptians called the Necropolis on the Giza Plateau pero si R Neb Rossa Tao which means the house of Osiris Lord of Rossa Tao the biggest of ancient Egypt's pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza built by the pharaoh Khufu Chios the architect was him you know a relative of the Pharaoh and a priest of the god Thoth under his direction the Great Pyramid was built over a period of 20 years the second highest pyramid also stands on the Giza Plateau south of the Great Pyramid it was built for the Pharaoh Khafre a descendant of Khufu Khafre his name means appearing like rah based his rule on the priests of rah and Hali appleĆ­s but prepared for his meeting with the god of Cyrus by building the Great Pyramid and mortuary complex it is believed that the statue of the Great Sphinx was carved from the rocks of the Giza Plateau with the face of Khafre south of khafre's Great Pyramid a third pyramid was built for the Pharaoh men kara Macrinus which is greatly inferior in size compared to the neighboring pyramids on the Giza Plateau Ming Cara the son of Khafre rushed to complete the pyramid before his death but its construction was eventually finished by his son with this pyramid the epic of building grandiose tombs comes to an end in ancient Egypt the giant pyramids on the Giza Plateau erected by ancient Egyptians are counted as one of the wonders of the world they served as monuments to the god rah whose cult was practiced by the priests in Heliopolis starting with the Pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty all rulers of ancient Egypt claimed their descent from the great god rah the ruler of the heavens in addition many researchers have noted a strange coincidence with the stars in the belt of Orion which is associated with Osiris and the placement of the pyramids in the necropolis and Giza the last Pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty ships esketh refused to build a stone pyramid like the ones his predecessors had built and instead erected a large mastaba but the first Pharaoh of the fifth dynasty user calf built a small pyramid in saqqara similar pyramids were built by subsequent Pharaohs they all exalted the cult of rah headed by the priests of Heliopolis the last Pharaoh of the fifth dynasty unas built a pyramid in saqqara near Djoser's mortuary complex for the first time the walls inside the chamber of Eunice's pyramid were adorned with magical hieroglyphs later these Pyramid Texts became an essential feature for a Pharaoh's tomb according to the texts Pharaoh's as sons of the god rah had a divine essence Pharaohs received divine power from the god Horus after death they merged with Osiris and entered the underworld Duat in the celestial constellation of Orion in ancient mythology the god Osiris becomes the lord of the underworld Duat towering over sokar god of the memphis necropolis and kenty Amenti god of the Abydos metropolis in the Middle Kingdom Duat was accessible to the courtiers who surrounded the Pharaoh the Pyramid Texts became the coffin texts written on the inside of coffins magical incantations from the coffin texts dating from the 17th century BC were added to the papyrus scrolls known as the Book of the Dead according to this book the god rah governed the world of the living and the god Osiris ruled the underworld Duat which was located both in the heavens and beneath the ground ancient Egyptians believed that a person had several entities a person possessed the spiritual counterpart kah which is life force ba was a person's soul taking the form of a bird with the head of a living person another important element was the name of a person which determined his destiny and was known as Ren there was also the shadow showed only the enlightened spirit ock could travel in the underworld in order for a spirit to exist in the underworld it was necessary to preserve the mummy of the dead person for as long as possible ancient Egyptians lived on average until they were thirty-five therefore they had to lead a life free from sin and prepare for their rebirth in the underworld after death the relatives of the deceased gave the corpse to the embalmers who washed the body in the sacred waters of the Nile then the embalmers removed all the internal organs except for the heart which was believed to be the location of the soul in a person's body the organs were placed in special containers canna pick jars after that the body was covered with a special salt Natron to dry it after drying the body cavity was filled with flowers and the embalmers covered the body with special resin to protect it from exposure next the body was wrapped in flax strips together with amulets the priest read spells and the mummy received the essence of saw four kings the mummification process took sixty days the same length of time took the goddess Isis to mummify Osiris the mummy of the deceased was taken to its tomb on the western bank of the Nile the coffin was escorted by priests women mourning and men with goods for the dead statues of shabti were laid next to the coffin to serve the dead person and do odd the opening of the mouth ritual was an important ceremony the coffin was placed vertically and the priests touched an ad Z to the lips and eyes of the deceased so that he would be able to speak see and eat in the Otherworld the coffins of prosperous dead people were placed in a mastaba tomb built in the lucra palace incorporating streets and quarters a deep pit led to an underground chamber where the coffins were left in the above-ground area of the tomb a false door was mounted in the Western Wall the OCH kha and ba of the dead could enter the afterlife and return through the door the car spirit double of the Dead was always in the tomb near the mummies casket guarding the false door and eating offerings trying to get to Osiris the deceased would go to the gates of the underworld which were protected by deities the pylons of temples in ancient Egypt were reproductions of these gates from the underworld arriving in Duat the deceased faced various dangers attacks by snakes crocodiles and other frightening creatures only knowledge of the spells from the Book of the Dead could save them from these perils eventually at midnight the deceased entered the Hall of the Two Truths under the escort of the jackal-headed God Anubis the deceased brought a declaration of innocence before the group of gods in which he denied committing any sins in his life at this time Anubis set up scales with the heart of the deceased on the left and the ostrich feather belonging to the goddess of truth Maud on the right he then checked the results the god Thoth with the head of an Ibis bird was ready to record the result of the weighing of the heart if the heart was light the monster amat would devour it and this would cause the person's second death if the scales balanced this meant the deceased hadn't deceived the gods when making the declaration of innocence after successfully completing the test the god Horus presented the deceased to Osiris in the presence of his sister's the goddesses Isis and Nephthys Osiris granted the deceased a place in the fields of reeds for the eternal blessed afterlife and dwop the truth speaking deceased having received the blessing of Osiris could settle in the fields of reeds which can be compared to the Elysian Fields of the ancient Greeks the deceased managed the fields with the help of their shop teas brewed beer and lived in comfort according to mythology every night the main god rah moved across Duat from west to east any truth speaking deceased could join him and travel in his boat during this journey the gods rah and Osiris met and merged into one united hole as a result they were both rejuvenated and able to live forever in the morning the Sun God rah emerged in the east and took on the form of the scarab beetle Khepri during the day rah acquired his true form in the evening at sunset in the West rahrr took the form of the ancient creator god Adam and then went in to do up from west to east in the form of raha Rock tea in the sacred place at Abydos Pharaohs built their own funerary temples dedicated to the Egyptian gods especially of Cyrus a pharaoh from the 19th dynasty SETI the first started to build men Matra but it was his son Ramesses the great who finished construction of this grand temple which impresses visitors to this day you before entering the temple Egyptians had to pass through two pylons which divided two large courtyards in the first courtyard the visitor had to wash himself so that he could stand before the gods spiritually cleansed in front of the temple shrine were two high post aisle halls on the walls of which were reliefs depicting the Pharaoh of men Matra worshipping the gods of the ancient Egyptian Pantheon passing through a forest of stone columns visitors came closer to the shrine located on a slope just after the high post aisle halls the shrine was dedicated to the main ancient Egyptian gods of the new kingdom Amon rah taw of Memphis raha Rock T Osiris Isis Horus and the defied pharaoh seti the first himself all the sacred chapels including the Chapel of a Monroe had a false door through which the God's Spirit traveled to the afterworld and returned to a statue standing in the chapel but the Osiris Chapel didn't have a false door instead it was possible to go through the chapel to a complex devoted to the cult of Osiris consisting of several halls and chambers the Hall of statues was the most ancient place in the funerary temple built in the ruins of a sacral temple here pilgrims carried out rituals and performed magic spells to honor the Lord of the world of the Dead from the Hall of statues it was possible to cross the first Osiris Hall of columns to the shrines of the Abydos triad Osiris Isis and Horus in the center of the northern shrines is a shrine to Osiris on the relief the main scene is an image of Osiris embracing Isis the God presents the Pharaoh with a symbol of life and rebirth the Anki on the side walls and the shrine to Osiris are scenes of the Pharaohs preparations to meet with the Lord of the underworld and receive divine status next to Osiris's shrine is the shrine to Isis on the relief the main scene shows an image of the goddess accompanied by Horus giving the Pharaoh symbols of a million year role on the reliefs on the side walls are scenes of the Pharaoh worshiping Isis and bringing her gifts and offerings Isis defended the Pharaoh against Osiris and Horus to one side of the shrine to Osiris as the shrine to a Sun the god Horus the main image in the shrine shows Horus accompanied by Isis giving the Pharaoh symbols of a Kings power on the sidewalls of the shrine the Pharaoh is shown worshipping Horus and his father Osiris on the walls of the Hall of columns reliefs depicting from different myths the JED pillar is one of the distinguishing features connected to Osiris the JED pillar provided protection for Osiris and those around him including the Pharaoh from enemies and evil spirits in the funerary temple of seti the first all Kings who had ruled Egypt were under the protection of Osiris in one of the chambers is a list of 76 rulers starting with meanies who had governed before SETI the first here the Pharaohs son Prince Ramesses is shown hunting it was Ramesses who finished building the temple in this temple are strange hieroglyphs showing modern technology a plane a helicopter a tank and a submarine north of Seti the first temple are the ruins of his son ramesses ii funerary temple columns with sculptures of Osiris flanked the courtyard in front of the temple the large granite entrance rises above the surrounding ruins the temple of ramesses ii was richly decorated with reliefs depicting worship of the gods first and foremost was Osiris ruler of the underworld not only was Osiris worshipped in the chambers of the shrines but also the gods a menorah both men and others in this temple granite sculptures of Osiris Amman rah Isis and the deified ramesses ii himself were found at the back of the funerary temple of seti the first are the ruins of the most cryptic temple in Abydos it's one of the oldest stone temples in ancient Egypt named dose iran by Egyptologists in honor of Osiris it is located in a trench cut into the limestone platform of the desert at a depth of 15 metres below the temple of Seti the first the excavation of the temple began at the start of the 20th century overseen by the archaeologists Petri and Murray the first people to investigate Osirian believed that it was built to celebrate the mysteries of Osiris in the central hall of the Osirian temple granite pillars were erected which supported a roof of granite blocks the platform the pillars were set on represents the primeval island rising out of the waters of chaos according to the teachings of ancient Egyptians about the origins of the world the entrance to the central hall was separated from the platform by a channel filled with water the main way to enter a siren was through an underground tunnel egyptologists suggests that the underground tunnel and chambers in front of the entrance to a siren were built much later than the central hall of pillars at the time of the New Kingdom it's possible that in ancient times there were statues of gods used for the mysteries of Osiris said in the recesses of the central hall the recesses were also separated from the platform in the centre of the hall by the channel of water according to legends a secret chamber lay behind the northeastern wall of a siren where the head of Osiris was said to be buried Oh siren was an underground temple it was covered by Hills the Egyptologist Neville thought that oh siren had ancient origins as it was built from granite blocks weighing many tons and had ascetic forms Oh siren is older than the neighboring funerary temple of Seti the first Oh siren bears a strong similarity to the valley temple of Caffery on the Giza Plateau near the Sphinx it's possible that they belong to the same period of the old kingdom the valley temple like Osirian was made from heavy granite blocks in such a way that there are small gaps between the blocks like it Oh Syrian outside the granite walls are lined with blocks of sandstone the multi-ton granite covering of the valley temple resting on the granite columns served as the base for the roof which might have been made from granite blocks as with a siren in the valley temple the granite blocks were laid in a complex way nowadays Osirian attracts many pilgrims who meditate in the ruins of the temple and offer prayers to the ancient god Osiris strange pictures are found on the pillars the so-called sacred images of the flower of life many people believe that the flower of life represents a plan showing the origin of life in this world the ruins of Osirian and the mystery around them serve as a reminder that at the dawn of humanity people turn to the ancient god of cyrus to grant them a blessed life in the netherworld you
Channel: studioMAKTO
Views: 533,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: En, Osiris, Egypt, Ancient, Kingdom, book, of, death, piramids
Id: ffKaHwnmNXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2012
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