The Easy Beginner's Guide to Creating Trim Textures for Games

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if you want to learn how to make ghibli style textures in substance painter the latest course from the 3d coloring book was made for you this beginner friendly course will show you just how easy it is to make drag and drop anime style smart materials that you can use in any project i'll leave a link in the description if you want to consider getting the course now let's get into this week's video hello everyone i'm bastian and today i will be talking about how i made this image more specifically the house because it is the most important part of the project i'd like to focus on the texturing workflows i used to make it i chose to use a textured trim for some parts and unique texture for others and i'll try to cover the pros and cons of both techniques i hope you will find this video interesting and that you will learn a few things from it first things first the concepting and researching phase when you start a project it's always a good idea to gather references to know where you want to go this concept art made by xiong kilju had everything i needed interesting shapes lots of curves good amount of details and nice colors but i wanted to make an entire scene and not just the house so i kept searching and i found this 3d image made by mila vasec this became my main reference for the colors lighting and mood of the whole scene the next step was to find the graphic style and this is very very important especially when you are doing a stylized asset or scene because stylized means a lot of thing there are tons of different sort of stylization and it's easy to get lost if you don't have a precise target handler i chose the darksider genesis graphic style for my project which i found really interesting because it's actually quite close to realistic render but i could have chosen something totally different and you it would have still been a stylized project as an example i took this drama from henrikh berger it is also stylized but in a completely different way that's why it is very important to have a target render now that the base concept of the project is set you have to start thinking about more technical stuff how will you make your assets what workflows will you choose for the modeling the texturing or the lighting for example what software will you use to achieve your goal the more you anticipate your production phase the more efficient you will be for the house i chose to make modular assets to have more flexibility in the level art and in the texturing i planned my modularity directly on the concept so i knew how many parts i needed to do it was also at this stage that i decided to go for a texture trim a trim is a texture that contains several tiling materials it allows you to have a single texture map for several objects which helps with the performances of your game because the engine will only have to calculate one texture instead of 10 or 20 or 50 for example it is very useful and can make you save a lot of time but it also affects your workflow quite a lot when you work with modularity and texture trim you plan your texture sheet first as you can see here this is the skeleton of my dream they are all the textures i need for the house each material has its own space depending on the texture ratio you have established and the space it takes on the objects in this case the tiles for the roof take half the map because the proportions of the roofs are bigger than the planks once you have defined which materials you need and where they go on the trim you can start making them i used different techniques to make mines all the wooden parts were sculpted on the brush then put on the plane which has the size defined by my texture ratio and texture size here the texture ratio was 512 pixels per meters and the texture was a 2k by 4k so the plane is 4 meters by 8. the plane has the same subdivisions as the trim skeleton we made before which allows you to put your materials exactly as you planned this plane will be my high res version for the baking and this one will be the low res i did a first bake on substance designer to be able to create my wood material and be sure it would fit the skirt the tiles for the roof were made entirely on substance designer now that we have all our materials ready we can open substance painter this is where we will put together our trim you see that i have imported my lowrest plane and baked the iris on it on top of that i put my wood and tiles materials that's where having subdivided my plane just like my trim skeleton come in handy i can just put the materials and use masks to apply them very easily where i want i can also play with the tiling of my materials to have the best result on the objects substance painter can only export square shaped maps so we will need photoshop to rescale them and make our rectangle shaped texture at this point you might think that your texture is finished but it is not yet now you have to start modeling an asset and try your texture on it the way you will approach your modeling will be different that what you might be used to because you must think your edge flow so it can be applied correctly on the trim with the good texture ratio and the less deformations possible using a trim will make your uv enveloping kind of a nightmare a goddess say you can see here that a lot of parts are overlapping to ensure that the tilling is correct and that you won't see any borders of your texture let's take a step back and see how we ended up with your visa like this i have made an object really quick and unwrap it to this normally once you have that you must resize them so they match your textile ratio to do so i will attach this 8 by 8 meters plane to my object this will be my guide for the rest of the steps here i take all the uvs and rescale them now we have this big square and these small uvs for my object because my objective is far smaller than my plane i will rescale the plane so it fits my uv windows perfectly this is good you close we can now detach the plane we won't need it anymore yes very good and open back or unwrapper here and here now we will have a problem because our uvs are made for square shaped texture and we can see that when we go to our trim they get stretched we have to compensate the stretching by going to this option right click it set percent to 100 close it activate and when we will scale our uvs they will go back to their original square shapes now we know that our uvs have good texture ratio and that they won't have any deformation when we put them on the texture this is a tricky part to understand at first but the more you practice it the easier it gets we have seen the process on a simple object but i'd like to show it on a more complex one as well here we have our roof i've made all the steps i've shown before on each uv and now you are ready to place them in a way that ensure the tiling of your materials this is a kind of a tedious part it's not very complicated but it can take quite some times you will have to do a lot of back and forth between your uvs unwrapping and your modelling phase to adjust your edge flow so you can unwrap your reviews correctly on your texture it doesn't matter if your uvs get out of the texture because the tiling continues even outside with all of these steps done we have the good tiling on all our materials and we can say our dream sheet is finished we can begin the modeling of all the parts in our house where our trim will be applied it's also time to think about the rest of the house these wooden components cannot benefit from trim texture because they require a unique normal map this is where the trim sheet meets its limitation a trim can only make you use generic texture and not specific ones that's why i decided to create a second idea for those parts where i could have some unique texture made specifically for those elements and create an interesting contrast in my assets excluded all those elements in the brush finally we are in unreal to integrate our assets in the engine and build the scene here we can make the final adjustment on our texture by testing them with the lighting i used static lighting techniques to make my render that allowed me to have more control on the shadows we have now reached the end of this video i hope that you see the interest in using the texture trim sheet but also its limitation it's a peculiar workflow but once you master it it allows you to save a lot of time in your project i invite you to visit my art station page link in description if you like this content new project will be added as time goes by don't forget to press the like button and to subscribe to this channel if you found this video interesting take care have a nice day bye [Music] you
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 49,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, trim texture, 3d art tutorial, unreal engine 4 tutorial, video game art tutorial, trim sheet tutorial, trim sheets ue4, trim sheets 3ds max, trim texture tutorial, uv mapping tutorial, modular environment, ue4 tut, game art, game art environment, trim sheet textures tutorial, game development, trim sheet, trim sheets
Id: HEMjgqD9wvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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