[Full Tutorial] Using Trim Sheets to Build Complicated Assets Quickly.(Assets Included)

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A true craftsman!

Thanks for this deep tutorial :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Eastern_Edge 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

that's really really really good, thanks

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/polaris343 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone in today's tutorial I want to be going over trim sheets trim trees are something that have been used in a lot of games for a pretty long time so they aren't anything that's super new where's one surprise that there isn't a crazy amount of information out there on them alone there being videos on them so in this first segment of this tutorial I'm going to be going over what trim sheets are and showing you a little bit of my blender scene setup before we really start to get into the tutorial so on this image here you can see this large fuel Japan in a roof structure over here and this entire structure here uses this one texture trim sheet the term sheet is just like any other standard texture you would have but you mask out different sections on the texture that contain different elements like these ornaments at the bottom these leaves these little slates and so forth and then you would map these to ever you want and on this image here you can see I have a color code because you can see what segments on the texture over here are mapped over here to the large 3d model and this workflow is really good because it allows you to create a very large variety of assets using just one texture if you can't have too many textures for file size reasons again and that's very nice and it's also just a stripe a really good work because you don't have to making time Poly's are baked and you can just make a lot of assets so let me close this and I'm going to take a look at my blender view right now now inside my blender set here I have a folder called pre tutorial that's basically everything I made for doing this tour will really work a different border here in a moment the main thing here is that I have each of my sections cut up so I have one big object here called the roof that's inside the am roof folder here I have another section called the six meter roof then I had these corner arches and add the top Ridge so each of those are broken into their own folder with one called underscore mod and that means it has modifiers on it because not all the modifiers behave perfectly I have some boolean modifier I'm using to cut these up which can create some geometry you can see right here that splits off so I had to duplicate the entire section and then paste it somewhere else then combine onto one model with the modifiers already applied then do just a little bit cleanup and then it's ready to be exported and that's what I have going on inside here I'm going to close that now and then the other folders here that you will care to make is you might want to have a ref folder here this folder just contains a avatar of a human and I actually got this avatar by exporting out from Marvel's designer so if you have marble design you can just use the default avatar inside that and top to X brought the avatar now there's plenty of free outdoor is you can find online these as reference for size have another Ford here called lights and that just contains this one Sun lamp that I use curling in my viewport if you go to shading and have it on the third option which is looked up then you go to shading and I chose this second HDR here I have the backgrounds at the one I have seen lights turned on so I'll be turning to see lights kind of on and off as I go and I want to be working and then I have another folder here called material Plains and then material plane just contains two planes with my materials on them and I use a total of two materials in the structure even though they are actually both the exact same type of sheet so that one has the opacity mask on for using Deford decal shaders and I'll be going over that once we get to that segment in the tutorial let's go ahead and minimize this and that should be all for the overview now so on the next segment I will go into how to get your Texters the way I have them and importing them into blender all right so it's time to go over how I got my textures so first thing you're going to do before we get to this point is I download the textures from game textures calm but you'll notice that my textures are quite a bit different than what is shown by default on here so we have a default material preset for all of our materials that you need to hand load and so if i download it si inside the world clear - on a real balloon or format it'll be where the default is but if you want to tweak this sum and change out what materials are where or just any other parameters we have we have available in the substance format so for my case I wanted to change these materials outside down the substance format after you download that I put it inside a folder and use this is in my projects folder I have my project folder here where a scene is where my blender files are going to the modeling modules is where I'm going to export my roof models now pix is just a Ford I have where I composite pictures for the art station post but textures is where you'll create a folder and label each texture is I have two others here but I'm not using those those are something I had here while I was testing with them the first one is the fetal Japan multi trim if we go in here you know see I have quite a bit of extra things here that you won't have for example a render folder that's the folder I use to render out this material for display purposes but the main thing is you want that drop in your field butyl Japan multi trim zr1 SPSA are in here and then you're going to open up a new substance file and drag that in so you're dragging that SPSA are right here and the first thing you going to want to do is if you chose the PBR metonic workflow for your graph you should go ahead and plug them all in here and the stuff I have here is that each output is feeding into a levels node and I use that just as a place for note so I can have it routed here then branch off rather here and makes it a bit more cleaner but this one feeds up here where I normally have the base color note but realize it needed the only neat one so base color just feeds into base color here but you still want to have that levels note here because you may want to change the bit-depth from these levels mode so I have all mine locked at 8-bit since I really don't need 16-bit and then the normals node also feeds in here and this one I don't have change I'm actually going to change that down here when I fed that in so that also goes to eight now I did this format for going to the Unreal Engine you may with the change set depending on what your going to or example I have mine or map and DirectX format you're going to unique you'd probably use OpenGL and the levels node here is for the roughness and there's the metallic in the game int occlusion now I often use the MRO or mr. AO format which is where you take your roughness your metallic in your aimed occlusion and plug it into an RB rgba merge accordingly so metallic goes into the red channel roughness goes into the green channel and a matte occlusion goes into the blue channel that creates MRO and they used to want a solid uniform white plug into the Alpha but you can double-click the inputs here that see what's where that's the metallic channel this is the roughness is he a mint occlusion now by default like I said this will have many different areas on the way you can change that is to double-click the SP SAR and you have parameters here on the right and there's a lot of things you can change but the only thing is I actually change was the material here so if you set this to how I have it here you should have an identical to material what we're working with and the other option as I had turned on transparency to enable to output the transparency and that transparency is going to go into the opacity down here where we will export out a opacity mask and that will be used for the Deaf 4dk sheiter I believe that covers everything here I don't think I'd change anything else all right that's all good so once you export those out you like to put them out right here so the map see you should have explored his base color mram normal and opacity I have these two extra maps here which we're just used for me to create that kind of color mask IDU for the picture in the last segment so don't worry about these two maps and then after that I will create a new folder up here so I create a one call material planes behind this little box up here called collection don't turn that on and you can see I have two planes here so on this plane here if I go to the material tab I have it labeled as feudal Japan moti trim one by drag right here I can go into the shader editor let me drag is over a little bit more so to plug in your textures you just want to take the base color and plug that into base color now for your MRI oh you're gonna want to split these up using the separate RGB so metallic comes out of red and then the roughness comes out of green and there's no Ament occlusion spot currently inside the blender cycles or even so I just don't bother plus I'm going out to a game engine anyway so I don't really care how much it looks in here but with EB it's nice to go to cedar materialism and you also want to set this to non color data and then the normal map you also want to set to on color data so it doesn't affect any of the values and that will also need to go into a separate RGB and then a color ramp in the green genome and the reason I'm doing this is I'm flipping the green channel because blender is OpenGL and it's going to want the reverse normal matte compared to what I would want to put into Unreal Engine so if you have a color ramp and you plug that in you can click this little down arrow here and hit flipped color ramp and that will cause the value to the first thing you just need to recompile your map flipped then just plug that strength to normal map node and plug that in and you're all good to go now the other material I have here it's not as straightforward to get this opacity to working is at the very end here this is identical as the first material the only difference is that the brand I have a mixed shader with a transparent at the top slot and then non-code Anna is my opacity mask going into the control here and by default this will probably appear all salt black where I have it transparent so what you need to do is go over here to the right and under settings change the blend mode so you want to have it set to alpha clip then it should represent what we want and that should all be good let me go ahead and move this back over and close it and with that I've already created it another forward here called tutorial because I want to be working here and every now and then I may go back and the reference is previous folder AHS working before but you'll mostly be inside just one folder with your material planes or lights in your rep holder so on the next segment I'm going to be going over how we're going to model our first module and map the textures to it alright or really get started on constructing the eight meter roof now before I do that I'm gonna go back to my ref collection here and turn it on and that's where I have my avatar trial using precise rap so since you guys are flung a tutorial and can see what size I'm using for everything you may not need this so it's always nice to have but one digital thing I'm going to add inside this collection called ref and make sure it's highlighted is I'm going to add in an empty and blender 2.8 will add object on whatever collection is highlighted so if I add in this plane axes that's now inside rap here I'm going to name this we're gonna be using a lot of modifiers and mom cars often depend on points to mirror and times the origins of our objects need to be somewhere else so we're doing the mirroring and whatnot I'll use you reference this Center MD and Sons I'll have a log different empties difficult modifiers I'm using let's go ahead and place that in here and you can go ahead and turn it off so let's go ahead and get started with the eight meter roof so our texture sheet has been mawa at two meters by 2 meters now I'm going to be using just this small section of the trim for the entire large roof and I'm also going to show you how you can be off seeing this texture when you make the roof to make sure it doesn't look it's tiling so we know that this is 2 meters so I'm gonna go back over here and add in a cylinder that is 2 meters let's go to mesh and then cylinder and I did a lot of testing to figure out what size worked best for me and I find that point oh eight meters worked well and I'll put that at point O eight and then I'm gonna put this at either 10 or 12 it looks like 12 is a better option I want to make sure it's kind of even all around and have some vertices on both sides so that would be one of the kind of segments there next I'm gonna rotate it by 90 here and I'm actually going to go ahead and delete the end guns on the edge here so they're just open so I know I want this to be eight meters by six meters the entire roof structure so this side would be six meters total that means on the right side there should be three meters here so we should go out to this third line let's go ahead and move that out and then we need it to be eight meters this needs to be on not the center here but one two three four it's that would be the very corner of our roof here and I've accidentally spawned this inside ref so we should go ahead and move this so I'm going to click on tutorial here and create a new collection inside tutorial and this one I'm going to call the reset or modules you may have hundreds of modules so it's very important to have lots of organization so inside route set I'll have another structure call it ATM underscore roof score three now it's holding ship therefore the eights payment a semesters for the period of eight alright so now that move it we just have em with our object highlighted and then navigate it from here so I have a tutorial Rou set Pete M roof and I'm actually going to rename this and put this inside one other collection is basically inside 8m roof I'm gonna have one collection called a tin roof underscore mod which is going to be a version of it has all the modifiers then another version of where everything's collapsed and cleaned up a little bit and the reason for that is if I need to go back and change something I'm gonna want those modifiers to be there but the modifier geometry itself won't be perfect so I'm going at the collapse and clean it up anyway you'll see more I'm talking about later on let's go ahead and add another collection and I can just drag it up into am roof so let's call this ATM uh no score Bluth underscore mod for modifiers then drag that in there alright so an 800 mod we have this structure right here and the next part I need to figure out in this roof is a little flat segment that would be in between each of these so let's go ahead and add an array modifier and I'm gonna put it to constant and I did off playing around with this to to figure out how big I wanted to get the B and I knew that point five didn't look quite right in 7.5 it seemed a bit de to me I want the gap to be kind of about the same size here so 0.25 seemed just way too small and skinny so I say I'm doing point three three and I did point one two three four five I did total of five threes for because it is an infinite interval but we can't just go on forever so I usually put about five of them that seemed like a good number to me it's now we can array this until we have it all away at the eighty meters mark so when you get to the next one and then the next one next one and the next one it's now this whole group section here is a total of eight meters but we really only have to worry about this one section over here so now I need to figure out the distance between here and here so to do that I'm going to just hit apply and then I'm going to hit out on here and here control on and delete all the other faces next I'll go into edge mode by hitting to select these two faces and hit f2 till they're all tagged and then actually that wouldn't work let's select this four here and here and hit delete faces by hitting X and then delete it sucked all that and delete that so now we have just this one section here and actually I want that to be on the left side so I'm going to select it and hit scale X negative one and that's not quite what I want see where it's see on that pause about the active element so we want to change that to median point and it should scale about the origin the scale X negative one no it's still not it's going very planet let's go up now and seoeon negative one all right good sense of control a rotation and scale I'm off I need a hit and to fix the normals on it so the other thing in here is that we have a three way kind of joint here on the polygons so I'm actually going to select this and hit a B and that should be able to rip it or where it can't so to fix that what I'm going to do mmm I'm going to add this section here and then delete this face and then to get it back over here I'm going to click on this edge first then this edge and change it to active scaling so active element and if I Scout on X and then zero it's gone back over but isn't actually joined to it so we'll actually go ahead and select this one spore and let just penetrate just a little bit the overall will actually be hmm actually let me change this up just a little bit so I just remember there was something I want to do differently on this workflow so I'm gonna delete those and then actually rejoin these and I can do that by selecting all of it right clicking and then selecting it remove double for disease now these are joined again and so that is our one roof segment so we're going to add back that array modifier and I'm going to put it back to constant and put it at point three three three three four five and then turn on merge submerge the vertices and then I'm going to up that to whatever it was forward to get to a total of eight meters just for meter 5 meter at six seven eight and this is the very corner of it where it's going to be cutting and I don't want the cut directly on one of these poles I won't kind of cut on one with five edges here so let's try moving this over just a little bit and I'm gonna put this at let's see is probably a point three three three move it should be point two five so let's do G X 0.25 and that's not quite right let's do G X point one six five so G X 1.65 is half a point three three three so the more threes you have the more sixes you have so with five threes it should be point one six six six five so 0.165 is honestly close enough we don't need to be truly perfect here I like to try to say somewhat accurate alright so I'm going to have that right there in the center and make sure this is still and it is so next thing we need to do is a ray this little brother be going to the center but we need this whole structure at an angle for a slanted like a roof so what I'm going to do is click these two vertices here next your quick way to do this is just hooked all the vertices hit GUI hold on control snap it forward hit GE and go back and G blind control snap it back and now I have that wardroom right at the beginning where I want to be pivoting and rotating about all right so now let's go ahead and close that our way mom I'm not gonna rotate this by 30 degrees and then I want to make sure it's going all the way up but before I do that I want to add and my boolean structure it's showing what structure this whole group is going to be so I am going to with the roof mod I want to call this rename this butane call it eight and I'm gonna squirrel-proof keep messing it up eight and underscore roof on this board main that's kind of like the main roof section here and do a quick save and now I'm going to go ahead and hit shift and add a new mesh a cube for this I want to be let Steve scale XY for snap that's a nice I'm on over there and then I'm going to go into a paste like my own just do you GUI and ctrl to snap so the Fuji wine control the snap again alright and this is when we clipping pass a lot more so I'll be moving this corner here to here in a moment but before I do that I want to scale these parts inward so let's grab just this edge here and move it in alright I believe this should go right here perfectly diagonal prints this intersection here give me four meters right here and these need to got some so let's go to G Y here and G X here same thing with this one G uy out to here then G X 2 here then I'm going to grab this whole top face and move it up earlier on now I'm going to call this the 8m underscore with underscore boom boom and this is going to be our boolean object and to get this to look a little better we go to this little tab here and at the viewport display and then set it to display as wire now it's displaying as a sort of bounding box next thing I'm going to want to do is go back to modifiers here where I have array and add a second array though this one I just need to change from 0 here to leave one here and there we are so now our roof is going all the way up to this section here and turn the marriage on so it stays together and hopefully to do that make sure you don't apply your rotation and scale but you usually want to eventually do but because gonna be duplicating this whole structure and then applying everything we'll do it then so even then working me exporting me out but you won't take an account that rotation scale so make sure you don't change it otherwise it's gonna mess things up ok so we have this section here so I'm going to want to add a lattice deform er to make this bend down and drape some come on like the original roof and an orthodontist section so I'm going to add on C one two three four so I'm going to go to just four on this they really don't need much more than that so large object and all right I'm gonna hit 7-5 to see where this is right now in the structure and that doesn't look quite right this should be going a little bit down here more for the knot it does look like it's going perfectly diagonal though I'm not sure why this is going by 1 2 3 4 then 1 2 3 ah that's why so we need to move this actually back one more so that's it go to top 2 Gy and then back then we can't get these ratios to be to the same and so see this is going down by four mm-hmm this is 1 2 3 4 this is 1 2 3 4 so we need to figure out how to get this as a better arrangement you're going dark a diagonal so I don't think I have the others quite like that well I think an easiest way to do this is to just move this right back so let's just look here and here all right and maybe I actually don't have this at the perfect diagonal there - I know I do all right oh I actually just had this all the way out to bar so that should actually be right at that location okay now that is good we'll be able to extend it out a little bit more and I'm sure I'll do that just by selecting here so I turn back on my old roof yes I don't want this to be clipping at all I'm just going to select this space here then extrude upon Y it's now me make sure I'm not clipping off that edge there but if I hit 7 and look at this I should be able to move this down 1 let's move this to here and I guess this does go a lot skinnier down to 2 meters then I thought it was at 4 meters but I guess I was wrong so let's move this back to G there's no y and then scale it upon X by 2 actually by 0.5 let's do scale X 5 all right and there we have it yes that's more of the card size I can actually go back and check my ref air to see what I my predatorial holder just to make sure and it looks like I have that yeah I had that two years don't know why I thought I had four all right it's going to the Toro here I mean Ruth's pool so we can actually go ahead and move this back forward by some so let's move that up to here and then grab this and snap it on XY one and also set this one X by one all right that's perfect yes now it's perfect so let's go into looking at how we're going to do our lattice modifier so we've add our geo here so next scent should be the last and then the boolean so let's go ahead and add a lattice so hit shift a and then locate lattice and you'll have this cube here that's important that we do all our manipulation of this object Wow inside of just break your object mode you don't want to do any scaling inside the edit mode like this so let's go ahead and move this to the correct position on this whole structure I'm going to move that right here and then we will rotate it pump on X by 30 since 30 is the number we originally use there and then I'm going to hit G Y and then Y again for the local area moved by point 5 now I should be able to select these four points here and I'm going to want to move the origin so I hit shift si should be the do cursor to selection cursor to selected it yes it does we're gonna lattice it wasn't sure if I could remember or not then we're going to right click the lattice and should be able to move the origin or actually I mean we can't move the horizontal lattice yeah I don't think we can don't know why I thought we could but that doesn't matter so I'm going to just scale this upon accent it's already once we need to be told sorts - we want to do it um okay so this one so scale that by 8 on X and yes that is correct we're gonna make it a little bit bigger than what this whole structure here it is yeah that's pretty good then scale Y let's do this by C 3 or 4 just to it by 4 then hedgy YY we're not controlling move it and that looks not good why is that let's pull this back to median point and it looks like the rotation on this is wrong why is that let's look back at our rotation on here so we have the rotation at 30 the rotation on this is 40 I don't know how that happened I'm going to put this back by five negative now set to 30 and now we should be good so I'm just gonna control snap it here then scale on YY I think we're going to do a standard scaling here to get it close enough all right and that looks good it's actually encompassing everything here now I'm doing this slightly different than the first one where I have this section here clipping out so I think what I might want to do is also make it larger or left and right let me take a look at this we will try that and see how it goes that we may need to make a little bit of editing later though we shouldn't I'm going to scale that up just a little bit to actually be on the outside too other options we could add some geo to the center here let's open it up alright so now in order to actually get better declamation atlast need more lines going across implants with a edit so let's go over to our lattice options here and up I believe it's a B yes so it's B and not W at you so I'm gonna put this at five so now we have all these points we can manipulate the lattice so to start revive so that was go back to our object here and I just realized our lattice is inside pre tutorial now I actually move this down to a tin roof from your mod alright let's just do the 8m underscore with underscore bull lattice I know it's part of that modifier stack now it's like the roof go to modifiers and add a lattice modifier and that should be your right here and we need to pick our lattice it's selected as you can see nothing has happened yet because we haven't edited anything on it so I want this whole structure to basically be sloped down let me select my lattice here and I'm going to suck these three points here these three points here these three here so basically I'm selecting a total of 12 22 this whole time section right here I mean make sure I get the back side - all right now I'm going to do G and then Z I'm gonna get down a little bit not too crazy so I'm doing it by negative point three maybe a little bit more I think I like that alright and then I'm gonna grab this kind of Center second hand move that down just slightly more all right and now that to make sure that these actually tilt up a little bit more at the end I'm going to select all of these at the very end and we're going to rotate that whole section so we can curve its own I'm going to rotate it on X so the like of this so now that's all facing upwards a little bit more high wanna you can get pretty creative with this post structure here using the lattices I'm gonna move this down a little more let's put out of these and make a lot of what you want okay so I think that's the curvature I want the last modifier is going to be the boolean modifier liking about Kunia previous model cars and mess with my knee too so I want this to intersect and I'm gonna choose my big 8 and Rufus were born so now we can see here we have the nice top part of the roof section which makes the second part of the roof section a lot easier but we just need to duplicate this and it can use all the exact same modifiers it's already using which is very nice there will probably be some messed up geometry but actually the geometry is coming very cleanly now what's doing that the first time so on the next section I will go into texturing this and then starting up on the bottom part of this roof and then the a timber will be complete so now we're going to start texturing this main group section we're also gonna fix the normal Donna now if that will add the next segment which is the end cap and I'll also go under a little bit and how far you want to go so first thing I'm going to do is actually open up a new window here on the side and then I'm going to select right here and open up the UV editor and next I can load any base color or something for my trim sheet they kind of see where everything is if I hit tab on this I can see that this is was a 2 meter section so it should fit perfectly right about here so I'm going to hit unwrap your the right and hit G tan wine and then hold on ctrl to snap it and actually I really don't need this snap I can have it somewhere around here all right and then next we need to preview this on the material so let's go to our material over here and add what I already have core which is the Pinot Japan multi trim alright so now we have it plugged in and I think it may turn off the scene lights here British demo man I'm sure I'll turn those back on but we have our material here there's two things we use number one we need to fix the normals on this and we also need to change the shading on it so let's go ahead and fix the shading that's right click and hit shade smooth that we don't want these sections here that you sooner that creates this kind of odd normals so to fix that what I'm going to do is go into actually let's change it from over here we should be able to change this to be auto smooth and then set the angle to how we want it though this will not export the normals like this quite yet we need to live a more editing so let's get this up to safe 45 degrees all right so many things sharpen their 45 degrees be mark sharp so now if we add custom split normal as it should have those all marked and yes they are marked so another way to do that is just click the edges and hit ctrl E and then mark sharp all right so now if we go back into shaded view this looks a lot better though to break up the tiling more we have this very small section here so you can see right on each of these we had the same texture it's not too noticeable on this texture but it can be on others and it is pretty noticeable from a distance so to fix that we just simply go over to the modifier on here and go to the initial array modifier then on here we can see we have au visa option so I believe it's you you want to edit more yes here it is so if I put this to say something like point 25 or more and actually doesn't really matter which ones up if you want to randomize up a little bit and maybe not quite at point five that's two point three think that would be a good amount of randomization snake and see it's a lot harder to make out the tiling and then you could combine vertex painting inside your engine to add grunge or where we're on different maps and once you cover this up with even more assets he had fallen leaf assets it would hide it even better and that's how you can have a very small section of a texture cover a large area normally you would see something like this and think you need to create a full tiling material but with the right geometry and you v's you can make a lot out of a small portion of a texture so with that completed I believe we are ready to go ahead and add the next bottom section here so let me select this and decide how I want to be modeling in this so what I'm going to do is I think they drop a few of these for now so I'm going to turn off the boolean then you click the little monitor icon there and I'm gonna try out the lattice next I'm going to select this and hit duplicate and then I'm going to just grab all these vertices at the very end and hit ctrl I into the ease and next I'm going to hit extrude and DoubleTap why and because we haven't applied our rotation or scaling this still shows here perfectly I believe the other erase we actually need our second array modifier here or the one that's making array this way this is just gonna be on the very end so I'm going to go over here and delete that and this will be the modifier stack we use and we already have the other two combined so I just turn these on it's exactly where it needs to be very nice alright let's go ahead and take a look at this so I believe I want this to be a cylinder piece here so let's go ahead and actually I'm gonna change the rotation of this rope but so we had rotated by 30 degrees with force and rx negative 30 that's perfectly flat and then I'm going to hide this main roof section I'm gonna rename this to be a tin roof underscore say in the camp all right now I want to grab this piece here and extrude it a little bit more but actually I think what I will do for this is grab right here and hit the B to rip this off and then I'm going to grab this whole section here and I'm going to delete that grab this whole section here but then make this vertex active and I'm going to change the pivot to be the active element I'm going to hit shift D to duplicate then sz- one two and Earth that and then next I'm going to go ahead and hide that real quick so as we combine them if I want to right-click and do remove vertices and so it should do a total of two and yes it did and then I hit alt H to bring back that geometry and I hit it there just so didn't combine that one piece there next I can then select these segments and extrude these out let's extrude it out to about right here and this structure is a little bit different than the one I did originally I just want to do something a bit different for this or something I wish I had done from the beginning so we'll put that right there and now for this segment what we will do is just extrude this down for now and this won't be the final structure here but we'll do some more modeling on this after we actually you be map it and you'll see why in a moment so let's go ahead and do the UVs on this section here I think I want the seam to be sailing on right here probably the left less likely area to see it fits mark seen also mark the scene here so first I'm going to you in wrap this section by just hitting you and unrest nor the UV editor you can just scale it down and put it on to one of the circles that you want so let's find the one I had done before and it looks like this is actually rotated incorrectly let's go into front view and do unwrap from view and now it's rotated correctly all right so I'm just going to put this as close to the center of this as possible you can take a little bit finishing around I'm gonna Scout up a bit so we kind of have the edge bevel here and it's not gonna be matte truly perfectly but it's gonna be close enough and people aren't gonna notice this unless they're smashing their face right against it I wouldn't worry too much about extremely small details like this when you're doing environments because in the grand scheme your environment is a very small element and on most games if you were to zoom on just about anything you see the little details like that and there's some weird stuff happening and that's because we still have our array modifier from the before changing the you offset let's put that back to zero and now all those are fixed next I'm going to grab this section up here and unwrap it and this I want to rotate by 90 and put here and also see all that quite a ways down all right okay somewhat similar Texel density there is an atom that I usually use for checking Texel density if I don't have it installed right now fine download it as long as you're within ballpark range you should be good you know general rule for me is to not scale anything up and stay in a line so this is two meters by 2 meters I probably wouldn't want to take one of those Samoas and scallop I like 20 and be ridiculously huge all right I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the auto smooth on these segments and actually honest minutes already always need a hit shade smooth and then look at the auto smooth alright so there we have it it looks like this might need to we need clear the cluster and split rolls not this a bit you know why is this still shaded hard whoops I hit one the keyboard and turned everything on back to this and we thought that it was main I'm not quite sure that's not shading quite correctly most likely because the UV scene is here I know I need shift in on here to correct the normal just I had scaled that down so I got inverted I there we go let's turn this back on I'm gonna keep it at its a 70-year or the angle on the right that looks much better now for the end cap pieces next year I also want these Matt so I want this Matt to the large gold section up here let's put that around here and let's scale it down quite a bit to get up a bit alright and for this section we are going to try to match this part right here so let's see how we do with that so I'm gonna Scout going over the UV editor and put it kind of right on top and I may need to extend it a bit more alright when I get it close I can so it looks like it's not quite long enough so let's grab right here and move this down a bit and it's always barely goes longer than two shorter so I'm going to put this a lot longer and then actually hit you and unwrap and put it back in that same spot again so let's do our 90 down and it's going to go off the bottom of the UV set a little bit that's fine let's get this pretty close close as we can all right I think I'm happy with that what I think I'll also do here is scale this up some and I'm gonna do it up on this edge up here actually more like this face let me think I believe this will work I want to select right here and scale up on XM it's in it's on active balance actually I want to do is scale shift why yes and that's stealing the amount I want I want this to clip into the right a little bit here okay that should be good and we'll extend this section right here Oh a little bit more in a moment and actually I think I do want to have that scale of a little more to where it's actually fully clipping in all right I think I like that so now what we'll do is just trim this off some the way I'm going to do that is go into my front ortho view let's see where this lines so this appears directly dead center here on just about it's a little bit off but it's close enough so then I'm going to do the same thing over here and put this one right about there you're the same thing over here you don't need to be perfectly exact just get close enough I'm going to put one and oh yeah I don't need one there I do want another one at the bottom of these arches here all right then another one up on this arch here same thing over here so now I'm just going to select these vertices and type GG to slide and if you have to keep correcting these are no car keys let's move all these up some so once that Mercy's in there I know it will be safely clipped off so it'll look nice it's weird all right it looks good there I may actually want to hit ctrl Z moves back so I'm gonna keep them out a little bit further because you can don't tap G inside them but you can't slide them back out so I try not to over shoes I want to see how these are gonna look first I may need to do these individually here so let's slide this one on let's see how it looks this one they could be using a mirror modifier here by pound this was just a little bit easier did it make too big of a difference all right so let's slide this to the right some and then back more towards it I'm gonna do the same thing with this piece here so I to the right just light up and maybe slide back this way so that's got on the right part and let's slide this straight up and get the bottom there slide this segment up and then slide this thing right up alright and I'm happy with how that is looking so something else we could do here is also make it this angle down a little bit so that way the actual other roof segment will be tilting in but we'd also see make sure we change the other group section top and I'll add quite a few more vertices but it's not that bad so let me see should I do that and how many words would that add so let's go ahead and collapse this at the last and that is not what I want let's actually slide these to the very end and in a moment we will remove vertices anything at this one you just slide it until it slides no more actually might be better to put those all out the center here the else do let's take all these and slide them in take these slide them in take these slide the man and just keep doing that just like these through the men word next ones and this is the last set all right then hit them to have all these highlight and right-click and do remove double vertices and then let's go ahead and move this straight down and we can re extrude this segment out mmm I think I'm not gonna do that let's just go ahead and delete this section up here until we have this part more how we want it so I'm gonna map that thought right there or let's go down a little bit more more like that is how I like it that's not that big of a difference I think I may just keep it how had before how did this how has the first time I think I'll keep it like that there but if you did want to kind of add this and curve it down more you need to make sure you turn back on your other roof here and then rotate this by three degrees and then come and do that same sectioning here so it matches up perfectly you'll be combining these together later but I'm happy with how this looks here so let's go and rotate this by 30 degrees now our X and then 30 and the only thing we need to do now is make this tuck under a little bit more so the way I'm going to that is select all this so hit ctrl and then I'm going to do e YY I'm not put on control so that is exactly one unit in so next I'm also going to grab these vertices and that if I hit Z I can go to wireframe they're croissants up in that all right let's go back to looked at mode and he eats easier but it's YY and one so now all this has been moved and the only thing we need to do on this section now is add a bit of division so let's see I had one two there I need to add about the same amount let's do one two and then one two alright that's how this section here looks at home just like that and those divisions there so it can actually been correctly as I turn it but now we just need to UV unwrap these and they are exactly one meter since I did it by one meter so that means we need to flip it to the point by the size it's going to be and you may want this to go even further up depending on where your buildings are ideally these would go in by say one meter and then you'd have geometry like walls coming down from here but you may want these just to try to go all the way in or go in at 2 meters and 2 meters we make size a bit more easier first make accurate if I can just unwrap this rotate by 90 scale by 0.5 since it unwrapped feet to me as long that's actually one meter just move it up here to the roof section alright and now I'm going to hit alt and hold down shift I'm left clicking those to grab all one and that looks good to me right and I'm going to get on a rap scale by point 5 and move up on Y I'm going to put that's it right there ok and I am happy with that so now let's turn our modifiers and see how this looks and if it looks good then where we are should be all done with the modifier version of this so let's go to the modifiers tab and turn these on then we see go to this one and turn all those modifiers back on and it should match up perfectly sweet and that does match it perfectly even close right there good all right so I'm very happy with how that looks now and with that we are done for the modifier version of this I think I'll go to the end after I do the others and then I'll turn them into regular asset essentially once you have it like this and supposedly it's all clean you want to select everything hit shift D and move it just out of this collection of e in this collection and then collapse all the modifiers and enjoying it into a single object now with boolean modifiers here where you might be doing some strange edges going here which just don't automatically display but for whatever reason this time it's doing a very clean cut which should not happen the first time I went through this process so I'm pretty happy with that I'm going to go ahead and close this for let me need them to do anymore for a while all right so I'll see you in the next segment where we start on the 6-metre roof all right it's now ready to get started the 6-metre roof though I did just notice something on this roof I did not like and I forgot that I did this the first time actually fix it but I want these lines are you matching up all the way across so I believe I put us at a value of 20 25 it does match up perfectly all across but the texture is still being a ready to different sections now I'm not you're going to go to a negative light back on you can see a bit better all right so now in order to do these sakes meter group we can actually just duplicate this whole segment and move it over and the end all of our assets are going to be located in about this position but while I'm building and I'll move and rotate them around and at the end move them back before I export out to engine so let's go ahead and grab this entire structure actually and before we do that this is the 8 meter roof so I want to click on roof set here and then add a new collection and call this v6m underscore group then inside of 6mm square root I add another folder collection and type 6m roof underscore mod that this would mean a section that has all the modifiers at a point zero zero one there is no other 6mm so mod okay I'm not sure why it did that but it's fixed now so I'm going to actually chop the light before I do this to make sure there's nothing else here on the scene if they're when you're hitting a to select all also make sure I've my material planes turned off then I'm just going to hit shift D in and then we're going to navigate down to the tutorial roof set 6m roof 6m roof underscore of mod then I'm going to go back and turn off the a tin roof but I'll be turning it back on every now and then so if we look at the top view we can see that this roof should be ending right about on the crunch section let's see where this goes actually it looks like this isn't lined up quite perfectly why is that I must have messed up already somehow and I have these aren't snapped in the correct spot I don't know why so let's go ahead and fix that then since we've messed man to mess that up I'm gonna turn back on my a tin roof I want to make sure these are all right in the correct spot so the way I'm going to do that is just right-click here or actually going to hit shift s and do cursor to world origin then I'm going to hit in and move this left and right by a meter and put the location on X to be 1 now I'm going to go here and do 3d cursor just snapping to that and I'm going to grab these two Rosie's and do G x0 why is that not o scale X is here is what I want you know I hit 7 so now it's been perfectly diagonal I'm not sure heid that the beginning now let's put this location of the cursor between negative 1 and grab these points and do scale x0 here - all right so now that is perfect and I'm going to grab all this hit shift D and then move down tutorial groups at 6 and root of 6 and with mod so it's there and that should be the only one that's actually selected let's go ahead and hide all that and you can see I can move the whole structure around so I'm going to go to the top view here and I'm going to move the 3d cursor back to the world origin and I want to rotate Z 90 on that and then I'm going to get G X and that here then G Y and move this up so now this section will be right where the other am Ruth is didn't see that matches perfectly though if I want this to be smart to be at 6 M I can't have this sitting here quite this perfectly let me make sure these are just matching up actually and these aren't matching up truly perfectly why is that this didn't happen the first time for the matching so I'm not sure why it's messing up now the only thing I can think of is that I don't have my last modifier truly symmetrical which is quite a problem so I'm going to stop and come back in here and figure out why it's doing this and explain what's going on all right I've done a ton of debugging but I cannot figure out exactly why this one blue Durant is not matching up perfectly I thought it was the lattice modifier thing maybe one these points just slightly lower than what it isn't left it's not perfectly mirrored but even with the lattice modifier turned off it doesn't match up quite right so what I'm gonna do is fix it in the way that I also would have had to do anyway on this six on your side to get things Imagi originally you think I would have just duplicate this miss over and then Skelly last developed down but that wouldn't work either because the lattices don't stay perfect when you scale them down and just wouldn't match up quite well so I would usually move around cut an app and mirror it but not do that for this one but render then for this one now since I came here wasn't matching up so we are going to grab our object here and I've changed it a little bit since awesome recording it's now going perfectly diagonal instead of going to this point first then being straight out a bit so what we are going to do is take these first ones here and move it all the way to the center so GX quote uncontrol the Target Center then same thing for this outer one is GX controller moving to the center next we're going to add a mirror modifier someone down the top section here just do add modifier and then go find the mirror and remember how I add the center into here which we could use for this but we're about to rotate it so I think God rather use and it's gonna be sticking with this object which in this case might last want to be stuck with it so I'm gonna use the lattice as my mirroring object so I move this whole structure around it'll stay together next I'm going to grab this section here I'm gonna do the same thing so let's add that in your modifier mirror object as lattice and make sure it's doing hurt vertices both ah all right and that should be good and there is the mirroring now on the texture but it's really not that noticeable so I'm not gonna care what that much we might go to flip it knows it's gonna go in the opposite way you could do that and make it nice and gold it's only one two either I think we just have to deal with the offset there which really isn't that big of a deal so I really don't care you can get some interesting effects here messing around these let's put both of these back and that is not all right now they're both at zero at their back all right so let's go take a look at I'm gonna do this right so I want to grab this entire structure now hit shift D it's now gonna I'm gonna go ahead and move it over to the roof set and 6m MA we didn't for then I'm gonna hide the 8m roof here it's now we have just one roof and then I'm going to rotate it on 90 and you now have a 3d cursor active then hit GX and move it over one and then G whoops G Y up one I accidentally hit H there which hit it if I turn back on the old a tin roof you now see that this matches up truly perfectly for a super vertice which is what we want so since I want this to be shorter I'm going to I guess I will keep the a tin roof on but I'm gonna hit the little cursor icon so I can't actually click anything over here so now I can only click on this roof section here so let's grab this section and we're gonna move it left actually I'm going to adhere in here and do pulp them at last these to hold em at last and grab these two and hit G Y control and move it over so now we have that mirroring but this one is not going to Mir correctly on this now since the center of this moved over and we don't want to touch anything here to mess up how evenly aligned it is so I'm going to go back to the near mod part and now I'm going to use the cinder piece which we're going to get the change when we go back but it looks like that works best let's see how where this is it couldn't actually go ahead and change the origin of this so it stays in the correct spot I think I'll do that so I'm going to click these two worries and do shift s and cursor to selection or cursor to select it then I'm going to go out of the mount right-click it and do set origin to 3d cursor so that's in the correct spot now I'm going to just click each these and go back the color picker and then choose that section all rights to use that and there we go it's now we have this six meter group here at the end so we have two roof sections we can use in our module now so I can duplicate this whole structure moving all around to have a a 10 by a tin roof structure then make something more portrayed up top I could have just these three here and you can mess around play with it to kind of see how they all connect the other thing you may want to do with this section as have one repeat that just slopes down but stops right here then another module that's made just a meter wider it goes all the way up and that would be to extend it so you have this section here you're extending stings and then when you're ready you can cap it off and that would probably be a much better module section to do here I'm only making a few monsters tutorial and you can do the rest how you see fit so I think with that I am happy with both the rubes so we can go ahead and take this a little bit further just to test it out why we're mapping things around is I can go let me turn that back on so let's turn the clicking on so I'm going to click on this roof here I'm gonna go into the mirror modifier I'm gonna add a new one or I guess since I'm not really using that much I could just go and use the center so I'm going to do that I'm gonna type Center here for the empty we head back at the very beginning so now it's mirroring straight across and then I can just toggle on of Y and now it's mirroring over to the other side to this just so I have to duplicate the whole structure move around but we are gonna actually export it out with this mirroring on let's add Center here turn on Y awesomes now that's over there and then we're going to do the same thing for this I'm gonna back him with this back to Center then let's do Center up there and actually trying to whine here and then turn this to Center X & Y so now like now you could actually call this a finished asset here but I want to add a bit more detail detail on the ridges here like I did and the tutorial what I showed you at the beginning so I believe if this is all settled now and done I am going to go ahead and start on the ridge sections in the top in the next segment so let's go ahead and do that now all right so let's get started on making the bridges now I'm not going to strip go ahead and just build the top Ridge in the side ridges and so I'm going to create a new collection called base components and this is a four that's going to act as making a bunch of simpler base model that then I'll take to create more complex models using modifiers it's simply something for the modifiers the reference so let's go ahead and turn off the ATM roof in six and roof here and then inside here with the roof set active we can click to create a new collection here I'm going to call this base underscore components all right and I'm actually going to go back to the 6m roof here and grab this make sure I have the right size this next piece I'm going to build I'm going to take one of these tubes since my models are going to need those on it and kind of use that as a reference so I'm going to hit shift D then in and move that to the tutorial roof set base components and turn it off now I can go into here and turn just about everything here off let's go ahead and do that then do our X rotate it by 30 but first we need to go to the meeting point so our X 30 negative 30 and I want to go ahead and hit shift s and my curves are back to the world origin and I want to move this to where the world ordinate is so actually I'm going to that by right clicking and doing C no shift s and then do selection to cursor there we go so now that should be just about perfectly in the center all right now I'm going to hit down or go into face mode to select these and weight them and then I'm going to add a mirror modifier on this to make it a four - you know that Senator eyes it can you be unwrapped it again in a moment here so let's go ahead and let's go and do that actually so I'm going to right-click and clear a bunch of stuff so I want to leave if I want to clearly sharp edges so actually control II and you clear scene and control eating clear sharp and then won't and edge selection mode I'm going to select these edges here to control II and Mark scene alright it looks like it so this is already mirrored right here so good just keep it like this thing not onion or a P if you want since this isn't very noticeable that might as well let's go to the uv/image editor and we can add back in our base color texture as you can see we're doing SEC tall on a rack are 90 and then we can move this left and right here just me I cannot probably fit here ADA fits perfectly actually alright now I can go ahead and close that down you have this UV unwrap we're going to open the back up in a moment and we start modeling so I want to draw out the shape of the ridge I want it to be and the way I'm going to do that is first I'm gonna move this up to her about the top of this Ridge is going to be so maybe right around there huh a little bit hotter so I think about there is good alright then I'm going to hit shift a and add a plane and I'm going to rename these so I'm going to call this base underscore change for say still all right eventually we'll combine these together to be one mesh and then we'll have another piece that we're gonna make back we make something called a cat because we're gonna be using the array modifier with a start cap that's the other one will be so let's grab this and scales down I'm gonna add another versity right here and pleat the outside then add a mirror modifier I can just draw out on one side to get what I want all right now I'm gonna turn clipping for this modifier so now if I go into front ortho view I have a much better look like this so let's go up to that right here and then up and diagonally stay right here then back up and then I want this to get kind of tucked and then I want to go back out a lot sharper so this whole material right here is going to be slate roofing then that's what seems to me it's kind of I have it tucked under so tightly so this next section here will be gold I'll do that I think around here is good then I want very top here to go off and around and go straight curved up bit so Northey that I'm going to do on X here on Z about right there and then this can just go straight and however want to be and then another one making going slightly up more and oh that's ro9 I move this in a little bit more alright I think that's the kind of structure I want let's see how for let's move this up some here so before I continue on this I'm going to turn on the 8m roof and then duplicate this and just drag it around see how in terms of size X I don't want this to be too crazy big so I think I want to scale this down overall so it's a bit too big for my liking so I'm going to turn off the 8 and we go back over here I'm just going to scale this down some about right there I think that I am happy with let's move this back here the next thing to do with this is you just select it hit key Y and hold on control bring it all the way back over there and next I'm going to suck these two parts here and hit control B I'm actually before I do that in control Pilar patience scale so how much something bevel is gonna be affected by here and I'll do this many bubbles all right I think that's good for the base structure here I'm also going to select right here in bevel these just a little bit and put those in the 1 this is very small by well there's they aren't perfectly sharp i smooth this out I think that should be good all right now let's go ahead and bring back our UV space with the image loaded there's a little bit of Japan base color now we've seen a map stuff so first I'm going to matte this section here I would go all the way down here by noticing me way too big to fit on a small section so I'm going to unwrap this and since this is actually 2 meters long is it the perfect Texel density years and it's going to max up to the range and actually make sure it's not alright I want to make sure it wasn't stretching it to the bounds or anything and all the way let's move this over on X and then Y I'm gonna put that right there and we can't see anything in our right now because we have not added our material I'm going to add the food Japan will be trimmed or 1/2 it can actually see what's going on here alright let's grab this piece here and unwrap it and just slide that on up now that piece is good and then let's try to get this to match up as close as we can so in order to do that I'm going to move it upon X it's about right there close enough okay now let's go ahead and click here hold down control and click here and it will follow that path to it all the way up there and let's hit unwrap let's move this piece up and this one does not quite fit all the way so there's a few things you could do here so I'm gonna get this as close as I can to right here then see it's going on the inside and since this actually covers that segment up I can just clip it off here another way I would have probably approached that is cut it somewhere here so there would be a scene by try to move this other UV back to as close posture looks like it matches up that wouldn't be that noticeable so for this I'm just going to cut right here and delete this polygon so now that there is done I always need to add the gold and we do need to model off one more piece that we're going to add on here I'm also going to go ahead and shade this smooth that's right click a new shade smooth let's turn the auto smooth and have a set to say 25 all right I think that's about what I want yeah 45 is good and we might delete these pieces down here too since it looks like they will never really be visible I'll do that later actually I could just duplicate this and rename it to something else I'll do that in a moment and I feel like I need to so now these components here selected I'm going to be unwrapped are 90 and just place that here in the gold section so now I have that here next I want to add some ornaments right here and the way I'm going to do that is hit shift a add a circle let's take this down to 8 let's try 12 I think that might be what I use before all right so now with this I'm going to go ahead and go into edit mode here and fill then while I'm in edit mode I'm going to unwrap it and I actually want this to be rotated so I'm gonna go into orthographic projection while looking straight down it that you and do project from view so now it's actually rotated correctly here then I'm going to move this down over to this big circle icon over here and to get more accurate you'll probably want to switch from the base color to the normal mat it's now going to exactly where this ends so let's get this as close as we can because some are worried about there might be good but I want to go ahead and apply a material to this so I can actually see it so let's do that now all right so now we can see it and that looks good to me like I said you always have these little edges clipping here which is dependent on how many vertices you have around also you don't want to add it crazy like 64 but I found 12 is kind of a good round amount as I kind of try to keep this at the average between the really high points and low points but somewhere around there I think you might just go down a little bit more alright I think I'm happy with that next I am going to hit I to inset this too right here a little bit outside I'll move that up I'm going to inset this more and move this up now give it a little bit around this now if I right click and shade smooth this is a round object alright now that's where I taped this on X and scale it down rotate on z9t let's do negative then just move this on apply so let's see how you like this let's do G Y here now one thing about how it's going to be a ring so I want this to be at the center of each of these meters here so there are only to be one every meter at the center of a meter so I need to move this by point five meters so let's move this here first though then do gy point five that's directly between these two marks let's go down small move this up on Y or X I mean I can hit the period key on the numpad to zoom into it jeanny then g then Z and I'm going to move this back out a little more so it's barely clipping in all right and I'm going to do shifty why and then control put that right there exactly I want that and so that's how you can model in other details just by kind of making the model will then magically here and having a bit more info to it very handy I'm going to click these and go ahead and add them to this motto is already mirroring so they'll appear on the other side when I hit control J so that's perfectly now have these on both sides and I'm thinking about I believe this is all I need for the center Ridge here so that should be good so I think I'm going to go ahead and apply the mirror on this and then join these together so they're all just one bottle I don't want to put it to dinner so let's go ahead and right-click and do shade smooth again and it's going clearly custom ignores it make sure it's actually doing what I want to do I turn on shake Smith there we go sometimes when joining it it can mess up the shading on your normals and you have to clear and re-add it but this should be good now all right so that is it for the base Ridge fill next we're going to duplicate this and usually construct the base red base Ridge kind of end cap and then we'll be able to just move them on to our model and we'll be about done with everything so see on the next segment all right so let's make the end cap cartridge system now so this is a picture of what the pyrius which I built is like the one we have here is a little bit thicker left and right but that's okay it's actually one this one would be a little bit thick on the left and right so we are going to need to do on this one is we're going to duplicate and make this part flare up of it and have it end cap on that then we also need to create this kind of decorative design on the front here and this is one of the segments where we start using our Deford decals here and that's where we'll also have a different material so let's go ahead and start on that I move the circle aside here as reference I'm going to grab my object here and duplicate it then I'm going to turn off the base Ridge fill and I think the first thing I would do is go ahead and let's see I'm going to first take this tube up here P selection to separate it and I'm going to use that to move it forward a bit and join these two together let's hit ctrl J then I'm going to go into edit mode here and right click and do remove doubles but I can spot it and there it is and then I'm going to cut off most of the rest of this so let's go all the way down to here and cut that off and eventually I'm going to move this up some more but before I do that I'm going to and the kind of edge designed this so I'm going to first to give me reference I want to fill this all in but we're not going to keep that here see I can't really see that when I'm not inside edit mode and I kind of want to be this easy outline so if I fill it it's gonna look ugly but now when I'm in this position I can actually make the outline of my shape so now I just need to add a plane here alright and we will do ctrl R to add that right there control I tell you vertices control Oregon a piece in the center and then turn on mirroring so we're turning clipping on two though I might turn it off all right so to tap then G and slide this up so I am going to face right here and then start kind of drawing out what I want so oh you'll have to play around this on your first time that sends I've already done for a little bit of reference from why they'll while experimenting I know what I want to make I'm gonna have this go out to here and that curl down and that will be a kind of sharp corner there then this will curve out and I'll go back through and double some these parts later to think that a bit smoother like here I can hit ctrl B then B to do a vertex this will go straight down and will carve up so like that card like a swirl that pain and that can go back around can you move these back Veronica's a little bit more in the position they need to be in it's going to go all the way around into a corn on it'll call this our four and then position the easy look more better I'm going to do control be vegan here Chad so extra vertices or attention makes a little it's smooth around it alright I think that's good for their next I want this piece to go out and go around then this piece will go down and curve the way back up into the systems I want to clip around through there so I am going to mmm I guess I don't really need to go back to what I'm thinking about in a moment once I get this to where I want to go there may be some more changes we need to make let's get this to here so clipping just enough underneath that vertices where I want to get it and make sure this is encompassing everything underneath let's bring that up here and here I want this to be you round it off so I'm gonna if you're gonna put it right there and make this go straight left I'm going to click this for a C hit control V V and bevel it quite a bit something like that alright and I think I'm happy with that I'm going to move these vertices over a little bit alright with that kind of it around let's see how this looks I think I had this all a lot larger before so what I can do is select all these and just scale it up and then move these to where I feel that they should go let's move this down this over I'm going to want to round this a little bit not that much there should be good alright so that to me is a much better size and I think I'll move this to the right sounds is a little bit big alright I'm going to grab these and move things a little bit and once again grabbers to use the right so far I think that's I'm happy with that will changed some more if we need to so now all I need to do is let's see I want to want to move this forward a little bit but not a crazy amount so let's have this go forward by just a smidge I mean inch or so I think about here is good alright I think I'm happy with that next I'm going to hit f2 fill this and then I'm going to hit I for inset to give that kind of corner piece there these are going to go a bit too far in on those sections that we can see we're going to fix that a moment I think about right there is good I'm going to click this where to see and this first scene with these in I'm going to overall make some of these segments a bit thinner bikes like universities tapping GG and then sliding them just a little bit too thick here alright do this in a bit just one in a bit and for these I can go into edge mode and double them let's do it about right there alright okay happy with that you may join these vertices together here to keep these nice and sharp actually that is what I'll do believe I did the only original also so I'm gonna do the same thing here to round this out on the inside but then on the outside that's like these and make sure I select that little ones blast to merge them there so same thing on this one hold em at last these two in the center open that last alright so I also need to go into here and fix this and there is a hotkey and use when doing the in such prevent this from happening but it often doesn't quite work all the time for me so I just don't use it sometimes I'll try it sometimes I want alright yeah I think these for final slide these down a little bit this up maybe a little bit okay so now I'm going to go into face mode and grab this whole section here and then just extrude I'm gonna move that inward move that to that right here alright and I'm happy with that and I can just hit ctrl T to triangulate this that's all flat a bit of a heavier Princip and I did before but I think I'll move that back then just a little bit let's move this on wide here alright up next I need to take this and have it extrude the opposite way here but I think I might use a mirror modifier this time to get in position maybe not I don't know yet let's move this to right here and mm-hmm yeah why don't use a mere manohar bar workout this is the in will clear when we do that you these for this make things a little bit easier I think or actually I could just go ahead and do in this little structure and scale Y negative 1 then gy and I'm going to delete these are ready seasons these are diseased and so all these edges all these edges right click and then bridge edge loops like that now this is very thick here so what I want to do is an edit mode I'm gonna go to wireframe by hitting Z then you might have it for or to select it just liked all these go back to look dev and gene and why I want this to be about that thickness I think all right that all looks good to me so now I don't need this Center face here so I'm going to edit rumored that that lost face I added some delete it and you may have thought I was going to take that and just add newbies there but there's just a lot of vertices in the rack and we really don't need that many you could actually make this changes to four key points inside here so do that I'm going to do look at this that's like vertices I'm going to go into wireframe mode and I'm going to do it like this so head control eye and delete at this point and a one and then I'm going to extrude this straight up make sure I'm keeping that right rip see I reckon Center I showed it really move this in here and I'll be good I think yes that would be good alright so I just do that pond X all right then we just add any mirror modifier to that okay and has merge on all that already now I'm going to go back to look dad and I think this already has a material on - that's perfect it's been just UV unwrap that so what I'm going to do is add one here because this is a pretty large piece is not going to fit on just these tiles it's gonna Corning it here so now to do it in two sections so first I'm going to unwrap this piece all right you can see out down and rotate by 90 then I'm going to put that right onto here and you scale down a little bit more overall I want to get it someone close all right I think I'm at with that and then we've contacted Louis's but more around the center there and then if you don't want this to be mirrored you just have good applied in your modifier and do it I just like to keep things non-destructive what I work and usual things that are mirrored aren't that nose it really does Bob you need change it looks for this by 180 and then I just need to fit this onto here and get it about the same scale all right shape it perfect now I'm going to move this cross and you should get one of these because insanity almost round all right I am happy with that now then let's put this piece into position so I'm going to do that by adding in quite a bit more geo here I made to meet some so I think let's add this right about here and that will be where my end cap is so in order to do this we want to bend this all the way up so actually here's what I'll do I'm going to delete these two edges so this section here is going to be my gold and cat piece and this section is what's going to get bent upwards but then I'm going to bevel it to give it a better curvature and that should look right so let's bend this upward by having the always birth second then second just this one but then tell us to bend around the active element so now if I do our X is going to bend around that I'm going to bend it like that and then I'm going to hit alt a it's like these both and then it's like this one and urx again it's all the way it's bent up like that then I can suck this piece here and do one bevel or two desire one it I'm going to do I guess to like that and now we have the end of your bent up and this should match up perfect with our previously Pete previous piece would go turn that on here I can edge you why move I - as you can see this matches up perfectly here very nice let's put this back on the paper trail we're gonna turn these all together to one PC at the end so I'm not gonna quite the main them just yet it's working with way more I would don't need to okay so let's go ahead and fill off the end here the beauties so let's go ahead and unwrap this all right and let's get this down to here so rotated like that put it down to here rotate some more this should be good let's actually rotate this by 180 to get it upright and it's just all my fitting around they get it and as close as you can to how you want it and I think I'm happy with that yes that looks good to me alright I think I will make this catch a lot quite a thick so I can't Apple top G and move this inward a little bit by type T you notice that the edge slip the edge slide here primers come up and I have correct you bees on so I think I slide it so I've gotten just a few bees I'm gonna select this segment here now hit unwrap and it's actually other bit work so I just seem down there good let's move that down and I'm going to skip this down toward it's gonna run at circumference of that and put that into position up here on my Bold alright those look like they're about somewhere title densities not quite or just like this scout and quite a bit more all right that looks good for me there last section here is to go Hank our normals on this and then we're going to add in our floating decals so I'm going to right click hit shape smooth it's going to look awful but then one just wrong always smooth and bump that up pretty high so let's try 70 degrees and why aren't you happy so I need agrees all right so it's marking that one sharp what you want want this corner sharp in this corner sharp everything I want sharp this sharp except for here but I'm going to go ahead and hit add custom split normals which means that sending a green mark here I can't change that anymore that won't do anything as you can see it's not doing anything you want when you add the custom split normal with it converts it to sharp edges no sharp edges marked everywhere so I'm going to grab this one to right click and Mark as sharp actually control E then Mark sharp all right that's what I want and now we just need to UV this section so we're going to hit tab but going into faces like this whole component here head to you unwrap our 90 and then I'm going to move this to here I want this to fill up the whole kind of Flowery section it's best about right there I want to get to just the edges there let's get a little more room let's go and add the material so we can see what's going on all right so you can see how we have that nice flower or kind of leaf ornament design here on the edges now for this center section so let's go ahead and let's see if this in control eye and control - and control - so now we have both of just these accept anyone I do control - I'm hitting - all mine doing control - to my main keyboard it would not be the same thing let's unwrap these they are a bit odd shapes but we can scale them down and get one to fit I want this to be in the gold section right about there that's good no I'm going to just move the other one to position all right and that is good now these have their gold on them and or anything your workshop I don't want no it's all good so I'm going to select all that all right and I'm gonna unwrap so be a long stick just put that in here and scale it down to exercise so quite a bit bigger actually alright I think that's good it's a bit smaller all right that I'm happy with now we just need to do this end here all right we actually need to do the edge over here - so what's going on with that our 90 put it into position and then just scale up a little bit okay next I need to get this entire kind of edge interior so I'm going to do that by just tediously selecting it and that's not what I wanted so I'm tapping see here to get this circle selection option up and I can just drag across my messaging then all left-click to get the entire loop I'm gonna grab the other side too before I continue those as you grab as much as we can then get the last bits by hanging see then clicking there make sure we don't go overboard or off - so I think things we don't want and I'm just going to hit you - unwrap and rotate one of these get it into position then you could break this up a bit more and place these places get better maybe straighten it out some but I don't we need to do that yes that looks good to me and grab this one and put this into mr. memory all right this section here is almost done so I'm going to go and in this section go on to the next one the next one we're going to add on our decals here which we'll be using a deck for decal system and the game engine we go to and then I will set up the modifiers for moving these and placements around on to our kind of placeholder a roof so we know that all matches up perfectly so I will see you in the next section alright it's time to go ahead and the decals but also I forgot I added another ornament here to fill this end zone so I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate this piece here go into edit mode go in the face mode by hitting threes from second faces suck that piece there hit ctrl + I'm paying the plus and I'm battier then I hit ctrl I and delete the faces now if I hit a else liked all I'm being just at peace there I'm gonna rotate the Sun and move it down and I don't care about this one being truly perfect I'm just gonna get it close enough that's where this one X and no it's good let's put that about right there maybe in I'm happy with that all right now I believe all of the mob fires are classics after this one piece here and what is this plane here so this still has its modifier on so I'm going to go ahead apply this one if it's merging or thing I just want to urge everything together here with this piece let's hit control J and of course that is going to break everything right this also that's me your modifier right so let me go back and make sure it is all set I'm gonna add custom split normals on this piece here so it's all boy I want to make sure all of them are like that let's add custom split almost had custom split normals had custom split miles that should prevent it from kind of cleaner when I join it there we go so now it stays if I have add custom sleeve always join them all of them this is all one big mesh here I'm working with but it's almost complete page need to add a few more meshes on to it so let's call this the base Ridge underscore camp and technically is going to be a start camp but I'm just naming it whatever I'm going to have any other type of camp for that we could have one that you wanted to do so I'm going to go back to my material plains I add where I have my two different materials so I'm going to turn that on so I have that material set up to where it has everything plugged in and like I had gone over the beginning of the video I showed how to set it up to where it actually has transparency on it and that's going to be important first place in Athens I blender kind of visually see where it is though you'll have to beat that exact we can actually stamp this as a picture here from normal and we'd still really get close enough to where it's usable in an engine so yeah if you're using blender you can kind of guess where it looks perfect enough and it'll look great don't need to be truly exact with it I don't ever think it and I guess it's the same basis I had here they're already pet so the way I had cut these is I'm going to go ahead and do it from the beginning here that's what I meant to do by a transfer these that were where I was previously worked on since I put these edges here and just dissolve the edges and now this is back to a regular plane which is what you did have so what I did was hit ctrl R and just slide this over I think the way I'm going to do this one is put directly in the center and do the same thing the other one there is an exact number of cuts or get there but I just friends people quit before I'm doing I'm recycling then hit control B and slide it until it's just a encompassing it so that is perfect it should be perfect actually it's a little too high up there whoops any resets I went too far does that top edge was going too high let's get right there but we're gonna you can move this edge down just a little bit it's probably fine right there but have this one too and move it over a little bit from there all right now if I plug that period so that looks good so now I'm going to hit shift D on this G X s mover right here hit P by selection and then I'm going to right click and set origin to geometry and hit shift s selection to cursor all right now I'm going to move that I hang em let's start to the group set and to base components then I'm just going to drop my material planes so I'm going to hit periods of zoom in on this and we don't all that we're gonna be using this again ever for a while actually is one more section we will be using the uv/image inner but now I can take this piece here and rotate by 90 and scale the bounce on but you want IDX and we go into front portal mode and place this how we want it so I'm going to scale this down to be around right here and now I'm going to do this in ahead and install say it's a single object that we're gonna plugin mirror modifier it just all transfers over and hit shift D it's swimming here shifty they're shifty shifty and so forth and he's going to fit yes they are make sure they weren't too actually I might shrink all these down a little bit more get fit or move these down let's find out so I'll select all these in the GUI and move em in and I might just barely hovering in front of it so that's good enough could be a little closer may right there but I am happy with that and see that's how it looks adjust the opacity shader though you wouldn't want to use the opacity shader an engine you don't want to use a decal shaker of some sort a mesh base decal so look at this material and know to project it on to the surface behind it and add its normals and everything but it's a very handy trick for placing details if you looked at these star citizen's video games for example they do almost nothing but tiles and decal trims all over their ships and environments let's make large complex environments using just a few textures it's very nice it looks like this one all of it I'm going to hit shift or Y to move it just upon this point they'll go right there alright now I'm going to use a mirror modifier let's do mirror that's not good one but these I have my Center object here I start with a long time ago just empty I have this into the world on one of the reference folders I'm gonna hit apply at this hit ctrl J join alright to finish up the base component here I need to test this out that's I want this to be working on curves so I'm going to hit shift a and add a path but it's very important or theit instantly hit tab and go into edit mode Y move this I don't want to do this at all wyman every time object mode and that is because I want the origin you stay here always and forever because the modifier is like array and whatnot are based on origin location relative to the objects that are going to be curve so the you make sure the object's origin and the curves origin are always in the same place and that can't be anywhere you want but it's easiest I just keep them right in the center so I can just move this R if I want now and place it down and that looks good to me oh sorry let's go ahead and figure out how to set these up because these always don't go on to here perfectly as you'd think they would so I'm going to call this Ridge underscore pack and that's my set to Ridge path trees I have those pre sports here riding me this will structure before so that's why it's naming that way but shouldn't do that for you let's turn on our other base Ridge so first I'm going to turn off the camp and then I'm going to add an array modifier on this so I wanted to actually be a fixed count or I could do the head of the curve I don't think I like it the card on these because they can be a bit odd when doing it with a cat my dude constant offset I'm gonna do it by Y 1 or y 2 what's going on where you want showing up here oh right so I would pick curb now it's not it doesn't not bound to a curve there's nowhere to go right so let's put this at 2 meters here so those match up perfectly and UV they're all matching up refuses to merge it's going to join all the verses together then I want to add a curve modifier so if I go over to add modifier I can find this one I'm deep on called curve I'm going to select this here and then go to the defamation access and change it to Y and that's not quite how we want it we need to select this go into edit mode on it it's liked all the rosies it's in and we rotate the mean tilted by 90 all right so as you can see for this object here this is where the mesh is and this is where the origin is this curves origin is also right there so it places it right there on the tip where their origins are now the caps are a little bit different so let's go to the array modifier so we want to select a cap now I'm going to turn on the base Ridge camp I want this to be a start cat poop so as we see it's already out of it where we want though I don't like how this is right now the reason for it is my curve is still inside this large section here and my camp is pretty large I could design this to where just this mesh here is the cab and maybe pull it back a little I can still have this kind of arch Ridge here but I always want this how they go with this structure for to fix this what we need to do is go back into here and slide this over to meters and slide this over two meters which means we select this entire mesh mesh at Gy and then slide it like that but now since these organs aren't in the same spot that's not sure how to place them with the array modifier sits by two meters so we suck this mesh now hit G or a selector linky wine control and move it back to the right twice and that's supposed to fix it but it's not why is that I'm not sure why it's oh okay it's very odd it looks like it does not update instantly never seen it happened before so let's mess up this array modifier now so if I have it I just one it has that one there plus the cat and inside here is the curve so forward suck is kerb now I can now move this around and it's very broken awful-looking let's be forgot to add some loops here so let's do that so let's add about the same number we have as we do up here so let's divide this by force it's one two three and then four I have four loops there and let me see if I did that on the other right I did not stab it there it's four there now let's go grab our path and it should then much better right so if you want to deform more sharply than that you're clinking it a bit more geometry one thing you can do so you don't at the use a large on tree is going to put in the place in the form of a one even but it isn't a form on some air it's too bad apply the array modifier then go back into edit mode on it add a more loop cuts but only on the areas you actually need more loop cuts and it was still a deform to it but now actually form a bit more smoothly in the areas you care about but anyway this looks like how we want it so with that what I'm going to do is gonna go in and on this section here and I'll see you on the next segment where I'm going to add these the corners and then the finai segment is where we're going to take the structure and use it to cap off the very top of the building then I guess we'll do one more segment where I'm going to show you how to arrange it for export into the game engine of your choice all right so I'll see you in the next section all right we're ready to start placing the corner ridges but before we do that I've noticed an issue now I probably NASA for when I was doing flow I don't remember it you noticed here that this is our mesh or new food measure that has the model part that's attached to the curve and as the camp then you can't hear the wrong material is now on these decals here and it only has one material on it we go back to the original cap we have two materials on the material in this object so this object is not actually being placed there it's just referencing the object data for the film on here which only has one material so we need to go ahead and add on the second material there even though the actual face octave doesn't have that and now we can see it has been fixed and these have the proper transparency around it for when we export it so now that that's done we can start placing these it's the way I like to do it is have my setup here and I'll select everything on this layer and duplicate it and move it to a new folder but before I do that when you construct that folder so I'm going to go to the roof set over here and add a new collection I'm going to move it up to here then I'm going to name this corner ridges of Corner Ridge so let's just call it that for now and then inside it there we will have a modifier folder let's call this corner Ridge and this for mod so you need to double-click that backspace I'm just or mod and that's where we'll be moving this section into so we at a to select always also select NIST and ran when you do a make sure you don't have any of the other collections to know I'm selling I'm Darryl planer turned off June it's like too much and we'll hit shift D to duplicate both of these you can see I'm moving the curb and the mesh around start or the interesting the same place I'll hit em to move to roof set corner edge corner Ridge mod now I'm going to turn off base components and I think I might actually delete this cart and make a new one I'm hardly that back to the cinder so that is what I want to do so I'm going to delete this Ridge path hit shift a curve to make a new path I can go to edit mode G X like that then I want to go to the three cursor to write down that you are z9t and with all the verses select on which means they made till tweet 90 all right now I just need to go back to this object here go to its modifiers and select that curved path so let's see here that should be nerves pack up here as we can see right here let's change it turn this off so NURBS path alright set the correct one so if I move this now to bend okay good so let's call this the ridge and their sport path or corner Ridge path and we're actually going to have two of these and looks like maybe there's something up there and 7d okay so let's go ahead and turn on our other two roofs living in places correctly says where other rubes are and if I want to be safe I can click this little kind of mouse pointing icon on here to make sure I don't accidentally click any of these other objects except for these that are active so we want to suck the path of it did it right here and I'm going to do G Y and snap I'm going to snap this all the way over to this corner here next I'm going to hit our Z and I want to make sure I put this back down to the active point so medium or actually active element that's what I want so that we've this last vertex on the curve there so our Z then 45 that's gonna exact angle now for the rest this we just need to move these up and down upon Z so let's do that and this curvature goes a bit more adding to the top all right I want to move this down the side okay I think I'm happy with that I could move this back a little more if I want to but I think this is good so I need to make sure this reaches all the way up here and actually intersects we're going to use some modifiers to cut it in the mirror it though in the end we would just have one of these pieces that we export the image and is you may want to move this one piece around somewhere else rotate it or whatever you want all right it would be maybe another good idea to duplicate a same structure and make another piece where it flows from right here upon the Y and goes to right ear that way in the engine you could take that one asset duplicate it and move it left around a roof or we could have another section of roof that can go on forever you can add some very large corridor is using this system to make whatever modules you feel like making so this is going to be the bottom one so this one we are actually going to to the array and reduce it and I guess we're gonna reduce that much or run with the boolean that it can't go any lower than that um I'll worry about that in a sec the next piece or let's go ahead and do it so let's go ahead and why this is the fact add in a boolean so we're going to make a mesh and make it a cube and then rotate it by 45 then do G Y move here G X and control move it here and I kind of want one of these pieces to go into another piece like I had in the original which is why I'm doing this so now I'm going to rotate this upon Y by double-tapping wine then G is easy move that up I'm going to suck this process either with the space here a new g YY or XX move that out I'm going to change this to be only displaying the wireframe by going to this little tab here then clicking display edge wire so I'm going to call this blue this is the corner edge rule one or will cause the lower bool is we're going to have another one much more than OWR then that's the lower blue operation we're going to do for this so in addition to this modifier then curve after that we have the boolean no not bevel boolean all right just navigate memorize it's this box right here you can click on so let's go ahead and just select that and we want it to be subtract so difference alright and it's got a bit at that ugly geometry is generating right here but we can fix that easily when we need to later on which we might be able to go and just fix that in now by selecting the space here and rotating it on y want to get as straight as possible it looks at it's just about fixing it's kind of messing up on the top there let's go our YY and I'm rotate this around see what it's going to do so there we go that generated it perfectly toriel looks like there's no stray edges being generated which sometimes that happens I think that might be happening for these roots you want to clean up that's okay so now I'm going to grab all of this and duplicate again but this time on the second object I'm going to do first tit G Z control and in the up just one so I can easily find these and I'm going to take this big box and delete it as part of the second one I'm going to keep the blue in here I'm going to turn off for now I think what I will do is add in a new folder inside here and call this one the top Ridge this is more like the top corner Ridge though but this is going to be part of the same asset which is why I have it inside of the mod folder so I'm just going to keep the top Ridge for now or top corner edge I'm not too sure what I want to name the top on top all right now it's going to move these into place so first we all need to find the path we moved so let's go into wireframe here so you seem racing so that's the path there grab that and that has everything for this one asset here so let's move that into roof set corner edge corner edge mod top corner Ridge that's on there so now inside here we have these three optics here so we've got the bridge the boolean and the path then inside here we are going to have the ridge and the path and another boolean or add the boolean later so let's go - look Deb mode and figure out how we want to place this so first I am going to select this and the pant and move them back into where they were before the GZ straight down next I'm going to select just deep hat inside the top corner Ridge then and I want this to be slid back so I'm gonna do that as grabblings points and I can't all that compress it no it doesn't so we're gonna take these and move it straight back and I don't think that's actually moving it perfectly let's see I want to slide it on it I can't so in someone who knew is how its its active elements like this point here if this point here then scale and we'll just move that point towards it alright now I'm going to move this point towards that point and maybe move it back just a little bit more but the point here is I'm gonna sup just slightly I'm not right there but this very in point we go up just slightly alright that's good now I'm going to go out of that amount that one and grab the last ridge I had and I'm going to go and change the bullying on this Ridge I'm just like the lower bowl right here and it's time to move this out so I undo alt s to move this I know isn't it good we'll figure that out later so I'm just taking that way for now and we'll clean that up later but for this piece here I'm gonna grab it nobody not grab that I'm gonna grab its path and I'm gonna select all of these sorry ooh I don't need those I want to keep them there anyway almost like all one two three for the first for the exit throughout very last time I can hit ctrl a to change the radius or you used to be able to is it's been changed but the way we change it now is we can change it up here you can do it that way in the last blender - I just haven't recognized what the new key bind is for it let's move it to point so let's move it to point eight five or maybe point eight I don't want this to be scaled to severely but well then we can scale this one up so I put this one all the way down to point eight cross here so now I'm going to tap out click on the other path and grab just the MPS and scale this up so I'm not with us but with the racers I put the 1.1 so how about 1.2 and then I can move it down a little bit - hmm that's very close I don't like how these points here are clipping them I like to fix that but you can see if we go too severe it kind of stretches this out so I'm going to go back to 1.15 to keep it closer I don't want to get way too stretched I'm going back to the first one the strings down to where it needs to be all right so I'm gonna put about there actually then - geez even one put it down let's go down a little more all right we're almost there let's do point six three all right that is much better I don't like that piece there I pull over and cover it up or we'll delete it in the post cleanup actually let's keep it funky now all right so I'm happy with how that looks about mega back and readjusted some more but overall not that bad yes okay so there is extra geometry inside this component here right inside here and we're going to go back and delete that in the cleanup process but for now I'm going to go and hit save so ctrl s inside the top corner Ridge I'm going to add a new boolean and it's basically going to cut it right across here so I can mirror this little structure and I'm also going to go back here and array this for one more time as you can see this isn't quite reaching the center which we're gonna want it to for the good to be mirrored precisely so let's up that alright so now inside the top corner Ridge I'm going to add a new geometry a Q and I'm going to go to my top ortho view and not ortho yep but I'm gonna put that right there scale this upon X scale it on Z and then just move this whole face here out a little bit more all right now let's change this for you to also be a wireframe so max display it says wireframe so Ridge underscore bool all right now let's click on our top corner Ridge there go to the modifiers and back to the boolean or we can just color pick that triangle on and it's gonna cut directly in half and I think it's not generating all geometry which is always nice so often on generate audiometry so now what we can do is on this piece here we can add in our mirror modifier upon x and y then just go down here and do the same thing let's add a new modifier mirror X&Y I'm just using these modifiers and main thing to preview how I would snap it in the game just make sure it can actually do this but we're actually I'm going to export just this roof here one corner edge and one top Ridge and one side Ridge rather than exporting it this all out as a single asset it's that way in engine you can move around and mix it up but yes this looks very nice so this geometry up here is odd so I did cover this up is we're going to add one more asset which is kind of a coverage type piece that you've done the top of components and then the last section after event will be compiling all these modifiers collapsing them and putting them all in a single mess and moving them so their origins are in the correct spot for the be exported and that will conclude the tutorial so I'm gonna hit ctrl s to save I'm going to minimize these and then I will see you guys on the next segment all right run the home stretch here now just need to finish the top Ridge then collapse everything so first I'm going to go ahead and actually keep all these on and just turn off the click icon on each these folders for 8 mm 6 mm and Corner Ridge it's now nothing on here I can actually click or mess around with which is what I want next I'm going to go over here and add on underneath the root set the final asset you're making this collection of course you're making an entire environment you may want to have a lot more models than just these 4 so let's go ahead and call this the top under school Bridge or whatever you think is appropriate for you to name it as long as you can easily identify it mm so let's go to our base components here which is kind of where we are grabbing objects to use I'm exciting with this outside into the tutorial folder which I think is already there well anyway we will open this up and toggle everything on here and I just want to grab this piece here and duplicate it and hit M tutorial or set-top Ridge all right now I'm going to close everything inside here when you're in the top Ridge that's not top Ridge this is top Ridge and then open this up and label it top Ridge underscore mod restore mod you don't want the O capitalized alright so now let's move this into place so first we had move this over for the sake of having an equation for our modifier so now I'm going to snap when I move it up Norte upon 90 then just get this to exactly where I feel like it belongs I think just on the other side here and actually I will just lower this so I want this to where it looks like these PC are being tucked underneath like that okay next I'm going to want to mirror this to see that like I might want this out a little bit more I'm not sure I said I think I'm going to move over here and then give me your modifier and see how that looks let's do Mir and we'll let's do Center the financed indirectly have alright and let's turn off the hole or wookie March will keep clicking off so I think I'm going to do is I could have it meet right there in the center but it's kind of clipping a little further off than I would like it to instead I'm going to move it as close as I want to where it feels appropriate think out a little more then inside uh let's put this inside the top right come on inside top Ridge mod we will go ahead and turn off this map right here you're going to add a new box for doing a boolean operation let's go down to here to turn on just display as wire and let's move this up then hit G X and control and move it right here then we're just going to cut that off so now it's going to be boolean here and add the boolean mob farm put it before the near and then we are going to grab our box here just like that and then we will mirror and this will merge together that's exactly what we want alright adding some add audiometry or we can clean up afterwards but oh man that's good and you might want to delete these points after him put one in the center it depends on what you want to do I actually don't mind that being right there looks okay to me okay so now the only thing we have left for the top Ridge is to put some geometry right here so what I'm going to do that is add an another Q I'm going to move that up just a touch intersecting a little bit there way to scale up on Y and I'm going to scale this to where it's right there seems good to me and hit ctrl and portation scale grab this face and move it straight up yeah I think we do control on that let's see so why don't we you know I'll just move this up to where I feel is appropriate but we need to get count up wherever we're gonna place this object and a different area game rates we higher up are lower I can just move this up by say point 5 I know I can't so let's move this down by 0.25 0.25 negatively all right that's good to me and I think that's all I want on this I'm gonna delete this top face here it's we don't need it all right so for this asset then I'm going to since we already have these where we have need them in place we don't need in this reference geometry here that we're kind of using to know where to place things so I'm just gonna turn these all off it's now we're gonna see what we're working with here and I'm going to add a loop here go into face selection mode and actually call that place there and on your modifier and then we will you be on a wrap it's a suit upon Y have a clipping and merge all right that's all good now let's go ahead and you the unwrap this so first let's grab this out and change this to the UV editor and load up an image and I think I will load up the normal map image to keep things going up there so nice apparently there's already some geometry there alright when you spawn an object it will usually Auto unwrap so this is like a severely stretched version of that app interesting but let's go ahead and select just these faces and hit on a wrap I'm going to rotate by 90 and I want this to be right about here this is easy or gy I mean alright yeah I actually like how that looks right that I think this what I did the first time so I'm matching this a bit if I want this goal we move down more I can just hit ctrl R to add a loop cut here and then slide everything down the move it to where I want let me see how it looks with the reference objects so mainly I care about the rooms that's where everything is there all right I think I'm okay with that it looks like everything is the correct size yes that's all inside there 10 and actually you need to scale this out just a little bit more yeah that little gap right there is fine you could scale a little more I like the idea of keeping this to be exactly 2 meters long for stepping onto other objects so we could either select all this and slide it to where more of that is visible and have say gold there or whatever else we want and actually I dunno what I'm going to do I'm going to slide this to where the gold from here is transferring directly to here perfectly and we do that by sliding this right there and that of course means this has that here but we can do it just slide this down and cut right there all right it's like all this and this and there are some other ways we could be going about doing this but this works for me your meshes aren't necessarily always going to be snapping are the world truly perfectly in every instance though it's nice if you can make things gonna snap around very seamlessly so I like how that looks there example I could definitely take this and put it down here if I want to for different design and engine or whatever you want so it's very modular and kind of a kit Bashi format but these roof sections here's definitely need to snap together vertex per vertex perfectly in case you don't want the top right on the roof so it's kind of back and forth you're doing sci-fi things and you probably have much more accurate snapping to but now we can see how these kind of transfer onto here and go right across which I like how that looks so I think something else I had done here was I added these little round sections down here so the way I'm going to do that is first I'm going to turn off everything else here except the top Ridge my ground that's been duplicated and grab just this piece here it control I and delete she'd and that down let's have up halfway between these and then let's just move it upon X that's there right here is maybe good and I want to actually apply or let's just turn the mob part you can keep it all together alright something that we want on the other assets here you can see how that looks and I do like how that look and of course has lots of other things on this trim sheet we keep pleasing us we could take these elements and make some complex formats going across here or do whatever else you want or cut off this piece and have these here all right I think that wraps that up for the asset design the only thing left now is to collapse the modifiers maybe do a little bit clinically have to I think there's some where we need clean it up and I'm going to show you the position ease for export to a game engine alright so I'm going to just go ahead and turn these off and on a next section I'll go down collapsing an arrangement and that should be just about it see you then alright let's get into collapsing these then we'll move them into position I'm not going to use the UV ed or anymore fluoresce this torus I'm just going to close that down and I guess we should go and start with the top Ridge asset here should we have a collection top edge and so how we have top Ridge mod so now we want the final ass have to be just right next to the mod folder so once we activate that mash and have it to a game engine we may find some mistakes or things we don't like on it and need to fix that knee then if that happens we need to go back in here and delete that one that we exported but go back to the mod folder and make the changes the mods keep everything non-destructive and it looks like we are having a funeral errors here which should be fixed when we add these together including news everything yeah we'll fix those once we actually combine them together and that's why we need to collapse our mods usually before exporting although this looks like it could export just fine with the modifiers but this would be safe so I'm going to hit a to select everything hit shift D then M remove it to tutorial root set top Ridge top Ridge but not the mod so now there's a duplicate of that on the outside so hide the inside here now I can't click on each of these assets and collapse it so it's bullying that mirror that mirror that and I'm not sure this bullying is doing alright it's the bullying that was on here so we don't need that done maybe actually we might let's keep it just in case yes that all looks fine and dandy this is all good this is all a solid mesh - now there's a few extra edges here more than we need that we can accept when we get the chance and we don't need this anymore so let's just delete that and for the shading here let's go into saw and see how that looks and hit shift in to make sure everything is correct when all right I got normalized so let's go ahead to here and click on these solve edges all right and then let's go ahead make sure the vertices are also joined and they are all right so that should be good next we need to make sure all these edges are working mark sharp they are I think these are all good so let's take a look at here together custom normals added do or has officer is not the custom so let's go to the geometry data and do add custom split normals I don't know why this is mark sharp it shouldn't be the only thing going on there ah so we're doing that let's go into here and go into face powder and whoops I hit the wrong key next now you know we don't want the mod version with the top bridge so edit mode alt a and when you turn all or no we don't need a bridge mod you just need this one there we are just like this and delete that face all right now let's go grab the edge into these and grab these edges here and in control e and clear sharp I'm gonna hit and again I'm going to right-click and do shade smooth just to make sure this is all going well and using all right now I'm going to hit shift and it once more to make sure everything is normalized that should be good we shouldn't have any harsh rotations on it or scale that is okay that looks good and this is for sure good but once again we should do the Osman AG has some split almost everything wants me in that to add cousin split normals so all these have custom splitting rows now sounds combine them I'm gonna combine into this one control day now there's all a single model here so we are going to call this the top underscore bridge all right and of course it's doing the dot 0 0 1 because it's finding key top Ridge I had there before but we might be able to override I could do it again I'm just rename it something different yes not probably swap the two but it shouldn't do that for you guys so that looks all good to me something you could do with the top piece here is these two where they're all not mirrored and going the same way so that would look something like doing this and then UV unwrapping again that's up to you if you want to do it I'm just gonna show you how you would alright now let's go ahead and close the top Ridge there like that and open up the corner Ridge so I'm going to clubs that and select everything inside here so I need to turn the clicking on again painting down for all these so I'm going to suck everything is this not selected all right this is actually inside here so we need to make sure that clickings on there just select everything in here and I guess it's selecting all that yes it is okay so select everything and hit em and move this to roof sets owners for corner Ridge underscore on a ridge and now that should be quite a few models out there at least need to go in applying everything except for the mirror modifier so let's look at the mop our sense it's clear that I want apply apply apply and think this piece here just turn the mirror off and apply everything which means we no longer need these all right so we should just have these two here and we don't need the pads up either I'm gonna delete these pads so let's look what we need to clean up on here it's going to edit mode and luckily there's no any strange vertices going falling off to the corners here it looks like these sharp edges aren't continuing on I'm not or warping so that's going to select here in here right there and add these back and we just need to get the bottom here and also the bottom over here control e mark sharp now all those are back that's good that's everything for these everything else is manding to actually stay I might want to change that so let's see how to look at the roof their eyes are actually clipping into the roof and then you would want to have geo place along here that covers it up so might want to tuck that under there a little bit but overall it's really not going to be seen I'm either gee I'm gonna cross over here you clear you mean more accurate these and we'd love to wait it just barely clipping and they're more neatly covered but this all looks fine to me so let's go ahead and turn the roofs back off and make sure you decide the custom normals on set I'll smooth out custom split normal stone that's the issue so to add and then add all right through these all good yes they are that is perfect now we can combine these so let's click this one and this one take control J and this is all a single model now sir just going to call this the corner underscore Ridge and named it correctly and this is kind of the segment where you would want to have this place correctly so when we export these out it's only is going to put the pivot of your model wherever this is relatively Center the world so let's say I were to move my ordinal the dog about to over here if you were to the X for that one still located here the origin would actually not be here it would still be here relative to where the center of the world is in the model file so that is where we want to kind of place our pivot so I'm going to do G X snap this down to her to the right once then G Z and snap it down to it's about there so now that's where my pivot and cursor will be located when I export this out into game even though my organs over there that's not where it's going to be so I'm happy at that so the corner Ridge there is then complete and then the top Ridge is just about complete - we kind of just need to move this one into place now so I'm going to click it GZ and move it down and so I think right there is where I want the pivot on that to be yeah that's good I could want to have the pivot right here on the bottom face we want to bio so I'm trying to keep this to snap evenly so let's take gz- or I trying to keep it snapping for now but if you want to you can move it even dirigibles it likes 8.1 and 0.05 because in your game engine you're going to have snapping options usually most engine has appalam and you can change them to snap and intervals of 0.1 0.0 5.25 and so forth does only your kind of snap in there work those units inside your modeling program it will snap like that in game engine - this is very convenient so I think I'm going to keep it like this for now okay we're gonna save so top right-hand corners are now complete so now the rooms the roof may be a bit trickier to penetrate weird geometry I don't think these are so suck all these hit shift D and then move to roof set 6 and roof and then 6m roof so they're out of mod folder collapse that go into here and let's go ahead and get rid of the mirror modifier and apply everything and you make sure we do the made-up whoopsie actually I do need the mirror modifier so I forgot these are moving right across I just don't want mirroring over to there okay so I see one is I need exon or white on now I can class so we can open these and just click apply on each of them all right and I believe we can also write if you want to collapse your meshes quickly what you can do is have the near modifier and everything set how you want it then right-click the mesh and do convert to mesh and chrome editor slash text now automatically collapse all of your modifiers for you all right so now this looks like it's all good it's going to the edit mode to make sure I want to make sure is no vertices going straight on but bloom on price tend to do that yes these are good I'm going to click that in ctrl J and I am happy with that okay so we are done with the 6m route there it looks though actually we need to mark these as sharp that's not what we want I'm going to hit out here or out on these actually you'll see you want to start an animation which I can't polish from here real quick let me open up this mini here I accidentally hit the hotkey to cause a timeline to start I don't want that plane so I'm going to collapse that back down so I'm going to get L on these pieces and it looks like they did not urge for whatever reason that's kind of annoying is also why we need the cleanup process so let's just hit out on all these alright and then I'm going to hit ctrl I and H to hide and I'm going to select all these right click remove double vertices and that should it move a lot and it did and I'm going to select these faces and it mark sharp looks like did for all the insides we might mess up on the modifier we are ready to be exported it's gonna change it there then do this way it will just actually be I'm supposed to meet so let's just select all these mark sharp back there mark sharp all right I think that's all so now this is all shading correctly let's go into just this flat shape and see how it looks all right my colleagues are shading here looks good and it's going to look right on the table you want a weird and normal winter big triangulations showing up all right that's all good so now I can do this and when I go into edit mode hits on this appear my need is do alt H to unveil be hidden there okay that is good so just call this the a trim underscore three you cannot hold on shape of that hmm or roof or that's the six Embree there we go now let's collapse that or just hide it and the 8m roof is last one actually I forgot the move this into place let's turn that back on and we are going to go in the top ortho view let's do G X this way and then I'm going to wrote hit on the 3d cursor so rz9 t- I always want kind of the front of my asset facing this way on Y so everything is a consistent rotation alright let's go ahead and close that then go into your 8m roof over here and we just need to duplicate that do the same process now select everything and shift D and to move to the Rousset 8 mm urv 8 Emery close the mod folder so we need anymore then we are going to go our geometry and at the nirmaan part where it's just the cart one movie so just on X same thing for here just needing your modifier on X right so we can suck that and like before uh before we do this let me make sure it's right so what's happening here are these all still visible there's a lot more going on here than should be oh that's my 6m roof I accidentally still had that selected and moved it over racks and I do kids on out but our 6m worth is still down here yes okay I'm not sure how that got Dookie new but I guess it's - head selected small on extent but let's go ahead and make sure we have this all set I want to do right click were to mesh this one convert to mesh - claps all of the modifiers alright you do not need this anymore you still got the back up though inside of the mod folder in case we do we need to go back make changes okay so let's check this and once again where these jointed I have the merge option turned on on the array modifier but they just weren't quite merging together so what I could do is they control Z over and over to get back to the modifier version of this so there we are so let's check the array on this actually I don't have enriched turned on let's turn them are done now these shall be merging together properly and let's take a look at this so these just aren't marking matching sharp here kind of some weird double geo going on here I have to do with why I didn't want the merge on that looks one either so let's actually turn off always mouthparts just to inspect it a little bit closer yeah it looks right here just it looks a bit weird with the mod ha so let's tuck these edges here in these edge here and Mark these sharp and see if that would carry over and crochet custom normals on so now it should hopefully stay there when we go and that's what we could have done on the first roof collapse so now let's right-click this and convert to mesh hey now these sharpens is on both sides which is what we want that's perfect okay for these I don't want the merge these are just intersecting geometry yes that's all good all right right click convert to mesh that's all good and then delete these then just join these together all right so now that is all good and here is where some of the geo will mess up on the boolean so here is one example that happening so go into edit mode and select that and actually easily go into edge mode can't wait to highlight everything again or just have it selected to easily see it and for specific I mean your market kind of messing on the other side should be dead edge all right plus I just probably won't do any harm I'm I'm sure if they'll properly import into a game in it I'm not sure you can just have a floating edge like that game engines never tried but might as well clean it up all right I like how this looks so normally what you would do in this stage also for your assets to really get them finalized is make a whole other UV set and unwrap it for doing your light math movies and there's quite a few other things we can be doing to improve it but for those tour I just want to show you guys the process of making the module as it's using a trim sheet that's I'll be covering so let's go ahead and call this the 8m underscore and like that everything here should be done let's make sure our 6m birth is so let's turn all these on I'm gonna open up each these folders but keep the mod folder clothes and then turn on just the top Ridge corner Ridge 6 Emery so now we can kind of experiment with using these so I'm going to just hit shift D X and move it over and then I'm going to actually I want to go back P real quick and then I'm going to right click and set the origin to the 3d cursor organ to be cursor you know that organ tennety won't go into the game engine and then let's rotate upon medium pointin so I do shift D and before hitting anything else and hit our z9t hit enter I cannot hit shift our to repeat the elack's action so as you can see this asset rotates perfectly all around so to make a roof like this and our engine if we want to so I don't need any of this once I know that works fine good grab the large building here and I'm also I'm going to set its origin just for use inside blender here so origin your 3d cursor shift key X snap it shifty rz9 D and that actually does not work that right this one we're gonna move manually here in g1 here - uck both these and hit shift D are busy 180 and then GX here and do you want to hear as you can see all of these awesome magic perfectly's you can kind of have a interesting a go to structure you need probably another asset here to make a koala see this is to music or so you have a 2 meter wall modern thing to have a corner pillar module and you would design it the exact same way we designed all these just modeling then you the unwrapping it's pretty easy too understand so that's pretty neat all right of course you'd then build large buildings or whatnot in engine you don't want to build those inside here when I click on individual parts and we can move everything around so once you export this out into a game engine which everything here is now in place for a game and what you're going to go to so what I want to do is close all these and have just one on screen and select it then I go to / - I want that open I go to file export XP XP X and then change all the parameters which is going to be different for whatever Gammage and you're going to and then it would be good to go in and some minions will also generate the light map movies like on a real engine though once again you may want to add a second set and then really customize it like that view needs to be much better because the engine you generate just isn't quite that perfect so to test that I'm going to move this over for to make sure the entire set actually does work just as reinsurance should eat this one and let's rotate it on z 9d and GX shifty RZ 9 d x-- rs.150 RZ 80 now let's grab the corner Ridge and turn that on - so I hit shift key i know i can snap those two here to here and like that and then an engine you aren't going to have a mirror modifier right since I have you near unreal whatever in it inside you won't just duplicate this then scale Y negative 1 and that is how you would mirror it an engine same thing for getting to use it / - they're so pretty this case we can actually do our Z 180 and that got it there - that's one unconsciously what you would do in Engine 4 Mearing assets that's just a negative 1 scale and the last asset that you would do inside your engine is the top edge so you can just grab this spawn then to your world and place it like that that's how you build it inside of unreal or unity and I have a route a set of course you can mix and match better one so I don't want that in here so I'm going to wireframe it seemed a leader all right with that I think that concludes the tutorial so with this you should have an understanding on how to make very large assets you now know you don't need to make some gigantic high poly and I'm really high res texture to fake such a large object like you would for a proper or a gun those who would take a high poly and baking but your environment and your roots will usually have trim sheets in tiling if you make really nice trim sheets or get really nice trim sheets like from our website you can then just model the geo and it's very fast workflow so thank you all for tuning in and I hope you enjoyed the tutorial
Channel: GameTextures.com
Views: 94,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trim Sheet, Tutorial, GameTextures, Blender3d, Substance, Speed Modeling
Id: qODD-79i5_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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