The EASIEST way to make Coconut Rum

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today we're going to make a coconut rum that's a dry coconut rum with no additional sugar so this is not going to be a Lor now I went through a few experimental phases with this one where I was trying to find the best way to make coconut rum I thought about using a fresh coconut which I don't think really is going to work in this one or the chunks of coconut that are raw you can buy at the store problem with all of those is there's too much water inside of the coconut meat that's the same stuff that you would use to make coconut milk I wanted this to be a drier coconut so I landed on this which is a shredded dry coconut now in my experience this is going to be better than the kind you find in the grocery store that you would use to make like a German chocolate cake you don't want anything that is wet but you want something that is dried so what we're going to do is we're going to make a full bottle of this so 750 m of your favorite rum I'm using floridaa the white because that's one of my favorite light white rums but you could use any light rum you want and if you want to make a darker rum here age rum you could use that as well for this you'll need 750 mL of rum and 200 g of shredded coconut I'm going to split the coconut in half 100 G will be just straight from the bag the other 100 G will be toasted and we'll get to toasting it in just a minute now I did four different variations of infusion as well the first batch I had infused for 7 Days uh the next thing I tried was a 24-hour infusion the third thing I tried was a a rapid infusion using a blender with the rum and the shred of coconut and then using a coffee filter and the last version was a blended version and then put in a whipped cream charger to pressurize it and what I found through all of this and I made a video for this on patreon taste testing them all separately was that I actually preferred the one that had the 7day infusion it's also the easiest you just add the coconut to your rum put a lid on it let it sit for 7 days and just shake it occasionally so that's the version we're going to make today so let's get started by toasting half of our coconut that's 100 gr what I really don't want to do is let any of this burn so I'm going to keep a close eye on it as soon as it starts to turn brown I'm going to make sure I keep moving it and then as soon as it looks like it's just maybe a degree or two of being exactly what I want which is a nice you know light brown I'm going to take it off the heat and get it out of this pan so it doesn't burn now I'm going to add a our coconut our toasted coconut and a 750 ml bottle of rum and now we wait I'm going to wait 7 days and I'm going to occasionally come out and just shake this or stir this and then we'll straighten it off after a week see you then all right it's been one week and we are now going to filter off our coconut rum now I've pre-wet my filter here it's a good idea if you're doing that uh whether you're making coffee or filtering something uh that way if there's any paper flavor you're getting rid of that so I just rinse the coffee filter first and then I'm also going to use a nutmilk bag uh I don't think it's a necessary step but I have a feeling that the dried coconut is now going to be kind of full of rum so I put it in a nutmilk bag first then I can kind of squeeze it as we're going along [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all our coconut rum is ready to go you can see it has this nice sort of deep straw color and that's obviously because of the toasted coconut but you could omit that you could use just straight coconut instead of toasting part now let's make a daquiri with it see how it holds up in a daquiri and I'm going to show you how I'm making daquaries nowadays cuz I'm doing things a little differently and I'm using powdered sugar so you see a lot of bartenders now use granulated sugar in their dairies and that's not a new thing that's a traditional thing that's how uh dairies have always been made in Cuba they never used a simple syrup or a rich simple syrup now modern times it's also uh for another reason that's to control the dilution of the drink if you're using a one to one or a rich simple syrup you're adding additional water to that now in a rum that maybe is over you know 40 proof something that is like 43 ABV or higher that might be okay to have that additional water if you're really looking to control the amount of dilution uh outside of the ice that you're adding to it and and the melting of the ice through shaking then the way to do that is to use a granulated sugar instead of using a rich simple or a one toone simple now you'll never see a recipe call for powdered sugar because if you go to the store you buy powdered sugar it's going to have some type of anti-caking agent in it which is usually corn starch and you don't want to be putting corn starch into your cocktails it's going to thicken up and uh not incorporate well in an iced drink environment so this is homemade powdered sugar that I made by just taking some sugar into a Vitamix blender and blending it for anywhere between 15 and 30 seconds and it becomes a powder there are two caveats to this process which is first of all you don't have that anti-caking anti-clumping agent so the powdered sugar kind of will Clump together so you might need to go in and kind of break it up I'm anticipating that in a more humid environment this could be potentially an issue but I really don't know now the other potential issue you might have is you're going to need to recalibrate your daquiri recipe because uh a teaspoon tablespoon of powdered sugar and granulated sugar by volume they're not going to be the same but what I figured out and I did this by weighing out uh the the amount of sugar I like to use in daquiri is I like one and a half teaspoons of granulated sugar so that's kind of what I've been doing when I've been using kind of the milk frother method but what I found is that 1 and 1 half teaspoons uh by weight equals about 2 tpoon of weight of the powdered sugar and it just so happens that these Barfly teaspoons that I use there is a two teaspoon version so if I'm making a daquiri now I'm just using 2 tpoon of powdered sugar so let's make a coconut rum de I'm going to make this with 1 oz of fresh lime juice 2 tpoon of powdered sugar and then 2 oz of our toasted coconut rum now also one of the reasons I like to do the powdered sugars I just want consistency I want to know the variables I use a daquiri a lot to explore rums uh outside of just like sipping them neat I like to use the daquiri it's kind of a a template to try rums and to try new rums if I get a new bottle of rum I want to try in a Dair to see how it holds up that way I can kind of see how it's going to play with with lime juice and sugar obviously since I focus on cocktails and not sipping rum neat so having the powdered sugar element there just sort of eliminates the need for um needing to know what type of syrup you're using making sure that your granulated sugar is dissolve so let's try this uh coconut rum Decker now I'd say there's almost more of an aroma of toasted coconut than there is a robust flavor for how much coconut we used it's it's still very subtle it's still kind of just in the background I don't think this is going to hold up super well in in a more like robust cocktail like if you put this in some type of coconut rum zombie I don't think you're going to catch it and that's what I was looking for I wanted to be able to control the coconut flavor and know where that flavor is coming from that it's not uh you know some type of extract or artificial flavoring that you might find in a bottle of coconut rum off the shelves now I'm also not saying anything's wrong with any of the coconut rums that are out there this was just really to explore making your own kind of seeing the process uh choosing a a rum that's just kind of like a lighter cleaner rum and then adding in that coconut or or toasta coconut flavor so there you go a toasted coconut rum and you can always you know make this recipe a lot smaller you can have it you can use you can try it with just 100 ml like I was first trying with it when I was testing this out to see if it's really something that you want to take on so that's it for this episode I'm Derek this is making drink if you want to support this channel just like this video below subscribe to this channel if you haven't already go check out the patreon page if you want to support this channel more and otherwise see you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Make and Drink
Views: 6,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cocktails, cocktail recipes, tiki, tiki cocktails, tiki tiki, tiki drinks, tropical drinks, tropical cocktails, cocktail, rum, rum cocktail, rhum, coconut rum, coconut rum cocktails, coconut rum drinks, coconut rum cocktail, coconut rum recipes, rum cocktails, simple cocktail recipes, coconut cocktails, rum cocktails recipes, cocktail recipe
Id: 954jshwgH6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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