Easy Homemade Amaretto | DISARONNO

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welcome to Savage kitchen today we are going to be making homemade amoretto now if you've been with me for a little while you know that I have homemade Irish cream and we did homemade coffee Lor kala today is all about doing a copycat recipe for derero now there are a lot of different amarettos available on the market this one's probably the most commonly known at least here in the US it's very easy to do a homemade version you probably have a lot of these ingredients already one of the questions I get asked most frequently is why why would you bother to make homemade laor one because I can and I like it but two for a lot of people it's about controlling the type and amount of sugar that you are ingesting playing with flavors experimenting a lot of people like to do homemade gifts and three sometimes these aren't available in all parts of the world or the cost difference in other parts of the world is really extreme depending on Import and Export tariffs so second question I get asked very very often is can can I get these measurements in milliliters yes I will put conversions in the descriptions below but in general when I do recipes I'm talking about cups and ounces uh not always though sometimes especially when we're doing just cocktails I talk in milliliters just depends there's this amazing thing called Google but I will put them in the description below just to make life a little bit easier and finally if you want to jump ahead at any point and get to a certain part of the technique or the recipe there are chapter markers below so let's get into it let's start with what amoretto actually is emiro is an almond flavored Lor its Origins are in Italy and according to D serono dates back to 1525 there is some debate about the actual origin there's two different families that claim responsibility but the word amoretto translates literally to a little bitter so the word Amaro means bitter and if you interested in Amaro I have a whole video on uh tasting Italian Amaro it is a wonderful world I personally love Amaro I love that bitter bitter taste and I love what it does to cocktails and your dining experience and maretto while it may sound similar is very very different than a Maro so especially something like d serono this is very very sweet the tasting notes that you find online often describe a little bit of bitterness I personally I think this has very very little bitterness and maybe has a touch of heat but again we'll get into that in a little bit now current production of amoretto usually excludes almonds even though the flavor is very very almond uh derero in particular I'm pretty sure does theirs with apricot pits there are some Brands usually the higher end brands that do make them genuinely from almonds and we're going to be using almond extract today but even though drono doesn't use almonds in their recipe anymore it tastes just like almonds and it's delicious by the way like I have nothing against derero I think this is fabulous um I just like the homemade version a little bit better okay let's get into what you are going to need for this homemade amoretto you are going to need almond extract high quality real almond extract vanilla extract pure vanilla extract I don't personally enjoy all of the imitation extracts so whatever your budget will allow get the highest quality extracts that you can afford also they last like forever so don't worry about spoilage or if you have some left over from a previous recipe it is okay to use your extracts vodka is going to be our B Spirit now you can absolutely make this with other base Spirits Brandy would be wonderful I personally think rye whiskey would be really really good in this I have not tried it yet I probably will sometime soon but for just a very easy drinking simple you probably have it at home bodco will do and then our next ingredient is a syrup so I'm going to show you how to put together the simple syrup for this recipe and I'm going to take the opportunity for a Shameless plug right now if you do not want to make your own syrup for this you can buy Savage kitchen uh cinnamon demarara this is very similar to the recipe we're going to be making there are some differences uh but this this is actually better in higher quality also makes a lovely gift so for the syrup that we're going to be making for this Lor we're going to be using a cup of white granulated sugar a half a cup of light brown sugar and a cup of water so this is somewhere between a simple syrup and a rich simple syrup and for me personally I think that this our final result closest to the mouth feel on drono now we are going to be flavoring our syrup with a little bit of cinnamon now amoretto is not a cinnamon Lor a lot of amarettos though do include other undisclosed spices to me those spices taste like cinnamon not all cinnamon is created equal there is Salon cinnamon which I might be butchering that pronunciation really sorry uh and then there's Cass cinnamon the difference between them is Stark visually so Salon cinnamon the quill is actually very it looks like parchment paper it's much thinner and it's a little ragged on the edges to smell it it's a much lighter scent it's sweeter than the cassia cinnamon so cassia cinnamon also known as Saigon Cinnamon this is what at least in North America you find most commonly like the mccormic uh cinnamon sticks that you buy our cassia cinnamon this has the heat that cinnamon sometimes carries with it like Red Hots you're thinking of cassia cinnamon we want the cinnamon in this recipe cuz we do want that little touch of heat to sort of warm up our final results tools you're going to need you want a heavy bottomed saucepan to make your syrup we're going to make boiling syrup it gets hot and anybody getting hurt as always a container for your final result to go in if you have empties like if you have a home bar keep your empties and use that to store your homemade lorse and then a couple of measuring spoons for our extracts all right so step one is going to be to make our simple syrup and this little campfire stove is like a jet engine we're going to settle down with that now when making simple syrups and I make a lot as evidenced by Savage kitchen Provisions there are some tricks to make the process a little bit easier now I like to always heat my water up first I don't bring it all the way to a boil I just like the water to get nice and hot because then when I add my sugar it's going to dissolve quicker and get me to that final result a little bit faster and then I'm adding a cup of sugar and half a cup of light brown sugar I've played with the ratios on this you could do uh equal parts white sugar to brown sugar I think that that's like a little bit too molasses heavy for the flavor here personally um and by the way derona flavors their product and colors their product with caramel we could do that but again making caramel syrup is actually very tricky it's very very easy to burn the syrup and that burnt flavor it's a fine line between caramel and burnt and it scorches easily I'm not a big fan so I think this is the way to go so we're going to give this a stir easy as could be we are going to drop in two to three cinnamon sticks of the cassia cinnamon if you want a lighter cinnamon flavor you you can use the salon cinnamon but I'm specifically going for that little bit of heat um and I think the salon is just like a little bit too subtle so I'm going to use the cassia cinnamon and we're going to drop those right in the syrup and let this come to a boil all right so now that this is at of boil wo wrong direction we're going to turn this off put the lid on it and let the syrup cool completely now letting that syrup cool all the way down does two things one it makes us able to use it right away when we're ready to make our actual Lor but two it's going to let the cinnamon steep into that syrup and Infuse that flavor just a little bit through the magic of Television I have a batch of syrup that I made earlier today which is cool and ready to go and has been sitting with the cinnamon sticks in it for probably like 2 hours now an hour is enough time to let it cool if you want to speed up the process throw it in the fridge or the freezer for a little bit uh just know that the longer that the cinnamon sticks sit in the syrup the more intense that flavor is going going to be so we're going to take our vessel and I need to fish out these cinnamon sticks hello I'm going to save these for a totty later funnel forgot to mention funnel funnel if you're doing homemade Lor it's just going to make your life way easier and slightly less messy sure so our syrup that we just made yields just shy of two cups of simple syrup so satisfying next up vodka I'm using vodka because vodka is a neutral Spirit it doesn't really have any flavor to it it just has the bite of alcohol ethanol um so you don't need to spend a lot of money on vodka use either what you have in the house get something cheap at the store doesn't really matter you also could make this with brandy or rye whiskey or bourbon almond flavor bourbon sounds amazing to me but whatever you do we're going to use two cups of your base Spirit or maybe mix it match maybe do like a cup of rye and a cup of vodka damn I kind of want to do that right now ah we're in it looks delightful now to our flavorings almonds vanilla a little bit actually goes a pretty long way here for our vanilla we are just going to be using one teaspoon of vanilla any more than that I think is a little bit overpowering it makes this very vanilla forward extracts are very very potent next up our almond extract for this we're doing a tablespoon if you want it to be even more bold don't be shy about adding more I would just start less and then increase it's hard to dial something back once you've gone too far we got tablespoon all right we're going to seal this I love these um swing top bottles that have the plastic seal on top these are great they give it a really good Shake want to make sure that syrup is fully Incorporated with our spirit and our extracts pretty happy about this now I'm going to share a little dirty dark secret with you if you want this to taste even more like der serono there is a secret ingredient that you can add I won't tell anybody it is not necessary but I do think that it adds the heat that you find in derero before everybody asks me in the comments about how like dero is not spicy taste it again on its own you definitely do get that tingling sensation on the side of your tongue and that's that heat from the salon cinnamon it also could be black peppercorns or red chili I'm not sure entirely how they accomplish it in this particular formula but our Dirty Little Secret is going to be Fireball I can't stand Fireball personally I really I don't like it it's very rare that I will buy a uh small version of any alcohol I usually buy the full bottles this I'm just not a fan I never use it in anything but for our purposes here if you want this to have more bite adding 2 oz of this just instantly brings you there [Music] so and for me personally instead of adding two oz to this batch right here I have a batch that I already made that has Fireball in it and we'll taste test between the three of those okay this feels like pouring moonshine when it comes out of a mason jar all right let's taste some homemade amoretto now let's start with drono so we have a baseline or comparison of this homemade Lor I I love D serono I think it's delicious reminds me of the 9s um it's warming it's sweet it does have the bite of alcohol it tastes like like almonds I kind of want to have biscotti to dip in it oh delicious next up we're going to taste the homemade amorado that we made using a cinnamon simple syrup our almond extract and vodka it smells actually it smells identical this might have a little more bite of ethanol to smell but otherwise it smells identical like it smells delicious oh I personally prefer this to the derero don't get me wrong clearly I love dero no problem with it if you want to go buy dero go buy dero but this is smoother it's more delicious it is absent that um that little bit of Spicy Bite that the drono has which for me in this application I don't think that's a bad thing this is luxurious and decadent and screams dessert I want this over ice cream I want this in coffee I want this in tiasu I basically want to just bathe in it I have ideas and then finally let's taste our homemade Amaretto that uses a secret ingredient 2 O of Fireball and that 2 oz if is if you're using the measurements for this result if you're doing half batch which is what I have here I just added 1 oz of Fireball I mean to me that's identical I don't think it smells quite as good as the the Der serono it does have a little bit more of that ethanol smell and it smells a little bit like Fireball to me and I don't love the way Fireball smells to me it smells like Red Hots and like I love cinnamon clearly I love whiskey and I don't know just be be better be better Fireball maybe we need to do homemade Fireball let me know in the comments if that's something that you would like to see it's still absolutely delicious I'm going to drink the hell out of this I'm probably going to cook with all of these things too amoret marshmallows anybody but my personal favorite is no surprise because I am 100% bias it is the homemade version this is easy this is delicious you probably have a lot of these things in your pantry already and I hope you give it a try so any questions comments leave them below I love hearing from you guys I love people report back what their results were what they liked what they didn't like what they tried and any ideas you have or things that you would like to see me do next let me know cheers friends
Channel: Savidge Kitchen
Views: 72,095
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Keywords: easy homemade amaretto | DISARONNO, how to make disaronno, disaronno liqueur, diy amaretto recipe, how to amke disaronno, how to make amaretto, easy amaretto recipe, homemade amaretto recipe, how to make liqueur, how to make disaronno at home, almond liqueur recipe, how to make almond liqueur, disaronno, disaronno originale amaretto, disaronno amaretto, disaronno copycat recipe, how is amaretto made, amaretto disaronno, disaronno vs amaretto, is amaretto amaro
Id: ZbJrvgOojck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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