5 Real Tiki Cocktails for Beginners (and everyone else, too!)

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if you're new to Tiki cocktails and don't know where to start this video is for you because I'm going to share with you five Tiki cocktails and all of them are going to use just three bottles of rum but even if you're already deep into Tikki we're still going to make some great cocktails today and there are several recipes that I've not covered here on this channel before I wanted to make this simple for someone who was starting from absolutely nothing if you don't have any rum on hand and maybe not even any syrups or Lors I've condensed things to make it a little more econom iCal and chose drinks that for the most part share ingredients in syrups if you want to get into Tiki you need some rum instead of a collection of dozens of rums I picked three relatively affordable bottles that are usually readily available and they cover a lot of the bases here these are not my three favorite rums or the three best rums out there but you can buy these and continue to use them as you expand your rum collection and for the cocktails today I'm just going to simplify the rums but not making anything else easy no dumbing it down we're making real TIY cocktails first you're going to need a light Puerto Rican style rum I'm recommending Don Q Crystal it comes in at about $13 uh it's inoffensive it's light it's clean can also be used in daquaries and Mojitos but if you want to step this up a little bit and spend a few dollars more I would recommend Florida Kana it's one of my favorite light white rums the next bottle I'd recommend is Chairman's reserve it comes in around2 $4 it's from St Lucia and its uniqueness makes it work in the drinks today because you can sub this in for a gold rum a lightly aged rum a lightly aged Jamaican rum or even a Barbados rum now it's none of those things but the most well-rounded and will work across a board in many cocktails now if this is challenging for you to find you can't find it at your local Big Box store or liquor store you could go for Appleton signature comes in around $20 it's all Jamaican and an excellent rum to start your journey into rum and Cocktails but I've left this off intentionally because the next bottle I'm going to recommend includes some Jamaican rum and that's Plantation or plant array ofd where I live this comes in at $33 and the best thing about it is it's one full liter so it gives you more rum this is a blend of rums from Guyana Jamaica and Barbados the Guyana and Jamaica flavors overpower the Barbados rum in here and you're going to get those intense flavors that make Guyana and Jamaican rums unique uh it's overproof at 69% ABV or 138 proof it makes it pretty versatile because you can sub this in for any drink that calls for an overproof rum or a 151 we can also use this carefully in a drink that needs a Demerara or a funky Jamaican Rum by using a little bit less of it now when you hear someone say Demerara rum or Guyana rum they're talking about the same thing cuz there's just one distillery in Guyana but it's not the same thing as demorar sugar that kind of gets conflated with each each other so something calls for a demorar rum or subbing in demorar sugar to help heighten those flavors that's not really the same thing demorar sugar is usually just a sugar that has a little bit more molasses in it now for the Lors or the modifiers you'll need some angera bitters the small bottle of this will come in about $12 and if you've made a cocktail at home you should probably already have a bottle of angas of bitters the next bottle you'll need is all spice dram it's $25 if you find the smaller bottle here here and it tastes like all spice or Christmas uh you can make your own but the standard St Elizabeth is what I like and it's something you're going to need if you want to pursue Tiki cocktails further in the future next you'll need some velvet ferum it's about 23 bucks and it's a Barbados Lor with ginger cloves and lime and this is different from the homemade syrup varieties or the syrups you can buy commercially uh there is alcohol in this and what's nice is this is shelf stable and most of recipes you're going to come across that are in TIY cocktails they don't call for the Serb variety but they're calling for velvet ferum now the last bottle you're going to need is an orange curo or an orange L cor and I'm going with grand Manet here it's $27 to $30 and I wish we didn't have to use this in this video cuz there's only one drink that calls for this but it is the most important drink and this you have to have in this one now my favorite orange the cor if I could just choose one would probably be grandman but you can find some cheaper ones I would suggest going in the conac style which is is the ones that are usually darker Sometimes they come in a darker bottle where they have a darker brownish color as opposed to the cleaner lighter varieties like a quantro now similar to Angar bitters if you've ever made cocktails at home next to Angar bids the next bottle you usually buy is a bottle of orange Lor so hopefully you already have one of these on hand now if you're starting from nothing and you had to go out and buy all of these bottles of rum and laor it's going to set you back about $160 that's going to get you about 40 cocktails with just the rum alone and the Lors and the Angar of bitters is going to last you even longer now missing from this is absent it's not because I don't always love it but a bottle of absin or perau will set you back $30 to $60 if you get into Tiki you will need one but for the cocktails today they don't call for absent and that's kind of why I chose the ones we're going to go over today now everything else you're going to need today is a syrup or a juice and while you can spend money on those I make almost all of my my own syrups and as long as you have sugar and a few cheap ingredients you'll be able to make everything else for just a few dollars per bottle of syrup and then you'll need to buy some fresh fruit for your juices when they're needed if you're looking to buy syrups Li bur Co and liquid Alchemists make good syrups I have no experience with their entire line of syrups and I like the real brand as well and all of our drinks today are Tiki drinks with a foundation in Tiki I've excluded many of the popular tropical drinks like the painkiller and such because they're not technically Tiki cocktails now the journey into what Tiki is and what it is not is overwhelming and complicated and causes arguments with people but we're not going to get into that today we're just going to make a few Tiki Cocktails so let's go to the first popular Tiki cocktail ever which is the zombie and while the zombie was created in the 1930s by da the beach comr this version is one of Dawn's revised recipes from the 1950s and it comes from Jeff Beach bump Berry so you don't need a a drink mixer for today you can shake all the cocktails but since I have one I'm going to use it when it's called for so let's get going with the 1950s zombie start with one dash of anger bitters 1 teaspoon of a demarara sugar syrup 1 oz of fresh lime juice 1 oz of fresh lemon juice 1 oz of pineapple juice 1 oz of passion fruit [Music] syrup 1 oz of our Dawn Q light rum 1 oz of Chairman's [Music] Reserve 1 oz of ofd and this one will flash blend you're going to serve this in a Collins or a zombie [Music] glass I'm going to garnish it with [Music] mint the 1950s version is just like a little bit juicier you get all that fruit juice you get a lot of that rum coming through it's the first TIY cocktail ever and it's one that you have to make the zombie moving on to cocktail number two we're going to make the moon kissed coconut now one of the greatest regarded TIY bars and restaurants of all time is the micai in Fort Lauderdale Florida most of the micai drinks were inspired by Dawn the beach comr the master mixologist at the myai Mariano liquidi had worked with da the beach comr in Hollywood and then in Chicago and he brought many cocktails templates and inspiration from his time with Dawn the M's recipes are secrets they're still secrets to the stay but shortly after they opened they shared the recipe for the moon kiss coconut with Esquire magazine in 1959 this is not the most popular cocktail from the M it might not even be in the top 10 but it's a slightly different style cocktail from the other ones that I'm sharing today and something that's a little bit more tropical and uses coconut Now the recipe for the moiss coconut is out there you can find it and I even did a video for this using the recipe found in the Esquire magazine but today we're going to follow the atomic grogs tribute to the Moonis coconut which is a little bit different than the one shared in 1959 if the idea of the myi is alluring to you at all then you need to go check out the atomic Grog and I'll put a link to this recipe in this episode's description to make the moon kiss coconut you're going to start with two dashes of angur bitters half an oz of fresh squeezed lime juice 1 oz of a rich honey syrup that's two parts honey to one part water 1/4 oz of ferum 1 and 1/2 oz of coconut [Music] milk half an ounz of cream of coconut that's either cocoa Lopez or cocoa 1 and 1/2 oz of our Don Q Crystal 3/4 oz of Chairman's [Music] reserve and since a mukas coconut has that coconut milk and coconut cream it's best to flash blend this as [Music] [Music] well serve this in a hollowed out young coconut or in this case a ceramic coconut mug and I'm going to garnish this with a flour it's my first time having the atomic Grog tribute to the mukus coconut so let's try it it is so much better than most maybe even all cream of coconut or coconut milk cocktails because we're using coconut milk and we're getting honey in there too so it's not over Le Sweet if you're just using cream of coconut the rum comes through and if you're looking for a tropical rum cocktail you got to try the moon kiss coconut the tribute to the moas coconut from the atomic gro.com [Music] we're moving along to cocktail number three and this one is from Jeff Beach bomberry and he is one of if not the most important figures in modern Tiki and tropical drinks without his books none of this Resurgence really takes place while he's Unearthed countless recipes and deciphered many of the Dawn the beach comr codes he's also come up with some of his own drinks including the Ancient Mariner which we are going to make right now start with 3/4 of an ounce of fresh lime juice half an oz of grapefruit juice half an oz of simple syrup 1/4 oz of all spice dram 1 oz of Chairman's Reserve and then 1 oz of [Music] oftd we're going to shake the ancient [Music] mirror serve this in a rocks [Music] glass and garnish with lime wedge and mint all right let's try the Ancient Mariner it's Jeff B's take on the Grog and you get that bitterness from the grapefruit juice you get the sweetness in there you get the all spice dram and you get plenty of rum coming through so there you go the Ancient Mariner from Beach bomberry cocktail number four today is the puka punch the original puka punch was created at the Tik in Los Angeles the bar was opened in 1961 by Ray buan who had worked for Dawn the beach comp and many other well-known establishments before opening tit for today's version we're going to make the adapted version from smuggers Cove for modern Ticky cocktails it's hard to think we are where we're at right now without Smuggler Cove and The Smuggler Cove book for many of you including myself that book is kind of the starting point for your journey into real real Tiki and real rum so this is a little tribute to the tiki tea as well as Smuggler coat start with one dash of angura bitters 1 oz of fresh lime juice 3/4 o of fresh orange juice 3/4 Oz pineapple [Music] juice 1 oz of a honey syrup 3 oz of passion fruit syrup half an oz of velvet valum 1 oz of Don C Cal 1 oz of Chairman's reserve and 1 oz of oftd since a puka punch has all of the fruit juices especially that pineapple juice it's best to flash blend it for this one [Music] going to serve this in a large snifter and garnish it with mint the puka punch it's hard to put into words but there's a certain type of tiki cocktail that should be served in a big Sniff and this is one of them it's juicy fruity it's got lots of rum coming through and really loads of passion fruit you can really taste that passion fruit syrup everything works together so well it's so balanced and while dangerous this is one of those drinks that you could easily have two or three puka punch and the TIY te and smuggers go one more cocktail to go and last but not least it's the my taii the most popular Tiki cocktail of all time and probably one of the most popular cocktails ever it was created in 1944 in Oakland California by Victor burgon Trader Vic and it's the only cocktail today that uses orot or orange Carousel but you can't cover Ticky Basics without it if you're interested in learning more about the maaii I'll leave a link in this episode's description to a 30 video I made just about the history of the ma Thai and the version I'm sharing today is pretty much the same as the original but instead of using only Jamaican rum I'm going to split the base here with the rum to do 1 oz of Jamaican rum and 1 oz of light rum now this split base is what Trader Vic introduced to Hawaii in the 1950s and no matter what you've heard or what people tell you it wasn't until the early 1950s when the ma Tai goes to Hawaii that it becomes a popular cocktail now for my version I omit the rock candy syrup for more orat but you can also lower the orat if you want to and include a qu ounce of raw candy syum to make Trader vix my thae you're going to start with 1 oz of fresh lime [Music] juice half an ooun of [Music] orat half an ounz of an orange curo or grandon 1 oz of a light rum [Music] and 3/4 oz of ofd we're going to shake the my taii by hand because that's how Trader VI is said to do [Music] it serve this in a rock's glass or a My Thai glass a do you know this one you can actually buy just check the episode description below for your own make and drink My Thai glass garnish it with a spent lime shell and some mint there you go the my tai all right we are making progress cuz now we got our final cocktail to try it's the my taii a split-based my taii from Trader Vic it is so similar yet so different at the same time than all of the other cocktails we've had so far now those are for the most part kind of dawn the beach Com or template drinks or building upon some of the Dawn the beach com drinks and this one is just so uniquely Trader Vic it's paired down there's only a handful of ingredients as opposed to you know 8 9 10 to 12 ingredients and if you are new to Tiki or if you're new to tropical drinks and you've not really experienced a truly delicious ma Thai once you make one of these a simple elegant refined My Thai it's going to change your whole perspective on Tiki and tropical drinks because the stuff that you get served out there most the time with pineapple juice and grenadine and whatever else they putting in MA Tai it's not a real ma Thai this is a real ma Thai and it's something you can play around with if if you start adventuring out and getting uh more new rums you can play with them here next to the daquiri the myai it's just the greatest template to use to to make cocktails to try different rums and experience new and interesting flavors so there you go the my taii from Trader Vic so there you go five Ticky cocktails for beginners but really these aren't beginner entry level cocktails these are all real legitimate strong and boozy Tika cocktails I've only had sips of each one of these and trust me I already can feel it uh if you enjoyed this video please give it a like below subscribe to this channel if you haven't already if you want to support this channel more we have a patreon page I have links below to things like this glasswar which you can still pick up these straws right here these glass bamboo straws are from Surfside sips there's a link to that below where you can save a little bit of money and support this Channel and I've got a ton ton of dishes to do now so see you on the next one where Joy is
Channel: Make and Drink
Views: 24,927
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Keywords: cocktails, cocktail recipes, tiki, tiki cocktails, tiki tiki, tiki drinks, tropical drinks, tropical cocktails, cocktail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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