Krita, AI, How Colorize Black and white photos, Using the AI diffusion Plugin

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hello and welcome to stream tabulous so we're going to take a look at kryer today and we're going to take a look at coloring a black and white photo and turning it to color using the AI diffusion crer is free AI diffusion is Free Runs locally off your system it's fantastic if you don't have it I recommend to get it so what we're going to do is take a look at a photo like this one here take it from black and white and turn it to color now it's something a lot of um people strive to do and coloring manually can take a long time uh using certain AIS they might not look realistic or like the original uh person I'm going to show you tricks to get around that and how to do it properly using um the AI diffusion in krider and we're going to do it right after the [Music] intro [Music] so first of all we want to come over to civid Ai and probably want to pick a model and the model that I would recommend is the absolute reality model so if you haven't looked at how to put a model in uh cder um I recommend check out my previous video on how to add models from 70 AI and that will give you more power to actually take and do more customization from within ker so we'll come over now and we're going to look at opening up an image so I'm just going to pick one bear with me one second and this is the image we're going to work with today so what we want to do is we want to set up to get the best results possible um now you might say hey look adobe's got coloring app oh you know the neuro filter in it uh to do coloring now the subscription for it is rather expensive when you take into a year subscription can be you know up $400 or $300 plus dollar you can go out and buy a Nidia graphics card for that and you can use this program unlimited renders rather than have limited renders um you know credits that you run out of very quickly I mentioned before I had the Adobe um subscription um I canceled it pretty much straight away because I ran out of the credits in a couple of hours so it was just absolutely insane cuz you don't always get the renders you want so if you haven't got this program take a look at my video on how to set it up and me talking about it this one here is for coloring so let's get into it so first of off I have [Music] my absolute reality in here so I have already done that as prior video that I talk about it so we want to set that up and I'm going to come down there and I'm just using this one because a lot of the models um that are trained have a lot of females in them and we want a model in this case which has a good training of males uh so we don't get a lot of female renders over top of it but let's talk about controlling it so first of all we want to come down here here's our background we want to create the add control layer and that's going to tell it what it's working from and we want to change this to line up and what it's going to do is it's going to turn this into line up now here is the trick to it we want to come up here and we want to press generate a control layer from the current image so we're going to click that and this is going to take a moment I've mentioned before this is running on an old GT X 1070 and when I am doing this recording it is actually using up my Ram while it's doing it which is going to create some issues one of the things we want to also do is we want to come through and make sure that our image is not a too big size the larger the image the more problems you'll have so always reduce your image size when you're actually um using the AI you can upscale it later now it's generated our line art here and you can see from the original and we can easily turn that down and uh get a good idea of how it's actually coming in over top doing that line art so we can see a lot of those wrinkles and details in there this is the key to getting your coloring renders absolute perfect and what we want to come up to here is the strength and we're going to reduce that strength probably down to about 6 60% what this is telling us is okay AI don't go too much over my image I want a lot of my line art to be visible in the final render and we're going to come up here and we're going to give some description so we're going to say that this is an old man might put the word very in there very old man and I'm going to say that he has in Brackets brown eyes and I'm putting that in Brackets so the AI doesn't think Brown and think the whole image is brown brown skin Brown clothing so we just want brown eyes and we want the AI to understand that brown and eyes is one controlled part and we're going to put gray hair and beard I believe I spelled that right dyslexia Reading Writing problems creates a lot of fun when um my auto spell check doesn't work up here so have to wing it and from there we're going to hit generate you may need to generate a few times to get a good result so keep that in mind and I'm going to show you um a neat little trick to make sure that uh this works exceptionally well so I can't stress enough you want to press this wonderful little star here which will create a control layer which is this and you'll notice that it's created the control layer down here and it has also changed it from working on the background to working on the control layer that's important because if we're just working from the background and we drop the strength down we'll just get a black screen doing it this way we'll actually get our renders working properly now keep in mind this is taking twice as long if not three times longer than it normally would due to the fact that I'm recording at the same time uh I do need to upgrade the system but I just can't afford it so something I'll have to look at later on and the only reason I want to upgrade really is so when I'm doing these recordings um live I don't have to worry about um shutting off OBS reopening it and creating headache with the edits okay and there's our image there and you can see that is absolutely fantastic and you know it is pretty much if I close off that layer and we take a look at it is almost bang on didn't quite get the brown eyes there the ai's gone a bit crazy and it's decided to put him in brown clothing um that is something I'm trying to learned for the confid AI with the way it controls and the way the interface is uh it's a little bit different to easy diffusion automatic 11 um I haven't quite worked out how to control the the weights as they call it so that's that now there's a trick two tricks I want to show you here so we have our image so we can apply that now we come down to layers here we can turn our back on so we have our control layer now if we click this layer and we come down down to this beautiful beautiful layer that we can add there's all different one so we want there we go so we click on our layer and we're looking for if I can find it there is a color layer in here bear with me easy burn okay so you're not going to have it come up straight away so if you want to come down to to darken click darken and cl click on easy burn and that's going to add easy burn to your list okay so if we do color we'll see it like this now the magic comes in with easy burn and just like that we can see the difference so that's easy burn we watch our image and that's normal and you can see by putting easy burn on we're bringing out the underlying control image now if we drop that control image off this is our original image now so what has happened is this one here has become a color layer that's what it's turned it into so instead of working as just a normal layer it is now bleeding through to our layers underneath it so when I click on our original one it colors our original image so we get an absolutely perfect recolor with all the depth all the wrinkles all the details of the original image and this is a trick that I've not seen anyone do and it is just absolutely fantastic and gives you that perfect recolor all the time and when I say perfect recolor it is better than adobe's neuro filters so we can turn our control on and again we get more details if we do that so we can go for the original with all that deep contrast or we can come through and we can turn our control um line art on which is the wide image which gives us all those wrinkles and when we bleed it through we get more depth and more style if we come up to here again and we change this to normal we'll see we lose some of that um gritty lines and some of that contrasting of the details so we'll go back we'll change it to color if we change it to color we can go to our black and white image and we can put color on and we can just get a bleed of a soft color again we click that we go to easy burn we get those Rich colors so they're the two things if you want a bright one you might choose to go for that if you want something which has got the depth of the original image you I choose easy burn so and that's just two different ways of doing it and of course again we can come down here we can click that on and we have a few different options for the way that we're blending our generated image so again one of the most important things that you want to do is right here you want to add your um control layer and then you want to click this one here generate a control layer from the image you want to be on your image so when it first opens up that's the first thing you want to do which is going to create your control liner it will change it to that reduce the strength because if it's too high it's not going to pay attention to your image it's going to take full Liberty and do what it wants so there it is a nice quick one for you and a recoloring method which is beyond any app for recoloring you're going to get better colors every single time that you do this you're going to get you're not going to get those weird orange tones and things like that you're going to get absolutely perfect recolors quality recolors and recolors which are better than even doing it manually cuz you're going to get all those skin textures and that there just with a couple of clicks so quick so easy anyone can do it so get on to it and give it a go for yourself and of course don't forget to like subscribe and get the Bell on and please if you you can share this video to your other social media networks and get the message out there on how to do this it'd be absolutely fantastic uh it's not something I've seen anyone do I've seen people do uh like I have done with some of the previous videos I have done um just the AI recolors but you do lose a lot of that original you know facial features cuz it will change the eyebrows a little bit and you will lose some of the wrinkles but doing it in ker is just absolutely perfect you can't fault the results and it's just with those little tricks of setting it up you'll get perfect results every single time so of course like subscribe get the Bell on leave a comment below get a hold of this app if you don't have the app watch my previous other two videos on how to install it and talking about the app and why it is so good and I will see you in the next stream tabulous video thank you for watching my video and sticking around to the end if you like my videos it'd really help me out if you could like And subscribe it helps the YouTube algorithm to push my videos out there to more viewers which in turn helps me and helps everyone so thank you for watching my video and hanging around to the end and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Streamtabulous
Views: 1,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Android, photos, restore, art, Android photos, old photos, photo Restoration, fun, entertainment, Android apps, Ai, Ai art generators, stable diffusion, computers, krita, adobe, paintshop pro
Id: k1XubBbXZFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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