The EASIEST Barbacoa Recipe EVER (if you’re buying barbacoa there’s 99% chance it’s made like this)

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let's make the easiest barboa recipe ever vaminos if you're eating barboa in a restaurant there's a 99% chance that this is how it's made for this recipe we're using one whole langua and 3 lb of cachete in the 956 we call this Bara espe and it brings a nice balance of lean and fatty meat into a perfect Taco you want to start by seasoning your meat well and then dropping it into a slow cooker I like to use my OG rub which is the perfect blend of salt pepper and garlic add in one small diced onion one or two bay leaves and just a little water on the bottom to to help get it going flick this on for 8 to 12 hours of slow cooking and in the morning you'll be greedy with perfectly cooked super tender and juicy Baka start with that lingua and remove the skin then chop it up then get your cacheta out and pull it apart it literally falls apart all by itself now mix it all together and stuff your tortillas full a shake of salt for preference one taco with salsa ver one taco with salsa Roa and dang this is so good and that my friends is the easiest Baka recipe of all time boom
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 508,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2d99pRdfOzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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