The E minor TRICK Famous Guitar Players Use ALL The Time 😲

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[Music] hi guys thank you so much for joining me very excited to have you here because I'm going to be sharing with you a concept an idea that famous guitarists have been using for I going to see centuries but maybe not decades anyway right a long long time and some of the coolest rests and lcks that we we love to play were made using these ideas and a lot of them are done in the key of E minor um or the key of E in general but E minor gives us a lot of options so I'm going to walk you through a few steps here uh that you can add in and by the end of it you will be able to jam and what I mean by that is you'll be able to pick up the guitar and you'll be able to start making riffs and licks of your own and understanding where all these famous riffs and licks come from how they do it and that really is a a huge step with guitar where you're not in the copying phase anymore you understand how the wrists and licks are made but then you can do it yourself and once you can it's so much fun all right so hope you get a lot from this guys this is something that you know have I have a lot of fun with so let's start so the first thing we need to know is the E minor chord of course all right just two fingers and the A and D string the second fret pretty easy right the next thing we need to know is the open e blue skill okay and that's going to allow us to pick out a lot of uh you know cool refs and licks using these notes okay um we don't want it to sound scaly but first we need to know the actual notes that we've got to work with so the notes [Music] are so let me break that down nice and slow first right we've got 03 or open three uh whatever we want to call it right 03 0 1 2 now I want you to keep a finger for each um each fret that all you to come up and down the string once you've got built up the muscle memory it'll allow you to come up and down the fretboard smoothly and and fastly and pull out some really cool ass FX right so we've got 0 3 0 1 2 02 0 2 3 0 3 0 3 all right 0 3 0 1 2 0 2 0 2 3 0 3 0 okay and the notes you want to keep an eye on right are the the E note right that's a a root note the open e on both uh the low E and high e and the uh second fret of the uh the D string we also want to keep an eye on that tasty blue note here [Music] one on the uh the a string and then you've got three on the G string that sounds really nice is a passing though you don't really do need to do anything complicated but it's sound good all right so once we've got that under our fingers we want to be able to turn it from something that sounds like a scale right so when you got down that just sounds scaly right so the best way to break out of that is to go up in triplets which means I'm going to count to three 1 2 3 1 2 3 [Music] takes a lot of practice and muscle memory right but it's fun just go up nice and slow and then work on speed 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 all right and that is how you start making it sound a little bit more smooth and musical right so once you've done that we're just about ready to start roughing okay the other thing I want to show you is out of this scale we've got a couple of other notes that we can add in here we've got the the blu's extension right which brings us up into shape two of the pentatonic scale right we want to slide from Two and the g up to four 35 on the B 35 on the high e so just think of that as additional notes we can slide up to to give us more options so guys once we've got that under our fingers right I'm going to show you a really simple concept to start turning that into uh some riffs and some some cool music all right so what we're going to do first is we're going to get e- minor chord and we're going to play this all right just two little strums here and what I'm doing is I'm pal muting here uh just ding the strings a little bit my pal and I'm really just getting the Bassy strings here right I'm just going one right I'm going to count to four right that'll be me counting a bar one a two a three four and 1 a two a three a four right and what I'm going to do to add in some little licks and rs to that is is on the four I'm going to just play something right so it's going to go like this one a two a three a four and 1 a two a 3 a four and a 1 a two a three a four and one two and three four and and all I'm doing right there is climbing up the scale and down the scale all right so one a two a three a four and a two 1 0 3 and this note here sounds quite good when you bend it down a little [Music] bit you can walk into it from the other way 03 0 1 2 3 and 1 2 and 3 four and all right now what we can also do is start to add in notes from the scale and just start to experiment with it just keeping that counting going [Music] and I can actually strum down in that because I'm just playing the E minor chord right and just get one of those notes [Music] in the blue not [Music] to all right now that's great but eventually that'll start to become a little bit tedious all right we want to start making some core progressions right so we could really play a 12 Bar Blues we could play Four Bars of that four counts of four then we could bring those two fingers down to an A and play two bars here so just bring these two fingers down one string and just play from the a string the same kind of thing just the same notes right all right so two bars in E Minor again we could do that so two uh four bars in E Minor two bars in a two bars in E again and then we can walk into a B7 right the last four bars of a 12 Bar Blues we go like this see how I just used the E blue skill to walk out in that [Music] all right so I'm going to walk through a whole 12 Bar Blues using these ideas I might throw in a little look like that as well using the extension where I can slide up from 2 to 4 three in the B four down two on the G and open and two on the the D now this like I probably played I think maybe 66 times on this channel so far right so if you seen any other stuff you'll know this like but this is where it's taken from and it's classic it's been used in so many songs all right that you'll know of like wish you were here and um you know lots of stuff anyways I'm going to just jam and again this lesson isn't for you to natur have a progression to play this is to have the tools to do something yourself so watch what I do you can emulate it and whatever we you like or just start to come up with your own [Music] stuff all right guys I hope you enjoyed that if you did let me know in the comments if you did enjoy this lesson then you'll obviously love my Blues course uh in fact all my courses right now are 70% off my acoustic Ascension course my Blues course my lead guitar course uh Community Access live calls all that stuffff 70% off you can check it out in the description or of course uh the best way to accelerate your guitar playing very quickly is to work with me one inone over 12 weeks you can have a little look at the video here and if you fancy it you can apply all right guys take it easy thanks for joining me and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Guitar Made Easy By Tony
Views: 258,927
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Id: y-IxyxBtQJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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