When you get asked to "make something up" Just Do THIS 🔥

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when you first start to play guitar you've got this romanticized idea about playing by the campfire and entertaining all your friends and that's great I've had many experiences like that myself the first one which I'll share with you very quickly was when I was 16 years old I was by a lock with my friends here in Scotland and we were getting really really drunk and we bumped into two older gentlemen who were self-proclaimed Travelers and they were getting crazy drunk as well one of them was getting married as I remember and he wasn't happy about it because it was an arranged wedding with families and he was basically drowning his sorrows and by around 5:00 in the morning everybody was you know in a different state of mind and out of nowhere this guy pulls out this guitar and he starts playing wish you were here and everything just went silent the sun was coming up over the walk and we all just started singing along with them and it was just a beautiful moment that I'll remember for the rest of my life and that really inspired me uh as a guitarist of course course the next morning you know we woke up quite hung over to realize that all of our stuff had been stolen but it was still a good night anyways don't know what the moral of that story was if you do want to learn that you know the the campfire Classics you know the Sweet Home Alabama wish you were here the crowd Pleasers uh I do have a free miniseries uh that you can get in the description you learn those songs but today we're going to be talking about improvisation if someone had to ask you make something up on this spot that we can sing along I mean that happens to me quite a lot just make something up uh that we can you know have a few drinks with and just start you know singing our own stuff and that's what today's lesson is going to be about we're going to play a little 12 Bar blue structure and I'm going to show you how you can just start riffing and creating these cool legs that will you know impress anyone um that doesn't know anything about guitar all right but this is a lot of fun to play but first of all first things first we need to make sure we have the structure that's what makes it sound good good all right and we're going to keep it really really simple guys okay so first of all we're just going to play a bass note all right and we're going to fill it in with cool licks but let's get the structure down first and then I'll show you ways that you can fill it in okay so we're going to start with the EO and we're going to play Four Bars okay so we're just going to take the top string and we're going to play one a two a three a four a one a two a three a four 1 a two a 3 a four a one a two a three a four all right then we're going to come to the E string and do the same thing for two bars one a two a three a four 1 a two a three a four and you can use your own Tempo you don't need to do exactly what I'm doing right but that's the gist of it can back up to the E string and do another two bars one a two a three a four a 1 a two a three a four if you're thinking this is quite boring right now don't worry I'm going to show you how you do the little licks that that make everything sound cool okay so that's eight bars four and E 2 and E another two and E classic spell Bar Blues all right the last four bars we're going to do this all right that's in a B7 all right I'm going to climb into that by going 0 three in the top string 0 1 2 on the A and then just stabing down in a B7 like that okay and just count to four 1 2 3 4 now when I come to the B7 I have to walk in like that so I land on the second fret with my middle finger so I just put my first finger down on the D string the first fret my third finger on the G string the second fret okay two three four stop down and A7 1 2 3 4 okay so again 1 2 three a lick in there A7 another lick and then we're going to do a little turn around something nice and easy like [Music] that okay and I'm just put my middle finger there on three in the B and getting the high you open back to three so 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 [Music] 0 and then I'm going to CL the B7 again like that okay 0 3 0 1 2 and then strum strum so that last B together 1 2 3 4 E7 2 3 4 and all right so that's why it's got the Bare Bones of what we need to do all right so now we're going to fill it in with a call response type lick and you can mess around with this what I want you to take in is the scale and then the ideas um to do this okay so what I'm using here is if you look from the extension of the blue scale 5 3 5 three all right from the e and then slide from your middle finger from 42 and then open all right and then two on the D 2 1 0 and the a 3 0 and the other notes we can work with we've also got the the just the normal open blue scale where we go 3 0 3 0 3 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 3 I know I'm going to over this quite quickly guys but again you can stop and Rewind all right I don't want to take too long um explaining all this stuff now what we're going to do then is create a little call and response type Rick riff who's Rick I don't know um and what I'm going to do is like this right really simple all right so I'm going one two a three and I'm getting this e note here on the fifth fret in the B string like that all right and that's very simple very simple look just one note keeping it simple sometimes is the best thing especially with Blues so that's like the the call right or the question and the response is just sliding from from 42 on the G open and then two on the D getting that e note again all right so it's one at two at three one and two and three okay now you can continue just doing that right or you could start to mix up a little bit so next time instead of going you could do do something like that instead so slide from your middle finger from 24 in the G three in the B back down again open again two on the D this must have been the 56th time I've done this on this YouTube channel all right but it works it's a good Lu right so one 2 and three one and 2 and three one and two uh 3 one and two uh 3 okay switched it up now we're on the E [Music] B all right I switched up a little bit again instead of just going here this note I went 3 five okay cuz it becomes conversational you're seeing things just a little bit differently which is key right it's not about doing something completely different every time you just finding a motif and you're switching it up all right and then last time I did like a double stop thing with a slide with both fingers and get both strings back again all right and again I'm kind of making this up as a goal um and you can too okay just take these ideas and do what you want with it but I will play through everything at the end just so you get some kind of structure to work off of all right so we do the a part [Music] then we're back to the [Music] E and this time we're going to walk into our final four bars all right so we just go one uh two uh three and then straight into that Bas line then just one stab down and we just got to do another leg and keep it quite similar all right so this time what I did very similar slide up with my two uh with the middle finger to four index finger on three back down again open then I like this little thing what you do is you get your two in the D roll over to two in the G back to two in the D and then opening the G like that [Music] all right and then an E7 stop down and then one of my favorite licks as well just two zero on the D two on the the A and then hammer on pull off in the A on number one number one the first fret what am I talking about number one B on the low E and then open all right so [Music] again and then that leaves us uh room for our turnar around kind of make up that up there all right right you get the gist of it and again guys you can kind of move this around to do what you like so what I'm going to do is just play through exactly what I played there uh from start to finish uh and again bear in mind I'm kind of making this up as I go along but you can use those notes the important thing is to make a motif kind of stick to it and experiment a little bit but if you practice this stuff enough with the muscle memory you should be able to pick something up and improvise quite easily uh with a little bit practice so let's go over the whole thing again and and yeah [Music] [Music] enjoy [Music]
Channel: Guitar Made Easy By Tony
Views: 425,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J3TcMfUjEY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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