The Dumbest Scene in Rings of Power | EFAP Highlight

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you see because elf man told her that she had to not let him escape with that object so even if she doesn't quite know what it is that is more reason to look and see what it is that's true yeah that is true it's like you don't even know what it is you mean he told me to chase him and it was just a tomahawk like a magic Eagle Tomahawk that will awaken Sauron is this saon tomahawk was he an avid Tomahawk thrower yeah did he tie a rope to it for maximum Effectiveness Elfman is pretty familiar with this thing and he managed to hold this without even realizing not noticed Beyond and so you're like where's the real one walri has it and he's gone back to the Watchtower he's activated the sword and he's plunged it into this this thing is this big old slot on the floor underneath the uh the little statue that depicts the sword as a key which brings us to I think I should just summarize the whole event first and then we can spend the next 10 years talking about this cuz it's unreal he stabs it down it opens up a little Spillway the for a dam essentially for water it piles out and it all flows down uh a big the big old trench that we saw them building this whole time and the trench ends in a in an opening to a volcano that is dormant and it's plows all the water in there which activates the volcano it erupts like crazy and uh it's it seems like it's there's some level of Supernatural [ __ ] going on here it's like turning the world to Darkness as well like the ground is even becoming you know I think we're going moror mode is the idea you guys remember Mordor it's quite dark I remember Mordor I clapped I clapped when I saw Mordor there's a couple of other things that happen as well uh including but not limited to the pyroclastic flow Adar escaping a conversation between a landal and his son we'll get to all those things we are now going to just discuss this insane [ __ ] uh as best we can I suppose where to start uh this kind of just it recontextualizes everything we've seen up to this point in terms of uh what adar's plan was which is I need to build up my Orcs capture Some Humans dig up that trench ready to open up the the dam to activate Mount Doom and to do that I'm going to need to get the hilt of which I don't know where it is at all I just hope I'll eventually find it and then put it presumably he knew he was going to put it here the whole time or did he discover that this episode I'm not sure that is the plan in fall is that key all meant to be the eye of Sauron probably who know I don't know why the elf when they pulled all the trees and stuff away from the wall didn't immediately just see this because it's pretty obvious yeah it's and and as was said if you fill that with any old thing it's GNA [ __ ] up the whole plan fill it up with concrete man this is evil [ __ ] if you drop a whole bunch of little stones in there until it fills it all the way up yeah like that's it youve You' won you sto take Hammers and break the whole mechanism yeah you could also do that unless it's all immune to being hit by anything like all the evil stuff is for some reason I I still don't know why he's made this complex key to begin with because it's not like he didn't even cuz if it was just a lever you could be like well anyone could set it off so he wanted a locking mechanism but he wanted this to happen to the area so surely it doesn't matter who set it off it didn't need protecting it wasn't meant to be top secret or anything it just seems really over engineered for what could have just been a button well so we have to imagine that back when they were having the big old war was Mordor sorry M Doom not like it goes dormant and then they're like we'll need to reactivate that one day and we're going to do that by piling loads of water in there so what's the best way to do that and it's like well there stream over here if we if we jam it up Dam it up I mean um and then release it all and our future Generations dig a big trench we can line it all up to go straight in there you go that's great we'll we'll Design This mechanism to lock it all up and unlock it and we'll make the key this big old sword I'm just sitting here like so if you have an Army Of Orcs And you're actually near the coastline sort of I mean Jing from the new memorian you're telling me then that with all the work the Orcs did they could have just had loads of buckets right and just sort of TOS all the water in there TOS in I don't know is that reasonable or not I don't know cuz there is actually um an article I don't remember which website's doing it discussing the science of this scene um and whether it's actually possible uh buckets wouldn't have worked because there's not enough water in there and it probably would have evaporated but vaporized before it even hit yeah yeah so you need to get a trench going down I think it's 3 km or 4 km deep which is where the magma chamber is and you need a lot of water in there which would then create an awful lot of steam which would create an eruption of swords and just happened in real life occasionally but Ste steam eruptions are like very different from normal volcanic eruptions they happen all the time pay attention yeah and they don't spe magma everywhere they don't create dark clouds that all of history it would it wouldn't beo where Magma's just or lava's oozing out of it Con constantly you know it would just be like oh it explodes because of the Steam and the pressure and then yeah and then it's done and the Volcan periodically anyway because there's always a buildup of pressure in a volcano and it just sort of occasionally just spurts a little bit of it out and then it's fine again but you wouldn't be able to it with buckets at the point you would need you would need a trench it would need to be a lot of water but then again this sort of poses the the question you know who built the dam in the first place and then if it wasn't the eles who built the dam might they have asked why but if you see yeah because you have to have not just the dam being built being built with this mechanism because the mechanism is clearly integral to the whole design yeah it's not just an addition it has to be done with that you know it needs to be built with that in mind which means it can't have been the elves who built it because the elves would have had no reason to build it with the mechanism leading water into the volcano which means they would surely have asked well what is the what is the purpose and point of this Dam even existing anyway and is it not perhaps notable that this massive trench that we would definitely have spotted from our watchtowers seems to be leading directly to this dam is that a little bit they didn't spot anything in fact I don't know who he wasn't Elfman reported to or who the other people reported to whoever that was it doesn't exist in this show they're like elf command is it supposed to be gilgalad command um I don't know them they're like oh we've been recalled yeah it's like by who and why don't those people care about you for the fact that all of them are dead now except Elfman well say the gilgalad is as far away from this place as it's possible to be because Lindon is far south far Northwest and then you have the Southlands which are far Southeast it's like the entirety of Middle Earth is the distance and you should have you'd think well you do in the law have but you should even in this universe have like multiple different Elish kingdoms factions fortresses outposts whatever between the far uh North West and the far Southeast that you would be reporting to it doesn't really make a huge amount of logistical sense to have him reporting straight back to gilgalad and Lyndon because you couldn't get further away from where you are here well the reason why they get recalled is because gilgalad sends uh gadriel away and then he says that's it the war's over there's peace in our time and then that cancels everything around the whole area so got passed down the chain decision the nobody kid that they never came back like nobody checked yeah we we're just going to have to accept that that's a thing that happened because we see Gil glad later and the elves later and they just don't ask there's no inquiry there's no investigation he like yeah whatever oh I guess the writers just didn't think about it um I just don't know why if you made a big locking mechanism and a dam and all this sort of magical keys and stuff why you wouldn't have just dug the tunnels at the same time why you needed a load of Orcs to come in and finish your plan for you yeah why didn't you have secret tunnel underneath that it could like you just have to like you have to remove the door or mine a boulder or something and then it opens up the tunnels that you dug ages ago because that shit'll last yeah it's really weird that they built all this knowing that our future Generations will have to build an absurdly huge trench that's incredibly long to make this work like uh which is the more difficult part than a dam as well you say that but the thing is if you're Adar and you're like right we can build that Dam we can sorry we can we can dig that trench and we can unlock that down the hardest component of all of this from his perspective I guess you were talking about from when they set this whole thing ages ago I was just going to say like they have no idea where the hilt is up until it's quotequote found it's like so that could have been anywhere literally anyway building that whole trench would been really awkward if they never found the hilt huh breaking down the dam yeah it all relies on yeah I guess they could break down the D is there anything stopping them from doing that is magical stone that you know I assume you could just chisel it away yeah well it's kind of like uh you know how in like the ins they up the dam Two Towers you know like could they could go for the supports of the dam and they didn't have to get a spooky sword that's true the spooky sword just was I don't know I guess it's nice to be looking for it it's really great if you do find it it does make that work easier and so yeah everything really did hinge on this Hilt um we'll have to assume that Adar understood the entire system well ahead of time and so this is in service of creating a world for his Orcs to be happy in right that's the idea mhm yeah Ash goes into the sky blocks out the sun then they can R around so uh he finally defeats the villagers gets a hold of that he and he's like um too collab ever I'm going to hand it to walri and get him to enact the plan while I will become the decoy I thought that was kind of strange I thought maybe you would want to give it to your like most trusted person which I doubt is the guy you met yesterday um how does he have time because if I remember that scene correctly he comes out of the tavern Adar comes out of the tavern and bulr is just standing there and Adar has time to say I need you to do something for me but then the new manorian attack so how in in between the the horse charge and the horse arrival does he have time to say take this hill go to this specific Place find this thing this is what it looks like this is what you do with the sword this is where you put the sword this is how you twist The Sword and this is what will then happen does he have time to do all of that before the horse is hit him I think he would have recorded an explanation on his mobile phone and handed it to him and said play this video when you get there that would have that would have handled it yeah and then you have to believe that walri managed to sneak past everyone and everything to get there um I suppose if he just sprinted into the forest that's probably likely I guess I don't know but he's like he's the most noticeable of the villagers to the other villagers who led the Revolt so the other villagers would surely have been on the lookout well they at least spotted him there and maybe said maybe that's the one part I would give them some level of benefit of the doubt because most of the villagers are currently stuck in the tavern meanwhile if he's just if he comes across as a random villager running into the forest to the new manorian or the Orcs I don't think either side will care that much right which like whatever [ __ ] that guy mhm um and even if the villagers saw bdri running off into the forest I doubt they would be like we must stop him they probably like a that piece of [ __ ] anyway moving on because like yeah he's running like a coward yeah so it's just un real that old man walri with his stupid little spooky Hilt is the reason Mount Doom exists it's pretty insane isn't it I can't Jackson films it's all because of it's all because of burig he is he is the key to everything he create hell and so yeah none of theing plan makes any sense at all in terms of when they would have set this up originally and how they've approached it at this point it's incredibly lucky that everything rolled out the way that it did I um and then and then you start to have these little bonus questions like did walri know how important that Hilt was and if he did why the hell did he let Theo hang on to it when Theo is not even like you know in drinking the cool lady he's not he's not in the can't for him yeah yeah he didn't he see it didn't Theo show it to him in like episode three was it he explicitly says like you took it from my bar like he he knows that Theo's got it and that he took it but then so we have to assume that he doesn't know really how important it is because otherwise he would never have let the just that it is important just that it is that alone should have been enough reason for him to not let him keep it you know yeah doesn't work can't work no matter how how they uh and then there was a problem I if it was the last stream or yesterday's stream but you know when he goes to he leads the revolt and then he just asks Theo to go with him rather than stealing the sword first and taking it off with him like none of that makes any sense yeah but you can't let things not making sense get in the way of a good St get in the way of rings of power especially and a soldier [Music] on what is their plan here why are they just running up to the Orcs randomly uh I don't know but I thought it was funny that the Orcs just casually like we're going to break out now and kill you it's like I guess yeah the form in which that they had them captured was just they're in like a little Zone and they're told to behave I think that's it and demonstrating how much powerful they are now there's no sun sun at this already been blocked out it's still here a little preing it yeah all right maybe the Orcs improve yeah they get a boosted power level also um they show see this guy here near the center of the camera look at that boom boom Boop and vaporized now he just has the weird tism he's like oh no um with a volcano just fully launching to that degree in front of these people within that distance I was just like so all of you are dead uh I'm pretty sure that's how that works yeah especially in this day and age you ain't got this ain't 2012 where you JN cusac in your little car and you can just escape the entire situation okay do there's no possible yeah i' believe hide except if there's like a cell and even like you're not going to be having a good time once the smoke cuz it's the smoke that's the big problem for you really like all of this is bad but once that smoke reaches you like yeah you're done bre it's over you got yeah at the end of the day you got to be able to breathe that's right Airway breathing circulation oh this is one bit right here that I was like uh if you can see that's Theo near the center of the camera see him there that like detonates and look at him in reference to this it's like oh he's [ __ ] that's just that's annihilate him and then you get another shot that's here and he's like whoa that was close I'm fine it's like oh that nearly hit the queen as well by the way and Elfman that would have been so funny if like one little Comet just wiped out Theo Alman in Queen region and broadwind that oh that would have been great oh and hbr is there as well we have new characters yay reroll on new characters yeah maybe be right why does he still have no expression about what's going going on I don't know same with her same with Gad she's come out and said something really stupid though this was her moment of Peace she was just exhausted and this gave her a moment of Peace what wait wait sorry what I can get a quote if you want it's amazing yeah please do I need to know now A Moment Of Peace I have questions by the way this is not something you want to be seeing this is one of those would of like ooh oh I should I need to leave I need to run I see you see the old man to the left there who's who's heading towards us that's a that's a good move you see the people to the right who are running toward the smog uh that's a bad move that that that's because they don't actually know what's in front of them that's a big old green screen they have no idea nobody told them while they were filming I guess he's just sprinting into theing smog cuz that's that's what you do it's vaporizing everything what are they going to do to justify this I told you they'll have she'll be a little dirty but like do they understand am I to believe that this is just a magic a magical explosion that does that is actually less harmful to you than a real person like if a real cuz in a real world volcanic eruption if this happens to you you it this that's it it's over evil volcano so that they'll freeze so it'll be less it'll be less VI vient and dangerous important friend of mine who's a big old fan of uh Lord of the Rings was caps lock ranting to me after seeing this episode um one of the things was he just sort of went on a tangent about how [ __ ] bad he thinks morvi Clark is acting and um I don't blame him what am I supposed to draw out of this expression I actually have no idea well she's a she's awake that's true well some people can sleep with their eyes open like I guess I don't I don't know have the show it does really Jose with the quote I think because I think I saw the one that disb retweeted and ju she says yeah jux toose what she says there with the expression on her face here and see how much of that you picked up wait so what is have we got a quote we can read out uh yeah it's in the she was utterly spent and so exhausted and so regretful that she's completely immobilized and almost is kind of grateful to have a moment of peace I think she's just utterly Paralyzed by guilt fear rage and thousands of years of it y so so like I I didn't get any of that R the crazy thing is that uh before this is what I mean about listening to actors talk about this [ __ ] I would have said best faith interpretation that she thought we were on the verge of finally getting the victory she's always want wanted and then she sees this which annihilates everything and this is so this is like one of the worst moments forever and she's absolutely Frozen by it uh that's the best faith interpretation i' have but she's just added this whole dumbass one on top of it so well I think that the best faith one is is the only one that can work that this is a complete moment of resignation essentially of dread oh well I guess you could have twofold right either dread or resignation but it would probably be dread right like on the cusp of Victory it all falls apart and you you fail into it well I me's dead he's so dead everybody is I don't know how I don't is cuz people in chat are Ming like well it's evil so it's not hard it's like I guess I guess I have to presume that that's the way that it works in this show because that it's over I I but but from like a pure visual storytelling standpoint what do the what do the writers actually think are meant to believe here cuz when I watch this it's like oh is that the end of the show like that's it they lost um and got consumed by going home absolutely none of them nobody's going home that it's over well even the ash doesn't make sense because Ash is black but in the all the trailers and stuff that whole scene where she's covered in red that's this that's the next I just realized from the preview image she's going to be this that scene I remember seeing clips of that [ __ ] before she's going to be in red soot for everybody basically right but how is she breathing how can she breathe how it's so unreal why and I know that the writers and directors will be like this is Lord of the Rings it's a magical will it's like shut up I know I know it's yeah like I know it's the Lord of the Rings but like I presume that when a volcano erupts and you get blasted with Ash like that that's not going to be you're not going to be okay un tell me they're magical 1300 degree fahit the elves can take that because that's how they're made that whole Meteor Man scene with The Hobbit where she fall in and goes oh this is cold that might just be like their setup for this so every everyone's Ming about it I would not be surprised if they think that's so clever why would somebody watch this and go like 10 out of 10 I don't know what it is that would be cool to them about this want to get a job at Amazon is that it epic epic epic epic tragedy epic tragedy and you have a lot of money and there was a fight scene a big action scene that wasn't very good I guess I just don't see I don't see how this could be fun for anybody that that the Mortal was created because F what was a guy's name the crazy old man put a sword in in a little hole and then a dam and then Mount Doom was created like why would anybody be happy about that like if they went to watch Return of the King and they're there there's Mount Doom and you're like ah yeah I remember when the old man put this sword in Old Man w about him that the men will sing songs about him forever more the song of old man and uh yeah that's that's the thing that baffles me about this whole [ __ ] show it's insane the first five hours and I'm legitimately trying to like be of some level of fairness here is like summarize them stories like the Halfords guy falls out of space he's chilling out with our main character who's a part of a community that are trying to migrate that's it full done all of it dwarves it's like well uh they were mining really deep they they've come across mithril they've discovered it and uh it's bit awkward cuz it cost them a few uh mining areas it's like they're not sure about it okay elves oh they're having trouble they're losing the the light of the elar and they they might need mithril to sort that out they've started an alliance in terms of building some stuff with the dwarves okay um the Southlands yeah well uh the Orcs are attacking them um and so they went to the Watchtower to hide out okay and be in mind I'm describing the first five hours it's like right so what else we got left now it's like uh numenorians well I guess galadrial the numenorians she is trying to hunt saaron she is almost sent away but then she decides to come back and she convinces the numenorians to go to the souths and attack the orc incursion that's there and is that is that it have we done is that everything and then yeah and then it's like and then in episode six what happens oh just like Mount Doom gets created yeah just Mordor is know five we had five episodes where like it we wasted so much time and then in episode six it's like oh yeah M dude they realized they had to catch up and things had to happen again leaving the docks of numor and at the end of The Next Episode the war has been completed like what do you mean the war has been completed and then no it wasn't everything goes horrible and now we got Mount Doom and M like we are racing like in episode 6 yeah look at this look at this repeating like this is this is the experience of watching this show just standing there as you're consumed by this cloud of death how can she survive this how can anybody survive this the force of that as well like that you alone would there's so much physics here like temperature the lack of oxygen as you just said even just the blowing away of what's Happening Here it's showing us that all of the the the other objects it's just plowing through the buildings the fences the grass it's all getting annihilated there there is electricity in this thing like I I don't see has own weather systems I don't understanding totally still they want to be like how did did they want to bait that she's died from this and then be like she made it everybody and that's like a catharsis moment for the audience to be like oh thank goodness ouro didn't die Poss how can you bait the gadriel died because they're a special kind of people because the people who like this are dumb well do they not know who she is and that she's very much is not dead like it's a different gadriel I was about to say do we really believe this is gadriel after everything we've seen well right well yeah because I I guess we haven't talked about it that much but like this isn't this is like not Tethered to Peter Jackson's like of the Rings at all right like it's not even continu wise is it meant to be I think it's me to it's not allowed to be like legally connected to it but is it's all in the same universe and it's all meant to be Cannon yes should I guess cuz cuz I've been watching this like this a no this is just like totally different like totally not connected um they keep doing those those coolback very over callbacks to those films including steving some lines oh sure that I I guess it's it's more so that in no official sense in you know in the sense that like um Disney Star Wars like is the sequel to The Original Trilogy as upsetting as that might be because you've got or you've got the same actors same continuity timeline directly and and like the studio that created is the studio that owns all of it whereas here it's like H you know like nobody who made the original except like how Shore is involved you know it's very easy to divor it yeah I've been treating it basically in my head like this is not connected the first time it became clear to me that it's actually annoyed me more than ever is seeing Mount Doom being activated it's like ew get the [ __ ] away from me yeah for for everything that we've seen so far there's a level of like disconnect that you can have but here it's like no I no [ __ ] calling her gadriel is one thing but she's so unlike her doesn't look anything like I'm just like it's fine I can I can just ignore that elron same deal I I you're not him it's fine none that's going on and it's like Mountain Doom is a big old volcano it's kind of hard for me to be like you don't look like volcano yeah um why would anybody be happy with this though as like the way that it I guess I guess it's I guess I'm just baffled by the 10 out of 10 um and I'm not like being hyperbolic like I just I don't understand what would be cool and appealing about any of this IGN gave episode five a seven out of 10 as well so starting from a relatively High Mark well yeah IGN when they do reviews for like media skew higher than video games skew higher for review scores than films and TV shows generally like if a game gets a seven that's kind of the equivalent of if a film gets a five in a lot of people's minds I think IGN does the same thing with their film reviews they scale up big time but even then like a seven so this is three points higher this is a good a good you know 30% what wait [ __ ] I'm I'm messing up my damn probabilities and statistics we talked about this yesterday they think it's markedly better than the last episode why is it because there were fight scenes is it because there were fight scenes and then M Doom exploded like and that was that might actually be it it could be this shot this is I could totally see other people being like this was incredible and be like why this cinema this is Cinema yeah this is what it was all leading up to gadil standing totally still as a massive cloud of Ash just washes over her her hair wasn't even moving her hair stands in defiance of death it def physics yeah they say it delivers exceptional action and character development oh God that yeah we we could read that gorgeous emotional roller coaster that ends with an enormous blow to the heroes you could say that enormous blow all the ground laying paid off apparently that's another thing so all of the preceding episodes was worth it because of thisis so one of their highlighted quotes one of the highlighted quotes is episode 6 showed a masterful ability to weave all this character building into dramatic action sure that's okay sure as well at least like it's finally portraying the Orcs as being more complicated uh and that's good because we need to have a proper conversation about what it's like to have races that are Evil By Nature so that's good thing so they haven't watched the uh the extra credits they haven't watched our coverage of the extra credits video well they need to do I see my video on it yeah this is their uh their little blur at the end right their little statement Master 10 out of 10 Masterpiece the tides of battle keep turning in the thrilling and devastating sixth episode of The Lord of the Rings the rings of power giving us fantasy television at its finest yeah you want to vomit want to vomit really me I I know right like it's I don't I I do not understand what the appeal would be for this show given that there are like no characters in it basically who are the characters in in this show like is in if you sat somebody down who if you sat down the person who gave it a 10 out of 10 it's like can you just list me like in dot Point form five traits of gadriel the main character just like five traits that she has dot Point them for me even that I'd be curious they're going to be negative they are going to be negative um I would say arrogance is a huge one vanity narcissism like this's this's headstrong I that's not negative enough headstrong need to be yeah Reckless is better negligent maybe yeah y I'd go with that these are all very fair uh socially inept like she has no idea how to work with anybody yeah and these are all unintentional these are not the traits that they it's just and and then once you go past them it's like well if you went to a different character could you list more than three traits that they have cuz they all generally have one and even like that one is a very generic nebulous trait yeah it's not a strong one like you're you're not a complicated character but you have this very strong trait about you that's you know interesting to watch one note isn't necessarily boring Elfman is basically his trait is protagonist that's like his trait he's like the generic hero man I will do what is right because being right is good and being good is right yeah he's he's generic hero man and then it's like what about ELR it's like elrond is I don't know kind of like a liar alive I thought you just said he's just alive he's around he exists I just say that he's like he's like generic elf man basically like generic he's he's he's what even is a generic elf in this show we learned so little about like kind of just Aristocrat basically like that's it like generic sort of arist Aristocrat character who's or Posh maybe that's it he's Posh that's all that's the only thing that I could use to describe him but you I I struggle a lot of the time well okay let's do an easy way you can describe nory's traits she goes off the trail absolutely fry go for it oh yeah she's uh she's not like the other Hobbits that's that's that's her well what else she goes off the trail right she does things different the only thing that you would describe is she's basically that she's pey that's that's basically who she is she beat and happy watch the show with the actress and be like I have been watching six hours of this do do you feel this is real good for Nori do you do you feel it I blame you or the director wow it's got to be the director surely can you imagine like the amount of characterization that it's in every scene of Lord of the Rings and every interaction you have with everybody and everything and it's just so frustrating they couldn't Le anything hello you just listen to a segment of the podcast every frame of pause or EAP hosted by YouTubers mer rags and fringy and joined by a cycling variety of guests across the internet they critically analyze media with exhaustive detail while pausing at every single frame subscribe to the EAP Channel and catch new episodes on Saturdays as well as catch their smaller videos reacting to the latest and not so greatest movies and TV shows throughout the week you can also subscribe here to EAP highlights for the latest shorts clips and Super Cuts also uploaded throughout the week 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Channel: EFAP Highlights
Views: 36,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Frame A Pause, EFAP, MauLer, MooLer, Rags, Fringy, Podcast, Live, Media, Video Games, Movies, TV, Show, Amazon, Rings of Power, Lord of the Rings, The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, Bezos, Prime, Episode, Critique, Review, Criticism, Rant, Sucks, Bad, Horrible, Awful, Galadriel, Mount Doom, Scene, Eruption, Pyroclastic Flow, Volcano, Mordor, Creation, Sauron, Book, Books
Id: dNTOX5ayNoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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