Objectivity in Media Criticism | EFAP Highlight

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before we are presented with such ideas if someone said to be like well what is an objective review almost to like dismiss the idea I just be like well I assume it's going to be you're more so describing what is right that's just going to be the main thing it's the simplest [ __ ] thing I could possibly come up with like a colloquial understanding um yeah this is a game it has this yeah like and and then you can expand that in interesting ways it's like much with reviewing literally anything doesn't work like this is how these things mix match and here done you can elaborate and get as detailed as you want to be like the simple version for all of these would be like this is a cake there you go my objective review is done or this is a car this is a video game and like there's there's a sentiment I'm not saying this is Jim sentiment but there's a sentiment of like that's as far as you can go and it's like well I mean we could talk about what's in the cake about what's in the car if you're a boring loser then yes that's as far as I feel like that's not even a review you're just stating like something yeah you you can make you can make qualitative objective observations of video games too like you can say something like this game has a consistent frame rate and it is always running well and that is objective because it either does or it doesn't and it will affect whether the game is good or bad as a result as far as I feel like frame rate is the easiest one to talk about because it's like the higher the higher the frame rate means the faster the response TR resolution too if you if you point out it's like this only goes at 140p You' be like oh I like games at 140p in fact I prefer to play games at 144 if one person says I like playing games at one pixel by one pixel it's like see now you can't be objective about anything because somebody Express the preference all they would have done is removed the part where you could say this is bad for everyone instead they they've rolled you back to stating that that's the case and I still think that that should count as a review you you've provided information that's not going to be commonly understood and it's useful information for many people yeah and you could still be objective while looking at the camera in funny ways that indicate exactly what you think about each of these things the tone of your voice and and if someone was like well that's what you're letting your biases sneak in just be like okay so we have to be incredibly literal that cuz if that's what he's saying if literally like if I said oh I love TJ they'll be like see you're implying you don't like it I should like like no I'm not implying anything I'm just were you saying that an objective review has to be said in a flat Tone If you define it that way then yeah they're going to start getting boring I don't even know how they justify that the spe thing yeah the robot the Texas speech robot yeah that's it I don't know I've seen some Texas beach robots that have a tone that's it could have a bias in it worked well for RB and the chief exactly the robot has a bias it's like I really like RPGs I don't know but I guess I'll try and what are these things that he's got I recognize something from undertale those are boglins boglands yeah those another thing from the 90s right or were those 80s I think there are actually 80s yeah this do not ring a bell tomato at all looking for a good home maybe yours oh dang you speak and he shall come or something speaking of boglins like king of Arby and the chief yes that was Bo well if it isn't John cjg how' you do yeah hello we just got started we're talking about reviews and literally just got ARB and the chief mentioned and that was unrelated you know love it nice um mentioned in the context of good use of text to speech yeah yeah oh I mean you know I don't think I've I don't I'm pretty sure I told you when we first had the podcast but man you're the effort you put into the subtitles to make sure everything comes through of how Chief speaks this top notch R oh yeah with punctuation More Than People realize like uh because it makes it sound different if it's like a question mark even though it's not a question you can kind of make a scented sound it gives it like a natural inflection yeah I can imagine you probably have to test a whole bunch right like getting them to say the word the way you want him to but you can still write it down the way it's supposed to be understood and stuff I used to test it a lot but I've done it for so long now that I can just I can I can read a sentence and I know exactly how Microsoft Sam or Mike are going to say it like I don't even have embeded in your mind yeah it's been like two th since 2007 or something I'm just I'm an expert at it now um if you scroll up you'll find a a watch together link we're checking out um Jim Sterling's objective review it's like a criticism of we don't want objective reviews we want people to biased and we're just going to see what what's said what's implied okay thank you for filling me in uh do you have a watch together thing yeah yeah scroll up you'll find it I can uh repost it I suppose it's right under the adorable Rags plushy get one get one today awesome thank you for call 800 444 Rags 444 rag 1800 1800 69 69 69 jacked in I'm ready my my origin name is800 get Rags yeah it is you can call that and who knows what will happen interesting um if there's this if if I sound like a scared woman on the other side telling you to go away that's just my little joke don't let me don't let me fool you I'm in on it who's this theing about I don't understand uh all you've missed is is the idea that this is a remastered video so uh it's from a while ago but it was in response to people saying wow I wish people would be more objective when reviewing God of War which was was that 2018 or 19 2018 2018 2018 so um this video was put out I see okay this isn't funny it's all right so enjoy that Final Fantasy 13 is a video game released on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 it was developed by square enx it Stars characters one of the characters is called lightening and that is the main character of the game that can be played now you can probably understand what's happening here already by the yeah and now it's all like okay so we got another four minutes of this and I already get it and I can already tell that this is yeah we've gone substantive we've teared above so you can do this with the hypers subjectivity all right the equivalent to this with hypers subjectivity is just going I like the characters I like the story I like the fact that it's a game I like that it's by square NX like there you go I'm done review over in my opinion yeah review's over we did it this actually has nothing to do with being objective cuz like one of the most frustrating things about this is like wow you sound so bored and it's like yeah because objective views are boring it's like okay so there's a lot of creators on YouTube who do this and are highly successful because of how entertaining they are absolutely this is where what we call the talent comes in yeah um you find this a lot of the time with some documentaries there was that video that I think I mentioned a while back on E where it was like comparing documentary Styles ones where they basically dictate how you should feel about things and then ones where they show you what's happening and it's so like the event itself is so um interesting or or uh a particular way that that's enough to just make you feel things from the fact that they're just showing you stuff that is they don't have to add anything to it and I find that like you know if if someone's trying to bring down a game and they show you a compilation of the hitbox is not working or the AI not working is if someone was like this is boring it's like is it I don't know no I seem to recall that total biscuit did it pretty well exact I was literally about to say I miss total biscuit yeah we need him more than ever he's literally the reason that I started making content he was huge inspiration yeah for me it was Hitler he that's mine total Hitler so this is this is the first time that I've I've sorry to uh interrupt your no we can fill you on Hitler you okay found upon Hitler somewh please um so this is the first time I've actually seen this video by what's his face um is is the argument here that if you're in including any sort of uh excitement or or emotion then somehow the review is bad I think what I think what I think he's trying what I think he's trying to say about the like this topic is this idea that you there is no possible way to like make an interesting review that is worthwhile to anybody unless there's elements of subjectivity in there bi and significant ones too and it was probably in response to some criticism he received I would imagine yeah you know this reminds me a lot of the stuff of that stupid [ __ ] they say about how everything is political this is a way for Jim right is if people go to to Jim and say Jim you've got a really big bias showing here on this review he'll make a video like this to try and justify why it's okay to be biased in the same way that somebody could make an extremely political uh you know slanted review of something and people complain about it and they say oh well actually you don't want something not political cuz actually everything's political and they try and justify it that way it's the same energy I would also say that like we they try and turn it into a binary all the time when it's clearly a scale like if if for example I did a whole objective review and there was one moment where I go though I do like this character even if it is just for the little blue hat I really find it cute moving on and like you know and someone went wow your review is worthless when you said you like the little blue hat it's like oh [ __ ] um versus this this video game is one out of 10 I hate it this game and it's like beloved you're just like oh [ __ ] like seems like something's going on that it's like because Jim been through this a couple times um the three I remember are Zelda the the um of the wildell blade don't forget hellblade suu sacrifice and uh as far as I was concerned ukulele like I think he gave ukulele like a two or three and I was like hell Jesus because because L is racist or some [ __ ] there was some really I was going to say watch my ukulele series there are some weird arguments Jim comes up with you didn't hear about that oh it's been it's been a long time I I probably did hear about it at the time because I have watched like M's videos on it but again it's been so long since I've seen them there's so much in there that you you know you don't remember at all but I can believe that Jim is dumb enough to do that it's like um it's like an escape hatch in Tims of like well [ __ ] it everyone's got biases in there leave me alone it's like yeah but we're highlighting that your ones are fing up the whole thing do you not see the difference it's like okay when I say I like the blue hat people can recognize that pretty much self-evidently as just me subjectively saying I like this hat and it doesn't it's very self-contained yeah I feel like we're almost missing the the the obvious part though when it comes to the idea of because I think I think the big um thing that's getting pushed back against in this video is the idea that you can make any qualitative assessment at all without immediately becoming subjective but feels like that can't be the case if we have defined like definitions of things and then we can use those definitions to figure out exactly how well something is is doing it being like that for instance if you have a hat and it's got like a massive hole in the top of it and then like whenever it rains you get like soaked in water is like oh this is a this is a neutral hat this is neither a good nor Bad Hat despite the fact that it's failing to do what it fundamentally needs to do and that's the thing someone would be like ah you're saying if something fails its purpose then it must not be good and it's like so to be more specific CU I had this trouble with the hit boxes in DS to people were like what if I like it when the hit boxes don't match the models so what if I like it if I get my leg broken by a sledgehammer humans are amazing like that so I was like okay but hitboxes are defined to like as a as a skill set as a craft they're supposed to do this this is what they are designed for what we have here are a whole different subset they're really good shitty hit boxes they are excellent of being this other thing cuz they're clearly not hitboxes cuz they're not doing what hitboxes do like definitionally as we've all come to label it and understand it rock it in stone what is a hitbox it's like it's supposed to apply to the model and it provides you uh damage or whatever a marker cuz the the model itself doesn't that's the way it looks versus the way it's programmed and it's just like no that's subjective it's like okay well me pointing out that the hit boxes are out of sync with the model throughout the game is still uh going to be very useful correct you can make up your mind on that if you want but that's exactly whether you like what the information is I mean that that's on you but the information is what it is I think that Scroll of Truth near thing isn't it I think people that like bad hit boxes probably also like MCU smoke monsters oh yeah MCU smoke monsters are the bad hit box boes of superhero also I don't I don't uh I guess I just I don't really fully grasp the the argument that they're making where you can't be genuinely excited for something that is objectively good or you can't be genuinely upset at something that is objectively bad like you can point out something that is not subject uh excuse me something that is objective and you can be happy for it which is kind of like a subjective uh you know feel but it I I don't see how that how that kind of changes anything like if if you're if something is bad or something is Good from an objective point of view um I I it doesn't really change the the the review like I I guess I'm I'm kind of failing to I mean most of these arguments don't make sense but I guess I kind of don't understand like so I get what you mean right like do you lose anything by watching somebody try and do in that way even if you disagree with the notion that it's possible do do you not get a single thing out of it or is or is your issue just with the fact that they've labeled it as such which I guess is one thing but like what do you what does this video have to do with getting that point across I would almost argue a classic direction of this as well is that two people have come to the conclusion I hate character X and then you ask them oh why and then they go ah I just don't like the way that he talks to people all the time he's like he's like a real [ __ ] you go why is that do you not like [ __ ] characters it's like and after a while you get out of them like they kind of remind them of the abusive father or something you're like oh [ __ ] okay yeah no that's I I understand meanwhile second person is like no I just don't like him cuz he just doesn't make a lot of sense to me like he's angry all the time but um everything like that in terms of his actions are always incredibly like useful helpful and positive uh or or something trying to highlight something that just doesn't seem to work for them and they they're getting confused as to how they can get invested in the character it's like very two very different conversations um and you you could call them objective subjective based on it's this experience they have that's forcing them to to experience something that you can't possibly you wouldn't have the same experience meanwhile the other person it's like you might actually take that information in because it comes from the content you might even conclude the same thing or you could be like no no no that's the point they are they're angry exterior but the actions they take are always in favor of people because they don't actually feel that way they just they just want people to look at them that way or you have like a lot of information to support it and I find that the conversations are super interesting when you can recognize the differences instead of saying [ __ ] object like being objective in any way everyone just say how they feel about stuff like oh okay think about you're buying a car when you're buying let's stick with a car analogy so I need if you if you have to choose between both sides of in an extreme sense a purely objective review which is basically a an exact description of something and a pure subjective review which one will actually help you pick out the car that you need the best absolutely the objective one I mean yeah yeah I don't know if anyone could disagree I suppose there someone out there was like well I don't I want to know what the feel of the car is I don't care about imagine trying to construct a building not being extremely objective well that's thing there's no there's there's no room for be thrown in jail yeah there's no room for that in um like I how to categorize this but um building a house or or architecture and stuff still still a skill set and artwork like you can still make incredible at the same time when you build it if you [ __ ] up any of the regulation like you can't go well it's subed no Integrity needs to be objective foundation when the building inspectors roll up to your building and they measure the grade of your handicap accessibility ramps I feel like it was flat enough is not going to be a good defense when they hand you a big ass fine and tell you that you have to spend even more money to change it all right my parents are ARS for those who didn't know and they have to do that stuff all the time they get hired to go out and check buildings and make sure they're all up to all the codes and everything to measure um to do a bunch of surveying work but also they they talk often about well if we do an addition we have to have the style of the addition we want it to match the building that's being attached to but we also should take into account what are the other buildings around should it match them as well we don't want it to stick out like a sore thumb things of that nature so it's a huge mix of you know Beauty and you know whenever houses come up in these conversations it's impossible not to reference the uh The Simpsons episode look at the house that love built it's just like was that it's like well in my opinion a house that falls down as soon as it's been built is good so there's no such thing as a good or bad house and it's like you could say that but let's be real nobody people sorry I was just gonna say it's like nobody really believes this like including Jim because they were definitely be games that he considers to be just completely irredeemable or completely broken awful terrible I'm and I'm not going to worry too much nor do I think anyone should really worry too much about trying to really win over the the crazy ass people who are in the vast minority fringes who are just nuts yes um as much as they probably exist through mathematical probability of times wish they were more honest though cuz like we've seen it with so many people we cover where they will slip randomly into oh yes this is bad though this is wait wait whoa that goes the room is a bad movie it's impossible not because again nobody believes that custers revenge and like Grand Theft Auto can be compared in terms of like quality there's nobody in the world who was sitting there and unironically going to pretend like it's interchangeable whether those games are as good or bad as each other and theft auto is kuster's Revenge yeah basically the same they're both misogynist yep remember when the Chinese built that hospital in like a week or something and everybody said that's impressive like yeah the hospital fell apart and it sucked [ __ ] how longes it take to fall apart I didn't know that yeah I didn't know that saw that I saw some pictures of the foundations like just like cracking in a horrible awful way like something out of a disaster movie yeah well yeah um reg regulations are incredibly important and they're used because of health and safety you can't like lucky for well to a degree rating systems are an example of actually trying to get some level of objectivity in terms of what is in the thing so that we can properly represented to the audience of course there's going to be uh biases with how people execute it and confusion in terms of the rules cuz they're rating like thousands every day or whatever um but it's still an attempt to be like this is what is in there and I'm going to represent it with a symbol um because you need to know for the safety of your you know children or people who aren't uh equipped to to view what's going to happen and stuff and it's just like there's no space to be like it's fine though it's all blah blah blah it's like no no no no we can't got to get this stop it especially when we get into mathematics stuff um when we're when we're dealing with things like that that are as pretty much as objective as you could Poss get because they're they're essentially constructs um they're not even a part of the universe in the sense of even a solipsist would probably have to agree that mathematics are provable things you can't pull the it's just subjective card on stuff like that and it's why it's the goto you know the two plus two is four thing you can't you can't get out of that we've said before as well that if you want to pull the card of we are human beings we are like fleshy creatures that exist there's no way we can view or understand anything in an objective way compared to the universe whatever it's just like man that is so useful can't wait to use that for everything could be in The Matrix so everything's [ __ ] it's like no go away crazy person like I I get that but like I'm a human being this is all I've got like in ter of understand yeah this is our maximum capacity for all awareness we have so it's like well what you can do is if you really feel that you can go away and the rest of humanity can continue to use the scientific method and all of these other incredibly reliable methodologies to arrive at the best explanations for the truth of the universe and we'll keep building civilizations and Advanced Machinery and philosophies and stuff and you can sit there and you can [ __ ] about it and it's worth noting um being objective doesn't mean being reaching some level of absolute truth hello you just listened to a segment of the podcast every frame of pause or EAP hosted by YouTubers mer rags and fringy and joined by a cycling variety of guests across the internet they critically analyze media with exhaustive detail while pausing at every single frame subscribe to the EAP Channel and catch new episodes on Saturdays as well as catch their smaller videos reacting to the latest and not so greatest movies and TV shows throughout the week you can also subscribe here to EAP highlights for the latest shorts clips and Super Cuts also uploaded throughout the week links to all the relevant channels can be found in the description section below as well as links to their communities on Reddit and Discord thanks for watching
Channel: EFAP Highlights
Views: 31,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Frame A Pause, EFAP, MauLer, MooLer, Rags, Fringy, Podcast, Live, Media, Video Games, Movies, TV, Show, Jim Sterling, Objectivity, Subjectivity, Discussion, Critique, Criticism, Debate, Conversation, Objective Critique, Objective Criticism, Subjective, Objective
Id: ZpVn95OvL4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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