The Dumbest 0 IQ Fails *FUNNY*

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we found the dumbest people in the world and put them all into One Singular video so we can laugh at them what oh no imagine like he's on his first date the girl's Ked out she's done that was my biggest ick when a guy can't jump over a pole the [Music] sound that's the worst that is Bar None you stink oh the future is here man 2024 wa jump off jump off that'd be so fun I've got actually a bad feeling about this oh no oh no do you hear everyone dude he has a watch party they're all selling weak characters ah okay this is a wait pause that what is that 140 gym people do anything but be normal bro thinks he's hurt let see maybe do some normal I mean he's got a what what the he does look like Santa Claus I don't know if you saw him but he was he was like pointing at his knee I really hope this isn't stage and some random guy just is like let me get on Daddy's lap oh come on oh oh they're busting out at a wait this is at a high school basket oh like they heard of only wax on but not wax off dude imagine this whole team just gets injured before the game that was so synchronized that I thought that looked purposeful With the Enemy team of the waxers that is freaking big brain oh my God this poor girl dude just get out of the car just you got to just like get out of the car who gave bro dad privileges this is Uncle Uncle or like a really old brother like a little too young to be like a good uncle I don't know how to relate to it so I bully it oh oh you don't care boy just got cocked what did he say it's like basically like a sealant and he just sealed his lips that guy can never show his face on the internet again wait this is a sick room oh no oh no this is like probably a $4,000 camera B let's look at this in a different light she's cleaning the camera it's so sad cuz she trying to do something wholesome for her dad my sister trying to get into the back seat of my car that is not how oh no who is going to tell her what's the issue with this I know usually the cars just have oh and she's not even blonde that's the worst part about this clip she had to have dyed her hair bro that's a blond if I ever seen it asleep with eyebrow oh no dude oh God she looks she looks like a chab what's a chab like a dude a strange looking British woman oh I can see that wait was she role playing as a British lady oh no the Mountainside Grill as two for one juice sh oh no come to be fair this is probably everybody's first experience on a ski Li if you've skied or snowboarded before it's pretty hard for the first time getting off these people don't look like it's their first time though your favorite dish oh la dish I like mugs because they're very comfortable in your hand favorite dish that's my favorite dish oh no she is a bot she knew what she was doing she a troll oh no no no no no no put it all the way push it up push it up just oh that's a hard one you need to push it all the way up man all this bad food I need space Oh my God thank God I looked away cuz something bad could have happened oh yeah yeah yeah something bad definitely could have happen thank God it D it why do people like to jump on these safety poles what country is Canada in oh no oh no this can't be real this can't be real is this on the Santa Monica fee they like Quebec like there are French Canadians they speak fren in Canada broe this is ridiculous I'm getting I'm getting P me vibes from her bra like she's trying to be like funny but she's just dumb I don't think either of them genuinely know the United States oh that Canada oh that Canada oh out of my three options of Canada that's the one if you want to be a content creator just go to the Santa Monica Pier my parents had friends over and now I know why my dad kept stepping out oh my this is a respectful dad I don't know would your dad do that he went out like he's a Kingdom Hearts character started peing at the Moon he thinks he's so smooth too this is the problem with cameras I got Audio Oh this is why I'm thankful that we live in Texas so in this case you just cancel all plans and just wait for it to fall I don't know like how do you defrost this you need to get like an oversized blow dryer I need a freaking Fire Nation member I need somebody like freaking gust on that or something hello Zuko here what are you doing lady oh she thinks it's one of she thinks it's a sensor oh no lady it's okay she got played she have an off day we all have those days she looks sleepy oh we're going to D her is she painting the wrong color or is she not painting The Shadow oh it's the shadow okay that looks so deceiving though looking at it like that it looks like a big stink that one spot's going to have like 50 Shades of paint oh oh I like this penguin hat no I want to see what's under the pan oh that's so dastardly that's so sad how you mess up eggs the Amazon driver forgot to put the handbrake down oh no oh no but he's got time please notice go oh no it's it's picking up speed go buddy go this guy has absolutely no game we're going to see him run we're going to see him run y Yep this is every time I queue up with teammates the awareness just ain't there BR needs to lock in okay have you seen these Bagel Cutters these seem so unnecessary you spent $39 to cut up a bagel to the kitchen come here a butter I mean like maybe just scissors cut that boy open mhm it going to take you like 10 seconds it's about the same speed y you got to you got to go buy the expenses girl okay I don't know if that's like what inflation is or whatever but like whoever made Williams Sona ble cutter you are a marketing genius it did very expensive not good stuff very expensive not good stuff I shouldn't have been trusted to record my friend's proposal oh no what are you doing oh no she's got ADHD no pan back to them you you got to be kidding me no way tell me this is stage hope this is fake that's not even funny bro if it's her friend or his friend they are no longer in the bridal party when your beard gets a little to close to the drill oh no oh what a clean cut that is a nice Cut I like that that be so painful no no dude you just guys the rice fell guys the rice fell I don't know guys I don't know what happened I just like spilled tonight's dinner sorry I would eat that yeah I would eat it anyone who doesn't eat that is picky what are you goinging here why did he do that did he just smell to his butt you know there's a million cameras what are you doing did my guy just pocket a fart and go for a quick sniff what if she smelled it dude there no game who is this actor and how can I become his fan K that guy out the red carpet wait for it that's my fault I I did tell the guy that the rebar should be two or three in from the top of the concrete that doesn't look right about two it's you know it's a defense mechanis a half that ain't no two or three in bro that's what the gator guy needed I don't know what that means for him but that looks bad he not good all right we're playing hide and seek play the grand champion we'll be the judge of this we've done a couple hide and seeks Ready or Not Here I Come Dean I wonder where my son is I wonder where he could be 5 Seconds to dog no what is he doing no way is he trying to do you hear the kid giggling he's like does he thinks he's camouflaged look at the Mom Mom's dying I can't wait to have a kid to do that with he got your IQ that is low key my hiding spots in our hide and seek videos it's adorable but it's so bad where are we going here we're doing some we're doing some shopping oh my gosh spell it with me unsanitary there was a girl who got arrested for doing stuff like this people be real eaters in this world she can't keep getting away with this you got to HDE your melons folks no no oh no oh no that is paint day ruined week ruined if you would month ruin if you will I thought maybe the baby was going to like push her off the bucket I didn't know it was full of paint hardboiled egg oh it's in the microwave it's going to explode I think this y yeah I knew it why did that happen that pressure my guy spontaneous combustion it's spontaneous look like a Droopy Dog what did I just do oh no this is impressive though what kind of material is that I don't know okay so if you get it up there how do you do it though oh please tell me he wins I I want to see this b a w no it's it's going to I knew it man that's not D ruining or anything that's not that bad let's get it baby yeah flip it oh my the bro just spill a bunch of sea pickles on his head all over his freaking head they look like wieners but they're not they're wrapped in leaves here we go we are going to try and Shred the chicken shredding the chicken with a hand blender not a bad idea yeah but what about the plastic isn't going to get I just know help me understand why doesn't she just do the exact same thing but without the plastic what does the plastic add I don't know if I want to cook my food in like the plastic like that either oh idiot oh my gosh why are can you do that hopefully for Christmas he gets back surgery what IQ is this two oh now we have driving IQ don't hit the cop idiot turn the lights on what were you oh no this is a dad and his son if I was the cop I would just turn the lights on to scare that kid for the rest of his life yeah I knew it wait a second but he's not done like yeah I did it once but now oh yeah he's done never mind he's sorry I thought he walked back in it again why did oh bro there's caution tape for a reason that's Nega five IQ somebody's got to be on the other side turning on and off right yes there's something in the left hand corner do you see it you see that you don't see it what the heck you don't see like button right there oh there a please like the video if you're gullible like Scott a little rat look at little rat hello little rat oh no little rat what is it that's not a rat not a rat wait that's a that's a water snake it's not a water snake Okay what is that that was a that's a marsupio I don't know think it means what do you think it means what are they called help me out yo she's getting sucked what did he say oh these are lip kit things wait are why are you cupping your face you shouldn't cup your face Legend has it she's still purple today this is like supposed to bring blood to the surface supposed to be good for the muscles or the skin but you're not supposed to do it on your face yeah no oh holy this is the problem with white girls they try to walk and die unfortunately that's something key would do and my wife we married white girls do you think my grandma noticed I died in here do you think my grandma my grandma noticed I died in here do you think my grandma would notice that dude it looked like a Smurf sneezed all over her pause it right there with the feet why are you trying to look at the feet I I goldens are sweet but they can be kind of dumb Scott has a golden I love it it's my niece but uh yeah they're definitely not the most uh it's so sad cuz it wants to be a good dog but it just it's too dumb oh no no dad in theck no he's got a VR headset on this never goes well no no no no he's playing football no no I don't know dude these Boomers get so immersed with technology it's crazy Taurus throws bottle at chimp who serves it right back that's what you get for littering buddy that monkey is smart I would have thought that that was a start of Revolution wo what's going on here no oh no no she's trying to avoid the puddle no that's too much no no no no no no no no no no no no you don't need what oh that her phone that's what you get bro no okay that's what you get now she's in it now she's just fully submerged in the water to get this that's probably something I would do what is it with people losing their phones this is why we need to invent a new pants oh we could call it the griffy pants why are you filming me don't worry about it say it again I YK YK me if you know you know I don't know though I'm asking why did you bring your camera out no I keep she might be really blonde Scott if you know you know I don't I ky makes sense Fire Nation if you know you know right wa no please no no at least it's just his sunglasses not his phone what are you doing no freaking way there's no engine in there it's it's in the bottom it's a Tesla you can't put gas in it either it's everyone's looking at them you can't put gas They're laughing I really hope this was a scripted bit do you think maybe they didn't know what car they're driving it's like a rental car exist wait that was not smooth Ladi oh is oh that's like us being like you want to see a magic trick subscribe and the button changes colors oh we got some Wasabi no I did not yes you did oh oh no boy just had shrekoning on his back wow okay get it boy yeah oh bro he never been allowed in that Walmart again Bon Walmart I want this seesaw no I know this is sick okay so the dad gets dunked is that kid making fun of his dad he look at this little this little shrimp is over here making of his dad oh he's not helping him he's not helping him what are you doing oh and then you fall in the water it's not stairs buddy whoa whoo what are you doing that hey who careful don't load that thing wo don't point it at us all right boom that was my reflection melon melonas he can't face it not yet oh no wait what's that Pablo Escobar meme where he's just over his Fallen Empire we need to know in the comments was it the guy's fault or is it the car's fault what how did you even have to ask that look at this l oh my that makes me so angry when we first moved into our new place I did the dryer and it was like this it was L it was like sedimentary rock this is apparently not common knowledge but that is dangerous I love ring doorbells yeah me too let us see so much sorry up Budd Hi man we're good okay can I just say that if people could be this patient and accepting of things we would live in the best world possible oh got a dumpy no no what are you trying to prove he's trying to flex in front of his students oh you trying to jump through the window we're not going to hire this guy as a stunt double for the next presson video also don't do stunts and slides what are you doing man they are called slippers for a reason you should go help them me oh no oh there speed bumps it's just bad architecture design I respect the beautiful Earth that God gave us which is why I'm excited to announce that I can now officially show my respect with our brand new Earth flame t-shirt only available at firem Link in the description oh man oh no top golf no there there is a net there why there's a nette she has a little bit of grape juice and then all a sudden like oh my God my sity sister and then that both their phones fell out of the par yes thank you so much so much oh no oh no thank you for being so dumb thank you for being so dumb the freaking demon oh my God God I hate cats look at it eyes change they're all waiting for that moment to kill you I already have this Theory I think that cats are telepathic wow we got a frozen door does it does the handle break off oh no no no no don't tell what do you do you got to break the window at that point hey OB you ke are in the door I follow you on Tik Tok I've already seen this by the way you don't have your seat belt on Sir you'll pull right up there for me no way we are truly living in the future of web 2.5 I love this cop man this is 1,00 IQ cop he's amazing this guy's trying to rob this person's house he's trying to cover the camera with spray paint does it oh it works until it doesn't it goes away oh my gosh hey yo where your clo that the moment of realization and he's like that's amazing dude what is this oh he's spraying down a shovel is this horse but that's his wait that means an animal swallow the phone the animal swallowed the phone wait we should decide what poop it is oh it's good great great keep watching wait boom boom boom they had a really good chance of redemption ah no no don't use your phone as a as a I can't believe you've done this also put a case on your phone idiot yeah and I don't understand people that just don't have cases on their phones unless you're just a rich billionaire and you can just drop it at the hat and get a new one I don't understand that at all okay well he's a rich billionaire wa oh no oh this guy's dead that's so fast this is how you get put out of commission for the entire rest of the day what what my favorite in the beninging in the beninging so far oh my God he didn't hesitate and that's worri Ian what would you like to be when you oh no [Music] no just think about that for a sec I can't wait to plant myself in the grass and pretend to be a carrot oh no don't jump in the hole they're ice fishing at this age in this economy no don't this now a fish is going to catch a human how many spankings would you get if this happened dude I thought okay I was confused because I thought that black stuff was part of the furniture and I realized it wasn't trly up wao dude take the mask off I think during the pandemic we all did this a couple of times dumb kid or great parents for letting this happen wait hold on guys I just found the craziest diet hack like he's eating the food without eating it will you no dude's be like let's watch a chick flick this is an average chick flick experience man this is why we got trust issues he rised her low key dude High key and then when she got turned down she was like wait Woods come back they need to turn this into like a movie all right you can only choose one do you want that one no or you want all of these God oh no when I'm babysitting your kids I'm going to ruin them you'll be dead by the time I have kids you what happens when they no way d i us to do that I used to do that no this mom is based he's so smart for that 10 out of 10 like this video for the mom alone no he's not a dog he's not a dog somebody help him out Legend has it he's still looking for the balloon to this day this is why I want to be a dad man like this is like do you know how much joy this would bring me it's the Tomato devil this is like traa like like this could affect her for the rest of her life I keep having nightmares about tomatoes and I don't know why oh wo wo porch Thief package the was he trying to steal it J I would you jokeing you know you weren't my boy wanted that package coach was so fed up where are oh no oh no oh that you're supposed to run through who was the idiot that ran this way they all followed him well I guess it's time to put the kid up for adoption wait don't put him up for oh no let me explain this was the ring bearer the ring was on the pillow ring fell beneath the cracks never to be seen again and they never got married it hurts why did you poke the Frog what is this it's it's okay it's okay hey we know this kid is never watching unspeakable anyone else's kid so unathletic it hurts this will not be my kid this could be a clip of my wife when she's like five she's pretty athletic yeah but not coordinated please drop it yeah we we yeah yes mission accomplished got him oh no wait yeah what age do you learn what a shadow is it does just look like the scary demons following you actually does that's a good what in the world going on right here no the Goldfish no no Nemo where's my dad someone come get their kids what are you doing oh no dude I think your [Laughter] mom shut my boy just hanging out no yeah I couldn't I would be squeezing my butttock what did he say bro it's so funny that he got this on camera bro I can't when your kid tries to make pancakes on your electric griddle wait what's wrong is that bad yes because it's an electric griddle and he's putting fire underneath it oh [Music] God it's like the baby heard him isn't it crazy that they just don't know like they just don't know yet what what she's laughing why that's pain from Naruto both of them proof idiots kids are idiots is she just banging her head yes then don't do it he's so cute at least they're smiling I do like when the kids hurt themselves that a pain smile right there she's like I don't like that but I'm going to do it againi it's like a cringe laugh it's a craft no Josh this is uh uh no oh boy wanted to be bald so bad he's freaking Avatar finished his first episode of one punch man he's the Avatar and now the kid has a 90° streak of baldness I didn't even know the display ones worked why are they plugged in I didn't realize that either kid dumb store Dumber oh nah I don't know C or fake wait fake or not bro they still got to clean that oh he's going to die no he's not he's not yep you just can't help him you know his intelligence is unwavering cuz there is none no oh oh oh oh I love it was so happy and then so sad that sucks too because her eyes were wide open no no no no don't do it take it away from him we know what's going to happen no you don't have any facial hair yet actually did not know that was going to happen 50k likes and he gets shaves his eyebrows and I get a buzz cut and our right hand is on the bottom of both of us negative oh that's pretty cute you know what she looks like she looks like the real life monster zinc girl no oh yeah Judy chop it oh no watch your nuts please don't kick the nuts what did he say oh he's fine oh she doesn't understand you got to step on the board yes this this no no hit it yes step step do not have kids you guys this is what they do to your car I mean okay why is she saying in front of her kids don't have kids also don't Supply them with chalk in the car oh Freddy Fazbear oh no no no no you can't pet him you cannot pet him also this bear is malnourished no don't look into side of it a you this is the most classic dad trick oh but that is an underrated pain water to the eye it's bad oh no oh it's a this is also another Paradox when do kids learn what glasses okay to be fair that probably happen to me that's what I'm saying those are hard like this kid doesn't even know how to walk yet and he's wearing Crocs what are we scooping up oh this is sand is there butter oh no it kind of got me too it's a light he's trying to scoop the light no buddy it's not a oh it's a hey this is yo this is bullying this is actually bullying to be fair it looks really real it does look real two hands no up up up up two hands raise your other hand two hands please oh no no no no oh gosh this mom is so patient I think this mom is incredibly Bas the mom is training the Sun for his training Arc now if we all had parents like this in the world the world would be a better place he did all of that just to miss little man you have a helmet on no no take the helmet off I mean it's kind of like a little fountain for him look at the mom walking in the distance she's like oh no she's like my dad my dad was just enjoying his Chinese and then just give the kid a bite okay just give him a little nibbles he just wants food I love how he's not making eye contact at all with the kid and just ignoring him water the plants wow oh no don't water the dad that kid is oh no kid is adorable very adorable but now she knows the power well you can let go it's okay A she doesn't realize how close to the ground let go you can he thought he was having man he slimmed down real quick oh my God oh my God no this is unreal this is unreal no and if you want to see more people have a terrible day you can click either one of these videos
Channel: PrestonReacts
Views: 471,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonplayz, preston playz, prestonplays prestonplayz minecraft, preston 100 layers, prestonreacts, preston reacts, brianna, keeley, tbnrfragz, prestongamez, prestongames, preston gamez, preston games, funny, preston minecraft, prestonplayz roblox, react, reaction, reaction videos, react to
Id: EmxsbNsNUuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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