The 50 Rarest Fortnite Skins of All Time...

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so fortnite decided to bring back the rarest skin into the item shop it hasn't been in the shop for 1547 days until now but to explain just how rare this skin is today I've put together the official list of the 50 rarest skins in fortnite history and follow along because you might own one of these super rare items just like number 50 Rogue Asian so rogue agent hasn't been in the shop for 1 675 days which is currently the longest streak to not be in the shop it was a skin pack you could buy for five dollars back in season six chapter one and fun fact this is actually the male version of the elite agent from the battle pass and it's definitely a flex to have but there are so many other rare skins just like number 49 full Omega back in season four this is the first time epic introduced selectable styles on their battle pass skins when it released Omega in was the coolest skin in the battle pass in my opinion and had a bunch of styles including some unlockable lights but did epic make a mistake with the skin because you had to get a lot of XP to unlock all the lights and some people who played every single day still didn't unlock it so having those purple lights is a huge Flex just like having number 48 snowflake glider as you know every season starting in season 2 chapter 1 epic gave out a free umbrella when you got your first win of the season and back then winning games was hard people played hundreds of matches and still had zero wins though being an OG and winning in that season was kind of a challenge and now while some people really like that glider most people would prefer number 47 the Mako glider it's often called the rarest glider in fortnite but I actually disagree it was only in the first ever season pass for fortnite season one but the thing is it was a completely free reward so if you play it in season one there's a good chance that you have it it's the same deal with number 46 the Black Knight now this is an OG skin and it's definitely a flex but a lot of people played in season two and getting it wasn't that difficult but how about number 45 Singularity Singularity was a secret battle pass skin or season 9 chapter one but the way you got her was very unique every single day epic released a new Fort bite that you had to get around the map there were 100 in total and even if you collected all 100 you would only unlock the singularity skin and then after that there were more quests to get the secret Styles it's definitely a flex to have her and it's even a bigger Flex to have all the different styles but what about one of the most desired skins in fortnite Travis Scott now Travis Scott was in the item shop and more people have it but he was only in the item shop for six days and he has never returned it has been over a thousand days since the Travis Scott bundle was in the shop and due to controversies around him he might never come back another style that's never coming back is the purple skull Trooper speaking of controversy the purple skull Trooper was one of the most controversial skins because it was released in the fortnite's 2017 event and initially it was a rare skin that didn't even have a purple style so when epic decided that they're gonna bring back the skull Trooper in chapter two people lost their minds everyone who owned the skin did not want to come back to the shop but thankfully when they brought it back they gave all the OG owners of the skull Trooper a unique purple style now the skull Trooper is rare but not as rare as number 43 Renegade Raider Renegade Raider was in fortnite's first ever season pass and the thing is back then even if you unlock the tears you still had to buy it for 1200 v-bucks it's super OG and rare but low-key everyone who has it wears it nowadays so it's not that uncommon to find it in game but when's the last time you've seen number 42 the Mr Beast umbrella now only 100 000 people actually have this umbrella because you have to place in the top hundred thousand during the Mr Beast tournament that was worth one million dollars a lot of people were grinding for it and it was kind of competitive you had to get 80 000 points to be among the top 100K now I personally own the umbrella but I don't own number 41. aerial assault Trooper just like Renegade Raider he was available in the first season pass for 1200 V bucks but the thing is this one actually took more levels to unlock so technically it's more rare than Renegade Raider and I definitely see this one a lot less often but this next one is very interesting and number 40 we have four nightmares 2020. the rarest Lobby track of all time this was in Chapter 2 Season 4 and while everyone was distracted by the fact that you respawn as a zombie epic slipped in this Lobby track for just one day in the item shop so a lot of people definitely missed this but it's not exactly a flex to own it so for the rest of this list especially towards the end I'm gonna factor in how desirable something is how hard it was to get it and the actual amount of people who own it now with number 39 we have item shop backlink this was kind of weird epic decided to add a bundle of three backlinks to the item shop and epic has never re-released those in the item shop ever and another thing epic hasn't done is number 38 the original Black Widow skin it was a very desirable skin and it was the first ever Marvel skin everyone nowadays knows you're an OG if you have this because it came out when the first Thanos LTM first dropped but then it never came out again and when Marvel dropped the Black Widow movie we instead got a completely new redesigned Black Widow that has been coming back into the item shop but this one has never returned another skin that you can't ever get again is number 37 the Galaxy skin the Galaxy skin is a legendary skin in fortnite it was one of the first collaboration skins and one of the most unique designs we've seen yet you had to buy a Samsung Galaxy phone to get it and people were going crazy to get it literally rushing the Samsung source to download fortnite and unlock the skin I remember ninja posting the first ever gameplay with it and it blew everyone's mind I got a lot of people purchased the phones to unlock the skin so it's not that rare but we'll bundle this up with the other Samsung exclusives like the iconic skin and the glow skin and the honor guard as well but now it's time to move on to number 36 console exclusives at number 36 we have the Royal bomber which is for the Playstation number 35 the Eon skin for the Xbox and number 34 the most rare of them the double helix for the Nintendo switch these all required you to buy a console to get the skin and the double helix skin codes right now are going for over a thousand dollars but now let's move on to the twitch Prime exclusive skins at number 33 and 32 we have sub commander and Havoc which were in the first twitch Prime pack and these guys were pretty OG and during the second twitch Prime pack ninja actually broke his sub record when they released the Trailblazer skin at number 31. the people who got the first bundle definitely have a flex because Trailblazer is not as rare at number 30 we have one of the rarest dances in fortnite the fresh emo which came out in chapter 1 season 2 and has never released ever since due to some copyright issues so we most likely will not see this one return at number 29 we have gold trooper and just like skull Trooper ghoul Trooper eventually came back to the shop and they gave the OG skin a pink style for all the OG users and now at number 28 Special Forces this one was not in the shop for 1547 days and honestly I don't know if epic ever had plans to bring it back but luckily for us Tabor Hill actually brought this skin back during his locker bundle rollout and now it's back in the shop after all those years and at number 27 we have the rarest glider now people think Mako is the rarest glider but the aerial assault one you actually have to level up your season one battle pass and spend 500 V bucks and back in chapter one season one people were just not doing that and at number 26 we have one of the most rare pickaxes Raiders revenge in this the thing about this one is yes obviously just like aerial assault one you have to level up the season one battle pass and spend V bucks but this pickaxe costs 1500 V bucks which was more expensive than Renegade Raider and some of the other skins releasing at the time so everything we've covered up until now has been rare but some skins and items are just more rare than others so I decided to make this pyramid right here so that we can really break things up into tears to really just show you the scale of how rare some of the Skins are so everything we've covered so far is in the rare category I mean these are rare skins to have but some Skins are just plain impressive to have as well as being rare and then some skins you would say are unbelievable to have in your locker and some are just Unthinkable and for one item in particular it is the Holy Grail rarest thing in fortnite so let's move into the impressive category at number 25 the stealth reflex so this game was part of a collaboration with Nvidia where you had to buy a graphics card to get the skin now eventually they released the skin in the item shop and it caused a huge controversy with all the people who had the skin already so epic decided to mitigate the damage by giving all the OG users of the skin a black and red edit Style with the controversy and just the sheer cost of graphics cards especially back when the skin released the skin is super difficult to have another skin that's really difficult to have and I don't even have this one is number 24 the full gold peely this one came out in chapter two season two and it was a battle pass skin and as you leveled up your battle pass the edit style for this peely skin would turn more and more gold until he was completely gold and listen I played chapter 2 season 2 a lot I was like level 300 or something I played every single day and I believe my gold peely is like 70 gold some people are walking around at 100 which means they played a lot of fortnite in Chapter 2 season 2 2. and number 23 I'm gonna Loop in some of the super rare weapon wraps this one is called impasto and you could unlock this by playing in an exclusive Nintendo switch cup you have to get a certain amount of points to get the wrap a lot of people don't have this wrap up for the fortnite collectors who go out of their way to get wraps sprays and emoticons like this to them it's really cool to have but for most of the players they wouldn't even know it's rare if they sigh and for that reason it's not going to go higher on this list and this next one literally just happened and number 22 we have the sharuk spray and this was part of a community challenge where the winner got to put their own spray game and a content creator named charu who has like an anime Vibe actually won this Challenge and the way to unlock the spray was you had to play some sort of creative map and complete some challenges and quests but it was very obscure and not a lot of people knew about this I personally didn't know so only a handful of people actually completed that and had this spray and number 21 we have Jedi training and this was a part of the first ever collaboration with Star Wars back in Chapter 2 season 1 2019. it was actually a bunch of quests and challenges you had to complete to unlock this emo and not a lot of people really were going after this or even doing those quests at the time the challenges were really difficult and annoying so a lot of people don't have this but you might have this in your lockers so go check at number 20 we're gonna Loop in all the reboot of friend rewards that are super rare epic has done the reboot a friend event a couple of times where you bring someone back to the game and play some fortnite with them to unlock some free rewards but some of these rewards requires you to bring back dozens of friends to complete one of them being the plasma carrot pickaxe which I personally do not have the twin Talons pickaxe and the Aquarius as well a lot of these are rare and most people do not have these pickaxes and they actually look kind of cool and I wish I had them myself fortnite actually did a collaboration with stream elements where there was all these weird Cosmetics like emoticon and sprays and to unlock them you have to sign up on this website and complete some challenges and also some stream tasks like even streaming eight hours a lot of people did not know about this and even the people who did a lot of them did not complete all the quests and challenges to unlock the emoticons and sprays so most players do not have this and skin collectors definitely desire these because they're super obscure and rare at number 18 we have one of the most rare sprays in fortnite the fortnite kablama this was available at different conventions and events between 2018 to 2019 and they were handing these out to specific people at those conventions but you actually have to be there you have to know someone who went there and got a code a physical code that you would redeem on your account for this llama spray at number 17 we have season level 100. this is actually something did from chapter one season six all the way until chapter one season X if you got the season level 100 you would unlock an emoticon spray and a banner and I'm not talking about battle pass level 100 purchasing all 100 battle pass levels would not give you this you would still have to grind out an additional 100 levels to unlock this and they started doing this back in season six but the season six one is going to be the most OG one and I actually have all of them right here from season six all the way until season X at number 16 we have the honk Carl spray while everyone was distracted with the Mr Beast tournament trying to unlock the Mr B's glider and potentially win a million dollars Carl actually did a live stream where he was playing in the Mr Beast tournament and doing a watch party and he had exclusive drops only available on his live stream it was a spray it just said honk that's a phrase that him and his community say a lot so you had to be there watching his stream and you had to have your Twitch and epic account linked and claim it before it expired so there's only probably a few thousand people who have this at number 15 we have the fortnite Collegiate cup Rewards epic has done tournaments with colleges and if you performed well in those tournaments you could unlock these unique sprays and emoticons now the thing about these is while they're not that desirable they're extremely difficult to get you have to actually be a college student and there's a manual admission process to be a part of these tournaments so if you're not in college you literally never had a chance to get these and on top of that you would have to play competitively and do well in these tournaments to unlock these sprays and emoticon at number 14 we have a really strange one a fun flower this was actually an emoticon that was Data mined you could redeem this by putting in a code at redeem but epic never announced this and it's kind of crazy how people even found the code to begin with there was only 2500 available and when I was doing research on this one I could barely find any videos or anyone talking about this but now it's become one of the most rare emoticons and you just had to be one of the first 2500 people redeem the code once word got out a lot of it got redeemed and now it's forever locked away at number 13 we have the Medalist emoticon and you had to jump through a lot of Hoops for this one so back in chapter two season four there was some sort of twitch event where a lot of creators were competing against each other and challenges now Nate Hill is actually the guy who won this Challenge and in order for you to get the Medalist emoticon you have to sign up on this website and actually choose which Creator you think is going to win and if anybody picked Nate Hill and were in his stream when he won they would receive the Medalist emoticon the thing about this emoticon is it actually does look really cool and is well designed unlike the random fun flower one so a lot of people do desire this emoticon but very few people actually have it the event didn't really get a ton of viewers and you had to pick the right streamer to win so I'm assuming there's less than a thousand people who actually have this emoticon at number 12 we have the i o like has and hey Stan Cosmetics so these were some twit streamers who were rewarded with an in-game cosmetic bundle which included a spray emoticon and a banner they were each given 3 000 codes that they could give away to their Community but they each set up Channel points so you had to watch their streams a lot for a chance to get these codes now hey San and IO like actually gave out all 3 000 codes over a pass actually only gave out a thousand and the rest of the codes actually expired so those are cool and they're pretty impressive to have but now let's move into the truly unbelievable Cosmetics at number 11 we have the solo Showdown spray to unlock this you had to play fortnite five years ago and compete in the first ever competitive event and back then fortnite wasn't giving out money for these events first place got 500 in V bucks now if you manage to play 50 games of solo Showdown while it had its limited run you actually got this pretty clean looking spray now some of you might have this but a lot of people don't and it's extremely OG especially because back then there wasn't even a competitive Community around fortnite now at number 10 we have some more llama sprays now the first llama spray we showed was available at a bunch of conventions over two years but these were only available at one specific convention and there was only about a thousand codes so the fortnite plugged in spray was available at Pax 2018 and this next phrase called ee was available in season 4 chapter 1 at E3 I actually had a few of these but I never redeemed a single code if you remember this this was back during the Pro-Am the one that ninja and marshmallow won in 2018 I played in that tournament myself there was all these big streamers dying to the heat outside because we were literally in a football stadium and little did we know there was only a thousand of these llama codes and that they would be super rare one day I literally saw some of them laying on people's desks and they just left them behind and the last time on this list is the gamescon 2018 llama another convention that you physically had to be at and they only gave out about a thousand of these as well and number nine we have the Paragon banner and I'm proud of this one because I actually own it this one was actually used a ton by TSM myth back in the day because he played a ton of paragon before fortnite came out Paragon is a MOBA game that epic released just before releasing fortnite and they quickly canceled it after fortnite started to blow up however if you played a decent amount of paragon you would unlock the Paragon banner and a lot of people do not have this because you had to play a game that got canceled for not having enough players at number eight we have the pick your commander Banner so this was in June 2017 before fortnite Battle Royale even came out over five years ago epic sponsored a bunch of creators to try save the world including Thanos ohmwrecker muselk and even PewDiePie all the creators who participated got a banner icon in the game and fans could pick their favorite and get it on their accounts as well but you can only pick one when I was really not that popular at the time and there's very few active players who still have this one of them of course being muselk who's still playing fortnite to this day at number seven we have one of the rarest skins in fortnite the Indigo Kuno this was actually an added style to a current skin but it was only available in a PlayStation exclusive cup and only the top 6 000 players in the cup unlock the skin now the thing about this skin is it's actually very desirable the colors on it look cool it actually looks better than the original skin and with only 6 000 people walking around with the skin it's less than Renegade Raider and all the other rare skins will be listed so far at number six we have the China Cosmetics there's a backlink penguin and a pickaxe these were given to anyone who played on fortnite China before it was shut down now they're completely inaccessible in normal games which is why they're not in my top three but it's actually possible to wear them in some Lan tournaments hosted by epic they actually added them in so some players were able to wear them during the summer skirm and there is some rumors of people having these on their accounts even though they're not supposed to which is why I put these in the unbelievable category and now we're going into the unthinkable category these Cosmetics are borderline impossible to have some of them you should not have on your account at number five we have whistle Warrior plus sideline Commander so you might think you've seen these skins in the item shop but the truth is they have never been in the item shop so this was during the second collaboration epic did with the NFL they released the NFL skins as well as some referees and when they did the second collaboration leakers saw that they were working on a second set of referee skins that looked almost exactly like the first ones but epic decided not to release those skins and just release the first referees they made however they gifted the new referees to less than 100 creators including myself and now I have two of each referee one of them being the one that never hit the item shop and of course the other one that a lot of people have on a fortnite skin tracker website that tracks which Skins are being used it shows that these skins have been used by less than 10 people now at number four we have brilliant bomber and this one also never came to the item shop and should have never been unlockable but somehow people figured out a way this was a yearly reward program that epic was working on before they eventually scrapped it and released the current crew packs however some people figured out a weird way to actually unlock this skin on their account and a lot of people who did this eventually got banned but there are some people who still have this skin the thing about the skin is it actually has a cool design so I'm confused as to why epic hasn't eventually released it in the item shop at number three we have Cameo needs loot this was given to only 15 people during the 2022 Lantern Fest people had to submit pictures into a photography contest and only the best 15 want it it is a very strange looking emoticon that doesn't really have anything to do with the lantern Fest but interestingly enough they did that contest again this year and another 15 people got rewarded this emoticon but now in total there is only 30 people who have and now at number two the fncs acts of Champions 99.99 of you who are watching will never have this fncs pickaxe and even if you obtain it you probably only keep it for one season it's a pickaxe that's rewarded to the fncs Champions and since the fncs is currently doing Duos there is only 14 people in the world who have this pickaxe at any given time we actually dropped from 16 to 14 once epic Birds NA East and na West it's an amazing looking pickaxe and you have to be one of the best fortnite players in the world to even have a chance to unlock it and ladies and gentlemen now for the Holy Grail of fortnite Cosmetics I'm sure no one watching has this the number one spot is for the fully built out Alpha tester Banner for number one on this list we're going way back I'm talking over eight years ago this is before save the world even came out and before Battle Royale was even a thought it honestly looks extremely unique and was only given if you were one of the alpha testers for fortnite save the world you would unlock an additional star for every Alpha test that you participated in all the way back starting in March 2015. so we would have to play in every Alpha test and then play and save the world a few years later when it came out and then play fortnite for an additional five years and still be playing to this day to have this cosmetic on your account and for that reason I don't believe anyone out there has this because if you do congratulations that is the rarest cosmetic that will ever exist in fortnite thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: SypherPK
Views: 2,085,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, competitive, gaming, highlights, gameplay, fortnite highlights, fortnite tips, stream highlights, how to play, fortnite gameplay, sypher, new update, sypherpk, fortnite update, fortnite new patch, fortnite new item, everything epic didnt tell you, fortnite new update, fortnite leaks, fortnite event, mr beast fortnite, undercover, fortnite chapter 4, fortnite seasno 2, fashion show
Id: I8CgOh6UPCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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