The Dos and Don'ts of Growing Your Small Church

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welcome to modern church leader a short daily show to help you grow your church be more effective and efficient and powerful for the kingdom of God let's talk about small churches and why they should grow and why pastas and leaders of small churches should think about growth and why that's healthy so one of the challenges of growing a church or a business or anything else for that matter is that there are a lot of forces that are external that prevent growth and there are plenty of forces that are internal that prevent growth I can't always control the external forces that stop things from growing if I'm planning a certain tree I can't grow anything everything I plan to ice but if I'm trying to grow a fruit plant you know some kind of fruit tree and the soil is wrong that the rainfall is wrong like it's just not going to work those are external forces so I I can't control those I have to go find another place to plant my tree so in the world of growing church there are things that are going to work against you that you cannot control so I'm not gonna worry about those things I'm not gonna get it-get stressed by that I'm not gonna beat myself up with those or I'm gonna do is I'm gonna focus on what I can control not what the things around me that I can't control so what can I control when it comes to growing my church here's some thoughts overall I find that people they go to work the juggling family their paying their bills and they get to church on Sunday and the last thing they need is to hear something that is not encouraging you know people do it tough many many high percentage of people paycheck to paycheck they got pressure work pressure at home pitch from kids all the things that are gone on their life make church a safe haven for people to come you'll find that when church is a place that's positive that preaches a message I'm not talking about sugarcoating or changing the Bible to make it all you know fairy tales and lollipops you gotta be real when you teach the Bible but I think you can teach the Bible in context to be able to encourage people so when they go out the door they leave your church feeling uplifted and positive and I'm gonna you know suit up and get my armor on and go and tackle life for another week but I'm gonna come back next Sunday because what I got this Sunday really really helped me so I would I would make sure that the message that you're preaching is always uplifting adapt it for the here now and real make your messages speak to the issues that people are actually going through and facing in their life and you'll find that I want to come back for more the other thing that the thing that I think allows churches to grow easily and easier is is the power of worship and so there are certain components in a church so it's classic church service we'll have you know we're all from different denominations and we grew up with different styles but this um so some key things that should be in every church service and one of those key things is the moment of contemplation worship looking to God creating those beautiful worship experiences in the life of the church I think again it's it's like the the preaching and teaching of messages that are relevant to people's lives coming out into a safe harbor where the storms of life are raging for six hours a week and coming into the house of God where they can you know feel that presence of God since the Holy Spirit I think those are the things what people remember Michael is when people come to church I want them to feel refreshed I want them to feel challenged but I want I want them to go out thinking man I can get after another week in my business owner I you know I'm gonna go after it if I got a great job in the Serb all those things make for an environment where people want to return and then I think the other thing the third thing is to make sure I've read stats you know there's a myriad of them loneliness in your community is probably the number one thing that people will tell you in their lives the biggest deficiency they have and then life is loneliness be there married or single so can the church bring answers to the questions that our ailing our society we see everything that goes on in our society as a result of breakdown in the family breakdown in family values breakdown in biblical values in general and a lot of what's going on is leading people to isolate the church that is the place where people can find meaningful and genuine relationships is the church that's gonna grow so I think making sure like avoid cliques and an inside baseball at all costs the way you speak who you speak to train your team members to not talk to themselves they got all the rest of the week to hang out Sunday is all about those visitors those new people that are coming going out for lunch with your team why would you want to do that on a Sunday you should be taking the three people to visit your church out for lunch being that place where people feel welcome and they can find that place of refuge and make a friend that's gonna grow your church so messages that relate worship experiences that are powerful and then having an environment where people make friends and combat loneliness your church will grow thanks for listening please review modern church leader on a podcasts and visit our website for more resources at tithe ly or follow the links in the show notes [Music] you
Channel: Tithely
Views: 6,880
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: Church leader, church growth, john piper, andy stanley, steven furtick, elevation church, apologetics, theology, church planting, acts 29, hillsong, charles stanley, methodist church, ravi zacharias, ministry, christian ministry, pastor tips, pastoring, seminary, bible, bible study, grow my church, grow giving, generosity, fundraising, church burnout, pastor burnout
Id: MwXJbgpxfrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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