6 Things Pastors Do To Kill Church Growth

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hey this is Richard Chauncey and I wanted to say thanks for taking some time out of your day to hang out with Jerry Lawson and I we are jumping in today to a topic that we're pretty excited to talk to you about it's called six things pastors knew to kill church growth and Jerry and I are going to spend a few minutes just kind of running down all the mistakes that we've either made or we've seen pastors make that seemed to limit what they can do in their church and so I thought before we just dove in I think the last time we did a little bit of an introduction but I thought I'd give Jerry just a couple more minutes to explain who he is and why you should be listening to him which he probably won't tell you that but I will Jerry why don't you um why don't you give us the 60 second overview of Jerry Lawson and Daystar Church yeah sure when I think of five or six things that pastors do to kill a church I think I probably done them all and many more but you know we started our church out of an old established Church I said like this Church of 65 with 65 65 year olds that's kind of where we were 65 years old and we rebirthed it as a new church and really started from scratch built a whole new model and the church has grown from that you know under a hundred people to over 2,000 and in a really small town and we just learned so much and so when we started teaching that to other churches through a process called 24 to double we've literally over the last five years taught about five several hundred I would have to guess but several hundred churches and so we've learned so much from those pastors and picked up so much about how to better our process that I just love taking opportunities like this to share with other pastors who might be dealing with some of the same things I've been through or or I've been through with other pastors over the years yeah and talking talked a little bit about the the history of Daystar and what your experience with that church is and kind of where it was and where it is now yeah well you know we started they star a church replant when I was about 28 years old so I had some gifts God gives us all gifts and I was very energetic and worked really hard and so the church began to grow immediately almost immediately and but we tapped out we really maxed out at I don't know 400 something like that 500 and then I really met a church growth leader just just a great guy good heart and he opened my eyes to a lot of things that we didn't know about systems and structure and you know building teams so that your ministry is reproducible because basically where we were was as long as my hand was in it it went pretty well as long as I had enough energy to get to everything and be involved in everything going on it went pretty well because I had a pretty high standard and a lot of energy but when I wasn't able to be there and and God I began to think I forbid if I if I'm gone if I die if I leave or whatever what happens to this church I just knew we weren't structured for long-term growth and when we started putting the structure in place that really is the 2014 double structure now we start putting that in place in our church we started really I found out that it wasn't just a replacement for me being there but there are actually people in our church they're more gifted in certain areas and and certainly more passionate about certain things than I was and so we started really leaning on their gifts and their talents and that's really when our church exploded in growth and just really took off yeah and I'm Richard Chauncey and Jerry and I have become good friends over here over the last few months my background is when I got out of college I worked in financial services for about eight or nine years and woke up one morning and realized that I hated it and as a fate would have it God's intervention I met some guys from John Maxwell's organization about that same time and had the opportunity to go to work for John Maxwell working with business people as well as with churches and over the next few years I really just kind of fell in love with building the church and then when John sold the organization I went and started working with churches doing consulting in preparation for church construction and really got a heart for the Hal 2 part of church and trying to go out and find guys that had good systems and good processes that we could put in places for church and as I was doing that my good friend over at the rocket company Casey Graham introduced me to Jerry and Lance self from day star and this marriage of taking this 2040 double content that was primarily driven from an event standpoint and putting it online so that more pastors would have access to it from a geographic standpoint as well as cost to not have the cost of traveling there plus it's a lot less expensive the way we do it now so that was kind of my background and now we're just trying to find ways that we can use technology like what we're doing today and add value to you guys and serve you guys and hopefully inspire you to become and to move forward into what God's got planned for you so with that in mind we're going to jump right into these things and we want to try to add as much value as we can today in about a 50 or 60 minute period so with that jalis let's jump right into the first point which is the first thing that pastors do to kill church growth is their there they're using positive reinforcement as a guide so let me set this up here and then I'll throw it at you so here's what I'm thinking when we when we kind of try to flesh out what this idea is right now unfortunately the church in America is losing steam right we know that about 86 percent of churches are in decline another six to seven percent or flat and only six or seven percent are growing so stay with me here if you're in an environment where the system is failing and you're getting positive reinforcement that's not good right because all that repository enforcement is doing is reinforcing the idea that things are great and right now we need to look at positive reinforcement say that's not what we need right now we need resistance Jerry why don't you jump in right here and and give some ideas on how reinforcement might be holding us back and and what it feels like to kind of push against the the plough on this yeah so everybody likes to be affirmed and likes to be told that was a great sermon pastor you did a good job and so we eat that up I mean I do I know most pastors do but I don't think we can really trust that and here's why I really I like to say it like this the great sermon that I preached this weekend that's God's gift to me but the people that I brought into the house that's my gift back to God and what I mean by that is is that you're gifted if you're able to get up in front of a lot of people and share the gospel most of that I know there's some hard work and there's some prayer and there's some study but most of that is God's gift to you you know Americans number one fear is falling to their death the second fear is public speaking so the very fact that you're able to get up and you're not afraid but you're able to confidently get up and speak means God gifted you with some things and that's wonderful and and I've been amazed through the years of how many really small church have great communicators I mean really good preachers but I've come to realize that preaching is not if you you're not going to preach your church into changing your community you're not going to preach your way into grow in your church or your ministry effectiveness the truth is people they don't want to disappoint you they you know by nature most people are people pleasers so let me get that back door they're going to say great job pastor and it may have been a great job but really you can't rest on that you can't say that's enough because there's so much more to do you know Jesus called us to make disciples he called us to I believe build teams where disciples are doing the work of ministry and that's so much more than just a good presentation good singing and good preaching yeah and we know that for church you know a church that's been around for a long time kind of like a star was before you started pastoring you know church that might be 60 70 80 or 100 years old and you've got members there that were that have been there for a half a century and when you begin to kind of get momentum around this idea of reaching new people for Christ that it's going to be it's going to cost you something there's going to be some pain associated with it talk a little bit about the pain that that came when you you decided that hey I'm going to do something big here and I'm going to let God have his hands on it yeah well there was a lot of pain involved in that because when you think about a church that's been doing things a certain way for such a long time when you decide you know we're going to we're going to be more Purpose Driven more life-giving urghhh and you don't just keep doing the same old things over and over again you may not continue to have dinner on the grounds may not continue to have you know southern gospel singing or there may be a lot of things that you change and the way you present the message on the weekend is also different because the words you use and the little catch phrases that people are used to that are kind of religious jargon those kind of go away because you start thinking about the lost people that your your church folks have been inviting and so it's painful to me because I catch myself or at least when we started to make that change I would catch myself often saying things that I could have said differently so it's painful to me it's a little bit painful for the people because we change things and that's why you don't want to change it all at once I talked about this in our last webinar is that you need to see your your your church like a speed not like a speed boat but like a cruise ship you can turn that speed boat a speed boat on a dime and everyone's okay buddy if you try to turn a cruise ship really fast it tip over and you'd lose a lot of people so that kind of change is painful and it has to be taken slowly did you did you have an experience where somebody you just absolutely knew was behind you and then there was a point in time where they either weren't behind you or they were gone yeah they were not only not behind me and and they were not only gone but they were in front of me they were against us it was amazing that when we when we changed and at each point of the change I learned from a great leader dr. Raymond Culpepper he told me once the people who got you to where you are today will usually not be the people to get you to where you want to go tomorrow and that was so painful for me when I heard him say that and into even more painful as I've watched it unfold I'm thinking of even former board members who left us and they were angry about the way we changed and some of the things that happened and I listened I'm not one of those guys that just throws caution to the wind and says this is the way it's going to be leave if you want to leave there there's some successful leaders who do it that way I don't do it that way it's painful when someone leaves but I cannot compromise the calling that we have and the the vision the picture of what we think ministry is supposed to look like I can't compromise that for and so I've got to be willing to be bold enough leader to lose people if absolutely necessary yeah and I think on the other side of that there's probably people that came out of the woodwork that you thought you may not have even known them when you started this but they they came along beside what you're doing you know and had you not had the vision for for growing this church and reaching new people those people would never have appeared there's no doubt there's no doubt that to say there's 10 times more who come out of the woodwork than those who leave that that wouldn't even be accurate I would probably have to say fifty to a hundred times more so the benefits of following God's calling and following the dream and the vision that you have far outweigh the liabilities of such only thing is but sometimes you will lose the ones you're going to lose and even you don't lose them they they're not is excited or as involved as they used to be that will happen on the front end and you got to have faith to believe that the gains are going to come later and that's why a lot of guys will not sustain the energy that it takes to bring meaningful changes because you don't see the change you want upfront and it's difficult to hang in there and wait for it yeah so let's move on to to the second point then there's far too many churches are killing their growth because they're they're trying to reinvent the wheel they're trying to to come up with a new way to do church and I think that's especially a challenge for the church planter even though I do believe that God puts something in every person that's going to plant a church that says you're going to do this a brand new way and I think he puts it there to make you crazy enough to actually plan a church but but talk about the peril of trying to reinvent the wheel yeah we did that I think probably every pastors try to do that because now there are so many different resources out there there's this webinar there's there's all kind of conferences you can go to you can get your eye around or get your eyes on and your head around so many different models and it's a real dangerous trap and one of my mentors and one of the mentors for Daystar Church is a consultant named dr. Owen Weston that's one of the things he told us he said be very careful that you don't try to piecemeal your model get a little something from Craig Groeschel or something from Andy Stanley with something from Rick Warren will something from Church of the Highlands be careful not to do that make sure you determine what you're trying to do find what you're trying to do it who's doing that most like what you're trying to do who's doing it in the kind of environment with the kind of challenges that you face and then learn from them now don't copy anyone don't just do what they're doing because your church is unique and there is no other church like yours but there are some churches out there that have a similar goal similar kind of idea of what they want to do and some similar circumstances and honestly Richard that's why they start we started training other churches they started asking what I thought when dr. Weston first suggested to me that we do this 24 to double and we start training churches I thought I said doc oh we call him doc oh because his name is dr. Owen but I said doc oh no one will come and hear what we have to say but what what churches were asking was you know you're in a small town and you don't have a very big budget and you're a lot like us you know we're not in a mega city and we're not got to make a budget and you're able to take a church under a hundred to over 500 then over a thousand then over 1500 and over 2,000 and so there were a lot of people who wanted that and that's why we decided to start doing the Train that we do because there were people who like the model is great model and it would apply they felt like in a lot of different circumstances and that's what I would encourage pastors to do is don't go away to catalyst and come home with five new things from catalyst and then you know go to art conference and come away with that and then go to exponential and come away with that because that is a big mess you know it's a they're all incredible leaders and I go to those conferences to learn so much for those leaders but in terms of what's the model for my church I've got to determine what is that one model I can look toward and learn from and it's someone who's right in front of me you know it's probably not someone who's 20,000 stronger than make you know is someone who's right in front of me that I can learn from they've been through some of the things I've been through and that are accessible to share some of that knowledge and I think whatever that is for you a true to that learn from those people over and over and over again as much as you can yeah it reminds me of this segment reminds me of the statement or the the quote the confused mind says no and if you don't take some time to really take a step back from your ministry and work on the ministry instead of working in the ministry I think what happens is you get blown by the wind right when somebody comes along and you see somebody speaking an event and they talk about how much they have success they have with doing small groups this way or leading their staff this way if you don't have a comprehensive plan that you've sat down and you've thought through then I think the next big idea is just around the corner it's the next book you read or the next video that you watch the next next conference that you go to and that can be a dangerous cycle to be in well a quick example of that is I went to catalyst a few years ago and a person I have utmost respect for Francis Chan was talking about the church building they built in Southern California and it's kind of like a tavern old-time Tabernacle you know there's there's not even walls it's kind of more like a stadium and what we had just built a big multi-million dollar building and I felt if I could say it I felt like crap you know look at all that money we wasted on brick and mortar and we should have you know sent that to the mission field like like Francis Chan and his church did but you know I got home and we had some dreary cold rainy days and I thought I've never seen that in Southern California you know we had some blazing hot Alabama days like you really don't have in Southern California and then a few years later Francis Chan wasn't at that church anymore and so I thought you know I really have to look at me my church my community and then a couple mentors that I can really learn from and sure I could be inspired by a lot of authors and a lot of conferences but it's really hard like you said it's really hard for my team back home my congregation my leaders to catch on board when I'm turning on a dime every six months because there's a new conference out there that year I think the same year the last time Francis Chan was that catalyst I drove him to the airport when the event was over with and we got to talk about my were doing church construction and he made the comment and we got about halfway there and he said man you really enjoy what you do don't ya I said yeah I feel like I'm in the right place I felt like I'm where God wants me right now doing what he wants me to do and and I said how about you I mean not just kidding thinking he was going to say oh I couldn't imagine my life being any better and I could tell from the comments that he made that he was overwhelmed by scheduling I finally just told him I said you know Francis I go to just about every church conference there is because of my work and you're at all of them you know it's okay to say no to some things and I think I think that's an important thing to realize right now what we're talking about not reinventing the wheel what you say no to is going to be more important than what you say yes to so you've got to get that filter on that says not in my church for most things and that clarity only comes when you've got really well-defined vision for where you're going and I mapped out strategy for how you're going to get there so the third point that we're going to talk about is you got too many people doing favors Jerry talk to us about what it looks like when you've got too many people doing takers yeah so you know one of the phrases I tell people all the time we talk about this at Daystar is when we recruit people to serve we say do me a favor and don't do me any favors because most pastors churches all around America the people who are serving on your ministry teams they feel like they're doing you a favor and it starts all the way from that that moment when they come right up from the altar call experience they come to the front gave their life to Christ and we immediately strap them with nursery duties just just in that very moment they're there serving and you know what most of the time they stink at it they still got tears in their eyes when you ask them will you be willing to do this and you know that they're going to do it because their heart is open and they receive something and and and the truth of the matter is they're neither passionate about that nor are they gifted to do that and so they end up doing something that they're at and you wish they stopped doing it but you're embarrassed to get them to do it and they want to stop doing it but they're guilty and don't want to do it and so what happens is they don't just stop doing that ministry they just quit your church altogether because they're embarrassed about it I call it the desperate volunteer model and we teach about that in the 24 - double one of the sessions but we want to people on a destiny driven model and so we have this simple little equation and we say that your passion plus your spiritual gift equals your destiny but we have created a profile that's a gift and passion profile where we help people answer a few questions and that helps them determine what their spiritual gift mix is it's not a gift but a gift mix and also what their area of passion is and if you can help a person determine those that the intersection basically kind of that where those two indices intersect that's the point where they're supposed to serve it in their calling and when you get people serving in their calling then they're they're doing it for God and not for you and as a pastor who I've had people doing me favors serving in different areas and now I've got people serving in areas because they feel called to do it I cannot tell you how big a difference that is how wonderful it feels to know that these are these are folks getting up every morning and they're getting up particularly on the weekend and they say today is my day serve and I'm going to do what God's called me to do as opposed to oh my goodness should I call the pastor and tell him I can't be there again that man that's just so painful so you know when you get to the place where people aren't doing your favor but they found their gift and you've helped them find their gift and calling man that's like it's the difference in pushing a wheelbarrow with a flat tire uphill and riding a go-kart downhill and that's where you want to be helping people find their destiny you know I that is this one hits the nail on the head for me I think for I've been at my church here in Atlanta now for about 15 years and for much of that time we LED small groups or you know I did a lot of time on the parking team even when a parking team and you know I enjoyed that but I think there was always this kind of sense that I was doing the church a favor and about two and a half years ago I started leading a high school small group and the thought that I'm doing my church at favor has not crossed my mind since then I I feel like not only am I getting an education on what it's like to be a teenager these years which is incredibly important for me bringing up a 11 year old daughter but just the idea of purpose and belonging and I've got these great friends now that are that are high school kids and I look back and as I'm looking at this gift testing that we're doing to get people in the right seat I'm thinking what I could have been doing this for 15 years but instead I kind of hopped around until I found the right spot you know for me so this is a critical part of ministry hey so the next point speeding run along here is another thing that churches are pastors don't that are doing that kill church growth is they don't have quantifiable goals they don't they don't have something they're shooting for talk a little bit about that in kind of areas that that's important Jerry yeah so that all begins with vision and that's why we start module number one as vision we say before you can do anything else you got to find out what you're great at what you're called it and we use something called the Hedgehog principle which helps you find out what is you know where your vision should be it's a it's a great little process to take your team through but when you start with vision and then you continue to recast vision and that vision gets more and more detailed and more and more specific then people will know what it looks like when we win you know Andy Stanley said vision leaks and I think that's so true it's kind of what rick warren said when he said you have to restate your vision every 30 days to your people I believe that's so important because people will you know I think people will live and die for vision but if it's if it lacks clarity they won't do anything they won't you know they'll climb a mountain for vision they won't cross the road for lack of clarity so we need to know what it is we're after uh you know how about get to tells us put it on a billboard make it very plain about one tells us that that vision is based on your burden you've got a burden in your heart and that burden births a vision people need to know they need to feel that and then make it quantifiable so you know on our teams you know we have the worship team has goals they need to meet the altar team we have a certain number of people who will raise their hand that they want to receive Christ and then we encourage them to come forward we count the hands raise we count how many people came forward count how many people who made a commitment get baptized we count how many people went from that commitment into our growth track how many went from 101 to 201 I mean we counted all we measure it all we even measure that we keep metrics on each individual staff member and the way they get a pay raise is not because cost-of-living went up 3% but because they met their benchmarks and they met their goals and and they don't meet their goals if the whole church doesn't meet its goal so I can be blowin it up in youth ministry but if the church didn't grow and the budget didn't grow there that I can't get a pay raise in youth ministry so that everybody's tied into the whole team and it basically says if we all don't win I can't win and so that that's a big part of how you get that camaraderie and that teamwork and everybody on board at the same time and a big a big part of the way that you guys run they store in the way that 2040 double runs is those staff members many of those staff members are responsible for one of these 7 teams that we helped build right so they're driven to get people in the right seat on those team yeah and it's very clear you know when we started out we had almost every team leader was a volunteer and I think I think today we have one of the seven teams that is led by volunteers still but as the church has grown and Doctor Who explained it to us that as the church grows you know you'll you'll have people on staff in those positions and that has grown as the church has grown above 2000 but early on almost every position was occupied by volunteer and they sort of worked their way into it into that ministry but the beautiful thing about the matrix and we won't get into that yet because it's a it's kind of deep into the process of 20/40 double but there's a matrix that really weaves all the teams together so you it's impossible to have a pirate team now I was a youth pastor and I led a renegade team I thought my youth group was better than the whole rest of the church and I couldn't stand the children's department and they couldn't stand me but this matrix doesn't make that possible it really causes everyone to come together it's a beautiful thing where we all share in the in the goals and all of our I may have some specific goals for my department if I'm a youth or children's pastor but there are shared goals that we have to all meet together and that's that's really the backbone of unity you touched on something a little bit there that I want to dive into for just a second what in my years doing church construction and getting churches ready for that I was always amazed to see that facilities were not largest expense for most churches it was it was actually staff and talk about what the 24 - double model has done to your to your staff cost yet so yeah the best way I can tell it is the accountant who does our church books he is the second largest accountant for churches in America and he told me that he has never done Church books for a church that has less staff cost then Daystar he said in his history he's done huge churches he does TD jakes his church he's in small churches rural churches so it's never been a church with a smaller percentage of staff and that's because we empower people and we build teams and people have a way they don't just go straight from the altar to being over something but they they find their gift and their talent and they grow and they mature and there's there's places for them to expand and and it's a process that that helps people have a safe place to serve and grow into a bigger area of responsibility and so basically someone when our staff was talking to a volunteer who wanted to be in ministry and he told him he told me what he told him and he said basically if you want to be on staff at Daystar you just do so much until they can't make it without you and then you get a job and incidentally that's exactly what he had done so name's Dave that's exactly how he got in the ministry is he did so much we couldn't make it without him and so there's constantly people growing and we because we make it so clear and so plain what we want them to do they will grow in their area of ministry and they love it until eventually as the church is grown and we need a new position they're clear the person we need and that's so huge that so much better than going out and hiring some big gun from some other Church because I don't know what he believes in I don't know what his ethics are I don't know what he thinks about me in my leadership or my church I don't know if he likes our town so so many very rules that we get to bypass when we have great teams that are growing our staff from within we bypass all those variables and there there's still a few but most of those variables are solved as they've grown up through our church funny story is I built for a church over in Athens that was actually a North Point strategic partner and I remember the lead pastor telling me one time that he'd interviewed five or six people for their small groups pastor and none of them had ever led a small group which is kind of funny but to make a pretty serious point if you've ever had to fire somebody that looked really good on paper but couldn't get the job done this will eliminate that the having people that kind of work their way into a position so that when you start paying them you know they can do what they say they can do so I think that's pretty big this next point is a big one Jiri is one of the things that will kill church growth is just not having the belief in yourself that you doubt what God can do through you yeah when we think too small I really think about it like this is this is almost going to sound like a contradiction in terms but let me let me explain it I think a real there's a big problem and then there's a bigger problem all right the big problem is when you take yourself too seriously the bigger problem is when you don't take yourself seriously enough and let me explain that I think there's a lot of religious people they take themselves way too seriously I can't be called Jerry I gotta be called bishop or pastor you know I can't you know I can't wear whatever I feel comfortable wearing I can't just talk in these terms I've got to have all my preacher voice on Sunday or and I say you know big words that are learned in seminary I think that's taking yourself too seriously but on the other hand there are times that you need to take yourself more seriously and I'm talking to pastors and I I want to I want you to hear me when I say this you are called by heaven we believe that the church is is the hope for all humanity and there is no plan B you are if the church is it and you're the leader you need to take that seriously and you need to know that the vision that God birthed inside of you he is well able to do that thing so you need to take it seriously that you're the Temple of the Holy Spirit I mean he flows inside of you and what he can do for you is is beyond your ability you know my little Church that when we started Daystar we were in a town of 491 people it was not in komen which in and of itself is not a big town but the little town outside of komen that we were in 491 people before we left that town we had 800 in attendance all right so the town doubled on Sunday because we opened up shop that's amazing and I want to tell you God's the same God for you he can do huge things for you doesn't matter you don't have to keep looking at you know the Andy Stanley's and Craig Groeschel of the world that are in bigger cities with different kind of scenarios there's something big where you live there's something huge in the heart of God where you live and he's chosen to speak to you about it and so I don't want you for a minute to hear the kind of things I'm talking about and say well you know it just wouldn't work for me I don't have those gifts you have the gift er that I have and that's God and and and the God who created you click gifts inside of you and I just I really I know you can hear me Richard I'm passionate about this making pastors know that they ought to be serious about their gift and calling because god is furious here's when he said I formed you in your mother's womb and and and put gifts inside of you before you were even born I take that very seriously and I think every pastor listening to me should as well man I'm telling you Jerry if they had a victory lap button on Google+ right now I'd be hitting it a few weeks ago I finished a job and takes her can of Texas a construction job about a five million dollar building that was a new sanctuary out there and I got to be really good friends with the pastor over that times name's Tim Montgomery and we were standing in the mezzanine area of this church which we built this incredible new worship facility for this church and a new children's ministry building and this hallway that ran between the old building and the new and the mezzanine area is all I can say it and we stood there and I thought this hallway is going to change this church the way the way this these people do Church in the way they do community before and after services and Tim and I were standing there talking and I said did you ever think it would be like this he said in my wildest imagination ten years ago when we were meeting in a boot store in takes our can of Texas I would never have imagined this so here's the thing I'm trying to the point I'm trying to make you really can't think as big as where God's taking you so thinking small from your reference point is dangerous because even when you think really big God is going far above that and beyond that so we've got to develop that muscle inside of us that faith muscle that says I can and even if I can't he can and that we're making ourselves available in my mind the commitment to doing what God's calling you to do is more important than being able to see clearly where he's taking you because he's going to take you farther beyond than that so I think I just turned this into a sermon so I did that's a good one let's talk about the last one alright number number six guys is when pastors kill their church by doing it all now listen I'm I'm a good person to talk about this problem because I've had this problem many times I'm a Type A personality very detailed or unit person and I'm a controller I've had to confess that and give that to the Lord and he's redeemed it and helped me be a good leader but by nature I'm a controller and so it makes it really really hard for me to let things go and so I want to run everything and I remember reading a book by John Maxwell he just made a line in there that said great leaders walk slowly through the crowd and boy that was like hitting me with a boat paddle in the face because I didn't do that I wanted to be a great leader and I kind of thought it was a pretty good leader but I clearly didn't do that because I was doing too many things especially on Sunday I'd be zipping through that sanctuary making sure this is right and that's right if you're doing that Pastor that's a clear sign that you're doing too many things and here's what we tell our staff now now that I've learned this lesson over many years I tell my team we don't hire doers you cannot maintain your job by doing enough things we hire leaders and I tell them if somehow you slip through the cracks and you got hired and you're a doer then you don't get to stay in this job until you learn how to be a leader and that's why I constantly I do a small group on leadership I teach leadership principles too and I just tell my staff if you think maybe you slip through the cracks and I haven't found out yet that you're just a doer then the best thing to do is join my small group and let me teach you how to be a better leader because if you're not empowering other you're not doing the Great Commission he didn't say go and make a big crowd he said go make disciples when you think about what Jesus did how did he do discipleship he didn't say go to Sunday School we've always said Sonny schooled his discipleship he said come and follow me and so first Jesus did it and they watched him do it and then they did it with Jesus and then thirdly they did it and Jesus watched and so that's what great leadership is if you just boil it down to three things you model it you partner in it and then you watch as they do it and so that's why I really a big part of what we teach in twenty-four double is is empowering leaders showing people how to do building teams so that constantly new leaders are emerging and I love it because every month there's some new leader it seems like emerging somebody will come up to me in fact the way Lance ended up getting on our team as executive pastor is he was on on a youth ministry leadership team and the youth pastor came up to me and said pastor you've got to meet this guy named Lance he's an incredible leader and we would have never known it if we were just doing all the stuff but we're constantly empowering people to do things and then occasionally someone just blows the roof off the place and you go wow I had no idea there was someone with that much potential in the room and again that'll never happen until you start building teams and you empower leaders to do things on their own one thing that comes to my mind is a book I read a while back called the 4-hour workweek and one of the questions that he asked partway through that book is you know if you went to the doctor and they said you know you're gonna die unless you stop working with two hours a day you know what would you do with those two hours a day and you kind of work through that exercise of going okay if I was only going to work two hours a day I would do this this this and this and I'd hand everything else off and then and then the next thing he asks okay you go back and he said that's not to get any better now you can only work two hours a week what would you do and what that did for me is it put me in the frame of mind of going one of the things that really the things that only I can do and and how do I get to the point of where I can hand off some of this other stuff and sometimes for you pastor that means you've got to hand things off to people that are volunteers you've got to seek them out find out what their that and hand stuff off to them so that you're not doing everything because this is what I do no one man cannot grow a church it's impossible and it at the formula for keeping your church salt small is to do everything that that's the formula yes and and it's and I think it's very irresponsible too because some some people do have great capacity in doing things and that was one of my challenges is I'm a really good doer and so our church really grew when it was all leaning on me and then just through prayer God just convicted me and said Jerry this thing is not about you and if you went away if something happened to you and you went away this whole thing would come crashing and I think we've all seen churches that have done that it would be an even big huge churches built on one man and the whole thing comes crashing down I just don't think that's God's model for us I don't think it's just calling it all and so that's why we are so passionate about helping build teams we build a whole church around seven teams that are a logical step from the first time you will hear about our church all the way until you're fully integrated you go teams one through seven and and it's like you've got seven labs of team building and seven laps of leadership building so I just love it knowing that I've got all these teams all these potential leaders growing up on a daily basis it's so exciting to be a pastor and know that's look that's coming your way well hey I wanted to say thanks to Jerry and also thanks to you and Jerry and I both hope that you enjoyed this webinar as much as we enjoy putting them together for you and we wanted to let you know if you're serious about growing your church 24 to double might be a good fit for you so I just wanted to answer one question for you before we let you go and that is what is 24 to double and and here's what it is first of all it's it's exclusive it's the first and only membership community focused purely on helping churches grow by anywhere from fifty nine to two hundred twenty eight percent and those are real numbers that we have seen happen in the 24 - double process honestly a lot of that growth happens on the front end but the whole process is about not just helping you grow but helping you sustain the growth not just getting people to church getting them to come back and secondly it's affordable when girion Lantz engaged with dr. Owen Weston they were paying anywhere from about $3,500 a month to $6,000 a month so we demolished the financial barrier between churches and high-priced consulting this content is delivered to you monthly at the same time every month you can use it without leaving the comfort of your church you don't have to spend money on hotels or gas or any of that stuff or try to get your lay leaders to leave their job for a few days to come enjoy this this training the next thing is it's easy right and and what I probably put should have put there was that it's simple right it's a done-for-you strategy tools resources and training you're going to get a mountain of information that's going to help you take this and pull it into your church and use it in a very practical way and then and then finally it's personal you know we believe that this training is a front for partnering with you to rebuild the church hopefully what you've heard today in the undertone from both Jerry and I is that we are passionate about rebuilding the church and its influence in America and it's really important to us and we can't do it by ourselves we need you to help us with this now here's the thing before you get this let me tell you exactly what it is so that you know that it's right for you and your church here's what it is we're going to give you seven hundred thirty seven dollars and fifty four cents of signup bonuses just for trying out twenty four to double and what twenty four to double is is it's twenty four monthly modules delivered each month over the next 24 months with more than fifty three hours of church growth training and that's Jerry and Lance teaching you and your staff or teaching you and then letting you teach your staff these principles that are going to help you engage new people in your community and grow your church also included are trained your team resources which means like I just said you can either allow us to train your team or you can take the information and train your team on your own it just depends on where you are in the life of your church and honestly with where you are in the life of your influence in your church right so it also includes VIP replay these of webinar training much like the training that we did today every webinar we do we stick on in to the membership site so that our members can enjoy it in the future and as well as bringing new people in and sharing webinars that we've done in the past the next thing it is is that we have live monthly Q&A s again we want more than a membership with you we want a relationship with you we want to be able to communicate with you we are top notch when it comes to handling customer service questions but we also we want to have these relationships with you because we want to encourage inspire and partner with you to grow your church and to grow the church we're also throwing in sermon prep notes for eight series and we're constantly adding to this but one thing that Giri is second-to-none on is sermon preparation and his notes are phenomenal and so what we've done is we've taken eight series past series that Jerry has done in his notes and we put them into the program so there's actually 34 individual messages and part of my hope in doing that was that we would create just a little bit more margin for you in your schedule to be able to take in this 24 - double training so that you can effectively teach it and see it lived out in your church the the last things the 24 - double online spiritual gifts and passions test you heard Jerry and I talked about this during this webinar and other webinars and basically that spiritual gifts and passions test is the foundation for passionate ministry in your church what it is is it's putting the right people in the right place in day one and not letting them have to figure it out on their own that is a huge advantage when you go to start rebuilding your church and building the teams that are going to matter you want people that are passionate in those key ministry areas we also do monthly webinar calls with pastors that are getting it done and not just guys that are getting it done using 2040 double-butt other pastors that we run into that are grow in their churches because nobody has exclusive rights to ideas on how to grow the church we want to find the best principles and practices wherever we can and leverage those for you in this effort to grow the church you're also going to get the first module you're actually going to get the first two modules are going to get what we call module 0 which is the overview and a heavy piece about vision planning and and how to do big events and then you're going to get the first module which is primarily about making sure that you've ingrained your vision so that when you begin this process of trying to grow your church you can always come back to Center on the vision and it's a huge tool it will be developed in that first module helping you develop the vision and the statement and making sure that you've got solid foundation as you start this process and we're doing all of that for you we're giving you all of these resources for just $99 a month and that is less than one person tithing in your church what we were trying to do when we embarked on this journey of taking 24 to double online is to make it where it's within reach of every church and certainly any church can reposition some finances or they can go out and find a few guys that can find $99 a month on top of that we're going to give you a bold guarantee and here's what that is if after 60 days you don't feel like twenty fourty double is worth it we'll give you a hundred percent refund no questions asked you just call us up and say hey I want my money back and we will all will ask you to do is to give us some feedback but other than that we're not looking for a way out because we really want you to try this and on top of that we're going to give you 14 days to try it out so after 60 days you're only going to be into this thing for $99 anyway and we'll give you the money back but we want to let you try it out for 14 days for free so that you feel comfortable getting your feet wet getting into this thing with your team and seeing if this is a good path for you now here's the thing you are obviously really serious about growing your church and I just wanted to take a second and acknowledge that you you know we've been on the line here for close to 50 minutes and you've taken time out of your schedule to do this so there is something inside of you that's serious about making a change and most pastors never take the time to educate themselves in the way that you have just in these last few minutes right so you're online watching and you really have a commitment and you're determined to do this now and that's why I think you are perfect for 24 to double is specifically for people like you who are ready to rebuild a church and live out God's vision for their life so go ahead and click the button below and start the 14-day trial again all the risk is on us try it out if you have questions give us a shout and again I wanted to just say thanks for carving out some time in your schedule to be with us today and we hope to see you on the other side of the membership site thanks
Channel: Richard Chancy
Views: 64,395
Rating: 4.4685988 out of 5
Keywords: Church Growth, Church Leadership, Discipleship Model
Id: 9fapqV8FyDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 22 2014
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