The Doors are Open - Asymptomatic Purpose

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now moses was tending the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priest of midian and he had led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to horeb the mountain of god there the angel of the lord appeared to him in flames from within a bush moses saw though the bush was on fire it did not burn up so moses thought i would go over and see this strange sight why the bush does not burn up when the lord saw that he had gone over to look god called him from within the bush moses moses and moses said here i am do not come any closer god said take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy ground then he said i am the god of your father the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob at this moses hit his face because he was afraid to look at god the lord said i have indeed seen the misery of my people in egypt i have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and i am concerned about their suffering so i have come down to rescue them from the hand of the egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land and now the cry of the israelites has reached me and i have seen the way the egyptians are oppressing them so now go i am sending you to pharaoh to bring my people the israelites out of egypt but moses said to god who am i that i should go to pharaoh and bring the israelites out of egypt and god said i will be with you and this will be the sign to you that it is i who have sent you when you have brought the people out of egypt you will worship god on this mountain moses said to god suppose i go to the israelites and say to them the god of your fathers has sent me to you and they ask me what is his name and what shall i tell them god said to moses i am who i am this is what you are to say to the israelites i am has sent me to you god also said to moses say to the israelites the lord the god of your fathers the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob has sent me to you this is my name forever the name by which i am to be remembered from generation to generation exodus 3 verse 1 through 15. [Music] so what is up church by the glades oh oh i missed you i missed you it is so good to be back on a weekend after 26 weeks that would be six months half a calendar year we are back in the house yeah make some noise give it up for god and the person sitting six feet away next to you that's awesome thanks for being here wearing their masks your voices are muffled and listen we still have thousands of people watching online giving up our online family church family cbt online thanks for being with us right now gosh and one of the cool things one of the romans 8 28 moments where god calls us all things to work together for good is the fact that we have developed i think you know some some online muscle we didn't have before tech team video team worship team but with quincy that that worship team today that cover that's so fun thank you guys for that uh but we have uh done church online now for six months you guys done a great job sharing that thanks for being part of that so if you're watching online right now go ahead get the coffee plug in grab your bible we'll be in exodus chapter three exodus chapter three let's say that together loudly exodus chapter so if you have your bible grab that quickly so whether you're at church online or you're here in the house or at lake worth campus give it up for lake worth campus come on loudly lake worth campus look i've missed you i expect you're bringing your a game today all right all right so uh and we'll bring sample road online in just a couple weeks prison campuses be praying for our brothers and sisters dear part of our church family in the prison camp says they're not allowed to gather for any purpose right now so we can't do church with them so it's our prayer that god would be very present with them we've written them letters we continue to pray uh so man we love those campuses so good you're here so good you're here so what do we talk about today what do we do what what topic what theme how about this i think for the next couple weeks here is the obvious thing we're gonna call this mini series the doors are open the doors are open thanks for being here and by the way if you're at home watching online we've got people watching now literally all over the world i love the chat every week in the chat we see people from brazil people from japan europe you know all over the place so a lot of people right now connecting with church by the glades not in south florida but if you are in south florida and uh you're immune compromised or you're sick stay at home keep doing church online if you're a senior adult probably should stay home and do church online if you have been sheltering at home all six months and almost not left your home i get it it's fine we don't think that we're super spiritual that we're here church online is valid stay connected now if you're watching church online and you've been to the mall been to restaurants been going to the gym religiously going to the beach been to disney world come back to church come back to church if you've been to see mickey mouse and i've been by the way come back to church you'll find the protocols we put in place are very safe we've spaced ourselves we're in mass we check your temperature coming in the room i mean i'm telling you this and listen i had coven if any pastor is committed to making sure you are safe it is me come back to church come back to church good thing to do right now all right exodus chapter 3. i want to discuss this idea of god opening a door god opening a door a divine door to your destiny god revealing his purpose in your life and actually this kind of language shows up with a degree of frequency in your bible god opening the door i can show you several places but for the sake of time you stay in exodus chapter 3. let me show you something in the final book of the bible in revelation chapter 3 jesus the speaker here is jesus and the first person and he says something to the church the church in philadelphia now if you're watching in pennsylvania not that philadelphia but a little tiny city in what would be modern day turkey and by the way this church we believe was a very marginalized church it was oppressed it was impoverished it was persecuted but they were hanging tight no matter how hard things got they kept hanging on to god and look what jesus says to this church it's on the screen right now revelation chapter 3 verse 8 on the by the way a production team y'all been showing off they have built some extra leds they're even curved since we've been going all right here we go read the highlighted word jesus we can see i have place before you and open that no one can shut verses like that intrigue me is our god so good and so generous he's willing to open a door a door of potential adore of you stepping into your destiny a door a blessing because he's saying i get his heart church in philadelphia i get you've been persecuted i know they've done you wrong i know but guess what i'm about to open a door of effectiveness a door of ministry a door and when i open a door no one can close it so when god opens the door step into it right step into it and i think that's a vital idea of this idea we'll show you an open door in exodus chapter three so revelation chapter three we've opened our doors here at church i'm gonna show you exodus chapter three here we see in revelation chapter three but when god presents an opportunity step into it when god opens the door because we've all if you're a grown person you've missed an opportunity in your life haven't you maybe not a spiritual opportunity but something in life that if you had to do over you're like oh man i miss that opportunity right anybody raise your hand or put in the chat if you've missed an opportunity in like every hand here in the room at sawgrass i'm sure lake worth as well is open all right i'll tell you one uh in my life back in 2004 lisa we first moved to this property we left our little tiny building on university drive back in the day and we didn't build this building we built the building across the breezeway we called the original worship center and and and the kids facility roy we built that we were so excited we'll have this older guy in the church really kind really connected guy spent his career in the navy and he calls me i mean he's probably in his late 70s hey david i got an opportunity for you how would you like to be flown from south florida to an aircraft carrier an aircraft carrier right off the coast spend the night on the aircraft carrier and in the morning in the morning uh you'll fly in a f-14 tomcat my brothers come on guys come on who doesn't want to do that right wow are you kidding me aircraft carrier flying on a jet i'm in i mean give me the details well there's a catch you're going to be at homestead air force base packed in 90 minutes i call lisa right away lisa lisa i mean i got this opportunity to be a 90 minute now that's back charlie you know 2004 so you're small your sister's small there's no zane in the equation yet and we started talking about the things had to get done and the church was growing and i called him back said you know i don't think i can swing it in 90 minutes but if the opportunity ever presents itself again please call i'm still waiting for that phone call it's never happened a one and done but you know i'm so glad i made the responsible choice and i stayed home to take care of i have no idea what it was this big thing that made me miss the opportunity that i had stayed home and i talked to lisa at least remember there was it made me stay home and i told this story to zane for the first time zane's eleven he goes dad what did you miss that for i'm like i have no idea all i know was i missed it so sometimes god presents a door he presents a door and there's a fleeting window of time you got to take advantage of this this moment of potential step into it by faith there's always going to be reasons not to it will suddenly be convenient it won't seem like the right time as far as your agenda your schedule but if god says here's the door open the door that no one can shut press in it is your moment take advantage step through the door i'm going to show you here in exodus chapter 3 that god is going to give a door a blessing a door of effectiveness a door of ministries to open up or actually technically reopen up a door for moses so it's a story of the call of moses the team read just a few moments ago and the moment i say moses somebody disconnects you're like wait david you're talking about having like an impact and living a life of effectiveness but your example is moses i can't relate to that because moses was moses i mean moses is like one of those iconic people in the bible moses is the name that went down in history they make movies about moses right i mean moses was so gifted moses was so hyper talented moses could do miracles moses wrote the bible in his spare time i know moses i mean people like moses are so talented so gifted of course they have opportunity they they're people of purpose and potential i'm kind of ordinary and i get it there's some people just just super intelligent or super talented and they tend to leave their mark on the world and they're rare people in fact some of these people they're they're so accomplished even their ability or aptitude show up very young in life i mean they're really young and people go my gosh they're so special right we call those people prodigies prodigies you know achievers do things really young in life like here's some examples behind me of some prodigies you might recognize you know mozart music had published music at age five that's kindergarten stevie wonder stevie wonder got started so early his first number one hit he was age 11. how about athletics uh michael phelps and koko golf phelps qualified for the olympics at age 15 she qualified for the wimbledon at the same age 15. they have their learner's permit they don't have their driver's license yet you may not recognize this guy right here he's a journalist his name is ronan farrell he broke the story on harvey weinstein and all that scandal i mean very respected he went to college at 11. should be going to sixth grade he went to college qualified for yale law school at age 16. prodigies not to mention dookie hauser come on doogie howser a doctor like 17 right okay you're too young for your two old fathers doogie howser he's not real but you get the idea now you look at these people and go i'm not like them i'm not hyper talented i'm not a prodigy i'm kind of ordinary guess who else wouldn't belong on that list moses in exodus chapter 3. if you could talk with moses he would go you know i'm just i'm just a regular guy i'm not special i'm no leader and typically you're right people who change the world man start early um thomas edison thomas edison maybe one of the greatest minds america's ever produced you know science now engineering uh has almost 1100 patents in his name it's still a record to this day invented like the phonograph technology from ocean pictures incandescent light bulb all those things he was world famous by the time he was 30. raise your hand in this room if you're 30 like me 30 or older 30 year old raise your hand okay we need to get started he was world famous by our age right in fact he was such a prodigy when he was about seven years old he came home with a sealed letter from his teacher and the teacher wrote a letter to his mom and here's what the teacher wrote your son is a genius this school is too small for him and doesn't have good enough teachers to train him i recommend he stays home please teach him yourself when a teacher says your kid is such a genius we can't teach your kid that's a prodigy right that kid wow you know no wonder he became thomas edison but moses at the start of exodus 3 like i'm i'm not special i'm no prodigy you know maybe back when he would say you know when i was younger many many years ago i was just out of my out of my 30s maybe back then because it just surprised me to know uh i grew up in a palace i grew up in an egyptian palace i had the education afforded maybe the egyptians i was actually in the royal family i thought maybe i could make a difference in the world that was a long time ago in fact way back then i did think i didn't got god put this flame this spark in my heart not to just climb the ladder success in the egyptian empire but the egyptian empire was built on the backs of hebrew slaves and i can speak egyptian i know the egyptian culture i i might have been pharaoh if i played my cars right but i'm a hebrew at heart and i really thought maybe maybe god had this purpose had this door had this dream for me to help emancipate my kindred but if he had a door i messed up on the door i slipped up in the door i just you see moses when he was 40 did have this passion to see his people set free and there was a moment in the bible it says that he saw a slave master an egyptian slave master beating a hebrew slave the bible said he looked this way and that way he didn't think anybody saw it and in a moment of rage he killed the slave master now i won't offer any commentary on the morality of killing the slave master a slave master beating a slave might need to get bumped off but like so many times in life violence in this case not talking about the morality was just counterproductive it did not work and because he was seen he had to flee egypt and leave his position of power you see he had the right heart right man right mission wrong methodology you see you can't do god's work using the devil's methods and uh you got ahead of god and so what happens is it says he had to flee to midian he had to flee to the wilderness and well david what happened in the wilderness here's what happened life like a whole bunch of life like the years roll by and he's in the wilderness in fact if you check out exodus chapter 2 verse 23 on the screen right now it gives us a little detail here's what happened it said during that long time and those four little words represent four decades of moses life and think about the decades because he had to flee at age 40 so his 40s roll by and his 50s roll by and his 60s roll by and his 70s roll by as we get to the start of this story this famous story in exodus chapter 3 we'll study this week and next week he's an octogenarian been on aarp for 25 years think man i'm no prodigy so he's in the wilderness the water now that's a famous story you probably heard the story if you don't know the bible hollywood's done prince of egypt ten commandments you've you've seen this word and we think of moses in the wilderness so much have this idea who just lives in this bleak existence he's like alone in a cave and he's haggard and he's lamenting his bad decisions right you do you think you think um you think tom hanks in castaway that's what's going through your mind right now that's what moses kind of looked like he's talking to a volleyball right he's so lonely i don't think that's the way it really went down i don't think i got pastor roby barnes is in the room right now would you please give it a pastor robbie barnes no loud one of the best pastors in south florida i've known roby since robie was in fourth grade lead city rev church dan i've known your family forever as well dan gossett here the executive pastor as well thank you guys for coming they're trying to see what we're doing and what they can do much better no doubt uh it's great to have colleagues that love south florida and we love and stand with city rev church anyways and everything you read the story you know we think of this bleak existence how to i think actually maybe life was okay for moses i mean the bible says he got married marriage is a good thing brother i hope you're clapping she's right there next to you right i hope you about marriage is a good thing he gets married oh i heard moses got married he married zappora as a poor isn't that jethro's oldest of his seven daughters oh she's the pretty ones the poor good for moses then he said he had some kids had two healthy boys two strapping boys matt had a couple of kids online had so he has a wife and he has kids he has a family that is a blessing on top of that he has a job if you have a job you are blessed amen right now a lot of people have lost their jobs in south florida you have a job you are blessed he had a job what do you do he's in the family business what is the family business is shepherding oh shepherding is good in this region right now and so i don't think he had this marginalized impoverished i think probably he was a a somewhat successful shepherd with a wife and kids and family business and he's prospering and success is good but success and purpose are not the same things [Music] i'm not anti-success watching online i hope you're successful work hard work smart young people get your education get your degree get another degree intern make smart decisions every market has opportunities even this weird market right now i pray you're successful but you think life is just about success there's a bigger issue called divine purpose passing through god's divine door and that flame that god had ignited back many years before was not extinguished and in quiet moment though he was happy to be you know comfortable prosperous hashtag blessed i got a wife for kids look at all the sheep i have here in the field translation escalades in the driveway i felt like i was meant for something more my heart is still wrapped around two million jews who are oppressed to slaves but when the door came i missed the door if you ever felt like that don't put in the chat god understands now i'm not knocking success by the way success is great not the same thing not the same thing but we're talking about purpose purpose is a bigger better and biblical idea so so god says guess what it's wonderful moses that you're all about this idea of being successful but i made you for a purpose and christian i believe that's true of every single believer and i know that's a something on my part you're like you'll know me i'm sitting here at the cheap seat never met you before pastor david i get it but i know certain things about you based on scripture god god knows you god made you god loves you and jesus died for you if you don't have a relationship with jesus we can fix that in like 12 minutes because we're going to have prayer partners yes we're going to have prayer partners once again at the front of the stage they have to stand six feet away i'm not sure how that works but they'll help you navigate life's greatest decision you can give yourself by faith to christ today when that happens it changes when you say yes to jesus jesus infuses your life with forgiveness and with his power and with his peace and the promise of heaven and purpose now let me talk to the christians and i don't think this purpose of god ever dissipates as long as you're alive yeah you might miss going through the door but the purpose might be might be delayed but not derailed i'm using moses as my example i don't care what you're going you're watching online right now and you're you're a christian and you're a complete spiritual rebellion you're a prodigal you're lukewarm you're running for god and because you are there's no evidence of the love of christ or surely the holiness of god anywhere in your life you still have purpose it's just the purpose of god is it's asymptomatic and i see your frustration i see you're following i see your addiction i see your brokenness and guess what god wants to fix all that in your life and forgive that all your life but even with all that mess you would still test positive for purpose [Applause] moses purpose was asymptomatic for 40 years but i got a wife i got some cute kids i got some sheep god had a way bigger flock in mine for him so what happens what happens okay god's going to represent the door he's going to represent in his grace i'm going to give you a second chance i'm going to represent the door but i gotta get moses attention so the door needs a doorbell so circle back around to exodus chapter three uh verse two i'm following on the screen right now so here's what happens and by the way we'll cover the rest of this next week the best part is next week here's what it says the angel of the lord appeared to him moses in flames from within the bush moses saw that the bush was on fire it did louder it did it did not burn up so moses thought i will go over and see this strange side a living bible says i will see this amazing thing like bush really amazing thing they didn't have cable or netflix this is amazing this is amazing i would go over to see this strange site why the bush does not burn up now all the smart people are still with me all right so god has support thank you young person yeah you're smart back there so god has this plan for moses but it's been a long time his 40s have rolled by his 50s have rolled by his 60s of robin his 70s have rolled by he has a wife and kids and business right he's hashtag blessed god's gonna give us attention now next week when we cover the conversation because what they say to each other what god says i mean god tells his name that's good manners introduce yourself right and moses starts asking these questions and making some excuses it's not just one of the best conversations in the bible it's one of those famous conversations in all of history so don't miss next week by the way bring somebody with you we got room bring somebody with you next week right early service we have seats as well saturday night so bring some with you next week so next week we'll unpack the conversation the conversation is so much fun but i just want to cover the means of the conversation the the verbal vehicle that god chooses because you you know the detail and by his one time i wish you hadn't seen the movie prince of egypt or even read this story i wish the story was a fresh story because it would be shocking that the god of the universe chooses something to be the means of communication and this is god and this is god speaking to a human being with revelation for the first time in almost 500 years and what's he choose a bush god where is your sense of showmanship a little production value right i mean god a bush by the way bushes were everywhere in that part of the world everywhere moses looked every day he saw bushes bush bush bush bush bush very common and of course bushes are temporary right they only last for what a few months couple years right so common and by the way not beautiful lush green tropical bushes like south florida you know in that part of the world they're brown look dead all the time so god picks this kind of ugly common ordinary temporal thing right a bush god picks the bush now god if you go with a plant showmanship first time you're speaking to somebody you'll pick pick a pick an oak tree god pick a beautiful powerful soaring oak tree by the way oak trees live for hundreds of years they endure you know there are oak trees in south florida that were still trees alive back when the founding fathers signed the declaration of independence pick an ancient african baobab tree live for over a thousand years make a statement god uh pick um pick a california redwood tallest tree in the world majestic powerful they soar by the way man man redwoods were alive and still alive you know a thousand years before europeans came to north america pick one of those but a bush a bush is ordinary a bush is unspecial a bush is common exactly because moses felt common and unspecial and ordinary because the purpose of god was muted in his life the door of destiny was asymptomatic and it had been a long time now what got his attention not a bush there's bushes everywhere something was happening with the bush daenerys what was happening with the bush the bush was what the bush was the bush was oh it's so good to have people talking about the books what on fire all right let's think that through together quickly i love stuff like this all right so the bush common ordinary and very temporary fire fire by nature changes everything it touches right fire changes everything whether it's sadly acres of woodland in california right now or fire changes the burger on your grill this afternoon or the cuban cigar in your hand if you're watched online i don't know what you're doing right fire changes everything it touches fire consumes but moses got his attention he probably seen bushes on fire before it's an arid part of the world maybe a lightning strike they saw a brush fire but what god's attention was the common temporary bush was on fire but the fire did not change the bush it didn't change the bush why it got his attention that consumed but see the fire stay with me did not change the bush because the unchanging immortal eternal god was in the bush it was the doorbell so moses goes to check it out in the conversation the conversation's so good the conversation's so good that's next week go back next week but it was meaningful for moses because over the very long time over 40 years so much had changed his vocation had changed his relationships had changed his environment had changed his body had changed oh young people your body changes a lot from 40 to 80 right it changed a whole lot i don't know yet but it's changed you've seen people right a lot of change all that so his vocation had changed his relationship had changed his body had changed but god's purpose had not changed god's purpose was the same god rolls up and says moses hey there's people you your heart broke for those people in bondage let's go get them you are my man this is your season you see moses misunderstood his season for the last four years because it had been a very long time he thought this season is well it's not my season to make a difference it's my not my season set people free it's it's i guess it's my shepherding season and because of my age it's my retirement season or it's a it's my permanent season god says no it's not your permanent season it's your preparation season because that young man who wanted to be used back when he was impulsive and lacked self-control and judgment and he acted first and thought later he was violent i can't use him heart was right i had to mature him i had to season him guess what it took a long time but now you're ready here's the door you see rightly recognizing your season is key to you discovering your blessing rightly discerning your season is so key to you discovering the power of god's purpose in your life so moses is time to go and next week we'll talk about it because he lobs up these lame excuses and it's not that moses is being lazy or lacks empathy he just was insecure he'd been a long time and he almost misses sometimes we spiritually self-sabotage ourselves wait till next week wait till next week we become our own worst enemy when it comes to god things so god gets his attention it's time to make a move it's time to be chasing your future i got this for you i got this not making start making up your excuses it's time to make your move and do this thing now let me close with this idea so when so when because i think moses had this spark that he wanted to make a difference the power of god's purpose in the time he was small where did that purpose come from how did that initiate the bible doesn't say but may i speculate just a moment i speculate i guess some theologians in the front row don't judge me i'm we'll speculate right here this is my opinion when did this whole idea that he could be used in a big way happen because i would argue he was not a prodigy did not get started he's an octogenarian i would argue maybe god used to ignite the spark that he could be a difference maker that he could be a person of purpose probably happened way back and he used a person named jaaka bed yaakov you're like who the heck is yucca bed okay it's not something we named our kids today but that's the name of moses mama and it create how moms can see things in the kids nobody else sees moms recognize stuff or else misses you know positive things typically and so you know the story of moses his birth he was born at a very difficult time because there was a pharaoh in power who was paranoid and sadly genocidal and he recognized there was a population explosion among the hebrews since he enslaves them that's not sufficient to decrease their numbers i got an idea let's kill all the boys anytime a baby is born girls live boys die i'm sure if you protected your child your baby boy is a hebrew you died too so sadly parents surrendered their children but jacob couldn't do that when she had a baby and it was a boy it says she recognized he was an extraordinary child he's like three months old what do you do that was extraordinary did he talk could he walk did he change his own diapers what did he do right she could see it he was an extraordinary child so she tried to hide the extraordinary child she's trying to hide this extraordinary baby but guess what when god's doing an extraordinary thing in your life it's hard to hide and so after a while she couldn't hide its remember she made that like little basket herself and she made it water tied and turned into a little tiny boat and she put the little baby in the tiny basket and put the tiny basket in the nile then god did his magic god stuff right made the current push it this way and the wind pushed it that way it away pushed this way it navigated hippos and crocodiles ends up how does this happen it ends up floating right to the place where the princess the daughter of pharaoh would bathe she had to tend to go fetch it opens the basket here's a little baby and she recognized right away was a hebrew baby and then and then i'm guessing god had an invisible angel pinch moses because he cried just then and the bible says the tears of the baby broke the prince's heart she adopted him adoption's a wonderful thing she adopted him right on the spot and the bible also says this whole thing was when they put the baby in the water big sis mariam she was kind of walking on the shoreline going through the weeds to make sure the baby's okay and right when the the princess said i think we'll adopt this baby she popped out and said hey you need a wet nurse ma'am you need a wet nurse because formula has not yet been invented i know a wet nurse her name is jacobed here's her resume she'll work for you right now and so the princess pays her to raise her own baby who but god can save your baby that gets you paid for raising your own baby and so moses grows up with all the advantage in education of the egyptians he literally grows up in a palace as a son of pharaoh but listen but a hebrew his mother is his nursemaid i can just see her in that beautiful palace every time they're alone she's saying hey moses this is awesome how good is god you know your family we live in a shack we're slaves we're oppressed you live in a palace learn everything learn the egyptian culture learn the egyptian power structure learn the egyptian language but you're no egyptian you are an israelite you're one of god's chosen right now you are extraordinary and maybe just maybe one day god's going to use you to set us free he's going to get you ready to help all of us out i think god has raised you up for a purpose i think there's a divine door in front of your life robbie i don't know that's the way it went down but i want to pretend like that's the way it went damn but i tell you sometimes there's someone in your life early on that sees potential that everybody else misses if you don't have someone i'll be your someone you roll back around next week this will not be a spiritual pep rally but i'll speak the power of god's word over your life and the bible is a faith-filled victorious optimistic word then you just take it home and start walking through the divine doors so who believes in you i'm not a prodigy maybe you're a prodigy you're probably not a prodigy michael phelps is a prodigy and cv wonder prodigy and mozart a prodigy thomas edison a prodigy by the time he's 30 he's world famous when he's like seven years old his teacher's writing letters and he's so smart he's a genius we don't have teachers smart enough to educate educate him yourself it's many years later and thomas edison's mom has just passed away he's going through her things he's broken-hearted she was such a great mother and she was his educator and he actually found the letter the teacher wrote but here's what the letter actually said the letter said dear mrs edison your son is mentally deficient we cannot let him attend our school anymore sadly i must tell you he is expelled sometimes it's okay to lie sometimes it's okay to lie if you want to build future and promise into your kid a school expelled thomas edison some teacher thought he was beyond hope walk through the door walk through the door if you're not saved right now man this is your moment i miss my chance to soar i missed my chance to fly i missed my chance to do something great don't you miss this the prayer partners will be here make your move for jesus only god saw it only god saw in this broken man because it had been a long time he saw this one time a little baby who was drawn from the nile he drew out a river of resource and resolve in his life he saw this young man moses who didn't even have potential anymore and he raised up a flood tide of faith in his life he can do the same for you father god none of this counts unless we move unless we take action let's move feet to our faith so father if there's a fire to make a difference in our life ignite it in something that burns that consumes us completely we make this prayer in jesus name amen
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 1,476
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun
Id: xcckSrWiFPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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