The Domino Crowns of Robloxia

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long long ago in the Year 2007 ad the great Roblox administrator telmon set the people of robloxia a challenge the task telmon gave his people sounded simple they were to build a Domino Rally place a Domino Rally For Those unaware is a chain of dominoes stacked on their ends in a line like this when one Domino Falls it hits the next one which hits the next one which hits the next one causing each one to fall in Rapid succession to enter this contest was simple all one had to do was create an account whose name began with drbc and whose Place had drbc in its title however putting a creative enough spin on the Domino Rally concept to stand out as a Victor would prove to be easier said than done what's more the challenge would not be judged by telmon but instead by the populace a score for each Place entered in the contest would be generated by adding two times the place's number of unique visitors to the places number of total visitors the nine highest scoring places would be the victors and they along with the creators of the top four most viewed YouTube videos about the contest were awarded what would come to be one of if not the most important and influential limited accessories in Roblox history the Domino Crown a glistening gold nonagonal ring with three golden dominoes standing proudly at top it this Crown has captivated the people of robloxia ever since its creation its extreme Rarity coupled with its insanely High trading value has sparked a myriad of controversies and conflicts over the years surrounding it the crowns have traded hands many a time even those belonging to robloxians who didn't willingly give them away in fact it is now to the point where not a single original Domino Crown is in the hands of the person who originally won it for this video I attempted to catalog exactly how we got to this point I spent ages by which I mean One Work Week scrubbing through old Forum posts trolling through the Ramon's Discord server scraping and much much more all to determine as accurately as possible the paths that these original crowns have taken over the years and in doing so fin finally tell the complete history of the Roblox Domino Crown was I successful not entirely but what I did une Earth is very very interesting let us begin this story at the bottom of the stack with the contest ninth place winner gamer 3D his place Dropout made the cut for victory by the skin of its teeth with a score of 45 it's quite barebones featuring nothing but an extremely simple Domino Rally on a bridge a curve Domino Rally and two pairs of dominoes standing alone judging by its title and its unfinished looking State it's thought that gamer 3D gave up on this place partway through making it but because of his relative popularity at the time he still managed to eek out a victory he kept hold of his crown until 2012 when it was bought off him by inter coding who then sold it to famous Trader r200 who traded it to Lando 64,000 yes the same Lando 64,000 that made lumian Legacy and then it was bought by verse the speedrun 4 developer verse liked the crown and decided to incorporate it into his Avatar as part of his signature look along with Dominus frigidus and there it seemed that this Crown had found its permanent final resting place but on June 24th 2022 a mysterious hooded figure stepped foot into the Roblox catalog he pulled back his cloak it was Mr maggot 216 the developer of the 1.6 billion visit game ragd doll engine and as a result of this game's immense success he was was Laden with Robux rumors put his bank account at well over 500 million but in this moment he didn't carry himself like a millionaire he had a craze look in his eye everyone who looked at him could immediately tell that something wasn't right and then he stepped up to the counter and spent almost every last bit of his wealth on limiteds Dominus empius Dominus Astra Eerie pumpkin head several different Sparkle time fedoras and among these purchases a domino Crown versus Domino Crown he bought it for 40 million Robux to this day Mr maggot's spending spree is the largest amount of Robux spent on limiteds all at once by far and the largest amount of Robux spent on the Domino Crown estimates put his total amount spent at well over 500 million and with that amount of Robo alone he could have been a millionaire in real life but sadly the truth would later come out that the reason why he did this was because Roblox rejected his devx application meaning that that wasn't an option for him so he did the next best thing he bought a bunch of limiteds and then sold them for real money on the black market notorious Black Market buyer and Trader 44 change more commonly known by the Alias font bought the Domino for real money on July 3rd 2023 it was then traded to the once popular furry YouTuber narpy Paws with whom it remains to this day though narie doesn't often wear it eighth place was awarded to rocks 25 who managed to achieve a score of 412 with his place drbc rocks 25 super cool cool Domino Rally it's a noticeable step up from gamer 3D's Place containing a lengthy Domino Rally with several moving parts and special effects such as this red domino falling into a glass of water these two rockets launching off and this colorful Tower of dominoes that fall upward it also remains almost completely working to this day the only hit Cup points usually being the parts where balls Are Meant to hit things to move the rally along in my opinion rocks deserved a much higher score for this build as for his Domino Crown he held on to it for 6 years until it was obtained by voitus in June of 2013 it's suspected that he broke into rox's account and stole it but no one knows for sure what we do know is that in July of 2013 voitus was terminated with the Domino Crown still on his account there the crown sat in dele hell for eight cold dark years until September of 2021 when it mysteriously disappeared off voxid this's corpse and was sent to popular ugc Creator monk ghost see up until 2021 monre had been the owner of another Domino Crown it was one of the ones spawned into existence later than the original ones which I'm not covering in this video because that it would be like 3 hours long however in 2021 monkes got hacked when Roblox found out they terminated bye-bye but inexplicably instead of returning monre his Domino Crown from that account they instead pulled the long deleted Crown off of voxus and used it to replace Monk's stolen one so now Rox 25's Crown is safe and sound with Mon's ghost but it's unknown what happened to Mon's original craft seventh place was won by a collaborative effort by users Jacob XX duel now known as reverse polarity and Koopa called drbc ultimate Domino which received a score of 417 while it's clearly much higher effort and more visually impressive than Rock 25s I personally don't find it as fun because it forces you to remain contained in small little observation boxes and you can't actually go outside and get up close and personal with the dominoes also the rally starts automatically when you join the in the game you don't get the fun of pushing Over The Dominoes yourself and there aren't as many cool Easter eggs and special effects but there's a lot more dominoes and almost every part of the rally Works consistently except for a few Fringe Parts towards the end so I'll give them that it was decided that Jacob would be the one to get the crown since Koopa actually got a crown of his own from the video part of the contest Jacob sold his crown almost immediately after it went Limited in October of 2009 which was a pretty bad move actually to Django 136 he kept hold of it all the way until 2022 when he was compromised and DC went to this throwaway account but it was restored to his account shortly thereafter and there it remains to this day or at least that would be the case if the single most insane coincidence I've ever witnessed in my life had it happened literally as I was researching for this part of the video jeno got compromised again here's what happened around 300 p.m. of December 28th 2023 I was looking at D Jango 136 his account to confirm that he still owned his Domino account which he did it was on his Avatar I also noticed that he hadn't been online for 5 months and his description specifically said that he was not accepting offers on his Domino Crown then a few hours later I checked back on his account just to confirm something and he wasn't wearing the crown anymore his description was changed to VR and he was last online 9 minutes ago I took a look at his friends list to see if maybe whoever did this had left a calling card and I noticed someone interesting this severals person was wearing a domino crown and I hadn't seen their name in the past 5 days of res Arch I'd been doing they had a private inventory but it was scanned less than a week before and they didn't have the Domino then hm I wonder who they got it from rumor has it that severals isn't actually the person who hacked D Jango but instead just the person who bought the Domino Crown off the hacker another big item of D Jango admiral of the royal Sky Fleet went to a different account entirely which supports that theory so for now that's where Jacob's former Crown is hopefully it gets rightfully returned to Django again soon and whoever hacked him is put to Justice sixth place Place went to condur who scored 442 points with his place drbc 44s Domino Rally in it the Domino Rally is meant to end with the final domino falling onto a bomb launcher which blows up the support beam in front of it toppling the giant sci-fi Castle above it which sounds super cool but it unfortunately was updated 7 years ago and doesn't work anymore but luckily the place is uncopylocked so I was able to download the earliest version of it and run it in the 2007 client through novatus and it doesn't work there either I don't think it ever did work actually but hey at least it still looks cool and it won him the Domino crown or at least I think it did I wouldn't know because cond never claimed the crown on his cond account imagine being so preoccupied that you forget to claim a 13 inexistence prize that will one day come to be worth $63,000 in real money that's next level ADHD right there in fifth place came waffle boy who netted a score of 535 with his place Domino madness he warned in his description that quote half the time it'll fail because it's based on luck I personally wasn't able to get a single 100% successful run it tended to almost never work at this part where the Domino gets fired upward and at this red line right here but all the cool special effects like this car blasting forward the firor firing and the lighting changing whenever a chain reached its end were still working and were pretty cool to see I also appreciated the inclusion of a working reset command via the chat very convenient waffle boy kept hold of his Domino Crown all the way up until 2016 it's unclear whether this was the real waffle boy considering that nowadays the account is very obviously stolen all we do know is that in 2016 it was traded for by a guy called wits also known as I Java wits then traded it to King Andrew K King Andrew K traded it to Sor skills Sor skills traded it to games page and games page traded it back to widths but then wids made a fateful mistake for reasons unknown he wanted to have someone hold on to his Domino crown on a different account so he gave it it to his friend teer better known as Derek at the same time an impostor struck someone had compiled a suspicious amount of information about wids and this was their chance to use it the Imposter convinced terer that he was wids told him that everything was good and got him to send the crown to his account instead of its rightful owners from there the impostor traded the crown to flunk 28 in a fair trade and at that point it was out of wi's hands rlock doesn't roll back trades unless they have solid evidence of the person requesting the roll back being hacked and since every trademan in this situ ation was technically legitimate that wouldn't be possible flan would end up trading the crown to someone known as tissue and then it was stolen from tissue by the infamous scammer and account hacker Alex crowns Alex crowns was terminated just a little while later and it's unknown whether he managed to trade off the crown before that happened in general there's a significant Gap in trading documentation for pretty much all of 2018 and much of 2017 this is because at the end of 2017 Let's Make a Deal Roblox Forum where the majority of Roblox trading was discussed and documented was shut down down along with the rest of the Roblox forums and throughout 2017 its Community was rapidly overexpanded and simultaneously devolving into a SES pit of toxicity and disorganization in 2019 the raman's Discord server found its footing And Trades started to be consistently documented on there but 2017 to 2018 was a sort of mini apocalypse period for the trading Community a trading Dark Age if you will I could make a whole video about that period and the fall of rbx.rox in fact but I'm not sure I'm quite ready to subject myself to level of insanity for a video yet the point is that it's very hard to track limiteds through that period and many domino Crown copies had their Trails go cold simply because they continued to be traded during this Dark Age waffle boys was one of them in fourth place came Mike who I've talked about on this channel before he created ultimate paintball which was the single most popular place on Roblox during its earliest years and he was also generally a very popular and respected figure in the community oh is down to talk with fellow robloxians on the forums and help find bugs being the most popular developer at the time though there was no way he wouldn't take home a prize in this contest his place Domino spiral Plaza achieved a score of 690 nice even though he was apparently busy at the time and didn't put in his all it was even featured as an example picture in the blog post announcing the winners and I've got to say for a rush job especially in 2007 when treding to make anything at all was a literal nightmare this was actually really great players sit in an automated floating cart of sorts that floats upward through the center of a staircase Tower as Dominoes on each stair step hit each other upwards until the Domino at the very top falls down it looks very cool and Polished as long as it doesn't clog itself at the start which happens about 50% of the time the one thing is probably as a result of changes in Roblox physics over the years when the cart reaches the top and the rally automatically restarts it doesn't get inside the gray containment box in time meaning forever after the first run you travel up the outside of the tower instead of through it which doesn't look as cool as for Mike's Crown if you know Mike you know that that thing stayed on his head until his dying day when a thief broke into his account and attempted Ed to pawn his crown off to linkmon99 the thief was unsuccessful however and just ended up getting miked deleted and his crown along with him now we get to the big ones the top three highest scoring places made for the Domino Rally building contest the best of the best third place was taken by PC weiner now known as comrade microwave but since he's very clearly PG and that wasn't a name he chose for himself I'll keep referring to him as PC wiener his place drbc Domino race scored a very impressive 853 but unfortunately it seems that at some point it was deleted out of existence and replaced with a blank Bas plate however I'm fairly certain that the place was archived in this video made for the video part of the contest PC Wiener's Domino account is in the leaderboard here and the rally starts with giant hammers which are mentioned in the place's description we don't get to see it in action in this video but it certainly looks very cool PC wiener sold his Domino Crown to dark you dog in September of 2011 just before he seemingly retired from Roblox it was apparently dog's dream hat but just a couple of weeks later he sold it to the gamer 101 on an ALT account for around 1.5 million Robux from there it was purchased by Dr Robo for 2.2 million then he got hacked and the hacker sold it to no for just around 200k and for some reason this never got rolled back at one point no claimed he was quitting and he'd be giving away the crown to random cow Go's moo which he actually did but it turned out to be a troll and cow gave it back shortly thereafter but then he actually did quit and ended up selling the crown for real money to OMD from there it went to Parliament then linkmon99 then GPR 3 then back to linkmon99 and at this point linkmon owned too many domino crowns at once and this one became impossible to track the Domino Crown awarded to the drbc second place winner stealth pilot is a mysterious one indeed no records of stealth Pilots Domino Rally exist anywhere on the internet except for the one picture in the Winner's blog announcing him as a winner it shows that his place was called Medieval Madness and it achieved a score of 1,215 but nothing else the place is still up on Roblox but it's been made private copy locked and had its name and likely its contents completely changed and because drbc pilot is now terminated will likely never ever get to see it after the April Fool's 2012 hacking incident which the real stealth pilot had no part in stealth pilot was terminated and remained that way until 2018 when his account was suddenly and mysteriously reinstated after that it would go on to see sporadic use and in July of 2023 the Domino Crown mysteriously disappeared off of the account no other limiteds went away despite the fact that he owned and still owns items worth millions of Robo like Eerie pumpkin head and cleos saaton maybe one day soon it'll turn up again but for now its whereabouts are unknown finally we arrive at first prize the most popular Domino Rally of the entire contest the Domino Rally to best all other Domino rallies which robloxian received such an honor r92 one of the most prominent figures in the 2007 Roblox Community he made extremely popular games such as camping simulator and row War mine coaster and he was actually one of the first relatively popular Roblox YouTube influencers ever uploading videos to a channel called Studio R likely due in part at least to this Fame he managed to achieve ultimate victory in this contest with his place Domino of Roblox receiving a score of 1,316 and it features some now broken skeleton morphs and a Domino Rally in the shape of the classic Roblox logo that works rarely yeah I'm sure pre-existing Fame didn't matter for this win in the slightest 92 kept hold of his crown long after it went limited it was his signature hat and it was special since it was first prized even though he could have gotten millions of Robux for it he wasn't letting go of it that was until January of 2015 nearly 8 years after he first got it when he was unfortunately hacked as many 2007 accounts are and his crown was sold for real money to none other than Luigi 024 if there's one thing I learned while making this video it's that there are reasons why no one's ever tried to catalog the progression of all the different copies of rare Roblox limiteds throughout history for one thing no one probably cares enough and for another thing there are certain obstacles that make it next to impossible to do one of these being what I've dubbed the wealth nexuses roblox's richest players are terrifying beasts to get as rich as some of these people are without being a Game Dev artist or admin you kind of need to do some not so to friendly things and as a result you're at greater risk of termination so it's quite common for Traders to own and operate several different premium alternate accounts to spread all their highest value limiteds across if one gets terminated no big deal most of their wealth is still intact but because the trader is constantly having their limited change hands across their vast Nexus of alt accounts it quickly becomes next to impossible to determine who owned what at what point in time and if the limited you're trying to track doesn't have a serial number which the Domino Crown doesn't the trail gets cold quite quickly one of of the biggest of these and most detrimental to my investigation was the Luigi Nexus the Luigi Nexus was a vast array of alts owned by Luigi 0204 one of the wealthiest and most notorious Traders on the platform at his Heyday like this guy was on linkmon 99's level at a certain point he owned several different Domino crowns over a very short period of time from around 2013 to 2015 some were deleted some were traded away and they were all spread out over as many alt accounts as a result once the Domino Crown passed into the Luigi Nexus it became almost impossible to track but r92 wasn't giving up without a fight so he sent Roblox an appeal explaining exactly what happened and asking them to roll back the trade and just as quickly as the Luigi Nexus claimed the crown it was handed back to r92 by the admins and then they IP banned Luigi every single one of Luigi's accounts including luigio 204 and all of his alts were terminated at once r92 defeated the Luigi Nexus this was something that the elmad forums would talk about for many months to come which is practically centuries in Internet time one might be tempted to feel quite bad for Luigi in this situation especially considering that that Domino Crown likely cost him a couple thousand but I'd advise against that because he's also thought to be incredibly rich in real life rumors at the time placed the amount he'd spent on limiteds alone at over $30,000 which he probably got from his parents considering he was just a kid at the time so if I had to speculate I'd probably say he didn't get hit too hard by this whole ordeal so now r92 had his Domino crown back happy ending right well not exactly at the end of 2016 R got hacked again and his Domino Crown was traded to Lomo the hoarder Lomo then traded it to I hate iTunes and when Roblox eventually found out about this instead of returning the crown to R they just terminated I hate iTunes with the Domino Crown in his hands there in deleted account hell the Domino Crown sat until 2020 when an incident happened that I still actually don't have a great grasp on myself it had something to do with the user Yap duping limited items for those of you who don't know to dup an item means to perform a glitch on the Roblox website that causes two copies of a limited item to be created from one it creates a duplicate copy the person who explained the incident to me couldn't really explain any of the details all we know is that somehow some way the Domino Crown was taken off I hate iTunes as Corpse and used for duping purposes from ycap it was traded on a throwaway account called repeat Strat to IDC GTS got passed around a few times between the accounts traumatizing dialar 67 and scared to love was sent to this throwaway account for a bit then got traded to sento then this throwaway account and only then was it finally laid to rest for good lockt likes Domino was deleted and the Domino Crown was sent to bad decisions a Roblox owned account for storing terminated limiteds for some reason just before I started writing this script its ownership was changed again but hopefully this means that it was either permanently deleted or just sent to a different Roblox owned storage account that Domino Crown has suffered enough and it deserves to finally be at peace of course that wasn't the end of the contest there was also the competition to see who can make the best YouTube video featuring a Domino Rally Roblox playist unfortunately Ely this part of the competition isn't nearly as well archived as the actual building contest part the third and fourth place videos self Pilots the domino effect and Nintendo boy Roblox Domino Rally are both completely lost to time as a result of both of the YouTube channels they were posted under getting deleted with no internet archive snapshots of either of them stealth pilot didn't get a second Domino crown for this win obviously but we can still talk about the one that Nintendo boy did get in fact Nintendo boy Domino Crown is actually very interesting because it was the Catalyst for one of the biggest Roblox dramas of 2012 like if channels like parlo and chisel had been around in 2012 they'd have been all over this on the evening of February 5th 2012 Nintendo boy came online this wasn't too out of the ordinary he was still semi-active on Roblox at the time but what was weird was that he changed his about me to finally achieved the best hat in Roblox thanks to must Yoshi and then out of nowhere he put the Domino crown that he had owned for 5 years by that point up for sale for 70 ,000 Robux this was a huge deal even before 2012 the Domino Crown was worth well over a million Robux and the person who sniped it for such a low price was none other than mirely the famous creator of trade hangout and owner of practically every obtainable limited on ROBLOX after this happened the person behind Nintendo boy went berserk he confessed that he wasn't actually must Yoshi but instead a user called Osiris who had tried to frame Moshi and then he started trying to defame merly first he tried to spread the rumor that merly was a botter that used a bot to snipe the Domino Crown which would have been against Roblox TOS then when that didn't work he tried pretending to be the real Nintendo boy who finally having gotten his account back was now accusing merely of slipping him a key logging program and being the real hacker of his account the community saw through this too however and eventually the truth of what happened came out as it turned out Osiris had been working in tandem with feedi AKA MC noobster a well-known and formerly well respected member of the Roblox Community their plan was to break into the account transfer all the robo on it via t-shirts which they successfully did and transfer the limiteds on it by selling them to fi for insanely low prices they didn't think anyone Rich enough to snipe them would notice the prices before fi could purchase them but via Bots or not merely did and once that happened Osiris rage quit and called off the operation all of this sounds fairly simple in hindsight but when it was going on there was complete and utter chaos surrounding the issue accusations and rumors were flying Every Which Way and every day it seemed like a new name would get attached to the incident the entire case actually took me several hours to piece together just just because it was so hard to find any legitimate posts telling what actually happened buried underneath all the Reddit vigilante private investigator nonsense even years after it happened merely kept getting accused of Bing by some and it created a real lasting hatred between him and Fe also Osiris is a senior software developer at ROBLOX now for some reason flesk H jera took home second place in the video contest his video features him and a fan dark zoa toppling over dominoes in telemon's example Domino Rally place it has an unregistered hyper cam 2 logo in the corner it's full of Mario and Scatman references and it uses the arser everything you could ask for in a banger 2007 comedy video Believe It or Not fles Gage jto was considered to be one of the best Roblox Centric Youtubers of his time he was basically the flamingo of the late 2000s but unfortunately that period of his channel was short-lived because just like half of all Roblox YouTubers seem to he fell into controversy in October of 2008 the Roblox admins discovered that flesk had uploaded a model to the Roblox platform a model so heinous so terrible so Twisted that showing just a smidge of it in this video will likely get my entire Channel demonetized forever but you know what I'm a man of the people and you people deserve to know the truth about your Heroes no matter how hard it is to look at so for the squeamish out there a Content warning because I'm about to show you the ungodly gut-wrenching downright evil thing this man uploaded to get him banned off of two 8 Roblox in 3 2 1 you monster even I can hardly bear to look at this image thankfully we can rest easy knowing that he and his infernal Domino Crown are banished off this platform forever more and finally it's time to talk about the final copy of the crown the first place winner of the video contest and the recipient of the final Domino Crown was Koopa aided by his friend Vulcan he created a video called Dem demolition dominoes and it featured no slurs no outdated references just an epic Montage of all the awesome Domino Rally places that were created as a result of this contest Jacob XX duels rocks 25s mites even PC wieners making it the only source we have today as to what PC wier's Domino Rally looked like and what happened to koopa's Crown well it stayed with Koopa for a few years until mid 2013 when it was bought by that famous r92 copycat Trader I mentioned earlier r200 yep that's right he owned two Domino crowns at one point but the one I mentioned earlier was the only one he traded away he held on to Koopas and still owns and wears it to this day the story of the Domino crowns of robloxia is a long winding incredibly hardto trce mess spanning over 16 years at this point and riddled with plot holes uncertainties and dead ends but in my opinion at least what we do know about it is still pretty interesting and important to Roblox history with how high valued the Domino Crown is it's practically synonymous with importance respect big things when something as highly valued as a domino Crown changes hands it's not for no reason something important is happening there remember I only talked about the original Domino crowns in this video the amount of crowns in existence has more than doubled over the years due to events that I could spend hours talking about I didn't even mention the real life wooden Domino someone created the Domino crown that a kid got as part of his make AWI visit the two Domino crowns that respond into a kid's account just because his dad was friends with some Roblox admins and much much more the Domino CR maybe just a worthless mass of ones and zeros to the uninformed an nft for kids an ugly goofy looking mess that never would have gotten as popular as it did if not for its Rarity but to those who know its full story or at least as full as one can know it's more than that it's a marker of 16 long years of wild turbulent history and I just hope it's a history that you enjoyed hearing thanks for watching [Music] oh
Channel: Nitrolord
Views: 255,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Classic Roblox, Old Roblox, Dynablox, 2006 Roblox, 2007 Roblox, Builderman, Telamon, Shedletsky, Kreekcraft, Toastedcherries, Nitrolord, Domino Crown, Dominus, Merely, Linkmon99, Lonnie, GPR3, Are92, DRBC, Domino Rally Building Contest, Roblox Lore, Brookhaven, Blox Fruits, Rolimon's, Roblox Forums, Roblox Blog, Pieperson50, Loomian Legacy, Minecraft, Red Domino, Viridian Domino, Black Iron Domino, Roblox Limiteds, Roblox UGC, Roblox YouTube, Sparkle Time Fedora, Fleskhjerta, flamingo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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