The DOLLMAKER MOVIE! We Defeated the Doll Maker (Thumbs Up Family)

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warning the following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences your discretion is advised [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys in today's video it's gonna be short but we got some fan mail and we want to share it with you yeah yeah we love getting messages from our fans hey guys if you want to send us some awesome fan mail our P.O box is right down in description check it out now did you hear that hear that whatever it was that was loud maybe it was just the dogs no I put them in their crates maybe it was the cats well if that was the cats they had to break something that sound was loud all right let me go check it out I'm gonna grab the camera all right guys let's check this out thumbs up thumbs down all the way [Music] okay so let's check [Music] let's check I don't see anything [Music] check it out you stay here I'm gonna go down and check it out okay [Music] okay mistake did you see something did you make a mess well the living room looks fine there's nothing down here just the dog let's keep looking around what the heck happened here check this out let's see did you open up doors cat definitely didn't do this no cat and no dog could have made this mess I opened up all the cabinet doors let's keep looking see if I can find out what did this [Music] all right I'm not sure what's going on but I'm gonna get back upstairs and get the kids hey guys what's going on you have to come see this check this out what no cat or dog could have opened these cabinets what happened it looks like someone was looking for something yeah but what nothing looks like it's missing if they were looking for something why would they knock the chairs down I don't know but they sure made a mess guys [Music] it can't be did one of you bring that out here no I had this chest locked in the office [Music] still locked but who would want the chest there's only one person I can think of the doll maker it was empty what were they looking for then [Music] thank you look it's a note [Music] let's say hi thumbs up family I am sorry that I led you astray Bella's so close yet so far away I cannot just tell you he may be near take the map in your car the next clue is waiting for you to knock what Matt there's no map [Music] foreign there this was empty when I shut it how did a map appear it's the doll maker Anything Can Happen the clue says get in the car and follow the map let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys we followed the map and this is what it led us to the next clue we'll be waiting for you to knock the front door you'd have to knock at the front door right well what are we waiting for let's go get back look there's a note if you are reading this then you found your way the next clue is inside a living area made of candy [Music] this living room is made out of candy okay let's go check [Music] not here [Music] I found it Taste the rainbow for the next clue [Music] Taste the rainbow so we have to find a room with a rainbow in it Skittles you're right Taste the rainbow that's their phrase okay let's go find the skittle room [Music] it was a very colorful room but no Skittles [Music] let's search that room oh there's nothing in the Pepsi room let's go check that room foreign [Music] there's nothing up here let's go check downstairs okay guys this is a big room so let's check in here [Music] nothing over here I found Skittles there's no envelope there's a lot of rooms to search let's check with this one this is the Hershey room not the Skittles room oh let's try this room this is a rainbow room but not a Skittle room [Music] there has to be a storm this isn't a skillet room either no it's not we checked this whole building but you know what when we were coming in the house I saw there was another building down the walkway we should go check that one out there it is [Music] this has to be where the skittle room is this is like just another house and then how about we start here Lifesavers are a rainbow but they're not Skittles [Music] let's try this room [Music] Oreos are not Skittles okay guys we're knocking down the rooms it's got to be one of these let's try this one [Music] we got cupcakes but no Skittles let's try another one there's upstairs let's go check up there [Music] okay guys let's check this room foreign yes Skittles no guys this is the last room it has to be in Google room let's look for a clue nothing red in here found it what's it say it can't be that simple you have to look for the clue where candy from around the world is shown to you candy around the world that's everywhere yeah um guys [Music] let's look for The Clue here I found it this clue has two parts the whole world's a stained and the first word rhymes with groovy [Music] what rhymes with groovy movie the movie theater [Music] [Music] look for The Clue yeah [Music] I found it what's it say you're on your way you're so close this clue can be found when you tip a troll which room was that the carnival room It's a cotton candy room let's check the trolls maybe we have to knock him down and get the clue not under there nope not under there how about that one well there it is what's the clue what's the clue lollipop lollipop on lolli lollipop the room that has the ballpen [Music] there's no way there could be anything in these balls astronaut or alien choose your side this is the room that the next clue resides the space room this has to be it let's search come on not in here you can't find it I found it [Music] what's it say all right take it out [Music] okay the final prize awaits beyond the Bazookas are you a lifesaver it's a lifesaver room [Music] [Music] all right guys we don't know what lies behind this door clue says the final prize but we know the doll maker doesn't play fair we're hoping it's bad maybe it's the doll maker whatever it is let's stick together [Music] thank goodness we found you so the lady in red was good after all she let us the Bell Belle I'm so glad to see you does this mean we defeated the doll maker Maybe but maybe not either way it's one step closer [Music] [Music] okay [Music] who put you here the boys need to leave my dolls alone foreign [Music] destroyed my room what happened here did either of you do this to your sister's room well then if you didn't do it who did [Music] thank you I don't get it ever since I brought you home weird things have been happening last time that happened was when you came to the house [Music] there's no way you're a doll maker doll I bought you from the doll store [Music] none of this makes sense I need a drink [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thinking about what it's been really weird since I brought Brown home don't you think now that you're saying it yeah it has been yeah like almost getting run over with the lawnmower yeah or like when Jaden said he found him in his room or like when there was a mess in my room and we blamed Sebastian [Music] who did this I have no idea it had to be Sebastian or Jaden did either of you do this to your sister's room [Music] well then if you didn't do it who did if we're not moving him then how is he getting to all these places [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well maybe it's all just a coincidence you did buy him at the doll store I was thinking the same thing how would the doll maker have known that you were going to buy that specific doll I don't know you have other dolls just like him they're not acting weird I don't know maybe I'm just overthinking it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] but what if it's not a coincidence what if it's not a coincidence what if it is the doll maker well maybe we can return the doll you think they'll take the doll back because we think it's on it excuse me please will you take this back it's haunted they'll just laugh at me [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] this [Music] is the doll maker send you [Music] thank you okay guys I'm going on a vacation for a few days be good no funny business see you when I get back [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] businesses [Music] you got everything yep I'm ready to roll let's go [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] what's up [Music] what are you going to do you don't have to be mean [Music] you can stop you could be good [Music] [Music] he'll protect you just like me [Music] don't do this stop [Laughter] [Applause] let me go you won't get away with this um [Laughter] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you I can't believe Belle is missing again no the doll maker is behind all this huh what's that this is crazy I'm done I'm getting ready once and for all [Music] [Music] this is where you belong [Music] thank you [Music] the Jamaica has been waiting for you [Music] thank you [Music] Belle where could you be you used to talk to me I'm listening now please give me a sign Sebastian is that you foreign [Music] [Music] Belle where are you [Music] I hear you hey Belle I found you who did this to you [Music] thank you [Music] Brahm did this yes is he with the doll maker [Music] please well I threw him in the trash I'm gonna give him the taste of his own medicine you stay here [Music] foreign [Music] I have a bone to pick with you oh he's gone I'm so glad we got you back but Brown is gone as long as he leaves us alone I'm okay with that why can't you communicate with my family his Homemaker gave us a special connection special connection like telepathy no one else can hear me do other dolls have telepathy some others are just waiting waiting for what to take over did you hear that I did there it is again it's the girls you mean the doll army yes why are they here they are on a mission mission what kind of mission I'm not sure but it can't be a good one why can't they leave us alone it's our connection what they won't leave you alone until it's gone I like having the connection with you you saved me I don't want to lose that until the connection is broken the doll maker will have control [Music] to break the connection how do we do that [Music] what do we have here leave us alone [Music] Master is not finished with his creation what creation you she can't help her [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] going somewhere it's you you can't get rid of me that fast the doll maker must have found him of course he did and he's giving me more power than I ever had before you are always evil I was always powerful now I am uncontrollable no no no no no no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it is time go away leave me alone [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] go away don't do this leave me alone [Music] come here Belle [Music] [Applause] [Music] she is no use to you now please stop don't do this [Music] hi Jaden wanna play with me [Music] what no fine hi smashing you want to play not right now fine hi Daddy wanna play [Music] what was that wanna play wanna play sorry sweetie I'd finished editing this video maybe later [Music] hello [Music] la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la stay focused you have to stay in control I am in control you are not they cannot know that we are here the plane will not work if they find out they will be quick to defeat us if they do you understand yes what yes I understand [Music] good [Music] hi Corinne what are you up to up to I'm not up to anything okay then nice talking to you you want to play I don't want to play with you [Music] okay watch it no you watch it [Music] what's wrong with her she is acting kind of Moody isn't she stay focused stay in control you can't know we are here [Music] you won't get away with this oh be quiet who asked you longer than you realize oh we'll see about that Karin I know you can hear me [Music] Belle be strong Karen we will save you [Music] I've heard enough from you [Music] there that's much better was much better what are you what are you doing here get out get out Mommy Korean please get down here now here we go Karen has been acting really moody lately how so one minute she's asking Sebastian to play with her and then the next she's pushing him out of her room she asked me to play yesterday when I was in the middle of editing and then she went off singing uh off singing yeah you know that la la la what la la la la la la you mean like the doll makers yeah that's it seriously you don't see a problem with that no why oh why do you send it like a doll see even he realizes you don't think she's a doll do you I'm not sure but she is grumpy and rude she's not her usual self he's me and she's singing la la la la la yeah you're right I think we need to find out [Music] can I help you um yeah we were just coming to check on you oh yeah we um wanted to see if you wanted to play a game a game yeah I think I'll pass right now are you sure I'm sure maybe next time yeah yeah bye play a game I have a game we could play Then naka [Applause] oh no the family is suspicious [Applause] we need to work quicker what is the plan [Applause] Spellbook [Applause] I'll have to get to the others they have to know what's going on I have to save Kareem [Music] hearsay [Laughter] [Music] yes I have some laundry that needs to be put away I'll do it everything okay sweetie just fine thanks [Music] oh these people are exhausting [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign what are you doing down here how did you get down here [Music] what was that green you can talk there's not much time not much time for what doll maker spell book I knew it hide you [Music] laughs what are you doing oh nothing what's up thirsty I'm gonna get a drink okay [Music] ah what the heck are you doing sorry I I just thought what [Music] what's wrong with you sorry you shouldn't have done that [Music] [Music] thank you the holy water it didn't work this time no she's too strong more evil more evil what's more evil are you talking to the doll crit is being possessed by the doll maker what bell nose Bella's trying to help us she talks yes I can understand her I tried to Splash Corinne with holy water but it didn't work what why not she's more evil than before she talks yes now Focus we need to help Corinne Belle what do we need to do they have a plan what is it I'm not sure I couldn't hear them it can't be good you mentioned the spell book Bell book yes you need to find it what for I heard Cory mention it remember last year that's when the spell book appeared yes the spell helped us get creamed back they must need it for something well we hit it in the safe and locked it away well we better go get it before they do [Music] here's the key [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what happened to your face my face nothing's wrong with my face oh Belle what are you doing here you shouldn't be bothering mother and father like this come let's go back to my room it's okay she's not bothering us at all but I want to play with her Corinne how about we all play together oh no I just want to play with her [Music] we got to figure out how to open this safe it's our only hope [Music] Nazi naughty little girl I mean you don't have to do this you know you should have stayed in the closet I already have sweet girl they know how to do oh really I think they're missing one important key I can get into the safe now [Music] [Music] foolish Mortals Corinne we didn't see you there what are you doing um just opening this safe [Music] if you want to know how to do it would you I might do you want to help us no [Music] she has the key we have to get it from her but how we have to wait until she's asleep [Music] guys it's 3 A.M we have the camera on night vision and we need to steal that key Bell says the spell book is the key to saving Corinne we know Corinne has it she flaunted it at us while we were trying to break into the safe we have to be very quiet when we go in we cannot wake her [Music] [Music] [Music] look there it is how are we going to get it we have to get our hand away [Music] it's worth a shot do it again I think it's working [Music] quick [Music] let's get out of here [Music] thank you [Music] okay we got the key great we gotta get that safe open now before she finds out [Music] what are you doing I said what are you doing we are trying to save you save me save me from what [Music] from the doll maker maybe I want Karen wouldn't mean that I wouldn't be too sure of that [Music] [Music] okay we got the book now what are we supposed to look for we have to find the right spell but what one we need Belle to help us [Music] Belle [Music] Belle are you here [Music] in here [Music] we got her and we got the spell book [Music] yeah what do you mean evil lurks Within These Walls well where should we go we need to go [Music] I got it follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] then [Music] [Applause] they got the key and the spell book I believe so you believe so yeah they were opening the safe when I saw them I left to tell you amateur I figured you would want to know get that spell look now fine don't fail me again or what I will find someone else to take her soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] here Karen wouldn't think that we'd both be in here at the same time really yeah if she comes knocking the door's locked one of us can just say we're using the bathroom ah I get it now we don't have much time yeah you're right the spell what spell are we supposed to use the last time we used the spell to return loved ones the evil is too strong what [Music] sir [Music] thank you save the spell book [Music] no Bell [Music] where could they be mother father [Music] well which one there's a red evil spell yes this isn't Gonna Hurt Karen is it mother father [Music] um yes what are you doing in there just using the toilet oh really yep just on the pot did you need something you wouldn't have seen Belle would you she's not in here if that's what you mean that was a close one now where were we is there a chance for the evil to return yes so we can never get rid of the evil forever we can never keep Corinne protected there is one way what you would have to break our Link Break the link how would we do that with a spell to release a soul wait release a soul your soul what would happen my soul would finally be released and I would be at peace what but that's great news yes and no I would never be able to speak with or secret again but you would be free of this evil yourself I would in silicone [Music] I know you're in there we don't have time we need to rid Karin of this evil now I'll go distract Korean and keep her close you get the ingredients sounds good [Music] I told you I was going to the bathroom [Music] what do you need Belle bell bell yeah oh okay let's go look for it [Music] [Music] thank you let's go get the ingredients I just remembered thumbs up Dad took the book with him I don't know what all the ingredients are we need to get that book but you can't be seen I'm going to set you over here on the chair you wait here [Music] hey thumbs up Dad do you have that recipe book we were looking at earlier [Music] just wait wait okay dinner will be ready soon all right Belle I got the book and the spell let's go get those ingredients okay sprinkle of Rosemary two of sage Rosemary Sage one white candle white candle white candle or is there a white candle I know hang on perfect I got the white candle now we need the fire for the flame that's it I got everything let's get this done [Music] let's go [Applause] what's this doll's name and this turtle no no no no no what about this dolphin does this dolphin have a name oh hope that's hope okay and and how about this this nice unicorn Pillow painting do you like it do you like it do you like it no see here later is that nice is that nice and what about the squishy thingy nice you wanna play One play cat let's play catch come on crib play catch play want to play you like to play games let's play catch how about how about this one this one let's play play with me wait Chris we need Corinne to be here for it to work okay let's do this dad grin can you come here a second oh your mom's calling I wonder what she wants ah what is this [Music] um I need you to join me a second nah I don't want to I think it's best you listen to your mother no get over here sit down [Music] sit instead sit let me go it's for the best light the candle sprinkle of Rosemary what are you doing stop I banish all evil influence from my home seriously stop it hurts it hurts stop don't hurt Corinne don't listen to her it's not coming talking I will not allow evil to wreak havoc in our hearts minds and spirits now be gone oh no what have we done Belle what is happening it is done go to her Corinne Corinne oh Mom Dad Belle you saved me yes is it really you I think so you are the evil is gone it is for now for now what do you mean for now they will be back unless we break the link Belle told us the only way to keep the evil away forever was to break the link between you and her what is true if we break the link between you and Belle she would be released from the evil but that'll be great news and her soul would be at peace that means she would leave this world no I can't do it what are we supposed to do [Applause] I don't know don't get me wrong Karin and Belle have a bond to Treasure but that bond is causing the evil to lurk here forever I really don't think Corinne wants to deal with this forever Karin May hate us forever if we do this without her knowing you cannot do it without her what do you mean coming would have to be the one to release me we need her how do we convince her they will return they will be even more evil one day Corinne will become me if she doesn't release my soul [Music] we don't have much time assistant Corinne you're the only one who can release her soul I don't know if I can you have to baby girl it's the only option okay we'll be okay it will save us both yes [Music] where is it quickly this doll Army is up to something yes that's the one [Music] oh no he has the spell book quick get him yelling from where I don't think so I got you let's get him [Music] Grom it's over it is not over as long as I have this give it back never we have to do something how with these creepy things blocking us [Music] you don't need Belle no I don't [Music] no why why it's more than just that [Music] you deserve this we gotta get out of this [Music] that's one way of doing it come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know Belle can't be evil she was once but she isn't any long ER isn't there enough ready there is always room for more well you can't have her then we will take you no you can't have her either we shall see [Applause] thank you [Music] oh no now what are we gonna do we need that book you cannot let him take you I won't but how do we get that book back [Music] I got it what is it when I was Under This Spell I was able to call Braum with a simple word you were yes what is it we don't want to call them quickly but why not we need to make a plan to trap him so we can get the book what are you thinking outside outside yes that's where I would call him he would always appear in the same place well what are we waiting for let's get outside [Music] this is where he would appear okay so what's your plan someone hide behind the tree I can do that I will call him then what Dad will grab him and I'll grab the book perfect then I will take Belle and we'll hide over behind this tree [Music] [Music] everyone ready [Music] then stupid girl [Music] get oh me [Music] we don't need Belle we only want you never give me back the book not on your life fine then we will take your life you can have the book just release Corin no no it's okay Corinne the evil will never go away we beat him before we will beat him again throw me the book foreign [Music] trust me [Applause] dad are you okay I think so what happened mom gave Brown this on this book why did you do that because he attacked you and Corrine but now we can't save Belle Corinne I asked you to trust me didn't I well yeah it's the spell he can have the book we only needed this spell nice one guys it's time thank you for saving me you are worth saving I'm really gonna miss you I will miss you as well [Music] are you ready as ready as ever [Music] ashes to ashes dust to dust free the child of the past it's a must Belle hi Karen is it really you the spell is working but can't you stay in this form you could live with us I would love to but the evil will never leave if I do please finish it as the spirit Rises into the air release her soul of all despair thank you Corinne you're welcome Belle [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Thumbs Up Family
Views: 807,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carlaylee doll maker, come play with us, creepy doll, doll maker, doll maker extreme hide and seek, doll maker hide and seek, doll maker returns, dollmaker, dollmaker hide and seek, dollmaker new friends, hide and seek, hide and seek with the doll maker, is the doll maker back, the doll maker, the doll maker is watching me, the doll maker returns, thumubs up family, villains, who is watching, dollmaker movie, doll maker movie, doll maker movie part 3
Id: cxjsccSFvd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 26sec (5306 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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