Villains Full Movie Part 1 | Villains Level 1 Thumbs Up Family

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good morning Lily want to sink whoa what all right guys I just came downstairs and I saw all these boxes I need to get the kids and see what's going on Corinne Jaden Sebastian come here you interrupted my for tonight play guys what's going on with these boxes whoa daddy you got expresses no Crenn I think a you presents what the heck are you screaming about [Music] what do you mean presents I didn't get the presents what a play a game what are you doing are you trying to trick the kids wasn't me angry this happened to that YouTube family and it wasn't good what do you mean it wasn't good video okay guys we need to go watch this video and see what's going on and we'll be right back [Music] okay guys we watch the video Kern was talking about it looks like we are having to play a game I really don't want to play this game do you want to play this game I want to play the game nope don't ask me I don't want to play okay Jaden it's two against two do you want to play this game yeah I want to play a game well guys I guess we're playing a game let's check out this envelope it says yes on it let's see what's inside it's a blank piece of paper okay please tell me I'm not the only one who heard that oh my gosh what was that a bad egg going on that was cool oh my gosh this paper was just blank and now there's words on it you have chosen to play villains number one choose a box touch wisely we should probably get the friendliest that's a good idea number two beat the villain number three open the next box continue until you beat all villains number five game continues until all villains are beat what do you mean by villains what villains there's five boxes that must mean there's five villains and question marks on all the boxes don't touch the box green wait where's mommy oh no that sounds a Granny's house Rani's and he will get the door [Music] [Music] [Music] where are we playing any doubts in order to beat this villain we have to get through granny's front door yeah and save mommy yeah hey Phillip remember guys granny can't see us Sebastian how do we get out of this room what's a gun how do I get out of this room take a knife I'll be the sacrifice so you're gonna make the noise yep in branch straight choices [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys she's out of here we need to get to that front door without her hearing us I got me quiet [Music] [Music] [Music] no need to pry them off can't unlock without a key there's a lock and there's wooden boards guys wait so granny is there wooden planks on the door latching so we need to find keep out signing I was bringing over there by shining light I think granny's near that round so okay so we gotta make a noise somewhere granny's on it so Jada maybe in the kitchen make granny go to the kitchen okay smashing let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we unlock the door we should probably get front try to find the crowbar [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look it's granny's locked door [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] granny's in some room I don't know which room I heard a door slam [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know but I think [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa guys that's only villain number one [Music] it's missing we defeat it one of the villains for more villains to go how do we choose which box to pick and who's gonna choose it I know Oh No the Fox took Sebastian where did he go guys do you know who that villain is okay guys onto villain number two whose voice was that I know that voice anywhere it's Freddy fazbear's you mean Freddy from five nights at Freddy's yep the same one what are we supposed to do with Freddy hole in the game you have to find the control room and survive until 6 a.m. survive till 6 a.m. daddy what it it is now 12 a.m. what do you mean 12 a.m. Sebastien just disappeared how could it be 12 a.m. already look it's dark outside oh gosh we need to find that control room fast all right let's go stick together [Music] how do we know what the controller [Music] [Music] we found the control it's in trouble yeah there's cameras everywhere yeah I've been seeing those oh it's chica you guys flashlight flashlight what do we use a flashlight for what's a flashlight for Oh in the second game you see flash out Freddie good way wait but but we have to also make sure we conserve our battery so it means we get an H the lights are out in the house and all the use of flashlights that's need it guys look pretty to hear us or you'll be at the door look these plush and winglike around the house here is close Freddie's clothes so guys sorry awesome ask for what do we do with the foxy mask if you put it on Freddie thinks you're an animatronic [Music] so so we just sit in here and wait for what wait so so we have to save our battery and we need to survive to make it come you have to make it to 6 a.m. and guys look our door is open but the door is electronic so we can't keep it shut otherwise our battery will go down faster so we need to turn off lights we need to keep the door open but we see here guys look on this one camera if you look on this camera right here it's right outside the control room oh it is so if we see him coming we can shut the door what time do we have to survive till and right now it is 1 a.m. hmm but what are the plush doing all around so those are five nights at Freddy's plushies look there's even the 5 nights at freddy poster is our question this room yeah honey that's Bonnie yeah looks like that what are they doing are they helping him who's holding Sebastian where is Sebastian I keep hearing that noise it keeps getting closer I really think we need to shut the door frame you know hey guys let's look at this camera which ones that looking fresh it looks like so it's golden Freddy what was that keep watching the camera if you walked past let me know what that's like he's saving up the camera and you can't see on that camera either all right let's check let's check out the this room here with a creepy doll what's that the doors opening guys [Music] Oh like that door just open and shut okay can't say that okay what you doing what you doing here's a look like he's missing if you just left wait a second crane [Music] hurry did you walk past yet Oh guys oh hey look it's now 2:00 a.m. let's go check his camera out it's red new hope golden Freddy's moved oxy which Fox he doing it looks like a play which rooms Fox iam the one we're golden Freddy this one right outside the control room yeah hey Freddy again this is getting scary mommy mommy I know you're watching the camera for us but you need to come over it it's 3:00 a.m. I have to find Sebastian I can't wait any longer give me that mask I have to go find Sebastian Freddie's not in the kitchen I haven't seen him in the kitchen yet so you might be safe down there it's now 4 a.m. 2 hours of pranks - good luck mommy oh don't forget put the mask on if you can if you see them we'll watch you from the cameras I think she's going towards the kitchen watch out for which which doll is that watch out for chica where's chica oh I see it I see it already I gotta find Sebastian this isn't good we don't I see mommy's flashlight oh he's behind you please come for us he's come across guys [Music] any signs of mommy or Freddie or Sebastian alright mommy's coming back we can open up the door mommy it's 5:00 a.m. one hour to find Sebastian I don't leave an hour oh my gosh where is a Sebastian [Music] hey I found Bonnie on the floor Sebastian are you here buddy are you in here see Freddie's in the room next to you mommy be careful what your house God he's coming guys he's got man don't shake your head Scott well jump in the doll [Music] Sebastian don't just move mommy the doll that you were in that room just move get back here quick before six o'clock I'm coming it's 559 still didn't find Sebastian this exam I need quick shut the door we were so worried about you oh you scared us so much don't you ever touch any foxes with get you here mama to Billings down now guys how many more we still have three villains left let's go take a look we better go check the boxes come on guys guys there's three boxes left that means we beat the villain and the Box disappeared just like the first one did we've three left which one do we go with I don't know [Music] what was it very creepy where did that even come from guys do you know who the next villain is curry oh no will this game ever end where do we even start [Music] what was that Mommy will go Saints what's wrong with her face oh my gosh what is that mom won't do is a note on the box let's see what it says the doll maker is very pleased crane will make a beautiful addition to his collection the doll maker has a few simple rules to follow when playing with his dolls do not touch the dolls cracks will make them shatter that's probably what happened to her face depression come away from we don't want to touch her anymore okay we don't know what kind of happen we don't want her to crack any more than she already has but I don't know what the next step to do is this is number one there's got to be more numbers right [Music] but this happened what's wrong with grin I'm assuming since the doll maker wants her to be part of his collection she's become a doll I don't know anything about the doll maker do you daddy wasn't there some other videos that they had a doll maker I thought they had you did if they have to go looking for clues or notes or something the instructions how to play with the doll which makes sense because we do have number one so there's got to be for sure and number two right so let's go search around the house and see if we can find number two let's go we need to look for a note search do you see [Music] all right she went that way let's keep looking guys it's obviously a white piece of paper with the note on it we gotta stick together okay buddy what's this you found number two what does it say his dolls enjoy playing make sure they have plenty of toys and games to play with okay so the dolls need lots of toys and games to play with Sebastian go get some Legos so we can put them on the table we'll give her some toys to play with Sebastian go get some go get your Legos she comes talking to the doll [Music] get some Lego started flavors and we have formalise that'll keep very busy hey hold on mommy I'm looking at this new puzzle you're right it is a puzzle Jaden you're good at puzzles we need to find another piece let's go upstairs guys look pal this purple and green it says flip upside down let's do it look at that it's notes here well you can play with that well nice try to make a ball are you making the ball Bell he ready Bell I'm gonna bounce my ball well did you see alright well do you want to do something different okay let's go stick together search it can't be it's not the same we need to keep looking guys do you think it's in there Sebastian yes you did find a clue good job Sebastian you did find a clue let's see one two four it says never separate the dolls it makes him very angry yeah but this doesn't match up and it's number four that means there's a number three that we're missing yeah you're right Jaden is the end of the paper we need to find clue number three and then we need to figure out how to save Corinne from the doll maker it makes him very angry but we have to get that dog away from Prince somehow don't go under one can do the dog then they'll be crazy no no - we need to save Corinne from the villain yeah [Music] it's no good in here baby the judge summer hours that means we have to go into Corinne's room Patel is in this stick with mommy okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's downstairs let's quickly look and see how you find anything the last clue you found the clue what does it say it says water is the enemy of the domes go lock sissy's door we guys we need to figure out what all these clues mean so we can save Korean from the dollmaker locked up let's see I got one too look it does connect three four okay so we know not to touch because she cracks [Music] she's Legos you're right we gave her legs to play with and FOMA life to play with so she's got plenty to play with right now okay all the time with Legos yes because I got away go number three says water is the enemy of the dolls so obviously the dolls can't get wet so Corrine can get I can break the leg wall you're right dolls don't like water but it also says to never separate the dolls or the doll maker gets very angry yeah what happens if we no chance bad you know maybe that'll change you back to noble do you think it'll change you back to normal yeah maybe we should try oh yeah sound the Wando let's go find some water ok guys so we got to find Corinne when we find her if you're gonna sprinkle it with water ok let's go find him [Music] where is she knit me that way ok let's go it's not ok stop it's not working it's not bringing Corinne back to us there's something we're missing what are we missing guys the water was for enemy it made her freak out she was like she was melting it says never separate the dolls yeah but that's what we need to do to beat the dollmaker yeah okay so how do we separate the dolls without touching Corrine that's a brilliant idea okay yeah she's gonna be she's gonna see us doing it Jaden you can be sneaky I will splash her with the water and you need to grab the doll from her will help me through the water at the doll yeah okay and you're gonna grab the doll are we ready let's save Corrine let's team up let's do this [Music] [Music] what just happened what's going on we got Corinne back but where did Jaden code for gaining what was that sound from I know that Georgia's it's sending Slenderman it's a note what does it say it says help me it must be Jaden looking for help and there's three flashlights getting dark but how do you how do you beat Slenderman I don't know how I know played it I know how you kept all the paint books how many papers Arthur Sebastian hey there's a papers yeah I remember Jaden playing this game and he had to find all eight notes to beat Slenderman well that should be easy right guys all I have to do is find the notes but guys remember if you've ever seen the movie there was one rule that rule is not to look at Slenderman if you see Slenderman you need to cover your eyes do not look at him if you look at him if you look at him he will take you he already took Jaden we don't him to take anybody else but we need to get Jaden back we need to beat this villain and we need to get Jaden back got our first note so we have seven more to find are you ready guys let's go finding the notes where we have seven more to find stay together remember if you see Slenderman make sure you tell us seeing [Music] we have to save our brother ah you know what I've never played this game before but I remember the movie the Slenderman is outside isn't he yeah he does live in the woods [Music] wait the doors open already he's gotta be out there yeah you go go open the door not me I'm not me okay remember if you see him close your eyes yep if you hear a sound close your eyes I know what does it say can't run so we can't run away from Slenderman how are we gonna get Jayden back then just collecting all these notes is gonna get us him back I really hope so sorry let's go outside the doors open too stay together there's a note on the tree - it is [Music] [Music] let's be Amy [Music] always watches no eyes oh my gosh that's so creepy let's let's see if there's we got three notes we need to find five more notes let's keep looking [Music] [Music] [Music] those I don't hear him you hear my eyes still closed oh here guys get to the house I still don't hear them I hear them okay yes sir can we get really sugilite I drop the flashlight all right guys sorry drop the camera we get refocus I got the camera rack I don't hear us lying around I think mommy and Corinne has special one in the house so it's good okay guys guys I got the camera back in the house we thought we left Thunderman outside we have five more notes [Music] [Music] so that means all five must be upstairs and so yes they do not look for me [Music] [Music] leave me alone who sing leave me alone Jaden yeah or Slenderman closing my eyes I heard something spider-man said I don't know what but it was like a little whisper did you hear that leave me alone for papers we need four more let's find the rest of the notes [Music] closed eyes [Music] I think we're clear your eyes we hear some noise eyes closed eyes closed [Music] [Music] this again creepy guys wait right here no no no no please close ties dears you guys okay okay wait wait mommy so that is that a real picture of Slenderman I don't want to look at him to find out me alone in the movie this is what he looks like leaving me a while [Music] [Music] if you're in there we're coming for you Jaden we're coming for you Damon you can't keep you forever look or it takes you that's what you said I'd love to look at them daddy told us that okay we're doing very good so far how much we got six we need two more we need to find the two more two more versions yeah [Music] I'm here maybe there's clothes [Music] I think that was jaded in there saying how mean sensor we need to find it when you say jaded it's set to bring down memory you did what - Jatin how he can help me guys I think it really is gene [Music] daddy so on said something do you say so on said don't you know we it's a trees because thunderin [Music] don't you get your hand off my head sorry that's making sure your clothes is read can you [Music] [Music] today coming one more Jamie and Slenderman gone guys Slenderman touch - yeah he was like yeah see that he gets mad and see what he gets if you say that but you said don't say that we have that much because he gets angrier bubble goodness quiet is your injuries [Music] you touched me he touched me he touched me thanks it says follows follows Sunday man in the trees okay guys how many papers do we have we have we have all eight pages what happens now what happened I just yelled that was gone is he gone he's right guide me guys where's Jaden maybe we need to go look at the box but if there's only one box where's Jaden give us back Jaden you know what just happened No Jaden Jaden you were slender man we found a light note we can prove we found all hey you left us notes to help us find you I just remember waking up in my bed Kenan we checked his bed he was not there we're all here but there's one more box left and I'm the only one that has not touched a box [Music] it's a red balloon but who would have a red balloon oh there's only one person who I know has a red balloon do you know who's got a red balloon who is our next villain I don't know look at this look at this guy's as you there's a red balloon I'm not touching the box let me touch you read only see what's going on just blue it's not touching the box Oh No what happened to Daddy he didn't even touch the box obviously that didn't matter [Music] great I'm so scared of it I'm glad that I saw the movie it'll help us beat the villain good thinking Jaden but little cookie bu I don't know but we have to stick together and find clues what are we even looking for clues so defeat the villain I didn't watch the movie I have lots of money too what do we use I don't know what they use in the movie let's count penny wise we'll find some clues where'd he go oh my gosh that was scary he's even scarier in person we can't let him get to our solar he'll take us let's keep looking for clues guys [Music] [Music] stop your flow - that wasn't close when you have to find something to defeat this villain it's cheap okay what about that it's the same shot perfect in the movie they use it to defeat Pennywise what do they use Jaden they're silver where are we gonna find silver but I don't know let's keep looking excuse me do you have plans over in a car you better let the little guy maybe just daddy in a clown outfit I am every nightmare you've ever had I mean once dream ever come true I'm everything you were ever afraid of look that not daddy we have to find the silver fast okay guys let's keep looking yeah what about the same weight but where's the key it has to shine the key they all float down here when you're down here with your dad we got the key [Music] yeah there's three pieces of silver in it we have three chances to get her dad back let's do it he must be close Pennywise Balu get ready Jaden when you see him penny you have to flame the silver on him okay nothing's under there he's not in here let's keep looking he's getting closer I can hear those guys is he in here no let's see you buddy either okay get ready Jaden just in case you got this Jaden we're not afraid of him not here either Krim gives you to the silver so he's ready okay take the big four last ready let's go [Music] oh you are priceless I'll Drive you crazy Oh take you on everything you're afraid of nice one Jay man don't let them scare you excuse me man is your refrigerator running it is you better go catch it before it runs away again Jaden let go Jaden be afraid you all taste so much better when you're free I'm not afraid of you I would never hurt you we're so glad what was that Wow the boxes let's go check them look at the sign level one complete yes we did it we beat all the villains we did [Laughter] [Music] it's freddy fazbear you mean Freddy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Freddy Freddy he's not a bad Freddy he's only night Freddy and he's a hugging kind [Music] [Music] guys do you know who the next villain is curry oh no will this game ever end we gotta go find Corinne but where do we even start okay so we know not to touch because she cracks okay ray she's Legos you're right we gave her legs to play with and FOMA life to play with so she's got plenty to play with right now okay all the time with my Legos yes yes [Music] [Music] [Music] this is seriously freaking me in the house leavers bloopers get the mosquitoes get the mosquitoes the kill mosquitoes on the next episode of villains mosquitos [Music] [Music] he touched me he touched me he touched me do you not care Karina he touched me you care about reading the paper when we [Music] [Music] can keep your eyes up hope so he's watching that kid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's excuse me ma'am is your refrigerator [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Thumbs Up Family
Views: 7,787,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: villains next level, villains that youtube family, villains in real life, that youtub3 family, villain, villian, villains, villains trailer, villains game, villains in real life game, that youtube family, villains movie, in real life, villains season 1 bloopers, villains season 1 outtakes, villains shot of the yeagers, thumbs up family, pennywise, freddy, granny, doll maker, dollmaker
Id: V1Uo7p1QTqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 13sec (4333 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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