Did We Find A Real Alien Egg in The Woods??? [THUMBS UP FAMILY]

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[Music] hey tough crew thumbs up dad and thumbs up mom here we weren't gonna be recording today but thumbs up mom have a really weird dream well i have weird dreams all the time but this one felt way too real and anyone that knows thumbs up mom knows her weird dreams come true yeah one time i had a dream that an alligator was going to cross in front of our car super close and guess what happened yep an enormous alligator did just that it crossed no more than five and a half feet in front of our car it was seriously creepy well tell them about your dream already last night i had a dream that we were taking a walk in the woods then what happened as we were walking we heard strange noises [Music] what did they sound like it was hard to tell almost like uh muffled talking or something like that okay well there could be other people walking around the woods too well yes but the muffle talking was followed by another sound and what did that sound like it sounded like like a ufo flying over our heads then what happened as we walked towards where we heard the muffled talking we looked at the ground and what did you see i'm not sure that's when i woke up the dream felt so real i have to go check it out so here you are not sure what this video is going to entail but we want to bring you along with us if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for it only takes a few seconds to smash that red button down below and subscribe and then you'll never miss another one of our crazy videos like this one let's do this [Music] so all right tough crew we're at the entrance where tough mom said that she dreamt about walking in this is the place i can feel it all right so which direction do we head that way all right tough crew i don't even know if you're gonna see this video this video could be a complete flop it could be tough mom's dream and just that a dream but it felt so real just like all the other times my dreams have come true or we could just be going on a morning hike in the woods just for your enjoyment i don't always have these dreams but when i do they always come true something has to be out there well we'll find out soon enough let's keep going [Music] wait do you hear that what is that it sounds like it's coming from over there wait wait wait over there there specifically isn't that where the portal was for the upside down in our stranger things video i think you're right wait there it is again well let's go check it out if it is other hikers we have nothing to worry about true but what if it isn't it's getting louder we have to be getting close now do you see anyone no i don't see anybody i don't see anything [Music] where did the sound go [Music] are you kidding me your dream is coming true i told you my gut feelings are never wrong well what was it that you did next in your dream [Music] i look to the ground okay well then let's start looking on the ground [Music] [Music] so [Music] do you see anything no but the noises are coming from over there maybe we should head that way what's that what where that over there what is that i don't know but it can't be good [Music] tough crew are you seeing this i can't believe my dream is coming true again but i don't know exactly what that is and maybe we don't want to get too close to it either it could be just a rock maybe really big rock yeah a funny looking discolored rock have you not seen frozen the rocks are the trolls tough crew i don't know about you but this would be really sweet to see this rock turn into a troll right in front of our eyes what do you think i think a rock turning into a troll is the least of our worries listen but before i show you this rock i need you to hit that subscribe button down below smash that thumbs up button and share this video are you ready [Music] maybe we should get closer it'll help us identify it a little better you first well maybe not without a trustworthy stick or something i found one will this work too big huh how about this one [Music] tough crew do you see this [Music] what do you think it is i'm not sure tough crew leave your ideas in the comments down below of what you think it is we want to know what your ideas are and where do you think it came from here well i don't think it's a troll well how do you know well you keep poking at it and it hasn't moved good point maybe it is just a rock but it doesn't hurt to try one more time it can't be a rock why not when you poked it it pushed in a little bit a rock is not that soft oh yeah you might be right what was that what was what i didn't hear anything what it sounded like it was something over there maybe it was a squirrel or something you're probably right [Music] wow this thing's quite amazing it's almost some sort of egg an egg yeah look at the shape it's kind of soft maybe it'll hatch soon i have never seen such a large egg before have you seen such a large egg before what kind of egg do you think it is i don't think any animal could have laid this egg unless they started cloning the dinosaurs already what if it is a dinosaur egg do you realize how jurassic park ended yeah maybe it's from a real big bird a really big bird yeah like an ostrich or something really that would have to be a very very big ostrich [Music] i wonder where it came from maybe it fell out of the tree there would be a really big nest up there to hold this giant egg in it besides it would have broken if it fell from one of these trees you're probably right [Music] what was that what did you hear that i saw something move at the tree there nope i don't see anything wait did you hear that yes maybe we need to get out of here but what about this thing i don't want to just leave it here yeah and i don't think we want to meet the wrath of the mama that might own it [Music] what are you doing i can't just leave it here why not what if it's abandoned it'll die out here and what if it's mama is right over there waiting to pounce on us you're gonna let whatever's inside this to try to survive on its own um yeah survival is the fittest as darwin would say you're just cruel not cruel just not crazy [Music] fine let's make a deal you leave whatever it is here and in two days we will come back if it is still here i will let you take it home and then hopefully maybe someone can help us identify it okay two days two days and if it's still here you can bring it home deal all right tough crew it's been two days since we found that strange egg looking thing i've searched and searched and couldn't find any pictures or images that looked like it many of you think it could either be a bird egg a rock maybe an alligator egg or the weird large ostrich egg the tough dad thought it was well today the day that we're gonna go back to see if that thing is still there are you ready i'm ready let's do this tough crew okay tough crew we are back in the woods about to head to where the egg was hopefully we remember i remember we went that way [Music] do [Music] i'm so excited i hope the egg is still there aren't you i'm hoping it's not we need to go that way yes this is the area let's go this is where we started hearing all those strange noises yeah but look around it's very quiet today yeah a little too quiet for my liking we are close i think it was over there wait up you're going too fast slow down come on catch up will you [Music] i'm not seeing it i think we need to get out of here no no no it was up there a little bit more keep coming [Music] that's where i saw it [Music] it's still here great i'm so glad [Music] it doesn't look like it's broken or hatched or anything maybe it's a fungus and not an egg at all fungus [Music] yeah it's soft to the touch dark weird colors and it smells funny [Music] i don't think it's fungus well maybe you should leave it here what if it's a mold you know jaden's allergic to molds a mold really yeah just think about poor jaden i think you're reaching now little too much what was that i don't know i don't see anything i just have the strangest feeling like someone is watching us [Music] [Music] there's no one around but us and this well let's get going and maybe that strange feeling of yours will go away yeah but we'll still have that creepy rock looking thing with us a deal is a deal yeah i know let's go [Music] what are you doing i swear someone was behind us doesn't look like it can we go i can see that thanks stop worrying already nobody's watching and nobody's following us [Music] you're right let's go wait let's try to protect our egg [Music] and tough crew make sure you hit the subscribe button down below and smash that thumbs up let's get to the car now [Music] foreign what on earth are you doing you can never be too safe wow oh what's this wow this would be good for my collection [Music] [Music] okay tough crew i've been trying to figure out what we found in the woods so many of you think it's an egg well i have built an x-ray machine to help us figure out what exactly is inside that thing i went on the computer and i found some really cool ideas i tried to find something simple but yet effective something new that would really really work so a lot of people suggested this plan to do a homemade diy state of the art x-ray machine all right this is this is gonna be the best invention ever it's gonna show us what's inside that object all you need is a box cardboard box you need a screen cut out the screen so that way when you put the object in you'll be able to see what's inside it you need a power supply in order to connect the power supply you need a cord so just a simple cell phone cord so we're gonna do is we're gonna put the cell phone cord inside the control board at the x-ray so now that's connected to the control board but we have to figure out where we're gonna get power so the best thing is that i have around here to give us the best supply of power would be my computer so there's a usb port we're gonna plug that into the computer [Music] we're then gonna power up the computer as my computer is starting up we're gonna go downstairs where we left that thing whatever it was and we're gonna bring it up here and we're gonna once and for all find out what's inside of it i'll be right back [Music] oh no oh no where did it go where is it oh no this isn't good thumbs up mom what what's wrong the egg it's missing what do you mean it's missing just look it's not there did you move it to a different room no i came down to get started but it was already missing well it couldn't have just grown legs and moved it could have hatched and moved and it cleaned up its entire shell in the process oh yeah i guess it didn't hatch let's look around [Music] [Music] oh hi daddy sebastian how did this get here sebastian how did this get here i saw it on the table i thought it would be good for my collection seriously oh you found it yes sebastian thought it was perfect for his collection [Music] it look good oh yeah buddy it fits perfectly [Music] well we need to be extra careful with this one why because we believe this is a living egg what like a real life dinosaur it may be well cool i might have my unreal dinosaur let's not get ahead of ourselves we're not quite sure what it is just yet i built an x-ray machine to help us figure that out let's go get started [Music] okay here it is i have my very own x-ray machine what are you gonna do with it with this x-ray machine i'm gonna be able to look beyond this outer shell and see what's inside well this color would do that if i put it together right it will so cool you do have the coolest dad shall we try don't be hitting buttons yet are you ready to try it out yeah let's do it i'm gonna put exactly what i'm putting in egg shaped object gives it gives the x-ray a chance to see what's going on let's see you ready okay gonna put it in is that supposed to happen oh no what happened quick unplug it shut it down dad and his marvelous inventions i'm not sure what went wrong [Music] i followed the directions to a tee this was supposed to be foolproof well it looks like you're back to the drawing board maybe we need colors and jaden's help that's a great idea sebastian maybe they can help us identify it corinne jayden come here what's up yeah you called hey guys guys what is going on here daddy found a dinosaur not a dinosaur egg per se well we don't really know that it's not a dinosaur egg where are we jurassic world can i be old lady what were you trying to do fry it no i created x-ray machine to try to find what's inside it let me guess it didn't work no it's sparked and smoked more than a firework on the 4th of july i don't know why it malfunctioned [Music] homemade x-ray machine and you don't know why it malfunctioned yeah yeah yeah i get it dumb idea well if it worked you'd all be praising me but we aren't now are we where in the world did you find this egg thing it all started with a dream a dream yeah one that felt so real we had to go check it out so your dream led you where it led us on a nature hike to the area where the demigorgon portal was what seriously you went back there we had to it's where it led us so we started walking the path from your mom's dream and there it was so it was just sitting there yeah it was just sitting there by a tree it almost looked like a rock but we knew it was something more because it was soft to the touch and he automatically thought would be a good idea to bring it home no no no no i didn't allow that so how did it get here i gave him two days two days to wait and see wait and see what i had to wait two days to go back if it was still there then she'd allow me to bring it back since i'm looking at it i guess it was still there yep and we had to bring it home to identify it hence the x-ray machine your father's brilliant invention i feel like i'm in honey i shrunk the kids so you think it's a dinosaur egg i'm not sure i don't think dinosaur eggs exist but this thing is bigger than any other thing egg that i've ever encountered it's a dinosaur it just looks like my collection yeah but it's quite large compared to your eggs [Music] so what do you guys think it is [Applause] [Music] well what do you guys think it is it kind of looks like an egg i think it's a fungus see that's what i said how's it an egg it's green black brown and red yeah but look at its shape it's similar to an egg the fungus grows on a lot of things even takes the shape of it maybe this greenish brownish blackish reddish is fungus on a ah i never thought of that but then that means it had to be sitting there for a really long time to get covered in fungus like that maybe someone put it there to pull a prank on someone then why would i have had a dream about it yeah that's really weird it couldn't be a coincidence what are you doing don't share it with people yeah they try to steal it from us don't worry i'm not sharing it i'm doing an image search oh yeah good idea an image search yeah you take a picture and you see if other pictures are similar to it it helps you identify different things cool what'd you find [Music] well we know it's not the desert rock we're in florida not the desert so many of these other things are so much smaller maybe no one has seen this type of egg before nobody seen a dice egg and real wife well fossilized eggs have been found but this one doesn't look fossilized here's one it's red green black jurassic dinosaur coprolite aka poop uh did you see that did it just shake it moved again [Music] it was an egg after all told you we're about to find out what's inside dun dun dun [Music] [Music] what do you think it is the tough crew still believe it's an alien do you think it'll be nice oh how do you think we're gonna feed it who says we're keeping it omg the temperature was right it is an alien it's just a little baby and what do we know about little babies they poop in their diaper if there is a baby alien then mama and daddy alien are probably close by [Music] i don't think they'll be happy that you stole their baby in the first place [Music] what should we do with it stop don't touch the baby alien why not what if it's dangerous yeah it can bite you well we can't just sit here staring at it [Music] hi there little fella i'm not going to hurt you did it just growl oh see it would bite you mom i think you should have left the egg where it was i'm thinking you are right nonsense if we would have left this alien baby there he would have gotten eaten by an alligator or a snake or something so now we're going to be invaded by aliens looking for their baby i don't think he likes you dad nah it's just scared just scared huh see i told you man this baby alien is feisty maybe before you lose a limb i should try go right ahead here goes nothing hey there sweetheart we're not going to hurt you we're here to help you did you hear that yeah what the heck i don't think it scared a mom it's okay we're here to help you i know you're scared [Music] i promise we won't hurt you she did it she gained the baby aliens trust of course she did she's a mom now what [Music] it's gonna take time guys i don't want to scare it have they thought about how to take care of this thing hopefully the alien mom and dad will be here soon and take it away and if not i don't know if they thought that far ahead it's okay little guy i'm just gonna pick you up okay [Music] okay okay you're not ready i'll wait till you're ready so did you think of how we're gonna take care of this baby alien honestly i didn't i was hoping it would be an animal and we can release it back into the wild uh animal and you didn't think of taking care of it before you sent it back to the wild i know i know i didn't think this through oh seriously let me guess there isn't a plan you got that right okay little one i'm going to hold your hand again good i'm not gonna hurt you we're here to help you yes help you you you were lost in the woods and we found you we didn't want to leave you alone we didn't want you to get hurt look magical powers of mom everything's going to be okay we're going to take care of you we're gonna find your family we are it's okay you're safe here [Music] everything's gonna be okay [Music] now what [Music] [Music] what are you packing uh items for the baby alien why we can't leave the baby alien here all alone why not maybe the parents will take it back and we won't have to deal with them and maybe they won't and then we'll come home to a dead baby alien and angry alien parents true true very true but how do you know what to pack i don't i'm just assuming it's a baby so i'll pack baby supplies just as if i packed baby supplies for a baby human i hope you're right [Music] there we go all nice and cozy who's ready for an adventure [Music] who's ready for relaxation me who's ready for the water park that'd be me who's ready for the hot tub me of course let's get out of here are you ready little one [Music] i'll take that as a yes [Music] so [Music] ah here we are home sweet home for the next few days [Music] let's go check out the bedroom yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we are little one well i'm not sure the baby alien cares well now i don't think the baby alien's happy with you [Music] well it should be i'm the one that brought it home you just wanted to leave it there you're right i was wrong this little one is special and needs to be cared for [Music] boys come on [Music] [Applause] i think mom is getting weird with this baby aliens she's just trying to keep it safe yeah as if it was a real human well it is a living being yeah she doesn't want it to die i get that but i have a strange feeling about this maybe you're just jealous me jealous seriously yes mom's attention has been taken by the baby alien i'm not jealous if anyone should be jealous it should be sebastian why me because the alien is now the baby so the baby alien's gonna take all the mom's attention you won't we shall see [Music] there finally asleep [Music] hi mommy what you doing shh don't be so loud i finally got the baby alien to sleep oh sorry mommy okay but next time be mindful you're still thinking you're her little baby stop what did i do okay guys i have to run to the rental office and sign some papers i'll be back in a few minutes and then we'll get our vacation started [Music] so what does everyone want to do this afternoon i want to go to the water park me too i want to go to the slime workshop that sounds like a really good idea what the heck is that i don't know where is it coming from the baby alien ah make it stop already i don't want to touch it it tried to bite me or someone has to do something maybe it's hungry i have an idea a few moments later where did she go here we all like cookies [Music] take the cookie take the cookie baby take it over here i don't think it likes cookies jayden maybe it needs a bottle good idea what's it gonna drink water carly hd found the baby alien and they gave it water if it worked for carly hd then hope it'll work for us correct go get a bottle [Music] here i don't think you're gonna hold its own bottle what does that mean that's gonna have to feed the baby himself take this [Music] you did it i knew water would work see it's not so bad [Music] um dad i think you need to burp the baby oh i forgot about that good thing i've had practice and i've learned if you burp the baby away from you and if they spit up it's gonna go on the cloth and not on you [Music] [Music] oh no is that what i think it is yup that's alien poop what's going on in here you don't want to know [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hi mom hi sebastian what you doing can i go outside and play on the playground of course you can you got your shoes on sunscreen [Music] sounds like you're good to go have fun hey i have an idea why why don't you take baby alien out to the playground too really yeah i bet he would enjoy it okay [Music] okay baby ellie what do you want to do [Music] not very talkative are you fine how about you sit right here i'll show you how to swing [Music] hey baby on this is how you do it [Music] want to give it a try there you go baby alien [Music] did you like it [Music] i know what we could do [Music] do you like this ride have you ever been on this ride of course not you're a baby you'll love it [Music] see was that fun [Applause] what was that [Music] you do talk you heard that too i think it's time to get out of here [Music] [Music] come on little one we're going camping [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't understand why the baby alien has to come with us because he's a baby dog yeah but he's an alien yeah an alien baby [Music] did you do a stinky oh stinky oh that thing is so gross i think he's nice of course you would there you go all clean mommy can i play with baby aliens of course you can but be gentle i will save the baby [Music] foreign hey did you see that see what a flying saucer you can't be serious come here little one i got you [Music] we are here time for rest and relaxation what should we do first what part of rest and relaxation did you not understand let's go for a ride on the golf cart fine let's do it what was that i didn't see anything there looked like there was someone there rest is in your near future stop what was that what was what i thought i saw something what the heck did you see what would you see out here another person can't beat this is a campground let's keep going there's people everywhere what's that what's what mommy i thought i saw something over there i don't see anything it's just a camper stop over there what do you see now i thought i saw a figure like an alien an alien seriously crane it's just another camper and a picnic table we're at a campground can we keep going right there what is that that's it [Music] we're going back to the camper i'm done with this why these women are paranoid i know i saw something me too i'm not eating no veggie burgers [Music] good night great get some rest we have a fun day tomorrow good night what was that must be my imagination those girls were crazy tonight hello is somebody there ah stop [Music] the heck i'm out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Thumbs Up Family
Views: 346,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thumbs up family, aliens, alien takeover, aliens the movie, whats inside the alien, alien body swap, the alien did it, cutting open the alien, aliens in our woods, carlaylee hd, carlaylee aliens, aliens are back, aliens villains, villains, cutting open, whats inside, aliens controlling her, alien takes over, alien body switch up, alien skit, skit, egg in the woods, alien baby egg, baby alien, alien baby, we found an alien baby, alien baby 2, we found a real baby alien
Id: LjbK8TuVsCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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