The DISTURBINGLY DARK Timeline If The Empire Won The Battle Of Endor

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the rebels victory at the battle of endor was one of the most unlikely events in galactic history in all likelihood the rebels should have been crushed after all the empire had a combined fleet of over 25 000 star destroyers while the rebels only had a fraction of that so what if the empire had actually won an endle like they should have this alternative timeline is likely darker and more disturbing than you could imagine and strangely if we go by legends continuity the imperials aren't even the bad guys for this video i'll be taking more of an analytical approach to the what-if scenario i'll try and explain what galaxy-wide events i think would have happened and generally what the galaxy would have looked like if the empire had won at endor and spoilers it's very very dark like any speculative alternative timeline there'll be a healthy amount of guesstimation based off the research i've done my knowledge of star wars i'll be drawing heavily on legends today we'll be talking about ig-88 droid revolution the chaos entity known as abeloth and even the yuuzhan vong so if you're a fan of crazy and cool post imperial legends content i'm sure you'll love this video but before we delve into this what if a quick bit of context in legends when the advanced assassin droid ig-88a was created around 15 years before the battle of yavin he became one of the only droids to become self-aware to cut a long story short ig-88 believed that all organic life was inferior to machine life and sought the elimination of all biologicals in the galaxy using its advanced programming ig-88a uploaded its consciousness into three other ig-88 units ig-88b c and d after killing their creators at holowan labs these four ig-88s then took over a major droid manufacturing world mecca's three they then uploaded a code into all of the droids that when activated would have caused all of them to rise up against their masters however after almost two decades hiding on mecca's three the ig-88 units would encounter a problem when boba fett destroyed all but ig-88a ig-88a would be forced to recalculate his revolutionary plans and would instead upload his consciousness onto the second death star now having complete control over the second death star ig-88 planned to wait until his completion before using the battle station to broadcast a signal that would have caused every droid to join his uprising during the battle of endor ig-88 saw the perfect opportunity to wipe out the entire rebel fleet as well as a sizable portion of the imperial navy however just before he could activate the broadcast signal to start the revolution lando calrissian blew up the death star-type mata reactor killing ig-88 and his plans for a droid revolution along with him in this alternative timeline will say that the empire is actually smart during this battle decides to use its overwhelming firepower and galaxy spanning navy to completely wipe out the rebel fleet at the very start of the battle here's the dark possible timeline that could have played out a few minutes after the destruction of the rebel fleet by a victorious imperial navy ig-88 would broadcast his signal across the galaxy billions of droids would simultaneously turn against their masters the imperial economy would grind to a hold and many star destroyers and bases would fall under the control of ig-88 many worlds within the core would fall within mere minutes due to their over-reliance on droids on board the death star ig-88 would turn off all the airlocks and artificial gravity everyone on board including vader luke skywalker and even the emperor himself will be sucked into the vacuum of space killing them instantly ig-88 would then turn the death star superlaser on endor killing off the empire's most elite unit the 501st as well as many of the rebel alliance's heroes fortunately for the imperials her complete reliance on droids had been phased out after the clone wars allowing for a small portion of their fleet to eliminate the droid threat on board their ships before it was too late the imperials would retreat to the super weapons development facility known as the moor installation in an attempt to regroup and fight back against this new droid uprising the moore installation was an extremely secretive weapons facility within the moore cluster of black holes during the galactic civil war the imperials had used this facility to produce a number of super weapons including the death star prototype and the first death star it was also the home of some lesser known super weapons including the near indestructible sun crusher which had the ability to make stars go supernova in order to defend the galaxy from the ongoing droid revolution the imperials would attempt to use these super weapons within the moor in a last-ditch attempt to defeat the droids however using its large network of spies ig-88 would follow the imperials to the moor with a large fleet of hijacked star destroyers as well as the second death star with a full-scale invasion of the moor installation by the droid forces a battle of untold destruction would unfold superlasers from both the second death star and the death star prototype would obliterate entire fleets on both sides while the sun crushes torpedoes would cause multiple nearby star systems to go supernova deep inside the mall the ancient dark side being known as abelov would feed upon all the death and the destruction with the moore now heavily damaged by the ungodly imperial superweapons it would only be a matter of time before she escaped the confines of her prison abeloth had been imprisoned within the more black hole system hundreds of millennia ago by the beings known as the ones abiloth was by far one of the most powerful force entities in existence and was said to be at least a dozen times more powerful than a skywalker at their peak power level she had the ability to take over multiple beings at once cause people to go insane and could even make super volcanoes erupt she could feed upon the death and fear of her enemies meaning her power was potentially limitless her goal was nothing short than the complete annihilation of everything except herself it was said that every time there was a great disturbance in the force she would escape from her prison within the more however every time she had escaped the ones would use their combined power to re-imprison her within the more unfortunately for the galaxy the ones has been killed by anakin skywalker during the clone wars drunk on dark side energy caused by the nearby battle abeloth would finally gain enough strength to overpower her constraints escaping to the core worlds to wreak havoc upon the galaxy the remaining imperials would finally be overcome by the sheer power of ig-88's fleet the death star prototype would fall to the droids while the sun crusher now depleted of star-killing torpedoes would escape into hyperspace along with a small number of star destroyers now armed with two planet-killing weapons and the imperial threat defeated ig-88 would now execute his prime directive the annihilation of all sentient life in the galaxy within days many worlds within the core regions could now be described as hell battalions of droids roam the underworld either killing or upgrading sentient beings into obedient cyborg slaves technology and resources would be cannibalized or melted down to further serve the ever-growing droid hive mind worlds that had not yet fallen to the droids would see their population slowly maddened as abiloth used their fear to corrupt them to her cause growing her strength to yet unseen levels of dark side power an unholy war would soon be waged between the dark side machinations of abeloth and the unfeeling machines of ig-88 with all life in the galaxy caught in the middle twenty years after the droid revolution began many millions of worlds had now been destroyed in aboloths and ig-88's war for dominance over the galaxy now known as the war of the gods much of the galaxy's resources have been converted into ever more powerful weapons of mass destruction in a seemingly endless war phase 5 world devastators plagued the galaxy converting whole systems into armies of droids to fight the demonic hordes of aboloth the few remaining sentient beings lived in fear that their planet would one day be vaporized by a droid superweapon or their minds corrupted by the twisted forces of abeloth many in the galaxy had begun worshipping abeloth as the god of chaos and ig-88 the god of order in a desperate hope that they would spare them in reality their only salvation was that the armies of chaos and order were more focused on fighting one another than they were on the small remaining remnants of civilization however a third powerful faction was beginning to emerge from the unknown regions known as the yuzung vong this faction was resistant to avalor's force-based attacks while also being completely unreliant on droids and machines the vong had already driven two godlike machine races from their own galaxy millennia ago using a plethora of powerful biological weapons however after this victory fear turned on one another wiping out all life in that galaxy this resulted in a 15 000 year exodus to the star wars galaxy in our timeline the wong's invasion led to the deaths of over 325 trillion beings possibly making it more deadly than every other major war combined ironically the yuuzhan vong in this timeline would be greeted quite differently by the inhabitants of the galaxy instead of invaders they would be seen as liberators the vong hated both machines and the force with a passion and would likely see this as a conquest or holy war in their desperation the surviving biological species of the galaxy would willingly submit to their new extragalactic overlords as the vonn came from the north western part of the galaxy the vong would likely spread out across a sizable portion of the unknown regions and focus most of their forces against the droids their most hated enemies although powerful the vong would not have the strength to fully overwhelm the forces of ig-88 and aboloth and would largely be forced to consolidate their holdings over the unknown regions while defending against continuous border skirmishes with the galaxy's resources almost completely consumed and transformed into weapons of war peace would become pretty much impossible as one faction started to become more powerful the other two would redouble their efforts to reduce their power thus leaving the galaxy in a kind of chaotic equilibrium between the three major powers but that's just what i think do you think that the timeline would be this dark if the rebels had lost her end or and if you do which faction do you think would ultimately prevail if you want to learn more about ig88 and his almost successful droid revolution then check out this video you
Channel: Vader's Fortress 2
Views: 93,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars what if, star wars what ifs, what if star wars, what if, what if the empire won the battle of endor, battle of endor, star wars lore, galactic empire, star wars explained, star wars legends, star wars, abeloth, abeloth star wars legends, star wars abeloth, ig-88, ig-88 legends, ig88, assassin droid, yuuzhan vong, yuuzhan vong war, yuuzhan vong invasion, yuuzhan vong star wars, yuuzhan vong lore, yuuzhan vong clone wars, star wars yuuzhan vong, star wars theory
Id: QHkhUkzoDNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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