Big Discord Servers are Getting Hacked!

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so if you didn't know around March 26th the Beluga server was hacked the people that hacked the server managed to steal the vanity link of the Beluga server but they also made web Hooks and just completely spam pinged the crap out of people and what did they spam ping well they framed the admin rant for being a pedophile now get into the nitty-gritty on why this is obviously a fake message and completely set up but I want to start off by answering the most basic question how did the Beluga server get hacked and the answer is Rand one of the poor Beluga server admins fell for quite the social engineering trick that compromised their Discord account and I don't blame them because this whole hack thing is actually pretty complex so if you were a victim of this sort of attack you might have just gotten banned off a random server and in rand's case they actually got banned off the real valorent server and what's going on behind the scenes is that a group of people are trying to compromise your account and what they do is they impersonate you and make this fake message transaction so it looks like you're messaging someone and in rand's case they made him look like a pedophile and what these malicious actors did is that they sent this to the valorent server to get Rand banned that rhymed for some reason now to better explain what happens next I'm going to show you a little live representation so let's say you get banned off my Discord server which is honestly a blessing in disguise but let's say you want to come back and you make an appeal but you might get a message from someone claiming to be me look it's no Texas speech this must be me what's happening here is that the hackers are impersonating me and saying I see you got abandoned my server do you want to appeal it and they show you this DM history in rand's case it was that pedophile one in this case just for lightheartedness it's a buster Bobby Ballin which is me I'm on that account saying commit Mass amounts of eating beans in our victim here P6 says wow I would never do such a devious thing now of course this makes no sense so I try to plead my innocence by saying I didn't do it now unfortunately for you this uh no text-to-speech impersonator or a server admin administrator is just not believing you they are being stubborn so what they get you to do is they either get you to make a screen recording or they get you to join a little voice call with them so anyways in the recording what they get you to do is they get you to go to thumbs Discord account so in this case I have to talk to P6 and show my innocence so I click on p6's profile I haven't sent them any messages at all because once again that DM history was fake and they get you to open up your little Network tab so F12 and what they want you to do is they want you just to send a very basic message hi I didn't scam you and I press enter and what happens is you get this little message thing here and in the scan what they get you to do is they get you two I'm going to zoom in a little bit Grandma mode style so we can see what the heck is going on and they get you to click on this messages thing so you click on messages now I want to make it extremely clear opening up this console thing should raise massive amounts of red flags this is a big no-go Zone because it's almost guaranteed that if anyone's telling you to do something like this whether it be for Minecraft or Roblox Discord or whatever next video game people are going to scam on they are trying to compromise your account and that statement Rings very true for this specific scan method because they'll tell you to go anywhere on this console thing but in this specific case they will tell you to go to headers and scroll through and just double check and make sure this message isn't edited in any way shape or form when you keep on scrolling there's just a lot of big numbers but I actually scrolled past my Discord token as you can see this authorization thing here this is my Discord token and your Discord token is like your Roblox cookie it's just a whole bunch of special numbers and letters and when you have that special combination of numbers and letters you can log in to that person's account without two-factor authentication this can bypass two-factor authentication bypass whatever the heck you want you are officially in the account and also just to make it extremely clear basically anywhere on the console you can get your token if you go to like local storage there's a token right there that they could get from you to try and compromise your account so now that it is screen recorded and I send the screen recording back to the fake note text to speech saying here is my innocence this is everything you want you send the video what they're going to do is grab your disc Discord token and log into your account and when they were inside rand's account what they did is they made this fake announcement at everyone recently there have been some allegations against me being a pedophile while this is partially true which by the way let me make it extremely clear this is all fake bogus nonsense and I'll get into a little bit more detail later but they make this whole entire fake message basically slandering rand's name now of course sending a message like this in any big Discord server is going to result in you getting 30 000 DMS and Rand got a whole bunch of DMS and they realized oh God I got hacked so whenever you think someone has your Discord token all you need to do is just go to your user settings and just scroll down and change that damn password and since you changed the password it should reset your token but it's never a bad idea to go into your devices and just get rid of any device that you don't recognize now of course you already know what happened to the server I talked about it at the very beginning however there still are lasting effects of this raid specifically the vanity link Beluga does not lead to the actual Beluga server at the time of recording it leads to this raid server here I want to just preface this by saying I'm a massive loser I sit at home all day and make YouTube videos but the people that ran this scam and this hack are more of a loser than I am which is extremely impressive but when I first joined the server I saw an everyone ping in the announcements Channel and it was them doxing Rand with his personal information on display for anyone that joined the server but it gets even worse we have an announcement of someone asking how to bypass this and when they say this they mean this morning that says your search could be for illegal and abusive sexual material where children have suffered harm which is absolutely grotesque and disgusting but the unfortunate thing is that it gets even worse but before I dive into that I also want to point out that the n-word is plastered everywhere there's a mass amount of extreme racism just everywhere role names have racism it's just a complete mess this is a charcuterie Board of absolute vile filth and it keeps continuing on with random good violence in the announcements Channel they send a video and I'll play the video right now but basically it's someone outside of a house they have a gun they're hooded up they walk towards the back of someone's house they yell a name and they shoot rounds into some random innocent person's house so yes gun violence against random people as well so they continue on with trying to push The Narrative of Rand being about they said we knew they were pillows from the start and sure enough once in the staff's account we find evidence of pedophilia within minutes as in we made the evidence within minutes and then posted it and this is unfortunately the worst part of the server but they start spam pinging basically saying they're selling CP and they have a price and they want you to DM them and they keep on continuing with more and more vile stuff which I'm most of this stuff's going to be completely blurred from the screen because I don't think it's worth really talking about but as you can tell these people are far from mentally there but after all that crazy vile garbage they also continue The Narrative of saying that Rand is a bad guy and of course the people that rated the server got banned and they're saying they're trying to to cover up the truth now let's get into this truth first off this uh this one message is nested between uh someone uh just having the n-word plastered everywhere and then another message below it also filled with vile garbage so it's basically a sandwich of garbage in between this fake and bogus statement saying had everyone I want to clear some things up I am the victim and yes he went to my DMs and attacked me God my acting is as terrible as theirs I'm getting flooded in DMS and I am very insecure about this entire situation just leave me alone about this situation I feel very harassed and I want to point out they want you to leave them alone because they don't want to feel the repercussions of them just spamming complete garbage and complete nonsense and slandering some random innocent person's name but the thing I want to point out is that this monkey nft profile pictured person I'm not gonna say their name or show their tag they are in fact an admin on the server and the raid server has the role n-word leaders now of course this should hopefully set off some red flags but if we go back to rand's original message so the the one where he got exposed for being some sort of creep you can see that the messages occurred at 7 55 pm and the thing about these messages is that they were almost smack dab just before the whole entire server raid which should make it extremely clear that these messages were sent from Ran's account when Rands was compromised after showing his Discord token in a screen share or a screen recording it also doesn't help that this specific person I searched on the Beluga server they literally had no messages sent at all but of course we're on Discord and deductive reasoning is non-existent now thankfully the announcements get a little bit nicer and a little bit funnier to laugh at but they make an announcement saying to those of you asking if we want to sell the server the answer is no I am already insanely rich and they just show this Bitcoin wallet address that has a million dollars everyone I will be giving away a hundred US Dollars soon make sure to stay tuned and I bet your rear end that this giveaway is also going to be some sort of scam if you get randomly banned off a server that you literally haven't talked in then just take step back and slow down and think am I about to get scammed because chances are you might be the next victim of a social engineering scam like this one anyways bye bye I love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 575,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord server, discord trolling, Discord hacked, hack discord, discord server hacked, discord server raid, discord server raided, discord memes, discord mod, discord scams, discord scam, discord ntts, ntts, no text to speech, discord server raiding, discord raid, discord spam, discord vanity link, beluga hacked, sea of thieves hacked, discord beluga, beluga discord server
Id: ZWMi45wWX_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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