The Disciples Doubted the Eucharist. Do You?

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here we go what broken I'll draw this one again we'll see how it goes I don't know but sometimes you know sometimes things happen you just get a little out of control hi my name is father Mike Schmitz and this is essential presents so um you know that story in the gospels yeah it's a parable that Jesus talks tells about the rich man in Lazarus we know the story right Lazarus is the poor man living outside the rich man's house um ultimately they both die Lazarus goes to rest in the bosom of Abraham a place of rest and the rich man goes to a place of torment and there's this dialogue between the rich man and Abraham in the parable that Jesus tells and he says you know send Lazarus to bring me some water essentially no we can't do that he says well how about this send Lazarus to my brothers because I don't want them to have the same fate as myself and Abraham says no no listen your brothers have Moses they have the prophets they have the base of they have the Hebrew scriptures let your brothers listen to the word of God it's already been given the word that already has been shared and the rich man says no no but if Lazarus if this person were to rise from the dead then they would believe and in Jesus parable Jesus has Abraham saying something along the lines of no if they're not going to listen to Moses and the prophets neither will they believe even if someone were to rise from the dead and of course Jesus is referencing his himself right that sense of like here he is the Fulfillment of everything in the Old Testament and yet people refuse to believe maybe even in light of his resurrection I mean that that kind of thing right because because here's the crazy thing is we can be blind to God's action in our lives we can be blind to God's presence in the world we can be deaf to his voice but there are some times when like here is God clearly present he's clearly acting he's clearly speaking and we're not deaf we're not blind but we choose not to hear and we choose not to see and and again that would be in light of here's the resurrection but there's you know there's actually at least one other time in the Gospels where Jesus does something incredible remarkable and then he makes an even more incredible and even more remarkable claim and his disciples his very disciples reject him even after he's already proven to them here's what I mean um in John chapter six Jesus feeds the multitude right he feeds 5 000 men not counting women and children with Five Loaves and two fish that night he walks across the sea in fact Jesus is the disciples even see this in John's gospel chapter 16 it says when it was evening his disciples went down to the sea embarked in a boat and went across the sea to Capernaum already grown dark and yet Jesus did not come with him goes on to say that when they wrote about three or four miles they saw Jesus walking on the sea tour coming near the boat and began to be afraid Jesus walks by don't be afraid it's I the next day Jesus gives the bread of life discourse right the next day we've talked about this before in the Eucharistic Revival Jesus shares that actually I will give you food which you've never had but if you eat it you'll live forever they said great give us this fruit to us always he says I'm the bread of life then it was on to sleep because then the crowds are like wait a second wait a second how can this man give us his flesh to eat and Jesus doubles triples quadruples and whatever the fifth what five times Jesus says no no my flesh is True Food my blood is true drink now the crazy thing is the very next line after Jesus says this five times that I am not speaking symbolically I'm speaking literally truly the next line is then many of his disciples who were listening said this sang is hard who can accept it now think about this these aren't his disciples before it was the crowds right the crowds would just came out because they want to see the Miracles maybe they want to be healed themselves maybe they just want free food because that's what Jesus offers right yeah I mean feeds 5 000 people with Five Loaves and two fish I mean find Jesus as I always say he's better than McDonald's on sandals so that's the crowds this is these are his disciples and his disciples say this saying is hard who can accept it what's saying the saying that Jesus said actually I'll give you my body and blood for your food and drink that is a difficult saying that's a difficult saying because Jesus isn't saying hey have some uh have some food and think of me he's not saying hey make a sandwich and when you eat it you know think about all your old pal Jesus he's not saying that he's saying my flesh is True Food my blood is true drink and unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life within you to which the disciples say this saying is hard who can accept it as I said that's a hard saying unless you're actually one of the disciples here's what I mean what did this what did the disciples just see yesterday and early in the middle of the night last night they just saw Jesus Take Five Loaves and two fish and feed thousands and thousands of people they just saw Jesus walk across the sea like they were rowing three to four miles across the sea and all of a sudden Jesus is walking on the sea next to them they've already seen Jesus do incredible things they've already seen that man if you're if we're going to really get down to it they've seen that Jesus has made the claim to be God himself and now he's substantiated he's proven that claim with these Miracles and they just within the last X number of hours they just witnessed two Miracles at least two miracles and they say still this saying is hard who can accept it isn't that isn't that just bizarre I think it's one of the reasons why at the very next line which what Jesus says in response to them saying the saying is hard who can accept it Jesus knew that his disciples are murmuring about this so he said to them does this shock you or it obviously does then he asks the next question what if you were to see the son of man ascending to where he was before again you've seen the Miracles do you know my origin like do you know where I'm from do you know who I am you've seen me do incredible miracles do you have any idea where I'm my identity you've seen me act but you know who I am I I am in my being Jesus is saying basically I always say like you did see that big yellow thing in the sky yeah I made that what if you were to see the son of man Ascend to where he was before what if you were to see the son of man in all his glory what if he were to see the son of man Jesus himself creating the entire universe because all things came to be through the word of God and he's the word would you believe me then right that that's the big question if you were to see that would you believe then when you saw the Miracles yesterday walk on water early this morning because if you believe then if you saw the son of man ascending why don't you just believe now just like when Jesus has Abraham saying to the rich man listen they've been given Moses and the prophets and if they won't listen to them they're not going to believe a man risen from the dead there's something remarkable about our hearts you might have heard John chapter 6 before you might have heard at the mass that this is truly Jesus present body blood soul Divinity every single time we go to mass in every Tabernacle in every Catholic Church throughout the world but we might have we might have just heard those words but not really heard those words you know what I mean we might have been in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist but not seen him in his presence in the Eucharist and I think that has to change I think that has to change because Jesus has done I would say virtually everything he possibly could do to reveal to us no not only is he who he says he is God himself but the Eucharist is what Jesus says the Eucharist is let's keep that in mind it's not what father Mike says Eucharist is or the Catholic Church says Eucharist is the Eucharist is what Jesus says the Eucharist is what more does he have to do to prove to us that he's reliable that he's telling the truth and that Eucharist really is the very body and blood soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ himself I want to open my eyes and see that I want to have my ears open to really truly hear and listen to that I want to let my heart open so that our Eucharistic Lord can come into my heart and change it anyways that's what I'm praying for this Eucharistic Revival for not just for myself but for every person who can listen to these words every person watching this video for all the students presents my name is father Mike God bless [Music]
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 61,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eucharist, true presence, real presence, not a symbol, is the eucharist just a symbol, eat my flesh, drink my blood, body blood soul divinity, eucharistic revival, usccb eucharist, the true presence, John 6, catholic teaching on the eucharist, Fr. Mike, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension Presents, Ascension, Ascension Press, Father Mike Schmitz, Fr. Mike advice, Father Mike advice, fr. mike schmidt, holy communion, the eucharist, my flesh is true food, John 6:6
Id: J6pSp-So00o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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