ARGYLLE is a Disaster | Taylor Swift and Meta Twists Explained

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this video is sponsored by rocket money we could have had so many different 21 Jump streak crossovers by now but instead we get this so Ary was a movie apparently a lot of weird stuff going on around this movie and the apparent potential tie-in book and I saved it all for when I had time to dive in and today is that day I didn't know much before going into Argyle I knew people had been really annoyed at the trailers for months but I had somehow dodged most of them except for like a little teaser I saw back in November so I didn't have the same amount of emotional hatred going into this that a lot of other people seem to what I saw looked pretty fun there was a cute cat I knew it was directed by Matthew vau who I typically like a fair amount and that was really it what I did see about this movie other than having the general idea that it had some spy Vibes was the wild theories about who wrote the book it was allegedly based on first I saw that people thought it was JK Rowling but then I realized that there was an even bigger group of people who thought it was Taylor Swift which we will get to and then it just all seemed to go even deeper truly a situation where all this like weird tie-in mystery stuff seemed to have more effort put into it than the piece of media itself and even then after I got through this they didn't do a great job with the tiean stuff either but I at least knew we had some kind of web on our hands a web you may all be very aware of by now but too bad this is what I wanted to do with my week so now months later I have finally watched the movie read the book and gone through this luxurious rabbit hole but first what is the base premise with the argyle movie Spy author Ellie Conway is well on her way to completing her fifth novel in the Argy series before she gets swept up into the real world of Espionage that seems to match her own stories and it's pretty darn mid sadly I was actually like really looking forward to this one and I felt like it started off really strong it was really fun there was this whole like fiction blending with reality thing going on and then it just gets bad there's just so much wasted potential and it's so unnecessarily long this is a slog of a 2-hour movie that last act drags the premise of the movie alone started to confuse me because Ellie way is the name of the person in the movie Ellie Conway is also the name of the author of this real book so I started to assume that this was some manufactured movie tie in or the weirdest fourth wall break with a pseudonym that you've ever seen and then you look at the book synopsis and it does not match the movie synopsis at all which takes this Rabbit Hole of movie based on book but not that book and the character is the same name as the person it just we we're keep we dig it down more and we are going to get to it but I will say it is simultaneously more absurd than I thought while also not being remotely as interesting as it could have been so let's get through this unpack what's been going on uh get through the audience reception and how fans handled the fact that Taylor Swift OB spoiler alert Taylor Swift did not write this if she did you'd know about we'd all know by now uh and we're just going to you know you know go follow along on Ellie Conway's International mission of Espionage thwarted and will spies seem to have unlimited access to money and resources to travel around the world you probably don't but with today's sponsor rocket money you can start saving for your own jet setting goals rocket money is the personal finance app that helps you cancel subscriptions lower bills and manage your money better this year I've been trying to be way more mindful with my expenses like I might need to get a new car soon and I travel a fair amount for work and it's so easy just to let food and Uber expenses just add up on top of the travel and living cost while while I'm away so I knew that I wanted to go through a bunch of my subscriptions and cut down on the things I wasn't using enough to justify having and Rocket money made that a breeze they'll keep track of your monthly expenses and subscriptions and make it easy to cancel anything you realize you're not using in a couple clicks they'll also analyze your monthly spending and use that information to make you a custom budget that matches your lifestyle so you can stay focused on your saving goals something I am so bad at on my own it's never too soon or too late to start taking control of your finances so get the tools to help you on your journey today by heading over to Rocket Amanda thee Jedi or by clicking Link in the description down below to get started for free so let's dive in starting with the movie because there seems to be five layers of stupid going on with the book so we'll have to save that for later and I also feel like we need to go through the pieces of media before we can go through all the stuff that's happening outside the pieces of media about the pieces of media I haven't been sleeping well the movie itself starts with a pretty cheesy spy movie climax where Henry caval is Agent Argy with his less than Dapper partner John Cena I'm about to enjoy a delicious greatek coffee well I suggest you hurry up M you know I'm always down for a scen a cameo especially when he's wearing a shirt like that also apparently this is dualipa which I'm sure excited a lot of people I was not aware of that I don't have anything against dualipa I guess I just never seen dualipa good for her she's she pretty good but this is just Ellie Conway doing a live reading of her book before heading home to finish up the fifth installment with her cat Alfie by her side Alfie who we will learn is far too good for her but she just can't figure out how to finish her fifth book so she decides to head to her parents for change of scenery and I have to say Bryce Dallas Howard absolutely cannot act like someone who has no confidence in her work it was not remotely believable that she was so worried about what people would think about this ending mom I'm so relieved I was going over and over it in my head I'm just glad you like it not buying it girl but what we do know about Ellie is that she used to be a waitress before sustaining a skating accident and at this point I still wasn't sure whether it was like an ice skating accident or like a skateboarding accident sadly it is ultimately revealed to be ice skating I I really wanted some head trauma that was sick and gnarly not like fancy and elegant but whatever it pushed her to finally write the book she always dreamed of and interestingly enough if you look at the Ellie Conway author bio on penguin publishing it matches that story exactly but almost immediately into a train ride everything goes to [ __ ] and a brief clip from this scene was the only thing I'd experienced from this movie outside the poster the scruffy man sits next to her and reveals himself to be a spy and that everyone in the train car was trying to capture or kill her and the scene was fairly fun I like Sam Rockwell when he's not an Iron Man too and she keeps kind of dissociating and seeing Henry caval as if it's her real Argyle fighting in front of her I really thought they were going to do something way more fun with that but they don't and then it also just doesn't really track with where they go with the movie we'll get there and the reason these people are trying to kill her isn't just because of how close her books are to reality it's that they are mirroring reality and they need her to write the next part so they can figure out where a master key is hidden because it'll lead to a file that's filled with information that would expose this secret underground spy organization gone Rogue known as the division keep up people it's basic so we're New Pal Aiden wild here is trying to get the master key first so he can expose them and the division obviously want to prevent that from happening problem being as we know she has no idea where her story is going yet so we get a fun little back and forth with her trying to figure it out and everything but Aiden here who in the realm of this aspect of the story would be the agent Argyle was supposed to meet up with someone for the master key or at least all that information but they never showed up so now they're both off the London to see if she gets any inspiration as to what could have happened I don't do play I I I met you on a train for a reason she doesn't do planes definitely not Taylor Swift then I'm joking don't kill me I love her too but funny enough getting her to London does actually make her come up with a solution as to why this person may not have turned up with the information and she was just completely right and because the baddies have obviously been spying on them they know now too though I must say that it is kind of ridiculous that no one in a major spy organization could figure this out and she just had to like sit there for a second so they're getting hunted down which obviously leads to like lots of conflict and funny moments hum I can't stop with their heads of course you can't the human skull is shockingly brutal lift up your leg and Crush lots of fighting immediately after they find some new thing because the baddies led by Brian Cranston always know exactly what they're doing and spoiler alert that happens in the book a ton too even though it's a totally different story and then hits a point where she thinks that Aiden's going to kill her once they find what they're looking for so she runs away and manages to call her parents to London I'm trying to speak with my daughter can we have some privacy please but it's my phone but oh no they're the bad guys it's your father dear just left wa wait mom mom they really tried to make this a badass reveal like in Spider-Man homecoming when you realize that lizz's Dad is the [Music] vulture well Ellie's dad is the leader of the division who's been brutally hunting her down the entire movie and her mom's in on the whole thing but surprise number two these are not her parents at all it's time to run you just shot my mother that's not your mother that woman just tried to blow your brains out and this [ __ ] leaves her cat behind the cat that she couldn't leave alone on this trip couldn't leave with the cat sitter couldn't have someone check in on had to have him with her the whole time forgets some I mention the cat enough yet because it's use in this movie even in its most horrific VFX fake form deeply bothers me and she just runs out of there without him then once she remembers she left him she actually does just leave him you want to go up there and die with the the cat or you want to come with me and hear the truth it's your call I was positive that they were about to play that for comedy where she would just pause for a second and then run back in but no look I didn't forget you either even the Patty was more thoughtful I do not care what kind of manipulation plans you have laid out for the Final Act of this movie you either show the cat getting kidnapped so it's entirely out of her hands or you come up with a plan that doesn't involve her abandoning him with people who would probably kill him you just showed Aiden work through multiple agents with ease they can afford to go back for the cat I'll be honest my brain 25% tuned out at this point because I was like fairly annoyed at this whole thing because you know Kristen Stewart managed to take better care of her cat in Love Lies bleeding the pulpy brutal gritty gross murder Thriller than Ellie here in an action comedy where the cat is on every poster and she's being protected by one of the best secret agents in the world okay I'll calm down but he takes her to the xcia director named Alfie played by Samuel L Jackson interesting same name as the cat except like she knew he was the xcia director so I guess like would make sense like a spy author might name her cat after that so whatever uh it is then revealed this is the big reveal guys that she is also a secret agent yeah apparently she suffered some kind of like wild Amnesia event where she was the one who was supposed to be getting the files and then the vision set her up to believe she was a different person when they realized she didn't remember anything so they could work out these journal with like the blueprints of her spy experience give them to her and say she was going to be an author and let her just like subconsciously fill in the blanks and hopes that they'd get an answer for where the information was hidden but they waited for like 5 years she's like on her fifth book right now that is a long game it's just so dumb and I like dumb but then you have to commit to being this level of dumb like if you're going to be this dumb you have to become Austin Powers also discussing film gave away this twist in 2021 I have no idea who gave them the Press brief for the premise if that was always a thing known but yep there there's the twist can't let the cat out of the bag if it was out before filming I feel like it would have been way more entertaining for her to like disappear after getting Amnesia and then she just started writing books because of all this stuff she couldn't process in her head and then the Spy Community slowly started to realize that those stories were real and mapping onto reality and then started to track her down yeah obviously there's a potential Logistics issue there too but like no more than when we already have here this is just not good and all it takes to lock her back in and make her remember is to to throw a punch at her even though she's been getting attacked the entire movie and nothing snapped in but yeah her name Rachel Kyle with two L's she is Agent R Kyle Argyle well at least she's not our Kelly of course she's not our Kelly what the [ __ ] at and John Cena at the beginning Woody Wyatt apparently that's actually based on Aiden and they were in love obviously and yeah sometimes she was seeing herself as Argy so that works for now um I'm sorry but I feel like spies aren't supposed to fall in love I feel like that would go against the mission but oh well and then it kind of goes deeper that girl Kira who died at the beginning of the movie in like the fake Espionage story intro that apparently wasn't that fake cuz she was actually a person who was actually shot on that actual Mission though they were absolutely setting the groundwork to bring her back I was going to bring her back you know the reader had emailed in this insane brilliant idea for a Twist wow I wonder who the fan is it's it's probably Kira but then it goes even deeper not only is Ellie actually Rachel an actual secret agent spy she was a double agent for the division that's right she was already screwing her friends over oh no maybe she was a triple agent but she distinctly remembers some behind the scenes of deception and her killing that Tech dude is what caused the explosion that gave her Amnesia honestly movie pick a struggle like you maybe two you can have two we're so deep now so for a while it seems like she snaps back into her double agent self and is like back with the division so she shoots Aiden but it's all a ploy which she plays so convincingly by pretending not care about the cat I don't care what's happening in real life just dropping the cat carrier is not what that man would have done to that cat at least do something to protect the cat you may have a responsibility to your country but you have a greater responsibility to the life you chose to take care of anyway as mentioned all the ploy she shot Aiden in the exact spot it would look fatal but be fully survivable as long as she managed to stop the bleeding which she obviously did the exact thing she was going to do and say happen to Kira to bring her back and then we just get this like ridiculous oil skating scene because like even though it wasn't a skating accident that caused the Amnesia she was in fact a skater okay that's the kind of moment that could have been funny if I didn't feel like we had just been wasting so much time in this final act like I am really steamrolling through this this is this is a long movie and it feels long there's just so much misused time on this end so many reveals that seem like they could have been saved for a sequel or something though there is a highlight in this second half and it is Alfie scratching the absolute [ __ ] out of Brian cranston's eyes get off face that's what you get you better watch out Ellie Rachel Alfie is not going to forget your abandonment he is too good for you so it looks like they're emerging Victorious uploading the files to the human Alfie not the cat Alfie though I'm sure he could handle it cuz he's a little genius but then her not mom shows up with a little music box and it kind of switches her into kill mode yes they literally did the thing of like we're going to reprogram you and make you so evil dear Lord what is this movie going to end so she is beating the [ __ ] out of Aiden about to head stomp him which is a call back to the thing she couldn't do earlier but then a mysterious worker shows up Bops the fake mom in the head breaks the music box and I guess that's all it takes to snap allly out of it and who was that mysterious worker it was Kira obviously how are you alive who do you think was the fan that sent you the vascular Corridor idea yeah no [ __ ] to be fair I don't really think they were trying to hide that in the movie from the viewers but it does does tend to be very annoying especially in these style movies when the characters in the movies are super surprised by something that felt like it was completely spelled out to the audience sometimes that can be used effectively not so much here and the interesting part is that real Kira looks exactly like the Kira she imagined for her book and if Aiden was actually Woody why was she imagining him as Argy because she was technically Argy I don't know when it's about to get weirder okay I guess I could see her imagining him as argal because she's seeing this guy do all these like spy moves and then she's just like putting in place there I still don't love it but yes the movie ends how it starts her doing a live reading of her fifth book pretending they're not spies but then some Southern mullet douche pops up and it's Henry caval I don't have a question as such but uh maybe you have one or two for me so is Agent Argyle real too even though she was writing this book about herself is that a whole other metal level is there actually an Argy and then is there actually a real Woody Wyatt then we get the mid credit scene where it shows the younger Aubrey Argy trying to join the kingsman that is a Twist what's your name Aubrey Aubrey Argy okay so that scene plays out confirming the real Aubrey Argy but then it pulls back and says Argy book one the movie coming soon with the same cover as the real book you can buy in a store right now but then that begs the question is Argy book one about the Aubrey Argy that we now know is real or is this actually Ellie Rachel's back backstory like how many levels of meta are we dealing with here I think Von said that the book one movie they planned to film would actually just be the book Ellie wrote so this would be the fictional Argyle who in reality is her then they do an actual Argyle part two that would take them back to the real world but that all gets very messy with the appearance of caval at the end of the movie so I think my current theory is that caval is actually a Statesman based on that Charming accent I initially assumed he was faking they do confirm that the Statesman exist in the reality of the movie and she might have run into him on some side mission involving the kingsman and proxied him in her place for the novels but the book certainly isn't interested in clarifying any of this at least at this point because it doesn't even explain where The Kingsmen would solidly tie in it's just like establishing that they're a thing in the same universe without actually working to connect them I'm even willing to ignore the fact that Samuel Jackson and Sophia Bella are both already in The Kingsmen as different characters who are very dead I just want a Crum of context and if anyone thinks they can only do so much because Mark Miller is the owner of the kingsman as a story you'd be wrong Matthew Von now literally has the exclusive right to do whatever he wants in a Cinematic Universe with uh the kingsman characters it can just do whatever he wants at least he did acknowledge he specifically said For Better or For Worse or something like that whatever the outcome ends up being but like leave it alone I think in an interview he actually commented on like the George Lucas method so that like this movie is technically part four and the Argy book is part one but that still doesn't completely track mentally either if she is not our guy and she's not this is my genuine confusion I wrote a script and I still I start working through things and my brain is still just kind of like I just I'm so I don't like it we're just gonna lay out the basics of where we are right now Argy is a real agent who agent AR Kyle could have or seems to have run in at some point and wrote him into the lead role of her own Adventures when he was going off and doing his own things and the deeper down that whole I go the Messier uh things get and I have to assume that she's the only one who would have run into him otherwise like Aiden would have mentioned oh yeah there like there is actually an agent our and a woody Wyatt is just they they weren't the ones in the story but if you like the fully unwind like my confusion I need to explain to you what happens in the book so this will not be an extensive plot breakdown but I do have thoughts so as I mentioned earlier this is not actually the book version of the movie This Book is supposed to be the first book that Ellie would have written in her Argy series theoretically so the way they are presenting this to us as the public is that Ellie Conway Israel wrote this book uh and then the movie rights were purchased and then her her bio on penguin matches the bio that's in the movie as I mention but I've heard Matthew V say a few different things in like one interview he said that he bought the rights while it was still a manuscript to make the movie which is obviously not true and with send came I I read the book well the manuscript of the book that brings me back to the book that has an author's note that says this is a revised author's note for the new edition implying that there is an older addition in existence somewhere when this is supposed to be the first printing it is all just so unnecessary come up with a consistent story I think it's a really cool idea to try to play with this like meta aspect and real reality but the way they tried to put that to screen just doesn't always work it really just felt like they kept one uping the ideas to try to keep up this fake mystery but they didn't actually stop and think about like what would logistically make sense once people started to unwind it and it just it just it doesn't it doesn't work you'll read book one which I hope to actually shoot next there's a whole SE series of books planned and book four which is the movies based around was the one that would work for it if they really wanted to commit to this meta they needed to the four books that she's allegedly written in the movie's narrative then release the movie if you're going to do it on a multi-million dollar budget do it right it is kind of fun to just take the book as oh they're pretending that Ellie from the movie wrote this but then they went further and didn't focus on that follow through which is I think what is annoying me the most and maybe a lot of that is because they they assume they're getting more but God the Box off is bombed I I do not know what the Futures in store for this this franchise side tie in but the book itself actually ties into that mid credit scene where the young Argyle seems to be joining The Kingsmen except that doesn't actually happen in the book uh so it doesn't remotely explain what the [ __ ] is going on with The Kingsmen outside that though the book is pretty decent it is kind of messy and it seems like an editor gave up halfway through with some really weird typos like grants instead of France and plaque instead of place popping through I'm sure there was a lot more but I did end up experiencing a lot of this through an audio book and I don't know if it's because I'm aware that they want to make this book into some kind of like prequel movie thinging that might never happen because of these box office this results this feels like a book that was written to be a movie it's hard to fully explain how but it does flip through a lot of different firstperson character perspectives moves from chapter to chapter very similarly to how like a movie would be moving from scene to scene especially early on when they're establishing things obviously this is a lot longer than a screenplay but it almost feels like it's fleshed out in a way so that the actors would have like solid background info on their characters and all the different moments of motivation not necessarily a bad thing but just something I noticed so let's just dive into the story before I round back into how it might tie into The Kingsmen while there are multiple first-person character perspectives we are largely following Aubrey Argy who's living in Myanmar trying to figure out what might have led to his drug smuggling parents' deaths before he's recruited by the CIA to try to interfere with a Russian election just wild stuff here and actually starts with a quote that says it's attributed to Vladimir Putin which I thought was a choice let's continue as mentioned the main plot once we get going is their attempts to thort a potential Russian leader from taking control so the way this fov is been winning over the Russian people is by promising to find this fabled Amber Room that was loaded with riches and stolen art by the Nazis his opponent was talking about how amazing it was he was going to be recreating it this guy is promising to bring back the real stuff so the CIA need to find it first and that kind of just made this feel like an Uncharted game like they're literally looking for hidden treasure that is that is Nathan Drake but on this team with him is a real Woody Wyatt and the Kira Carter we already know but we'll get back to that the book really is just about them all learning to work together as a team while the threat of of a mole lurks in their midst in the end they mostly win and learn how to be a great team together just waiting for what happens in their future missions it's a decently entertaining book some good action some good puzzle pieces but it does have a lot of fluff like for some reason I know that the CIA team leader has a husband and a lover which she's not sharing with anyone else but she shared with us which just adds nothing at all to the story when she is not our protagonist like I get going into the Russian dude's perspective a fair amount and his wife's perspective a fair amount but I really need to know what's going on in this lady's personal life after they have left the room Francis Kofi stays behind glancing at her phone she sees missed calls from both her husband Andrew and Darius her lover she turns her phone face down I'm sorry that's starting to sound like a very different book it really just kind of felt like big parts of this book didn't know who it wanted to focus in on and it kind of makes me think that they have plans for this Co Kofi coffee character to be more important in whatever planned installments they have that they might never get and who knows maybe that was just weak writing who knows overall pretty entertaining book not necessarily the best written in a lot of different areas it does feel like it needed a little bit or a few more rounds of editing uh to it but let's weave in to my final thoughts the end credit scene is actually just a teaser for the eventual movie based on the book written by Ellie Conway not something that was actually supposed to have happened in reality 20 years ago in the movie reality the young Argy in that scene would actually be her you're just a character I made up am I though we know that her experiences aren't necessar neily a one to one because she definitely didn't write Argy as a double agent which she apparently was if it's not supposed to be her and that is the person that grows into mullet Henry caval that's an entire other headache I have extensively explored and cut from this video just know it makes no damn sense it's a [ __ ] mess like maybe I've just hit the point where my brain's gone so deep that I'm being dumb and missing something obvious and like I swear to God if someone's like it's just a movie you can just watch it it's like no if you're going to try making things a web you have to think about point A to point B and it has to make makes sense like it doesn't really matter and I'm sure they will just explain it away with like nothing and I'm just interested to see how that gets reasoned out if they ever get a chance to but let's get to that Kingsman tie in or that ends up not being that much of one so there is actually a hint earlier on in the movie that it's all in the same universe Ellie is drinking a can of Statesman bourbon which is present in the kingsman Universe because V did a secret tie in alcohol for that second movie that one worked better I must say then of course the mid-credit scene where a young Aubrey Argyle turns up to a pub asks for a drink with all the ingredients except the Twist and has a gun presented to him from the kingsman so you think okay cool Aubrey's a Kingsman that makes sense as to why maybe only Rachel encountered him and she just used him as a body stand in for herself in her stories and then kind of did the same thing with Aiden cuz her brain was forgetting that she cared about him even though she was a double agent I don't know but that doesn't necessarily work because the Rachel as Argy in the book doesn't join The Kingsmen Argy learned about this Pub from a postcard sent to him before his parents' death that said if anything happens to us the kingsman arms does an excellent Cosmopolitan but when he's presented with a gun he turns them down and leaves because he's a pacifist his parents didn't believe in guns you know they only reely damage people's lives by assisting in drug smuggling anyway point being he does not join the kingsman he just goes off in his own tries to kind of figure out what happens to his parents before he gets recruited by the CIA but again drawing back if the Argy books are actually about Ellie she would have been the one approaching the bar after her parents' death which would make sense since no real family tried to reach out to her once she got famous and it might also explain why the bartender used words like darling you must be in a lot of trouble if they send you to me darling I just thought that was fun in the movie but the book makes special note that it felt weird to Argyle almost implying that her subconscious remembers the event as it happened but swapped in a dude not that it would be weird for a bartender to call a dude darling dodgy Pub bartenders for a secret spy Network would absolutely love to mess with people though the tone of the scene in the movie is very different from the energy it has in the book I feel like there are definitely different mental interpretations with the creative teams for like where this Kingsman tie-in would go because like our guy the movie is like well hell yeah partner that's certainly a Twist and the book is like oh God not guns and that's kind of why I landed on this not Argyle caval being a Statesman because it's one of the most convenient ways to tie it all in Ellie clearly has a link to the kingsman maybe she cashed in on that one day and met this dude I have to assume he just finally noticed her in the news or something and came to chat or maybe it's just way messier than I already think it is they've definitely left some Mysteries open for the future which I know I said I wanted them to do in the movie The Book mentions that like argy's real last name was major before his parents changed it but I'm sorry if you're I just want Kingsman answers I just want a little just a little bit especially since I don't think we're getting any more of this I'm just so frustrated okay so with all that out of the way the stuff that actually deals with the plot and that's own worm Hall week and now just kind of dive into the weird surrounding [ __ ] leading into that book release so pretty obviously this was not written by JK rowing or Taylor Swift this Theory started because the movie was supposed to be based on a book except the book didn't exist yet and wasn't releasing until a month before the movie and V's own production company owned the rights to the book and there was no real information on the author Ellie Conway other than that weird little blurb on the the penguin random house and then people realized that she also shared a name with the movie's protagonist so the easy assumption was that this was a fabricated tie-in book for the fictional author in the movie and my instant assumption would have been that this was written by the screenwriter for the movie or someone else in Von's sphere but that wasn't enough for some people who had to go down a rabbit hole based on how much marketing attention this movie was getting and still never actually figured it out and I don't blame them how could they while Ellie Conway seemed to appear out of nowhere with an Instagram and loose penguin publishing bio the only solid link to any Ellie Conway that seemed similar in the book world was a series of books by cat Connor who was writing a series about an FBI special agent named Ellie Conway with an iie but not based on that at all and that author has nothing to do with this which we know because Kat Connor that other author actually addressed it in a blog post and ultimately found that there was no real similarities between the eventual Argyle book and her series about Ellie Conway but the real serious fan theory was for Taylor Swift because well she's doing everything else now it wouldn't surprise me if she was writing books or planning to write a book and the older version of herself that she plays in the All Too Well short film is an author not a musician so a lot of people do think she's potentially already secretly published some books but I I don't think that could have been kept secret from from anyone the reason why this one seemed most likely is for a couple reasons for one just the sheer amount of marketing this movie was getting like even as a Kingsman tyin it was getting marketed for a very long time when you get to the point that people are annoyed by your marketing your marketing budget might be too high but then it was in that marketing so you've got the cat prominently featured everywhere Alie the Scottish Fold Taylor has a Scottish Fold and he's always being carted around in this little cat backpack and Taylor's been pictured using the same Cat backpack and Argyle patterns just kind of fit in with her whole like folklore cardigan aesthetic So based on those little details alone I can see why this would become a theory I I don't know uh if it would it should become as big a theory as it did but and I do kind of wonder if they did intentionally try to to Market Argy around that aesthetic knowing that it would kind of like hone in on the Taylor Swift side of things I definitely don't think they shut this down fast enough and they really let the swifties just swirl up and and they love a good puzzle and they are very frequent L correct with their theories okay whether they planned it the marketing team definitely steered into it with Taylor Swift lyric post you can't blame people for thinking this was confirming the theory even if the LA Conway Twitter was denying it and Vanity Fair confirmed with sources that it wasn't her as far back as October you can't do stuff like this and not expect that the swifties to get riled up so those few reasons are the ones I initially thought of when I saw that people thought Taylor Swift wrote this uh that I was correct were reasons why people thought uh but I did some more digging and the tick toks and the Reddit threads on go out of control with what people notice I'm not even going to mention all of it cuz I don't think some of it actually makes sense but you know we'll go with like some of the basics like Ellie Conway's first social media post was made on Taylor Swift's birthday Ellie Conway is apparently the name of a character on an Australian soap opera who first appeared on the show on Taylor's birthday Taylor frequently records at Conway Studios and often wears their merchandise people even started looking for hidden clues in her music videos and think that she was specifically pointing to the e y in the anti-hero video I even saw something in a seeming now deleted Tik Tok about how this lipstick on one of the posters is a brand of lipstick that Taylor wears like people went deep even though that one was probably one of the easier ones to notice and find like there were a lot of clues that could have pointed in that direction even if it's not true just all sorts of random little things that if it had been real would have been kind of nifty But ultimately just an example of circumstantial evidence or intentional marketing to try to rile up the swifties I I really hope that's not the case v actually had to put the rumor to rest because his own daughter was getting on his case about not introducing her to Taylor and hey if it was intentional and they were trying to bait the swifties didn't help them in the box office once they realized she wasn't involved most of them stopped caring so outside the swifties who are Fierce there was another uh less intense group of people who thought it was JK Rowling largely because Matthew V mentioned liking the idea of a story that would be like if a wizard walked into Rowling's house when to me it just confirmed that they wanted to set up a story about an author who unknowingly wrote about events that really happened but people thought that meant they'd actually get rling to write it which just makes no sense on so many levels there's no way they'd have the budget to remotely accommodate that and you know she is just way too busy being an ass on Twitter I'll also say once it gets to who actually wrote it there were two jokes made about lack of compensation so it doesn't sound like people were paid particularly well for writing this book cannot confirm or deny there was just there was two comments about it but if it wasn't them who did write our gu well it's certainly less exciting Argy was written by not one but two authors Terry Hayes and Tammy Cohen Hayes plot it out but was too busy working on his own novel so they brought Tammy Cohen in to deal with the actual writing apparently Matthew V really wanted to adapt Hay's book I am Pilgrim where a Former Intelligence agent writes a book on Forensic pathology that is later used to commit a series of murders and he was actually originally set to direct it with MGM but then one day it was given to James Gray and never went into development it's something Von's continued to want to do and I guess Hayes is currently working on getting the film rights back so we can work with Von to get it adapted but Matthew decided that the next best thing would be to hit up Terry to develop a new spy Thriller to be the meta Tian for his Argyle movie and they were maintaining the secret pretty well other than the logistical issues of adapting a book that doesn't exist but it actually all unraveled because Tammy Cohen consulted someone at the Royal Astronomical Society to learn about star maps and then included that person's name as a personal thanks at the end of the novel so Washington Post journalist Sophia noan called Robert Massie who revealed that the person who reached out to him in regards to a spy novel was Tammy Cohen rookie mistake to use your real name when you're writing a secret pseudonym Spy book I guess you didn't even say hey hey this is supposed to be a secret so don't mention to anybody that I reached out and at one point V mentioned Terry in an interview and it kind of fleshed things out to the point that it had to do the full reveal but Terry had some interesting reactions to the whole situation that seems to be upsetting some of the swifties and honestly I think he's upsetting himself a little bit snarky that Argy is performing better than his new book Cohen is quoted as saying God I hope all the people that pre-ordered on the basis that Taylor wrote it aren't disappointed to which Hayes replied I hope they are if that's why they buy a book they deserve every punishment they get damn Mr hay salty I get that it probably sucks that you finally published the followup to I am Pilgrim after 10 years only to have it overshadowed by a book that you developed the plot points for but damn even with arga largely underperforming and regardless of Taylor Swift involvement people are typically always going to be more interested in something that's being turned into a movie or a series over a multiple times delayed sequel to a novel that is yet to be adapted as un fortunate as that is it is impossible for everything to get equal attention even if you think you deserve it but the process of making that Argyle book seems a little messy which honestly explains some of the weird perspective switches and moments that don't mesh well I guess it was multiple people in Zoom calls one uping ridiculous ideas than leaving it on Tammy to actually put it together and I guess it started causing some issues with the screenwriter Jason fuches who had his own views for these characters he created but Terry didn't care so if the tone of the kingsman scene in the movie doesn't feel like it matches the tone of the kingsman scene in the book that might be why and I'm not trying to [ __ ] on Terry his I am Pilgrim book actually seems good I'm I'm going to check it out but he seemed to have like a real ego about the whole thing uh if people were arguing with aspects of the story and based on who he excluded I'm assuming it might be the screenwriter he'd literally just pull a there's only one person in this room that's written a bestselling spy novel and that's me and you know based on some of the reviews I've seen for the followup to that spy novel you wrote maybe you should have considered some outside voice es because I got to say if it wasn't attached to this whole ridiculous scenario the Ary book would be so damn forgettable the whole thing just seems like such a creative disaster even if they enjoyed the process as messy as I found the movie to be I probably would have just let Jason fukes map out the plot for the book based on what Von wanted from the kingsman series then gets someone who writes books to pen it out it's just so frustrating because if things were just slightly adjusted across the board this could have been really cool but now it's just kind of this lame gimmick that resulted in an all right book for a disappointing movie the most interesting piece of either of these movies was that mid-credit scene and the book handles it in a page before going back to stupid CIA [ __ ] I've been more entertained reading these various interviews about the whole meta setup than either of the actual pieces of media so again just to kind of recap because this whole thing is a mess and I feel like I've gone a little bit crazy uh Matthew vaugh decides that he wants to make a movie where an author would realize that the stories she's been writing are totally based on reality but then go meta and have the books that that fictional character would have been writing actually be written in the real world and that's how we get the first Argyle book which he wants to adapt next but then on top of that he wants to tie in the existing Kingsman franchise which is already struggling and then having the book that was supposed to build around that reveal barely engage with it like I said The Meta premise will give them room to adjust for differences and changes but why not just do it right to begin with especially when Universal and apple were both obviously banking on this becoming a major franchise but yeah that is pretty much it on Argyle a pretty weak movie that had a lot of potential that developed into an internet-wide mystery surrounding a fake author that broke open because someone didn't use a pseudonym when reaching out for an expert opinion but that's going to do it for today's video thank you all so much for watching let me know what you guys are thinking in the comment section down below did you like Ary I know a lot of people did I really do wish I had liked it more because I am a fan of Matthew Von's work or at least his earlier work thank you all so much for watching thanks again to Rocket money for sponsoring the video and thanks as always to my patreon supporters and YouTube channel members subscribe to the channel if you're new leave a like on the video if you're into that kind of thing thing all my social medias are listed down below I hope you're all having a fantastic day I'm still mostly okay and we'll catch you all later
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 209,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: argylle movie, argyle movie, taylor swift, taylor swift argylle, argylle review, argylle meta explained, elly conway, who is elly conway, terry hayes terry cohen, argyle kingsmen, bryce dallas howard, henry cavill, henry cavill argylle, sam rockwell, john cena argylle, dua lipa, argylle explained, argylle is a disaster, samuel l jackson, matthew Vaughn cinematic universe, worst movies 2024
Id: 2RIDa3XsqTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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