11 Brilliant Moves IN A ROW!!!

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ladies and gentlemen I have a very special chess game for you today uh in this video that you have clicked on this is one of the weirdest chess games I've ever seen and like all good weird things it originated on Reddit I was tagged in something and essentially this is a chess game with many Oddities but one of them in particular is that one of the players played 11 brilliant moves in one game and I'm going to show you the game in one second normally I have a sponsor in the beginning of my videos and I say today's video is sponsored by today I actually just have an absolutely massive announcement um this came in the mail today this is the first ever printed copy of my book many of you don't know I have a book many of you do know I have a book I wrote a book it's called how to win at chess The Ultimate Guide for beginners and Beyond and it's supposed to be a very refreshing take on learning chess you do not need a board to study this book um this book is split into two parts from around zero to 800 and then in part two up to about 1300 the boards have annotations highlights you see uh recent moves made with yellow and at the end of each chapter there's QR codes for you to take your learning to the next level um I am extremely proud of this I am I'm humbled beyond words um if the book is being translated into multiple languages including Spanish Czech Russian um German and many others if you're watching this and you're a foreign rights publisher uh please reach out I want to translate it into Portuguese french many others um and to pre-order the book there's links in the description what a day uh the book is fully launching in October November but you can pre-order it now and uh yeah what more can I say I'm extremely proud of this I tweeted about it I showed it live on stream let's jump into uh the games game not not games game um one of the strangest games I've ever seen like I said uh white is rated around 800 and black is rated a thousand they are both given honorary Grandmaster titles from me in this game so white begins this game with Pawn to D4 and black plays Knight to F6 C4 E6 Knight C3 so already something very weird it's move three and the average rating of these players is around 900 and nobody's blundered a queen maybe I have like no respect for 900s but black is playing a nimso Indian defense which is ridiculous because I don't know if any 1000 even knows that and most 700s after D4 are playing the London for better for worse the London is covered in my book but it doesn't have a massive prominent area but you know it is covered there um so we have a nimso Indian defense which is an opening where white tries to take a full center with E4 and black pins the Knight to the king disabling that move now white has Queen C2 E3 like again I'm anticipating some no white plays E3 which is the main line white plays E3 which is the main line uh black castles okay which is a completely good movement white plays the move Bishop to D3 uh just developing the bishop to its natural square and then the Knight can go to F3 or E2 uh black can of course take the damage the structure but generally what black does now is to is play C5 D5 uh and uh the bishop on B4 is ready to capture any time or go back if necessary and black plays D5 and this is what I'm telling you like I am shocked that they both know this opening this well maybe this was a study session by two friends and they were just you know you're not supposed to look at an opening book as you play online you're not supposed to look at you know my book although here's my book by the way I'm super proud of this I mean and I I am selling signed copies but we're they're limited edition I'm not gonna sign every single book um but I might do a book tour so if you live in a big place if you live somewhere with 20 people I probably won't visit no disrespect it's gonna be very hard to get to expensive if you live in like I don't know Houston Chicago London I'll probably stop by on some sort of book tour I just have to figure it out and I'll probably sign your book unless you're like really a terrible person then I won't anyway white takes after spending some time uh and and uh and and black uh takes back and now white plays Knight E2 which is fine I mean Knight F3 is a little bit more active the brilliant moves obviously come later they're not this early in the video Knight of Knight E2 and the idea of the move Knight E2 is to obviously take like this so if uh something like this happens this is not what black wants black is still equal here but the entire purpose of playing the Nim so Indian is to is to take you understand like it's the take and damage the structure that's that's the whole point um but that doesn't happen because we have this this Knight E2 uh and uh C5 A3 take take wait sorry what wait what I thought we played Knight E2 to yeah but now if you take with the Knight I think rookie a check was a bit unpleasant and now you have to block and if you block the wrong way maybe Knight G4 is coming and then all of a sudden you know your Center is under some fire the position's equal but that's what I'm assuming that uh White didn't like so white takes with the B Pawn but again I am absolutely stunned that the average ELO of these players is like 900 no one's hung any pieces yet this is ridiculous I mean they're supposed to blunder they're not they're not that good I mean no disrespect they're very good but they're not that good black plays C4 I don't like C4 um I think that the pressure here should survive and I think you should develop and develop and and just try to make progress in your position while applying tension maybe B6 to guard your Pawn here this move I don't like because now white just gets a very powerful Center a very strong Center and can play moves like F3 E4 opening up the position for the Bishops and it's just gonna be like a a wave like an avalanche this way the only chance black has is something over here uh the only chance white has is to play F34 but that's very high level stuff okay and black does play B5 to their credit uh again rookie 8 or Bishop G4 were also reasonable B5 is a very natural move because like you can't move any other pawns so you might as well you know play A5 B4 and and white here responds naturally with Rook B1 attacking the pawn and black plays Rook B8 nothing surprising there nothing impressive the most impressive move may be of the entire game occurs here um white really wants to play E4 white can't play E4 uh because it's defended so many I think people would play Knight G3 here or Knight F4 uh and then play for E4 and in a perfect world you know you'll get a position that looks something like this where the Bishops are just very happy happily frolicking in the field by frolicking I mean staring with a bazooka on the other side of the field they're not really frolicking um but white plays F3 which is the best move white plays F3 with the intention to play E4 and that's a very different story because trading like this is totally different you will get a completely winning position with these two Bishops I know the engine is like not that impressed but the Bishops are monsters here and if you can get this big Central blockade of all these pieces these are soft spots they are only covered by the king so there's always massive attacking chances like it's just a matter of time you know until white just builds up too powerful of a position and just Roars in and demolishes everything and again stockfish is still thinking you can hold it but I'm not so sure so rookie 8 is what black plays uh which uh prepares uh which stops the movie for I mean I would just go Knight G3 here and play E4 and try to play E5 again this is a perfect position if white gets this white is just crushing Queen here Bishop here Knight here E5 Avalanche the center is dominant here for white and very well supported and black doesn't have any more pawns so what I don't like is White's next move which is Queen D2 bit of a weird move uh don't quite understand it but it is what it is I mean queen D2 is fine according to the game analysis game review it was a okay move now black plays E6 and now once again I implore you you've got to go for this this is everything that you've worked for if you get this move E4 it it's going to be an incredible position and it's just a matter of time Queen F4 Rook is under Fire Knight pawn pawn E5 double the Rooks that's a triple f file 19 points of material barreling down toward your face what I don't like is what white does here which is this move A4 this is wrong this is not playing on the right side of the board literally this is the right side of the board right now but also it's the correct side of the board to play on you've got to play for for all of this um black plays Bishop D7 which is a bit of a weird move as well um I don't understand this move there's really nothing going on here I would maybe go Queen E7 and add some pressure also continue to prevent E4 is there anything wrong with the move Bishop D7 no just a little bit passive uh it would have been worse to go here because that at least blocks this and Knight F4 is always going to be a Target so also this re-enables the move E4 which is a worse nightmare scenario so Bishop D7 White NOW plays another really I I again a move that I really cannot bless uh this bishop completely takes its eye off of this and wanders out this way now that move could have not happened earlier so I guess White's entire idea was A4 and then Bishop to A3 um and this looks nice the this this is a very nice looking Bishop but it's not doing a whole lot um nobody really cared about any of those squares the the queen is completely fine not going here it it will go there or there um black now takes on A4 which again not not the biggest fan of and now finally uh now after all of these Shenanigans white decides I'm gonna go for an attack and that move is deemed an inaccuracy because that's not what you were trying to do um you were not trying to play F3 to go G4 that is absolutely wrong you were trying to play E4 okay so that is just a fundamental misunderstanding of the position white does all of these weird moves puts the bishop over there like you moved your queen passively you went here you didn't play E4 to open up your position now you're launching an attack from this point forward one of the weirdest phenomenons in chess that I've ever seen happen happens black proceeds to play 11 brilliant moves now as you are going to see this game basically broke starfish like it basically broke the engine that does game review in this position faced with a coming attack and potentially having to trade down here black did not trade Rooks immediately because that would have simply given white the file instead black did something very instructive which normally happens when Rooks see each other black move the Rook up so that it was defended by something like a pawn so they would dominate or dominate the file or get an advantage if that trade occurred for example Rook B6 is not that good of a move because after take take I could just play Rook B1 okay but I'll move like Rook B5 is interesting because this at least improves my Pawns but there's another move in this position and it is the first brilliant move of the game by black Rook B3 that is a ridiculous move now I'm assuming that based on Black's ELO of 1017. black thought oh I attacked the bishop and if they take me maybe they didn't even see this by the way then I'm gonna go here and my pawns are very strong two connected pawns walking hand in hand and white is gonna have to spend a lot of time and energy blockading them and if you don't succeed in blockading them I'm going here and that's death because I hit this this this you can defend but in comes my Rook it's very very very bad so Rook B3 is a sensational move White NOW moves the bishop out of getting captured and black gets their second brilliant move of the game night A5 re-sacrificing The Rook on B3 just not moving it yes my Rook is standing here and I can't take the bishop anymore but you can't take me anyway because after this I'm going Knight C4 and with my knight on two pawns I'm going to murder you on the queen side so that's brilliant move number two suddenly White's position is in a massive bind White's entire game plan hinged upon all of this not Tinder not bumbled hinged upon E4 and G5 and all of this stuff but White's not getting any of that so now black gets brilliant move number three black realizes I don't have to wait around Knight B7 three brilliant moves because this dumb Rook is still standing here three brilliant moves and I'm going to take the bishop the only active piece in the position white plays Knight F4 could white continue to try to dance around yeah but then A5 A5 might happen so Knight to F4 is played and black plays H6 to stop G5 you see Knight F4 was preventing this so black plays H6 H4 and now brilliant move number four Bishop Z6 by the way I don't know why H6 was not given a brilliant move can we just address that the computer is bugging out it's thinking this is brilliant this is brilliant this is brilliant H6 is for some reason not brilliant it's only good Bishop Z6 is brilliant again that's now four brilliant moves the King goes up to G2 because again maybe white was a little bit concerned about something here so white plays King G2 trying to play Rook H1 and G5 and open up on the H file and now we have brilliant move number five Knight to D7 The Rook is just hanging it it just can't be taken it's just a reality of existence now that that Rook is not going to be taken five brilliant moves the Knight is going to get both of these Knights are swarming this bishop and there's nothing white can do that's covered I mean if the bishop goes to A7 you just play Queen A8 okay or queen H4 by the way so white just decides I need to commit my attack this ain't it though I mean H5 is not it you have to go Rook H1 H5 is just going to severely slow you down now we have Knight takes C5 not a brilliant move by the way Knight takes C5 not a brilliant move a couple of moves ago H6 not a brilliant move but the next move Knight takes C5 double X Glam what is going on what is happening The Rook has been hanging the whole game like I said it's it's just a fact of life nobody can touch the Rook because if you touch it again cb3 not ab3 not ab3 you only have one pass Pawn if you do it this way this is much better and not Knight takes B3 because he has to attack this but then this is doubled and isolated that's not very good so white plays Rook to B1 desperately pleading pleading with black to do something about The Rook and black says all right fine I'm now going to relinquish my defense of this rook and I'm going to play A3 another brilliant move Black's entire game plan of Knight B7 Knight D7 winning the Bish winning the bishop on C5 in the pawn to play A3 The Rook is losing a Defender but it gained another you still cannot take this stupid Rook these pawns are too strong you try to go Queen C1 I've got Queen A5 on the way I've got A2 on the way I have Knight d uh not not Knight D3 but Knight A4 potentially on the way this is ridiculous A3 another brilliant move white plays Rook A1 and now black my friends you do not need to be Sherlock Holmes to identify what is about to happen Queen he's having another brilliant move oh my goodness oh my goodness we have a battery facing the pawn on E3 let it be known how many moves ago did I mention that pawn on E3 when white played F3 white needed to play E4 White had to expand in the center of the board why didn't play the wrong game plan and black just danced around with the Rook on B3 two stubborn bodies white not taking black keeping the Rook on B3 uh White in this position can play Rook here white decides to play Rook F2 not a great move now Queen takes E3 yet another brilliant move another one so brilliant now recapturing the queen unfortunately not giving a brilliant move that unfortunately was straightforward and now my friends in this position perhaps the most dazzling destructive dominant scintillating captivating exhilarating brilliant move thus far of this entire game can you tell that I may or may not be sarcastic at this moment in this position black played the absolutely incredible retreating one square and this move received yet Another Blessing of being a brilliant move white in this position plays King to G3 walking into this desperate times call for desperate measures and now the move heard around the world the 11th brilliant move of this entire game with this Rook hanging on this position for like the last few moves Rook B2 was possible there was absolutely no reason to keep the Rook there d 4 with the intention of opening up a pressure over here if takes the Rook now joins the party Rook takes F3 Rook takes F3 Rook takes F3 and in this position white can move the king out the H file or into the line of sight of the bishop but instead of doing any of that white just resigned because if you move the bishop into the line of sight I'll go Knight P3 you can't really take because of the Discover check if you don't decide to lose the game like that and instead you go to H4 I will go to E6 I will go to G5 and I will mate you now the game is certainly not over I think resigning here is certainly premature and we don't want to be premature but as far as the attack that black provided in this game for the last 15 or so moves in this position the idea to play Rook to B3 I told you in case it wasn't clear white resigned I said that not here later uh the reason why this game was so weird to me is because it was such a good game but I cannot tell if it was played by accident like these players are 800 and a thousand I'm not convinced they knew what they were doing maybe they did know what they were doing I have no idea all I know is that Rook survived a literal apocalypse a robot attack on Humanity Knight C5 A3 every single one this is not a joke this is not a drill every single one of those moves was granted brilliancy according to chess.com the game ended the game ended within 11 brilliant moves one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and eleven oh my goodness what a game a great game hopefully an instructive game one of the weirdest games I have ever featured on this channel and that's all I have for you today a friendly reminder uh before we sign off I know this is the part where you click on videos in your sidebar it shows on my retention chart but this thing is out and this thing is super cool and um I'm so excited to share it with you so how to win a chess by Yours Truly get a book go to go to somewhere on the I drop my phone because I was so excited go to somewhere on the book tour I will sign it or wait for a signed copy until next time get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 657,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: sy7F57jD98k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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