The Dilemma with the House Build...

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definitely been a long couple days but we are  so happy with how this turned out 4 years ago we   parked our RV on this 10 acre piece of bare land  in the middle of the woods we had no idea what we   were doing but we needed a road so we built one  trucking our water in every day got old quick so   we solved that problem too we thought oh having  electricity would be nice now that was a big   project we went from two guys who had literally  no idea what they were doing to learning how to   operate heavy equipment to running all of our  underground plumbing and electrical years and   years of tiny little steps all compounded  together leading us to build a home using   four shipping containers have there been setbacks  yeah you could say that what I will say it's been   in those setbacks that we've experienced the most  growth and have achieved things we never thought   possible all right now that we're all caught up  to speed what do you think time to get to work [Music] today what we've been working on is the front of  the house so rather than boring you with all of   the siding action that's been happening there  we've been finishing up all of the Loose Ends   all around the front entrance the sopit area looks  really good yeah it's looking awesome yeah we're   like working our way around the house which is  nice so yeah we're feeling pretty sided out though   I will say it's been um it's a lot of work I  ever tell you I don't like my S I had nickel   for every time we'd have the s paid off we have  this wall that we've been working on and trying   to troubleshoot how we're going to get it right to  the tower that's the hardest part about all this   is like getting everything figured out yeah yeah  cuz nothing standard it's been um interesting to   figure out so cuz the issue is the tower is made  out of wood and added onto the container so at   the container level our Vapor Barrier wraps  onto the container so we have to hide it so   we have this black column in the corner that  hides where this tape wraps onto the container   and at first we were like o it's not going  to work but the black when this is eventually   painted it will match yeah so it's a little bit of  a makeshift situation but I think it's going to be   okay it's just a lot of problem solving yeah well  everything's just so unique one problem at a time   yeah that's all it is but we're getting there  all we can do so all I'm going to get nailing   all right we're going to start tackling this  wall and just get after it full of money but   we're riching other things this highway is our  living room we're swimming in the mystery what   is it what's that I don't know something in the  woods something heard something walking down there   there's a bear right there wouldn't shock me yeah  for the boards that you cut tie yeah if you just   stack them here I can pull them up myself and then  you don't have to walk as far either you're doing   great don't let anybody tell you any difference  I'd like to know what he's calling us in his head   Tyler gets crabby when it's warm just as an  FYI hey it's not a strong suit of yours is   it no well you get crabby that's when we start  bugging you more and you get really crabby I'll   just leave we're all leaving yeah except I'm the  one who has to go home to them no we got to take   that Staffing down to take front don't we yeah God  and that was just starting to get going so slick   just like that we're at an impa you make it sound  like that happens all the time zy just occas yeah   looks good though yeah all in a day's work five  pieces for siding what a day you guys so as you   can see we've got our lovely five pieces of siding  up on the wall but it's actually really good   because tomorrow we have a game plan it's going  to be super easy to just get the rest of this wall   finished but we're going to do one important step  before we're finished for the day and we're going   to set up the rest of the scaffolding right here  that way tomorrow we're able to hit the ground   running and hopefully get this wall finished  dumpy why'd you let us build so tall well I don't   know what you're thinking us either yeah there  she's ready for Monday [Music] nice we're taking [Music] Ruby no one took  our parking spot part of the   they're so excited look at them let me out of here  guys you guys wait wait oh oh no no no Charlie not   your new me just wait this wait I'm going to  let you down Ed I know are we left in I got to go moment we were born with gold on the  inside gold on the [Music] inside going to get to a swim oh yeah the  water's so low so low even at the lake it   is but I mean we haven't had any rain  yeah like in a month I feel it's been a   weird spring what do you got Eddie you digging  for rocks they're loving it oh yeah they love   it's interesting like Eddie was so excited here  it's I think he finds this more enjoyable than   swimming at the lake yeah what do you  think he what do you think charl they   love it I think it's cuz there's just more  here like more vegetation they love eating   this grass we were joking that this must have  like some sort of special sauce on it are you a cow I think it's got some raspberries nextx  him to it or something yeah it's pretty cute I think they want me to throw them  a rock is that what you want go get it got it got it good boy good boy buddy you're  silly I'll never get over it I've never seen a   dog do that no have you no and especially if you  think about the fact that when we moved here he   had to swim in a l ET and now now you're diving  underwater hey you don't even go underwater Oh   you're taking my spot the one dry spot not anymore  hey bud huh I think they missed it here yeah we'll   have to take them to the orchard to roll oh  yeah we don't have grass here I like to roll   afterward but if they do it in the driveway they  get muddy yeah do you want to head back what do   you think go do your roll go roll in the orchard  he want to rock thrown again okay one sec okay one sec wow had to stop into the Dome and get little  squirrel I did she couldn't go to the river   with us so she needs her outside time too hey  squirrel yeah she loves the orchard too it's   so cute go play go play go do your rules boys  oh I know come on go roll boy good boy good boy Charlie wow buddy he's trying to crack it oh wow  Charlie wow wow the old doll's not as strong as   they used to be guys I used to be able to crack  a watermelon in one bite get it Eddie get it can   get this oh you need to oh does Eddie need Eddie  wants to share with Charlie Eddie wants to share   cuz sharing is caring you know Eddie loves sharing  it's your biggest skill are you surprised how good   everything came back I am shocked I honestly  thought we would have lost like at least one   tree but they're all still going it's so pretty  yeah like look at this just under our little apple   tree our signs didn't work oh yeah this one is a  northern spy apple look at how bad they dried out   in the winter didn't work so we're on to a plan B  but it's just on the to-do list way way down there   way down there it is such a vibe in here though  yeah I can't wait until like the trees are bigger   and they have canopies that we can lay under  I know the wood chips it's crazy how much they   faded over the winter but I think if we're just in  here walking and the boys are they'll um brighten   up yeah you can where they were running earlier  you can see it guess I could it another make work   project isn't it cute though like everything came  back yeah like I'm shocked especially this one   this one and that one were struggling these are  both Gala yeah and they have a lot of new growth   like look at all this although there was something  we were supposed to do about the new growth yeah   oh yeah no I think it's when the when the fruit  comes we're supposed to like I don't think we let   it fruit this year we should probably Google  this yeah um also look at the tangerine tree   Nancy it's a nectarine that's how you remember I  totally forgot that it is a nectarine yeah Nancy   what is this though going on with the leaves oh  yeah that's that's not looking good that doesn't   look good Nancy got warts oh J wow look at the  house from here wow you know what what it looks   like a house it really does it actually does now  you can see it just imagine when the greenhouse is   in mhm it's going to be pretty cool hi squirrel  oh hello hi babies go get squirrel go get your   sister go get [Music] squirrel like so different  here isn't it interesting yeah like Eddie we keep   finding him off in little like cocoy areas in  the trees asleep yeah I am I don't know it's very strange he's much more foxlike here it's really  really weird yeah this is why we can't get chicken   what are you what are you doing you're a mess  you're a mess buddy he's probably just trying   to get as dirty as possible so we can bring  him back to the riv in the morning yeah that   would be my guess or there's something that  smells really good and he wants us to smell   it yeah no just smells like dirt it just smells  like dirt wow look at the house through our Orchard you know what we could put a trampoline  up here and it grows all right well I think I'm   just going to go sit in the orchard for a bit what  do you think yeah I don't have the hammock up yet   but honestly just sitting in the wood chips is  comfy yeah let's go kick back for a bit you do   have fun at the river we do have fun you have fun  what do you like more the River or the lake oh   take me to the lake and then I'll let you know who  thed the Monday cheers to a productive day [Music] cheers this is maybe the one thing that I don't  miss about the Dome pulling out every night oh   my God Todd we're just settling in for the  the night Todd's getting started on dinner   the boys are snuggled up in bed they're so tired  I know like exhausted hey buddy did you have a   good time at the river the squirrel's back in  she's asleep over well actually she's cleaning   herself now on the chair she had fun outside too  yeah we all had a good time so anyway we're just   settling in for a movie night but that's thanks  for the sponsor of this week's video surf shark   if you don't know when you have surf shark you  can change your location to appear as though   you're anywhere in the world and what that does  is it opens up content libraries that wouldn't   normally be available to you so say you're in  the UK for example you will have a completely   different Netflix experience than if you're in  the US by switching things around we're able   to get access to TV shows and movies that we  wouldn't have access to here in Canada but the   real benefit of surf shark is making sure that  anything that you're browsing on the Internet   is secure so that's your banking your passwords  your email all of that confidential information   that you don't 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off there yeah uh bring it up  too oh you're up pretty high I'm up here now that   measurement should work for the next one what was  it 71 and A4 yeah can I get your hand here so you   want to line up to that one there with this with  the edge I'm using it that's a straight edge so   I can build my line to cut and then how I don't  know how to cut the angle 3 and 1/4 and 12 does   that mean you eyeball that the square is not  long enough no you didn't eyeball it you didn't   eyeball it no you don't really ball anything oh  we would have that looks about straight you can   see how Todd did the bunky now eh I'm trying to do  some math that looks about right yeah that's close   enough C of the roof always works on the base of  12 12 in of run so then whatever your height is at   12 in that's your so is that a 312 roof 3 and a/  qu definitely not how I would have done it that's   why I clim Dad yeah let's leave the angles for  you don't trust my measurements again well just   I just not taking chances I already caught him  today checking them I'm measuring something if   you want to come double check no you make you  got her Me Hold the End your tape I'm buying a   new tape I already broke [Music] one B all the f  f them bugs are mean they're mean to you those are   mean bugs them them's mean bugs funny how much  they love sticks H I feel like a lot of dogs do   that like Mom and Dad's golden rert always chewed  on sticks too I'm going try and convince your   daughter to put metal siding on he's helping her  reside there better convince her to get somebody   else to do it last P last one it's amazing hello  hello I'll text you and the no service no they   got no Towers Belle's making a fortune am I being  recorded Belle's making a fortune we've got all   of the Sid Ang on that exterior wall it's looking  so good love how it turned out we do have one last   important step though so when we posted the video  of siding this whole section of the container   home a lot of you were super confused on how the  corners work so when the siding comes on here and   comes on here it leaves a really ugly gap this  is how you finish it off so this piece of trim   wraps around from the top all the way down to the  bottom so that's all we have left to do on that side take your time with the B yesterday  like this push and you can get through many step back Rea Allon definitely been a long couple days but we  are so happy with how this turned out I think it   looks absolutely amazing you happy really really  good and just the way it like all comes together   and like the black this is just the first coat so  when it's all the construction is done we'll be   switching to more of this high gloss so you'll see  how it all plays together same with the windows   too like you know don't match yeah exactly but I  know this is an isore the tower and we're trying   to figure out so you may remember a few weeks ago  the engineers were out and we have a fixed for the   foundation but that's all going to kind of kind  of tie into the foundation of the deck so that's   going to just be like one project on itself thank  God we didn't put that stone siding on oh yeah so   that would have been so bad what was it like 11  times heavier than what the tower can support   yeah so in saying that we have to do an aluminum  or a vinyl or something really lightweight but I   don't know we're really stuck so we have extra of  the wood material like a little bit we' have to   buy more but we're worried it's going to be too  much of this because in the original design it's   supposed to be like a concrete or a stone or just  something contrasting like the wood and the metal   so this is a vinyl Stone and I think it looks  really good on it what do you think like is it   should we go with the wood I'm really stuck should  we go with the stone or not both obviously not   both okay okay well you never know I just wanted  to make sure that you weren't thinking like one   oh yeah just I really wanted to complicate the  install dumpy would never work with us again   so option one stone option two the wood or metal  wood metal metal wood option do you think I think   option one yeah what do you think let us know what  you think like I think both would be beautiful but   I see where Todd is like kind of getting at if  we did that whole continuation like it might be   too much yeah I think it would be like too bright  and then we just always wanted that concrete stone   like originally it was going to be concrete  slabs and we couldn't find that so we switched   to the stone product and then that's too heavy  so now we found a plastic that looks like Stone   stop trying to influence them I'm not trying to  influence he's trying to influence it's okay if   you want to vote option two I'll give you five  bucks to everyone n votes for option one careful   all right you guys we are going to enjoy the  rest of our day and we'll see you Sunday bye
Channel: Tyler and Todd
Views: 130,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: container home, container house, shipping container home, tiny house, tiny home, building with shipping containers, shipping containers, shipping container, building with containers, off grid, building your own home, life uncontained, container home build, shipping container home build, tyler and todd, todd and tyler, shipping container homes, self build, self reliance, off grid living, off the grid, building a house, house build, building a home, home build
Id: u0aerul57II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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