Root Depth Matters! A LOT! Yearly Stress Spots & Why

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foreign [Music] what's going on YouTube it's Mr Ferguson here once again thank you guys for coming back for another video here in Central North Carolina where our lawn looks pretty crappy because it's hot it's summer we've got fungus still going on at the filming of this that video posted this uh last past week on Friday you guys saw how ugly it is we're continuing to just be patient to wait a lot of you commented saying you're seeing fungus in your Fescue lawn as well so it seems to be going around to a lot of different areas especially here in North Carolina and and other parts of the nation here so but thank you for tuning in thank you their time for clicking on this video today we're going to be brief we'll try to I try to shorten up my videos back in the day the reason I always say that back in the day I used to run you know 16 17 18 minutes comment below if you like those long videos uh to just but it feels like I'd just repeat myself all the time so I've tried to get better over time I've keep them in shorter and shorter so uh that's why I always say that in case you were wondering but we're going to be in the front lawn today I want to show you I I saw this I just got home from work and we've not had a lot of rain just to set up the video here we've not had a tons of rain we had like this Smoky stuff from Canada come down it was cloudy it's been Misty it really we haven't been in the 80s consistently until really recently we've been in the mid to high 70s where we've been in the low 80s maybe this weekend so they said it was going to be dry and hot we've not had any measurable rain in a while so the grass is beginning to show that and you're going to see it here in a second because I just turned on the sprinklers so uh I just wanted to set you up for that we're hot we've got fungus and we're dry so we're needing to water but I want to show you something that deep roots matter I'm seeing a lot of this what I'm about to show you on Reddit and so this may answer a lot of your questions for what you may be seeing in your lawn so let's take a look so over here on the side the fungus kind of looks better today I don't know if it's because of the positioning of the Sun or what but you can see I'm going to zoom in with my phone here you can see back here in the same spots that always go a little dormant first and a little dry when it's not raining is that very back part in front of the tree there and then a little bit in front of that it's starting to grow has slowed way down all the grass around it has continued to grow there it stopped it slowed down that's a sign it's stressed out it's hot we've not had tons of 90s or anything like that but it's showing that it's thirsty it needs water we've not had tons of rain lately we've had tons of rain you know in May and even yeah all throughout May and it's been cooler but now we're seeing what we normally see in May and in June we're seeing the dry spots we have been using foreplay here on the channel but let me stress you like Mr Ferguson you've been using foreplay that product is crap it don't work foreplay is to help us it is an assistant it is like you know wearing gloves when you use a Hammer Hammer is great if you're going to nail things in but uh it could tear your hands up and get calluses if you're doing it all day every day you know you would wear something like what a glove to help you or when you're shoveling or raking you can get blisters on your finger if you don't do it all the time so a glove would be appropriate well I look at foreplay like a glove it is not a direct replacement for a rake or for a hammer foreplay assists Us in reducing our watering we could have seen these spots come up last week but because of foreplay we're seeing this week after an extra week of dry weather and hot temperatures now we're seeing it instead of last week that's the way I view it we it's about time to reapply our foreplay at three ounces per thousand now that we did our base rate so I'll be doing that soon but you can just see getting out of the truck from work we've got dry spots now so it tells me I need to get on top of my watering so now I want to show you the main part of this video in the front lawn so as I mentioned in the intro uh before I get there this side remember I I we did an experiment here I did all the lawn with foreplay um but we did not do this section right here by my mailbox for a purpose I wanted to show you will it look the same if we don't do it here uh or will it work worse or better well compared to the backyard it looks different to me so look at this area I hope it shows up on camera because this is the area we stopped like right here from the ditch on I did no foreplay no hydrotain and it is noticeably discolored Brown shriveled and thirsty I mean it's noticeable it's highly noticeable so I really want you to look at this everywhere the back part I want you to see this the color is better it's there's a little bit of brown it's healthier it's Greener all of this going back past my truck we did with foreplay and you can kind of see I hope it's showing up on camera because as this is to me it proves itself it literally starts right here where I quit doing foreplay up here with the uh the orthodology sprayer you can see the color difference of how it's holding on to its color and more moisture in this we put the natural edge of it we talked about its water retention capabilities we put that everywhere but we only did foreplay in hydrotain in uh everywhere but right here by the mailbox so I just want you to see that versus the non-for-play area look at that it's like gray shriveled up it's noticeably different now uh some people may say well that's because it's by the pavement and it's hotter on the pavement the asphalt true but if that's the case then why isn't doing it right here you know well there's a tree there it's like you got so many I'm I I to me this speaks of this little test that I did and if you guys want to go back watch where we applied um uh foreplay I say I'm purposely not going to put it by the mailbox so we can look at it and see does foreplay make a difference I think now if we just come by the road I think at 100 speaks for itself this is a grayer more discolored area and the areas just behind it where we did the nine ounces of foreplay look 100 better in my opinion and lastly moving over here to the front yard just look at that guys big old fat dry spots right I mean I waited I seen this developing like Wednesday again we had inventory this past week um so I noticed this and I let it keep going before I water I was like oh we might get rain I'm just gonna let this go and let it go and I let it go for a while because now I'm less nervous because of that year we went to the beach and I came back and hit it with a pound last year with pounded it with water it came right back so I know I can bring it back but here's the main part I want to tell you why Deep Roots matter I've seen a lot of this on Reddit and some of you might be seeing this in your lawn don't freak out but remember our little experiment by the road man but you can probably you already know what I'm gonna say right look at that this is the area this green grass right here is what I dug out last summer and said I'm curious what's down here and I dug out all that rocky soil threw it in the woods and replaced it with non-rock dirt and Lawn soil and it looks absolutely phenomenal every everything else around that area look at it it shriveled up it's brown it's thirsty it's because of the soil it's because of what is on this Bank The Rock there's I know without a I don't even have to look I know that if I was to do this everywhere else on this bank I would not have to water as soon as I do it would have deeper Roots it would be better off look at the rest of the lawn why well Mr Ferguson why is the rest of the lawn look so good because it's got better dirt better roots and the roots are getting deeper over here on this bank there's something about this Bank where we know by the road we have rocky dirt and it's likely the same all through here so it's not your grass type it's not your grass brand it's not you know it could you know a factor could be hydrotain a factor could be your potassium levels your CK levels your you know are you using that stuff could that make a difference sure but I know 100 off this test we did last year this area looks absolutely healthy normal it is not phased by the weather by the lack of rain you see how green it is just I mean just look at that look it's perfectly healthy I don't I see a little bit of fungus in there but it's like the fungus is is in there a little bit but it ain't affecting it but everywhere around it is just it's like they're all suffering and dying so there's a lot of analogy spiritually I could use but I'm not gonna go there but we got the sprinkler out we talked about those a few videos back go check out that watering video if you're curious about this Orbit sprinkler I got back here so I've hit this section already with about 20 minutes you want to do an inch of water a week while we're on it we'll just tell you you want to do a win an inch of water in your lawn a week if you're not getting an inch The Lawn isn't getting the water that it needs you can do half an inch one day half an inch another day so I just wanted to bring that quick video to you I think these are two tests we started last year and have been continued this year and as I water this lawn and you see it from a different angle Mr Ferguson you got fungus should you be watering well I don't know the answer to that I am we'll see if it makes it worse I'm doing it after work around 3 30ish 4 o'clock so I'm giving it time to hopefully soak in before you know I don't want to leave wet water you know water wet water I don't want to leave moisture on the blades overnight uh talking to Grass Factory you know they they agree that is the worst time you know between you know like uh 5 30 in the morning and and really about 2 30 or 3 in the day is the best times to water we don't want to water after that because we don't want to have leftover moisture and cause more fungus but this is the only time I'm able to water it's looking really bad and I want to go ahead and get water for this Bank mainly I probably won't do the rest of the lawn because I want to mow tomorrow as well I don't I don't want to be on it more than I need to but it is long in most areas we're bumping up the mower back to four inches and going to mow it get off of it but before that like I told you guys last video I'm going to change my blade and make sure that I don't have a fungus filled blade to spread it even more so we're in the thick of it once again this summer boys and girls so I wanted to bring that to you looks like the uh the the foreplay is at absolutely working again as I said last video if you're interested check out the links if you want to buy it from me and uh or not excuse me not from me but from this channel from the link to help support the channel by all means if you're going to get it anyways if not go find it cheaper somewhere else by all means go and do that but it seems to be working for my lawn and here soon I'm going to be doing we may make a video out of it may not we're going to do our three ounces per thousand to reapply it because it seems to be helping it is expensive but as you saw with our little example by the mailbox it is making a difference and digging up here if you've got areas if you want to say this is the year I'm tired of this certain area you know always stressing out stressing out if you've got the money and the time and the ability to dig it up or replace that dirt get all that rock dirt that junk you may have a big boulder under there I don't know but I know that's the case for me on the bank it may not be the case for absolutely everybody but that little test I did man if I had the money and the ability to do that for all this bank I wouldn't have to worry about stressing out like it is it would make get a lot longer but is it worth the time is it worth the money is it worth the effort so I want to throw this in guys because uh I've been filming this after I'm done with the video already but after 20 minutes you guys saw it as I filmed it during the recording of that video after 20 minutes per section here on the bank I want to show it to you now I don't know if you can tell but after 20 minutes of watering it is already recovered um it just goes to show that is what the problem is it's almost like the way God designed it is it lets you know hey I like that keep doing that um this spot still is sticking out it's going to take more water you can't fix all your lawn stress problems with one watering but that is it is so much improved already after an hour of just watering let it soak in it could go for some more but it's late in the evening as I said before so just wanted to show it to you I don't know if you want to click back to the first part of the video and see what it looked like when I was standing here with the sprinkler running but it is already after giving it 20-25 minutes of water which is I don't know quarter of an inch or so um maybe more than that it already has improved this bank so it just goes to show you this is the time of year if you're seeing lawn stress if you're new to this don't freak out it's just the way God is designed Fescue to tell it's thirsty so wanted to let you know leave your comments below we're in the thick of Summer God bless you guys as always thank you for tuning in let me know your comments and we'll see you on Wednesday with yet another lawn care video from this fungus field Mr Ferguson Fescue lawn it's a lot of F's see you later foreign [Music]
Channel: Mr. Ferguson Lawn
Views: 4,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hydretain, stress spots, dry spots, lawn issues, fourplay, ecogel, yard mastery, lawn care nut, gci turf, protene fertilizer, natural adjuvant, less watering, fescue in summer, diy, summer lawn care, north carolina, fungicide, fungus in lawn, TN, WV, PA, KY, propiconazole, azoxystobin, clearys, leaf spot, melting, brown patch, results, is my grass dead?, lawn guide, LCN, elevated lawns, lawn whisperer, east coast, trump, indictment, biden, elon musk, carolina, wake forest, youngsville, golf
Id: 7ot3QH-8er8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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