The Difference Between Good And Bad Isekai - An Analysis

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hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Lapham Lee and welcome to my analysis of what makes a great easter chi story and what makes a terrible please enjoy in the world of anime manga and light novels he's the guy isn't a particularly new genre with shows like zero not schema and Inuyasha setting a good foothold in the industry for the new explosion of yokai shows to appear in the past few years in the anime world the sudden uprising of the genre has been steadily supplemented with the paralleled popularity boom of yokai light novels and mangas with most of the more popular more recognizable animes like Rosario or cannot serve are all finding their roots and serialized light novels published in Japan in the manga world the craze for yokai series is just as if not more fierce than the anime scene with quite a few new adaptations in original works being released every month though it seems that with the constant flow of yokai mangas to come out a heavy onset of atrociously unoriginal works are followed with brave new ideas such as rincon aiding as a dragon egg or as a white polar bear and in extreme cases a literal hot spring somehow as much as I detest the idea of ridiculous reincarnation stories I'd be lying if I said I didn't see the appeal and II see guys that try to be a bit more serious in their storytelling as I find myself reading them regardless of my frustration towards bad a Sakai words see they offer the reader an escape from reality a differentiation in the mundane or more so than any other genre though it seems that it's been accepted by the general audience in light novel publishing firms that this mechanism is an adequate substitute for well-developed multi-dimensional characters the saturation of Contin taste one-dimensional overpowered self projection model of an excuse for a main character has been a hindrance the potential this genre has when written properly now don't get me wrong I don't hate Issa guy works on the contrary I'm a thorough follow of the genre and it is because I think of myself as a fan that I feel like this is a worthwhile topic to talk about many authors and creators of recent Easter networks have neglected to remember that well written characters and dynamics story outweigh the value of a slightly different fantasy world as a fan of the genre I feel like this is a deterrent for any newcomers to find good stories too this cesspool of terrible ones a needle in the haystack of Opie black-haired protagonists if you will and as more and more of these for a lack of a better term trashy easy-care works like Death March and in another world my smartphone get their anime adaptations the Jonas seems to be descending further and further into a black pit as its reputation goes to die something I feel like the John ray as a whole shouldn't be undergoing if Sakai can be a fantastic stage for amazing characters in interesting stories that draw the readers in with a group that keeps them a terrific example of this would be the web novel and subsequent manga adaptation patent Elisha Nadya Gotti now I'll try to keep this as spoiler free as possible but I won't be able to avoid everything so if you'd rather see it for yourself I'd suggest doing that first top 10 or you show or rising of the short hero is a self-aware role in the story that gives us a look into how much more an Easter KY story can be displays characters that you believe exists in the real world ones with actual motivations real ideals beliefs and consequences to go along with their actions now sure there are elements of certain characters personalities that move blown up to dramatize the story and sure with these hiding egos it becomes harder to believe the realism of the characters but when you start to view the characters as more than just characters and instead as people you'd start to see the pride and ignorance of the Lancer er the anguish and despair of the shield hero the perverted ideals of justice of the bowyer and the negligence and sloth of the sword hero can very well manifest and rule people given their were thrust into the same situation you also have to remember that without these characters and egos the story would have neither Direction nor purpose there would be no reason for characters to change to grow or to mature nor for a story to take shape and the ambiguity of the character's existences this is something rising of the Sheol hero does fantastically though the fantasy aspect of the world should hero seden isn't a particularly unique one the strengths of its characters form a sturdy foundation upon which the story elements have real impact as the narrative shifts and changes the dynamic between characters and the reasons for affection to manifest within these characters also isn't cheaply included for the sake of having a romantic subplot in the series and it's used to display the connection between the actions of characters toward one another and the connection between the characters themselves see our main character now for me is summoned as the shield hero and because of that he physically can't fight the system which the world and forces on them restricts each hero to their class weapons only in order to stand a chance in the real world having been forsaken by the country that summoned him and his fellow heroes now for me needed to nurture a weapon I had to fight for him that's where rough Hillier comes in in the beginning all raft Ilya was - now me was a saw - his shield but as time progressed now for me found solace in someone he could trust not only as a blade but as a friend in this family the same is also true for after Lea her affections for now for me isn't purely because he's a nice strong person who happened to buy her as a slave but because he propelled her to overcome her trauma and to grow as a person strong enough to stand on her own two feet unlike many other ISA Chi stories shield hero doesn't put the main protagonist on a high chair to become a near omnipotent entity wall enough powerful to save the world instead they're making weak feeble and bend down enough to decide to grow and make his own way it doesn't enforce the trope that only the main character is allowed to be powerful and instead cast light on the fact that he isn't and that he requires his companions to be the strength strength that he granted them through his kindness his care and the chance he gave them to grow rising of the shield hero may not have a particular whimsical fantastical world but the characters that are written into that world leave the story impactful and memorable solidifying its integrity as a good yokai work where rising of the showed hero succeeds shows like smartphone in another world failed miserably now I would usually give a spoiler warning but in another world my smartphone doesn't really have a story to spoil but if you want to watch that regardless before hearing my opinion do that first in stark contrast to rising of the ship hero in another world my smartphone stands is what I would think as the epitome of a trashy chop four bland flavorless characters that only exist to fill the gap and perpetuate tropes typical of a harem anime where there lacks substance there lacks just about everything else as every twist and turn the show puts us on is so heavily discounted and discredited by the complete lack of consequence that is the core of the anime no worries let me just teleport us out real quick no worries got stabbed no worries let me just cuss this one killing spell and you're all good to go like so many other yokai shows smartphone and underworld builds story around a ridiculous power level of the protagonist and the effortless endeavour see sets on bring not a single ounce of actual weight and danger to any and all of the fight the show animates for us the main character isn't the only problem with the show ISA came with a smartphone has no backbone no long running antagonistic character or story plot that brings excitement and intrigue the viewers at the start and end of every episode the enemies our protagonist and his harem faces are essentially episodic story arcs that more so resemble an old Ultraman or power into series or something and yet there are big opponents in the show because the existence of our main character and the rest of the cast's lives bring upon implications and consequences that are detrimental to the narrative a main character Toya will be contracting without referred to us main character syndrome with a plot she'll so hard enemies can't even damage him Toya is by all accounts a soulless character offering nothing to the story and very little for the other characters that reside within it his constant dominance over everything the world throws at him breaks any real feelings of immersion to the show it also subsequently means that the other characters suffer by extension as long as Toya exists in their lives everyone in his harem would never grow or further as people in strength and in maturity and as long as they're relying on him in every endeavor that come to be depend in only him as it seemed that their strength and the strength of any other obstacle to come their way in the future can be easily defeated by the power of the Almighty God husband master servant regardless they will never improve as characters as long as their love interest is the only thing they want to grow towards this banishes any value the characters bring to the story and the world's variability from other fantasy settings is completely absent making up naught one decimal for the mediocrity this show presents these factors combined bring forth zero value to watching this show instead becoming another shovel of dirt to the eventual grave is a guys falling into at the end of the day ec guys should be the setting of an anime and not the focal point the aircraft carrier but not the aircrafts in my opinion the judge of a good East Sakai work is how well it manages to contain the Johno tag but at the same time take advantage of it as to not let it engulf the show and become its definitive identifier and instead using it to perpetuate the narrative and bestow their characters within a realm which they can have the interactions that entertain a viewer with anime constantly evolving and increasing in popularity and abundance in terrible isa KY shows threatens the very crown upon the jhana stands on and has more shows than ever being released every season audience time starts to be divided into smaller and smaller chances people try to fit and weave every worthwhile shown to their lives and schedules and if the Sakai shows continue to not put out worthwhile content the consensus of the general start to drop prompting anime viewers to move away from not only the bad shows but the good ones to rising of the short hair is getting its anime adaptation this year but its timing is less than ideal as the slower but definitely apparent disintegration that the genre slowly begins to set in with audience opinions of eASIC eyes already been pretty vocal and on the downside it deserves so much more attention than the likes of a Sakai smartphone but has already gone so much less because whoever's dumbasses decided to make a quick buck from another trashy easily marketable underworld show I urge everyone if you are watching this now and if you have given up on music I'm devoid of any interest to go into that mess again to give rising of the showed hero a try and though I cannot guarantee the quality of the adaptation if it's anything closer than like level I'm sure it will be great and I heard that he can somehow somewhere rekindle the lost ember that the other shares have stolen this Isla folly thanks for watching no worries
Channel: LemonTea
Views: 9,245
Rating: 4.84127 out of 5
Keywords: Anime, Manga, Isekai, Other world, Konosuba, Kono, Subarashi, Sekai, Re:zero, RE:creators, Re:Zero, Zero, karak, kara, hamijaru, Isekai Jinsei, Tate, no, yuusha, nariagari, Rising, of, the, sheild, hero, video, essay, anime video, isekai, anime, recommendation, smartphone, In, another, world, with, my, Deathmarch, Death march, overlorx, overlord, Inuyasha, No, Tsukaima, Zero's, Familiar, Subaru, rem, emilia, kazuki, kazuma, megumin, aqua, darkness, touya, liz, Naofumi, Raphtalia
Id: rWPVZW4bguk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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