Isekai Anime Survival Guide - Public Service Anime

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👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/JamCliche 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies


Visual spoilers

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/Ritchuck 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Missed chance for isekaitis A1

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/RuneScapeIsForPros 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

God, each of these PSA style videos crack me up each time. I particularly enjoyed the commentary on magic. Writers of anime (and light novels, etc) could really serve themselves by reading Brandon Sanderson's three laws of magic. Don't fuck with wizards indeed!

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/GeneralSpoof 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

One questions, is being abducted by some form of alien spacecraft and end up being sent to a a completely different galaxy and or alien planet still a strand of isekai or something else?

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Nenorock 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ya got me. I lol'd at the Isekaitis sound effect.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

I thought I was an isekai fan, but there were so many of these anime that I didn't recognize. Am I a fraud? Is this how I find out?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/q00u 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

"Or showing the slightest hint of a personality" That's gold.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/hillerj 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mr. Thune, you are amazing.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/NathanBlakeGames 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
it's a day just like any other you're out for a walk minding your own business perhaps headed to your local convenience store when a truck barrels through a red light and crashes into you or maybe you're sitting at a bus stop playing one of those newfangled electronic games on your smart telephone when all of a sudden a truck swerves off the street and into the bench or perhaps you've wandered into your bathroom only to find your local tsundere in there naked in a fit of rage she batters your head leaving you to drown in the bathtub and then a truck crashes through the wall and runs over it or maybe a portal opens beneath your feet or you fall into your television set or you go to sleep and awaken somewhere new or a storm hits your house or you blink and all of a sudden look there's a million different ways that it can happen but they all achieved the same result you're not in Kansas anymore you've gone down the rabbit hole you have entered another world if this happens to you it's important to know that you're not alone in fact so many people across America have been spirited away to other worlds that the CDC has officially classified it as an epidemic that's right well it may seem like a result of magic sufficiently advanced technology or even the work of your deity of choice those causes and your present circumstances are merely symptoms of a dangerous disease known as Issa krytus this disease is caused when strains of the common light novel virus infect and inflamed the vestigial Issa kinam gland once an uncommon illness that primarily affected women in recent years a mutant strain that targets males has spread like wildfire claiming the lives of countless nondescript blank-slate type men just like you so what can you do about it as with any disease the first step and the safest is prevention avoid common vectors of infections such as massively multiplayer online RPG's convenience store comic book shelves and the Free Hugs guy anime conventions you can also reduce your risk of contracting AIESEC itis or suffering its symptoms by making your body and environment inhospitable to the disease if you think that you've been exposed try putting down the video games going outside reading a book without pictures in it or showing even the slightest hint of a discernible personality studies show that these actions especially the last one can reduce your odds of showing symptoms by as much as 95% all of these steps can help but without a working vaccine the risk of infection is always there so what can you do to manage your symptoms once they start showing and how can you survive in another world [Music] the first thing you'll need to do is identify what type of eASIC itis you've contracted which you can figure out by looking at the type of world you've ended up in the original strain ASIC itis a is known for sending victims to wholly unique fantasy worlds awash with creative ideas and concepts in all honesty you probably don't have this strain as the last known case occurred when was Digimon again since ISA kite is a is so rare we won't be covering it here however if you find yourself in a parallel world and you always wear goggles you can find more helpful advice in public service anime caring for your collectible monster the much more common ESIC itis be mainly affects players of massively multiplayer online RPG's resulting in them either being trapped in virtual reality or being transported to magical realms identical to their games of choice symptoms can affect dozens hundreds or even tens of thousands of people at once even if you don't immediately recognize your surroundings from the game you were just playing if one or more people have also been transported with you then you almost certainly have a case of seasick itis B type C is the most widespread strain of eASIC itis frequently seen among players of offline RPGs such as dragon journey The Legend of good guys and final fictionalized medieval setting this variant is known to occasionally transport victims into the worlds of their favorite games but patients more frequently end up in blatant knockoffs of popular franchises if the first monster you encounter is a generic goblin or imp or a legally distinct variant of this slime there's a good chance you're dealing with a sick itis see though the world you end up in could resemble other popular media - such as anime or books sufferers of the last known strain aiesec itis d short for deconstruction can end up in any of the aforementioned worlds but will present additional symptoms upon arrival these symptoms typically include delusions of grandeur genre awareness a general lack of physical ability and just being kind of an [ __ ] this strain of AIESEC itis is far and away the most deadly so if you think you have it you'd best pray to the anime pope while these viruses are the most common source of symptoms the ISA condom gland can on occasion become inflamed by other causes these cases of acute AIESEC itis will typically clear up on their own in a few days or even hours however long it takes for you to either learn an ironic lesson have an enriching life-changing experience or die also while they are much less common the symptoms of time travel OSIS and flew through a wormhole Anoma can sometimes be misdiagnosed as AIESEC itis if you suspect this is the case consult a doctor or if medicine hasn't been invented yet or has been replaced by computers you have probably time traveled duh lastly if you have recently arrived in our world from another one welcome but also this is not the video cassette for you instead consult every other video in the public service anime series and don't forget to join the Church of the animate Pope we accept tithes in the form of cash check patreon pledges and YouTube sponsorships and subscriptions now that you've identified your type of AIESEC itis you're at last ready to deal with the symptoms and fight your way to recovery possibly literally the next thing you're going to want to do is familiarize yourself with the rules of this strange new world if you're lucky some sort of God figure will have conveniently appeared before you and explained exactly what's going on in plain English however this symptom doesn't appear in all cases so we're going to assume that you have no idea what's going on or what you're doing looking at you that seems like a good bet if you've found yourself trapped in a memo with other players the first thing you need to do is figure out if you are this guy you may or may not have this specific face and haircut but if you look very similar are stronger than everyone around you and have no personality or loved ones to miss then you are probably this guy if you are this guy please watch the ISA kite SC section of this video for more information about your unique predicament if you are not this guy then literally nothing you do matters so you should just focus on staying alive you can help yourself immensely with this goal by determining whether or not you will respawn when you die obviously it's a little tricky to test this out on yourself but fortunately you're not the only player in this world give it time and someone will end up making a mistake and trying out the respawn system for you before too long but if you don't have the patience for that or you're just worried that you might be the guy who accidentally tries it out all you need to do is find someone who looks emotionally unstable encourage this person to go fight some big monsters to blow off steam or to jump off a cliff because there's no way this can possibly be real right if they come back to life no hard feelings and if they don't well they can't be mad at you anyway if you do not quote die for real when you die in the game then don't worry about it have fun in this world just like you would if you were still playing and enjoy watching a new civilization evolve Lord of the Flies style before your very eyes if death is permanent well you should do pretty much the same thing except you know try a bit harder not to die if it's a game you've played a lot previously and your character stats have carried over to this new world then maybe consider doing some light adventuring otherwise stay in towns let this guy do all the dungeon rating and also probably don't tell anyone about that guy you murdered now if you are this guy or if you've come to this world alone you've got a bit more to worry about you can find out much about this new world you've stumbled into by simply heading to the nearest tavern and asking around but I'll give you a head start there's a demon king attacking the world and you're going to have to kill him there I just saved you about 20 minutes around this time other common symptoms of ESSEC itis may begin to manifest you may suddenly discover that you have incredible magical powers and despite having been a total loser in the real world you may find that you are suddenly good at well basically everything and also irresistible to the opposite sex and whatever geeky minutia you wasted your old life obsessing over will now suddenly be surprisingly applicable to the world you now find yourself inhabiting if you develop magical powers without any of these other symptoms there's a good chance that you've come down with a sick itis d and you might want to hold back on using those powers as they probably have some sort of horrible ironic drawback that you're not yet aware of but even for a magically imbued teenager with no real flaws a new world can be an intimidating place you'll find that you're unfamiliar with local customs and culture and possibly even the local language and let's be honest here you weren't all that good at talking to people to begin with now you're alone in a foreign land surrounded by strangers with no clear purpose or direction in life a literal world of possibilities is open to you how can you possibly find your bearings in this overwhelming situation just find the first conventionally attractive female who's willing to talk to you and then follow her forever letting her act as your guide to this new frontier your holy inexplicable skills with the opposite sex should help immensely in this endeavor over time other quirky characters will join you in the conventionally attractive female as you travel the land aiding in your adventures by standing at the sidelines and talking about how great you are as you do all the fighting these companions are generally harmless but take heed if the ratio of female to male party members ever exceeds three to one your life may be in grave danger please consult our handy harem Survival Guide for further advice on weathering that particular storm you might think that you can just ignore your harem in favor of focusing on the vicious monsters and demons ravaging the world but such thinking is short-sighted the only thing scarier than a yandere is a yandere with magic powers on the subject of those powers your own abilities may be great it's quite likely in fact that they are so strong as to defy conventional wisdom in the world you've just entered almost as though this entire world has been built with the sole purpose of fulfilling your personal wishes these specific clothing choices and physical features of your female companions may add to this impression but do not let your guard down one out of five ISA Qaeda's patients suffer preventable deaths simply because they get cocky and think they're invincible two out of five actually are invincible but do you really want to play those odds you might be frightened of dragons goblins orcs and other generic fantasy creatures but they probably won't give you any trouble it's your fellow humans as well as oddly sexy elves and other sentient races that are your real greatest threat especially the Wizards don't [ __ ] with wizards even if you have all the magical energy in the world which you very well might that won't necessarily do you any good in a fight because magic is [ __ ] it's tricky unpredictable and sometimes wildly inconsistent a spell that works wonders one day may be totally useless the next and it can sometimes seem like God Himself is arbitrarily changing how magic works at will in order to force events to play out in a certain way you can't ever fully know what a magic spell will do when it is cast which can make it very hard to prepare or defend yourself against it so if you're smart you'll avoid fighting with magic in the first place if you only remember one thing that I've said today make it this don't [ __ ] with wizards but what about the dangerous magical beings that you have no choice in fighting what about that demon lord and or evil video game developer you've been summoned to this world to defeat in short don't worry about it AIESEC itis may be highly infectious but like all variations of the light novel virus it progresses slowly very very slowly late stage symptoms such as actually confronting the demon king can take months or even years to develop you could go on as many as 10 or 20 self-contained adventures without making any real headway toward defeating or even finding your final fo and for being the supposed source of all evil demon Kings tend to do very little in the way of actual villainy on a daily basis doctors have not yet determined exactly why the disease progresses so slowly but studies have shown a correlation between the amount of money earned by individual adventures and the overall duration of symptoms to put it simply the more you make the longer it takes recent trials have found some success in treating patients by literally throwing money at them forcibly accelerating the spread of the disease and defeating the final villain quickly but it seems as though this approach only pushes ISA Titus into remission before long it flares up again forcing victims to go through the same thing in slightly different settings over and over and over again ultimately it seems like patience is the key to beating this illness I know it's difficult to hear and the prospect may seem terrifying but you're just going to have to keep traveling this magical land of wonder and amazement surrounded by beautiful exotic women making loads of money by fighting monsters you have my condolences but one day we will defeat this terrible illness once and for all and bring an end to ISA Kai tiss so keep up hope not just for your future but for all of ours unless you have ISA kite SD hope only makes the symptoms worse this video was paid for and approved by His Holiness the animais Pope [Music]
Channel: Mother's Basement
Views: 918,764
Rating: 4.9515367 out of 5
Keywords: Mother's Basement, Anime, PSA, Public Service Anime, Isekai, Other World Anime, Digimon, SAO, sword art online, Kirito, Log Horizon, Inuyasha, Escaflowne, Re:Zero, Konosuba, mothers basement, anime (tv genre), video essay, trapped in an mmo, survival anime, Zero no Tsukaima, in another world with my smartphone, death march kara hajimaru isekai episode 1, Isekai Anime, SAO Mother's Basement
Id: LF2DzAQYw68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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