The Diary Of A Chambermaid 1946 (Comedy/Mystery) Paulette Goddard

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh excuse me are you from the land layer the new chamber maid let me see your references uh you see your hands your discovery [Music] made a train returning to paris in 20 minutes take it but i haven't the money to get back to paris it's your business besides a girl with your looks it's a little bit too much i'm sorry sir but it's not my fault it's not my fault i'll work for lester i'll do anything what else can i do come on you just a moment are you mr landlayer around the landlord establishment i know what you are you're the ballot am i right i am the bullet amongst other things nonsense you're the valid and that's all and don't put on airs with me and you can just go and tell your master misters or whoever it is that you work for but because you didn't like the scullery made that the chambermaid's quitting too that's all you may go oh you shouldn't have done it for me i didn't my but you're brave i wish i was brave like that i wish i were too i i've never talked like that before in my life and stop crying stupid we can cry all the way back to paris wait a minute i changed my mind get in both of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] he must be a very important man he's a ballad he let me help you [Music] what's your name louise and what's yours joseph my name's celestine in case anybody's interested i see are you sure he's only a ballad he's an undertaker listen what i know about ballots would fill my diary [Music] [Music] for both of us yes there's only one bed oh that's all right i'll sleep over there on the floor stop shrugging bring another bed you see i don't ever want to see you shrug your shoulders again believe me you'll never do it it's what i've done all my life do that bring me this bring me that you eat too much sugar are you clean i'm sick of it yes you don't know it but you changed my whole life when i saw the way you acted at the station i understood what was wrong with me all of a sudden i understood life is life from now on i'm gonna fight and i'm gonna fight hard and i don't care who gets hurt just so it's not me yes i'll tell you something else i'm not gonna be a chambermaid any longer no i'm not i'm gonna be a mistress and have a house of my own oh excuse me [Applause] and i'm going to grab the first man i need to get where i'm going yes i am the very first man i don't care if he's handsome or ugly or young or old just so he's got money that's amazing money yes [Music] they've always hurt me so from now on i swear to you i'm going to use them no more love for celestine i'm going to write that down so i'll never never forget it [Music] i hope you like to work there's plenty of it here hard work keeps you out of mischief what kind of mystery could you get into having six or seven gentlemen friends after me all at the same time fighting over me that's enough mischief for anybody isn't it clean the sink that'll keep you busy for a while eggs new yes are you from the village do you have a good time there you'll be seeing us the first afternoon we have off what's your name his name's pierre brother long now we're busy he's nine where's the other one celestine she's coming she get into mischief too she's my closest friend we get into mischief together oh mr lola did you have a good hunt sir i never have a good hunt i don't like to kill i never carry cartridges there's a good dog i have to walk to get away from this house i have them hidden for you mr laura what it isn't good we're on the roadway would you like a nice bottle of cold cider to wash it down i'm celestine the new maid what's that treaty i'm starving to give me that what do you do around here i know you're the gardener my uh hug say what's this place like to work in if i knew another one i'd go to it they let you wear a beard that's about home that joseph's kind of bossy isn't he well he's not gonna boss me around i'll tell you that that's the spirit nobody else is gonna boss me around either i found out it pays to be very tough well that may be all right for you but i don't even go with me but you just stick with me and you'll be on the right track we'll put the masters in their places sit down huh what are you doing in the kitchen i'm sorry my dear marianne this is the last time i'll warn you not to feed mr lam lay between meals you're the new scullery maid yes madam your name louise madame that's very proper and you're the chambermaid yes no damn your name please celestine that's too complicated i'll call you maddie yes no i prefer to be called by my own name madam it's very interesting turn around please turn around that's what i said here's how like your figure will modify your clothes joseph they'll help with the dinner tonight and retire immediately afterward they will arise at five o'clock in the morning and begin their duties now come to my room i want to talk to you [Music] hmm uh joseph who lives in these rooms here it took no interest to you for the moment i'll find out you're not the only source of information in this house i'm the most reliable is it haunted or something no but it will be oh if you want to see something worthwhile come with me now now aside from madame i am the only one who has the keys to this vault upstairs is haunted what's this a torture chamber oh my goodness ah this must be boys i'm near again worth more than the chateau and the grounds put together their antiques symbols of aristocracy they use them every day only once a year on the midnight of july 14th to celebrate our freedom and this family july 14th means the day of france's doom this is gold don't they like the republic no neither do i the republic was created for weaklings i see i see oh look at this one ah it's lovely oh it's got rubies and diamonds on it it's a snap box it's very valuable do you think they'd miss it i'll go back to work [Music] i'm sorry about yesterday i should have known you the master forgive me please and thank you so much for being nice don't go you know you're a very pretty girl very precious i hope you'll like it here with your help i will try sir of course it isn't like paris is it it's quite different i bet you had a great time in paris didn't you really i'd like to bring a little of paris here i'd like a gay time myself perhaps uh we could go together to parry sometime couldn't we you just like all the other gentlemen and i so thought that you'd be different celestine please don't be angry will you do me the favor to buy yourself a little gift has took an unbiased email will you accept this frank you're sweet sir but i can't take your money i'd rather have uh some sort of remembrance something that belongs to you like an old snuff box maybe an old snuffbox like this yes something i could feel have been close to you the one with the rubbers and the diamonds okay [Music] okay [Music] where are you i'll get my gun [Music] ready to serve a pretty woman as i was to serve my country well captain if it isn't asking too much why are you breaking our glass tactics my dear young lady to get landlair away so i could talk to you couldn't you talk to me if you were here no no we're enemies bitter enemies the landlords and me where they're reactionaries and i'm a liberal they criticize me publicly for eating at the same table with a role she's my servant there's nothing wrong with eating the roles i told him well i should [Music] some of these are very delicious some of them don't amount to so much these are very bad well that's very interesting but here comes mr landlair with a shotgun now i know coward my diet grows at you know i'm famous famous over the entire district i'm afraid of nothing when anybody pays no matter what it is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] your baby you you're gonna be eating my roasters on my cabbage [Music] ordinarily we never enter these rooms however since they may be occupied very shortly we're going to clean them thoroughly today joseph open the door please louise shine their shoes celestine take those clothes and brush them carefully i do hope the moths haven't got into them now joes have come with me i'll pick out the curtains you were to hang oh i was thinking of you last night and today i've been thinking of you too sir you know that snot box oh there's no hurry you must forget that i even mentioned not at all it's just that it takes time that's all oh oh well celestine are you getting accustomed to the place i'm getting to like it very much indeed good well you must excuse me joseph who'd all those things belong to what's the mystery you'll find out in time don't be so curious i don't know why i expected you to tell me anything i tell you one thing the master has nothing in his own aim except his birth certificate not even a snuff box you know an awful lot about me don't you don't you yes you learn i'm your friend i doubt that i was saying when we were interrupted i'm sorry sir but i have to do my work i mean plans about that snuff box i think madam works you too hard perhaps you will insist that madam will give me more time off so that you and i can go to paris together have i done something wrong seriously well not at all oh come on wherever you are come out of your house and fight are you going to let him talk to you like that aren't you going to accept his challenge accept his challenge certainly i will certainly mosey wait for me that's it that's what you always do well that settles that why he hasn't got a scent oh now what are you going to do [Music] after all the captain's not so bad chelsea come over to my [Music] yes captain you take too long you'll never learn how to fix absence i don't want to learn it's bad for you quite hurry up [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] but then you're a very distinguished title i thought you might have eaten them all by now no wait i switched to water lily that was fascinating things you need that's right you know it's thrilling to meet a man of the world like you in this dull countryside no i'm just an old village bumpkin don't you believe him no false mothers he's my baby boy would you like a drink no thank you i would not too much captain you run a long start dinner very well baby i will i get on my baby's nerves lately it's my asthma but he couldn't get along without his mommy could you captain you run along i said there will i go but don't you get any mischief no miss you no that's right sit down let me explain now everybody in the world except me gets into a rut about food they have no pioneering spirit probably the first man who ate an oyster people called him crazy or eccentric that's right that's right now the same with me by my boldness i've discovered new foods that nobody ever heard of before i'm willing to eat absolutely anything keeps me young and vigorous you know if you were in paris they'd write a book about you you'd be a celebrity no i was in paris nobody wrote about no you just didn't know the right authors now tell me more uh eat stones too no stones have no taste you don't get the idea come here let me show you come on so i'll show you what i do what's going on watch this see that now listen see what i do in stone you're the cleverest man i ever stopped there oh now now i'll show you something else this is clay bed let's get it there general he's the best friend i have in the world darling he looks like you thank you does he eat everything too he doesn't eat as many things as i do nice little clay bears land there they haven't got anything like you all they have is dogs anybody can have dogs but a team squirrel what do you think of that well i i think you're amazing look miss it tears my heart to see you working for those crazy people next door that maniacs all of them and the son have you seen him yet no tell me about it he's a monster a monster he's got two heads in the tail i wouldn't even eat it i'll get to the point like an old soldier come over with me in a nice sane household you could have everything you want and no work rose would do it all would you give me clay bear certainly he's the dearest thing i have for you and what else girls like lots of presents you know if you come with me i'll give you everything everything what do you call everything my house my guidance everything people would talk well you let him we'll get married how's that for now it's an idea but i'll bet you're married already no you'll be the first one i'm gonna tell you something else upstairs in a room i have hidden away 25 minutes now nobody knows about it not even rules how's that for a president give it to me yes i would i give it to you i give it to you give it to you stop it stop it you're crushing him you did that i saw you now go back where you belong come baby [Music] what are you doing here i bet you like to see things killed not without a purpose an orderly woman shouldn't become involved with the man like the captain what can he offer you 25 thousand francs twenty five thousand friends that's what he can offer me because i was in france yes all my life i've waited on people and now now and now i'm gonna get what i can it's up to you but they are safe methods and unsafe ones the death of that squirrel should be a warning to you i don't know what you're talking about anyway i'm not even interested someday it will be stop spying on me you got it [Music] telegram for the long layer is it from the sun government's secret good news or bad depends on how you look at it from the sun all right then it's bad news i hope so stingy old skin clinton [Music] [Applause] the goose is delicious marianne congratulations do you really like it you have joseph to thank for that it's the way he kills them yes he sticks a long pin through their heads in that way they die very very slowly and the blood stays inside it's what makes the gravy so rich oh my pudding a wire for mistress we didn't see you girls in our village last couple of weeks don't you like us anymore [Music] oh my prayers have been answered my prayers have been answered celestine come with me [Music] put it down put it down meet the train marian louise charles do something to help them gather some roses and put on a decent suit my other suit has a hole in here what happened what have i done but nothing you were fine excellent i told you i wasn't satisfied with your clothes now we'll do something about it do something yes i'm going to try an experiment unblessed please undress i said undress i sent all the way to paris for this here take it now hurry up it shouldn't take you all day to get out of that thing now slip into that as quickly as possible it will fit it will do beautifully very proper madam i'll explain i told you i was expecting a very particular guest mr longley and myself and not as young as we once were we find that our friends don't wish to visit us as they used to no no celestine the other way yes that's it perhaps a fresh face or two in our home yours and louise's although louise's isn't much help heaven knows we'll make it a little more gay so now you understand let me see are very proper we can take it up with a needle here we'll try these other dresses later my damn oh i almost forgot you haven't any proper perfume no you're like that's good cheap perfume is unforgivable now let me see ah here's what i was looking for now i want you to keep yourself properly centered at all times but a chamber made is that the best you can do with your hair i'll wear it plain for work that's not proper sit down now i want you to copy these exactly and by the time our guest arrives i'll expect you to have your hair dressed according to these pictures [Music] my parting boy you're home everything we have is for you george father hello i see that he never leaves me again never celestine go in go in good afternoon sir sir good afternoon madame landlair would like you to enjoy a bottle of birth clico65 sir love pre-call yes sir i've had it yes sir it's still in the bottle sir all right go ahead and serve it yes sir come here against the light your hair is very nice where did you come from where i come from brittany sir i was born in odierne where it's windy and foggy and rough but i love it ever since i was a little girl i've always never mind never mind i've had that story you've had it oh big problem sir then you don't want the champagne yes i do how long have you been around here a little over two weeks sir i'm sorry sir where do i get the champagne oh you have a cold sir for about six years i'm sorry sir that's all wait what's your name my name's celestine not actually celestine is it yes it is pretty fancy uniform you're wearing thank you sir it came from paris did you bring it from paris me sir or did my mother your mother is she your mother she is and i'm the scapegoat of the lana family hadn't you heard about me oh captain mojay said that you had two heads in a well for heaven's sake so the captain gave me a black mark did he oh the captain's talk means nothing sir i uh i've had it that's right listen to him you'll wind up eating beetles anything more sir more than beetles i mean anything more for you sir like what for instance well i could read to you i read aloud very well oh that would be nice here wait a moment did they tell you to entertain me too right never mind i've had it very well sir [Music] marianne do you think i'll do you do you want to excited [Music] come here i want to talk to you why are you going i'm going to the village it's my day off why do you ask it's not a good plan to be seen with mr george i thought i was brought here to entertain him yes but not in public neither madam nor i would approve of that is that all you wanted to tell me no but i have patience i can wait [Music] hmm [Music] hello celestine oh taking a walk it's my day off oh that's fine someone following you oh pierre where's louise she's working today louise and the tree what are you talking about he wants to sit with her under the wishing tree wishing tree the story goes that a prince sat there with a shepherdess and she made a wish and he up and married her just like that so when young people want to get married they sit there and wish does it work well it did with me blasted oh good day sir jason hello celestine hello mr george i want you to meet my friends uh the postman and pierre pleased to know him say something i'm tell me he says he used to see you go by in the carriage i used to see him playing in the field i remember the day you were born your father let me peek in at you well i'm glad we've met formally a lot well goodbye celestine bye goodbye and come back off and say i will you're bye celeste goodbye goodbye goodbye bye i hope you didn't mind meeting my friends sir you know i wanted to meet them before i never knew how to go about it but thanks to you it's quite simple you've been away so much and of course you mean it's the way i was brought up i didn't mean that it's so good to see you walking in the sunshine you you seem to be getting better every day i have you to thank for that too i suppose well i'll be going along mr george you know why i came to the village this afternoon yes it's your day off i overheard you say you were coming here you eavesdropped do you always that's very frank of you you had something to ask me i wondered if i could go walking with you this afternoon as usual well as a matter of fact i was just going somewhere to read let me read to you please just one sentence one sentence please go ahead here i could a tale unfold whose lightest word would harrow up thy soul freeze thy young blood make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres i'll bet you thought i couldn't read well i did why do you read such frightening things makes me feel better by comparison i don't think it's good for you i know a more soothing kind of poetry i uh composed it myself go ahead little flower how i pine for the secret of your beauty oh to keep my hands as soft as thine and still to do my duty is it so bad let's sit under the tree that tree exactly [Music] now tell me what it means your poem it means it it's hard to keep your hands as soft as a flower when you work hard give me your hand [Music] are you making a wish you know about that i've heard tell that's why i brought you here you making a wish celestine will be happy with someone someday i'm wishing that you will too no with me it doesn't matter let's walk back to the chateau so oh what's that somebody's killing somebody this is a funny house isn't it celestine that's just what i was writing in my diary not for children oh i'm sorry but do you write everything in there even the unhappy things i used to because that's all there ever was to write about what are you right now i'm writing about mr landlair and the captain next door what about joseph i'll bet he's got a lot of money hidden away he's an undertaker yes who's he mad at i don't know this is a place for murder celestine don't talk like that maybe it'll be me louise no no maybe it'll be you no no no no someone behind the door open it no you open it i'll open it it's late but um doesn't approve what they have seen up until this hour it wastes the candles i'll burn all the candles i want you stop sneaking around our door don't be afraid of me you and i i like maybe not in looks but down underneath we are the same [Laughter] i'd like to make a little speech a short speech will you listen to it of course sir even if it were a long one it's only four words i'm going away oh i didn't want to hear that kind of a speech i didn't want to make it but i can't stay here any longer was the service satisfactory sir i mean did we neglect you no on the contrary i appreciate what you've done more than you know then why do you go i've never been so happy before i don't know but since i am going away will you do me a big favor sir of course will you call me george oh what will madame landless say if she hears it i'd like to hear her please go away i can't bear people when i feel like i'm not people i'm celestine and i'm here to serve you it's my job so let me do it [Music] your fingers are so cool are they george i'll tell you something i thought of just this moment i don't know why it popped into my head i thought if i'd met you earlier i could have waited on you and cared for you and served you things would be different than they are now i think that's the saddest thing i ever heard i thank you for telling me i'd like to tell you something celestine it's a sort of farewell i've come home to what i call a home beaten and disillusioned and ill come to a house i've never loved to look upon fields i've never enjoyed to breathe air that stifles me it's been less than a homecoming and more of a defeat why do you tell me this because your name is celestine your hair is gold because i'm leaving because you're better i think that's the main reason i can't understand why you had money you went to school you studied law couldn't that been exciting it required both energy and ambition i had neither i never found the urge to live or die on a big scale i remember when you first came to my room and i saw your hair i thought it was the brightest goal i'd ever seen the damn makes me do it up fancy this way i don't like it how do you like it just hanging loose on my shoulder of course you do now let it fall just for a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] i haven't met this i don't admit goodbye how does it feel to be in love it changes all the time now it hurts it hurts terribly because i don't understand he almost kissed me and then he ran and locked himself in his room i think he's mean to go away don't say that he's not mean he knows what's best better than anybody i just wish i could see him once again the greenhouse is no place to say goodbye i told he knows what's best i knew it who is it is his eye i saw your light celestine so i knew that you're awake i'm very upset i've heard my son pacing up and down in his room all through the night i know he's unhappy and ill i want you to help me of course madame i think a cup of hot broth might be soothing to him would you like to get it certainly i'll i'll put on my uniform put my wrapper on i think he wants to leave us when he's so ill i i won't have it i tell you who is it [Music] what do you want i've brought you some hot broths here i don't want it you can take it back [Music] wait put it down [Music] celestine yes george why do you come here this hour of the morning what's your idea behind it i was told that you couldn't sleep sir so we decided we're told who told you i mean the damn told me i knew it i knew it come closer yes too much i said goodbye to you today do you remember that well didn't i make myself clear you mean you never wanted to see me again i meant a lot of things which i'll explain with a proper witness [Music] come in here i want to talk to you george mother inside here a lot of secrets fears moods not one particle of hope i'm finished now what do you want me what are you trying to do i'm trying to get you to stay with me i know that you won't be sorry i'll take care of you leave me alone no i'll watch over you as i've always done since you're a fragile little boy hadn't i always protected you sheltered you because you want to possess me as your possessed father and joseph george yes and everyone else around here are you tired my son and upset whatever i am will you leave me alone is that asking too much but george now that you've won get out and take your fellow conspirator with you you don't mean that take her out i said keep her out of my sight i've seen all i want of love now go away [Music] then you'll stay with me my darling you've changed your mind my mind has nothing to do with it i've tried to go but i i can't as much as i want to i haven't the strength to crawl from here to the village from here the the front gate [Music] that satisfy you of course you haven't the strength please get out get up get out my poor boy is not himself tonight but he'll soon be having you wait on him again no he won't what do you think i am a dog or a cat or an animal or something that you can send for me one minute and throw me off the next really i hate him i hate him for pretending to be nice to me when all the time he was just like you are mean and cruel look at you i'm glad i found out in the time that you're both the same and i hate you too i don't want to dress like you or look like you're a bee like you i can't stand it here anymore i'm through i'm through i'm not taking them you can have them but madame landlord gave them to you you can take them all and welcome i don't ever want to see anything to remind me of this place oh celestia they're beautiful lily stop crying here who close up my bag here and this place stifles me i want to get out of here as fast as i can here help you this hook i'll help joseph i want you to hitch up the carriage and take me to the station you've been dismissed by my damn no i haven't where do you want to go i'm going back to paris there's no train until tomorrow morning i know that i'm going to wait in the station why are you leaving because i hate everybody in this house everybody yes everybody i hate them joseph get me out of here please please celestine i'm a patient man and i waited patiently to talk to you just a minute i found a little in sherburg a year ago i made the down payment and every month i paid more money on it very soon i will own it how interesting you listen to george now listen to me sit down here you know sherburg it's an interesting town it's full of soldiers and sailors you like a good time they like to drink and they like to look at a beautiful woman with a place like that i could make a fortune but i need someone like you to run it with me aside from everything else that's insulting insulting i don't know what you mean you sit behind the bar and count the money you laugh and talk with the soldiers they won't dare to insult you because everybody will know that you're my wife yes celestine i i'm going to marry you i want you i need you i need you more than you can understand you you're on my brain and in my blood joseph your eyes are bad they frighten me i'm afraid you like mr george's eyes better don't speak to me about him ever all right but you and i celestine we are the same i don't want to be a servant anymore than you do you're a ballot and you always will be no i won't i tell you we are like you and i maybe the worst of me is like you i've tried to be good always ever since i was a little girl but every time i'd see a new face a man's face i'd look into his eyes to see what was behind them and i never knew until it was too late until i've been terribly terribly hurt i'm not trying to hurt you i i want to free you don't you see think of the cafe you're going to be the mistress your own mistress you you'll rule it like a queen and i'm stringing for something you better answer i won't i won't be humiliated again a few more decent will be free these people that have humiliated you think of your revenge to ride back here not as a servant but as a mistress in a carriage with two horses with forces will madame landler humiliate you then she'll bow to you and bite her lips with envy it will never happen oh yes it will i have a plan plans can get you into trouble not this one i tell you i've put too much time and effort into it you see for years for 10 years i had the unpleasant job of working my way into madame's good graces ten years of service of devotion until i had her confidence and the proper set of keys why did you do this for one purpose freedom today's the 14th of july after the midnight banquet is over the way is clear you mean the silver what i mean is my affair i can't stay in this house i'll meet you in paris for sure i'll let you go now don't don't struggle i want you don't we're hello now all right i'll stay i'll give you one more day until tomorrow if you're not ready by then i'll go alone i've been fooled for the last time how much more joseph about finished i hope so if i had my way we'd use this stuff all the time or sell it or something would you charles careful you'll dent that cruet when are you leaving tomorrow madam alone i think so isn't the silver beautiful joseph always thought so madame yes i know did you hear madame they're beginning the celebration they play the same old tunes every year we're about finished with our work madam could we go to the village for a while nobody leaves this house on the 14th of july we don't approve of it what do you mean by we i've decided that this year everybody shall go for one hour you mean all of us no not you go into the garden and pick some roses isn't it getting a bit dark and now joseph give me the keys to the vault the keys yes celestine after ten years i demand an explanation has come over me recently that perhaps i've done you an injustice by placing temptation in your way i shudder to think how easy it would have been for you to have entered the vault anytime you wished knowing the theft would not be discovered until the following year yes i've really done you a great injustice having been your confidential steward for so long this hurts me very deeply i understand joseph now give me the keys you want all the keys to all the rooms now carry that silver to the dining room you'll always be a valid joseph [Music] what is it joseph did she take the keys doesn't matter one more day and i leave alone things will work out you will come with me all right but get the money first celestine come on we've already got an hour are you coming with us no run along but it's no fun alone who'll buy me things [Music] are you serious yes he'll buy you things and it'll keep him amused for a while all right i will goodbye goodbye goodbye [Music] celestine you're off to the celebration oh naturally would you like to be our escort actually come on where you going i'm augusta wait for me captain wait for me all right go on the village i'm reaching the square be sure that's next come on where are you going my little sugar bottle to the celebrations with you in that case let's go this way let's go this way [Music] did you forget something yes i did my little honey i forgot my money i want to be sure and give you a good time [Music] the enemy military strategy you're after that celestine that yes you couldn't get better if you were called yourself captain don't go baby don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah pay for that that's right captain have you tried anything new lately we're gonna have service [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get me a drink [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a captain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] try the other one captain come on everybody have a free shot the captain will pay for it won't you captain certainly will have a good time everybody know the prank captain help yourself the captain is the most generous man in the whole country aren't you captain well pretty good sport at that well i finished captain's faith i hope my money holds up well let's go can you get a drink there [Applause] [Applause] you ready [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] look at the bride and the groom and the mother-in-law oh [Applause] fun thanks a million times [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that means you're going to get married you see you hit the bright eye at the pool i guess i can't get out of it that's right come on we'll have a dream talk it over give me two glasses no we're gonna be a full bottle anymore yes i have that's all [Music] this way [Applause] let's sit there oh no why not please that's the wishing tree yes or no i wish i wish celestine would go to paris together and get married in a cathedral don't say that only weak people sit around under trees wishing for things it's better to do it yourself you're right no wishes there's a train in a few hours we'll take it how's that for an idea yes you wait here i'll run home and get some money i'm a man who's the best [Music] then [Music] you know what you do just need your money run away and leave this moment oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it will be an honor to dedicate the next march to you ms celestin [Applause] that's very sweet of you [Applause] everybody i've been pretty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so let me out once i'll be again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i wonder what happened to the captain we better oh don't go we'll miss you i'm afraid we'll have to i'm going to do something i've never done before the loneliest don't like us we don't like them but tonight we're going to march and play our music [Music] don't forget to listen but don't forget to come [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] what have you been doing digging for treasure he's funny isn't he like an undertaker [Applause] now let's go to the lone airs and pray for celestine everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm there's another woman murdered in paris another woman cut the pieces charles christian here you are mary everybody's so late i'll dinner be ruined here's the salad all right everybody into the dining room what do we do there we drink a toast we do it every year i have some news for you you gave me one more day to leave for sherberg i'm ready to go you got the silver i've got the money how that needn't concern you he took his money right away i don't know what you're talking about he's gotta come you know she let him out she tricked oh my baby captain captain my baby where are you where is he josie joseph listen you were in moja's garden you killed him for the money we killed him you were in a hurry for the cafe we are in this together no i can't be quiet come on open the door get in [Music] joseph serve the wine please [Music] that music sounds louder than usual [Music] [Music] george there's a question i've been wanting to ask your mother yeah how are we going to end the republic just by closing the shutter once a year and celebrating with this confounded silver this isn't a celebration it's a funeral for ourselves and everyone like us well that's the question i've always wanted to ask your mother is death to the republic to you george if you should ever leave me again i don't think i could go on living yesterday madame i am taking this occasion to make an announcement i have served you faithfully for ten years ten years three months and three days to be exact but like so many other people of my class i always had the ambition that one day i'd be my own master that day has come i have through the years saved and invested my money carefully until i was able to buy a little business i thought you'd be glad to hear about it you mean you're leaving yes sir well well that's too bad how soon will you go right away tonight we're leaving tonight perhaps i should also announce that i am going to be married i found myself a wife celestine yes celestine you're a liar get out of this room george please he's a liar a fool i'm sorry i didn't lose my temper but just for a moment i took you seriously it's true he's not lying i don't believe you don't if i give you a chance to get out gracefully take advantage don't say anymore i'm sorry you don't believe it celestine loves me and we are going away together take me away now no i congratulate you i'm happy very happy let's all drink a toast to celestine's future but first let me see you kiss him we are not used to kissing in public mr george not in public are you ashamed you shouldn't be ashamed of love you should be proud take him in your arms hold him kiss him embrace him solo scene celestine george where are you going flying to the moon that creature cares nothing for you if you pretended to it was my orders she's a servant she belongs with a servant let her go with joseph that's it that's what i like to hear you and i are liars parasite thieves that's as it should be but she's a servant she has no feelings no worries no rights nothing you're my son that's just what i'm trying to forget [Music] way for my son [Music] what did you say i said hooray for my son hurt the music come in [Music] close those shutters [Music] before you go i want you to do one thing for me what is it madame my son is bewitched by that creature when i brought her here i didn't bargain for this his infatuation is complete you'd go away with her never return i want you to take her with you it will take a certain price madam price for me yes what is it the silverware ah you're as insane as the rest of them very why am i down good night joseph you know what this silver means to me that's exactly why i want it to hurt me no i must have it as you had it for my peace of mind it represents to me as it has to you my new position in life my new security i'll give you one piece [Music] i'll give you this i want all of them i'll divide it with you i'll give you half all of it believe my candelabra and this this better decide quick all why do you come here why i must [Music] i love you but you told me to get out that you never want to see me again i was wrong forgive me will you forgive me it's too late it's too late i have to make you understand that you mean about joseph please believe me george you mean about joseph yes because of joseph you don't love him you showed me that i love you george i think i've loved you all my life but i can't be with you i know why because you think i'm dying don't say that it's cruel it's true i knew it from the beginning that's why i tried to leave you i understood you were afraid afraid it's afraid of me of my lips afraid to kiss me that's not true it isn't come here [Music] you see it's not true no i i wish there were no other place but right here no other time is now but yes [Music] why do you cry why are you crying because i i love you so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go away i wouldn't hire mr george not if you come with me hmm [Music] if you touch him again i'll kill you did i start it come on are you coming with me now or do i have to kill him too [Music] your luggage is in the carriage everything is prepared look [Applause] the silver it's ours now all of it you read from it like a queen and here [Music] [Music] and look everybody celeste is back let me through there get out of my way i'm in a hurry [Music] i tell you i want to get through just make way there but if you hear our music we played it for you don't run away what's the hurry if you don't get me through i use the whip you understand stop it come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll kill your next person who touches these trunks you'll kill them that's an awful word to use joseph did you hear what he said my husband to be well this is my wedding present and i'm gonna share it with you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] strange thing about me joseph here i am again the more i'm beating the stronger i get you've been got me finished wouldn't you well i'm not [Music] get out here [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] hit him again [Music] [Applause] [Music] take them [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i want you to write something on the last page forsaking all others through sickness and health [Music] for better or for worse till death do us [Music] you
Channel: DK Classics III
Views: 288,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lrXeS6qagGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 13sec (5233 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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