The DEFINITIVE Smash DLC Reveal Tier List

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19. we have 19 dlc characters throughout the history of smash at this point and we're going to talk about all of their reveals right now the criteria here is based on two things one the quality of the reveal event and two how impactful that reveal was as usual with materials there has to be at least one str and one f tier these characters are only competing amongst themselves and yes i'm aware i'm not the first person on youtube to get to an idea at least something like this not the world's most original idea let's be honest but it's the one my discord server voted on so it's what we're doing all right let's do it [Applause] [Music] going in chronological order here starting with mewtwo a bit of a bland start to the list to be honest he just kind of showed up in an announcement that was like oh by the way dlc characters are coming and mewtwo is going to be first as a heads up nowhere near as sleek as the announcements would become later and mewtwo was also a returning character which did take some of the excitement out of it now personally i liked mewtwo's announcement a lot more than i liked a lot of the original characters he was a character i really really wanted back in smash 4 but in the grand scheme of things it's just not nearly as hype and announcement as a brand new character who's highly requested the announcement that we were going to be getting additional smash characters after the game came out which was the first time the series had done that was really cool but overall i don't really think i can put it higher than c tier it's not f like it was a cool announcement in a lot of ways but other characters just did more lucas i do like this everyone beating up nest concept that's a cool idea for a trailer not a cinematic trailer obviously but cool use of the in-game engine even if it does mean that you kind of know what's coming pretty quickly that's something that smash trailers at least some of them got much better about later on overall i'd also say that lucas was just less of a requested character than mewtwo was but his trailer also did have a little bit more attention to detail put into it so it'll get another c i think roy another returning character he was very much a casual fan favorite though and the fire emblem series had not worn out its welcome in the same way that it later would which don't worry we are going to cover still no cinematic trailer and once again we're kind of unloading things very very early there's not much of a build up but i still do kind of like this concept especially again before pre-fire emblem burnout also helps the roy was returning with much more of a reworked move set than the previous returning characters and they do a good job showing it off in this trailer so i think you get some bonus points for that too and this really is just as far as non-cinematic footage goes just really really prime use of it i think roy had the best trailer of the returning characters and even though mewtwo's announcement might be a little bit more exciting in the sense of confirming dlc characters it was also done in just a way more kind of bland nonchalant way whereas royce had some genuine excitement behind it so i think he gets bumped up to beat here ryu the first brand new character added to the series so the intro here is neat and it's a cool throwback to his arcade roots but it's kind of once again just doing the thing where it really reveals him super super early on there's not much build up here it's just his face is plastered on screen the second the trailer starts and ryu is obviously a very important and well-known character in the video game world clearly deserving of being in smash but as the very first brand new fighter announces dlc like he's cool but i don't necessarily know he was one of the absolute highest requested absolute most impactful they could have gone with a little watered down just by being in the same three for one deal as roy and lucas so i am also going to put him in b cloud now we're getting somewhere here opens very gently with final fantasy music so if you're really dedicated to the series you immediately pick up on that and some of the reaction videos to this i remember being really hilarious there's such a juxtaposition between people who sort of realized what they were doing much later and people who immediately knew what was going on and just start freaking out that was really cool that's still i think the best balance between creating suspense and still rewarding hardcore fans for their knowledge and then eventually they pull the trigger they milk it more and more and more really slowly bringing up the character showing off just tiny details of them and finally letting you get that single iconic shot and cloud it was just such a bombshell character i have never played a final fantasy game in my life and this was still really exciting to me then just after everything is already done and the trailer feels like it's winding down they come in and introduce the limit break stuff which was again super impactful for everyone who knew about final fantasy vii which i'm aware i'm in the minority by not knowing about they do the stage reveal and there's this very universal like oh my god this might be legal thing and then the summon comes down and cuts the goddamn stage in half and everyone just kind of knows well that's the end of that but still a super cool casual stage i love the detail put into it final smash using ike is the stand-in for sephiroth that's brilliant easy-est here both in terms of character announcement impact and just the quality of the trailer he was introduced in it's basically flawless coren f here i'm just gonna say right now oh and by the way out of all the dlc this is the one that i actually stuck with coren became my tournament character by the end of smash 4's lifespan what's the really to say about this like if you know what fire emblem fates is already then there's absolutely no grand reveal here the second these characters show up on screen you know what's happening but the build up still takes forever and if you don't already know fire emblem fates then this means absolutely nothing to you after that long buildup because you don't know who the character is this was kind of the start of the anime sword fighter backlash in smash 2. coryn really marked the point where people were just kind of going okay this is getting ridiculous also keep in mind him and bayonetta got revealed as the final smash event so really very very little demand for this character so as the penultimate event in smash 4 is history not particularly noteworthy it's cool that this trailer had way more voice acting in it than most of the previous dlc trailers that's a trend that they'd pick up more on later that definitely does give it a little bit of a benefit but i i don't really know what else i can say that's good about it from a technical perspective the trailer is perfectly fine but just what it represented as a send-off to the game no no this was pretty bad bayonetta on the other hand this one i like more really long build up with this cool misdirect using pit which is something the series started to lean on more as time went on and as you'll see as i cover more and more of that i really like using that style again a lot of voice acting and the actual character reveal it is shown just a little bit too early like i wish her voice had come in just slightly before she appeared rather than a few seconds beforehand but overall still really strong bayonetta was a very requested character i'm not sure she was nearly requested enough to be the final send-off character worthy still had a lot going for her there but she wasn't like a break the internet kind of announcement the trailer itself is really well done i like a lot of the creative uses of witch time in it so like this one here this is an iconic moment in the smash trailers bring the pits back in afterwards as a call back to what we just saw including having dark pit come in with original voice acting as well bayonetta i think earns a very solid a tier not like earth shattering and again maybe just slightly underwhelming for smash 4's final character but overall there's not too much to complain about piranha plant a tier you this was announced near the end of a dedicated smash direct right before the game came out so people were really eagerly anticipating hearing which characters were going to be revealed and this was just such a ridiculous over-the-top unexpected announcement that it entertained me way more than basically any real quote-unquote character could have like the comedic timing on this is basically perfect they milk it as much as they possibly can even after this is shown it still takes you a moment to kind of come to terms with the fact that yes this is actually a character they're showing they do a good job building up to like the most absurd things the character can do this here is a super cool reference to the super mario series like great reference to brawl as well for a final smash if i was left purely to my own devices this would be s tier this is seriously possibly the most entertaining i've ever been by a smash trailer i understand it's piranha plant in the grand scheme of things that might be a little bit ridiculous to put him in s tier compared to some of the other characters but i loved this reveal also the confirmation that ultimate was going to be getting post-launch characters a more interesting direction to go with than mewtwo but i like it which brings us to joker the first quote-unquote proper dlc character for ultimate the way they announced this one was really cool rather than like a nintendo direct event it was done at the game awards and joker actually hijacks the entire show there's some build up and then you see original animation in that really cool distinctive persona style and then the just dramatic tone shift where he pulls out our scene and everything suddenly becomes super dramatic and over the top i like that too as far as character notoriety goes joker he's not like the most well-known video game character on earth but he did have a reasonably large following and a reasonably large group of people asking for him persona 5 sold very well but the persona series overall isn't like a titan titan titan in the video game world but a lot of people still really liked him and i think he's pretty worthy of a tier especially given how cool his reveal trailer was hiro very polarizing one i do like the long misdirect and returning to the world of light and this reveal cinematic is just just absolutely beautiful like the animation studio behind all of these did a phenomenal job good long drawn out build up with the horse too but i think it does maybe let things slip just a little bit too early because as soon as you see that horse there's a bunch of characters that you no longer really think it could be i do like him coming in and saving link though that's a really neat way to do that great long drawn-out reveal shot too very dramatic and then he starts getting beaten up by the dark spirits again as an excuse to have the other heroes come in and save them and similar to final fantasy i've never played dragon quest this meant nothing to me but i know for just the massive audience that grew up with these games you know it would be like for me a bunch of different links coming down and realizing that you can play as the mall it would be sort of that kind of level of detail and then just teasing everyone with how downby works not really spilling the beans too much on it that's a cool way to end it hero's announcement was extremely high profile over in japan but i also kind of feel like a pretty expected character like a lot of people sort of just knew that hero was gonna be in smash some days and over here it didn't really get that much hype there are dedicated dragon quest fans over here but it's nowhere near on the scale as it is in japan you know what i don't think i'm gonna try to pretend to be japanese i'm just gonna go by how i think it was perceived over in my neck of the woods here so i think hiro gets a cool announcement really good use of the trailer but not like exceptional use of the trailer i understand if i was japanese or if i was a hardcore fan of the dragon quest series i'd probably feel very different about this but i think it was like a good announcement but not an exceptional one which is kind of what b is indicating kind of almost the opposite situation with banjo kazooie we got like highly requested in japan and then highly requested in north america back to back and i think that probably wasn't a coincidence so we got a throwback to the villains theme that they used for king k rule's announcement trailer and then now you see k-rool which is cool and then you again see them throwing back to the original king rule reveal trailer except now here he is but that comes way too early for my tastes i get that these are rare characters but the moment you see that puzzle piece you're like okay well i know who the character is what's the point of all this build up now again animation quality is stellar but this like flapping wings banjo reveal thing it's neat it's cute but it functionally doesn't really serve all that much of a purpose because we you've already shown us that it's going to be banjo where's the hype now we're just kind of sitting here waiting for what we know is coming so compositionally i think there are some issues with this trailer even if what they're announcing is really neat but what they're announcing really is neat and i love this moment here with all his rare buddies cheering on his inclusion that's that's super cool and then obviously banjo-kazooie have some of the most charming animations of any character in the game so it's really easy to make a trailer out of them so i do have some issues with how that opening cinematic was presented even if it's incredibly charming and clearly has a lot of love for the source material put into the animation which is incredibly high quality but at least over here benji kazooie was one of those announcements that worse making people cry people have been wanting them so badly for so long that i think it earns a tier based on that alone if they totally nailed the trailer in my eyes this could even be a candidate for rest here but realistically benjamin kazooie like there are a lot of younger people who play smash 2 and benja kazooie isn't really appealing to them so much not nearly overseas so much and just with some of the issues that i do have with that trailer i think a tier seems appropriate really good but not the absolute cream of the crop terry is in an interesting spot here as far as characters requested to join smash go terry may be the most obscure to the smash fanbase on this list but this trailer is really well done like if you are a king of fighters fan it takes you through so many interesting little like throwback moments tons of suspense even as soon as you know that there's going to be a king of fighters character in the game they really keep you guessing exactly who it's going to be but i would probably argue that after it's not geese you kind of know it's going to be terry the moment where he ends up getting the envelope is very cool and like the terry model looks fantastic in the reveal but this is just kind of one of those characters overall that a lot of people looked at and went like oh okay who's that don't get me wrong everything else about the terrier reveal is great i love the concept for the trailer i love his animations and terry in smash actually ended up being one of my favorite dlc characters despite really not paying that much attention to the king of fighter series beforehand but just purely based on how little impact he had compared to some other characters on this list i feel like i gotta put him in b tier a just seems too much compared to you know banjo or joker i almost kind of want to put him in eight here just because i really really do like that trailer but i it just doesn't seem right to me biola f tier in the exact same vein as corin bileth is the dlc for smashed ultimate that actually ended up clicking with me the most i've gotta type i like simple sword fighters i've said this before after spending some time getting good at the kind of tension build up technique they immediately revert back to spoiling the character like with basically no ceremony of any kind look at this you see him on screen in the first few seconds and it's not like there's any ambiguity about who it's gonna be the only other characters you could even kind of be expecting at this point would be like the three houses leaders maybe all three of them as a character or something like that which would be frankly cooler but i get what they were doing with biola kind of tying all three of the weapon triangle aspects into one character which frankly i'm surprised hadn't been done up to this point but just look at this the build-up is still going on but there's no point having it because you know who it's gonna be i don't know if they thought they were throwing back to the corn trailer by doing this as well but it's a terrible throwback if they are the use of the source material i guess is pretty good and it's not like three houses doesn't have a lot of fans i'm a three houses fan i really liked that game but this was also just such terrible timing because it was the finale character for the first fighters pass and we didn't necessarily know if we were gonna be getting another fighter's pass like nothing about this really works this moment here where he comes right back out of the void it's not that impactful i don't really like even the voice acting in this segment so much the models of the other three houses characters in the trailer don't honestly look all that fantastic i remember a lot of people commenting on that at the time this too many sword fighters a little bit of self-awareness that they're showing here okay that's pretty cute i'll give them that one but it doesn't really change the fact that you still are putting another one in the game the fact that female biologist is also going to be a character in the game means absolutely nothing like literally everyone was expecting that at this point also the way she's shown doesn't really make a lot of sense it's almost implied that guy bilith just kind of like morphs into female bilith right in front of south as his eyes the reveal of the three weapons is pretty cool but even then there may be a little too ambiguous about how exactly those are going to work in smash a lot of people thought they were going to be more sophisticated than they ended up being where it's just like different directions of attacks correspond to different weapons a lot of people were expecting like a swap out system and the final smash is also just garbage this is probably my least favorite final smash in the entire series certainly among the dlc characters yeah terrible timing terrible character selection and this is coming from someone who once again likes and plays biolith as a character more than the other dlc just nothing about this worked and then coming into the second fighter's past people weren't necessarily all that hyped about min min either arms was kind of a series that a lot of people expected to be represented early on in smash ultimate but it kind of felt like the window for it had passed i will say that the ramen shop with kirby and captain falcon eating where they literally brought in captain falcon's original voice actor just to record slurping noises that's a really cool touch and this trailer overall is quite well done but it does kind of have the issue of revealing immediately that the next character is going to be arms but that's actually okay for them to do because they straight up announced that by the way the next smash character we reveal is going to be from arms which is like way to deflate any possible wind out of those sails i i get that they kind of knew that arms wasn't necessarily the most anticipated series to get a character so it almost seemed like they were getting ahead of the lack of excitement it was going to generate but you kind of just have to ask the question at that point why add an arms character then still this trailer with everyone competing for the smash invitation is cool even if it is maybe a little bit too similar to the terry concept that wasn't really that old at this point midman was still not a particularly anticipated fighter like even among the arms cast i still don't get the feeling that min-min was the one that people were most wanting i feel like min-min in general just her moves that is not interesting enough to make a great reveal out of that's pretty much what you were expecting and it's almost worrying more than anything else which turned out to be somewhat founded by the way this though like okay this is pretty good min min i think has to go and see here like the quality of the trailer isn't really on trial here i thought it was pretty well done considering the source material they were working with but not a great announcement and also again not very well timed being the first character to kick off the second fighter's pass but then of course the follow-up character is the best-selling video game protagonist of all time decent little bit of build-up on this one with mario sort of going through and fighting the different smash characters before being swatted away but i will say basically the moment you see him crash through the cave like there's a pretty good tell there that it's gonna be steve and you get a little bit too much buildup that's really obvious before you actually see steve himself i i do want to point out the cool little camera simulation details in this intro though you see some iso artifacts that have obviously been added in artificially that's what the grain on the screen is you see a little bit of like auto focus adjustment and then you see steve announced and it's like you knew he was coming a few seconds ago which is what i mean when i say it lowers the impact but like jesus christ oh my god steve is in smash right this character is a juggernaut he really makes a lot of sense to have in smash for me he's very much a representation of the new generation i know a lot of people were not particularly happy to be seeing him in there but frankly i don't really care not every character needs to be some 90s throwback trailer overall is really well done apart from again just like lifting the lid on the reveal slightly too early so not a perfect trailer but still pretty good and considering just how ridiculously huge this character is and the fact that the trailer is not really doing anything to bring him down i think this one deserves zest here i get that not everyone is going to agree with that one but if your response is just like you know steve is for kids like sorry but i i just don't care kids are allowed to enjoy smash 2 and a lot of people who aren't kids also like steve minecraft is a really genuinely entertaining video game that also has a lot of benefits in the world as like an educational tool yeah steve got some predictable backlash but that really has no bearing on my decision overall he was still just a ridiculously huge announcement sephiroth this trailer is amazing bringing everyone back to the world of light but showing off more characters than we got to see the first time because that first shot of everyone standing on the cliff in the world of light is so cool so coming back here and reusing the setting like yes use as much of this setting as you want i love this but then the twist right and you see banjo in there too so he obviously wasn't in the original world of light so he didn't get a chance to be shown and then you see gallium just being cut apart and you're like who could this possibly be and then you see cloud's reaction and you see it slowly pan up to one of the most recognizable villains in gaming history he's just looking sinister as all hell this is a phenomenal trailer they even skip back to a little bit of pre-rendered footage to have him pull out the one wing form like they did not need to do that and then going back to cinematic footage again like this trailer had a budget behind it and it looks incredible and then of course we get to this other really cool moment of more characters coming in and sephiroth just beating the hell out of them that right there that was one of the most powerful moments in any smash trailer that is just ridiculously cool oh okay i want to show off a little detail here there there there okay if you don't see that right there mario is still impaled on sephiroth's sword or at least his overalls are still impaled on severoff's sword and he just kind of gets flung off into the abyss it shows up on screen for so little time that you wouldn't even necessarily catch it the first time through such a great detail this trailer is amazing and then they reveal like a brand new final smash for cloud that there was no reason to put into the game no one was asking them to bring a new final smash in for cloud but it's so neat that they did and then even more cinematic footage after everything winds down it's just it's ridiculous how much they put into this trailer so you combine what might be the best smash reveal trailer if not certainly one of them with such an iconic character reveal yeah sephiroth is getting asked here and i don't want to hear any arguments about it pyra and mithra so pyra and mithra's entire trailer is based around this concept of like pyra disappeared and now rex has to go on a quest to look for her and you could take this as a misdirect for being xenoblade dlc or some kind of announcement like that i think that's what they were going for but i kind of get the feeling that basically everyone picked up immediately on the fact that this was a smash dlc announcement so that kind of takes a lot of the bite out of this one it's a long long buildup to it too so i feel like if this was a little more subtle they were on the right track with it but again i really feel like everyone basically knew what was happening here oh look she's clearly on final destination and yet they're still going to milk it for an outrageously long time you know what i'm not going to cut yeah there you go this just took forever the trailer itself after this point is pretty reasonably put together but they show her fighting a lot of other anime sword fighters and it's really not helping the case there i get they might be doing that on purpose to a degree but being self-aware is not the same thing as actually changing and like overall i feel like pyro and mithra xenoblade is a popular series these characters definitely had a fan base rooting for them i feel like it's kind of in the same vein as arms though where i'd expect them to be in there at the beginning of smash but if they hadn't gotten in then i feel like the moment might have passed a little bit the surprise reveal that includes myth right here though i i do like that it's a cool way to put two characters together like this so we knew at this point that the way that it played mechanically was probably gonna be some kind of swapping mechanic and it ended up being like a pretty good well put together swapping mechanic the trailer as a whole was pretty blah though and like i'm fully acknowledging my bias here not only have i not played xenoblade chronicles but i genuinely find the series kind of off-putting and i really don't like how pyro and mithra are designed so if this was left up to me this would honestly probably be an f tier but like i i know they had a reasonably big audience looking for them so that kind of makes me want to put it in b tier but when i combine it with how underwhelming and giveaway-ish the trailer was i think splitting the difference and putting them in c is probably fair and i know they come from a popular game but they don't come from like a super massive uber mega popular game they're not a character that people have been begging to get put in the series for a decade now at this point anime sword fighter backlash was in full effect like people were really really sick of it by now i don't know if these were necessarily the characters to announce during that time period kazia i will say straight up that i like this trailer much more than the pyra and mithra one it makes much better use of tension build up you're given just the slightest hint that it might be zelda here and like that's a cruel misdirect if you're someone in my situation who likes the zelda series in which he got a lot more but i like the way that they just show little snippets of kazuya just like little hints of who it might be and then he gets thrown off the volcano and suddenly uh tekken fans are kind of going oh okay i understood that reference and then there he is not necessarily the most iconic character in tekken i think most people were thinking it was going to be heihachi if it was going to be someone but the rationale that kazuya uses the demon for makes sense to me tekken obviously a really iconic fighting game and i love that reference there it's not the most common in terms of just like everyone knowing everything about the series but it clearly deserves a spot and i really like this gag here where he just starts throwing more and more characters off that's great yeah bye-bye pit by my minute yeah a little bit of a psychic too like i keep talking about how great the animation in these trailers is but kazuya was really really strong then you get to see the demon form in use too doesn't end up being nearly as complex as i was initially expecting it's just kind of uh some moves use it some moves don't kind of deal but i still like that inclusion and i do think that's worth putting him in the game good little moment here acknowledging heihachi so okay there he is we get it guys we didn't forget about him and then this moment with kirby at the very end which just adds so much to it you know what's gonna happen you know he hasn't actually dropped kirby off to his doom like the other characters which by the way canonically kazuki just killed all of them so that's interesting but there goes kirby overall a very good trailer that gets elevated to an excellent trailer if you're familiar with the tekken source material but the amount of people who will be intimately familiar with a lot of tekken stuff a bit limited i think this is a very solid choice for smash but not only is it from a series that wasn't in particular high demand but it's not even the most iconic character from that series so that does knock it down a peg but i think the trailer is so well done and it's not like he doesn't have any amount of a fan base that i i think i'm going to put this in b because i do like the way tension was used in the trailer it's got some really funny references to other series i really really like the sight gags with min-min and kirby i really wish i could put it higher but i just don't think he's like quite impactful enough of a character but very solid and then of course that leaves us just with sora they really milk the hell out of this one taking us all the way back to where it first began where ultimate's very first little teaser was using inkling which of course was the character that was revealed in that initial teaser just the perfect setting for it they stay really really ambiguous with who it's going to be at this point a lot of people were kind of thinking like a dark souls character expanding maybe even a little bit more on smash lore while we're at it that's a really cool concept everyone's just not doing anything because the light of smash has gone out tiny bit of the ember's light makes its way onto mario's face and now he's prepared to go and explore what's going on really slow really dramatic really keeping you on the edge of your seat no one has even slightly been spoiled yet on who the character is going to be even now while he's reaching into the fire even now while he's pulling out the sword or what looks like a sword at this point it's still hard to tell and then just gradually in a few shots who exactly it is is teased out this is this is just a masterclass trailer i yeah it's the best one they've made i i take back what i said about sephiroth i think sora has the best trailer and then of course on top of that he looks incredible and he's the most requested character and this just works so phenomenally well as a send-off to smash ultimate's development with that shot of all the characters looking up at him there is so cool the story of sora getting into smash i'm sure would just be a nightmare he ended up being the one that was most requested in the ballot but the amount of licensing issues that would have gone into making that happen do i need to say more sora is the freest of s tiers and just such a phenomenal way to send the series out i i can't think of what they could have done better to be honest what a high note to end things on all right that'll do it for this one thanks for watching everyone and let me know what you thought of the list comments and likes on this video increase how much youtube shares it around so if you think it deserves that much appreciated there's a top 10 list on top there smash's most overrated moves on my main channel below and patrons youtube members and twitch subs get stuff like early videos and access to my discord server later people
Channel: MockRockTalk
Views: 118,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash Ultimate, alpharad, Nintendo, little z, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros ultimate, tier list, hungrybox, ssbu, alpharad deluxe, Nintendo Switch, Gameplay, nairo, nairo smash, nairo smash ultimate, nintendo, smash ultimate tier list, smash ultimate tournament, sora, sora smash, sora smash bros, mockrock, sora super smash bros, sora smash ultimate, smash tier list, super smash bros tier list, sora tutorial, sora guide, sora tutorial smash, sora guide smash, sora gameplay
Id: dKUr7kR26C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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