Explaining Every FINAL SMASH Hitbox in Smash Ultimate

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so I've been doing hitbox videos for quite a while now and if there's one thing I've gotten the most questions about it would have to be Final Smashes I mean it makes a lot of sense they really are one of those big aspects of smash that stand out as flashy and r2a a lot of people an important part of smash's identity around these parts we usually cover the more competitive side of Smash so Final Smashes don't really ever come up and thus I never felt it too important to include them but today I thought it would be fun to have a look at some of the Final Smash hitbox visuals and see what they're all about and when I say some uh I actually mean all of them so strap in and get ready to take a look at every single Final Smash hitbox in Smash ultimate just before we begin as always I have to mention that I have a patreon where you can support me videos like this are a lot of work so if you like these videos and want to see more that is a great help and always appreciated big thanks to Zach Mario for making all these Final Smash hitbox visuals they took a lot of time and effort so make sure to go give them a follow if you can now we'll be starting with Mario and going order of character id and to be fair it's a pretty good example to start with some of the visuals today are going to vary a lot in complexity and as a result some of them are harder to visualize than others this one for example is is not animated but the size is accurate in cases like this I'll be using footage from the hitbox visualizer mod which does show most Final Smashes the Final Smash is called Mario finale and consists of a huge bursts of fire launching your opponent backwards the movie looks like this and you might as well get used to seeing these unnaturally big hitboxes because while this might be the first it is certainly not the last it has two hitboxes and move up and down as the hitboxes move forward covering a massive amount of distance it's a pretty great Final Smash and almost a guaranteed Stockade for close to ledge given how it carries you pretty far if all the hits connect definitely a good start here DK's Final Smash is Jungle Beat sadly no longer the Bongos from the previous games which is honestly a great loss it was one of my favorites back in the day at least I guess it still kind of has the pawn in the name and it still kind of makes sense but it's just not the same in this game however the move starts out with a punch in front of DK having a huge hitbox I have a feeling I'll be saying that a lot today should he hit it ziki goes into a rapid flurry of punches which have these hitboxes which I have to say is one of the bluntest ways of ever keeping a character in place I've ever seen being 4 huge hitboxes that all all launched towards the center of the move on that topic a lot of these Final Smashes do work a little bit differently than normal moves the initial punch actually stuns you for the entire duration of the move something a lot of Final Smashes utilize so these angles don't really matter for opponents that actually got hit by the first attack keep this in mind because they show up a lot and most Final Smashes do have other hitboxes that don't lock you into the move like this which Speaking of should you get hit by these hitboxes after the first hit these angles will actually launch around and you could potentially escape the move good luck with that though in practice the hitbox on DK himself actually just launches you away which is oddly generous given it's uh you know a Final Smash the final hit of the move is a huge launcher the launch the op into the air packing quite the beating four links finals match we have ancient bow and arrow kinda taking over for Sheik's previous Final Smash sensory was changed in this game this one is by far the simplest one we've looked at so far being an arrow that is fired in a single line out of front of Link the arrow looks like this and is actually not particularly big hitbox-wise however it does cover a huge amount of distance horizontally the Arrow does not Pierce and will disperse when eating an opponent however it does create a massive explosion hitbox looking like this and other Fighters caught in the explosion take the same amount of damage as the one that got hit by it so it even does have a little utility for crowd control in standard Echo fighter fashion Sam is in Dark Samus both have the same Final Smash Faison laser and zero laser and boy what a final smash that is it's a huge laser being fired out in front of Samus and as far as huge lasers go I don't think we're gonna see much better than this on the first frame it has several hitboxes on Samus the one in the back launched you forward to set up into the laser when it activates after that it has a smaller hitbox to launch to back before the real show begins briefly there's a single hitbox reaching far out horizontally but after a second it becomes 3. these hitboxes rapidly hurt you and launching backwards but for finally the hitboxes become even bigger and the move launches your way just like with DK Samus is a hitbox that pushes the opponent back a bit again probably to be nice I guess however one weird thing about dark Savings in particular is that they don't have this hitbox I can't tell if this was an oversider or something intentional since they are supposed to be identical move wise according to my Metroid lore informant it could possibly be because Dark Samus does not have back burners which on Samus do in fact flare up during her Final Smash however it's not like things not making sense have ever stopped them in the past but you would imagine they would keep it in line for balance reasons then again I don't think the word balance has much place when talking about file smashes either way it's definitely one of the best Final Smashes in the game very hard to avoid strong kill power and hits pretty much everything on stage granted it's not a massive stage I also do have a bit of an affection for it because of having brawled you could actually use Pitt's downbeat to Shield the laser which was like one of the coolest thing to me as a child it just felt like I was really getting away with something I wasn't supposed to I don't know I just always like that now for Yoshi's Stampede we get introduced to the concept of cutscene files matches unlike a file smash like the case where the initial is done to you and other opponents can still fall into it after the fact the way these files matches usually work is that you have one initial move that if it connects simply place a cutscene independently of anything else happening in the game as a result these are usually not as complex hitbox-wise and not really interactable either Yoshi charges forward with his entire body covered in a huge hitbox it even covers a bit in front of him as well again like I said anyone hit by this will be taken into a cutscene where they are simply dealt damage and launched away at the end so the only interactable part is the initial Dash like every other Final Smash you are at least completely intangible for the entire duration of the move so while the hitbox might be a bit smaller than most others at least it can't be interrupted next up is Kirby's Ultra sword sadly the days of Chef Kirby are far behind us at this point but ultrasword certainly is nothing to scoff at either just not as fun in my opinion on the first active frame of the move he has a hitbox which is there to stun you before the actual sword swing comes out the first swing looks like this and consists of four hitboxes now it's probably a good time to mention that a lot of assets cannot be rendered at the same time when making the visuals so for example the sword is not present here though don't worry the actual hitboxes are accurate the initial sword swing is what applies to stun and consists of a bunch of active frames as a sword swings from above him to even a bit behind Kirby after a hit Kirby will do a bunch of rapid sword Wings most of these hits are just variations of similar hitboxes in the place the opponent got stunned finally at the end he finishes with a gigantic launcher hit launching away not quite as fun as Chef Kirby but you know what is and now for one of the the simplest finals matches so far we have Team Star Fox which is actually mostly identical between Fox and Falco so I'll just show both here both characters do a little gesture to summon their plane to hit the opponent the epoxies look like this it's just a massive single hitbox sign in front of them that all the enough launches you upwards when you leave the screen the cuts in place and you get launched in the spot you got hit there is really not much more to it than that a significant downgrade in my opinion from the landmasters from the power games but I guess that's just how it goes sometimes for Pikachu we have Wall tackle where he dashes forward with Sparks of electricity around him during the first part he has two hitbox around him that set up into the main part of the Final Smash afterwards he dashes forward with a different hitbox around him which also sets up into the second part towards that part Pikachu dashes back and forth while you are locked in the air dealing damage for this part he also uses the same hitbox as the previous Parts at the end there is a huge launcher hit that should hit just about anyone close to the rapid attacks another one of the Final Smashes that kind of took a bit of a coolness hit between the games it was a lot more fun in Brawl and smash 4. Luigi's Final Smash is the only one in the game that cannot be visualized the data for this move simply can't be found and even in the hitbox visualizer mod for the game it does not show up either it's called Poltergeist g00 or the Poltergeist goo if you will from Luigi's expansion 3. the hitbox seems pretty weird though and covers the wind as it flings around Luigi if you get hit by it you get inhaled into the Poltergeist and launched out when Luigi is done when shot out you actually have a hitbox and can damage all their players which will also change the trajectory of your launch which could lead you to dying earlier than before so while I was testing this Final Smash and Gathering footage I actually encountered a glitch it seems that sometimes when hitting other opponents after being launched they will simply pass through without actually launching them now that's pretty strange on its own but it seems the knockback is somehow stored and will apply whenever they are attacked next which leads to some really funny stuff it could have something to do with how fast they get launched out of the vacuum but then again if that was a problem why did they make the whole aspects of characters having hitbox on launch a thing in the first place either way I just thought it was a really funny glitch and wanted to show it off here for a second I'm not entirely sure how it works but I'm sure someone could lab it out since it's pretty easy to set up pretty weird Final Smash nice but yeah sorry we just can't visualize it believe me we tried however Luigi in my opinion still holds the award for weirdest Final Smash in Smash history back in Brawl he had Negative Zone which was just so bizarre and weird and it's probably my favorite Final Smash they ever did you just make a huge distorted area that just makes other people fall asleep taunt and do other random things while they take damage I really wish they would have kept it but I get why they would rather have something that actually represents the games he's from you know as opposed to what this is supposed to represent next up is [Music] can't cause yeah couldn't have said it better myself this movie consists of Ness and his friends raining down a bunch of comets the individual comet hitbox look like this sorry no moving visual here since the move varies so much you can actually influence the direction the Comets fly if you hold the direction in the comments will slowly fall in that direction the hitboxes are the same hour but granted because of the frequency of the comments I don't think that's gonna be a problem I guess they finally fixed the error of Ness being able to cast peaky star storm as his final smash seeing how in Earth thought he was actually never able to but now with this Alice being present in the Final Smash I guess it makes a little bit more sense Falcon's Final Smash is the Blue Falcon where Falcon hits you with his car and then hits you with his car again so in other words is another cinematic file smash the initial hitboxes look like this um yeah pretty impressive it reaches really far in front of the Falcon and since you slow down time when you use it it's very hard to escape Falcon when he has his final smash ready you know seeing how he's so fast it's also one of the few Final Smashes that have never been changed it's the same old file smash from all the way back in raw so Jigglypuff is another one of those Final Smashes that kind of can be visualized it doesn't work in the hitboxing mod and it can't be properly visualized elsewhere either we do have a little data on how it works but really not a lot so Jigglypuff blows up to a massive size and then deflates pushing components back again we can't really get a good look at it since it doesn't visualize right but it's not too hard to imagine I suppose all we have is this incomplete visual it's an alright Final Smash but can be a bit hard to use if the stage is big and it also does give your opponent a ton of time to react and grab a ledge or something since the hitboxes don't last for that long on the other hand one very fun thing about this files match is how it worked back in Brawl there was actually a glitch that when hit by certain stage hazards the finals match would be canceled and Jigglypuff would remain the same size they were when they got hit which was like such a cool oversight and I even actually discovered this myself when playing the game randomly when I was younger and figured out how to replicate it so you could just run around as massive Jigglypuff and Destroy everyone such a cool memorable thing that always stood after me but yeah in Ultimate it's not like that anymore and you are totally intangible during the move but how cool would it have been Peach and Daisy have the same Final Smash only barring the official differences named Peach and Daisy blossom individually the movie is an area of effect attack that puts any nearby or really just any opponents existing in your general area to sleep the radius on this move is huge as you can see by the visceral here the move puts the opponent to sleep and Deals a solid amount of damage in the process at the same time it spawns in some peaches or daisies which you can eat to restore Health don't exactly know how eating Daisy's raw is good for you but I guess it can't be the worst thing in the world this Final Smash is really good simply because a lot of time you can't even Escape it because it straight up Powers the entirety of smaller stages it even hits people in the air so sometimes it's just impossible to escape it definitely one of the best files matches in the game well since we were just talking about Final Smashes that can't be visualized next is Bowser at least with Bowser the in-game initializer does show the hitbox so that'll do just fine I think Bowser becomes gigabaucer and jumps up into the background he then gets a radical where he can launch a punch the hitbox is actually relative to how big Bowser turns when he uses the Final Smash which again is relative to the size of the stage you are playing on so it can actually have a pretty big variance not much to say about it besides that it's pretty strong but can be a bit hard to land because it is a little slow to move around but the YouTube box should make up for that I do kind of Miss normal Giga Bowser from the previous games but I guess they wanted him to be a boss in the game so at least it is a little more understandable for ice clambers we have Iceberg which is actually a surprisingly convoluted Final Smash the move has a ton of hitboxes when the iceberg rice out of the ground there are some hitboxes that rotate around with the iceberg while some other ones are static in one place naturally it launches you upwards after that it has these hitboxes that rapidly rotate around the iceberg in addition the polar bear and the Raptor also have their own set of hitboxes while the iceberg spins which look like this you can also grab onto the Condor and fly around with it the purpose of which is a little unclear to me but it's a thing you can do unlike in Brawl sadly the move no longer frees his opponents and is now more of a quick attack that just launches the opponent off stage or after this I last Zone you can however in this game move the iceberg by moving the ice Slammers around so it's probably quite a bit better in this game but not quite as fun in my opinion time to put on your dance shoes because next up is she Cadance Sheikh dashes forward with a hitbox looking like this coming out in front of her however the hitbox is not too huge if you hit the move you stun your opponent and get hit by a flurry of attacks every hit has its own hitbox at the end you get launched away pretty simple stuff but I do like how it looks visually now the less mysterious version of Sheik we have Zelda who has well I'll just be blunt here the single most overpowered Final Smash in all of Smash history this move is disgusting the range of this move is absurd and honestly we had a pretty hard time understanding how the move actually works when you use the move it has a hitbox around Zelda yeah you can see zela in there for a scale it is very large being one of the single biggest hitboxes in all of Smash which says a lot seeing how we're looking at exclusively Final Smashes here the hitboxes spawn around Zelda only being slightly offside in front of her meaning it really doesn't matter too much which way you're facing when you use it if you are close up to an opponent they are as good as dead there is no way to escape essentially this move covers nearly every corner of most smaller stages if you use the move Center Stage there really is no way to get away a lot of the time the outer hitboxes are made to create a triangle shape meaning at certain angles they have more range this hitbox has launched you slightly towards the circular hitbox in the middle which is actually a really powerful wind box that pulls you in in the middle of this winbox there's an identical shape of hitboxes and these are the hitboxes that actually trap you within the move yes everything up until this point has just been there to make sure there is absolutely no way to escape this move so unlike the other hitboxes and win boxes you can literally just be facing the other direction and be at the other side of the stage and still expect to hit it here you at least have to face the right direction and be only halfway across the stage should you or should I say when you get hit by this you get trapped in the Triforce and take a massive amount of damage before being launched out again I can't really explain how obscene this move really is and how they decided this was okay keep in mind that this is also the same game where they added the Final Smash meter and that this is the first game she has this Final Smash I guess it must have been the same guy who really just wanted palutena to be good competitively that also just really wanted Zelda to be good casually and just went ahead and gave her the most overpowered Final Smash of all time I think it's going to be hard to top this one and that's probably a good thing enough for something a bit less than impressive but I mean next to that what wouldn't really seem underwhelming Dr Mario's Final Smash naturally enough is very similar to Mario's Final Smash although it is a little bit different Dr finale starts out with one hitbox growing on the top it soon turns into two hitboxes then the same thing happens on the bottom until all the hitbox are the same size keep in mind that all this happens early on so it's only really the later part of the move that keeps moving forward and hits opponents it's pretty much the same idea as Mario finale trying to launch the opponent off the side by knocking them backwards and in that sense they work pretty much the same pichu's Final Smash is pretty much the same as Pikachus having nearly identical hitboxes except Pichu actually damages himself while using it which is you know certainly in character you would believe that maybe for his ultimate attack he wouldn't you know actually hurt himself but to be fair since the finals match is of all tackle it does actually make a lot more sense than with Pikachu's case seeing how the actual attack has recoil so in one way it is a bit more appropriate marth's Final Smash is critical hit calling back to his old animation from Shadow Dragon he dashes forward having this hitbox which will hit the first opponent he gets into contact with after it hits you get a massive hitbox which hits anyone in its way just a clean straightforward Final Smash not much to complain about here at least in this game we can ignore marth's middling stats and the fact that crates still deal no damage if you have enough defense in phylum gives Aztec fighter stand to go lucina's cell smash is pretty much the same as marth's really not much to say here it's exactly identical to Mars Final Smash except it seems to deal more damage so enjoy that privilege in casual matches I suppose for our second link of the day we have a young Link using regular links all files match from the previous games we have Triforce slash when you use this Final Smash you first have a relatively small hitbox that stuns the opponent up close after this there is a search box that looks for opponents in front of young Link reaching out very far horizontally if it finds any opponents in the range including opponents done earlier young Link will then Leap Forward and start hitting them with the combo part of the Final Smash consisting of a bunch of slashes after this hit the opponent is locked in the move while other players can still fall into it after a lot of slashes kicks and bashes it finishes with this wide launcher hit that indeed launches them away now for Ganondorf sadly due to some issues with the model we are unable to visualize the first hit of the move where he slams his body down and swings his sword around but it does show up in the in-game visualizer so you can see it like this after the sun Ganon dashes forward and actually launches the opponents away strangely enough this is one of the few finals matches to actually have a sweet spot and a sour spot ironically enough because this first hit stunts and bounces you it makes The Sweet Spot much harder to land but then again I guess it does make up for it with dealing damage on the stun as well but I just always thought it was a bit of a weird decision to make the move have a weaker part to it like it's a Final Smash how important can it really be for Mewtwo we have side strike definitely one of the cooler new finals matches added in ultimates this violence match is pretty simply in concept Mewtwo fires off a giant psychic blast and anyone caught within it will take mental damage in other words just a normal day on the internet the hitbox looks like this if you are hit by it you will be stunned and when the move ends everyone will be struck by the psychic attack and launched for Roy we once again have critical hit a bit of a theme among the Fire Emblem characters this Final Smash is a reference to one of the many awesome GBA Fire Emblem animations that being his normal and critical hit after becoming a great Lord though specifically the crit because it has flames the sword it's just a really nice and smooth animation I like it a lot anyways as far as hitboxes go this one has a lot of them while Roy is winding up his attack there are two hitboxes and launch the opponent in front of Roy if hit from behind after this right before the swing he has these four hitboxes covering his entire body and far out to his sights after which he swings the blade and launches anyone in his way quite a powerful Final Smash and a pretty nice reference to binding blade krom may be a Nick fighter of Roy but his final smash is actually a lot more like marth's obviously it would be a little bit weird if his finals match was a reskin of Royce when his finals matches very much his own thing animation wise instead here is referencing ether from Awakening one of the Lord skills he gets first he dashes forwards with this hitbox and unlike Marth after hitting someone they get stunned while krom does a sick backflip and lunges forward hitting you while awkwardly kind of spacing out the word ether what's up yeah I don't know why they did like this it sounds kind of weird now for one of the more fun files matches we have a game and watch it's not the most complex thing in the world but definitely has one of the more interesting hitboxes when used Game and Watch turns into an octopus and lunges forward during this the tentacles have grab boxes that will grab you and carry you off the stage the tentacles will poke in and out in length as the move goes long however there are also two hitboxes on Game and Watch that launch you forwards which can sometimes be equally as effective because of their strong knockback and sharp angles keep in mind that you can't actually escape the grabs here just like any other grab but if you are at a high percent you probably don't have too much time to do so long on are the days of dimensional Cape which is a bit sad since I always kind of liked it it ultimate I think the new finals match is a reference to something from Star allies or something I don't know if it was up to me I would have changed it into mock tornado or something at the start of the move Meta Knight rests his sword above him and gets a hitbox reaching into the air after this two hitbox appear in a cross and any opponent hit by any of these hitboxes will be sent up into the middle of the screen where Mennonite then performs rapid Source lashes until finally launching them away based lightning Chariot is another one of these simple hitboxes when you use it pit leaves and you take control of a reticle when you press the button you will immediately have this hitbox appear in its place it's essentially just a less work version of the Dragoon item which basically does the same thing now for darpet it seems he also kinda got Zelda's old Final Smash since it's basically just the same using dark pit staff he shoots a beam forward hitting anyone in his path when you get hit by it do you take damage I know crazy right but uh yeah that's it there's not much else going on here Zero Suit samus's Final Smash has Samus jumping into the air and turning into normal Samus so she can use her Final Smash instead just from a different angle you get a reticle that Samus automatically fires a laser towards because of the peculiar angle the visual is a little bit weird to interpret but basically the reticle is the gray Circle hitbox in the middle and the red and purple is the laser which only changes at the end being a little bigger than before for one of the saddest Final Smash downgrades we have Wario Man it used to work in the way that Wario gained a massive boost to all of his moves and you could just go crazy on everyone it was a lot of fun however in Ultimate the movie is just a simple cutscene KO it's starts out why are you eating a garlic and then dashing forwards although in quite a funny manner might I add on hit it just plays this cutscene and you get launched not much more to it than that for our brawl veteran snake we have covering fire again personally I do prefer the brawl finals matches but uh so be it once again we have a reticle file smash snake becomes intangible as he calls for missiles if you hold the radical over your opponents they will have homing missiles locked onto them and after a little while they will be fired and seek out the opponents the longer you have them in Focus the more missiles will be homing pretty simple but quite a big explosion this is a pretty Hit or Miss kind of file Smash If you have some kind of intangibility such as holding ledge there's a chance most of these missiles were just kinda Miss which can be a bit disappointing given it's a file smash next up is Ike with the great ether just a quick hit initially now granted the hitboxes are really huge but uh so is his sword so I suppose that's okay add for this if you get hit you'll just end up into the middle of the screen much like a lot of other Final Smashes it's a bunch of hits in succession finishing with a massive launcher it obviously all the hits have hitboxes however since the movie is fixed up in the air it's very easy to dodge unless you got locked into it in the first place but we're here to look at the hitboxes so uh here they are a fun fact about this move actually is that the kicks Ike do during his great ether animation are actually completely identical to the kick snake used during his neutral error meaning they likely copied the animation without changing it which is pretty unusual to see this is a pretty common thing they do in early development however it's pretty rare to see them just not changing like this and that it is as notable as it is just thought that was an interesting thing to note here Pokemon trainers triple finish is actually quite an interesting move from a hitbox perspective you see every Pokemon here actually has a unique set of hitboxes to use despite being locked in place and them always being together at these are the move all three of them have a blue hitbox that push the opponent into the area after this Squirtle fires off a higher pump four hitboxes up and down in front of him they send you down and towards the rest of the move meaning it's pretty hard to get out of and easy to actually get trapped up close Ivysaur has pretty much the same thing going on where he fires a solar beam directly forward stealing damage mainly serving to lock opponent in place lastly but not least Lee Charizard is firing fire blasts which also mainly just deal extra damage you can can also scoop up low opponents because the hitbox launch up it's a very strong Final Smash and almost impossible to avoid if you're close when they use it now for Diddy Kong's Final Smash we have another victim of ultimate's gameplay simplification of Final Smashes in the previous games you could fly around and shoot peanuts and it was pretty fun however in this game you just use it and zoom around the screen hitting opponents for a somewhat disappointing amounts of damage and then homing on to an opponent before exploding the move actually has a lot of different parts with his boxes first off when it's sending he has two hitboxes on the sides soon after his entire body is covered with a hitbox as he is sent into the air when he is flying around he uses this hitbox covering his body while he's shooting off in different directions after this he homes in using this hitbox and finally when returning back the jet bike explodes which can harm opponents however this one is not possible to visualize as it turns out once again for PK star storm we don't have a moving visual however these static rituals should suffice in this case all the Comets use these hitboxes the only difference is the angles which is not really that big of a deal here they also did fix the star storm discrepancy which is a nice detail and also let some of the other characters from other 3 get so much serve time in the sun if only for a few moments the raw veterans really had a rough go of it when it comes to some of these redesigned Final Smashes Sonic being no exception in Brawl and Smash 4 you became Supersonic and could control him as you flew around while in this game he just kind of Zips around the screen automatically like titicong blame first Sonic has a huge hitbox around him after which he proceeds to quickly fly across stage using this hitbox you can influence Sonic's height which can land use Music kills carrying the opponents to the top of the screen when it runs out he returns with pretty much the exact same hitbox he started with looking like this now for D2D we have yet another new Final Smash in ultimate though this one I actually kind of think is an improvement over the Smash 4 one which was also a downgrade from brawl so I guess we're just kind of back even now I do kinda miss the waddle D mechanic from brawl sure it wasn't great and kind of janky but it was a lot of fun in Ultimate however his final smash is ddrush not actually named DDD rush for some reason a bit weird but whatever here DDD Dawns his mask to deliver some DD destruction the hitbox is nothing special as far as Final Smashes go you know it's just the regular huge hitbox sat in front of them so yeah at least I really like the new animation it feels a lot more fitting than whatever the Smash 4 version was going for one of the few unchanged files matches from brawl and probably one of the least changed finals matches in the whole series this end of day being all of Mars found smash Olimar just kind of leaves for a while in his ship on the way up the ship has these hitboxes close by opponents will be buried in the ground or Spike down if they're aerial a bunch of bullworbs then start to munch on the bottom of the screen as the camera is locked up high and anyone off screen will take damage rapidly after which the ship returns to the ground using this hitbox biking people down once again and finally the ship explodes in a massive hitbox covering a huge area you can even influence the direction of The Descent slightly ensuring the destruction of at least one unlucky opponent I also find it kind of funny how Almar crashed the ship once again like the whole point of Pikmin 1 is to reassemble his ship and then he just goes up one send back down and crashes it again I don't know it's just kind of funny to think about one kind of strange thing about this Final Smash is that Omar is actually put into this kind of tumble Free Fall animation after he uses it and you cannot do any moves while you are shopping like this on top of that you can't even tack once you land on the ground meaning if you miss this Final Smash there's a pretty good chance your opponent can actually punish you for it which is kind of exclusive to this move since most other Final Smashes are almost lagless or have an abundance of intangibility afterwards I guess it's flavorful since it's a crash landing but uh also like it's a files bash just a weird little thing about this one in the case of Lucario we had the brawl Final Smash being pretty cool and then they made it even better in Smash 4 making a mega Lucario I mean he's still megalocario technically just the move is the same as him roll speaking of which when he used to the movie first has a box briefly as he flies into the background after this he fires off the aura storm which is an absolutely massive hitbox reaching extremely far downwards because of how long this visual is it actually does make the width of laser look a lot less impressive than it actually is as you can see by this zoom in and also just how it works in practice this files patch is pretty sweet it was one of my favorites back in Brawl but I always just kind of prefer more interactive Final Smashes like the one he had in Smash 4. at least in this one you still have control over the laser and it's not just a cutscene so that's nice I guess Rob has probably one of the funniest Final Smash histories in the series in Brawl it was called the fusion beam and it was this kind of strange laser that he just shot out in front of him while he was allowed to still move around it wasn't the most impressive thing in the world visually but I'm sure it must have been very annoying to dodge if nothing else in Smash 4 they gave him super diffusion beam which was pretty much just another version of samus's Final Smash being a massive laser and finally in Ultimate they just went crazy and gave him one of the most absurd finals matches in the game guided Robo beam I just like the iteration they kind of unintentionally did here the move Stars I have a Rob firing some homie missiles which will stun opponents the missiles use this hitbox and simply move and explode after this however the fun begins as Rob fires up a huge laser you can influence the angle of and finally the laser grows before launching the opponent's way dealing massive damage in the process this Final Smash is absurd like just the range and the damage is unreal and very much one of the good reasons why Final Smash meter is not allowed incompetitive can you imagine playing against rob a Final Smash meter was on like as if this character doesn't already Rob stocks at way too early presents he would have been the best character in the game hands down for toon Lake we pretty much just have a repeat of young links files mesh them being almost identical even sharing the same name try for slash only difference really is that tune link only slashes with the sword I guess you can get away with more sharp weapons when it's cartoon violence therefore I'm not going to spend too much time talking about it I'm sure they could have made this a really fun file smash or something using Toon Link Source material but uh whatever I guess they really didn't feel like changing it well speaking of files matches that are almost identical we have Team star wolf which is once again just foxes and Falco's files Mash simply being a huge hitbox that leads into a cutscene before being launched we've seen this before now just with a devious twist one cool thing about all these Final Smashes though is that they all share unique dialogue when hitting each other with them I always like it when they put stuff like this in Smash really feels like they're actually doing something with the whole crossover theme of the whole game villager moves in with a dream house one of these stranger files matches conceptually speaking villager first gets this hitbox decent range but a bit underwhelming for a fan smash then all the nooks appear and build a house on top up for your opponents but villagers sick and twisted and is planning to blow up the house finally ending the Nook bloodline because after some damage of being built upon the house explodes sending everyone including the nukes flying away the horrors of it all oh and yeah Isabel has the same Final Smash pretty much it's virtually the same but uh here it is if you just want to have a look for the super fighting robot we have Mega Man Legends Mega Man fires a black hole bomb it travels a certain distance before becoming a bit larger but if it connects with anything before that it'll trigger the bigger hitbox earlier if you find yourself on the receiving end of this move you'll be treated to a cutscene where all the various Mega Men If You Will Blast you down with their lasers pretty simple but if you're a Mega Man Fan I can imagine you would get a kick out of this and the award for least creative file smash name goes to Wii Fit trainer with Wii Fit oh really though are you a bit ironic that the laziest name in the game is for wifi trainer of all characters but uh so be it leave it Rainer assumes her most powerful yoga pose and starts shooting Silhouettes each silhouette has this hitbox and simply knocks the opponent back after a lot of these have been fired off finally it ends with a huge silhouette which has to have one of the funniest looking hitboxes so far trying to match the pose the silverware does this one also just launches you away and is almost guaranteed to knock out an opponent if used on the ledge for everyone's favorite Interstellar space Mom we have Rosalina Rosalina summons a grand star which slowly grows and shoots Stars off the designs the Stars use this hitbox and will knock you into the grand star if you get hit by them should he get hit into the grand star it'll trap you there as a Star Gross dealing damage and finally launching you as it explodes the great part about this move you know besides the huge hitbox is that you can actually move wrestling around while it's active so even if you are out of range all it takes is a grab and a back throw to serve some Intergalactic punishment little Max files match yet another tragic victim of these streamlining of oldman's Final Smashes gigamac used to be one of those transformation files matches and you could run around and smack people with even more powerful smash attacks however in this game it's just another hit and lock kind of found smash being pretty much just a different version of BK's Final Smash Mac dashes forward with this hitbox pretty mediocre but does cover a lot of distance after which is the usual flurry of punches you would expect from a move like this nothing too special but it does quack nothing too special of it it does pack quite a punch or several ones in this case next in line here we have our froggy friend with secret ninja attack where Greninja quite literally pulls the rug out from under you or I guess it's a mat but you know what I mean it initially has this hitbox covering the mat on the floor which stuns you in place after the mat's done he flips the mat and everyone on it will get launched into the air after which it's the classic multi-head finishing move with several hitbox being repeated over and over until you get launched into the ground where you can actually follow up with another move because of how he bounced them if it doesn't outright KO them for the goddess of light it will only make sense that her files match would be utilizing a black hole in the form of black hole laser which is a combination of abilities from kidaker surprising two of the better ones I might add first off she spawns a black hole which naturally enough will drag you into it it uses this hitbox and simply stuns you it actually does not even deal any damage which I thought was a bit strange add for this the laser is fired regardless of the black hole hitting or not the laser hitbox looks like this however the angle is a little bit different in the game also keep in mind that the laser is also way longer than this in-game but for the sake of making the visual readable it's cut off like this the width is accurate however after the multi hits it simply launched the away just like all the rest Batman's files match is well super Pac-Man where he reverts back to old habits and bites anyone in his path after using the movie you simply have a huge hitbox around you which on contact launches opponents and turns him into ice I guess a reference to the old Pac-Man games although it looks a little strange when you are zooming around the screen you can actually influence how Batman moves with the directions meaning he'll move a little bit differently but aside from that the finals match is pretty simple All Things Considered up next is Robin with pair up a final smash that worked a lot better in Smash 4 where Chrome was not a playable character in fact I do find it very strange that they didn't change it for this game but I mean I really don't mind too much Robin summons krom to attack the opponent crom then Dash sword and actually has a lot more different hitboxes than most Final Smashes do if you get hit by any of these hitboxes it leads into another log file smash where you're getting repeatedly smacked by Chrome and Robin which uses these hitboxes before finally being sent towards the ground ending the move for shulk were treated to yet another fairly simple file smash that being chain attack the move simply has two hitbox boxes and if you hit by them it will take you to a cutscene of you being bombed by the whole Xenoblade gang after which you just get launched once again not too much to say about these hitboxes they're pretty self-explanatory in their effects Junior's Final Smash is Shadow Mario pain which just sounds like a Mario Paint Creepypasta made in like 2013. anyways it's a bit of a weird file smash seeing how it was only really a real thing in one game and only for like half of it but I guess it's probably one of the most notable things about this character that they could really make a Final Smash out of Shadow Mario appears and paints over the screen this paint will move around with the camera making it very weird and quite a unique files mesh because of this the hitbox size is technically never set but relative to how far zoomed out the camera is so the official here is not exactly representative but will at least give you an idea of the scale if you get hit by it you will take damage and get launched slightly at higher percentages you can also get ping pong back and forth which is pretty nice you can also move around while the paint is there so that makes the move a lot better than it would be otherwise after a while the paint explodes making the hitbox slightly bigger and launching you away once again next up is Duck Hunt duo with NES zaproposi which I just think is a pretty funny name for a file smash it's another cutscene file smash meaning there's not too much to say about the hitbox it's just a massive hitbox round duck hunt as the ducks fly by to get ready for some foul play afterwards there's a shootout and they get launched soon thereafter it's pretty easy to land this seeing how it actually hits so far behind and also just the fact that the duo have so many Shield pressuring options or we use Final Smash we actually have two different moves depending on how close you are to your opponent when you use the Final Smash you either get shinshoyukin or shinku hadukun the range looks like this keep in mind that this hitbox only works if the opponent is in front of you so even if the hitbox does cover behind him it simply will not activate if you are within this front-facing range you will get the assure you which consists of a quick stun then two quick punches and the actual Shotokan the hitboxes are pretty small as far as Final Smashes go but then again Ryu is all about being up close and hitting you anyways so it's not like he really needs a range since he does so well up close anyways a pretty strange aspect about this move actually is that under very specific circumstances you can still miss the show you even if you are within range in the these cases the move strangely uses a separate version of the show you that is a 6-8 combo being significantly weaker than shinchoyuken the move even uses a completely separate set of hitboxes that you can see right here in practice it seems really tricky to get this version of the move though it's very precise on where your opponent has to be when you use the file Smash and I was only really able to land it using this setup neither was I able to trigger it when my opponent was in front of me it's a very bizarre thing to add to a final smash but is apparently a reference to one of these Street Fighter games where this can also happen it almost feels more like an Easter egg than an actual part of a move but uh yeah anyways should you be out of range completely you get the shinku hadukan which is a massive version of the hadoken looking like this having a powerful windbox around it that drags nearby opponents into it the middle hitbox damages you rapidly before it launches you at the end Ryu is pretty unique here for being the only character in the game with three different versions of his final smash even if the third is mostly just here as a reference Ken's hitboxes are a bit more fun actually at close ranges you get shippudenrekyaku I tried so many times to pronounce this correctly hopefully it was good enough a flurry of kicks after each other basically being a more powerful version of his I'd be it has a ton of hitboxes but most of them are just the same stunning you and leading into each other even after you get taken off the ground they just keep stunning you for a while until he finally launched away with one last kick weirdly enough his other variant shindryuken that activates when the opponent is out of range does not really reach too much farther than the hit detection for the other version however this version will at least trigger and still hit people behind him so at least that's something he has over you in this case first there is a wind block dragging nearby opponents into again which granted does have decent range though is not anything crazy and after this he does his shin ryuken which has a very wide cylinder hitbox actually reaching really far upwards and stunning the opponents inside until the move ends kinda reminds me of Entei and how it just makes a massive fire spiral I guess if you have to copy one of the Pokemon's used as your final smash you could do a lot worse than Entei Cloud's file smash is a very interesting case where it actually got changed entirely as a part of a patch being omnislash and omnislash V5 respectively before sephiroth Klaus file smash looks like this however after this the Advent alt had this file smash replaced with a different version the normal Final Fantasy 7 alt still have the old version of the filed mesh the changes are just visual for the most part the only real difference being that moves damage is spread out a bit differently between the hits but they all end up dealing the same damage in the end the boxes are the same looking like this initially this being the part that launched you into the air and unleashes the sword attacks which looks like this for the normal old version of cloud being the usual flurry of attacks followed by a launcher a bit weird that they felt the need to change it like this but I mean it is flavorful I suppose up next we have torrential Roar being corin's file smash this one is pretty straightforward or should I say upwards because that's where the move covers when you use it first there are two hitbox on both sides of Corian which unhidable trigger the cutscene part of the file smash after this they turn into smaller cylinders that reach a bit higher into the air and lastly this happens again and they reach even higher a bit of an underwhelming hitbox for sure but at least it's a fairly unique one so being it has Final Smash infernal climax actually does not use a hitbox instead it simply slows down all opponents on the screen you can then hit them as you please while slow dab you try to fill a meter on the bottom of the screen by hitting opponents should you Max it out they then get numbed this huge dog thing that makes elephant noises I don't know I'd ever played Bayonetta if the opponent ends up above 100 they will be knocked out instantly which is pretty strong should you fail to fill the meter the Final Smash just kind of ends it's definitely a unique files match for sure which is pretty unusual for a previous DLC character killer whale is inkling's file Smash and this one is definitely one of the best ones in the game they lay down a killer whale and it fires a massive beam of ink in front of it the hitbox looks like this and it's just a huge hitbox reaching far out in front of them it stuns you in place for the entire duration of the move until it finally launches you at the end the really great thing about this move is that you can actually move around while it's active meaning you can stack up a ton of damage on an opponent that is trapped within the ink Beam on top of that you can even angle the beam after he starts firing by holding up or down meaning it can be very hard to avoid it's a great Final Smash as we are approaching the end here we just have a few more Final Smashes but for now we have Ridley's plasma scream Ridley dashes forward as he has a hitbox around him covering a wide area in the process if you get hit by it you'll be launched into a cutscene where you get blasted by the affirmation plasma scream which looks a lot more like a plasma beam but I suppose it could be both after this you either get spiked back to the ground or ko'd automatically if you're about 100 also a little funny thing I never noticed about this before is that you can actually see the ship flying away in the background meaning it was somehow not totally destroyed a cute visual bonus kinda wish they did more of this with Cloud smashes for the Belmonts we have Grand Cross when you use it you get this hitbox there are actually two hitboxes here a smaller one and a huge one out in front of them if you get hit you'll be treated with a cutscene finisher that simply launches you it's a pretty good hitbox and seeing how the BattleBots have a lot of ways to set up into combos it's a pretty good file Smash and likely to be the last nail on the coffin for your opponent's stock Carol's Final Smash is very similar to Ridley's I guess this is just the go-to main bad guy Final Smash templates he dashes forward having a hitbox around his body on hit you'll once again find yourself in a cutscene getting blasted by King cairo's giant Island gun thing pretty simple Final Smash but the cutscene at least is fun well since we're already on the trend of Dash and hit file smashes I guess another one is not too out of place incinero uses Max malicious moon salt which has him dashing forwards and trying to grab the opponents on it you'll be cut scene then on as well but again the cutscene is pretty fun I like it the next one has to be one of the most interesting Final Smashes they added in Ultimate piranha plan summons PD piranha who actually does have a lot of different hitboxes going on when he spawns he starts jumping forward in the direction piranha plant was facing When jumping he swings these cages around they have hitboxes and if you get hit by them you'll be trapped in the cages for the duration of the move in addition he also has hitboxes on his body while he's jumping knocking you back and optimally into one of the cages when he lands he has these hitboxes on his feet after a while he starts Spitting Fire into the cages and if you are inside them you will take more damage though it can still hit you outside since they do reach pretty far finally he slams the cages into the ground launching anyone inside them or otherwise it's always fun to see file smashes that are a bit less rudimentary it's also a nice callback to the boss in Subspace which is pretty cool now starting with the DLC characters not counting piranha plant we have Joker who has another one of these Dash hit and cutscene false matches first he dashes forward with this hitbox nothing special so far after it hits it goes into an all-out attack where the opponent gets beaten up by Joker's friends after Richie will just get launched if you're under 100 percent and if you are over you'll just be deleted visually the Final Smash is pretty cool I do like how it looks and there is also this fun extra detail that the result screen actually changes if you finish off the last stock using this move but as far as the gameplay goes it's pretty much all style and not a lot of substance but that usually is the trend for Final Smash in this game so Hero's file smash is giga slash and it's another cutscene move the hitbox of the move is actually pretty underwhelming like just look at this tiny hitbox nah I'm just kidding the next frame it has this massive circle out in front of him and should he get hit by it you'll get a full history lesson on Dragon Quest protagonists as they beat you up the best way to learn for sure afterwards you just get launched and that's about that once again we're faced with a final smash that we can't really make a visual for however the visualizer mod does show these hitboxes so we'll be using that banjo calls on the mighty dinator which is trapped in a statue I guess never really played any of the banjo games so I can't really say I'm a master of things that appear in those games it has two hitboxes that rise out of the ground along with the Statue after you get hit it is what else but a cutscene where the opponent gets beaten up and launched at the end pretty simple stuff really next in the queue is Terry's triple wolf which consists of Terry doing three power geysers each region further than last consisting of three hitboxes which all things considered are not too different from the normal Power geyser hitbox really putting into perspective how Wild that move is if you get hit by it you'll be sent into a cutscene where he performs the tissue or triple wolf and finally launching you for one of the most out there Final Smash names we have progenitor God ruptured Heaven a mouthful for sure as far as the hitboxes go it's well also quite the mouthful it reached out far in front of marloth starting out just by covering up close but getting some range on the later frames as seems to be the trend with DLT files matches it's another cutscene where you get destroyed by southeast.png and simply get launched afterwards now for mid-min we have a file smash that does not even reach that much farther than her usual attacks it's called arms rush and consists of min-min launching her arms ahead of her the hitboxes are just a single cylinder that travels ahead of her being pretty much the same as her normal attacks just a lot bigger vertically the move lingers for quite a while but like with most Final Smashes will cancel out if it hits an opponent after which you guessed it it's another cutscene where the arms gang beats you up for not buying their game or something TV's next and despite having yet another cutscene Final Smash I'll let this one get a pass since it's actually pretty funny Steve hits you with the house of Boom initially it has these hitboxes which stun you in place briefly before the hitbox comes out which sends you into the house of Boom being a temple with a bunch of TNT in it as well as a bunch of creepers and other mobs it blows up and Steve just kind of eats a steak as you get sent to your doom very faithful to Minecraft overall even completed with a double shift click at the end as any Final Fantasy 7 player will probably know Supernova is quite a threesome attack severalth cuts out in front of him with a sword and along the swing he has a bunch of hitboxes first one up close to him then it adds another cylinder hitbox in front of him on the following frames for two of them remain briefly now if they really wanted to be faithful to Final Fantasy 7 the cutscene would be like 3 minutes long but sadly they cut it down to like a few seconds meaning you won't really have enough time to go make yourself a sandwich in the meantime oh well I still have plenty of spare time left over from being stuck in Smash 4 Bayonetta combos pyro and Mithra actually to have two slightly different Final Smashes and much like their actual characters Pirate's Final Smash launches you further and will kill a lot earlier while Mithra is better dealing a bunch of damage Paris files management burning sword which just has to be one of the least creative file Smash games ever like you don't get it because her sword Burns it's like okay initially she has these wind box around her pushing the opponent back a bit before first having two hitboxes above and in front of her and then one below and in front of her if you get hit by this you'll be sent it to the second part of the move which consists of these hitboxes making up a huge flame pillar before launching away mithra's finals matches sacred arrow and has the same winbox early on but the later hitboxes are a bit different first having two hitbox overlaid in front of her which stretches out further on the second frame after that it adds a circle above the last hitbox before finally ending up with these two hitboxes whose shape I will not be humoring other than the fact that it's bigger than I expected kazu's Final Smash is final Blaster which is a fairly straightforward Final Smash All Things Considered kazia shoots out a laser that will hit anyone in front of him this will trap you inside the move for the entire iteration Casio then enters his Steven Foreman shoots way more lasers all over the place there's a whole bunch of them and they all just deal damage most of which will not hit the locked opponent however and they are mostly here just to hit other players after a while they all Center in the middle and they deliver 1 final blasts which is notably bigger than the first I really like how this looks in the visualizer mod like all the differently colored lasers are just kind of pleasing to look at it's like he's doing a personal light show of Destruction definitely one of the more fun lock and launch kind of files matches and for the last DLC we have Sora with sealing the keyhole Sora fire is a beam in front of him which quickly turns into a keyhole that grows in size if you get hit by it at any point you will be as the move implies trapped within the keyhole which is to say another cutscene finisher I'm sure this must be pretty cool if you have any idea what's going on but for me I just really like how the background looks during this move it looks very nice like the kind of Spacey Starry theme here but yes that is Sora and all the non-me Fighter characters okay so last in roster we do have to talk about the Mis which will round out the video brawler has Omega Blitz which is a familiar take on the Final Smash first brawler hits you with these hitboxes first one on him then one below and out in front of him then a huge hitbox covering all of brawler after which he knocks you into the air and unleashes the Omega Blitz being the standard rapid hits kind of Final Smash not really that much to say about it really the memes are just kind of supposed to be the standard of each type of character smash really has so in that sense it makes sense that the characters would have for at least standard files matches next up is Gunner with full blast it's a beam launching far out in front of Gunner the beam traps you within it and launches you up at the end in addition there are two other Gunner beams on the sides which launch a similar beam overlay they look like this the range of the movie is crazy like it's almost impossible to avoid Pretty good overall and lastly for the final files match in the game we have a final Edge which is a rapid flurry of play beams being shot out in front of Sword fighter kinda similar to how if its Final Smash Works each beam has this hitbox and simply launch the opponents back a bit trying to knock them off the stage making it only really effective if the opponent is close to ledged or on high percent but it is a good Final Smash overall because you know after all that is the point of Final Smashes okay but with that we have actually covered every single file Smash in the game that was a lot to get through but it was fun to look at these just because how weird and out there some of them are I've been meaning to make this video for a long while and I'm very happy I've finally been able to do it good to have these out of the way seeing how they are technically a part of the other character's hitboxes and I didn't cover them in the hitbox videos in the past I just never felt like it made too much sense to have them in the individual character videos since they are mostly focused on the competitive side of Smash so having them all here feels pretty great anyways I hope you enjoyed this video I do intend on making longer videos like this in the future so let me know how you liked it but um yeah I'll see you later and thank you for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rekzius
Views: 174,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final smash, Smash ultimate, Hitboxes, Smash ball, Charatcers, Final smash hitboxes, Final smash showcase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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