The Deeper Meaning of Fasting - Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah

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foreign it's pretty packed as well to see all of you guys coming out even though it was pretty snowy last couple of days for you guys to make the effort honestly is something that is extremely extremely praiseworthy my beloved brothers and sisters another important point I want to mention before I start the lecture I know some of you guys may be regulars at the Masjid brothers and sisters and you might not necessarily be accustomed to seeing a sister dressed in a particular way or a brother walking into the Masjid and his hair is maybe a certain way right or he's wearing things that is shunned upon however as I've said before as well on this chair the houses of Allah are not just for practicing people no one should be made to feel uncomfortable fear Allah with the looks that you give a sister who might be wearing hijab for the first time some of her hair may be showing but then you start giving her these dirty looks are making her feel uncomfortable or a brother who may not necessarily fit the type that you are used to bear that in mind foreign I want my good friend brother is to come and read some Quran for us inshallah the Sunnah guys is to start the sitting with the speech of Allah we just want to soften up our hearts with this beautiful recitation of our brother is um amen famous [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign brothers and sisters the deeper meaning of fasting when we think fasting in the month of Ramadan what are some of the things that come to mind a lot of us may think that the month of Ramadan is just to abstain from food drink sexual intercourse and that's it that's what many of us may think however Ramadan is so much more than that every single one of us is going to exit from this Masjid having changed their perspective of the month of Ramadan one of the common questions that I get asked is why is it in the month of Ramadan my Iman was Sky High and then as soon as we enter into the day of aid my Iman has dropped again and as time goes on I am not in the same place spiritually as I was in the month of Ramadan right this month brothers and sisters is the month where the worst of people in the eyes of Allah flip their lives around it is this month the month of Ramadan brothers and sisters it is the month my beloved brothers and sisters where one becomes from the oliya of Allah he becomes from the oliyah of Allah the clothes beloved Servants of Allah it is this month as I was walking out of the hudba I run into a brother and he said I really want to speak to you I want to change my life around I thought to myself inshallahu ta'ala today's election is indeed for somebody like yourself it is a Lifeline that Allah azzawajal throws away it is an opportunity that Allah has gifted every single one of us with brothers and sisters I know and you know that the lifestyles that we are living and I'm not just talking about a drug dealer or someone who goes clubbing some of us may well just be at home and we are so glued to our phones we are living a life of emptiness spiritually dead we are going to flip that around after this lecture we will not leave this lecture room inshallah accept that our perspective on the month of Ramadan has changed right one of the common questions that people tend to ask maybe 20 days into the month of Ramadan or maybe 25 I feel like I haven't benefited much I feel like I could have done so much more I feel so miserable and down I feel like I've ruined the opportunity through my way there are causes for this my brothers and my sisters you know one of the causes is one of the causes as to why we may waste our Ramadan is because we did not start before the month of ramama can someone tell me very quickly how many days do we have left before the month of Ramadan two weeks it's like 10 days right 12. 12 days that we have left guys 12 days what would the message do in this month that we are in the month of Shaban did you know my brothers and my sisters that the message was fast why would he fast the scholars they mentioned in order to get himself ready for the month of Ramadan not that he needed to do so but we are being taught a lesson start before the month of Ramadan and then once the month of Ramadan kicks in you hit the ground running straight away the way I look at the month of Ramadan my brothers and my sister is no different to a car when you get into the car does anyone in their right mind put the gears into gear five huh this guy's not 100 right he puts it straight into what gear five no one in their right mind would do that it takes time okay one get two get three get four and then he puts his foot down and the motorway here nothing small Heath guys on the motorway he puts his foot down it takes time and likewise the month of Ramadan is no different one really really wants to flip his life around in the month of Ramadan however he is still carrying some of these bad habits which he hasn't right rid himself off this is why and I've been saying this and some of the lectures that I gave I want every single one of you guys today today to go and buy a fancy exercise book I fancy exercise book get a nice pen with it as well or a bull pen put it next to your bedside and write down what are some of the things that I'm going to implement or introduce into my life before the month of Ramadan you start off gradually every day I'm going to read a little bit of Quran right every day I'm going to do a bit of zikr I'm going to have my alone time with just myself and Allah azzawajal that seclusion which is priceless my brothers and my sisters right different aspects of worship which I'm going to now introduce right before we enter into the month of Ramadan did you know my brothers and my sisters that Muhammad who fasts might not necessarily be the same when it comes to reward even though from the apparent they're doing the exact same thing told us about an act of worship that is more important than fasting which is what the Salah is when one now exits from the Salah my brothers and my sisters right it may well be that one walks away with ten percent of the reward some get 20. some 30 some 40 some 50 and so on and so forth even though from the apparent they might be doing the exact same thing let me ask you guys a question the one who's focused on his prayer right concentrating he is praying in a way where he is interacting with Allah directly right you think he's the same huh when you compare him now to someone who's thinking about what his wife has cooked back home always no not at all they're not equal it shows us that it varies likewise the message told us about Hajj ah when somebody goes out and he doesn't fall into transgression and obscenity this person comes back like a newly born baby even though from the apparent they're doing the exact same thing right they all go to Minna they go to musdelifa they all go to arafah they do the tawaf these are what outward actions however there's a spiritual side to it my brothers and my sisters year in year out Allah I see Brothers and sisters who go out on hedge with us right every year I used to see this every year he's performing Hajj but he can't control his mouth I remember many many years ago we had this multimillionaire and hedge with us of course the packages that we do is not like alhidayah big shots in the game huh we just have you know basic five-star package in Mina everyone's like in the basic place right so this multimillionaire walks into the tents and for those who know how many are everyone's cramped in together the crumbs up together he went and sat down he looked to his left he looked his right and he was absolutely disgusted he walks out of the tent and he just starts ripping into the organizers of Hajj and I'm like Uncle you know can we save it for maybe later and he's just going off it's not going off for me but he's going off on those who have organized them in a tents huh of Hajj right insult after insult of the insult and I'm like your uncle you are going to destroy your hatch and he's just going on can this person be the same as the one who is controlling his mouth people start fighting in musdelifa don't get on get on the bus see people what huh a bit like the black stone you know black stone in the Kaaba literally fighting and pulling with one another I insults you're this you're that and then you've got some people waiting patiently they're not going to walk away with the same reward guys and the same is mentioned about the fasting right message someone may fast but he gets nothing out of the fasting other than what thirst and hunger how many hours are going to be fasting 17 hours right maybe more maybe a little bit less maybe my calculations are from years back huh but that's a lot of hours guys imagine you turn upon and this is what scattered particles and you got absolutely nothing for it and that is because you thought that the month of Ramadan when you fast all you have to do is what stay away from food and drink huh sexual intercourse right we try to kill time in the month of Ramadan or it might be that he sleeps throughout the whole night and then the whole day is sorry not the whole night because we're doing all nighters huh the whole day the whole day brothers and sisters because it's up all night and then he wakes up maybe what half an hour before he started yes huh I don't have to endure right that tiredness just before iftari it's only half an hour left and then he gets on his phone and he's going through snapchat stories or Instagram fits in a gram huh you got the tick tock Tigers right these names are good my brothers and my sisters fasting is a lot more than that right first thing is a lot more than that the great companion you know what he said just to show you guys that fasting is a lot more than staying away from the things that nullify you're fast right there are certain things are going to notify it and there are other things that are going to destroy the month of Ramadan for you explained too I want to concentrate on the spiritual side of things guys he said is when you fast make sure that your eyes are fasting make sure that your ears are fasting make sure your tongue is fasting from what from lying and all types of sins make sure your body parts are fasting brothers and sisters I honestly believe I honestly believe you don't have to agree with me that if you are someone who manages to control these three body parts you are on your way of becoming a saint a beloved servant of Allah I believe that would you guys agree what do you think about it guys a lot of the sins that we fall into would you agree that it stems off from the eyes especially in today's day and age with the emergence of social media would you guys agree with that think about it for a moment if I remove the sins that I fall into through my eyes and through my ears and through my tongue how many sins are we actually falling into throughout the year can you see how much it ends up going down right it's a lot more than that every single year guys I receive correspondence on Instagram messages on social media a brother and a sister saying I commit to Zina in the month of Ramadan what is the expiation did you know my brothers and my sisters did you know you know husband and wife are they Halal for another that's my wife I don't do three questions did you know in the time in the message foreign I've burnt myself burnt himself where burnt himself in the Hellfire I've destroyed myself I had sexual intercourse with my wife in the month of Ramadan as Scholars they took from this that the fact that he said I've burnt myself in Hell Fire that this is from the major sins with your wife a woman that is held out for you you do sexual intercourse you have committed a major sin subhanallah if that's the case with two people that Halal for one another and I'm talking about while they're fasting yeah because after we go do what you want huh while they're fasting right this is a major sin then how about the person how about the person calm down guys relax every Ramadan guys countless message I received this you know one time I decided to ask them right how did you guys get to know one another oh when did you guys get to know another you know what he said we've got to know one another in the month of Ramadan fasting type how he goes through none other than Fitz and a gram innocently you know these glances shaytan's whispering to more life she might be a marriage potential and he clicks on the profile and then The shaytan Whispers give her she ends up giving him dawa right and then before you know it guys the unexpected takes place is what to look s right to flirt huh these loose conversations they start having with one another is your potential she's your potential and you are falling for it in the month of Ramadan and then the message of the hand is what to reach out to her huh to reach out to her towards her in the month of Ramadan this is happening guys and then they're messaging me absolutely heartbroken feeling miserable I've destroyed myself I'm like this is genuine and this is what major sins does to an individual it kills you inside well lie Brothers says it kills you inside I wish I had the time to go through my Instagram and to start reading messages of brothers and sisters who are saying please help me I'm ashamed of myself I am broken I am unrecognizable this has happened to me what is he talking about I commit to dinner you guys think oh Islam is all rough and tough right it's depriving depriving you from what to go clubbing to have relationships huh just ask me guys my Instagram is full brothers and sisters full of people who are absolutely broken spiritually dead and empty I month of Ramadan the scene has been set right now the doors of Jannah swung open the doors of Hellfire are slam shot and the shouting are locked up but you know why we're still carrying out our filth and evil in the month of Ramadan people always ask okay oh what wasn't the shouting looked up why am I doing this it is because you're so used to these bad habits before the month of Ramadan that's why we're things stop here now try and find a routine to stay away from some of these bad habits are you guys with me right so it's a lot more than I've stayed away from food and drink I've stayed away from sexual intercourse I'm fine I'm gonna walk away with my 30 days of Ramadan it's a lot more than that right did you know my brothers and my sisters and this is one of the deep meanings of the month of Ramadan right mentions he says indeed the most virtuous of people are those who remember Allah the most when it comes to the acts of worship that they carry out you guys know that while you're fasting the more thicker you do the more Quran you read you are so much more better than the one who's reading less and then he says if you saw him the best of those who fast are the ones who remember Allah the most the same goes with Hajj right you've got guys who are speaking about what the Arsenal game what is in Haram huh oh what was that score again and they're just talking about that I'm not saying he's doing Haram right however there are people who are remembering Allah much can they be equal without the shadow without no right this is the reality brothers and sisters also my brothers and my sisters he mentions from the benefits of Dicker is that it occupies your tongue from Haram I hope you guys are writing them down unless you're like remember how you guys huh I was able to take in all of the information and then don't write down what was I going to say no foreign with your tongue what have you now occupied your tongue with the remembrance of Allah and what have you occupied it from riba backbiting filth slander and so on and so forth people genuinely actually ask me and they say brother I've got a problem with my tongue help I have an issue I'm always talking about others keep your tongue moist layers there are too many obligations right it's become too much for me give me something that's going to help me some of us might be feeling like that 16 hours 17 hours that's long that's a burden for me believe you or not guys you know what the new trend is in the month of Ramadan do not fast does become a trend s wrong right you'll be surprised how common this is actually becoming right you want something to help you when it comes to your fasting do they care with your tongue what did this man want when he came to the message was he saying or message of Allah allow it you know you know to remove some of these obligations from me was he saying that no give me something that's going to help me so he said keep your tongue moist of the remembrance of Allah and that will give you strength in all of these other acts of worship right you have they care and you have the opposite of that which is what music he talks about the tricks in the traps of the shaitaan he has a section where he talks about music and brings the statement of Abdullah is music it causes hypocrisy to grow inside of your heart and then he mentions a whole load of reasons as to why that happens you know one of the points that he mentions it goes those who listen to music right tend to be afflicted with another problem you know what that is being lazy when it comes to the prayer being lazy when it comes to acts of worship you're probably asking yourself why am I struggling why do I walk to the prayer in such a lazy manner right I don't have that you know eagerness as I may have had once upon a time music Haram does that to an individual and the opposite of that actually gives you that physical strength and Allah tells us this in the Quran quoting um he told his people what will Allah do he'll give you strength above strength I'm talking about physical strength sometimes people say oh how is it that so on so it's able to do so much don't give him your evil eye and then secondly secondly he's remembering Allah azzawajal much it could be that you're driving it could be that you're walking is it difficulty guys so they are generally a lot better also just as a side benefit s speaks about music you know what he also says how many women has he come across right she was fine but because of music she became from amongst the prostitutes that's what the music is it far-fetched now when you have all this Grime and this rhyme and R B and whatever have you that glorify filth and Evil it makes it so beloved to you you see yourself behaving a certain way acting a certain way carrying yourself in a certain manner all of a sudden now you're dragging your trousers showing whatever you know while you're walking right music does that to the people right hypocrisy starts growing inside of your heart brothers and sisters and the Victory you have that on the opposite side right second point that I want to mention my beloved brothers and sisters when I think Ramadan the deeper meaning of Ramadan is the aspect of Allahu pardoning and forgiving one another my beloved brothers and sisters he says Allah indeed there are sins between you and Allah that nobody knows about Allah if you want Allah to forgive and pardon you be someone who Pardons and forgives others be someone who Pardons and forgive others right brother and sister I'm not going to sit here and talk as if this is something that is easy right to remove that Grudge in your heart you've been wronged you've been oppressed well Allah it's not easy it is really not easy guys especially if that individual stabs you in the back he shows your face and then behind your back what he's stabbing you oh I found it extremely difficult with these kind of people and at times I still do but we have to step on our egos and we have to bite our tongues every single one of us hey guys wants to be pardoned and forgiven in the month of Ramadan right message whoever stands in the night whoever prays on the day of nights he does this with sincerity foreign to remove that Grudge you have in your heart I was telling some of the brothers who attended the acid prayer in Mrs Sunnah then I know people who don't talk to their siblings you know why Muhammad and then you have his brother Umar Muhammad doesn't speak to Amar you know why because when Muhammad's son wanted to get married Roman wasn't the first person to find out he was maybe number three and number four but he's upset just because he wasn't the first person and because of that he cuts off his brother Muhammad imagine that now guys he cuts him off and he doesn't speak to him for years you want Allah azzawajal to forgive you right be someone who's ready to forgive others right there's a beautiful statement of that I really want to Enlighten you all with one time she came to the message oh messenger of Allah would you advise me to say every one of us has memorized right good comments and he says beautiful book he says AFU is from the names of Allah it is forgives and pardons the sins of his service it is he who removes any traces of these sins that he's been carrying out Allah loves forgiving and loves the pardon right and he loves for his servants to forgive and pardon one another and then look what he says if they pardon and forgive one another that's when he's going to forgive them thus when he's going to Pardon them guys and this Falls in line with when the message said have mercy upon the people and Allah will have mercy upon you pardon and forgive others Allah will pardon and forgive you it's not easy guys however like I said and I'll repeat it again you have to step on your ego and you have to burn your tongue pick up the phone and make the call and remember guys the best of the two is the one who starts with the Salaam you are the better one once you pick up the phone and make that call my brothers and my sisters and I'm sure some of you guys will agree with this right it is almost immediate instant when you seek forgiveness or when you try to bury the Hajj you are the initiator right after that it is as if a huge burden has been lifted from your shoulders give it a try you want your heart to become soft brothers and sisters go and do that I've got a whole series on my YouTube channel which speaks about how to soften up your heart ten points there was another five that I wanted to go there didn't get a chance you know one of them is to Pardon and forgive others to bury the Hajj to remove The Grudge inside of your heart it's not easy guys but remember did you know my brothers and my sisters that his daughter was slandered imagine now someone calling your wife these s words huh spreading about her that she slept with this guy and then she done this and she done that tables are going to get 10 right and flipped huh this will burn us how would you feel if someone done that to your mother or to your wife or to your daughter especially in Adam Rock huh I know what goes on in Birmingham guys especially the Island Rock guys right they spread this about his daughter and you know from amongst those who spread these lies about his daughter was none other than his own cousin called his own cousin as an uncle he engaged in the swanda and just to let you guys know when Mr migrated from Makkah to al-madina did you know that his only source of income was they didn't have benefits by the way no child tax credit huh they didn't have also housing benefits his only source of income was none other than Abu Bakr came to know about this and it infuriated him and he said I'm not going to spend on him again I verse came down you know what this verse was when Allah said in sword foreign this verse came down where Allah said the people of Grace and virtue should not stop helping out those who have migrated from Makkah to Al Madina Allah is referring to Allah Turn the Page forgive and forget this is what Allah as much as this hurts him it burned him stop there right he went a step further by also what continuing being his source of income now compare that to your situation guys there are people that we are not talking to for things that are much less than this and we're going to be crying y'allah forgive me right in the month of Ramadan but we can't forgive others right a deeper meaning to fasting my brothers and my sister another important aspect and then I'm good with time another important aspect my brothers and my sisters which may well be hidden from a lot of us is to have that alone time with Allah and again comments on this Hadith when Aisha came to him and she said oh messenger of Allah would you advise me to say in he taught her this Hadith right my brother says this is going to teach us how to become from the oliyah how to become from the close beloved Servants of Allah foreign listen up to him about to say he only instructed her now to seek forgiveness why even though she's been working so hard in the last 20 nights of the month of Ramana she's been working excellently but now he tells her to go and ask for forgiveness even though she's been working so hard ask forgiveness from what what he says the smart and intelligent beloved Servants of Allah the only are the Saints they work so hard they carry out righteous Deeds and then they don't see themselves having accomplished much they don't become deluded with their actions they don't become complacent however they rushed back to seek and forgiveness like a sinner let me ask you guys a question right a smart sinner a smart sinner what does he do after having committed us in come on guys someone just committed his dinner what is you after they be smart he cries his eyes out y'allah forgive me so here he's saying this is the state of someone who's been working so hard when it comes to righteous worships righteous Deeds right after having done so well he sits down with themselves he sits down with himself and he breaks down into tears Ya Allah forgive me this is the way of the Olia this is the way of the righteous Saints of Allah after doing so well they sit around feeling sorry for themselves right I could have maybe done better and he cries his eyes because you don't know whether it's been accepted from me right to have that alone time with Allah my brothers and my sisters is the point that I really want to drive home foreign would at times isolate himself away from his family and his relatives from amongst the quraish he will leave the midst of his people and go into isolation and he would be alone right when I think Ramadan this is what comes to mind guys and this is a deeper meaning to the month of Ramadan to be away from the distractions that might destroy our Ramadan guys before we would say to the people stay away from your friends go and have that alone time however today someone may not even have friends however he's got Facebook friends huh he's got friends online but he promises with me and these friends are a lot worse than the friends that he would what engage with interact with he promises with me right move away from your phone brothers and sisters stay away from it prepare from now get yourself in that routine if you want to know as to whether you are addicted or not right try this huh maybe not tonight because it's cold but tomorrow try it leave your phone at home and walk outside if you don't stop fidgeting like a knee right they know that inshallah you're all right but if you do they know you have a problem are you provinces with me one of the ways to know that you are an addict is that you start fidgeting huh it's like the end of the world for this guy where's the phone there's no Wi-fi it's the end of the world for this individual prepare yourself now just go huh and go and uh smell the air breathe in go and walk in the park do that huh so you could what detach yourself from this phone that you become so glued to are you promises with me this is very very important well Light May well be that these phones are going to destroy Ramadan and every year I receive countless messages of people saying I've destroyed my month I've destroyed it because of none other than this phone right he says foreign loves Allah and he also brings about the love of Allah for that individual is that he loves to be alone with Allah right he loves to be alone with Allah especially in the last part of the night sisters always ask I'm on my Menses in the month of Ramadan or the last 10 nights I feel like I'm going to miss out there's so much that you could do we just did a lecture today right and went through points on what a woman on a Menses can do this is one of them to be alone and the dark patches over the night while them people might be asleep and then Ya Allah help me Ya Allah do this for me right holding yourself to account right and you're doing this all interacting with Allah hi another important aspect my brothers and my sisters the one of the months of Ramadan that I see as a very very deep Mata is this issue of a Dua guys our brother Ismail who read those verses our fasting does anyone know which was the last verse that he recited huh he read like half a team what was it see who's listening in these verses that he read my brothers and my sisters right verses of fasting that was the first two also speaking of fasting and then all of a sudden Allah starts speaking about it and then the verse after that speaks about fasting the concept of a Dua has been sandwiched with the verses of fasting right which shows that this is an integral important part of once fasting in the month of Ramadan my brothers and my sisters and I believe this with conviction if you are the biggest drug dealer in Alum Rock I'll say Birmingham forget about Alum Rock huh you are the biggest drug dealer in Birmingham or you might be the biggest prostitute here why you guys laughing well I'm being serious well I'm being serious I'm honestly being serious with one to either you make to Allah from your heart in the month of Ramadan as the message are not rejected one of them is fasting up until he breaks it your Dua is being accepted one Dua that you make from the bottom of your heart Ya Allah I know what I'm doing is wrong and I shouldn't y'all help me right Ramona told you guys of that brother I was walking towards the Masjid right and he said I really need to talk to you inshallah this month I want to flip my life around make this and said Dua from the bottom of your heart Ya Allah help me through this flip my life around there is no reason for Allah to reject you and you're doing this when you're alone by yourself not just away from your friends that are real in the flesh but also from your phone a long time well there's no reason for Allah to not reject that which you're requesting I am and to our brothers and sisters don't let that get away and then likewise when you are in your sujud use that as an opportunity the closest one draws to Allah is when he is in the sujood position it is a Dua that doesn't get rejected whatever it might be that you are struggling with right whether it may be adult content some of the filth that we keep looking at when we go on Instagram right everything that you look at it is going to Allah destroy your heart gradually Ya Allah help me I am Allah help me with this to say that you make I think I said this last time around my brothers and my sisters you guys want to know the cure for watching this adult content uh and I'm being serious about this I know some of you guys are gonna start laughing it might well be time to get rid of these smartphones for a period of time and to turn to the TracFone you know the brick phone that we used to have back in the day and with the snake I used to play on the Nokia phone dead serious guys move away from it now before the month of Ramadan the psychologists they say you need around 20 days or 21 days do that can we live without social media or lie we can stop telling me that it's become an integral part of your life you can stay away from it sometimes I tell people to delete tiktok they should all delete by the way huh he goes no I will lie Habibi we lived life without it and you can live life without some of these apps that are destroying you identify the sin write it down and then say to yourself what is it that is causing me now to fall back into the sin time and time again I'm giving you guys something practical now guys take the paper write down the sin that you have a problem with and what is causing the sin this is exactly what is under the statement of Allah did you know that he had some finely branded horses which visit him from the asset prayer what did he do he ended up smoking all of them put your hand up you've got Alexis sorry I meant the Tesla anymore imagine you had a car like Tesla and then he visited you from the Salah would anyone put the upper auction not that I'm saying you should but what did he do and the lesson here is he tried to disassociate himself from that which caused him to be distracted a deeper meaning to fasting my brothers in the month of Ramadan another important aspect guys is how many are we on is anybody writing it down what do you guys like remember right huh I don't want someone's writing it down huh we're on point 20 huh how many points are we on I'm giving you guys a deeper meaning it's number five now the deeper meaning of fasting my brothers and my sisters is what I told the sincerity that we built in doing acts of worship in the month of Ramadan especially the fasting when you're fasting my brothers does anyone know as to whether you're fasting or not some might be looking at you assuming that the guy is fasting but nobody knows with Surety right he could be the guy that goes into the bathroom to drink water right and that is because if he goes into the kitchen he'll get caught some people do that but he walks out everyone assumes that he's fasting that fasting that we do my brothers I must say which is an act of worship just between us and Allah right what we learned from here my brothers and my sisters is that we go through the month of Ramadan doing these acts of worship which we don't tell anybody about and then after the month of Ramadan we continue this the sincere acts of worship that are just between us and Allah you know the story when that wife of el Aziz locked him in the room and she said let's get it on hey telek she looked him up and she tried to get him to commit fashion with her right he started running away Allah gave him a particular description as to what had actually helped him in this situation what was it he was thrown amongst those Servants of ours that was extremely extremely sincere when she locked him inside of the room and she started coming off to him not to take his life but she was absolutely Blown Away by his Beauty how handsome he was right his sincerity even though it's so difficult as a man to control yourself in this kind of situation that which got him out of this pickle was the sincerity they used to have right doing things for the sake of Allah this is one of the deeper meanings of the month of Ramadan to conclude to conclude guys I want you guys to think about why you are fasting the moment you enter into the month of Ramadan I want you guys to think about why you are attending tarawih why are you attending are we attending because all the boys are attending sometimes you do that right Just A vibe in the message everyone's just you know after that we're gonna go to what's that place called Pepe's huh this is not free promotion by the way huh we're gonna all go out and eat together is that the reason why we are going perform these acts of worship because everybody is doing it we are going to go and do it as well right if you are doing that to my brothers and my sisters then indeed I fear that it might not necessarily be accepted and we are wasting our time with all of these acts of worship that we might engage in the intention goes a very very long way is what we've all memorized actions are judged by its intentions we are told as the message said that when one is now placed inside of the grave foreign when you are now placed inside of that grave and those who have dropped you off have now walked by walked away two angels come to you they set you up and then they say to him what did you used to say about so and so meaning the prophet salallahu you know his response is going to be according to I heard the people saying something so I said it as well is that what you want your response to be on day of Resurrection I saw everybody doing something so I went and done it as well I fasted because everyone else was fasting right I prayed or I attended because everyone else was doing it just a small change in one's intention my brothers and my sisters can go a very very very long way all right the last thing my brothers and my sisters and this is especially to my sisters some of you guys may have missed the program in Mr North and I want you guys to shout out to three to pay attention to this especially my sisters because they always send me so many messages especially at the end of Ramadan right hermesis strikes some sisters feel as if it's Doom and Gloom right you were doing so well in the first 20 days of Ramadan and just as you're about to enter into the last important 10 nights of Ramadan the Mensa strikes I'm going to miss out I feel like you know I'm going to ruin my Ramadan because I can't do barely anything no my sister right first and foremost the message when one becomes sick or he travels did you know my brothers and my sisters that he gets the same reward as what he used to do before he became second before he started traveling do you guys know that he became sick and he used to pray at night he's still going to get the same reward because of his incapability due to something that is out of his control does that make sense to my brothers and my sisters right so you're still getting the reward my sisters and likewise my brothers who might become sick you're bit bound you can't get out of your house you want to attend to our way for whatever reason it might be you are still going to get that reward so bear that in mind something that assistants can do and I hope you brothers are paying attention as well because I know you have sisters and mothers right being alone with Allah we elaborated on it especially in them 10 nights when you think that you might not be able to do anything beneficial number two making Dua can we mention that a woman on a Menses can do that as well right you don't have to be off your menses to engage in these acts of worship number three making or doing liquor should I say right do you need to be of your menses in order to say subhanallah number four feeding those who are fasting and also the poor message when you cook soup right not just soup anything huh do more cook more and then go and give it to your neighbors right and especially now if you're breaking they're fast with what you've cooked you are going to get the reward of what they were doing while they were fasting so how can the brothers get in huh get engaged in this particular Point who can tell me go to Morrisons and buy the food fire huh go to azdar get out of food right you're spending from your wealth now to cook more and you are going to regret the reward of all these people of us does that make sense we tend to look at doing chores as a burden that while we are fasting guys I'm talking to you Brothers especially while we are fasting we end up committing a major sin what's this major sin I'll tell you guys your mom is saying Muhammad come down while you're on your PS5 huh and you're like whoa doesn't happen she wants you to go and buy the food that you are going to be eating but you're like I'm busy I don't have time please go ask someone else the food that she's feeding you with to break your fast right you get in with the action by buying the food right as a father as a husband or as a son there's food that is being brought you are getting the reward inshallah because you are part of the process and they're going to be breaking their Force so here number five and I really like this one may Allah give you all wives and husbands like this the husbands for the wives not for you guys and and the wives for you guys I know things are changing here it's getting very very colorful but uh the message he said foreign he also wakes up his wife right if she refuses guess what huh and he dashes on our face right these sprinkles on her face what a wonderful husband may Allah bless all of you sisters with a husband like that say I mean sisters not you guys babe Allah be upon a woman wakes up in the night and then she prays for Salat and then she wakes up a husband and if he refuses gets water and she sprinkles it on his face I my sister who might not be able to go to the Masjid might not be able to go to tarawih encourage your brothers or your relatives wake them up get them to engage because anytime you help in an act of worship my brothers and my sisters you are getting the reward for it right you are going to get the road right the one who directs to good it is as if he is doing it as well are you provinces with me you are getting the rewards for engaging in helping others to do that good number six forgiveness again you don't need to be on your menses sorry you don't need to be off your menses to forgive a number seven charity guys that's seven points for my sister whom I think that she is missing out on Ramadan and I advise you guys to do this guys huh set up a standing order of maybe a couple of quid coming out of your bank account every day of the month of Ramadan and you can't do every day of the month of Ramadan for the last 10 nights set something up and it's coming out without even realizing it's not putting a hole in your pocket are you provinces with me right bless every single one of you last point last Point guys this is extremely extremely extremely important and I want everyone to listen why is it that outside the month of Ramadan I don't have the same energy I don't have the same zeal because remember guys the month of Ramadan is not just a one-hit wonder I only do whatever I have to do in the month of Ramadan and then after the month of Ramadan we hung up our booths and we were tired oh guys the way I look at the month of Ramadan I can boot camp right what happens when you go to Abu come you train and then after that you are what sorted for life right or I might look at the month of Ramadan as someone who is starting this new workplace he has to do training for two weeks ah and they're paying you for it as well are they paying you for two weeks just so you could leave the job I know some of you guys do that huh some of you guys just go for the training you slouch around huh take the money come next job training doesn't want to work but they're paying you so that you could get the job done though you hit the ground running after ramadan's like that it's a boot camp it's meant to what introduce new habits into your life and to remove bad ones right there are two kinds of people in the month of Ramadan the first kind my brothers and my sisters who use the month of Ramadan as a stepping stone a system might start wearing hijab she was not a hijabi prior to that and then you begin to look at her as a Ramadan Muslim look at her she only wears the hijab in the month of Ramadan huh that's how you start looking at people right or a brother who started practicing started coming into the Masjid in the month of Ramadan look at him he only comes huh when he comes month of Ramadan where is he for the rest of the year and then backbiting matara we had time this person's situation is excellent like I said the month of Ramadan is a stepping stone has been set for you now to become a better person and then you have another type of individual guys right who says you know what I'm going to stay away from my boyfriend when I cut him off but then and likewise girlfriend and the opposite equal rights guys huh hey stay away from Haram throughout the whole month and then Brothers this is very very important and sisters and we see it year in year out last and nice are the greatest nice of the year great is nice of the year what are we doing in the last 10 nights we are planning we are planning the filth and the evil that we want to engage in on the David while booking out the hotels in these last 10 nights huh we are renting our cars right we are getting ready to parties for the day of eight which girl I'm going to meet and vice versa planning out when in the last 10 nights of Ramadan and then come the day of Eid come to David just ask lady purot huh the night before that as soon as soon as soon guys as the sun sets on the 30th night as if you can see the shouting have been Unleashed but the way people start behaving brother and sister and that's so heartbreaking and then you're asking yourself why did my Iman go down why don't I feel the same right that's eight night and then you got what on your way to rasala some of our sisters please don't take it the wrong way but it is as if we huh are dressing up on our way to a fancy dress show or a fancy dress party dressing to impress huh some of us might not dress like that inside of the house to the husband who are we trying to impress on our way there layers of the layers of the layers she becomes a different person BB cream this and powder that huh he's become a completely different person for who and we're dressing in so many foreign guys what should be the day when we are what being thankful to Allah they allowed Us Now to celebrate our hard work but what we throw it back in his face right whoever faster and he's telling himself once Ramadan finish I'm going to disobey Allah the fasting will be thrown in his face and sisters every single deed every Eid I hear about someone who died with alcohol in his mouth every eight every eight eat thou caught in his mouth or he's jumping up and down in the party right or he's up to no good blasting music inside of his car every single eight every eight guys not telling yourself Allah you know I just had a Ramadan I did so well let me go and enjoy myself every eight guys I hear about it please brothers and sisters don't become someone who are mentioning in a lecture so and so happened to him right because of him not controlling himself on the day of eight don't become an Abra for the people a lesson for them don't your Iman just goes crashing down into the ground and that is because of the sins that we carried out on the debate that day of Aid guys he could either make or break your Ramadan right and I'm sure a lot of us have felt that in the past it wouldn't make sense to me why we all feel like that many many years ago we'll have this conversation why it's all different right because on the day of aid we're trying to enjoy ourselves Allah didn't say you can't right you can go into the restaurant go enjoy yourself get together but it's the Haram that you're not allowed which then ends up destroying you spiritually guys right let me have to finish right honestly brothers and sisters I love you all for the sake of Allah for attending and filling out the house of Allah while it was snowy right please you guys have to attend the rest of the conference not just for this election guys I'm hoping let me ask you guys a question don't give me just be honest with me do you feel like this lecture has changed your perspective on we look on the month of Ramadan put your hand up you feel that you don't have to feel pressurized I don't pull people out where's their sin by the way I met Yasin earlier where's Yasin is either foreign good that you came I caught him outside good that you came guys I'm really hoping that I changed your perspective inshallah please brothers and sisters let's not walk out of this room oh it was just a lecture I felt great now let me just go and do whatever this was a very practical lecture that I just gave the video is going to be available please guys go and implement it write it down and make a change from today to quickly recap we talked about getting that paper and writing down the sins and then what's causing me to fall into these things we also mentioned getting that paper and writing down some of the things that I want to implement from now having that schedule and the schedule really really helps right may Allah bless you all if Allah does not reunite Us in this Dunya I ask Allah to reunite Us in the Hereafter in the highest part of Virginia um foreign
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 508,610
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Keywords: salafi, green, lane, masjid, glm, mosque, quran, sunnah, hadeeth, hadith, arabic, abu, usamah, anti, isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, bidah, shirk, grave, death, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, jinn, possession, mishari, taha, junaid, mishary, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic, reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti, menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami, palestine, aqsa
Id: WwkIBCkstvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 28sec (4528 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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